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Jenette COLBY was born on 23 AUG 1832 in Tunbridge, Orange County, Vermont.
(SOURCE: FHL Film 0027514; General index to vital records of Vermont, early
to 1870 Vermont. Secretary of State.) She appeared in the census in 1850 in
Tunbridge, Orange County, Vermont. (living at home with mother)
Parents: William Perham COLBY and
Sally/Sarah WILLIAMS. Sally Lynne COLBY was born on 14 DEC 1957. Parents: Calvin Coolidge COLBY and Mae WALSTEAD. Spouse: Bradley SMITH. Bradley SMITH and Sally Lynne COLBY were married on 27 MAY 1978. Children were: Brandon Colby SMITH, Drew Anthony SMITH, McKenzie Lynne SMITH. Sally Margarite COLBY was born on 15 APR 1912 in Hudson, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census on 3 JAN 1920 in Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census on 10 APR 1930 in Claremont, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: John COLBY and Ida F. EAYERS. Sally Osgood COLBY was born on 22 MAR 1802 in Fryeburg, Oxford County, Maine. (SOURCE: FHL Film 0010915, Town and vital records, 1776-1891 Fryeburg (Maine). Town Clerk.) Name: Sally Osgood Colby Gender: Female Baptism/Christening Date: Baptism/Christening Place: CIVIL, FRYEBURG, OXFORD, MAINE Birth Date: 22 Mar 1802 Birthplace: CIVIL, FRYEBURG, OXFORD, MAINE Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: Joseph Colby Father's Birthplace: Father's Age: Mother's Name: Elizabeth Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C52129-1 System Origin: Maine-VR Source Film Number: 10915 Reference Number: 2:176HHRJ Collection: Maine Births and Christenings, 1739-1900 She died on 9 JUL 1828 at Fryeburg, Oxford County, Maine. Parents: Joseph COLBY Esq. (twin) and Elizabeth (Betsy) EVANS. Spouse: Josephus CHANDLER. Josephus CHANDLER and Sally Osgood COLBY were
married on 20 OCT 1822 in Fryeburg, Oxford County, Maine. Sep 30,
1822 Marr. Intent Mr. Josephus Chandler and Mifs Sarah C. Colby. Cert. granted
Oct. 20, 1822.
Sally Thompson COLBY was born on 30 MAY 1791 in Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Name: Sally Thompson Colby Birthdate: 30 May 1791 Birthplace: Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States Father's name: John Colby Mother's name: Anna Carter Recording place: Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States Film number: 1000378 Digital GS number: 4243701 Image number: 02798 Collection: New Hampshire Birth Records, Early to 1900 She died on 10 MAR 1877 at Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. She was buried in the Old North Cemetery at Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: John COLBY and Anna CARTER. Spouse: Thomas WILSON. Thomas WILSON and Sally Thompson COLBY were married on 9 FEB 1812 in Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. SOURCE: FHL Number 1001319; WILSON, Thomas, Marriage: Sally Thompson COLBY, Date: 09 Feb 1812; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire. Salmon Barrett COLBY was born on 1 JAN 1822 in Greece, Monroe County, New York. He died on 25 DEC 1882 at Washington D.C.. Note from Mrs. Jake Janzen, 8701 Hwy 41 26, Fresno, CA. 93720-1010, July 1994: "There is a great deal of mystery about the life of Salmon Barrett Colby. He was born in upstate New York, near Rochester, where his family had been pioneer settlers. He was the oldest son, and no longer living at home for the 1840 census, but we don't know where he went. He married Margaret Coffin Hill, daughter of two illustrious New England pioneer families, in Nachez, MS., but we have no idea how either one of these northerners got down there, or where they met. Remarks in family letters imply that Margaret was raised by relatives, as her mother was in poor health and spent her life "in the south", so maybe they just went there to be married with her mother present. But where did they meet? We don't know where the couple lived while their first five children were born, (one set of twins died almost immediately). but Edward was born in New Brunswick, and that is where Salmon's parents were living at the time. The seventh son, Franklin Green, was born in Brooklyn in 1858, and a Brooklyn City Directory for 1860 lists Salmon Colby, employed in "Paper", but what this means, we don't know. Other family stories say Salmon was in San Francisco before the Gold Rush, and bought land in what is now downtown, but was unable to keep it. There is no evidence that he was in California one way or another. Franklin called his father "a drunken bum", but states his death certificate in Washington, D.C. for 1882 states he was a merchant in that city for 20 years. Even after he moved to Washington, he and his wife lived together, as their last son was born in 1867. Quite possibly he was an attractive adventurer, and came home just often enough to get his wife pregnant. That has been the implication in the stories about him, but there is no proof. Salmon Colby died of a heart attack on Christmas night, 1882. He was 60." Parents: Hall COLBY and Elizabeth BARRETT. Spouse: Margaret Coffin HILL. Salmon Barrett COLBY and Margaret Coffin HILL were married on 24 MAR 1848 in Natches, Adams County, Mississippi. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 0893524; Marriage records, 1802-1927, marriage index, 1802-1942 Adams County (Mississippi). Circuit Clerk.) Children were: Eliza Hall COLBY, Infant Son COLBY (twin), Infant Son COLBY (twin), William Hall COLBY, George Barrett COLBY, Edward Barrett COLBY, Franklin Green COLBY, Benjamin Barrett COLBY, Winthrop COLBY, John Rollins COLBY, Frederick COLBY. ![]() Salome COLBY was born on 28 DEC 1818 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. SOURCES: (1) Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850, Amesbury; (2) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: William COLBY and Sally CARTER. Spouse: Frederic W. P. GOODWIN. Frederic W. P. GOODWIN and Salome COLBY were married on 29 OCT 1836 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Saluria COLBY was born on 17 DEC 1827 in Bow, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) She died on 18 MAY 1896 at