Original Rootsweb Co. Tyrone Community Site Magheramason Presbyterian Church, Donaghedy Parish Marriages 1881-1927
Original Rootsweb Co. Tyrone Community Site
Magheramason Presbyterian Church
Donaghedy Parish Marriages 1881-1927

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Magheramason Presbyterian Church
Donaghedy Parish Marriages 1881-1927

Transcribed by Faye Logue

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Date Name Age Condition Occupation Residence Father's Name Profession Minister 1st Witness 2nd Witness
12/05/81 Samuel ROBINSON Full Bachelor Labourer Creighcor, Donagheady James Robinson Labourer Thomas Boyd Victor Love Bella Love

Eliza Jane McVEIGH 20 Spinster ________ Tamnaclare, Donagheady John McVeigh Labourer

05/10/82 Thomas DOGHERTY Full Widower Labourer Gortin, Glendermott James Dogherty Labourer Thomas Boyd Samuel Maxwell Matilda Patterson

Mary Jane GODFERY Minor Spinster ________ Gortin, Glendermott John Godfery Labourer

05/11/85 Thomas JACKSON Full Bachelor ? Rockfield, Taughboyne Wm. Jackson Farmer Francis R. Moore Samuel Killen Matthew Davis

Martha Woods FINLAY Full Spinster ________ Bogagh, Glendermott Wm. Finlay Farmer

07/01/86 John McGOWAN Full Widower Grocer Ballymagorry

F. R. Moore Lindsay Love Charles McCay

Agnes LOVE Full Spinster ________ Creighcor, Donagheady David Love Farmer

27/05/86 Wm. John MONTGOMERY Full Bachelor Farm Servant Taughboyne Alex. Montgomery Labourer Francis R. Moore David Donaghey Robert McFarlane

Eliza DONAGHY Full Spinster ________ Gortavea, Donagheady Wm. Donaghy Labourer

10/03/87 Lindsay LOVE Full Bachelor Farmer Gortavea, Donagheady George Love Farmer Francis R. Moore Robert Gamble Andrew ??

Eliza BAIRD Full Spinster ________ Creaghan, Donagheady Archibald Baird Farmer

17/03/87 John LYNCH Full Bachelor Labourer Creighcor, Donagheady Wm. Lynch Labourer Francis R. Moore Robert Keys Wm. Falconer

Mary Ann NIXON Full Spinster ________ ??, Donagheady John Nixon

21/04/87 John MATHERS Full Bachelor Farmer Ardmore, Cullion Robt. Mathers Farmer Francis R. Moore James Smyth Bessie Love

Martha SMYTH Full Spinster ________ Clampermore, Glendermott Archibald Smyth Farmer

18/11/89 Samuel STEWART Full Bachelor Clerk Londonderry Samuel Stewart Clerk Francis R. Moore James Stewart Lizzie L. Crawford

Isabella CRAWFORD Full Spinster ________ Rosnagalla, Co. Derry James Crawford Farmer

15/10/91 John DEANS 21 Bachelor Labourer Lisdivin, Co. Tyrone Henry Deans Labourer F. R. Moore James Caldwell Jane Deans

Sarah McVEIGH 19 Spinster ________ Dunnalong, Co. Tyrone John McVeigh Labourer

11/11/91 Andrew LOVE Full Bachelor Labourer Gortmesson, Donagheady Joseph Love Labourer Francis R. Moore Robert Kerr Margaret Kerr

Isabella DONAGHY Full Spinster ________ Gortivey, Donagheady Wm. Donaghy Labourer

09/02/93 John Wray STEWART Full Bachelor Farmer Boghill, Coleraine William Stewart Farmer R. B. Wylie Thos. Wray Emma Jane Mackswell

Martha LOVE 20 Spinster ________ Foyleside, Bready Victor Love Farmer

06/06/93 William James HENDERSON Full Bachelor Labourer Magheramason Robert Henderson Labourer James M. Hamill James Leitch Maggie Leitch

