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Sophronia A. FLANDERS was born on 23 MAY 1839 in Newport, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. Parents: Jonathan FLANDERS and Sophronia KNOWLTON.

Stephen FLANDERS was born on 8 MAR 1646 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) He had administration granted for estate on 29 MAY 1689 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died in 1689 at Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He has Ancestral File Number 1THK-96. His birth was recorded in Salisbury, Mass. as 8 (1) 1646, but he was probably born elsewhere.
He died between 1688 and 1689 in Salisbury, Massachusetts, intestate. His estate was probated on 29 May 1689 in Essex County, Mass, The probate record was recorded as 29 (3) 1689. He was admonished, along with his brothers, by the court and fined 10 shillings for stealing 1100 red oak hogshead staves from the pasture of Nathaniel Ware on 28 June 1679 in Salisbury, Massachusetts. He was mentioned in the will of 18,19 Steven Flanders on 4 February 1683/84 in Salisbury, Mass. He's estate was inventoried on 26 September 1689 in Salem, Massachusetts, valued at £220 13/6d.
SOURCE: "The Flanders Family from Europe to America" by Edith Flanders Dunbar. Parents: Steven FLANDERS and Jane (FLANDERS).

Spouse: Abigail CARTER. Stephen FLANDERS and Abigail CARTER were married on 28 OCT 1670 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) Children were: Thomas FLANDERS, Stephen FLANDERS, Thomas FLANDERS, Daniel FLANDERS, Joseph FLANDERS, Philip FLANDERS, Sarah FLANDERS, Philip FLANDERS, Jane FLANDERS, Jeremiah FLANDERS, Abigail FLANDERS.

Stephen FLANDERS was born on 30 NOV 1671 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) He died on 4 OCT 1744 at South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He was a Weaver. SOURCE: Early Vital Records to 1850, Essex County VR CD. Birth p 98 Parents: Stephen FLANDERS and Abigail CARTER.

Spouse: Sarah BLAISDELL. Stephen FLANDERS and Sarah BLAISDELL were married on 20 JUN 1706 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) Children were: Stephen FLANDERS, Asa FLANDERS, Samuel FLANDERS, Margaret FLANDERS, Sarah FLANDERS, Mary FLANDERS, Nathaniel FLANDERS.

Stephen FLANDERS was born on 6 MAR 1706/7 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: Stephen FLANDERS and Sarah BLAISDELL.

Spouse: Sarah PERKINS. Stephen FLANDERS and Sarah PERKINS were married on 27 JUN 1726 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Miriam FLANDERS, David FLANDERS, Nathaniel FLANDERS, Ezekiel FLANDERS, Sarah FLANDERS.

Spouse: Elizabeth STEVENS. Stephen FLANDERS and Elizabeth STEVENS were married in 1733.

Stephen FLANDERS was born on 8 NOV 1757 in Plaistow, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Ezekiel FLANDERS and Ann NICHOLS.

Stephen Tewksbury FLANDERS was born on 7 MAR 1826 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census on 12 SEP 1850 in Newport, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census on 13 JUN 1860 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. In 1860 he was a farmer in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census on 10 JUN 1870 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. In 1870 he was a farm laborer in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census on 21 JUN 1880 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. In 1880 he was a farm laborer in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He died on 13 SEP 1897 at Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He was buried in the Pine Grove Cemetery at Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire (BOOK SOURCE: "The Flanders family from Europe to America : being a history of the Flanders family in America and its probable origin in Europe" by Edith Flanders Dunbar, Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle Pub. Co., 1935, 1088 pgs.) Parents: John Gould FLANDERS and Nancy A. TEWKSBURY.

Spouse: Susan I. BEADLE. Stephen Tewksbury FLANDERS and Susan I. BEADLE were married on 23 JUL 1848 in Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire.

Spouse: Harriet Jane ROSS. Stephen Tewksbury FLANDERS and Harriet Jane ROSS were married on 9 MAY 1889 in Contoocook, Merrimack County, New Hampshire.

Steven FLANDERS was born on 3 OCT 1620. He signed a will on 4 FEB 1683/84 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts.