Bow, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. SOURCE: "A Genealogy of the Descendants of Abraham Colby and Elizabeth Blaisdell, his wife Who settled in Bow in 1768" By one of them, Concord, NH Printed by the Republican Press Association 1895. Parents: Hiram COLBY and Martha SARGENT. Spouse: Andrew NOYES. Andrew NOYES and Saluria COLBY were married on 1 NOV 1849 in Bow, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Children were: Hiram NOYES. Samantha COLBY was born on 13 SEP 1845 in Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census in 1860 in Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin. (living at home with father and mother.) She died on 23 OCT 1923 at Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin. Buried at Beaver Dam Cemetery, Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin. SOURCE: "A Genealogy of the Descendants of Abraham Colby and Elizabeth Blaisdell, his wife Who settled in Bow in 1768" By one of them, Concord, NH Printed by the Republican Press Association 1895. Parents: George COLBY and Olive R. TUCKER. Spouse: George H. EHINGER. George H. EHINGER and Samantha COLBY were married on 1 JAN 1867. Children were: Georgia Mary EHINGER. Spouse: George W. FARR. George W. FARR and Samantha COLBY were married about 1870. Samantha Augusta COLBY was born on 7 MAR 1833 in Bennington, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Colby Family Bible record.) She appeared in the census on 4 DEC 1850 in Lyndeborough, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. (living at home with mother.) She died on 16 MAY 1884. (SOURCE: Colby Family Bible record.) Lived at Wilton, Milford, and Boston, Mass. BOOK SOURCES: (1) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970; (2) "History of Weare, New Hampshire 1735-1888" by William Little, pub. 1888. Parents: John COLBY and Mary H. HOLT. Spouse: John M. HAGGETT. John M. HAGGETT and Samantha Augusta COLBY were married on 11 NOV 1851 in Bennington, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Colby Family Bible record.) Children were: Carrie A. HAGGETT. Sampson COLBY was born on 14 JAN 1722/23 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He had administration granted for estate on 12 MAR 1761 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. SAMPSON COLBY 1761 HOPKINTON [Administration on the estate of Sampson Colby of New Hopkinton, yeoman, granted to his widow, Betty Colby, March 12, 1761.] [Probate Records, Vol. 22, p. 43.] [Bond of Betty Colby, with Timothy Walker of Bow and Alexander Walker of Londonderry, yeoman, as sureties, in the sum of £500, March 10, 1761, for the administration of the estate; witnesses, William Parker, Solomon Loud, Jr.] [Inventory, March 25, 1761; amount, £10,225. 16. 0; signed by Timothy Walker and Matthew Stanley.] Province of New Hampshire By Virtue of & in obedience to & Egreable to the Precept Wee Record Dated at Portsmouth april ye 4th 1769 By order of the Judge of Probate of Wills Wee the Subscribers have upon oath to our fidelity & impartiallity therein set off to Betty Straw formily the wife of Sampson Colby of hopkinton Deceased now the wife of Ezekiel Straw of hopkinton afforesaid yeoman on third Part of the Real Estate of the said Sampson Colby as her Dower of said Estate to Be Enjoyed & improved By them Dureing her Natural Life Beginning at a stake & stones from thence Running Northerly upon the East side of the high way to a stake and stones fourteen Rods then Easterly Carrying the same Breadth Sixty Rods to a stake and stones then Southerly to an ash tree upon Cap. Stanleys Line then Westerly upon said Line to the Bounds first mentioned & the Rest Part of Said Estate Divided as followeth allowing to Ebenezer Colby the Eldest Son a Double Shire Viz. Beginning at a stake & stones from thence Running Northerly upon the East side of the high way to a stake and stones Sixty Rods then Easterly to a stake & stones then Northerly about Eight Rods to a stake and stones no 68 then Easterly Eighty two Rods to a Pine Tree spoted upon two sides then Southerly Eighty two Rods to a then Eighty two Rods to a stake & stones then Running Southerly about four Rods to an ash tree then Running Westerly upon his Mothers Line to the Bounds first Mentioned it Being Part of the first & Second Divisions Lots. Moreover, one whole & Part of another Enter Vale Lot the whole Lot no 21 Beginning at a Stake & Stones then N. 70d W. 28 Rods to and Elm then Down the River about fifty five Rods to Elm No 21 the south 80d E twenty two Rods to and oak tree No 21 then south 13d W. twenty Seven Rods then s 23d E. thirty Six Rods to the first Bounds the Part of a Lot no 22 Beginning at an oak from thence Running N. 80d W twenty two Rods to and Elm No 22 then Down the River Eighteen Rods to a Bas Wood tree spoted upon three sides then Southerly to a Pitch Pine tree spotted on three sides from thence to the Bounds first Mentioned. To Sampson Colby the second son set of a single shire as followeth Beginning at a stake & stones from thence Running Westerly about Seventy Rods By Land of Cap. Stanleys to a stake & stone then Northerly By Land of Caleb Burbanks & Benjamin Eastmans Seventy five Rods to a stake and stones then Easterly twenty six Rods to a stake & stones then Southerly upon the west of the highway about seventy five rods to the Bounds first Mentiond --- Likewise an Entervale Lot No 23 Beginning at a stake & stones No 25 then south 32d W. thirty Rods to a stake & stones no 25 the S 78d W. twenty Eight Rods then N. 80d W twelve Rods to the first Bound allso another Peice of Land adjoyning to the said Entv Lot Beginning at a hemlock By the River then South 19d E. Eighteen Rods then North 50d E.. forty Rods to an oak tree spoted then s. 40d E. twelve Rods to and oak then S 38 W. forty Eight Rod to an oak tree Spoted on three sides N. 83d W thirty two Rods to a hemlock at the River then Down the River to the first Bounds. To abner Colby the youngest Son Set off a second Division Lot no 69 Beginning at a Hemlock no 69 the Running N. 14d W. two hundred Rods to a stake & stones the S. 78d E one hundred & twelve Rods to a oak no 69 the S 14 E