

If you find mistakes you should check the index scans

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Jacobstow 307, 314

Jago, Robt., ghost-layer 409

James, Sir Henry 213

Jeffery, Dorothy see Pentreath, Dolly.

Jeffery, H. M. 213

" Sir Robert 283

Jews in Cornwall 10, 40

John of Cornwall 197, 214

John's, St. (par.) 259, 278

John's, St. (village) 412

hospital, Sithney 412

Johns, C. A. 411

Joll, Peter, his alleged age 261

Jordan, Wm. 409

Juliot, St. 234, 332, 333

Just, St., in Penwith 7, 24, 46, 55, 233, 250 254, 399, 427, 456

Just, St., in Roseland 347, 379, 380