In ye name of God Amen:

I Steven fflanders Senr of ye town of Salisbury in the County of Essex in his majesties colony of ye Mattathusett in newengland being weak of body but through ye goodness of God of pfect memory & understanding doe make this my last will & testamt, in manner as followeth:

Inprimis I Commend my spirit to God whoe gave itt & my body to ye dust fro whence it was taken, decently to be buried at ye chardges of my executors whom I shall hereaftr name & appoynt in hopes of a joyful ressurrection at ye last day unto life eternall:

Nextly I dispose of my worldly goods in mannr as followeth:

viz: I give and bequeath unto Stephen fflanders my eldest soû all the land w he now lives upon the bounds betwixt it & my other land to run fro a white oak stumpe wch stands about twoe rods on ye westwrd side fro ye fence yt now is betwixt him & mee agst Goodman Geeechils little pasture & to run northwrd to ye bars by sd Steven his little garden: As also one third prt of all my meadow aftr my decease, Also my will is yt my son Steven shall have one barrell of sydr payd to him yearly out of my orchard, untill yt he shall remove three apple trees twoe whereof I gave him formrly & another next unto them out of my orchrd or shall othrwise agree wth my executrs concerning them: Alsoe my last will is yt if my son Stephen shall depart this life before mee, yt his eldest son Stephen fflanders shall have wt I have bequeathed unto him in this my last will & testamt:

It', I give & bequeath unto my three daughters: Mary fflanders: Sarah Newhall: & Naomie fflanders five pounds apiece, to be payd by my three sonns: Steven, Philip & John: each of them to pay equally & alike wthin twoe years aftr my decease:

It': I give unto my daughtr Mary twoe good cows, & my trundle bedstead, wth bedding, Covrlid, blankets, sheets, bolster, pillows & whatevr other apprtunances doe belong therunto: as alsoe one of my iron pots, & one wollen wheel & one linen wheel at her own choyce, as as alsoe twoe good sheep, & one hogg: and the chest which was my wives.

It': I give unto my daughtr Sarah Newhall one Coverlid.

It': I give unto my daughtr Naomi, one good Cow: one wollen wheel: one linnen wheel & my iron skillet & twoe sheep & one hogg, and an old chest & the box which was her mother's & one Coverlid:

It': I give unto my grandchild Thomas fflanders Son to my Soû Stephen one sheep:

It': I give all my stock and cattle (not disposed of) to my son John. ffinally I give & bequeath all ye rest of my estate, housing, lands, meadow, And all my estate both movable & immovable whatsoevr not disposed of in this my last will & testamt : (my honest and due debts, & my funerall chardges being first payd & dischardged) unto my sons Philip fflanders & John fflanders equally to be divided betwixt them whome I alsoe make constitute & ordaine Joynt executrs unto this my last will & testamt: Alwayes provided yt sd Philip & John doe Joyntly & together Carry on my occasions & mayntaine & take care of my estate & the concernmts yrof, & also lovingly, peaceably & tendrly as becometh obedient & dutifull children mainetaine & take care of my pson in sickness & health as long as I shall continue in this vale of tears both equally sharing in ye care, chardge & burthen yrof.

And in Confirmat': of ye premisses to be my last will & testamt: I have hereunto subscribed my hand & seale this fourth day of february, Anno: Domini: one thousand six hundred eighty three, or foure.

Subscribed sealed & declared his
to be his last will & testamt: Stephen-----fflanders Senr in the presence of us marke

Thomas Wells
Isaac Morill

Thomas Wells and Isaac Morrell made oath yt they saw Stephen
Flanders Signe & Seale & declare this to be the last Will & Testamt yt he was then of a disposeing minde; at Ipswich
Court Sep:30:84/ o
Attes.Jn Appleton

He died on 24 JUN 1684 at Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) He estate was inventoried on 30 SEP 1684 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts.

An inventory of ye Estate of Stephen fflanders Senr: deceased: at Salisbury: Apprized & taken (as it was given in by ye executrs) by us whose names are undr written:19th:4th:An:Dom:1684.
tt sh d
Inprimis: The house, Barn, thirty acres of Land
Adjoyning,& ye orchard yrunto belonging........................................................100 00 00
It': A four acre lot at ye Long hill.....................................................................06 00 00
It': A thirty acre lot near ye new meadows............................................................15 00 00
It': A four acre lot of meadow in ye cow como..................................................................20 00 00
It': A four acre lot of meadow at ye beach..................................................................20 00 00
It': A two acre lot of meadow at Hall's farme...................................................................10 00 00
It': A Commonage................................................30 00 00
It': A payr of oxen & 3 cows.....................................................................24 10 00
It': 2 two years old: 1 yearling: 2 calves....................................................................08 00 00
It': A horse 8tt: 19 sheep:8tt:11 swine:6tt:14sh........................................................22 14 00
It': Carts: plows, ox tacklings & utensils...................................................................03 00 00
It': household, stuffe, wheels, tubs, & barrels.....................................................................08 00 00
It': Beds, bedsteads, & bedding yrunto belonging.................................................................14 00 00
It': His wearing cloathes,linnen & wollen & a 2
payre of spectacles..............................................06 00 00
It': His bibles: books, Iro tools, & Arms........................................................................04 00 00
It': Hempe, flax & corn, & sope & beans........................................................................04 00 00
It': 4 load of hay, & a grindstone.................................................................02 10 00

