Merritt's Letters


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Merritt's Letters




Letters from Merritt to Mom and Others to Merritt and Mom

To the best of my recognition about Merritt S. Sanders, I remember mostly in part about how happy Mom was when she received a letter from Merritt. Sometimes she would tell us kids that Merritt is coming home for a visit. After awhile she made no comment at all about him coming home, only what he was doing and where he was. In most instances in all of these letters a proposed date was set that he would be able to come home. Because of varying circumstances beyond his control he was never able to come home. So, Mom or any of us saw Merritt only once or twice since he joined the Army in 1938. The first time was in Cheyenne, Wyo. in December of 1939, my Brother John said that he remember seeing Merritt once in Fort Ord, CA. in 1940.

I never understood or heard the reason why Merritt was taken into the home of John and Gustaara Augusta (Gussie) Thompson/Brown as an infant in 1919, and later after the deaths of my Grandparents in 1924 and 1928, came to Port Townsend, WA. with my Mom when she married my Dad 6 May 1928.

In an attempt to find the reason, I am recording these contacts with Merritt by dates and location. In doing so, I have notice that some statements by Merritt has jogged my memory to other facts that occurred during that particular time frame.


  • Location And Date: 13 Aug. 1936 Letter from Zephel Harris to Merritt

Paraphrasing: (un-edited) This letter is two pages long.

Letter from Zephel Harris dated Aug. 13, 1936 from Lafe, AR. to Merritt; Fort Warden, Port Townsend, WA.

"Well Buddie dear ---- no doubt you think I've forgotten you --- but indeed not, though I have been very neglectful about writing......" Wonder what you are doing. My kiddies are in school --- but guess you have no summer term --- Today is my oldest girls birthday --- she is 13 yr. old. Is in the seventh grade --- what grade are you in brother --- how I would love to see you. I trust that we shall meet again someday."

Statement about brothers and sisters: (Un-edited)

"I've waited so long to write, your address may have been changed. Tell May I send her my love, and keep a portion for yourself. All the other children are well as far as I know, hasn't been long since I heard from each one. All scattered around. Ola is closest to me. I can and do drive over there quite often, only about 10 to 12 miles. And Lee Roy married 3 weeks ago. Wrote me he and his wife coming last of this mo. He lives there closest town it is about 75 mi. Nell is still working in Memphis, Tenn. Vernon has been in the Camp - eee - the last yr. Almost a yr. He & Nell are all now - that isn't married - and you of course you. But Buddie I can't realize you getting to be a big boy - but I know you are - So I must close - hoping to hear from you soon. Your Loving Sis - Zephel".


  • Location And Date: THANKSGIVING 1938

PROGRAM: THANKSGIVING DINNER 1938 - Station Hospital, Francis E. Warren, Wyoming.

"Consists of four pages containing, Pg. 1, Menu. Pg. 2 Listing Commanding Officer, Medical Corps Personnel, Dental Corps Personnel, Medical Reserve Corps Officer, Army Nurse Corps Officers, Civilian Nurses Personnel, Physiotherapy Aide Personnel, Detachment Medical Department (M&DS) Commander, Technical Sergeants, Staff Sergeants, Sergeants. Pg. 3 Corporals - 2, Privates First Class - 19, Privates - 53, of which Merritt is one. Pg. 3 blank. Cover printed on embossed stock. The embossing consisting of an Eagle with ribbons holding two shields with country pictures on the shields, and a turkey below the shields. The printing is done in blue ink."



  • Location And Date: 25 May 1939

Letter dated 25 May 1939 from Merritt at Fort Francis E. Warren, Wyo. to Mom; c/o Pecks Camp Pt. Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother, I will answer your most welcome letter, I was glad to here that you made it back to Port Townsend. But you don't know how bad it made me feel to hear that you had to sleep out in the car."

This statement, now makes me to remember this fact. My fifth brother was the only one born outsides the Port Townsend, WA. area. Richard Lee Dale was born the 2 DEC 1938 in Wolf Lake, IL. At the time of his birth we were staying at my Uncle and Aunt Garvie and Marie Dyer.  Merritt states that three days after we left, there was quite a snow storm in Cheyenne.

While Dad worked at a CCC camp I can remember walking the RR tracks picking up coal to burn in the stove at the house we were renting. I can remember one time that the stove was so hot that the stove pipe was glowing red.

"P.S. Mother, did you get my Mothers Day telegram? I sent it to Copulas Crossing thinking you would be there?" /signed/ Merritt S. Sanders.