Eliza Jane CANNING Full Spinster ________ Cullmaghray Patrick Canning Labourer

24/05/94 John McCORKELL Full Bachelor Labourer Coolmaghery Jas. McCorkell Labourer Jas. M. Hamill Robert McCorkell Sarah Love

Elizabeth LOVE Full Spinster ________ Magheramason Jas. Love Sexton

27/06/94 James BAIRD Full Bachelor Farmer Sion David Baird Farmer James M. Hamill John Patton Margaret Baird

Sara Jane GAMBLE Full Spinster ________ Magheramason Wm. Gamble Farmer

06/09/94 James ROWAN Full Bachelor School Teacher Killymallaght Joseph Rowan Tradesman James M. Hamill J. Stewart Moore Nellie H. Matthews

Elizabeth W. MOGEY Full Spinster Do. Do. John Mogey Do.

25/04/95 Wm. POLLOCK Full Bachelor Farmer Fyfin Wm. Pollock Farmer Jas. M. Hamill Robert A. Pollock May McD. Love

Agnes LOVE 20 Spinster ________ Foyleside, Bready Victor Love Farmer

26/09/95 Andrew McCORKELL Full Bachelor Labourer Coolmaghery James McCorkell Labourer Jas. M. Hamill Robert McCorkell Jane Finlay

Lizzie FALCONER Full Spinster ________ Creighcor John Falconer Labourer

24/10/95 George WATSON Full Bachelor Labourer Cloughogle George Watson Labourer Jas. M. Hamill Robert Clarke Sara E. McDermott

Eliza Jane CLARK Full Spinster ________ Craighcor Robert Clarke Labourer

19/12/95 Francis I. ROGERS Full Bachelor Constable Derry Robert Rogers Farmer John Huey James Love Eliza Jane Martin

Ezella McCLOSKEY Full Spinster ________ Derry Hugh McCloskey Farmer

20/02/97 James AYTON Full Bachelor Fisherman Whitecastle, Co. Donegal Thomas Ayton Fisherman Joseph D. Caskey James Love Annie Doherty

Sarah J. DOHERTY 20 Spinster ________ Whitecastle William Doherty Farmer

30/09/97 Finlay STEWART Full Bachelor R.I.C Belfast Thomas Stewart Farmer Jos. D. Caskey Saml. A. Cummins Sara Hanna

Maggie J. HANNA Full Spinster ________ Rosnagalla Robert Hanna Farmer

02/06/98 William PATTERSON Full Bachelor Blacksmith Tamnakeery Robert Patterson Labourer Jos. D. Caskey James Love Maggie Finlay

Jane FINLAY Full Spinster ________ Bready Alex. Finlay Labourer

01/12/98 Walter NELSON Full Bachelor Commercial Traveller Belfast James Nelson Merchant Jos. D. Caskey James H. Blair Annie Ma???

Mary A. MAUSON Full Spinster ________ Magheramason Charles Mauson Farmer

08/06/99 Josias RANKIN Full Bachelor Farmer Creighcor Josias Rankin Farmer Jos. D. Caskey David Rankin Lizzie McNeely

Martha McNEELY Full Spinster ________ Magheramason William McNeely Farmer

03/08/99 Alex. MILLS Full Bachelor Overseer in Factory 4 ??? Terrace, Derry Wm. Mills Farmer James Cargin Wm. Coskey Jane H. Wright

Matilda WRIGHT Full Spinster At Home 5 Rosemount Terrace, Derry John Wright Merchant

20/06/01 Archd. SMYTH Full Bachelor Farmer Clampernow Archd. Smyth Farmer Jos. D. Caskey David a. Dunn Lena Mitchell

Tilly CURRY Full Spinster ________ Coolmaghery Jacob Curry Farmer

06/08/01 Edward John RAUSLAN Full Widower Gentleman Craigton Barrack William Rauslan Gentleman Joseph D. Caskey Patrick Fahy Sara C. McElveenny

Catherine Elizabeth McELVEENNY Full Spinster ________ 16 Strand Road, Londonderry Ephrain McElveenny Gentleman

