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V. CURRIER was born on 18 JUL 1839 in Deerfield, Rockingham County, New Hampshire.
She appeared in the census on 26 JUN 1860 in Manchester, Hillsborough County,
New Hampshire. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents:
Daniel Page CURRIER and Lavina K. STEVENS. Susana CURRIER was born on 22 JAN 1739 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: Ebenezer CURRIER and Anne JONES. Susanna CURRIER was born on 27 OCT 1757 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newbury.) She died on 25 FEB 1792. Parents: William CURRIER and Tabitha PETTINGILL. Susanna Mary CURRIER was born on 6 FEB 1805 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newburyport.) She died on 8 FEB 1875. Parents: Nathaniel CURRIER and Phebe ADAMS. Susannah CURRIER was born on 29 MAR 1753 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. She died in JUL 1838. Parents: Nathaniel CURRIER and Susanna MORRILL. Spouse: Nathaniel BEAN. Nathaniel BEAN and Susannah CURRIER were married in DEC 1769 in Salisbury, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Children were: Nathaniel BEAN. Tabethy CURRIER was born on 9 FEB 1793 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000491; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: Theophilus CURRIER and Sally/Sarah HACKETT. Tabith CURRIER was born on 28 DEC 1771 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: Timothy CURRIER and Anna (CURRIER). Tabitha CURRIER was christened/baptized on 16 JUL 1749 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newbury.) Parents: William CURRIER and Tabitha PETTINGILL. Tabitha CURRIER was born on 28 DEC 1771 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Spouse: Stephen OSGOOD. Stephen OSGOOD and Tabitha CURRIER were married on 19 JUN 1794 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Children were: Stephen OSGOOD. Theodate CURRIER was born on 30 MAR 1785 in Deerfield, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Daniel CURRIER and Hannah BATCHELDER. Theophilus CURRIER was born on 4 APR 1732 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) He died on 15 DEC 1785 at Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Parents: Ebenezer CURRIER and Judith OSGOOD. Spouse: Sarah LISTER. Theophilus CURRIER and Sarah LISTER were married on 2 SEP 1762 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Children were: William S. CURRIER, Enoch CURRIER, William CURRIER, Theophilus CURRIER, Judith CURRIER. Theophilus CURRIER was born on 7 OCT 1770. Parents: Theophilus CURRIER and Sarah LISTER. Spouse: Sally/Sarah HACKETT. Theophilus CURRIER and Sally/Sarah HACKETT were married on 19 AUG 1792. Children were: Tabethy CURRIER, Phebe CURRIER, Enoch CURRIER, Issacher CURRIER, Sally CURRIER, Cyrus CURRIER, Rufus CURRIER, Horace CURRIER. Thomas CURRIER was born on 18 MAR 1645/46 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) He signed a will on 26 AUG 1708 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. In the Name of God. Amen. I, Thomas Currier, Sr., of the town of Amesbury, in the County of Essex, in her Majesty's Province of ye Massachusetts Bay, in New England, being of perfect mind and memory, through the goodness of God, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form as followeth: First and principally, I commend my Spirit to God who gave it, and my body to the dust fromwhence it was taken, decently to be buried at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named, in the hope of a Joyful Resurrection to Life eternal at the last day through the perfect merits of Christ my Redeemer. Nextly, as for my worldly goods and estate, after payment of my just and honest debts, I dispose of as followeth, viz: Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Currier three of those lots appertaining to that tract of land where his dwelling house now stands, and that piece of swamp that the town gave me joining to said lots; I mean the three eastwardmost lots. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Richard Currier one-third part, which is all of my part, of a lot of salt marsh lying in Salisbury in a place called the Higgledy-piggledy, which was formerly the marsh of George Carr, Sr., late of Salisbury, deceased; and also my lot in the Threescore Acres in Amesbury, commonly so called, near the Indian ground; also I do order my executors hereinafter named to pay him fifteen pounds in good pay within four years after my decease. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Currier one shilling and for this reason, that I have already given him under my hand and seal in a deed of gift a parcel of land in Salisbury which I bought of Benony Tucker. Item. I give and bequeath to my son William Currier two lots of land in Amesbury, in a place called Whicher's hill division; I mean the two eastwardmost lots of that tract of land where his house now stands. Item. I give and bequeath to my son John Currier the other two lots adjoining to William's, westwardly of William's. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Currier the one-half of a lot of land lying in Amesbury, in a place called Red Oak Hill, that end of said lot next Birchen meadow, and also the one-half of a meadow lot in Salisbury, in a place called the Higgledy-piggledy. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Daniel Currier the other half of the above said lot at Red Oak Hill, and also the other half of the meadow lot in Salisbury, formerly his said grandfather's. Item. I give and bequeath to my two sons Benjamin and Ebenezer Currier, to be divided between them in equal proportions, my homestead, together with all the houses, orchards and other privileges and commodities and appurtenances thereto belonging, and if either of them should die without leaving issue then their part to be divided amongst my other sons, and if there should be a widow or widows belonging to those two sons above named then she that may be so left shall have twenty pounds in good merchantable pay paid to her or them by my other sons as a dowry. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary, now wife to Robert Hoyt, twelve pounds more than what she has already had in good pay out of my personal estate, to be paid by my executors within two years after my decease. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Anne, now wife to Samuel Barnard, twelve pounds more than she has already had in good pay out of my personal estate, to be paid by my executors within two years after my decease. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Ebenezer Currier my lot of marsh in Salisbury, at the beach, that I had of his grandfather Osgood. Item. I give and bequeath to my son John Currier one-third part of a lot of marsh in Salisbury, that I had of Mr. George Goldwyre, which is all of my part of said lot. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Ebenezer Currier one lot in Lion's Mouth, commonly so called, next to his brother Thomas Currier's lots; said lot was formerly John Hoyt's, deceased. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Benjamin Currier the half of the Higgledy-piggledy lot of marsh in Salisbury I had of William Sargent, deceased; I mean all of my right in said lot. Item. I give and bequeath all my part of a sawmill in Salisbury, that is a full quarter part of said mill, to my nine sons, equal shares alike. Item. I give and bequeath to my son-in-law John Stevens one shilling as a legacy. Item. And I do appoint, make, constitute and ordain my sons Benjamin and Ebenezer Currier joint executors to this my last will and testament. As witness my hand and seal, this twenty-sixth day of August int the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eight, and in the seventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the faith, etc. THOMAS CURRIER, Sr." (L. S.) Signed, sealed, acknowledged, published and declared by said Thomas Currier, Sr., as his last will and testament in the presence of us. HANNAH X FOOT [her mark] Witnesses BEN. EASTMAN JOS. BROWN Essex, ss. Ipswich, November 3, 1712. Source: Probate Records of Essex County, Docket # 6864 He died on 27 SEP 1712 at Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) He will was proved on 3 NOV 1712 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He has Ancestral File Number 84PS-L4. (BOOK SOURCE: "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury Massachusetts" by David W. Hoyt.) Parents: Richard CURRIER and Ann (CURRIER). Spouse: Mary OSGOOD. Thomas CURRIER and Mary OSGOOD were married on 9 DEC 1668 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Children were: Hannah CURRIER, Thomas CURRIER, Captain Richard CURRIER, Samuel CURRIER, Mary CURRIER, Ann CURRIER, William CURRIER, John CURRIER, Ebenezer CURRIER, Joseph CURRIER, Benjamin CURRIER, Daniel CURRIER. Thomas CURRIER was born on 28 NOV 1671 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) He died on 18 APR 1750 at Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He has Ancestral File Number 84PT-L8. Parents: Thomas CURRIER and Mary OSGOOD. Spouse: Sarah BARNARD. Thomas CURRIER and Sarah BARNARD were married on 10 SEP 1700 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Children were: Timothy CURRIER, Ezekiel CURRIER, Daniel CURRIER, Thomas CURRIER. Thomas CURRIER was born on 26 MAR 1710 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: William CURRIER and Rachel SARGENT. Thomas CURRIER was born on 10 MAY 1717 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died on 18 APR 1756 at Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: Thomas CURRIER and Sarah BARNARD. Spouse: Jemima MORRILL. Thomas CURRIER and Jemima MORRILL were married on 5 MAR 1740/41 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Timothy CURRIER. Thomas CURRIER was born on 14 MAR 1745 