one hundred Eight Rod then S 7d W. forty Rods to a Pine tree no 69 then N 76 W. ninety Rods to the first Bounds and half an Eighty acre Lot no 68 Beginning at a stake & stones then S 76d W. By Samuel herrises Land Eighty Rods to the Bounds first Mentiond allso Part of an Entervale Lot N. 22 Beginning at a Bass wood tree By the River then Down the River about fourteen Rods to a Bass no 22 the N. 66d E to a Maple tree no 22 thirty two Rods then Down the River about twenty Eight Rods to a stake & stones no 22 then S 15d W about twenty Rod to a Pine tree spoted upon three sides then Westerly about thirty Rods to a Bounds first Mentiond Hopkinton Dec ye 30th 1771 Matthew Stanle John Putney Isaac Chandler He died about 1761 at Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He was a member of a company "scouting on the Frontiers of NH" in 1748. SOURCES: (1) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970; (3) Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury. Parents: Abraham COLBY and Sarah BUCKMAN. Spouse: Betty HOYT. Sampson COLBY and Betty HOYT were married on 19 SEP 1742 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Ebenezer COLBY, Sarah COLBY, Sampson COLBY, Abner COLBY, Mary COLBY, Elizabeth COLBY. Sampson COLBY was born in 1749 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He was also known as Samson/Sampson COLBY. (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: Sampson COLBY and Betty HOYT. Spouse: Sarah HAMMOND. Sampson COLBY and Sarah HAMMOND were married on 10 DEC 1774 in Yarmouth, Cumberland County, Maine. Children were: Ebenezer COLBY. Samson COLBY was born on 1 MAY 1775 in Newport, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) He died on 21 JUL 1776 at Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: "Genealogical Abstract of Books 1 and 2 of the First Church Records of Hopkinton, NH'" Taken from the Records fo the congregational church, by Franklin C. Thompson. 1948 found at the NH Historical Society Library # 929.3778b H797t.) Parents: Abner COLBY and Anna SILVER. Samson COLBY was born on 31 MAR 1803 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine. (SOURCE: (1) FHL Film 0928294; Vital records of Topsham, Maine, to the year 1892 Hill, Mary Pelham; (2) Vital records of Gardiner, Maine : to the year 1892.) Name: Samson Colby Gender: Male Baptism/Christening Date: Baptism/Christening Place: Birth Date: 31 Mar 1803 Birthplace: GARDINER, KENNEBEC, MAINE Death Date: Name Note: Race: Father's Name: Ebenezer Colby Father's Birthplace: Father's Age: Mother's Name: Mahitabel Mother's Birthplace: Mother's Age: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C50269-1 System Origin: Maine-ODM Source Film Number: 928184 Reference Number: Collection: Maine Births and Christenings, 1739-1900 He appeared in the census in 1850 in Webster (Sabattus), Androscoggin County, Maine. Occupants listed at this residence: Name Age/Sex Occupation Worth Birth School ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Samson Colby 46 M Joiner $800 ME Mary 43 F ME James H. 15 M Joiner ME Y George L. 13 M ME Y Ursula 12 F ME Y Mary E. 9 F ME Y Dorcus H. 8 F ME Y Celis J. 4 F ME Dana S. 6/12 M ME ================================================== He appeared in the census in 1860 in Topsham, Sagadahoc County, Maine. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Topsham, Sagadahoc County, Maine. Parents: Ebenezer COLBY and Mehitable COWAN. Spouse: Mary KILGORE. Samson COLBY and Mary KILGORE were married on 16 OCT 1833 in Maine. Children were: James Henry COLBY, George Leonard COLBY, Ursula COLBY, Mary Ellen COLBY, Dorcas Miller COLBY, Celia Jane COLBY, Dana Samson COLBY, William P. COLBY. Samuel COLBY was christened/baptized on 17 AUG 1735 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. SOURCES: (1). "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2). Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850. Newbury; (3). "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: Ambrose COLBY and Elizabeth LAWRENCE. Samuel COLBY was christened/baptized on 27 FEB 1774 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: "Genealogical Abstract of Books 1 and 2 of the First Church Records of Hopkinton, NH'" Taken from the Records fo the congregational church, by Franklin C. Thompson. 1948 found at the NH Historical Society Library # 929.3778b H797t.) Parents: Abraham COLBY and Mary WALLACE. Samuel COLBY was born in 1638/39 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Alternate date: Aug 10. 1638 (History of Sutton) He signed a will on 6 MAR 1715/16 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died about 1716 at Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He will was proved on 2 JUL 1716 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Samuel Colby, father of Samuel and son of Anthony, was born in 1639 in Amesbury. He was made a freeman in 1660. This title gave a man the right to vote in town affairs. It was necessary to own property and be a church member in order to receive it. In his youth, he was something of a black sheep and in 1665 was convicted of a misdemeanor. In 1676, he was in King Philip's War and helped bury Captain Turner after the Deerfield Massacre. In 1686, he was prosecuted for selling drink without a license, but was acquitted. In 1689, he was a representative to the General Court of Massachusetts and in 1696 was chosen assessor of his native town. He lived first at Amesbury, but like many others, he took up a lot in the Ox Common at East Haverhill without asking leave. The contest for ownership between the squatters and the legal proprietors continued for forty years. Before it was settled, he returned with his family to Amesbury. In 1678, he opened an inn at Bartlett's Corner near the old homestead and continued as the proprietor until his death in 1715. About 1666, he married Elizabeth Sargent. Comment #2 Samuel fought in King Philip's War, in the Falls Fight under Captain Turner. Salisbury town records show that Samuel was fined in 1665 for 'abusing a wench'. Samuel and Elizabeth owned a 'public house' or inn in Amesbury in 1678. In 1686, he was