The sum Totall is.....................................................300 14 00
onesephris page
tt sh
Debts due frÇ ye estate tt sh d
To DoctrHooper mony........ 03 07 00 due to ye estate...00 06 00
To John Barnrd mony............00 06 00
To ffrancis Willet.................. 01 04 00 Philip Flanders & Jn Flanders
To Capt pierce:of Executrs made oath to this
in mony:...............................00 16 00 Inventory:as a true inventory
To Jane Morrell.................... 00 04 00 if mor comes to theire To Israel Lovett......................... 00 07 00 knowld to give att thereof to To Richrd Hubbard................00 02 00 ye Court Ip Court
To Benjamin Allin mony....... 00 06 00 Sep:30:84/
06 12 00 o
Attes JnAppleton

He has Ancestral File Number 1THJ-6J.
Note: Taxed in Salisbury 1650, received land 1654, planter.

First appeared in Salisbury in 1646.
His estate was probated on 30 September 1684 in Essex Co, Mass. He immigrated circa 1643 to Gorgeana, now York, Maine. He and Jane (--?--) lived in October 1649 in Gorgeana, Maine. He was a proprietor between 1650 and 1677 in Salisbury, Massachusetts. He was admitted as a townsman on 3 February 1650 in Salisbury, Massachusetts. He served on 18 February 1650 in Salisbury, Mass, as the Town Herdsman at the fee of one pound of butter per cow being credited as six pence in value. He took the Oath of Fidelity to Cromwell's Puritan Commonwealth on 8 February 1651 in Salisbury, Mass. He signed a petition to the General Court dated 29 (3) 1658, stating that the religious differences at Salisbury were not sufficent to warrant the appointment of a council, particularly as the townspeople did not care to pay for the board of the council. He left a will on 4 February 1683/84 in Salisbury, Massachusetts. He's estate was inventoried on 19 June 1684 in Salisbury, Mass, valued at £300 14/.6

(BOOK SOURCES: (1). Geneal. Dict. of Maine and New Hampshire, S. Noyles, Charles Libby & Walter Davis; (2). A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England bef 1692, James Savage; (3). The Flanders Family from Europe to America, Edith Flanders Dunbar, 1935, Tuttle Publishing Company.)

Spouse: Jane (FLANDERS). Steven FLANDERS and Jane (FLANDERS) were married in 1645 in Maine. Children were: Stephen FLANDERS, Mary FLANDERS, Mary FLANDERS, Philip FLANDERS, Sarah FLANDERS, Naomi FLANDERS, Corporal John FLANDERS.

Sukey FLANDERS was born on 26 OCT 1849 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census in 1850 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (living at home with father and mother) She died on 26 DEC 1924 at Lancaster, Coos County, New Hampshire. Parents: Caleb B. FLANDERS and Sarah S. (B) COLBY.

Susan FLANDERS was born on 10 AUG 1828 in Cornville, Somerset County, Maine. Parents: Jeremiah FLANDERS and Elizabeth BLAISDELL.

Susan C. FLANDERS was born on 17 FEB 1838 in Colebrook, Coos County, New Hampshire. Parents: Nehemiah H. FLANDERS and Mary COLBY.

Susan E. H. FLANDERS was born on 2 APR 1817 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000937; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) She died on 30 NOV 1823 at Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000937; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) Parents: Benjamin French FLANDERS and Mercy M. HALL.

Susan E. H. FLANDERS was born on 16 OCT 1826 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000937; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) She died on 28 JUN 1901. Parents: Benjamin French FLANDERS and Mercy M. HALL.

Susan H. FLANDERS was born on 17 DEC 1824 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Parents: Levi FLANDERS and Vashi HALL.

Susanna FLANDERS was born on 23 FEB 1803 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Newbury.) Parents: Daniel FLANDERS and Anna MERRILL.

Susanna H. FLANDERS was born on 29 SEP 1809 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. She died on 17 JUL 1890. Parents: Ezekiel FLANDERS and Gertrude HEATH.

