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COLE was born date unknown. Spouse: Hannah HILTON. John COLE and Hannah HILTON were married in 1713. Louise COLE was born about 1912. Spouse: Elmer Clyde COLBY. Elmer Clyde COLBY and Louise COLE were married about 1932. Lydia A. COLE was born in 1834 in Maine. She appeared in the census on 12 JUN 1860 in Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine. Spouse: James Llewellyn Duncon WARE. James Llewellyn Duncon WARE and Lydia A. COLE were married on 17 DEC 1855 in Deer Isle, Hancock County, Maine. Mabel COLE was born on 26 JAN 1880 in Salem, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census in JUL 1880 in Salem, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (living at home with father and mother) Parents: Wallace Woodbury COLE and Ida Dow COLBY. Margaret COLE was born about 1597. She died on 1 MAR 1675/76 at Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts. Spouse: Richard KIMBALL. Richard KIMBALL and Margaret COLE were married on 26 OCT 1661. Maria Polly COLE was born in 1736 in Kingston, Ulster County, New York. She died after 1770. She has Ancestral File Number GMH2-DN. Parents: Jacob COOL and Sarah DAVENPORT. Spouse: Matthias BOVEE. Matthias BOVEE and Maria Polly COLE were married about 1754 in Montgomery, Orange County, New York. Children were: Cornelia BOVEE, Sarah BOVEE, Nicholas M. BOVEE, Maria Polly BOVEE, Jacob N. BOVEE, John BOVEE, Abraham BOVEE, Henry BOVEE. Martha Trow COLE was born in 1808 in Vermont. She appeared in the census on 30 OCT 1850 in Lyman, Grafton County, New Hampshire. She died on 27 FEB 1889. Spouse: Stephen HADLEY. Stephen HADLEY and Martha Trow COLE were married about 1834. Children were: Martha Malvina HADLEY, Mary E. HADLEY, Sarah Jane HADLEY, Cynthia A. HADLEY, Hellen J. HADLEY. Minnie F. COLE was born on 25 APR 1882 in Salem, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Wallace Woodbury COLE and Ida Dow COLBY. Olive Diantha COLE was born on 20 JAN 1834 in Farmington, Oakland County, Michigan. She died on 14 SEP 1920. She was buried in Deerfield, Lapeer County, Michigan. Spouse: Abner Colby FOLSOM M.D.. Abner Colby FOLSOM M.D. and Olive Diantha COLE were married on 2 OCT 1850. Children were: Marvin Eugene FOLSOM, Abner Lorenzo FOLSOM, Manley E. FOLSOM, Mary Ruth FOLSOM, George C. FOLSOM, Olive Marella FOLSOM. Sarah COLE was born on 24 JUN 1710 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Daughter of Philip and Mary Cole. Spouse: Hezekiah COLBY. Hezekiah COLBY and Sarah COLE were married on 3 SEP 1730 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Susanna COLBY, Susanna COLBY, Sarah COLBY, Mary COLBY, Hezekiah COLBY, Joshua COLBY, Makepeace COLBY, Ambrose COLBY, Spencer COLBY, Ambrose COLBY. Susanna COLE was born in 1623 in England. She died in 1662 at Wethersfield, Hartford County, Connecticut. @T4080@ Spouse: Matthew WILLIAMS. Matthew WILLIAMS and Susanna COLE were married in 1644 in Wethersfield, Hartford County, Connecticut. Children were: Samuel WILLIAMS, Amos WILLIAMS, Matthew WILLIAMS, Ruth WILLIAMS, Matthew WILLIAMS. Wallace Woodbury COLE was born on 19 NOV 1855 in Massachusetts. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Salem, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He died on 8 SEP 1937 at Salem, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Name: Wallace W. Cole Titles & Terms (Original): Titles & Terms (Standardized): Death Date (Original): 08 Sep 1937 Death Date (Standardized): 08 Sep 1937 Death Place: Salem, , New Hampshire Gender: Male Race (Original): Race (Standardized): Age: Estimated Birth Year: Birthplace: Marital Status: Spouse: Anna O. Currier Spouse's Titles & Terms (Original): Spouse's Titles & Terms (Standardized): Father: Ephriam Cole Father's Titles & Terms (Original): Father's Titles & Terms (Standardized): Father's Birthplace: Mother: Sarah Spafford Mother's Titles & Terms (Original): Mother's Titles & Terms (Standardized): Mother's Birthplace: Burial Place: Burial Date: Clerk's Locality: Informant's Locality: Film Number: 2078690 Digital Folder Number: 4242863 Image Number: 1265 Reference Number: Collection: New Hampshire Death Records, 1654-1947 He was buried on 11 SEP 1937 in the Pine Grove Cemetery at Salem, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Spouse: Ida
Dow COLBY. Wallace Woodbury COLE and Ida Dow COLBY were married on 24 DEC
1878 in Salem, Rockingham County, New Hampshire.
