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COLBY was born on 3 AUG 1789 in Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine.
He died on 7 MAY 1839 at Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine.
Abraham Colby drowned, May 7, 1839 in the Penobscot River and was found on Frankfort Marsh. He went to Bangor, Maine in his Pinkie, the " Three Brothers" and upon returning with a load of lumber, was knooked overboard by the jibing of the main boom. Nathaniel Ware was with him. Abraham was a farmer and fisherman and lived in a house he built opposite where Bill Gross lives, probably on a lot given him by his father. His brother, Stephen, moved the house to its present place and it is now called the Colby House and owned by Carrie Lou Small. The Stephen Colby property descended to George who sold it to William Henry Small who gave it to his father, William Small, and it is now owned by the William Small Heirs. Abraham Colby and Miss Sally Lane were published in Deer Isle on February 7, 1824, but their marriage is not recorded on the Deer Isle books. Sarah married second Timothy Saunders, son of Timothy and Anna Saunders. To whom she was published on November 13, 1842. Timothy Saunders was born January 6, 1801 and married first Betsey Lufkin. Parents: Joseph COLBY and Eunice THURLOW. Spouse: Sally LANE. Abraham COLBY and Sally LANE were married on 7 FEB 1824 in Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine. Children were: Oliver Lane COLBY, Sarah COLBY, Susan Matilda COLBY, Abraham Thurlow COLBY, Zina Franklin COLBY, Abraham COLBY, William Raynes COLBY, Stephen Babbidge Lane COLBY. ![]() Occupants listed at this residence: 304, 310 Name Age/Sex Occupation Worth Birth School ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abraham Colby 52 M NH Mary Ann Colby 45 F NH John L. Colby 25 M Miner NH Edwin Colby 22 M Miner NH Geo. W. Colby 19 M Miner NH Y Charles Colby 18 M Miner NH Y Abram Colby 16 M Seaman NH Y Mary Ann Colby 13 F NH Y Francis Colby 11 F NH Y Abby Colby 9 F NH Y ================================================== He died on 23 DEC 1852 at Madison, Carroll County, New Hampshire. He appeared in Farmer's Cabinet newspaper on 30 DEC 1852 Fire and Lose of Live. --- The dwelling-house of Abraham Colby, Esq., of Eaton, N. H., was burned on Thursday afternoon, together with extensive out-buildings. It was a large two story house. Mr. Colby was so badly burned that he lived but a few moments after being extricated from the flames by the almost super-human efforts of his wife. She was also so much injured that she probably will never have the use of her hands. Mr. Colby has done a very large business in his day---was largely engaged in the eastern land speculation, and has been a member of the New Hampshire Legislature. He was highly esteemed. He was buried in the Graveyard No. 14 at Madison, Carroll County, New Hampshire He burned to death in a fire that distroyed his home. He was a Capt. in John March's company in the War of 1812. He engaged the lumber business in Georgia (1837 to 1841) and became very wealthy. Abraham was Rep. in N.H. Leg. (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: Hubbard COLBY and Mehitable BEAN. Spouse: Mary Ann MARCH. Abraham COLBY Esq. and Mary Ann MARCH were married on 17 NOV 1823 in Eaton [Madison], Carroll County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Abraham, Marriage: Maryann MARCH, Date: 17 Nov 1823; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire.) Children were: Benjamin COLBY, John Langdon COLBY, Edwin COLBY, George Washington COLBY, Charles A. COLBY, Abraham Usher COLBY, Mary Ann COLBY, Frances A. COLBY, Abigail I. COLBY. ![]() Spouse: Betsey LORD. Abraham COLBY and Betsey LORD were married about 1830. Children were: Charles H. COLBY, Lorenzo D. COLBY, Wallace COLBY, Richard G. COLBY, Nathaniel Lord COLBY, William H. COLBY, Samuel Lord COLBY, Abraham COLBY, Addie S. COLBY. Abraham COLBY was born in MAY 1815 in Londonderry, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. In 1850 he was a shoe maker in Derry, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census on 4 SEP 1850 in Derry, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. In 1860 he was a shoemaker in Lawrence, Essex County, Massachusetts. He appeared in the census on 7 JUL 1860 in Lawrence, Essex County, Massachusetts. (listed as Abel Colby.) In 1870 he was a farmer in Coventry, Kent County, Rhode Island. He appeared in the census on 11 JUL 1870 in Coventry, Kent County, Rhode