Susannah FLANDERS was born on 24 APR 1725 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. She has Ancestral File Number B69G-LP. She died. Parents: Lt. John FLANDERS and Sarah PRINCE.

Spouse: David EASTMAN. David EASTMAN and Susannah FLANDERS were married on 17 AUG 1742 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts.

Susie Belle FLANDERS was born on 21 FEB 1872 in Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. She died in 1944 at Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. Parents: William FLANDERS and Julia A. HARDY.

Spouse: Everett D. CHASE. Everett D. CHASE and Susie Belle FLANDERS were married in 1893 in Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. Children were: Norman Everett CHASE.

Photo Susie E. FLANDERS was born on 17 JUL 1847 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Daughter of Cyrus W. FLANDERS and Mary W. BAILEY. She appeared in the census on 18 JUN 1870 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. She appeared in the census in 1900 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. She died on 9 MAR 1922 at Henniker, Merrimack County, New Hampshire.
Name: Susie E. Colby
Titles & Terms (Original):
Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Death Date (Original): 09 Mar 1922
Death Date (Standardized): 09 Mar 1922
Death Place: Henniker, , New Hampshire
Gender: Female
Race (Original):
Race (Standardized):
Estimated Birth Year:
Marital Status:
Spouse: John D. Colby
Spouse's Titles & Terms (Original):
Spouse's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Father: Cyrus W. Flanders
Father's Titles & Terms (Original):
Father's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Father's Birthplace:
Mother: Mary Bailey
Mother's Titles & Terms (Original):
Mother's Titles & Terms (Standardized):
Mother's Birthplace:
Burial Place:
Burial Date:
Clerk's Locality:
Informant's Locality:
Film Number: 2078690
Digital Folder Number: 4242863
Image Number: 385
Reference Number:
Collection: New Hampshire Death Records, 1654-1947
She was buried on 12 MAR 1922 in the Pine Grove Cemetery at Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire Parents: Cyrus Watson FLANDERS and Mary Webster BAILEY.

Spouse: John D. COLBY. John D. COLBY and Susie E. FLANDERS were married on 13 MAR 1865 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. SOURCE: FHL Number 1000976; COLBY, John D., Age: 20 years; Marriage: Susie E. FLANDERS, Age: 18 years; Date: 13 Mar 1866; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire.

Tamazin FLANDERS was born on 17 JUN 1733 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. She died on 11 SEP 1735 at Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. She has Ancestral File Number B69G-P7. Parents: Lt. John FLANDERS and Sarah PRINCE.

Tamsin FLANDERS was born on 9 JAN 1707 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. She died in 1731. She has Ancestral File Number B69H-BG. NOTE: Name may be Thomasine. Parents: Corporal John FLANDERS and Elizabeth SARGENT.

Spouse: Henry FRENCH. Henry FRENCH and Tamsin FLANDERS were married on 10 JAN 1727 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts.

Tamzen FLANDERS was born on 4 OCT 1739 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Jonathan FLANDERS and Judith MERRILL.

Tamzen FLANDERS was born on 18 OCT 1796 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000937 ; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) She died on 13 DEC 1825. She was also known as Tameson Flanders. Parents: Richard Currier FLANDERS and Rachel COLBY.

Thankful FLANDERS was born on 7 MAR 1822 in New London, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. She died on 12 SEP 1843 at Sunapee, Sullivan County, New Hampshire. Parents: Jonathan FLANDERS and Sophronia KNOWLTON.

Theodate FLANDERS was born on 1 AUG 1725 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. She died in 1821 at Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Parents: Josiah FLANDERS and Mehitabel OSGOOD.

Spouse: Benjamin CURRIER. Benjamin CURRIER and Theodate FLANDERS were married on 1 JAN 1745 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Children were: Daniel CURRIER, Joseph CURRIER, Sarah CURRIER, Lois CURRIER.

Thomas FLANDERS was born on 17 DEC 1670 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) He died on 12 APR 1671 at Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) Parents: Stephen FLANDERS and Abigail CARTER.

Thomas FLANDERS was born on 3 DEC 1673 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Salisbury.) He was baptized on 10 DEC 1721 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died on 4 OCT 1741 at Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. SOURCE: Early Vital Records to 1850, Essex County VR CD. Birth p 98
Parents: Stephen FLANDERS and Abigail CARTER.

Spouse: Katherine HACKETT. Thomas FLANDERS and Katherine HACKETT filed marriage intentions on 17 FEB 1710/11 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. They were married on 8 MAR 1710/11 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Benjamin FLANDERS.

