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This book, which is dedicated to the memory of the pioneer ancestors of the Prichard family, will contain a sketch of the origin of the Prichard Association in Johnson county, Indiana; the ancestral race in Wales; the origin of the name Prichard and something of the ancient lineages of the families from which the Prichards in America sprang.

Brief sketches will be given of the various branches of the Prichards in the United States, all of whom trace their lineages to a Welsh ancestry found in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, when not directly traceable to Wales. The history and genealogy of the descendants of James and Elizabeth Hughes Prichard of New Castle, Ky., will be given to the extent of all obtainable data. Three sons and five daughters of this worthy couple with their young families emigrated to Johnson county during its making; they by their industry, devotion, bravery, toil and sacrifice, contributed in no small way to the prosperity and happiness of the present generation, who owe them a debt of gratitude to be paid only by emulating their sense of good citizenship and Christian character.

It is the hope of the committee that this message of a plain people will be received in the same kindly spirit in which it has been prepared.