Island. He died on 7 JUL 1876 at Dunbarton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Parents: Ela COLBY and Jane HOLMES. Spouse: Adeline KIMBALL. Abraham COLBY and Adeline KIMBALL were married on 5 DEC 1835 in Derry, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Abraham; Marriage: Adeline KIMBALL; Date: 03 Dec 1835; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire.) Children were: Abram Putnam COLBY, Isaac COLBY, Hannah W. COLBY, Mary COLBY, Diantha COLBY, Abel M. COLBY, Forest Wingate (Mark) COLBY. Spouse: Louisa HAMBLETT. Abraham COLBY and Louisa HAMBLETT were married on 13 AUG 1851 in New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Abraham, Marriage: Louisa HAMBLET, Date: 13 Aug 1851; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire.) Children were: William COLBY, George COLBY. Spouse: Lucy CUMMINGS. Abraham COLBY and Lucy CUMMINGS were married on 16 AUG 1855 in Hudson, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. Children were: Francis COLBY. Spouse: Mary Ann JEPSON. Abraham COLBY and Mary Ann JEPSON were married about 1861. Children were: William S. "Willy" COLBY, Daniel Oscar COLBY, Johan Margaret "Jeannie" COLBY, Frank COLBY, Mary E. COLBY. Abraham COLBY was born on 15 MAR 1831 in Ogden, Monroe County, New York. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Ogden, Monroe County, New York. (living at home with father and mother.) He appeared in the census on 2 AUG 1870 in Ionia, Ionia County, Michigan. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Washington, Bremer County, Iowa. Census Place: Washington, Bremer, Iowa Source: FHL Film 1254329 National Archives Film T9-0329 Page 360C Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Abraham COLBY Self M M W 47 NY Occ: Farmer Fa: NH Mo: NY Julia COLBY Wife F M W 44 NY Occ: Keeping House Fa: NJ Mo: NJ Hannah M. COLBY Dau F S W 12 MI Occ: At Home Fa: NY Mo: NY Harry E. COLBY Son M S W 6 IA Occ: At Home Fa: NY Mo: NY Mary M. BROWN Other F W W 44 NY Occ: Works In Family Fa: WI Mo: NY William F. BROWN Other M S W 10 IA Occ: At School Fa: CT Mo: NY ========================================================= He appeared in the census on 1 JUN 1900 in Washington, Bremer County, Iowa. He died on 13 DEC 1908 at Waverly, Bremer County, Iowa. Name: Abraham Colby Gender: Male Burial Date: 15 Dec 1908 Burial Place: Death Date: 13 Dec 1908 Death Place: Waverly, Bremer, Iowa Age: 77 Birth Date: 15 Mar 1831 Birthplace: New York Occupation: Retired Race: Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name: Father's Name: E. Colby Father's Birthplace: New Hamshire Mother's Name: Hannah Niles Mother's Birthplace: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B86643-8 System Origin: Iowa-EASy Source Film Number: 1577927 Reference Number: p 80 n 70 Collection: Iowa Deaths and Burials, 1850-1990 He was buried on 15 DEC 1908 in the Harlington Cemetery at Waverly, Bremer County, Iowa His obituary appeared in the THE INDEPENDENT, Waverly, Bremer County, Iowa on 17 DEC 1908. From "THE INDEPENDENT", Waverly, Ia Thursday December 17, 1908: Abram Colby Final Discharged Abram Colby was born in Ogden, NY, March 15, 1831, and passed away at his home in Waverly just as the sun was rising Sunday morning, Dec 13, 1908. He came of noble, Patriotic stock, his father being Col. Eastman Colby, who served in the war of 1812, and his grandfather being a veteran in the Revolutionary war. Not only was his father a pioneer in the commercial interests, having helped in founding the city of Rochester, NY, but he was also a leader in the religious progress of his day. Thus the son had the privilege of coming into a home where patriotism and religion were not only sacred traditions but also precious possessions. What wonder that he exemplified both! His home , too, inspired to larger culture and as a youth, Mr Colby took a preparatory course at the State Normal at Brockport, and later took a full college course in Rochester University, graduating in the class of 1856. After graduating he was engaged for a time with his brother in buying grain, settling for a while at Janesville, Wis. In response to President Lincoln's first call for troops in 1861, he enlisted with a company which came to be notable for it's uniqueness, "Mack's Black Horse Battery." His service continued until the close of the war, and altho never wounded, he was seriously ill with typhoid fever which left him broken in health. After the war he was connected with his brother-in-law in the flouring