  • Location And Date: 17 June 1939.

Letter dated 17 June 1939 from Merritt Francis E. Warren, Wyo. to Mom; c/o Pecks Camp Pt. Townsend, WA.

"Dearest Mother, I will answer your most welcome letter...." "Mother you should know that I am not mad at you. I wouldn't get mad at you for nothing in this wide world......" I guess Mrs. Brown is around any where is she? Is Benny still at the Post? I am coming home in September and look the place over and then I will probably transfer to Warden or Lewis..." I have been going fishing with the Colonel which I work for. We have been going up in the Mt. near Laramie. All of the troops are getting ready to go to Texas next month......Lots of Love, /signed/ Merritt Sanders"

"P.S. I hope Dad is feeling better when you get this letter, and please excuse this typing but I guess You can read this better than you can read my writing."

About this time our Father had a heart attack while in the Post Office in Port Townsend, WA. I can remember staying in the car outside and nobody would tell me anything about his condition. Some years later I was told by someone that the Doctors that had attended Dad and gave him a supply of nitroglycerine pills gave my Dad about three years to live. My Father died 1 April 1959, Loveland, CO. Two photos of Marge and Benny Benson with Merritt, mom, dad and the Dale kids below.



  • Location And Date: 8 July 1939

Letter from Merritt to Mom dated 8 July 1939 from Fort Francis E. Warren, Wyo. Station Hospital, to Mom; General Delivery Port Townsend WA.

"Dearest Mother, I will answer your most welcome letter..... How are you and Dad feeling........ The other kid that works with me with the X-ray took a 45 day furlough and I am running the X-ray by myself......... I am planning to come home in September or October......... I guess old Benny is still the same........ how is Marg.......

Benny Benson was in the Army with Dad, he stayed till he got his full retirement, Marg is his wife.

Is Mr. Gustui still working for the Engineers?.........

Mr. Gustui lived on some acreage just South of West Secondary. West Secondery was where we lived in 1934 to 1936. It was housing for Army married personnel with family. It consisted of two bedrooms and a living room. Dads other responsibilities while living there was to be an observer. This observation post overlooked the Strait of Jun. de Fuca. A body of water separating Washington State and Vancouver Island British Columbia. Looking out across the Strait all you could see was Protection Island a rocky mountain like piece of land with high cliffs, inhabited only by seals.

Oh, yes they had a big murder here in Cheyenne. Did you read about it? A man shot his wife. Was there any battle ships in Port Townsend over the 4th? /signed/ Lots of Love, Merritt Sanders


  • Location And Date: 27 July 1939

Letter from Merritt to Mom dated 27 July 1939 from Fort Francis E Warren, Wyo. Station Hospital, to Mom; c/o Pecks Camp Port Townsend, WA.

"Dearest Mother, Will answer your most welcome letter which I received some days ago....." They are sure having a big rodeo here in Cheyenne. There are people here from all over, even Pt. Townsend, WA. The License plates sure are pretty this year. I don't guess I will be transferring to Fort Lewis, they are sending me to Washington D.C. to X-ray School for at least six months. Lots of Love, /signed/ Merritt S. Sanders.

P.S. I am sending you some clippings."

The clipping consist of pictures showing Bucking Horse Riding, Bull Dogging, Parade of Covered Wagons through Cheyenne, and a Float pulled by 4 or 6 white horses. The theme of the Float says, "The Development of The Glorious West with 5 or 6 Indians in full dress riding atop. On the other side of the Newspaper Clipping is an Ad showing what movies are at the local Theater. "PRINCESS - Starring Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur" AND "ST. LOUIS BLUES - Starring Dorothy Lamour and Lloyd Nolan".


  • Location And Date: 18 Oct. 1939

Letter from Merritt dated 18 Oct. 1939 from Fort Francis E Warren, Wyo. Station Hospital, to Mom; c/o Sheridan Ave., Port Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother, I can't tell you in words how much I am sorry for not answering your letter sooner..... Mother I have good news I just made Private First Class........ So next month I can send you some money to buy those chickens. If you can go ahead and buy them and I will send you the $5 the last of the month...."

In about this time frame, my Dad went into the chicken business. He bought little chicks from the local Coop, raised them for Layers, Fryers, and Roasting Hens. Sold the eggs and the Fryers, and Roasting Hens back to the Coop for grain, straw, etc. Dad, with help from us kids made this project somewhat profitable. Dad also carried on a modest Carpenter sideline. Looking back on it now, I wonder how he did this with seven kids to provide for. The photo above showing dad hanging up the wash, sister Mary Jane near the fence and I walking into one of the two chicken houses.

