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Danes in Cornwall 32, 246

Daniell, Alexr., his epitaph 447

Dartmouth and Fowey, relations of 358

Davidstow 245, 266, 332, 336

Davy, Edmund 205

Davy, Sir Humphrey 208, 445

Davy·, Jolin 208

Day, St. 407

Deaneries 112, 156.

Dedicatinn of chuches ;17

Delabole 3I5

Dennis, St. 366, 353

Deverell m. 432

Devil interfeares with churches 409, 411

Devoran 253, 370

Dowstow se,e Davidstow.

Didenini see St. Martin-in-Meneage.

Ding Dong mine 451

Dingerein in Gerrans 29, 99, 381

Dinnurin 99

Dinsal 441

Diocese see Bishopric.

Dissent in l8th Century I10

Dissolution of religious houses 107

Dodman cliff castle 246, 349

Dolcoath Mine 170, 425

Dolmens 230, 356, 382, 414 , 427, 444, 446, 447.

Domesday book 33 seq.

Dominic, St. 259, 270

Domininicans in Cornwall 107, 113, 365

Doniert, see Dungarth

Dor Castle 79, 247, 356

Downeckny m. 335

Dowsing rod 193

Dozmary Pool 120, 224, 258

Drake, Sir Francis 205, 281, 341

Drama, Cornish 197 et seq. 233, 409, 436, 455

Drew, Samuel 208

Druids 17, 323, 430

Duchy of Cornwall 41, 42, 47, 50, 185, 279, 289, 368, 465

Duloe 253, 286, 294

Dungarth, King 32, 244, 288, 290, 291

Dunheved, see Launceston.

Dunkin, Robt. and Milton 353

Dunkin, Edwin 209

Dunkin, E. H. W. 209

Dunmere camp 322

Dunstanville, Baron Francis de 305

Dunstanville Reg, 37

Dunstanville de Fam 429

Dutch attack on Fowey 358

Dwellings 222, 448 455