business until 1867, when he settled in Ionia, Mich., and engaged in business by himself. He came to Waverly in the spring of 1871 secured a farm two miles south of the city, where he continued to reside until 1899 when he moved into town, purchasing the home in which he continued to live until death called him. On Jan. 2, 1867, at her home in Rochester, NY, he was united in marriage to miss Julia Vroom. Two children were born into their home, Nanna M. of this city and H. E. Colby, editor of Kimball's Dairy Farmer of Waterloo. All of these were privileged to be with him to minister to him in his last illness. He also leaves two grandchildren, who were a source of great comfort, a sister at Rochester and a brother at Brockport, NY. As a boy he united with the Baptist church at his home and thruout the years during his college course, his army days and subsequent life, he has been active in the work of the Kingdom. His parents would have been glad had he felt himself called to the Gospel ministry, but he had too high a conception of the sacred office to assume it without God's call. As an evidence of his devotion one of the first things he did after on his farm south of Waverly was to organize a Sunday School. And not infrequently in those early days was he called to minister in sorrow. For years he has held the office of deacon in the Baptist church of Waverly and in every way has been zealous for the cause of the Kingdom. His training led him to be interested in education and in patriotic efforts. There was about him the refinement of the gentleman. Altho feeble for years, he was bedfast but a few days and the end came peacefully on a beautiful morning of Resurrection day which he delighted to honor. His life was indeed one rich toward God. The funeral service was held at the home on Thursday afternoon, conducted by his pastor, Rev D. I. Coon, assisted by Rev. A. R. Rice. Robins Post attended in a body and conducted the services at the cemetery. The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 109 Miss Nanna W. COLBY. DAR ID Number: 108819 Born in Tonia, Mich. Descendant of Hendrick D. Vroom, Christopher Beekman, Ephraim COLBY, Elizabeth De Mott, and Capt. Jacobus Quick, as follows: 1. Abraham COLBY (1832-1908) m. 1867 Julia Vroom (b. 1835). 2. Eastman COLBY (1785-1859) m. 1817 Hannah Niles (1794-1860); Hendrick Dumont Vroom (1796-1886) m. 1820 Maria Beekman (1797-1879). 3. Ephraim COLBY m. 1770 Mary Merrill (1745-1806); Hendrick D. Vroom m. 2nd 1792 Elizabeth De Mott (d. 1835); Garret Beekman (1768-1848) m. 1792 Margaret Quick (1774-1814). 4. Christopher Beekman m. 1767 Martha Veghte (1741-1817); Jacobus Quick m. Margrita Bogart. Hendrick D. Vroom (1743-1810) served as private in the New Jersey militia. He was born and died in Somerset County, N. J. Christopher Beekman (1730-1829) served in the battle of Princeton as private. He was born and died in Griggstown, N. J. Ephraim COLBY (1747-1823) signed the Association Test of Salisbury, N. H., 1776. He was born in Salisbury, N. H.; died in Ogden, N. Y. Elizabeth De Mott (1758-1835), a patriot, suffered loss of property during raids of British soldiers. She was born and died in New Jersey. Jacobus Quick (1742-1832) commanded a company in the 2nd battalion, Somerset County, New Jersey militia. He was born and died in New Jersey. Parents: Col. Eastman COLBY and Hannah NILES. Spouse: Julia M. VROOM. Abraham COLBY and Julia M. VROOM were married on 2 JAN 1867 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York. Children were: Hannah Maria COLBY, Harry Eastman COLBY. Abraham COLBY was born about 1835 in Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine. He died in MAR 1848 at Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine. Parents: Abraham COLBY and Sally LANE. ![]() Census Place: Ward 4, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254529 National Archives Film T9-0529 Page 74A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Abram COLBY Self M M W 30 NH Occ: Shoe Contractor Fa: NH Mo: NH Nannale J. COLBY Wife F M W 32 MA Occ: Keeping House Fa: MA Mo: MA Rosina M. COLBY Dau F S W 7 MA Occ: At School Fa: MA Mo: MA Walter I. COLBY Son M S W 3 MA Fa: MA Mo: MA COLBY Son M S W 2M MA Fa: MA Mo: MA ============================================================= He died on 1 JUL 1885 at Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts. He was buried in the Greenwood Cemetery at Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts Parents: Abraham COLBY and Betsey