19/09/01 William McCONNELL Full Bachelor Painter Fountain Hill, L - Derry John McConnell Labourer Jos. D. Caskey George Keys Ellen J. Dickson

Bella McDERMOTT Full Spinster ________ Gortivea, Donagheady Saml. McDermott Labourer

05/06/02 Robert LONGWELL Full Bachelor Farmer Gortnessy Samuel Longwell Farmer Jos. D. Caskey David Longwell Elizabeth McCorkell

Sara McCORKELL Full Spinster ________ Primity John McCorkell Farmer

15/09/02 Thos. Lynn STEWART Full Bachelor Manufacturer Derry Thos. Lynn Stewart Builder John Huey William Wright Martha Quigley

Ellen Mary NELSON Full Spinster ________ Derry Charles Nelson Builder

23/09/02 Robert LYNDSAY Full Bachelor Draper Limerick Samuel Lyndsay Farmer Leslie Rankin E. Lindsay C. Glenn

Tillie GLENN Full Spinster ________ Londonderry William J. Glenn Farmer

29/12/02 James BRYSON Full Bachelor Farmer Glencush James Byson Farmer Leslie Rankin William Donnell Ellen Donnell

Sarah Jane HUEY Minor Spinster Factory Londonderry John Huey Farmer

03/12/03 William ROBINSON Full Bachelor Labourer Desertone Joseph Robinson Labourer Jos. D. Caskey George Donnell Eliza J. Brown

Bella McKINLAY 19 Spinster ________ Desertone Thomas McKinlay Labourer

27/04/04 Hugh COLHOUN Full Bachelor Labourer Bready Samuel Colhoun Labourer Jos. D. Caskey James Colhoun Eliza Finlay

Jane RODEN Full Spinster ________ Tamnakeery David Roden Labourer

30/06/04 David LOVE Full Bachelor Farmer Creighcor David Love Farmer Jos. D. Caskey Wm. D. Cunningham Annie McNeely

Catherine McCLEMENTS Full Spinster ________ Tamnaclare Samuel McClements Farmer

18/08/04 John McCOURT Full Bachelor Labourer Tamnaclare, Donagheady Wm. Jas. McCourt Labourer Jos. D. Caskey John McBride Rebecca Hutchinson

Sarah Jane HUTCHINSON Full Spinster ________ Bready John Hutchinson Blacksmith

10/11/04 John CAMPBELL Full Bachelor Labourer Tully, Glendermott William Campbell Labourer Jos. D. Caskey George Brown Annie Brown

Eliza Jane BROWN Full Spinster ________ Desertone, Glendermott Robert Brown Labourer

05/01/05 Robert ORR Full Bachelor Labourer Cloughbuoy Robert Orr Labourer Jos. D. Caskey Samuel Nixon Sarah Orr

Martha NIXON 19 Spinster ________ Gortevea ___________ ________

20/04/05 Charles ROULSTON Full Bachelor Farmer Gortevea Thomas Roulston Farmer Jos. D. Caskey V. M. Love S. J. Jeffrey

Martha GAMBLE Full Spinster ________ Magheramason William Gamble Farmer

30/05/05 William McCORKELL Full Bachelor Labourer Coolmaghery, Donagheady James McCorkell Labourer Jos. D. Caskey Hugh Thompson Annie Love

Martha THOMPSON Full Spinster ________ Rosnagalla, Glendermott William Thompson Labourer

22/06/05 Samuel ELDER Full Bachelor Carpenter Woolwich Samuel Elder Labourer Jos. D. Caskey S. T. Ricketts Elizabeth Elder

Catherine DOHERTY 19 Spinster ________ Rosnagallagh Thomas Doherty Labourer

20/09/05 Robert GRAHAM Full Bachelor Rent Agent Strabane, Co Tyrone Francis Graham Farmer Jos. D. Caskey Joseph Graham Rebecca Elizabeth Graham

Elizabeth FLANAGAN Full Spinster ________ Strabane, Co Tyrone Samuel Flanagan _______

25/01/06 James G. ROBINSON Full Bachelor Engineer Tamnaclare, Donagheady Samuel Robinson Labourer Jos. D. Caskey John J. Faulkner Sarah Jane Robinson