Caroline COLEMAN was born about 1825. Spouse: Thaddeus Sibbercus COLBY. Thaddeus Sibbercus COLBY and Caroline COLEMAN were married on 11 MAR 1853 in Indiana. Children were: Joseph COLBY. Jabez COLEMAN was born on 27 MAY 1668 in Kingston, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He died on 2 SEP 1724 at Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Killed by Indians. Spouse: Mary PRESCOTT. Jabez COLEMAN and Mary PRESCOTT were married on 2 NOV 1699 in Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Children were: Joseph COLEMAN. Joseph COLEMAN was born on 23 SEP 1701 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He died on 7 SEP 1724 at Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Killed by the Indians. Parents: Jabez COLEMAN and Mary PRESCOTT. Spouse: Margaret (COLEMAN). Joseph COLEMAN and Margaret (COLEMAN) were married about 1720. Children were: Phebe COLEMAN, Margaret COLEMAN. Margaret COLEMAN was born on 5 DEC 1723 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Parents: Joseph COLEMAN and Margaret (COLEMAN). Spouse: Jacob HOYT. Jacob HOYT and Margaret COLEMAN were married on 21 NOV 1743 in Rumford (Concord), Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Phebe COLEMAN was born on 28 OCT 1721 in Kingston, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Daughter of Joseph Coleman, Parents: Joseph COLEMAN and Margaret (COLEMAN). Spouse: Abraham COLBY (twin). Abraham COLBY (twin) and Phebe COLEMAN were married on 6 FEB 1738/39 in Kingston, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL film 0599730 Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Listed in the Vital Records for Amesbury, Massachusetts.) Children were: Sarah/Phebe COLBY, Mary COLBY, Meribah COLBY, Abraham COLBY, Margaret COLBY, Phebe COLBY, Martha COLBY, Colman COLBY, Hubbard COLBY. Thomas COLEMAN was born about 1615. He removed to Nantucket, from Newbury before 1673. (NEHGR (1859) Vol. 13, p. 200). Thomas wrote his name as COULTMAN. He can from England in the "James," which arrived at Boston, 3 June 1635, and settled in Newbury, MA., the same year. He was one of the partners or purchases, of one-twentieth part, of the island of Nantucket, in 1659, Being of those chosen by the first ten purchasers, as partners. He was on a Jury there, 20 Oct 1673. <The Fowler Family, (STICKNEY), 1883, p. 18>. Margaret was Thomas third wife. (Fowler:18). Resided in Salisbury and Nantucket MA. Spouse: Margaret FOWLER. Thomas COLEMAN and Margaret FOWLER were married before 1670. Vinnie COLEMAN has Ancestral File Number DX4N-P4. Spouse: Leonard CARTER. Leonard CARTER and Vinnie COLEMAN were married on 3 APR 1937. Elizabeth COLES was born date unknown. She is reference number 1325. Spouse: John TOWNSEND. John TOWNSEND and Elizabeth COLES were married date unknown. Children were: John TOWNSEND. James Boorman COLGATE was born on 4 MAR 1818 in New York City, New York County, New York. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Yonkers, Westchester County, New York. Census Place: 3rd Ward, Yonker, Westchester, New York Source: FHL Film 1254947 National Archives Film T9-0947 Page 596C Relation Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace Jas B. COLGATE Self M M W 62 NY Occ: Banker Fa: ENG Mo: ENG Susan F. COLGATE Wife F M W 62 NH Occ: Keeps House Fa: NH Mo: MA Mary COLGATE Dau F S W 23 NH Fa: NY Mo: NH ========================================================== A banker; president of the board of trustees of Colgate University, Hamilton, New York; which he endowed. He was the son of William Colgate and Mary Gilbert. COLGATE, James Boorman, banker and philanthropist, was born in New York city, March 4, 1818; son of William and Mary (Gilbert) Colgate; and grandson of Robert and Mary (Bowles) Colgate, who emigrated from the county of Kent, England, in 1795, to escape persecution as sympathizers with the American colonists during the Revolution. Robert Colgate received notification of the enmity of the government from Pitt, a friend of his boyhood. First settling in Maryland, he removed to New York City and thence to Delaware County, N.Y., where he died suddenly while preparing to conduct religious services in a schoolhouse, at the age of sixty-five years. James Boorman was prepared for college in schools in New York city and in Connecticut. When sixteen years old he decided to abandon a college course and devote himself to a business life. He began as shipping clerk and rose to the position of book-keeper in the house of Boorman, Johnston & Co., importers. After seven years' service as clerk he made a trip to Europe for the benefit of