"They sure are raising a lot of heck over in Germany and France, aren't they? The First and Twentieth Infantry are leaving for South Carolina and they are going to make a recruiting post out of this Fort......Lots of Love /signed/Merritt Sanders."


  • Location And Date: 28 May 1940

Letter from Merritt dated 28 May 1940 from Camp Clayton, Monterey, CA., c/o Battery B76th F. A, to Mom; c/o Sheridan Ave., Port Townsend, WA.

"Dearest Mother, I received your most welcome letter day before yesterday......... Do you remember me telling you that I might have to go to CA. Well here I am. ........ We are just 100 miles from San Francisco.... We are supposed to come up to Fort Lewis in July, and when we do I will come over and see my little Mother..... Barbara is still in Cheyenne with her mother......

This is his first mention of his first wife, BARBARA. So the date of the marriage is between the dates of 18 Oct. 1939 and 28 May 1940.

I don’t know if she is going to come out here or not. We have been having a little trouble. She wants me to quit the Army and I am not about to quit. Another thing mother you know how it is when you live around the folks. I don’t know what in the name of the world to do about Barbara, you know that there isn’t very much work on the outside. Well I guess it will work out some way. She thinks I put in to come out here, but I sure didn’t. Mother ask Dad if he knew a Simcoe that was in the Band at Warden. He knows Dad. I will close for this time, answer soon. Oodles of Love /signed/ Merritt Sanders" 


  • Location And Date: 18 September 1940

Letter from Merritt from Camp Ord, CA c/o C Battery 31st F. A. to Mom; c/o Sheridan Ave., Port Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother. I will try and write you another letter and see if you get it. I have written 4 times and you always write back and say that you haven’t heard from me. Well I sure hope that you get this letter but it seems like you will never get one....... I am supposed to go back to Cheyenne next month, and I sure would like to come back home before I went back to Warren, Wyo......Well I guess married life wasn’t meant for me because me and Barbara don’t seem to get along at all. First she wants to come out here and when she gets out here she wants to go back home. Well I send her back but she sure is putting me in the hole a lot and I can’t even pay you what I owe you and Dad,

and I don’t know what you and Dad thinks of me.......I sure hope you are not mad of me, and if she don’t straighten out I am just going to take off..... I sure was disappointed when I didn’t get to go to Lewis but I wrote to you and told you but you didn’t get my letter...... Mother I made me some Home Brew when Barbara was out here and it blew the bottom out most of the bottles I guess I bottled it to soon.........

When my Dad was in the Army stationed at Fort Warden, he made Home Brew and sold it to the other service men. It sounds like that Merritt should of paid closer attention to the process.

There is an Old Swede out here that makes me think of old Benny he chews snooze and talks just like him...... Do they ever talk about Old Merritt...... Mother Dear I will close for this time hoping again that you will get this letter answer soon /signed/ Merritt Sanders"


  • Location And Date: 26 Dec. 1940

Letter dated 26 Dec. 1940 from Merritt Battery C 31st F.A. Fort Ord, CA to Mom; c/o Pecks Camp Port Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother, I will answer your most welcome letter........ We sure do have a hard time with our addresses don’t we........ I will not get to come home till next month..... I sure would like to have got you a present but I didn’t have the money...... We moved into new barracks last week, those tents were sure cold.... Hoping to hear from you real soon and wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.....Tell John I will answer his letter next time and tell Dad hello.....Oodles of Love /signed/ Merritt S. Sanders


  • Location And Date: 29 July 1941

Letter dated 29 July 1941 from Merritt Station Hospital CASC Unit 1962 Ford Ord, CA to Mom; c/o General Delivery Port Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother, I will at last answer your letter I received some time ago..... I don’t seem to find time to do anything........ Well I get discharged in about two months and I will be home then for sure. I may be home in September but I don’t know for sure....I have been having a heck of a time keeping my mind off of Barbara because I have been getting letters from her wanting me to come back to her, but I am up against it because I think she did me dirty and I don’t think I should. I do think allot of her and I can’t hardly keep from going back to her. I really don’t know what I should do. How are the kids getting along? I guess I won’t know them when I come home in October will I?....Well mother I will have to close for this time. I have got a call to take an X-ray, they brought in a fellow that was in a car wreck and he is supposed to be hurt pretty bad. Tell everyone I said hello.......All the Love In The World /signed/ Merritt S. Sanders".