LORD. Spouse: Hannah Jane RAMSEY. Abraham COLBY and Hannah Jane RAMSEY were married on 9 DEC 1869 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Rosina M. COLBY, Walter I. COLBY, Franklin Perley COLBY, Blanche Anthony COLBY, Charles Abram COLBY. Abraham D. COLBY was born on 10 JAN 1848 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newburyport.) He appeared in the census in 1850 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: 1850 Massachusetts Census. Newburyport, Essex County, page 279. Age 2.) He appeared in the census in 1860 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (living at home with father and mother) He appeared in the census in 1870 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (living at home with father.) Parents: Abraham Doyle COLBY and Betsey W. JACKMAN. ![]() Census Place: Salisbury, Essex, Massachusetts Source: FHL Film 1254528 National Archives Film T9-0528 Page 388A Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Abram D. COLBY Self M M W 59 MA Occ: Railroad Watchman Fa: MA Mo: MA Chastina B. COLBY Wife F M W 38 NH Occ: Keeping House Fa: VT Mo: NH Albert C. COLBY Son M S W 22 MA Occ: Railroad Watchman Fa: MA Mo: MA ========================================================= He died on 22 MAY 1895 at Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: NEHGS, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910.) He was buried in the Belleview Cemetery at Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts (Marriage intent was filled for Abraham D and Sarah C. Sargent, Nov 2 1839 (Ban forbidden by him). Parents: Joshua COLBY and Sally DOYLE. Spouse: Betsey W. JACKMAN. Abraham Doyle COLBY and Betsey W. JACKMAN filed marriage intentions on 6 NOV 1843 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newburyport.) They were married in 1844 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCES: (1) Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newburyport; (2) FHL film 0599730 Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah; marriage.) Children were: Abraham D. COLBY, Mary C. COLBY, Anna L. COLBY, Albert Currier COLBY, Clara A. COLBY. Spouse: Chastina B. (Fullford) HALL. Abraham Doyle COLBY and Chastina B. (Fullford) HALL were married on 18 JAN 1871 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. Abraham Thomas COLBY was born on 7 JAN 1858 in Fillmore, Millard County, Utah. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Spring City, Sanpete County, Utah. (living at home with father and mother.) He appeared in the census in 1870 in Holden, Millard County, Utah. (living at home with father and mother.) He appeared in the census in 1880 in Vermillion, Sevier County, Utah. (living with father) He died on 3 FEB 1919 at Altonah, Duchesne County, Utah. He was buried on 7 FEB 1919 in the Altonah Cemetery at Altonah, Duchesne County, Utah He has Ancestral File Number 245V-ZF. SOURCE: "LDS Family History Suite" CD, Family Group Sheets-Self & Fathers. Parents: Jacob Ransford COLBY and Margaret SAMPSON. Spouse: Juliette MINCHEY. Abraham Thomas COLBY and Juliette MINCHEY were married on 1 MAY 1888 in Emery, Emery County, Utah. Children were: Pleasant Ransford COLBY, Peter COLBY, Calvin Henry COLBY, Franklin Earl COLBY, William Edger COLBY, Delbert Ervin COLBY, Leonard Elroy COLBY, Julia Priscilla COLBY, Elmer COLBY, Etta May COLBY, Ferrey D. COLBY, Eldwin R. COLBY, Celista Emeline COLBY. Abraham Thurlow COLBY was born on 19 NOV 1831 in Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine. Name: Abram T. Colby Gender: Male Baptism/Christening Date: Baptism/Christening Place: Birth Date: 19 Nov 1831 Birthplace: DEER ISLE,HANCOCK,MAINE Death Date: Oct 1836 Name Note: Race: Father's Name: Abram Colby Father's Birthplace: Father's Age: Mother's Name: Sarah Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C50266-1 System Origin: Maine-ODM Source Film Number: 873738 Reference Number: Collection: Maine Births and Christenings, 1739-1900 He died in OCT 1836 at Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine. Parents: Abraham COLBY and Sally LANE. Abraham Thurlow COLBY was born on 22 FEB 1862 in Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine. Name: Abraham T. Colby Gender: Male Baptism/Christening Date: Baptism/Christening Place: Birth Date: 22 Feb 1862 Birthplace: DEER ISLE,HANCOCK,MAINE Death Date: 01 Jun 1863 Name Note: Race: Father's Name: Oliver L. Colby Father's Birthplace: Father's Age: Mother's Name: Abagail Y. Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C50266-1 System Origin: Maine-ODM Source Film Number: 873738 Reference Number: Collection: Maine Births and Christenings, 1739-1900 He died on 1 JUN 1863 at Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine. Parents: Oliver Lane COLBY and Abigail Yeaton KNOWLTON. Abraham Usher COLBY was born in 1834 in Eaton [Madison], Carroll County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Eaton [Madison], Carroll County, New Hampshire. (living at home with father and mother.) He was buried on 4 MAY 1865. Parents: Abraham COLBY Esq. and Mary Ann MARCH. Spouse: Mary Ann LANTRY. Abraham Usher COLBY and Mary Ann LANTRY were married on 3 SEP 1857 in Cook County, Illinois. Children were: Mary L. COLBY. Abram Putnam COLBY was born on 23 APR 1836 in Derry, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census on 4 SEP 1850 in Derry, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (living at home with father and mother) He appeared in the census in 1870 in Dunbarton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Bradford, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Bradford, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He died on 17 JUL 1914. Parents: Abraham COLBY and Adeline KIMBALL. Spouse: Christina A. RICHARDS. Abram Putnam COLBY and Christina A. RICHARDS were married about 1869 in New Hampshire. Children were: Herbert O. COLBY, Lena M. COLBY. Abram W. COLBY was born on 3 NOV 1870 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts. (living with father) Parents: Wallace COLBY and Georgianna F. HALL. Spouse: Mehitable DAVIS. Abram W. COLBY and Mehitable DAVIS were married on 15 JAN 1913 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: NEHGS, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1911-1915. Wife previously married to Mr Hazeltine.) Absolom J. COLBY was born in 1821 in Vermont. In 1850 he was a farmer in Corinth, Orange County, Vermont. He appeared in the census on 27 AUG 1850 in Corinth, Orange County, Vermont. In 1860 he was a farmer in Bradford, Orange County, Vermont. He appeared in the census on 17 JUL 1860 in Bradford, Orange County, Vermont. He appeared in the census on 27 JUN 1870 in Bradford, Orange County, Vermont. In 1870 he was a farmer in Bradford, Orange County, Vermont. He appeared in the census in JUN 1880 in Bradford, Orange County, Vermont. In 1880 he was a farmer in Bradford, Orange County, Vermont. Spouse: Resign MC KILLIPS. Absolom J. COLBY and Resign MC KILLIPS were married about 1844 in Vermont. Children were: George A. COLBY, Mary M. COLBY, Harriet J. COLBY, Jacob B. COLBY. Acassia COLBY was born on 14 APR 1864 in Woodhull, Shiawassee County, Michigan. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Woodhull, Shiawassee County, Michigan. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census in 1880 in Woodhull, Shiawassee County, Michigan. (living with father) She appeared in the census on 1 JUN 1900 in Woodhull, Shiawassee County, Michigan. (2 children; 2 living.) She appeared in the census on 9 MAY 1910 in Woodhull, Shiawassee County, Michigan. (2 children, 1 living.) She died on 9 JAN 1941 at Perry, Shiawassee County, Michigan. Parents: John M. COLBY and Orpha S. KELLY. Spouse: Andrew BROWER. Andrew BROWER and Acassia COLBY were married about 1884. Children were: Jennie BROWER, Verna BROWER. Spouse: Judson MIKMAN. Judson MIKMAN and Acassia COLBY were married date unknown. Spouse: Horace D. CARLTON. Horace D. CARLTON and Acassia COLBY were married on 11 NOV 1897 in Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan. Acca Laurentia COLBY was born on 11 MAR 1844 in Candia, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Campton, Grafton County, New Hampshire. (living at home with father and mother) She appeared in the census in 1880 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Batavia, Kane County, Illinois. Patient, Belview Hospital. She died on 10 NOV 1909 at Batavia, Kane County, Illinois. Parents: Enoch COLBY and Eliza Ann MITCHELL. Spouse: Warren Grafton PURDY. Warren Grafton PURDY and Acca Laurentia COLBY were married on 14 MAR 1865 in Cook County, Illinois. (SOURCE: Illinois Statewide Marriage Index 1763-1900. Marriage.) Children were: William Amon PURDY, Ella F. PURDY, Warren F. PURDY, Bertha A. PURDY. Achsah COLBY was born on 20 MAR 1776 in Bow, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) She died on 30 JUL 1807 at Dunbarton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. SOURCES: (1) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970; (2) "A Genealogy of the Descendants of Abraham Colby and Elizabeth Blaisdell, his wife Who settled in Bow in 1768" By one of them, Concord, NH Printed by the Republican Press Association 1895. Parents: Elijah COLBY and Ruth PLATTS. Spouse: Deacon Joel WHEELER. Deacon Joel WHEELER and Achsah COLBY were married on 30 MAR 1794 in Bow, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Children were: Ruth WHEELER, Massey WHEELER, Amos B. WHEELER, Achsah WHEELER. Achsah COLBY was born on 15 AUG 1799 in Henniker, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Listed as Axia Colby. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Bradford, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. She died on 6 MAR 1864 at Bradford, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: David COLBY and Mary QUIMBY. Spouse: Daniel CHENEY. Daniel CHENEY and Achsah COLBY were married on 24 DEC 1822 in Henniker, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. SOURCE: FHL Number 1000975; CHENEY, Daniel, Marriage: Achsah COLBY, Date: 24 Dec 1822; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire. Children were: Lavina Lydia CHENEY. Ada COLBY was born on 1 MAR 1869 in St. Clairsville, Belmont County, Ohio. She appeared in the census on 6 AUG 1870 in Richland, Belmont County, Ohio. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census on 1 JUN 1880 in St. Clairsville, Belmont County, Ohio. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: Wilson Shannon COLBY and Mary D. MANN. Ada COLBY was born on 10 JUL 1886 in McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. She died on 23 AUG 1920. (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: Henry C. COLBY and Flora C. HARRIS. Spouse: Russell HELM. Russell HELM and Ada COLBY were married about 1909. Children were: Flora Faith HELM, Helen Grace HELM, Howard HELM, Donald HELM, Vera HELM. Ada Dow COLBY was born on 7 OCT 1860 in Salem, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census on 5 AUG 1870 in Lawrence, Essex County, Massachusetts. (living at home with father and mother.) She died in 1920. She was buried in the Cemetery On The Plain at Windham, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Parents: William Greenleaf COLBY and Frances Emeline DOW. Spouse: Charles Allison DOW. Charles Allison DOW and Ada Dow COLBY were married about 1880. Children were: Charles Abel DOW. Ada E. COLBY was born in APR 1883 in Goshen, Litchfield County, Connecticut. She appeared in the census on 13 JUN 1900 in Torrington, Litchfield County, Connecticut. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: Francis "Frank" COLBY and Mary A. FERRY. Ada Elvira COLBY was born on 17 JUN 1880 in Francestown, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census on 12 JUN 1900 in Milford, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census on 27 APR 1910 in Peterborough, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census on 5 JAN 1920 in Milford, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. She died on 25 JAN 1928. She was buried in the New Cemetery at Francestown, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: Daniel Augustus COLBY and Mary M. K. HOYT. Spouse: William E. YOUNG. William E. YOUNG and Ada Elvira COLBY were married on 8 JUN 1902 in New Hampshire. They were divorced about 1908 in New Hampshire. Children were: Ernest T. YOUNG, Leon C. YOUNG. Spouse: Walter H. FOOTE. Walter H. FOOTE and Ada Elvira COLBY were married on 22 SEP 1909 in Marlborough, Cheshire County, New Hampshire. Ada Fern COLBY was born on 7 FEB 1883 in Groton, Tompkins County, New York. She died on 13 SEP 1883 at Groton, Tompkins County, New York. Parents: Lucius Ellery COLBY and Harriet Elizabeth CORNWELL. Ada Frances COLBY was born on 17 FEB 1854 in Hingham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. She appeared in the census on 5 JUL 1870 in Hingham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census in JUN 1880 in Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Parents: Philip Nelson COLBY and Sarah Jones WILDER. Spouse: Robert F. SHAW. Robert F. SHAW and Ada Frances COLBY were married on 25 FEB 1880 in Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Children were: Percy Colby SHAW, Sumner Franklin SHAW. Ada Grace COLBY was born on 21 OCT 1902 in Kirwin, Phillips County, Kansas. Parents: William Wallace COLBY and Mamie L. HUGUNIN. Ada Janett COLBY was born on 12 SEP 1859 in Sunapee, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census