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(revised to 6 April 2016)

















two eminent and illustrious kinsfolk



and his equally scholarly and erudite brother



who have shed so much enlightenment

during the course of this work

concerning the legends and traditional history

of this ancient and exalted Family


That which follows hereafter in the succeeding pages is, admittedly, but a very rough attempt at a very preliminary draft of a very complex work; yet it is, even as it stands at present, the most thorough and complete such compilation on this subject ever assembled to date in one place as a single unit. It has been made possible thus far only through the wonderfully dedicated and devoted efforts of many choice and gracious souls far too numerous to acknowledge here, whose willing responsiveness has truly been a thing of beauty to behold. Only through the repeated redoubling of such efforts now and in the future can it ever become, as hoped and projected, a record worthy of all acceptation. Much has been done; much more remains to be done, even much more than has been heretofore.

The primary reasons for releasing copies of this material, such as it is, at this stage, are principally twofold - firstly to satiate in some part or measure the honest, eager and enthusiastic appetites of so many who have waited so patiently for so long, by showing as much as we now know; and, secondly, to serve as a sort of mammoth questionnaire, by showing also just how very much we do not now know. The latter is most crucial, and we must now again appeal for help in general as never before in improving the nature and quality of the data here presented. May the enclosed work serve as a catalyst which will stir an added impetus and incentive in impelling all of us ever onward toward that grand and noble objective.

Permission is hereby willingly and gladly granted and the invitation openly extended for any and all interested parties anywhere to freely reproduce, copy or distribute at will at any time, by any means, in whole or in part, whatever information may be desired from the contents hereof. Indeed we strongly urge and encourage the continued dissemination of this material from one to another on a scale as wide as practicable and possible. In return we only at this time ask, prevail upon and implore each and every individual obtaining access to it to very diligently pore over it and most thoroughly peruse to his or her satisfaction those portions of which he or she may possess some degree of personal knowledge and awareness, ascertaining all the while the particular extent of completeness and correctness of the facts there represented. We simultaneously beseech each and every person to specifically seek out and assess as many errors or omissions as may come to light, and to carefully note also any and all recollections or clues, however vague or obscure, which might conceivably have a bearing or influence in any way at all upon the course of future research for further relevant items now missing from the collection. Finally, we beg each and every party who can possibly do so in any way, to ensure that as many discrepancies or needed improvements as can be found by them upon such examination will be communicated to us or brought to our attention for consideration and action, regardless of how minor or insignificant a given point may at the moment seem. It cannot be overstated or overstressed that nothing is ever too small or too unimportant.

After much consideration as to efficiency and effectiveness, the present loose-leaf format has been developed and adopted for this work for reasons stated in the "Explanatory Notes" section of the larger, expanded version which was previously made available to a very few members on an experimental basis. Owing to the reactions and responses received, that rather heavy, bulky format has now been relegated only to the official Master Copy, and the enclosed records are here presented in a much more compact, consolidated, yet still complete, fashion. The entries herein contained precisely and exactly parallel the larger Group Sheets earlier employed, and every item of information included therein is also identically reproduced here, with the exception that the blank lines and empty spaces have been eliminated or replaced by question marks in the interest of reducing and conserving space, and the text has also been more solidly condensed into this smaller, more compressed arrangement for the sake of convenience and according to the requirements expressed and requested. The general principle of the Group Sheet method itself has in recent years become so universally well-recognised that it seems no longer necessary to reprint in this abridgement the many pages of instructions previously designated "Explanatory Notes", and they have thus been omitted, likewise for the sake of fewer pages and more manageability. They are, however, obtainable should anyone desire to insert them hereafter.

There are a variety of other reasons also for finally settling upon retention of the loose-leaf method upon which the former procedure was based. As before, the entire compilation is thus safeguarded against obsolescence. For our own part, whenever even the slightest detail by way either of correction or update is submitted to us, we shall accordingly, as speedily as may reasonably be in the circumstances, endeavour to prepare a revision of the page or pages affected, and proceed to forward a replacement to all persons known to possess copies. Thus all volumes in individual hands will hopefully still be kept entirely parallel and identical in every way both to each other and to the Master Copy itself, insofar as available facts permit. Accordingly we highly recommend that all those obtaining or having possession of a copy of this compilation or any part of it should be certain to register same with us, simply because this is the only means by which we can possibly know to whom updates and revisions ought to regularly be sent as we are ourselves apprised of such changes and new facts. Inasmuch as the special "Book of Remembrance" album cover or binder prepared for the larger Group Sheets will not properly fit this reduced format, it is further recommended that this work be placed in a standard ring binder or prong folder of such type, style and quality as the individual may select in accordance with his or her own preferences and personal tastes.

Lastly of all, in closing we wish each and every one of you, in all sincerity, the utmost success and happiness in all your endeavours, genealogical and otherwise, and we shall certainly very deeply and gratefully appreciate hearing at any time from anyone whose desire it is to write. Your comments, opinions, observations, suggestions and corrections will also all be most eagerly anticipated indeed.


