Christopher Whitmore Family Tree - Hodcroft Summary

Christopher Whitmore Family Tree and Genealogy

Hodcroft Summary

The Hodcroft name originates in Stretford about 1800 and is almost certainly a deviation of the name ALDCROFT of which there are many living in the Stretford and Ashton upon Mersey area at this time. Indeed, various family members are recorded using both surnames at different times. In 1841 there were only 5 families called Hodcroft in Stretford, of which some must also be related.

The first record of Hodcroft pertaining to my family tree is James Hodcroft born 1801 from Stretford who married Ellen Rogerson in 1827. The Hodcroft family appeared to be very close, the sons and daughters usually not getting married till later in life, and all sons were at some stage farmers.
Perhaps two of Stretford's more famous residents were the sufragette Emmeline Pankhurst and painter L. S. Lowry. The 1881 English census records Pankhurst and her family living at 3 Chester Road. Lowry was born in Barratt Street, Stretford in 1887, (Wikipedia)

It is only the son John b.1834 that when married, moved away to Standish/Worthington to become a miner. At this time, the industrial revolution and development of railways was well underway making it easier to travel, also farming in the area was becoming a past way of life as the mills and factories of the industrial revolution took over.

John Hodcroft b.1834 had a son, John James, also a miner who in turn had a daughter, Clara Ellen, my grandmother.


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This Page Last Corrected and Updated 02/06/2009