his health and on his return in 1843 engaged in the wholesale dry goods business, organizing the firm of Colgate & Abbe. In 1852 he associated himself with John B. Trevor as Trevor & Colgate, dealers in stock and other securities. In 1857 they added to the business a bullion and specie department to which Mr. Colgate gave his personal attention. He helped to organize and was for three years president of the first gold exchange. In 1873 the firm name was changed to James B. Colgate & Co., and the firm was still in business on Wall street at the close of the nineteenth century. In this long period of existence, covering nearly half a century, it never felt the effect of a panic so as to fail to meet a single obligation. Mr. Colgate was a close student of the principles underlying and governing the financial dealings of the world and was a strenuous advocate of the remonetization of silver. His papers on this subject were very widely read. When a clerk receiving fifty dollars a year as salary, he reserved a portion for benevolent purposes and continued the practice during his life. In 1869, with his partner, Mr. Trevor, he built and presented to the Warburton avenue Baptist church, Yonkers, N.Y., appropriate church buildings, and subsequently one for the use of the colored Baptists of Yonkers. To Madison university, of which institution his father was an incorporator and he a trustee from 1861, and president of the board of trustees from 1864, he repeatedly contributed, not only to its endowment but to its material equipment. He erected Colgate academy and Colgate library as a memorial to his parents. In 1890 the board of trustees, with the consent of the alumni, in view of the benefactions of the Colgate family for several generations, changed the name of the institution to Colgate university. In 1891 Mr. Colgate established the Dodge memorial fund in memory of President Ebenezer Dodge. The principal, $1,000,000, is held by three trustees, and the interest is paid, one half to the university and one half added to the principal. In 1903 he gave $100,000 more. To Colby academy, New London, N. H.; to Rochester university; to Peddle institute; to Columbian university, Washington, D. C.; to Rochester theological seminary; to Cook academy, and to numerous needy churches and associations he was a liberal benefactor. Mr. Colgate was married in 1844 to S. Ellen Hoyt of Utica, N.Y., by whom he had one son, William Hoyt Colgate. Mrs. Colgate died in 1846 and in 1851 he was married to Susan F., daughter of Gov. Anthony Colby of New London, N. H. His children by this marriage were Mary and James Colby Colgate. Spouse: Susan Farnum COLBY. James Boorman COLGATE and Susan Farnum COLBY were married on 19 FEB 1851 in New London, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLGATE, J. B. , Marriage: S. F. COLBY, Date: 19 Feb 1851; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire. Children were: Mary COLGATE, James Colby COLGATE. James Colby COLGATE was born on 23 MAY 1863 in Yonkers, Westchester County, New York. He died on 26 FEB 1944 at Bennington, Bennington County, Vermont. (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: James Boorman COLGATE and Susan Farnum COLBY. Spouse: Hope Hubbell CONKLING. James Colby COLGATE and Hope Hubbell CONKLING were married on 4 JUN 1890 in Ben Venue, Bennington County, Vermont. Mary COLGATE was born on 26 DEC 1826 in New York City, New York County, New York. Daughter of Deacon William Colgate. She died on 12 DEC 1873 at New York City, New York County, New York. The cause of death was listed as cancer. Mary attended the Utica Female Academy in Utica, New York. Spouse: Robert Lane COLBY M.D.. Robert Lane COLBY M.D. and Mary COLGATE were married on 23 FEB 1854 in New York City, New York County, New York. Children were: Jesse COLBY, William Colgate COLBY, Mary Colgate COLBY. Mary COLGATE was born on 2 AUG 1857 in New London, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Yonkers, Westchester County, New York. (living with father) She died on 24 OCT 1936 at New York City, New York County, New York. Mary was not married. She was a graduate of Vassar College in 1879, Phi Beta Kappa, and an editor of Vassar Miscellany. She promoted many philanthropies during her live (sixty years in Yonkers), one of which was an administration building to Colby Junior College at New London, then known as Colby Academy; and another, the presentation of a new chapel building to Colgate University in memory of her father in 1918. Shortly before she died