  • Location And Date: 17 October 1941

Letter dated 17 Oct. 1941 from Merritt Station Hospital CASC UNIT 1962 Fort Ord, CA to Mom; c/o Sheridan Ave Rt.#3 Port Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother, I will answer your letter which I received today..... Sorry to hear about Dad and hope that he will get better..... Well, Mother I will not be home the last part of this month because I have to go to Cheyenne before I come home.

Mother, I haven’t made up my mind about re-enlisting yet. Did I tell you about me being Sergeant. They told me they would make me Staff Sgt. in November if I re-enlist. I wish I knew what to do. The reason I am going back to Cheyenne is because of Barbara. She keep writing me and telling me how much she wants to see me. I don’t see how I am going to get along without her and on the other hand she sure has done me plenty dirty.

I really like the Army and guess I will stay with it. Well mother I will have to close for this time and I will write you as soon as I get to Cheyenne. I may drop by and see my brothers and sisters. If they haven’t done any thing for me I think I should see what they look like anyway don’t you. Good-bye I will see you soon....Lots of Love /signed/ Merritt S. Sanders".

Ref: Debra Matton e-mail dated 11 April 1998.

"Aunt Clarice said Merritt was visiting Zephel and they had all gone to church one Sunday. She remembers singing in the church, they were and are Baptist. When they came home John Harris her Father said he heard on the radio that Pearl Harbor had been bombed. It was Sunday 7 December 1941. All the soldiers were being recalled to their bases and Uncle Merritt had to leave the next morning."

See  next letter for verification of this statement.


  • Location And Date: 27 December 1941

Letter dated 27 Dec. 1941 from Merritt Station Hospital Fort Ord, CA to Mom; c/o Sheridan Ave., Port Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother, I will at last write you a few lines to let you know that I am still ok....... I would have been home by now if this war hadn’t been declared and they sent me a telegram for me to come back........ .Well mother Dear I am still at Fort Ord, and I am not allowed to tell you about what is going on because they are checking up on all information that is given out. As soon as the war is over I will be home.....Well Mother did you have a good Christmas? I sure didn’t...... Mother, I saw all of my brothers and sisters except Nell. I will close for this time, and Mother Dear, remember that I always will still love you...Love /signed/ Merritt S. Sanders."

I believe this photo that states Merritt and two Cousins was taken, at this time the Unknown cousins are not known.



  • Location And Date: 21 March 1942

Letter dated 21 March 1942 from Merritt Medical Detachment, CASE Fort Ord, CA to Mom; c/o Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA

My Dearest Mother, I will answer your letter I got the other day....... I sure wish I could see you, but I will some day.......... Mother Dear, you don’t have to worry about me forgetting you because there isn’t a chance in the world of me doing that...... I am going to send you a picture that a nurse took of me. It isn’t very good though, I will send you a big one some day.....

This statement refers to the picture of Merritt taking an X-ray of a mans hand. The caption on the back of the photo states: "Mother, here is a picture of me taking a X-ray but you can’t make out my face very good. I am taking a picture of a hand, this picture was taken at nite."

I had a (90) day leave but I had to come back right away.

This is the possible time that he met Gladys , because the first letters he mentions going back and forth the waters and is stationed on the U.S.A.T (Stands for U.S. Army Transport) "HUGH" L. SCOTT. . The next is a "V-MAIL" (That’s a Photograph of a letter) where he mentions Gladys.

I work in the X-ray in the morning and drill me in the afternoons......It sure is different then peace time....... Answer soon and tell everybody I said hello Love /signed/ M.S.Sanders


  • Location And Date: 23 June 1942

Letter from Merritt U.S.A.T. "HUGH" L. SCOTT to Mom; c/o Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA. This letter forwarded to Loveland, CO.

"My Dearest Mother, Mother old dear, here is just a few lines from me to let you know that I am still OK and that you are always on my mind. As I can’t Tell you every thing. I can tell you that I travel back and forth across the water and I have made it over and back OK. It sure was good to see the good old U.S. again but I won’t be here long as you probably will hear from me again for some time but don’t you worry about me because I have a long time to live yet.

I have been through some pretty hot water but thank God they didn’t get us yet, Mother, be sure and write to me often at the address that I gave you in San Francisco because it sure does get lonesome on this water. In fact there is water and more water around you.

We are out here in the bay anchored and we don’t know how long we are going to stay here or where we are going. It sure does look good to see land again. Oh, yes I don’t know if I told you are not but I am in charge of the men  here in the hospital in other words I am acting first Sgt.

