Christopher Whitmore Family Tree - Hodcroft

Christopher Whitmore Family Tree and Genealogy

Hodcroft Summary

The Hodcroft name originates in Stretford around 1800 and is almost certainly a deviation of the name ALDCROFT of which there are many living in the Stretford and Ashton upon Mersey area at this time. In 1841 there are only 5 families called Hodcroft in Stretford, of which some must also be related.
The first record of Hodcroft pertaining to my family tree is James Hodcroft born 1801. The family appear to be very close, the sons and daughters usually not getting married till later in life and all sons were at some stage farmers or market gardeners.

His son John b.1834 brought up in Stretford moves to Ashton upon Mersey with his farming parents , where he marries Sarah Darbyshire in 1864 and soon moves away to Standish/Worthington to become a coal miner.

At this time, the industrial revolution was well underway with many of the younger generation leaving farming and going to work in factories and industry.

John had a son, John James b. 1870, also a miner who married Elizabeth Ellen Gudgeon in 1898. They had at least six children of which one was Clara Ellen, my grandmother.

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This Page Last Corrected and Updated 27/05//2009