she provided funds for the construction of a president's house for Colby College, which was dedicated in 1937 on the occasion of the institution's one hundredth anniversary. In 1926 she presented valuable oil paintings of Union Square in New York, and two Hudson River views to the Yonkers Museum of Science and Art. Mary was a member of the Warburton Avenue Baptist Church in Yonkers, and was active in the field of foreign missions. She endowed a number of Christian churches in various missionary fields, and in 1923 made a trip around the world to visit mission stations, especially Baptist Churches, in Japan, China India and Burma. (BOOK SOURCE: "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, The Colonial Press, pub 1970.) Parents: James Boorman COLGATE and Susan Farnum COLBY. Alice COLLINS was born on 25 DEC 1751 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000378; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) She died young. Parents: Richard COLLINS and Ann FOWLER. Alice COLLINS was born on 12 JUL 1760 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000378; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: Richard COLLINS and Ann FOWLER. Allice COLLINS was born on 17 DEC 1715 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) She has Ancestral File Number KFBH-8X. Parents: Ephraim COLLINS and Esther SHORTRIDGE. Anna COLLINS was born on 1 FEB 1679 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) She has Ancestral File Number 24TX-4G. Parents: Benjamin COLLINS and Martha EATON. Anna COLLINS was born on 8 JAN 1754 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000378; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) She died on 19 APR 1839 at Springfield, Erie County, Pennsylvania. Parents: Richard COLLINS and Ann FOWLER. Spouse: Samuel CURRIER. Samuel CURRIER and Anna COLLINS were married on 25 JAN 1780 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Children were: Reuben CURRIER, John CURRIER, Sarah CURRIER, Samuel CURRIER, Ezekiel CURRIER, Abner CURRIER, Anna CURRIER. Anna COLLINS was born on 19 MAR 1781 in Salisbury, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000378; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: John COLLINS and Sarah CHALLIS. Annie E. COLLINS was born on 11 JUN 1844 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. She appeared in the census in 1870 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts. She appeared in the census on 14 JUN 1880 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. She appeared in the census on 5 JUN 1900 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. She died on 22 OCT 1915 at Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts. Name: Ann K Colby Death date: 22 Oct 1915 Death place: Haverhill,,Massachusetts Gender: Female Race or color (expanded): White Age in years: 71 Estimated birth year: Birthdate: 11 Jun 1844 Birthplace: Amesbury, Massachusetts Marital status: Widowed Spouse's name: John Colby Father's name: Joseph Collins Mother's name: Lucy Gale Film number: 2407888 Digital GS number: 4284298 Image number: 01838 Reference number: 223 Collection: Massachusetts, Death Records, 1841 - 1915 Spouse: John L. COLBY. John L. COLBY and Annie E. COLLINS were married on 27 NOV 1862 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: NEHGS, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910.) Children were: William Henry COLBY, Fred Orin COLBY. Annie M. COLLINS. Spouse: John L. SARGENT. John L. SARGENT and Annie M. COLLINS were married on 10 APR 1885. Children were: Ruth E. SARGENT. Augusta A. COLLINS was born on 7 JUL 1845 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000378; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) She appeared in the census in 1860 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (living at grandfather Colby's home with father.) Parents: Er C. COLLINS and Mary G. COLBY. Benjamin COLLINS was born in 1640 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died on 10 DEC 1683 at Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) He has Ancestral File Number 24TX-CN. Spouse: Martha EATON. Benjamin COLLINS and Martha EATON were married on 5 SEP 1668 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) Children were: Mary COLLINS, John COLLINS, Samuel COLLINS, Anna COLLINS, Benjamin COLLINS, Ephraim COLLINS. Benjamin COLLINS was born on 29 MAY 1681 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) He died on 29 APR 1759 at Lebanon, New London County, Connecticut. He