Tell Uncle Bert when you write him that I am going to surprise him and write him a letter some time and that I think of him often. Well Mother dear I must close for this time and answer my letter just as the address below and don’t put the rank on it./signed/ M.S. Sanders"

Now my memory of this is that we used to have terrific Hail Storms there in Loveland, CO. During this time frame we had one car and it was a 1936 - 1938 "Graham Page", this car had a partial canvas roof. One day we was moving from a Motor Court to a Cement Building next to the main North South Hwy 395 through Loveland. We had just settled in when this hail storm came up and the hail was the size of golf balls, Dad was out in this storm to get the rest of the furniture, or what have you. I was there in that cement building with the hail hitting this cement building, sounding like someone was shooting at it with a high power rifle, I ran and crawled under the bed. When dad returned with the car, the roof was completely shredded. But luckily no windows broken that I can remember. I can remember him repairing the roof himself with tar paper and tar.

On this particular trip home, Dad worked at a town, Jerome, Idaho as a carpenter, they were building a Japanese Concentration Camp. Image of payroll check and a sign at the entrance to this camp with a map and aerial view below.

            areal view.jpg (201052 bytes)

This provided Dad with enough money to return home to Port Townsend. On this particular trip, Dad had rented out the house that he built on Sheridan Ave., and I recall that he and Mom had some problem getting the tenants out so we could move back in.

What is mind boggling about this is you must realize there was a war going on. Where and how did Dad obtain gas coupons? I know he mixed kerosene with his gas at a ratio of 5 gallons of gas to 8 gallons of kerosene to get more volume of fuel.


  • Location And Date: 13 or 27 December 1942 Staten Island, NY

A small mystery concerning this letter. Merritt dated this letter 27 December 1942 and the cancellation on the envelope states 13 December 1942. The stationery that he used was that of the "Matson Line" as shown below on the letter and envelope. His enlistment records show that he was assigned to the USAT Monterey during this time and the USAT Henry C. Gibbons at the time of the V-Mail letter below. 



  • Location And Date: 24 November 1943

V-Mail dated 24 November 1943 from Merritt Port of Embarkation Brooklyn Army Base, Brooklyn, New York to Mom; c/o Sheridan Ave, Port Townsend, WA.


"Dearest Mother, Here is a line or two to let you know that I often think of you even if you don’t hear from me very often...... It seems like a mighty long time since I have seen you. I will be glad when I get back to the States. After this is all over I will come up to see all of you. I sure will be glad when that day comes. I sure do have a sweet wife now. I will be glad when you can see her. I will close for now and remember that no matter where I am at or what I may be doing I will always love you and will always have you in my prayers. /signed/ All Of My Love Merritt Sanders"

This is the first mention of Gladys Shear. So marriage took place sometime between 23 June 1942 and 24 November 1943.


  • Location And Date: 5 February 1944

Letter dated 5 February 1944 from Merritt Halloran General Hospital, Staten Island, NY to Mom; c/o Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

"Dearest Mother, I have a little bad news for you. I am sick in the hospital. Nothing bad, so don’t worry. I heard from Gladys and she said that she sent you a picture of us. Sure is good to be back in the U.S.A. I sure would like to see all of you. It seems a long time since I have been to Washington. Mother do you remember how I hated milk well they make me drink 2 qts a day. Well Mother Dear I will close for now and remember that I will all way love you. /signed/ Love Merritt."


  • Location And Date: 18 February 1944

Letter dated 18 February 1944 from Merritt American Red Cross Stationery, Winter General Hospital, Topeka KS
 to Mom; c/o Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

"Dearest Mother, I got your sweet letter today.....As you can see I am in a hospital in Kansas. I don’t know what they are going to do to me? I don’t know if they will give me a discharge or go back to duty. The doctors told me I wouldn’t have to go over seas again. Well I guess I have helped a little, out of the 21 months on the ships I was over seas 18 months of it. Has it been 4 years since I have seen you? It seems a long time but I didn’t know that it was that long. I am sure glad that you like our picture, Gladys sent me one. I know that you would like her Mother because she sure is sweet. Remember my love for you will never die. /signed/ Love Merritt."


  • Location And Date: 3 March 1944

Letter dated 3 March 1944 from Merritt Winter General Hospital Topeka, KS to Mom; c/o Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

Dearest Mother, Will at last answer your letter.... There isn’t anything very bad wrong with me, I was just run down....I will be back in the States 2 months pretty soon. It sure does feel good to be back but I wouldn’t mind going over again if I had to......Tell all hi.../signed/ Love Merritt."