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000491; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: Captain Jonathan CURRIER and Judith WILLIAMS. Spouse: Dorothy (CURRIER). Thomas CURRIER and Dorothy (CURRIER) were married about 1768 in New Hampshire. Children were: David CURRIER, Jonathan CURRIER, Richard CURRIER, Thomas CURRIER, Joshua CURRIER, Nathaniel CURRIER, Moses CURRIER, Aaron CURRIER. Thomas CURRIER was born on 1 DEC 1745 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) He died on 3 APR 1832 at Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: Ebenezer CURRIER and Anne JONES. Spouse: Sarah BARNARD. Thomas CURRIER and Sarah BARNARD were married about 1773. Children were: Elizabeth CURRIER, Mary CURRIER, Thomas CURRIER. Thomas CURRIER was born on 22 APR 1764 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Philip CURRIER and Ruth MERRILL. Spouse: Molly ROWELL. Thomas CURRIER and Molly ROWELL were married on 17 FEB 1789 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Children were: Molley CURRIER, Susan CURRIER, Ruth CURRIER, Thomas CURRIER, Nancy CURRIER, Judith CURRIER, Elijah R. CURRIER. Thomas CURRIER was born on 2 OCT 1769 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: Timothy CURRIER and Anna (CURRIER). Thomas CURRIER was born on 23 MAR 1776 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000491; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) He appeared in the census on 22 AUG 1850 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Thomas CURRIER and Dorothy (CURRIER). Spouse: Abigail TEWKSBURY. Thomas CURRIER and Abigail TEWKSBURY filed marriage intentions on 1 SEP 1803 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) They were married on 8 OCT 1803 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Children were: Gilman B. CURRIER, Nancy Tewksbury CURRIER. Thomas CURRIER was born on 8 MAR 1779 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) He died on 23 JUN 1861. Parents: Levi CURRIER and Anne BARNARD. Spouse: Hannah HOYT. Thomas CURRIER and Hannah HOYT were married on 1 JUN 1806 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Anna Barnard CURRIER, William H. CURRIER, Selly CURRIER, Sally CURRIER, Levi Towle CURRIER. Thomas CURRIER was born on 16 MAR 1780 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Nathan CURRIER and Miriam HOYT. Thomas CURRIER was born on 15 JUL 1783 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: Thomas CURRIER and Sarah BARNARD. Spouse: Miriam TEWKSBURY. Thomas CURRIER and Miriam TEWKSBURY were married on 8 FEB 1808 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Mary CURRIER, Sara Ann CURRIER, Dolly Tuxbury CURRIER. Thomas CURRIER was born on 11 SEP 1787 in Newton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000491; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: Philip CURRIER and Dolly COLLINS. Thomas CURRIER was born on 2 SEP 1797 in Newton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000491; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: Thomas CURRIER and Molly ROWELL. Thomas Jefferson CURRIER was born on 25 DEC 1802 in Enfield, Grafton County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: NEHGS; Vital Records of Enfield, New Hampshire, 1761-1940.) He died on 5 DEC 1867 at Hartford, Windsor County, Vermont. (SOURCE: NEHGS; Vital Records of Enfield, New Hampshire, 1761-1940.) He was buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery at Enfield, Grafton County, New Hampshire Parents: Nathan CURRIER and Mary JONES. Thomas Worthen CURRIER was born on 25 JAN 1818 in East Kingston, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Ezra CURRIER and Susanna WORTHEN. Timothy CURRIER was born on 17 JUL 1704 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) He died on 1 MAR 1753 at Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: Thomas CURRIER and Sarah BARNARD. Spouse: Judith HOOKE. Timothy CURRIER and Judith HOOKE were married on 31 JAN 1727/28 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Spouse: Mrs. Hannah BALLARD. Timothy CURRIER and Mrs. Hannah BALLARD were married on 28 SEP 1748 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury. "ye sd. Hannah Sollommonly declared as in ye presence of all-mighty God and before many witnesses that she was no ways in possession of her former husbands Estate of what kind so ever nither possession or in evertion,") Timothy CURRIER was born on 12 DEC 1741 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He signed a will on 21 SEP 1807 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died on 24 SEP 1807 at Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He will was proved on 10 DEC 1807 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: Thomas CURRIER and Jemima MORRILL. Spouse: Anna (CURRIER). Timothy CURRIER and Anna (CURRIER) were married about 1767 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Sarah CURRIER, Thomas CURRIER, Tabith