Minnie McC. FAULKNER Full Spinster ________ Bready, Donagheady John Faulkner Labourer

27/12/06 Samuel KEYS Full Bachelor Farmer Bready, Donagheady Michael Keys Farmer Jos. D. Caskey Joseph Osborne Maggie Keys

Rachel CRUMLEY Full Spinster ________ Keery, Donagheady John Crumley Farmer

29/01/07 Thomas LEE Full Bachelor Shoemaker Buncrana, Co. Donegal Thomas Lee _______ Jos. D. Caskey Robert Banks Jeannie Millar

Minnie MILLAR 19 Spinster ________ New Buildings, Co. Derry Samuel Millar Mill Wright

12/03/07 Samuel MITCHELL Full Bachelor Farmer Craigtown, Co. Derry David Mitchell Farmer Jos. D. Caskey Andrew Curry Sara M. Simpson

Lizzie M. CURRY Full Spinster ________ Craigtown, Co. Derry John Curry Farmer

04/06/07 John Alexander FULTON Full Bachelor Farmer Greenlaw, Strabane Robert Fulton Farmer Jos. D. Caskey Samuel R. Fulton Annie S. Patrick

Cassie McCORKELL Full Spinster ________ Primity, New Buildings John McCorkell Farmer

14/05/08 John McBRIDE Full Bachelor Labourer Lisdivin Porter McBride Labourer Jos. D. Caskey Thomas McBride Maggie Roden

Annie RODDEN Full Spinster ________ Keery David Rodden Labourer

28/07/08 Robert S. GAMBLE Full Bachelor Farmer Magheramason William Gamble Farmer James Connell William Gamble Lizzie McNeely

Annie McNEELY Full Spinster ________ Creighcor William McNeely Farmer

21/01/09 William CRUMLEY Full Bachelor Farmer Killinon John Crumley Farmer James Connell Robert Thompson Mary Keys

Rachel KEYS Full Spinster ________ Bready Michael Keys Farmer

12/04/09 Joseph DONAGHEY Full Widower Shirt Cutter 70 Glendermott Rd. James Donaghy Farmer Leslie Rankin William Norris Emma Donaghey

Kate DUNLOP Full Spinster ________ Florence St. Andrew Dunlop Private

24/06/09 John ROBINSON Full Bachelor Labourer Bready Samuel Robinson Labourer Robert Hyndman Joseph Robinson Martha Taylor

Rebacca HUTCHINSON Full Spinster ________ Bready John Hutchinson Tradesman

18/11/09 Charles BURKE Full Bachelor Labourer Grange Joseph Burke Labourer Robert Hyndman Maggie Burke John Love

Martha LOVE Full Spinster Servant Gortmesson Joseph Love Labourer

02/12/09 Joseph D. BLACK Full Bachelor Farmer Drumcarn ? William Black Farmer Robert Hyndman John Oliver Isobel S. Love

Maude LOVE Full Spinster ________ Foyleside Victor Love Farmer

13/10/10 Alexander Hopkins HUTTON Full Bachelor Business Man Armadale, Scotland Alexander Hutton Merchant Thomas Boyd Lizzie Hutton Dow? Alexander Hutton

Isabel Boyd LOVE Full Spinster ________ Foyleside, Bready Victor Love Farmer

23/02/11 Andrew McGERIGLE Full Bachelor Labourer Killymallaght Andrew McGerrigle Labourer Robert Hyndman Martha McGerigle Sam McCourt

Annie BROWN Full Spinster Labourer Desertone Robert Brown Labourer
Martha McGerigle
01/02/12 Robert WALKER Full Bachelor Labourer Desertone David Walker Labourer Robert Hyndman Jane C. Morrison Thomas Walker

Annie MULBERRY Full Spinster Seamstress Desertone Isaac Mulberry Labourer

06/06/12 Robert L. McCORKELL Full Bachelor Mill Owner Artigarvan James McCorkell Farmer Robert Hyndman Thomas Andrew McCutty Margaret Louisa Miller