was buried in Columbia, Tolland County, Connecticut. He has Ancestral File Number 24TZ-PJ. Parents: Benjamin COLLINS and Martha EATON. Benjamin COLLINS was born on 5 DEC 1699 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: Samuel COLLINS and Sarah WHITE. Benjamin COLLINS was born on 31 AUG 1722 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) He has Ancestral File Number KF96-VP. Parents: Ephraim COLLINS and Esther SHORTRIDGE. Benjamin COLLINS was born on 26 APR 1747 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Richard COLLINS and Ann FOWLER. Cartlet COLLINS was born on 5 AUG 1769 in Salisbury, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000378; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: John COLLINS and Sarah CHALLIS. Charles COLLINS was born on 19 NOV 1738 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died in 1807 at Newton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Joseph COLLINS and Hannah SARGENT. Spouse: Dorothy CURRIER. Charles COLLINS and Dorothy CURRIER were married on 22 NOV 1760 in Newton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Children were: Mary COLLINS, Dolly COLLINS, Sarah COLLINS, Hannah COLLINS, Joseph COLLINS. Charles COLLINS was born on 5 OCT 1764 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000378; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: John COLLINS and Sarah CHALLIS. Chellis E. COLLINS was born on 15 NOV 1853 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (living at grandfather Colby's home with father.) He appeared in the census in 1870 in Canaan, Grafton County, New Hampshire. (lving at home with father and step-mother.) Parents: Er C. COLLINS and Mary G. COLBY. ![]() Name: Clara E. Colby Titles & Terms (Original): Titles & Terms (Standardized): Death Date (Original): 18 Oct 1937 Death Date (Standardized): 18 Oct 1937 Death Place: Portsmouth, , New Hampshire Gender: Female Race (Original): Race (Standardized): Age: Estimated Birth Year: Birthplace: Marital Status: Spouse: George Madison Colby Spouse's Titles & Terms (Original): Spouse's Titles & Terms (Standardized): Father: Abner Collins Father's Titles & Terms (Original): Father's Titles & Terms (Standardized): Father's Birthplace: Mother: Elizabeth M. Weeks Mother's Titles & Terms (Original): Mother's Titles & Terms (Standardized): Mother's Birthplace: Burial Place: Burial Date: Clerk's Locality: Informant's Locality: Film Number: 2078689 Digital Folder Number: 4242810 Image Number: 2754 Reference Number: Collection: New Hampshire Death Records, 1654-1947 She was buried on 31 OCT 1937 in the Freewill Baptist Cemetery at Kittery, York County, Maine Spouse: George Madison COLBY. George Madison COLBY and Clara E. COLLINS were married on 21 JUN 1899 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: NEHGS, Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910.) Daniel COLLINS was born on 22 JUN 1787 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000378; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: Jacob COLLINS and Judith COLBY. David Osgood COLLINS was born on 28 MAY 1805 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Timothy COLLINS and Jane OSGOOD. ![]() Spouse: Philip CURRIER. Philip CURRIER and Dolly COLLINS were married on 1 JUN 1779 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Children were: Philip CURRIER, Charles CURRIER, Ruth CURRIER, Thomas CURRIER, Dorothy CURRIER, Hannah CURRIER, Lydia CURRIER, Joseph CURRIER, Betsey CURRIER, Sarah CURRIER. Enoch COLLINS was born on 22 JAN 1773 in Salisbury, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000378; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: John COLLINS and Sarah CHALLIS. Enos COLLINS was born on 11 NOV 1767 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000379; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: Jacob COLLINS and Eunice FLANDERS. Enos COLLINS was born on 20 SEP 1775 in Salisbury, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000379; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: John COLLINS and Sarah CHALLIS. Ephraim COLLINS was born on 30 SEP 1683 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) He has Ancestral File Number 24TZ-QP. Parents: Benjamin COLLINS and Martha EATON. Spouse: Esther SHORTRIDGE. Ephraim COLLINS and Esther SHORTRIDGE were married about 1708 in Portsmouth, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Children were: Richard COLLINS, Allice COLLINS, William COLLINS, Ephriam COLLINS Jr., Benjamin COLLINS, Mary COLLINS. |