acquitted of a charge of 'selling drink without a license'. Samuel represented Amesbury in general court (Attorney?) in 1689. On July 22, 1692, Samuel signed a petition in favor of Mrs Bradbury who was accused of witchcraft. Elizabeth was the daughter of William Sargent, a friend of Anthony. William's wife was Elizabeth Perkins. William was born in England in 1602. His Father was Richard Sargent, an officer in the Royal Navy. William also immigrated with Winthrop in 1630. from 'Lineage of Philander M. Colby of Arborville & Bradshaw, Me., and Spencer Colby of Hamilton County, Me. by Claudia K. (Miller) Forster, Seattle, Wa. Samuel was a planter and innholder at Amesbury and later settled at Haverhill between 1664 and 1667. He received land in Amesbury, 1659 & 1662; townsman of Amesbury in 1660, lived in Haverhill, 1668, 1672 and 1674, but had returned to Amesbury, 1676, where he died. Among the few affidavits that were made to sustain claims for land near Turner's Falls, found in the Massachusetts M. S. Archives, is one from John Chase, in which he states that he and Samuel Colby were in the fight and helped to bury Captain Turner, and in 1689 served as representative from Amesbury. He made his will 6 March 1715/6, which was proved 2 July 1716. Comment #3 From the "Essex antiquarian, Old Norfold County Records." "Planter", and "innholder," He received land in Amesbury in 1659 and '62; townsman of Amesbury in 1660; took oath of allegiance and fidelity in Amesbury, Dec. 1677. He was soldier in King Philip's War; was in the "Falls Fight" under Capt. Turner, March 18, 1676. (From; Old families of Salisbury and Amesbury). "John Chase, of Newbury, certifies that he was in the expedition with Capt. Turner, and helped to bury him, and that Samuel Coleby, late of Almsbury, deceased, was with him. A grant was made of a township of land, as near as might be to the scene of the "Falls fight," to all officers and soldiers who were engaged therin." Two new claimants, Samuel Coleby, eldest son of Samuel Coleby, of Almsbury, and tryall Newbury, of Malden, were admitted to first choice lots on the new tract, by act of the Court august 1, 1741. From: "Soldiers in King Philip's War" originally published in Boston, 1906. In 1669 was a representative to the General Court and tything man several years until resigning in 1707. In 1667 her served as Sergeant in King Phillips War at the Falls Fight, under Capt. Turner, and was at the massacre near Deerfield, on the Connecticut River, where the Indians ambushed them, killing Capt. Turner. By order of the General Court, a township of land near the scene of battle was given to each survivor or his heir, yet it was not until 60 years later that Samuel, his son, was admitted to first choice of lots. "John Ilsley (also, Isly) of Salisbury, barber, conveyed to Richard Goodale, sr., of Salisbury, husbandman, 12-acre planting lot, formerly of Mr. Jn Hodges, in Salisbury, bounded by Richard Singletary, Jn Clifford, ye mill way and boggie meadow, April 14, 1664. Wit: Mary Goodale and Sam: Colby. Ack. in court 12: 2 mo: 1664." "William Allin (his A mark) of Salisbury releases Samuell Colby, late of Salisbury of a lost bill of twenty pounds, given for land he bought of me, March 16, 1667-8. Wit: Joh Pike and Moses Pike. Ack. March 16, 1667-8, before Robert Pike." Vol VI. Old Norfolk County Records. 1902, pg. 175. "Samuel Colby of Haverhill, planter for 10 pounds, conveyed to Jn Clough of salisbury, house carpenter, my division of upland, of 108 acres, in Salisbury new town, bounded by Robert Quenby, lot formerly of Mary Peasly, highway and Nathan Gold, April 23, 1668. Wit: Tho: Bradbury and John Bradbury. Ack. april 23, 1668, before Robert Pike, commissioner." Vol. VI. pg. 176. "George Martyn (his M mark) of Amsbery, blacksmith, conveyed to Samuel Colby of Haverhill, planter, 3 acres of meadow I had of Isaac Colby and which was formerly Mr. Bradburie's; bounded with Fox Island creek, Goodman Stevens, Mr. Winsly, Robert fitts and Richard Goodale, April 4, 1670. Wit: John Colby and tho: Currier. Ack. 12: 2 mo: 1670, in court at Salisbury. Grantor's wife, Susanna Martin released dower April 24, 1682, before Nath Saltonstall, assistant." Vol. VIII. 1904, pg. 40 From Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury, pg. 999: "In Apr., 1665, Nath'l Barnard and Samuel Colby deposed that they were "at the house of Heaniry Sawers" and read the court's order to Wid. Peasley concerning a division of land between Wid. Peasley and Thomas Barnard Jr. (her son-in-law), and she refused, etc. (Es. Co. Ct. Rec. vol. 3, p. 253). Samuel Colby was fined in 1665 for 'abusing a wench'. Samuel and Elizabeth owned a 'public house' or inn in amesbury in 1678. In 1686, he was acquitted of a charge of 'selling drink without alicense'. Samuel represented Amesbury in general court (Attorney?) in 1689. On Jul 22, 1692, Samuel signed a petition in favor of Mrs. Bradbury who was accused of witchcraft. SOURCES: (1) A History of Deerfield, Ma, by George Sheldon, Vol I, page 159; (2) Society of Colonial Wars, Index of Ancesters, 1922, page 113; (3) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick L. Weis, 1970, page 8; (4) Colby Clan Ancester Sheets, by Various members; (5) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt. Parents: Anthony COLBY and Susannah. Spouse: Elizabeth SARGENT. Samuel COLBY and Elizabeth SARGENT were married in 1667 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Dorothy COLBY, Elizabeth COLBY, Samuel COLBY, Infant Daughter COLBY, Philip COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 9 MAR 1671 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died in 1746 at Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He had administration granted for estate on 29 SEP 1746 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. In a letter to the Boston Transcript, a New England Genealogy publication, asks "I have read that three decendants of Anthony of Amesbury - Ruggles, Ambrose and Benjamin went to Wiscasset, Maine." This is true. In 1749, a petition was sent to the governor of Massachusetts (Maine was part of Mass untill 