Thomas FLANDERS was born on 9 NOV 1747 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: Benjamin FLANDERS and Mariah BROWN.

Spouse: Betsey STEVENS. Thomas FLANDERS and Betsey STEVENS were married about 1767. Children were: Jonathan FLANDERS.

Thomas FLANDERS was born on 12 SEP 1763 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000937; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) He died on 5 SEP 1852 at South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He was buried in the Old Cemetery at South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Parents: Jeremiah FLANDERS and Mary BARNARD.

Spouse: Hannah FOWLER. Thomas FLANDERS and Hannah FOWLER were married on 27 APR 1793 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Ezekiel FLANDERS, Elizabeth FLANDERS, Thomas FLANDERS, Jeremiah FLANDERS, Ezra FLANDERS.

Spouse: Priscilla BARTLETT. Thomas FLANDERS and Priscilla BARTLETT filed marriage intentions on 22 DEC 1803 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Vital records of Salisbury, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849.) They were married on 12 JAN 1804 in Kingston, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Children were: Priscilla FLANDERS.

Thomas FLANDERS was born on 20 OCT 1773 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He appeared in the census on 24 AUG 1850 in Cornville, Somerset County, Maine. (living with son Parker Flanders.) Parents: Jedidiah FLANDERS and Judith TEWKSBURY.

Spouse: Sarah SAWYER. Thomas FLANDERS and Sarah SAWYER were married on 13 JAN 1805 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Children were: Parker FLANDERS.

Dr. Thomas FLANDERS was born on 29 MAR 1792 in Antrim, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. He died in 1867. Parents: Jonathan FLANDERS and Sarah STEEL.

Spouse: Susanna FOLLANSBEE. Dr. Thomas FLANDERS and Susanna FOLLANSBEE were married on 9 FEB 1815 in Grafton, Grafton County, New Hampshire. Children were: John Gilbert FLANDERS.

Thomas FLANDERS was born on 17 MAY 1796 in Plaistow, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 0908589; Vital records of Plaistow, New Hampshire Hammond, Priscilla.) He died on 21 JAN 1831. Parents: Jonathan FLANDERS and Ruth P. COLBY.

Thomas FLANDERS was born on 16 AUG 1797 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000937; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) He died on 6 AUG 1876 at South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Thomas FLANDERS and Hannah FOWLER.

Thomas Barnard FLANDERS was born on 10 FEB 1831 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He died on 10 JAN 1898. Parents: Benjamin French FLANDERS and Hannah BARNARD.

Thomas John FLANDERS was born about 1801 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census in 1840 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire.
Thomas J. Flanders
under 5: 1
5 to 10: 1
10 to 15: 1
30 to 40: 1
under 5: 1
5 to 10: 1
10 to 15: 1
30 to 40: 1

He appeared in the census in 1850 in Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire.
Occupants listed at this residence:
Name Age/Sex Occupation Worth Birth School
Thomas J. Flanders 50 M Clerk NH
Eliza 48 F NH
Walter P. 18 M Machinest NH
Lydia A. 16 F NH Y
Philip 13 M NH Y
Eliza J. 11 F NH Y
Ruth A. 9 F NH Y
He appeared in the census on 25 JUN 1860 in Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census on 15 JUN 1870 in Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts. In 1870 he was a machinist in Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts. Parents: Moses FLANDERS and Sally GOULD.

Spouse: Eliza COLBY. Thomas John FLANDERS and Eliza COLBY were married on 2 OCT 1823 in Sutton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Number 1000989; FLANDERS, Thomas I. ; Marriage: Eliza COLLBY; Date: 02 Oct 1820; Recorded in: Birth and Marriage Index for New Hampshire.) Children were: John J. FLANDERS, Walter P. FLANDERS, Lydia A. FLANDERS, Philip FLANDERS, Eliza A. FLANDERS, Ruth A. FLANDERS.

Timothy FLANDERS was born on 14 APR 1732 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died on 26 AUG 1765. He has Ancestral File Number QNFZ-H2. Parents: Jedediah FLANDERS and Eleanor BARNARD.

Spouse: Betty FITTS. Timothy FLANDERS and Betty FITTS were married on 2 DEC 1752. Children were: Nancy FLANDERS, Levi FLANDERS, Daniel FLANDERS, Sarah FLANDERS.

Timothy FLANDERS was born on 25 FEB 1746/47 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Josiah FLANDERS and Mehitabel OSGOOD.

