cohens corner genealogy

Auerbach, Cohen and Leano Family

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Please scroll down to see the enlarged group photograph.

1 - Sidney Cohen        13- Lauren Cohen                    
2- Jonathan Leano      14- Andrew Auerbach 
3- Arlene Herzog         16 - Arnold Auerbach
4- Billy Herzog             17 - Joseph Leano 
5- Michele Cohen       18- Robert Leano  
6- Wendy Auerbach   19- Maxine Leano
7- Esther Cohen           20- Seth Auerbach
8- Mitchell Auerbach  21 Carl Cohen 
9- Pearl Auerbach        22 Beth Cohen
10- Mark Herzog          23 Brian Cohen
11- D                              24 Michael Cohen
12- Mathew Cohen
                                                                                                                      Not pictured - Melanie Cohen, Scott Cohen

Joseph and Maxine Leano visit to the east coast at Sid and Esther Cohen's house.  4/26/2003