1820) asking that Wiscasset be made an independent town. This petition was signed by Ambrose, Ruggles, (Brothers) and Benj'n Colby. A similar petition was repeated in 1754 signed by Ambrose. The town was incorporated in 1760 as Pownalborough, in honor of Governor Pownall. It later was divided into three towns, Wiscasset, Dresden, and Alna. fron Lineage of Philander M. Colby of Arborville $ Bradshaw, Ne., and Spencer Colby of Hamilton County, Ne. by Claudia K. (Miller) Forster. Widow Dorothy was appointed administratrix of the estate of Samuel, 29 September 1746, and the estate was divided, 1748/1750. As Samuel Colby of Amesbury, son of Samuel Colby, deceased, he petitioned the General Court of Massachusetts for a grant of land west of the Connecticut River in Massachusetts for the services of his father in King Philip's War: the petition was not granted. SOURCES: (1) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970; (2) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (3) Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850. Amesbury. Parents: Samuel COLBY and Elizabeth SARGENT. Spouse: Dorothy AMBROSE. Samuel COLBY and Dorothy AMBROSE were married in 1693 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Elizabeth COLBY, Keziah COLBY, Samuel COLBY, Ambrose COLBY, Ensign Enoch COLBY, Susanna COLBY, Obadiah COLBY, Dorothy COLBY, Hezekiah COLBY, Ruggles COLBY, Abigail COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 19 APR 1698 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury, listed as Colbey.) He was living in 1768 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. SOURCES: (1) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: Samuel COLBY and Dorothy AMBROSE. Spouse: Anna NICHOLS. Samuel COLBY and Anna NICHOLS were married on 23 OCT 1718 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Samuel COLBY, Moses COLBY, Aaron COLBY, Gideon COLBY, Barzillai COLBY, Lydia COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 12 JUL 1714 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. SOURCES: (1). "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2). Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850. Birth; (3). "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: Philip COLBY and Anne WEBSTER. Spouse: Mrs Hannah COLBY. Samuel COLBY and Mrs Hannah COLBY were married before 1738 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Ichobod COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 20 DEC 1720 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. SOURCES: (1). "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2). Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury. Marriage listed as Collby; (3). "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: Samuel COLBY and Anna NICHOLS. Spouse: Sarah ASH. Samuel COLBY and Sarah ASH were married on 19 MAR 1746/47 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Children were: Samuel COLBY, Aaron COLBY, Ichabod COLBY, Lydia COLBY, Gideon COLBY, Moses COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 4 DEC 1731 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died young.. SOURCES: (1). "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2). Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850. Newbury. Listed as Colebe; (3). "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: Ambrose COLBY and Elizabeth LAWRENCE. Samuel COLBY was born on 18 FEB 1740 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) He was living in 1747. (BOOK SOURCES: (1). "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2). "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: Stephen COLBY and Elizabeth MAXFIELD. Spouse: Mary CARR. Samuel COLBY and Mary CARR were married on 28 AUG 1764 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Samuel, Marriage: Mary CARR, Date: 28 Aug 1764; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire.) Children were: Sarah COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 22 MAY 1740 in Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Name: Samuel Colbee Birthdate: 22 May 1740 Birthplace: Rumford, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States Father's name: Lot Colbee Mother's name: Ann Recording place: Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States Film number: 1000378 Digital GS number: 4243701 Image number: 02789 Collection: New Hampshire Birth Records, Early to 1900 He died on 11 MAY 1797 at Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. BOOK SOURCES: (1) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: Lot COLBY and Ann WALKER. Spouse: Sarah CUMMINGS. Samuel COLBY and Sarah CUMMINGS were married about 1763 in Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Children were: Sarah COLBY, Asa COLBY, Daniel COLBY, Lois COLBY, Lydia COLBY, Joseph COLBY Esq. (twin), Simeon COLBY (twin), Josiah Chase COLBY, Samuel Cummings COLBY, Amos COLBY, John COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 11 APR 1741 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He has Ancestral File Number XBRT-45. He died. SOURCES: (1). "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2). Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850. Amesbury; (3). "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: Nathan COLBY and Hannah WORTHEN. Samuel COLBY was born on 9 SEP 1746 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: Samuel COLBY and Sarah ASH. Sgt. Samuel COLBY was born on 15 OCT 1756 in Newton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000378; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) He was baptized on 6 MAY 1757 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died at Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. A Samuel of Dunbarton was a Rev. War soldier. SOURCES: (1) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970; (3) "History of Weare, New Hampshire 1735-1888" by William Little, pub. 1888. Parents: Moses COLBY and Mary SARGENT (twin). Spouse: Lucy PERKINS. Sgt. Samuel COLBY and Lucy PERKINS were married on 17 JAN 1797 in Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Samuel, Marriage: Lucy