Timothy FLANDERS was born on 23 JUL 1766 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. (SOURCE: Early Vital Records of Essex County, Massachusetts to 1850 for Amesbury.) He was buried in the Old South Hampton Cemetery at South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Parents: Barnard FLANDERS and Anne CURRIER.

Spouse: Sarah MERRILL. Timothy FLANDERS and Sarah MERRILL were married on 17 MAR 1791 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Children were: Nancy FLANDERS, Polly FLANDERS, Eleanor FLANDERS, Betsey FLANDERS, Timothy FLANDERS, Sarah FLANDERS, Delilah FLANDERS.

Timothy FLANDERS was born on 22 JUL 1766 in Amesbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. He died in 1815 at Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He had administration granted for estate on 27 APR 1816 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Parents: Daniel FLANDERS and Sarah WEED.

Spouse: Martha HOYT. Timothy FLANDERS and Martha HOYT were married on 15 NOV 1796 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Children were: Daniel FLANDERS, Martha FLANDERS, Moses FLANDERS, Rhoda FLANDERS, Pluma FLANDERS, Horace FLANDERS.

Timothy FLANDERS was born on 29 APR 1778 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He died in 1849 at Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Parents: James FLANDERS and Ruth POWERS.

Spouse: Sally JEWELL. Timothy FLANDERS and Sally JEWELL were married on 3 JUL 1799 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Children were: James Madison FLANDERS, Timothy P. FLANDERS.

Timothy FLANDERS was born on 8 NOV 1791 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. (SOURCE: FHL Film: 1000937; Index to births, early to 1900 New Hampshire. Registrar of Vital Statistics.) He died in 1839 at Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Cause: suicide. Parents: Zebulon FLANDERS and Hannah FRENCH.

Timothy FLANDERS was born in 1792 in Enfield, Grafton County, New Hampshire. He died on 22 OCT 1815. Died while attending Dartmouth College. (BOOK SOURCE: "The Flanders family from Europe to America : being a history of the Flanders family in America and its probable origin in Europe" Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle Pub. Co., 1935, 1088 pgs. by Edith Flanders Dunbar.) Parents: Moses FLANDERS and Anne CURRIER.

Timothy FLANDERS was born on 23 SEP 1800 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Parents: Timothy FLANDERS and Sarah MERRILL.

Timothy FLANDERS was born on 4 FEB 1810 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. He died on 25 FEB 1890 at Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Parents: Levi FLANDERS and Vashi HALL.

Spouse: Louisa BROWN. Timothy FLANDERS and Louisa BROWN were married on 6 OCT 1831 in Biddeford, York County, Maine. Children were: Eliza Ann FLANDERS, George Warren FLANDERS, Walter Morse FLANDERS, Orin Sylvanus FLANDERS, Eliza Ann FLANDERS.

Spouse: Ann M. GIBSON. Timothy FLANDERS and Ann M. GIBSON were married on 3 DEC 1878 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire.

Timothy P. FLANDERS was born on 13 JUL 1809 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Parents: Timothy FLANDERS and Sally JEWELL.

Spouse: Mary Jane COCKRAN. Timothy P. FLANDERS and Mary Jane COCKRAN were married on 24 FEB 1833 in Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire.

Truman L. FLANDERS was born in OCT 1866 in Illinois. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois. He appeared in the census in 1910 in Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois. He appeared in the census in 1920 in Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois.

Spouse: Lorena A. COLBY. Truman L. FLANDERS and Lorena A. COLBY were married on 20 JUN 1893 in Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois. (SOURCE: Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763–1900.) Children were: Villa M. FLANDERS, Mildred M. FLANDERS.

Unis FLANDERS was born on 13 MAR 1734/35. Parents: Josiah FLANDERS and Mehitabel OSGOOD.

Uriah S. FLANDERS was born on 28 OCT 1818 in South Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He died on 29 DEC 1900. Parents: Reuben FLANDERS and Judith HARRIMAN.

Vashti FLANDERS was born on 7 AUG 1815 in Warner, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Parents: Levi FLANDERS and Vashi HALL.

Villa M. FLANDERS was born in 1902 in Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois. She appeared in the census in 1910 in Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois. (living at home with father and mother.) She appeared in the census in 1920 in Nunda, McHenry County, Illinois. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: Truman L. FLANDERS and Lorena A. COLBY.

Waldo Ross FLANDERS was born on 13 AUG 1879 in Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. He appeared in the census in 1880 in Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. (living at home with father and mother.) Parents: Charles Edward FLANDERS and Abbie Elizabeth CARLETON.

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