Jemima Gilmour LOWRY Full Spinster Dairy Maid Bready Robert Lowry Farmer

19/11/12 William FALCONER Full Bachelor Labourer Donemana Alex. Falconer Labourer Robert Hyndman Rebecca Robinson William Buchanan

Mary Jane DONNELL Full Spinster Seamstress Drumagore James Donnell Labourer

12/06/13 Victor M. LOVE Full Bachelor Farmer Foyleside Victor M. Love Farmer Robert Hyndman James Crawford Kathleen A. Mitchell

Eliza (Lena) D. MITCHELL Full Spinster Farmer's daughter Killymallaght John Mitchell Farmer

19/06/13 Sidney Jame CORMACK Full Bachelor Engineer 28 Sixth Street, Belfast James Cormack Commercial Traveller John Stuart Henry Willam Henderson Cormack Mary Ethel Smyth Heaney

Margaret Jane McMILLEN Full Spinster _________ 19 Violet St. Londonderry Joseph McMillan Bootmaker

17/03/14 James ADAIR Full Bachelor Carpenter Tirkevenagh James Adair Carpenter Robert Hyndman Maggie Brown Hugh Keys

Fannie BROWN Full Spinster Saleswoman Desertone John Brown Tradesman

14/05/14 Thomas ALFORD Full Bachelor Labourer Desertone John Alford Labourer John Rutherford Joseph McGerigle Rebecca McDermott

Catherine McKINLAY Full Spinster _________ Desertone Thomas McKinlay Labourer

15/07/15 Thomas Reid JACKSON Full Bachelor Attendant in Asylum Gransha, Co Londonderry John Alexander Jackson Farmer Gordon D. Erskine Robert Millar Fanny Ferguson

Jane MILLAR Full Spinster ________ Newbuildings, Co Londonderry Samuel Millar Mill-wright

19/10/15 John James McCREA Full Bachelor Farmer Eden, Co Tyrone Robt. McCrea Farmer Gordon D. Erskine James Scott Kathleen A. Mitchell

Annie Louisa MITCHELL Full Spinster ________ Killymallaght, Co Derry John Mitchell Farmer

25/11/15 George McCORKELL Full Bachelor Labourer Magheramason, Co Tyrone James McCorkell Farm Labourer Gordon D. Erskine Willie Henderson Katie Allen

Sarah Jane Wilson HENDERSON 19 Spinster ________ Tamnaclare, Co Tyrone William James Henderson Labourer

16/12/15 John CURRIE Full Bachelor Labourer Mount Pleasant, Co Tyrone William Currie Labourer Gordon D. Erskine James Hamilton Saidie McCorkell

Sarah LOVE Full Spinster ________ Magheramason, Co Tyrone James Love Labourer

01/02/16 Jacob MOWBRAY Full Bachelor Labourer Coolmaghery, Co Tyrone Isaac Mowbray Labourer Gordon D. Erskine William Simpson Fanny Black

Mary Elizabeth SIMPSON Full Spinster ________ Tamnakeery, Co Tyrone William Simpson Labourer

09/02/17 John RODGERS Full Bachelor Miner Bells Hill, Lanarksire Elizabeth Rodgers (Mother) Housekeeper John Stuart Hillis Wright Sarah Elder Campbell

Margaret CAMPBELL Full Spinster ________ Bonds Street, Londonderry James Campbell Farmer

14/05/17 Robert BLACK Full Bachelor Labourer Gortivea, Bready, Strabane Patrick Black Labourer Gordon D. Erskine Willie McClean Hannah Black

Emma RODEN 18 Spinster Servant Bready, Strabane David Roden Labourer

02/10/17 William John LOGUE Full Bachelor Farm Labourer Killymallaght, Co Derry James Logue Farm Labourer Gordon D. Erskine Samuel L. Legarty Margaret McGarrigle

Sarah WILSON Full Spinster Farm Servant Tagharina, Co Derry _________ _________

27/11/17 Robert BRADLEY 26 Bachelor Farm Labourer Magheramason, Co Tyrone Alex. Bradley Labourer Gordon D. Erskine John Hunter Minnie Roden