PERKINS, Date: 17 Jan 1797; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire. Children were: Hon. Simon Perkins COLBY, Lucy Perkins COLBY, Captain Jonathan G. COLBY. Spouse: Sally WATSON. Sgt. Samuel COLBY and Sally WATSON were married on 4 FEB 1807 in Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Samuel, Marriage: Sally WATSON Age: 25 years, Marriage Date: 04 Feb 1807; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire. Children were: Porter W. COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 1 NOV 1761 in Kingston, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He died on 12 AUG 1845 at Portland, Cumberland County, Maine. Buried at Portland's Eastern Cemetery. SOURCES: (1). Early Vital Records for Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850, Haverhill. At Kingston; (2). "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (3). "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: Philbrook COLBY and Susannah BRADLEY (twin). Spouse: Sally/Sarah MORSE. Samuel COLBY and Sally/Sarah MORSE were married on 2 JAN 1791 in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 9767; Index to vital records prior to 1892 for Maine.) They were married on 21 DEC 1791 in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine. Intent. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 9767; Index to vital records prior to 1892 for Maine.) Children were: Mary COLBY, Samuel COLBY, Jonathan Morse COLBY, Sally COLBY, Francis Paine COLBY, Susanna Bradley COLBY, Elizabeth COLBY, Nathaniel Morse COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 2 MAY 1761 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He served in the military in 1777. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution Volume 3 page 749 Colby, Samuel, Edgecomb. Return of men enlisted or hired to serve in the Continental Army sworn to at Newbury, Aug. 23, 1777; residence, Edgecomb; engaged for town of Newbury; joined Capt. Bayley's co., Col. Jackson's regt.; term, during war; also, descriptive list of enlisted men dated Jan. 1, 1781; age, 17 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 7½ in; complexion, dark; hair, black; occupation, yeoman; birthplace, Freetown; residence, Edgecomb, Lincoln Co.; enlisted Feb. 9, 1777, by Capt. Wiley at West Point; rank, Corporal; joined Capt. Peirce's (6th) co., Col. Michael Jackson's (8th) regt.; enlistment, during war; also, Capt. Matthew Chambers's co., Lieut. Col. Calvin Smith's (6th) regt.; return for wages for Dec. [year not given, probably 1781 or 1782]. He died on 1 FEB 1847 at Westport, Lincoln County, Maine. (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: Edmund COLBY and Susannah (COLBY). Spouse: Mary A. (Polly) SIMS. Samuel COLBY and Mary A. (Polly) SIMS were married on 18 MAY 1782 in West Point, Orange County, New York. Children were: William G. COLBY, Samuel COLBY, Benjamin COLBY, Mary COLBY, Cornelius COLBY, Rosannah COLBY, Edmund COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born about 1766 in Candia, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He died on 23 JUN 1834 at Derby, Orleans County, Vermont. Samuel carried his wife, Ruth, behind him on horseback to Derby, Vermont. Here they were among the pioneers of the settlement of the town. Samuel Colby, from Thornton, N.H., came to Derby in 1797, and made the first settlement on the farm now owned by Ralph Kelsea, where he reared a family of five children. Nehemiah, the oldest son, kept a store nearly all his life, and was postmaster nearly thirty years, where his son, George Colby, now resides. SOURCES: (1) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2) "History of Old Chester, New Hampshire from 1719 to 1869". by Benjamin Chase; (3) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: Enoch COLBY and Abigail BLAISDELL. Spouse: Ruth FRENCH. Samuel COLBY and Ruth FRENCH were married about 1785 in Candia, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Children were: Nehemiah COLBY, Infant Son COLBY, Infant Son COLBY, Sarah COLBY, Dr. Moses French COLBY, Ruth French COLBY, Emily COLBY. Samuel COLBY (twin) was born on 13 NOV 1775 in Conway, Carroll County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Early Eaton Records, Madison Historical Society.) He had administration granted for estate on 16 AUG 1813 in Butler County, Ohio. Phillip Drollinger appointed administer, Hannah Colby declined to administer. Parents: Joseph COLBY and Margery WILLIAMS. Spouse: Hannah DROLLINGER. Samuel COLBY (twin) and Hannah DROLLINGER were married on 14 APR 1810 in Butler County, Ohio. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 0355779; Marriage records, 1803-1930; index, 1803-1937 Ohio. Probate Court (Butler County).) Samuel COLBY was born on 30 DEC 1776 in Newton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000378; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) He died on 11 APR 1784 at Newton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. SOURCES: (1) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: John COLBY and Susanna DAVIS. Samuel COLBY was born on 22 JUL 1776 in Bow, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) He died on 2 APR 1815. He was a farmer in Dunbarton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. SOURCES: (1) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970; (3) "A Genealogy of the Descendants of Abraham Colby and Elizabeth Blaisdell, his wife Who settled in Bow in 1768" By one of them, Concord, NH Printed by the Republican Press Association 1895. Parents: Lieut. Thomas COLBY and Susannah COLBY. Spouse: Sarah PARTRIDGE. Samuel COLBY and Sarah PARTRIDGE were married about 1797. Children were: Mary COLBY, Sargent COLBY, Symmes Sawyer COLBY, Thomas B. COLBY, Mary P. COLBY, Samuel COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born in 1778. Parents: Noah COLBY and Elizabeth DAVIS. Spouse: Nancy
FISH. Samuel COLBY and Nancy FISH were married on 18 OCT 1801 in Wiscasset,
Lincoln County, Maine. (SOURCE: FHL Number 12309; COLBY, Samuel,
Marriage: Nancy FISH, Date: 18 Oct 1801; Recorded in: Civil Records for Wiscasset,
Lincoln, Maine.)