  • Location And Date: 9 April 1944

Letter dated 9 April 1944 from Merritt Winter General Hospital Topeka, KS to Mom; Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

"Dearest Mother, Will at last answer your letter.... I still feel pretty good. I should be out of here pretty soon. Gladys has been here for about a week and a half. Sure was glad to see her. They let me go to town for seven days. Sure was glad to get out....Sure would like to see you very much but I don’t know when I will get a chance to get to Washington again. Is Bert still up at Copalis Crossing? I heard from him once and I haven’t heard from him after I answered his letter. I will close and tell all hi for me. /signed/ Love Merritt Sanders".


  • Location And Date: 9 May 1944

Letter dated 9 May 1944 from Merritt Winter Gen. Hospital Ward B-15, Topeka, KS to Mom; Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

"Dearest Mother, Just a line to let you know that I am still Ok and I am feeling pretty good these days.....Gladys is still here with me and she said she was going to write you one of these days..... I am to be discharged and sent to a Veterans hospital in KY so if you don’t hear from me by the time you write just write to this address and I will get it ok.... Sure would like to see you. Maybe one of these days I will be able to see you. I don’t know where I will live after I get out of these hospitals....Gladys says hi, and tell all hi for me. /signed/ Merritt"

I believe this is where this photo of Merritt and Gladys was taken. She made a comment on how much weight he had lost.


  • Location And Date: 9 June 1944

Letter dated 9 June 1944 from Merritt Lafe, AR to Mom; Sheridan Ave Port Townsend WA.

"Dearest Mother, Will at last........ Should have written sooner but kept putting it off..... Well Mother I am at home now. They discharged me in May and sent me to a Veterans Hospital in Kentucky and I just got here last Saturday night...... P.S. Say Mother how about sending me the pictures you have of my Mother and Dad. Thanks /signed/ Lots of Love Merritt S. Sanders"


  • Location And Date: 9 July 1944

Letter dated 9 July 1944 from Merritt 60 East Gage Ave, Memphis 9, Tenn. to Mom; Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother, Will at least drop you a line..... As you can see from my address we have moved to Memphis. I am feeling pretty good these days. I think I will make it OK now..... It still feels funny for me to be out of the Army but I will get used to it. Well Mother I want you to know even if I don’t write often I am always thinking of you and one of these days I will be able to see you.......Tell all hi for now /signed/ Love Merritt and Gladys."


  • Location And Date: 26 July 1944

Letter dated 26 July 1944 from Merritt 60 East Gage Ave Memphis 9, TN to Mom; Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother, I will at last answer your letter........ I am feeling swell these days. There isn’t much wrong with me so you don’t have to worry about me. I have a lung that is called collapsed but it is coming along ok now and it will be back to normal one of these days. I had a card from John the other day and I sure was glad to get it. He wanted me to call him and of these days I will try and call you. Yes, I sure would like to see you very much and it has been a long time since we have seen each other. One of these days I am coming up to see you. It will probably be the first of the year or in the fall. Tell John I will answer his card pretty soon.. Tell all hi for us and Gladys said to tell you hi. /signed/ Love Merritt."


  • Location And Date: 29 August 1944

Letter dated 29 August 1944 from Merritt 60 East Gage Ave Memphis 9 TN to Mom Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

" Dearest Mother, Will at last answer your letter........ Should be ashamed of myself but you know how I hate to write......Gladys is setting out on the porch swing sewing and I am writing this letter. I sure would like to see you and maybe one of these days we will.... Tell all hi for me and write soon. /signed/ Lots of Love Merritt."


  • Location And Date: 31 October 1944

Letter dated 31 October 1944 from Merritt Box 58 Lafe, AR to Mom; Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

"Dearest Mother, It seems like you owe me a letter but maybe I am mistaken so I am writing you one first in case I owe you. This finds Gladys and I ok. I am feeling pretty good these days.... Well Mother it sure has been a long time since we have seen each other but one of these days I will surprise you and walk in on you. Tonight is Halloween night all the kids are out I guess and are having a good time...... I am going down in the southern part of AR tomorrow to start to work. Oh yes we have us a small white dog. His name is Homer. Gladys sure thinks he is the stuff. Say I guess you are waiting on the election day? I don’t know who you are for but I sure am for Roosevelt Man. Remember when I used to be for Roosevelt well I am still for him. The people around here sure are for Dewey. I sure do get into some hot arguments about the election...... I hope to have one of your sweet letters in a very short time.....thinking for you Gladys says to tell you hi for her. /signed/ Loads of Love Merritt."