Annie HUNTER 23 Spinster ________ Cloughogle, Co Tyrone John Hunter Labourer

09/04/18 Samuel McMORRIS Full Widower Fisherman 61 Ferguson Lane, Londonderry John McMorris Labourer James Connell Alexander B. Hutchinson Sarah Donnell



otherwise HUTCHINSON Full Widow _________ Bready, Co Tyrone John Hutchinson Blacksmith

10/06/18 Alexander Britton HUTCHINSON Full Bachelor Labourer Bready, Co Tyrone John Hutchinson Blacksmith Gordon D. Erskine William John Hutchinson Katie Allen

Margaret MONTGOMERY Full Spinster ________ Gortmessan, Co Tyrone William Montgomery Labourer

05/08/19 Francis Rankin Moore STRAWBRIDGE 29 Bachelor Factory Manager Ballyorr, Newbuildings, Co Derry Hugh Strawbridge Blacksmith Gordon D. Erskine Andrew Walker Annie Dans

Mary Isabel WALKER 23 Spinster ________ Primity, Newbuildings, Co Derry Thomas W. Walker Carpenter

12/11/19 John CAMPBELL Full Bachelor Farm Labourer Rosnagalleagh, Co Derry Richard Campbell Labourer Gordon D. Erskine John Clements Martha Pattisson

Elizabeth DOHERTY Full Widow ________ Tamnakeery, Co Tyrone David Roden Labourer

16/03/20 Andrew MARSHALL 35 Bachelor Farmer Craigtown, Co Derry John Alexander Marshall Farmer Gordon D. Erskine Stephen Lowry Elizabeth Henderson

Margaret Gilmour LOWRY 26 Spinster ________ Bready, Co Tyrone Robert Lowry Farmer

27/05/20 Samuel ROBINSON 26 Bachelor Engine Driver Tamnaclare, Co Tyrone Samuel Robinson Labourer Gordon D. Erskine Hugh Colhoun Jane Colhoun

Minnie RODEN 25 Spinster ________ Tamnakeery, Co Tyrone David Roden Labourer

14/09/20 Alexander MILLER Full Widower Bread ?? Kilfennan John Miller Labourer John Stuart Joseph Speers Nellie Wilson

Edith RUTHERFORD Full Widow ________ 11 Bond's Hill, Londonderry William Reynolds Car Proprietor

30/12/20 Andrew COLE 23 Bachelor Farm Labourer Tamnaclare, Co Tyrone Samuel Cole Farm Labourer Gordon D. Erskine John Clarke Catherine Clarke

Annie Margaret WATSON 19 Spinster ________ Gortivea, Co Tyrone George Watson Farm labourer

09/09/21 John KYDD 27 Bachelor Draper's Assistant 33 Dunfield Terrace, Londonderry James Kydd Baker Gordon D. Erskine Sara Baird John Rankin

Sybil EVANS 28 Spinster Nurse 47 Spencer Road, Londonderry William Evans Farmer

19/04/22 Robert John DIXON 31 Bachelor Insurance Agent Buncrana, Co Donegal John Dixon Farmer Gordon D. Erskine Robert Millar Lydia Clements

Isabella Florence MILLER 23 Spinster ________ Newbuildings, Co Derry Samuel Millar Millwright

01/06/22 James HYNDMAN 55 Bachelor Engineer Greerstown, Glendermott, Co Derry William Hyndman Farmer Gordon D. Erskine W. J. Hyndman G. M. McClelland

Mary Elizabeth SNODGRASS Full Spinster ________ Carnafern, Glendermott, Co Derry James Snodgrass Carpenter

22frb1923 Nathaniel BURKE 25 Bachelor Labourer Corrody, Waterside, Londonderry Andrew Burke Labourer Gordon D. Erskine Joseph Kelly Fanny Burke

Jeannie KELLY 19 Spinster ________ Magheramason, Co Tyrone James Kelly Labourer

05/04/23 William SMYTH Full Bachelor Milk Vender Ballyarnett Robert Smyth Labourer John Gregg Sara Smyth James G???