Samuel COLBY was born in 1780. He appeared in the census on 28 OCT 1850 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Occupants listed at this residence: Name Age/Sex Occupation Worth Birth School ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Samuel Colby 69 M Farmer $2,500 NH Mary 37 F NH Charles 36 M Farmer NH Abiah 31 F NH Samuel W. 27 M Farmer NH Francis D. 25 M NH ================================================== He died on 26 JUN 1853 at Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He was buried in the Coal Hearth Cemetery at Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire Parents: Sgt. Moses COLBY and Miriam BARNARD. Spouse: Judith S. COLBY. Samuel COLBY and Judith S. COLBY were married on 27 MAR 1811 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Samuel; Marriage: Judith COLBY; Date: 27 Mar 1811; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire.) Children were: Mary A. COLBY, Charles H. COLBY, Abiah COLBY, Samuel W. COLBY, Francis D. COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born about 1780 in Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census on 19 SEP 1850 in Sutton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census on 26 JUN 1860 in Sutton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He died on 2 SEP 1862 at Sutton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (BOOK SOURCE: "History of Weare, New Hampshire 1735-1888" by William Little, pub. 1888.) Parents: Levi COLBY and Elizabeth PAGE. Spouse: Hannah MARSHALL. Samuel COLBY and Hannah MARSHALL were married on 13 NOV 1800 in Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Samuel; Marriage: Hannah MARSHALL, Date: 13 Nov 1800; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire.) Children were: Eben COLBY, Eliza COLBY, Ruth COLBY, Hazen COLBY, Pamelia COLBY, Betsey A. COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 3 MAY 1783 in Oswego, Oswego County, New York. (SOURCE: Family Bible of Daniel Colby and Elizabeth Singer.) He died in MAY 1859 at New York. (SOURCE: Family Bible of Daniel Colby and Elizabeth Singer.) The accuracy of the descendants of Samuel is questionable. Second hand information. Parents: William COLBY and Eleanor LORD. Spouse: Mrs. Samuel COLBY. Samuel COLBY and Mrs. Samuel COLBY were married about 1800 in New York. Children were: Ellen COLBY, Orleana COLBY, Romelia COLBY, Daughter COLBY, Daughter COLBY. Spouse: Jemima NORTHRUP. Samuel COLBY and Jemima NORTHRUP were married about 1816. Children were: W. Dewitt C. COLBY, William Alexander COLBY, Thaddeus Sibbercus COLBY, De Lafayette COLBY, Artimissie COLBY, Samuel COLBY, James COLBY, Eleanor COLBY, Aurelia COLBY, Charles COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 16 JUN 1784 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: 1850 Massachusetts Census. Springfield, Hampden County, page 9. Age 65. Real Estate Value: $6,000.) He died on 30 OCT 1860 at Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: NEHGS, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910.) He was a farmer. (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: Lieut. Aaron COLBY and Abigail GREENFIELD. Spouse: Lucy NICHOLS. Samuel COLBY and Lucy NICHOLS were married on 15 NOV 1806 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: FHL Number 761209+; COLBY, Samuel, Marriage: Lucy NICHOLS, Date: 15 Nov 1806, Recorded in: Salem, Essex, Massachusetts.) Children were: Henry N. COLBY, Samuel COLBY, William Nichols COLBY. Spouse: Sally Parker GREENOUGH. Samuel COLBY and Sally Parker GREENOUGH were married on 26 JAN 1816 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: FHL Number 761209+; COLBY, Samuel; Marriage: Sally Parker GREENOUGH; Date: 26 Jan 1816; Salem, Essex, Massachusetts. Husband previously married.) Children were: Lucy S. COLBY, Augustus G. COLBY, Emily COLBY, John Abbot COLBY, Charlotte COLBY, Samuel COLBY, Abba Greenough COLBY, Jeremiah G. COLBY, Warren Abbot COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 4 OCT 1786 in Pembroke, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) He appeared in the census on 12 AUG 1850 in Auburn, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Occupants listed at this residence: Name Age/Sex Occupation Worth Birth School ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Samuel Colby 63 M Farmer $1,600 NH Lydia 54 F NH John 65 M NH Insane ================================================== He appeared in the census in 1870 in Pembroke, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He died on 1 AUG 1879 at Pembroke, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He was buried in the Pembroke Street Cemetery at Pembroke, Merrimack County, New Hampshire SOURCES: (1) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2) History of Old Chester, New Hampshire from 1719 to 1869. by Benjamin Chase; (3) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: Reverend Zaccheus COLBY and Mary CALIF. Spouse: Lydia COULT. Samuel COLBY and Lydia COULT were married about 1819. Children were: Helen Maria COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 9 OCT 1792 in Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) He appeared in the census on 17 AUG 1850 in Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. SOURCES: (1) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt; (2) "History of Weare, New Hampshire 1735-1888" by William Little, pub. 1888; (3) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970. Parents: Winthrop COLBY and Abigail NICHOLS. Spouse: Sophia RICHARDSON. Samuel COLBY and Sophia RICHARDSON were married on 28 MAR 1824 in Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Samuel Age: 32 years, Marriage: Sophia RICHARDSON Age: 24 years, Date: 28 Mar 1824; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire. Children were: Emeline G. COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born on 7 MAR 1795 in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine. (SOURCE: FHL 12011; Civil Records for Portland, Cumberland County, Maine.) Parents: Samuel COLBY and Sally/Sarah MORSE. Samuel COLBY was born in 1795 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (living with son Samuel