CURRIER, Rhoda CURRIER (twin), Hannah CURRIER (twin), Timothy CURRIER, Anne CURRIER, Merrill CURRIER. Timothy CURRIER was born on 25 APR 1752 in Newton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000491; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: Aaron CURRIER and Electa WELLS. Timothy CURRIER was born on 22 APR 1777 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: Timothy CURRIER and Anna (CURRIER). Spouse: Judith GOODWIN. Timothy CURRIER and Judith GOODWIN were married on 8 DEC 1798 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Elizabeth CURRIER. Timothy CURRIER was born on 18 MAR 1789 in Newton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000491; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) He died on 27 JAN 1855. Parents: Richard CURRIER and Mary BLAISDELL. Washington CURRIER was born on 22 FEB 1830 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newburyport.) He died on 6 MAR 1830 at Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newburyport.) Parents: Charles CURRIER and Ann HALE. Willebee Hoyt CURRIER was born on 6 JUL 1806 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: Jacob Bagley CURRIER and Mary HOYT. William CURRIER was born in 1680 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died in 1751 at Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He has Ancestral File Number 93TM-1V. Parents: Thomas CURRIER and Mary OSGOOD. Spouse: Rachel SARGENT. William CURRIER and Rachel SARGENT were married on 14 DEC 1704 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Children were: Mary CURRIER, Thomas CURRIER, Hannah CURRIER, William CURRIER, Ebenezer CURRIER. Spouse: Hannah HARVEY. William CURRIER and Hannah HARVEY were married on 8 MAR 1721/22 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Children were: Rachel CURRIER. William CURRIER was born on 27 JUN 1713 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: William CURRIER and Rachel SARGENT. William CURRIER was born on 31 MAY 1725 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Haverhill.) He died on 14 SEP 1809 at Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newburyport.) Parents: Samuel CURRIER and Abigail KELLY. Spouse: Tabitha PETTINGILL. William CURRIER and Tabitha PETTINGILL were married on 29 SEP 1748 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newbury.) Children were: Tabitha CURRIER, Mathew CURRIER, William CURRIER, Susanna CURRIER, Nicolas CURRIER, Samuel CURRIER, Mary CURRIER, Mary CURRIER, Nathaniel CURRIER. William CURRIER was born on 4 JUL 1754 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newbury.) Parents: William CURRIER and Tabitha PETTINGILL. Spouse: Abigail BEACHAM. William CURRIER and Abigail BEACHAM were married on 14 SEP 1777. Children were: William CURRIER. William CURRIER was born on 12 OCT 1759 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: Ebenezer CURRIER and Anne JONES. William CURRIER was born on 20 JUL 1768. Parents: Theophilus CURRIER and Sarah LISTER. William CURRIER was born on 12 JUN 1778 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: William CURRIER and Abigail BEACHAM. Spouse: Mary GERRISH. William CURRIER and Mary GERRISH were married on 27 OCT 1802 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: William Edward CURRIER, Enoch Gerrish CURRIER, Mary CURRIER, Mary Jane CURRIER, Abigail Beachem CURRIER, William Edward CURRIER, Joseph William CURRIER, Sarah Elizabeth CURRIER, Amos Stickney CURRIER, Benjamin Franklin CURRIER. William CURRIER was born on 1 NOV 1785 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He died on 6 AUG 1854 at Danville, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Barnard CURRIER and Abigal CARTER. Spouse: Sally HAYNES. William CURRIER and Sally HAYNES were married on 17 NOV 1809. William CURRIER was born in 1809 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died in 1810 at Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) Parents: Seth CURRIER and Tabitha GOODWIN. ![]() Spouse: Anna Frances COLBY. William C. CURRIER and Anna Frances COLBY were married in 1870. William Edward CURRIER was born on 3 NOV 1803 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: William CURRIER and Mary GERRISH. William Edward CURRIER was born on 4 JAN 1814 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: William CURRIER and Mary GERRISH. William H. CURRIER was born on 22 APR 1810 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died on 4 NOV 1881 at Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: Thomas CURRIER and Hannah HOYT. William H. CURRIER was born on 25 MAY 1846 in Canaan, Grafton County, New Hampshire. Parents: David CURRIER and Rhoda MORSE. William Pecker CURRIER was born on 10 FEB 1810 in Hallowell, Kennebec County, Maine. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1033824; Vital records of Hallowell, Maine, to the year 1892 Hall, Mabel Goodwin.) Parents: Peter CURRIER and Abigail PECKER. |