on 11 JUN 1860 in Sunapee, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: John Mace COLBY and Dorcas CRAIG. Ada Josephine COLBY was born on 9 OCT 1848 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) She appeared in the census in 1850 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: 1850 Massachusetts Census. Salisbury, Essex County, page 20. Age 2.) She appeared in the census in 1860 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (living at home with mother) She appeared in the census in 1870 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (living with grandmother Joanna Wigglesworth.) (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: Capt. Edwin John COLBY and Mary Follansbee WIGGLESWORTH. Ada Leona COLBY was born on 26 APR 1874 in Wilson, Niagara County, New York. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Wilson, Niagara County, New York. (living with father) Parents: Ansel C. COLBY and Alice B. (COLBY). Ada Louisa COLBY was born on 18 AUG 1891 in Wisconsin. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Thorp, Clark County, Wisconsin. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census in 1910 in Thorp, Clark County, Wisconsin. (living at home with father and mother.) She died on 23 DEC 1944. Parents: Francis Ernest COLBY and Lula Adelia TWIST. Ada M. COLBY was born on 23 FEB 1858 in Lowell, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: NEHGS, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910.) She appeared in the census on 4 JUN 1860 in Lowell, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census in 1870 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census in 1880 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: Colman COLBY III and Mary Ann DOWNS. Ada Martha COLBY was born on 28 APR 1826 in New York. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Conneaut, Erie County, Pennsylvania. She died on 17 MAR 1876 at Dexter, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Parents: Henry COLBY and Elizabeth TERRILL. Spouse: Phineas LEWIS. Phineas LEWIS and Ada Martha COLBY were married about 1847 in Pennsylvania. Children were: Betsey Minerva LEWIS, Jonas Dunham LEWIS, Henry Harmon LEWIS, Hibbard Frank LEWIS, Carrie Estella LEWIS, Mary Luella LEWIS. Ada May COLBY was born on 3 DEC 1860 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 9767; Index to vital records prior to 1892 for Maine.) She appeared in the census in 1870 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census in 1880 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine. (living with father) Parents: Timothy D. COLBY and Hannah W. MARTIN. Spouse: Harry H. HUTCHINS. Harry H. HUTCHINS and Ada May COLBY were married on 17 JUL 1880 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine. Children were: Orthie HUTCHINS, Harold S. HUTCHINS, Helen M. HUTCHINS, Robert HUTCHINS. Ada May COLBY was born about 1871. She died about 1871. She was adopted about 1871. Parents: General Leonard Wright COLBY and Clara Dorothy BEWICK. Ada Rosetta COLBY was born in SEP 1848 in Sardinia, Erie County, New York. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Sardinia, Erie County, New York. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census on 18 JUL 1860 in Sardinia, Erie County, New York. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census on 28 JUN 1870 in Sardinia, Erie County, New York. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: Seth COLBY and Laura Ann PIERCE. Ada S. COLBY was born on 18 JUL 1855 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: Hezekiah COLBY and Sarah Jane WENTWORTH. Ada S. COLBY was born in JAN 1897 in Minnesota. She appeared in the census on 4 JUN 1900 in Spring Valley, Fillmore County, Minnesota. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: Martin Ellsworth COLBY and Stella Mae WEEKS. Ada/Ida COLBY was born on 16 SEP 1882 in Brighton, Marathon County, Wisconsin. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Brighton, Marathon County, Wisconsin. (living at home with father.) Parents: William Watson COLBY and Elenore Eliza THOMPSON. ![]() Name: Adah Colby Gender: Female Burial Date: Burial Place: Death Date: 07 Dec 1939 Death Place: Manchester, Hillsborough, New Hampshire Age: 79 Birth Date: 1860 Birthplace: Occupation: Race: Marital Status: Spouse's Name: Father's Name: Levi Colby Father's Birthplace: Mother's Name: Kate L. Mason Mother's Birthplace: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: I09925-7 System Origin: New Hampshire-EASy Source Film Number: 2294749 Reference Number: Collection: New Hampshire Deaths and Burials, 1784-1949 Parents: Levy COLBY and Katie L. MASON. Adalade COLBY was born in 1857 in Chateaugay, Franklin County, New York. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Chateaugay, Franklin County, New York. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census in 1870 in Chateaugay, Franklin County, New York. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: Silas W. COLBY and Julia M. PECK. Adalaide Augusta COLBY was born on 9 APR 1841 in Waterbury, Washington County, Vermont. (SOURCE: General index to vital records of Vermont, early to 1870.) He died at Waterbury, Washington County, Vermont. He was buried in Waterbury, Washington County, Vermont. Old Center Cemetery. Parents: Newell Staniels COLBY and Mehitable BUZZELL. Adalaide Ellen COLBY was born on 29 APR 1856 in Windsor, Kennebec County, Maine. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Windsor, Kennebec County, Maine. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census on 20 JUN 1870 in Windsor, Kennebec County, Maine. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census in 1880 in Windsor, Kennebec County, Maine. (living at home with father and mother) She has Ancestral File Number 12M5-VBC. Parents: Nathaniel COLBY and Sarah Elizabeth CHOATE. Adaline COLBY was born on 24 MAR 1813 in New London, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: James COLBY and Catherine FLOYD. Adaline COLBY was born on 23 SEP 1832. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Moscow, Somerset County, Maine. (living at home with father and mother) Parents: Capt. Hartley COLBY and Sarah DENNIS. Spouse: George LITTLEFIELD. George LITTLEFIELD and Adaline COLBY were married about 1852. Adaline COLBY was born in 1836 in Maine. She appeared in the census on 29 AUG 1850 in Weld, Franklin County, Maine. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: Page COLBY and Judith HADLEY. Adaline Chase COLBY was born on 27 NOV 1847 in Sanbornton, Belknap County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Sanbornton, Belknap County, New Hampshire. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census in 1880 in Goffstown, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. (see husband) She appeared in the census on 25 JUN 1900 in Goffstown, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. She died on 9 MAR 1935 at Goffstown, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. Name: Adeline C. Colby Titles & Terms (Original): Titles & Terms (Standardized): Death Date (Original): 09 Mar 1935 Death Date (Standardized): 09 Mar 1935 Death Place: Laconia, , New Hampshire Gender: Female Race (Original): Race (Standardized): Age: Estimated Birth Year: Birthplace: Marital Status: Spouse: Alfred Colby Spouse's Titles & Terms (Original): Spouse's Titles & Terms (Standardized): Father: Percy Colby Father's Titles & Terms (Original): Father's Titles & Terms (Standardized): Father's Birthplace: Mother: Susan Judkins Mother's Titles & Terms (Original): Mother's Titles & Terms (Standardized): Mother's Birthplace: Burial Place: Burial Date: Clerk's Locality: Informant's Locality: Film Number: 2078689 Digital Folder Number: 4242810 Image Number: 2547 Reference Number: Collection: New Hampshire Death Records, 1654-1947 She was buried in the Westlawn Cemetery at Goffstown, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire Parents: Perry COLBY and Susan JUDKINS. Spouse: Alfred COLBY. Alfred COLBY and Adaline Chase COLBY were married on 23 JAN 1870 in New Hampshire. SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Alfred Age: 25 years; Marrriage: Adaline C. COLBY Age: 22 years; Date: 23 Jan 1870; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire. Children were: Walter COLBY, Fred Henry COLBY. Adaline M. COLBY was born on 20 AUG 1835 in Franklin, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Franklin, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (living at home with father and step-mother.) Parents: Robert COLBY and Emmeline HERBERT. Spouse: Robert DRAPER. Robert DRAPER and Adaline M. COLBY were married on 5 JUL 1857 in Franklin, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Adam COLBY was born in MAY 1870 in Arispie, Bureau County, Illinois. He appeared in the census in JUN 1870 in Arispie, Bureau County, Illinois. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: Joel Clinton COLBY and Anna (COLBY). |