H. Colby.) He died on 11 NOV 1886 at Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He was buried in the Stumpfield Cemetery at Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire Parents: Daniel COLBY and Elizabeth GILMAN. Spouse: Mary STRAW. Samuel COLBY and Mary STRAW were married on 28 SEP 1824 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Samuel, Marriage: Mary STRAW; Date: 28 Sep 1824; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire.) Children were: Samuel Harvey COLBY, Edward G. COLBY, Lydia J. COLBY, Frank P. COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born about 1796 in Westport, Lincoln County, Maine. He died young. He has Ancestral File Number 12M7-KWL. (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: Nehemiah COLBY and Hannah BAKER. Samuel COLBY was born in 1797 in Westport, Lincoln County, Maine. Parents: Samuel COLBY and Mary A. (Polly) SIMS. Spouse: Betsey CROMWELL. Samuel COLBY and Betsey CROMWELL were married on 2 FEB 1819 in Edgecomb, Lincoln County, Maine. Children were: Samuel COLBY. ![]() Occupants listed at this residence: Name Age/Sex Occupation Worth Birth School ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam Colby 52 M Farmer $600 NH Maria A. Colby 47 F NH Christopher C. 17 M Farmer NH Y John D. 13 M NH Y Charles M. 11 M NH Y Henry 9 M NH Y Leava A. 6 F NH Y =================================================== He appeared in the census on 1 JUL 1860 in Springfield, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census in 1870 in Springfield, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. He died on 3 JAN 1878 at Springfield, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. He was buried in the Old Pleasant View Cemetery at Springfield, Sullivan County, New Hampshire (Old Pleasant View Cemetery.) Parents: Capt. Philip COLBY and Abra GREELEY. Spouse: Maria ADAMS. Capt. Samuel COLBY and Maria ADAMS were married on 13 NOV 1831 in New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Sam, Marriage: Maria ADAMS, Date: 13 Nov 1831; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire.) Children were: Christopher Columbus COLBY, Hellen Augusta COLBY, John Demetrius COLBY, Charles Madison COLBY, Henry Adams COLBY, Leora Maria COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born in 1799 in Thornton, Grafton County, New Hampshire. He died on 30 MAY 1833 at Thornton, Grafton County, New Hampshire. He was buried in the Large Cemetery at Thornton, Grafton County, New Hampshire (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: Deacon Abner COLBY and Ruth CHENEY. Spouse: Eliza NUTTER. Samuel COLBY and Eliza NUTTER were married on 2 NOV 1825 in Thornton, Grafton County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, Samuel, Marriage: Eliza NUTTER, Date: 02 Nov 1825; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire.) Children were: John M. COLBY. Samuel COLBY was born in SEP 1801 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850. Newburyport.) Parents: John COLBY and Abigail PEARSON. Samuel COLBY was born on 10 JUL 1801 in Webster (Sabattus), Androscoggin County, Maine. Parents: James COLBY and Maria WOOD. Samuel COLBY was born on 13 JAN 1805 in Ogden, Monroe County, New York. He appeared in the census in 1850 in Plymouth, Rock County, Wisconsin. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Spring Grove, Green County, Wisconsin. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Oregon, Ogle County, Illinois. (See son-in-law Samuel Babcock) He died on 27 OCT 1893 at Fayette County, Iowa. COLBY, Samuel was born 13 Jan 1805 in Ogden, Monroe Co NY. His father died in Sept 1809, and his mother in 1818. Samuel is the last of a family of seven children, three sons and four daughters. He settled in Oakland Co, MI near Pontiac, 20 Apr 1826. He was married 25 May 1829, to Eliza Douglas, a native of Oneida Co, NY who came to Oakland county when six years old. In March, 1841, Mr and Mrs Colby came to Rock Co, WI bought land in Plymouth, made a farm and lived there thirteen years, then sellout, purchased land in this town (now owned by Cyrus I Putnam), and lived on the same until 1866, then, after renting the place one year, sold out to Mr Putnam. Two years later they spent one season in Fayette Co, IA, then living one year in Brodhead, went to Rock county, buying a farm in Spring Valley, and lived there until 1882, then came to this town to live with his son David Colby. Mrs Colby died in Brodhead 19 Dec 1868. Mr Colby has six children living: William b 14 Oct 1830, now living in Fayette Co, IA; George, b 17 Oct 1832, resident of Decatur Co KS; James H b 20 April 1834, living in West Union, IA; Melissa b 19 Oct 1836; wife of S J Babcock of Decatur Co KS; Samuel F b 18 Aug 1843. The last was born in Rock county, the others in MI. His son David, with whom Mr Colby lives, was b 28 Nov 1835. He owns a farm on section 35, where he lives. David served in company I, 46th WI Volunteers until the regiment was mustered out. He was married 26 Feb 1863, to Julia A Martin, dau of one of the early settlers, Joseph W Martin. Mr Martin enlisted in the 13th reg WI Vol and died at Chattanooga, TN Mr Martins wife died at West Union, IA in 1881. David Colby, after his return from the army, settled upon his present farm and has since lived there. While in the service his wife lived with her mother. Mr and Mrs Colby have had ten children: Adill, b 31 Dec 1864, wife of Abraham Barker; Elva and Alva B, twins, b 22 Jan 1867; the latter died 8 April 1880; Ada F b 16 Feb 1869; Samuel W b 30 May 1871; Frank F b 15 Sept 1873; and died 6 April 1880; Walter G b 21 March 1876; Bertha b 14 Aug 1877; and died 8 April 1880; Roy R b 23 Mar 1880; Earl, b 19 April 1882. Source: 1884 History of Green Co., WI, Union Publishing Co, Springfield, IL page 1086. Parents: Ephraim COLBY and Lydia TUCKER. Spouse: Eliza DOUGLAS. Samuel COLBY and Eliza DOUGLAS were married on 25 MAY 1828 in Oakland County, Michigan. SOURCE: FHL Number 973979; COLBY, Samuel, Marriage: Eliza DOUGLAS, Date: 25 May 1828; Recorded in: Oakland, Michigan. Children were: William COLBY, George COLBY, James H. COLBY, David COLBY, Mary COLBY, Melissa COLBY, Samuel F. COLBY. |