Sarah McDAID Full Spinster ________ 41 Ashfield Tce, Londonderry D. McDaid Labourer

26/07/23 Donald DEANS Full Bachelor Labourer 3 Cuthbert St, Londonderry Robert Deans Labourer James Connell David Porter Annie Rebecca Deans

Sarah JOHNSTON Full Spinster ________ 30 Mill St, Londonderry George Johnston Labourer

16/10/23 Stephen LOWRY 31 Bachelor Farmer Bready, Strabane Robert Lowry Farmer Gordon D. Erskine Stephen Lowry Nettie Mac Laughlin

Florence Adair Mac LAUGHLIN 19 Spinster ________ Coolmaghery, Parish of Donagheady James H. Mac Laughlin Druggist

06/02/24 Albert OLPHERT 19 Bachelor Labourer Coolmaghery, Bready, Strabane Francis Olphert Farm Labourer Gordon D. Erskine William Dougherty Gwendoline Maud Pomeroy

Jeannie DOUGHERTY 17 Spinster Domestic Servant Tamnakeery, Bready, Strabane Joseph Dougherty Labourer

22/05/24 Robert McCLINTOCK Full Bachelor Labourer Tamnakeery, Bready, Strabane James McClintock Labourer John Carson Greer William Doherty Katie Dougherty

Jeannie DOUGHERTY 18 Spinster ________ Magheramason William Dougherty Labourer

31/07/24 Matthew MILLER Full Bachelor Bus Ennuctor ? 69 Duke St, Londonderry John Miller Farmer Leslie Rankin Samuel Clements ???? Nellie Glenn

Ethel GLENN Full Spinster ________ Sramba Cottages William Glenn Asylum Attendant

17/09/24 James CARRUTHERS Full Widower Baker 9 Georges St, Londonderry William Carruthers Retired Leslie Rankin John Peden Mary H. Peden

Margaret LONG Full Widow Maternity Nurse 1 Temple More Terrace, Londonderry John Campbell Retired

18/12/24 Robert Bond CLAYTON Full Bachelor Engineer Killymallaght, Derry Samuel Clayton Gentleman John Carson Greer Ernest Hazlett Clayton Kathleen Rogers

Mary QUIGLEY Full Spinster ________ Bogagh, Derry James Quigley Deceased

24/09/25 Frederick REID Full Bachelor Flesher 16 Duke Street, Derry Robert C. Reid Flesher (Deceased) Robert J. Wilson Robert Peoples Jean Wicklaw

Eleanor DEVLIN Full Spinster ________ 18 Clooney Terrace, Derry Daniel Devlin Cattle Dealer

17/12/25 Thomas BOND Full Widower Businessman Londonderry James Bond Farmer F. W. C. Wallace Ernest H. Clayton Hilda Lynn

Rebecca McLEOD Full Spinster ________ Londonderry Wm. A. McLeod Farmer

18/03/26 Robert PEOPLES Full Bachelor Flesher 70 Spencer Road, Londonderry William Peoples Mason Robert J. Wilson Thomas Campbell Margaret Campbell

Violet Alice ALEXANDER Full Widow ________ 70 Spencer Road, Londonderry Robert Swan Dealer

01/09/26 William KING Full Widower Solicitor Strabane William King Horse Agent James Thompson D. G. Reid ? Evel??? Mo????

Helena Jane Matilda MUIRHEAD Full Spinster ________ Londonderry George Muirhead Journalist

01/09/26 Samuel Sydney DOWDS Full Bachelor Optician Londonderry Samuel Dowds Jeweller Retired James Thompson W. Macrae Edmiston Eileen D. C. Adams

Isobel MACLOSKIE Full Spinster ________ Londonderry Robert James Macloskie Business Man

03/08/27 Thos. STEEN Full Bachelor Teacher Londonderry Rev. John Steen Clergyman F. W. C. Wallace John Watters Ada M. E. Emerson

Letitia Jane WASSON Full Spinster ________ Londonderry John Wasson Farmer

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