I can hear the debate now that Mom might have with Merritt. She was a staunch Republican. And she would say you’ll never catch me with a Jack Ass. She was sure disappointed when Dewey lost. Before Mom went to bed the newscast on the radio was that Dewey was winning in a landslide. In looking back now, if it wasn’t for the WPA and other programs that Roosevelt started, it would been harder on Dad to make a living. When he started working for the WPA a Sea wall was put in place to the main entrance to Port Townsend. I can remember on windy days and the waves crashing upon the road you’d think you would be washed away before the sea wall was put in place.


From the money provided by this work Dad bought more land around our property at $75 an acre. From our house to the hospital on Sheridan Ave about 3 city blocks, Dad used as an investment. He later sold out in 1956 and moved back to Loveland, CO. tell his death 1 April 1959.


  • Location And Date: 8 November 1944

Letter dated 8 November 1944 from Merritt Gen. De., Camden, AR to Mom; Sheridan Ave. Port Townsend, WA.

"Dearest Mother, I received your money order and it sure came in handy. I am working down here of this Naval Defense job and I don’t get paid until about the 20th. I was getting a little short so I decided I had better try and get some off of you. I am working in a hospital. It is a easy job I am coming home one of these days to see all of you. I sure would like to see you Mother. It will probably be the first of the year before I can make it though. I am still doing ok on my one lung. The only trouble is I get short winded pretty easy. /signed/ Love Merritt."



  • Location And Date: 4 March 1945

Letter dated 4 March 1944 from Merritt Box 66 Smackover, AR to Mom; Sheridan Ave Port Townsend WA.

My Dearest Mother, I will at last drop you a line....... I am doing OK gaining weight every day. Well I guess I will be seeing you one of these days. I am going to CA next month some time and I will be up there sometime during the summer..... I am still doing hospital work, Gladys is working here where I am at and she likes it fine..... I will always have you on my mind and will always love you as a mother, Gladys says hi. /signed/ Love Merritt."

This letter is written on a Co Letter Head. Don’t know if it means anything or not. The Co. is: WINSTON BROS. COMPANY, C. F. HAGLIN AND SONS. INC. THE MISSOURI VALLEY BRIDGE & IRON CO., SOLLITT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. P.O. Box No. 544 Camden, Arkansas. Contract No Y 11102, Naval Ordnance Plant, Shumamaker, Arkansas.


  • Location And Date: 17 June 1945

Letter dated 17 June 1945 from Merritt Box 58 Lafe, AR to Mom; Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother, I will at last drop you a line....... I am feeling pretty good now...... What is John and Paul doing?....I sure would like to see you all.... I think you told me that Junior went to the Army, where is he at, do you ever see Uncle Bert?........ I see Zephel about every day and she asks about you pretty often. Mother I was telling Gladys that I could always remember VE Day because it was on your birthday. / signed/ Love Merritt."


  • Location And Date: 27 June 1945

Letter dated 27 June 1945 from Merritt Box 58 Lafe, AR to Mom; Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother, I will answer your letter and I was glad to hear from you as usual but was sorry to hear about John. I had just wrote you a letter about five days before I got your letter. Mother, I sure would like to come up to see you all but I don’t see how I can come for about two months yet. If John get to feeling pretty bad you be sure and let me know. What did the doctor say about him. He should know if he has heart trouble or not. You should try and take it a lot easier than you do. Don’t worry so much. I know it is hard to do some times but it sure doesn’t get you anywhere. Boy it sure is hot here today. I don’t do so well when it is real hot. I can’t get my breath so good, other wise I feel pretty good. Mother, I just know I can’t come for two months as I have to go to the Veterans Hospital for a check up pretty soon. They are supposed to let me know when to come. How is your garden doing? Everything here has been to wet to do any good. I guess I could get a light job up there, you see I can’t do any hard work on account of my lung. Well Mother dear I will close for now and I hope to hear from you soon, Gladys, says to tell all hi and she aims to write to you one of these times. /signed/ Love Merritt.’

I suspect Mom telling Merritt about a possible health problem with John is a last ditch effort by her to get Merritt to come see her. I think that she knew Merritt's condition was worse then he was telling her. I believe that she knew Merritt was dying and was attempting to get Merritt to come so she could see for herself how bad off Merritt was.

At one time In the process of John taking his bike to the back yard of our home John was knocked out and robbed. He was unconscious for a period of time before he was discovered. I wonder if this is the one pertaining to Johns health?


  • Location And Date:27 July 1945

Letter dated 27 July 1945 from Merritt 60 East Gage Ave Memphis 9, TN to Mom; Sheridan Ave port Townsend, WA.

"My Dearest Mother, I have been waiting to find out something before I wrote you but I haven’t been able to. We got the money ok and thanks a lot. They won’t discharge me out of the Veterans Hospital. Remember I told you I had to go to the hospital for a check up. When I sent for the money I was going to leave last Saturday but they won’t let me go after they taken X-rays of my lung, but we will come as soon as we, can. I should be out pretty soon. I hope you are feeling better. Gladys is feeling pretty good. I think I will let you in on a secret Mother. I am going to be a proud daddy in February some time. This hot weather sure does get me. I can’t get my breath when it is so hot.


I think the weather in Port Townsend will do me good because it is always cool up there. How is all of the kids making it. I sure am anxious to see all of you after all it has been a long time since I have seen you. I sure wish that I would get back like I used to be. Remember when I used to run a mile when I was in school and now I can’t even run a block better lone a mile. This old war sure messed me up but I am not sorry for getting all messed up. In fact I would still be happy to be back in the Army. That was the only way to get me out was to kick me out. Well Mother dear I will close for now I will let you know when we can leave here. It won’t be until I can get out of the hospital. Tell Dad I said thanks for the money from him and you. Remember I will always love you as long as I live. /signed/ Lots of Love Merritt."

This is the last of the letters I can find that Merritt wrote to Mom. Most likely it is the last she heard from him, Mom kept every tidbit she could lay her hands on concerning Merritt.


  • Location And Date: 6 May 1945

Mothers Day Card dated 6 May 1947 from Gladys and Judy Ann Paragould, AR to Mom; Sheridan Ave, Port Townsend, WA.

"To the MOTHER of Someone Dear..... You give an added meaning to The charm of Mother’s Day, You’re very near and very dear In your own special way. That’s why I hope that you will know New joy and sweet content ~~ Because it’s Mothers just like you For whom this day is meant! /signed/ Lots of Love, Gladys and Judy Ann."



  • Location And Date: 16 March 1947

Letter from Gladys Bill 711 N. Bradburn, Paragould, AR to Mom; Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA.

"Dear Mrs. Dale, I guess you think I have forgotten you for not writing you for such a long time, but maybe by this time you know I have married again, since February 2. I am now living in Paragould, Arkansas.

mjbillmarriage1.jpg (379530 bytes)    mjbillmarriage2.jpg (310549 bytes)

Oh yes, I want to thank you for the nice birthday present and Christmas presents you sent Judy. I am sorry I didn’t write before this. Judy is almost walking now. She is a little scared and falls down quite a bit. She can say a few words and has 12 teeth. I am still going to have her picture made soon and will send you one. I received the picture of Merritt and think Judy favors him quite a bit.

How is your family? We are having quite a lot of flu around here, but we have been lucky so far. Judy was sick a few weeks ago, vomiting and fever.


The doctor said it was her tonsils and to have them removed as soon as she was old enough. She was well again in a few days. She has a stroller and really gets around in it.

I must close for now, and thanks for the cute doll and rattler and picture, and I’m really sorry I didn’t write before. Write soon and hope you are well. /signed/ With Love, Gladys and Judy Ann."


  • Location And Date: 19 October 1945

A Telegram dated 19 October 1945 from Nell and Gladys to Mrs. Alma Dale; Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA

"Mrs. Alma Dale Sheridan Ave Port Townsend, WA. Merritt passed away quite suddenly. Burial in Lafe Sunday /signed/ Nell and Gladys."



  • See Location And Date: 22 October 1945

Letter dated 22 October 1945 from Zephel Harris Lafe, AR to Mom; Sheridan Ave, Port Townsend, WA.

My Dearest May, With a sad heart and trembling hand, I will try and write you something about the passing of dear little Merritt.......... /signed/ Bye and Love Zephel."

A two page letter relating the Funeral of Merritt. Zephel included a ribbon with the letter saying "SON" on the ribbon. 


This ends the correspondence that I have in my possession. I sent the originals to Judy Steil, Merritt's daughter and Debra Matton granddaughter of Zephel Harris.

�Paul and Phyllis Dale 1997-2009
Date this page was last edited 10/15/2011