(Abbreviated Summary)

(It has been deemed expedient, advisable and desirable to extract, insert and include in abridged and amended form herein, as points of information for general distribution, only the following reduced versions of two items of explanation from our former more expanded and voluminous Explanatory Notes previously published and issued on limited scale. The remainder, owing to their bulk, and being for the most part largely if not principally merely matters of organisational policy and procedural guidelines, have now been fully reconsidered and found primarily redundant and unnecessary to this manuscript, inasmuch as the greater applicability of their design in fact tends moreover toward the larger, more formal or official Group Sheet style or format in any case. Consequently they have therefore accordingly been otherwise wholly omitted from this compilation and will not be reprinted at this time, except by virtue of being made available by special and specific request. Although further queries are always cheerfully received and welcomed as to methods for dealing with various situations or circumstances which may from time to time or on occasion arise, as well as reasons or logic for arbitrarily implementing certain decisions and standards herein, it is regardless meanwhile thought, felt, supposed and presumed that many of the appropriate solutions and answers will in all probability also in most cases become quite readily clear, apparent and obvious upon, through, in the course of, or after even superficial examination and study of these records entirely without inclusion of the more complex and detailed rules and regulations formerly established solely for the Compiler's own instruction and guidance in maintaining conformity throughout.)


In order to deduce the specific lineage of any person, persons or branch herein contained backward toward the earliest extant record or first recorded progenitor on the ascending pedigree, one need simply select the relevant parent atop the entry in question whose data as shown includes the identities of his own parents in turn followed by the parenthetical phrase "(to whom refer)"; then proceed alphabetically to the entry for the couple to whom so referred, indexed always for the sake of consistency and clarity under the masculine surname, and again repeat the process.


In order to deduce the specific lineage of any person, persons or branch herein contained forward toward the latest generation of recorded posterity on the descending pedigree, one need simply examine the list of offspring presented in the entry in question and select from amongst same the child or children whose issue it is desired to further trace. If the child thus selected be male, one merely notes the name of his wife, then refers alphabetically in turn to the entry for such couple, indexed always for the sake of consistency and clarity under the masculine surname, and the process is then again repeated. If, conversely, the selected child be female, it is necessary only that one instead note the name of her husband, then refer to that couple's own entry likewise alphabetically under his surname rather than hers, and proceed as before adumbrated.


The Individual Nuclear Family Group Entries are simply listed alphabetically by Husband's surname, and within a surname by Husband's given names. Where the Husband's complete name is identical to more than one individual, such persons are indexed according to order of birth. Information contained within each such entry is arranged internally according to a complex prearranged and standardised formula. Unmarried persons appear only within their parents' entries and require no additional entry for themselves, inasmuch as such would be repetitious, redundant and unnecessarily self-defeating of its purpose, namely the addition of further otherwise unrecorded data for spouse and offspring.


Whilst perfection is neither expected nor in every instance possible, the ideal concept and goal toward which is being striven in this work would of course be for each and every entry throughout this record to ultimately be expanded to contain as much as is now humanly recoverable concerning even the minutest details of each and every life. Inconsequential as some of this data may appear at present, this may well one day prove to be the only such record remaining upon the face of the whole earth wherein certain of these facts, of inestimable interest to countless future descendants in generations yet unborn, may be found preserved. All readers are therefore most earnestly solicited to contribute any such information as now remains at their disposal or accessible to them, for further incorporation into this work.

In addition it is anticipated that as detailed a narrative biography as can be compiled pertaining to each life, whether Husband, Wife or child, should eventually be appended to each individual entry, including every bit as much as can be reconstructed of each person's activities, adventures and personality, as well as any and all surviving anecdotes surrounding same. Such material may be submitted either in the form of rough jottings or a final draft; all necessary adjustments will be accordingly made for publication, with all due care being taken to retain intact the integrity of the account itself. In the case of a personal autobiography the same may also be couched in the first person if so desired.

Finally it is further intended that pictorial sheets may also in due course be reproduced and inserted throughout the text as additional pages, illustrating and depicting each individual at various stages and periods of life, together with those places, objects, buildings, scenes, landmarks or events which may have been familiar to the person or which may have played a role, however great or small, in shaping any aspect of his mortal existence. Where no authentic likeness of the actual person is presently known to exist for possible reproduction purposes there remains still nothing to preclude inclusion of these other relevant items connected with his life or times which may help restore his story to life once more; indeed in such cases, and especially in absence of anything more personal, such other additional visual aids necessarily become to a greater or lesser extent even all the more desirable and useful from the standpoint of placing the bare facts within more suitable and appropriate context and better, more human, perspective.

Readers are wholeheartedly invited to scrutinise the entries contained herein, and to forward any of the following data which may be missing, even though it be but a single item at a time if no more is available. Whilst the format for each entry follows a very rigidly structured and meticulous pattern of arrangement, readers are encouraged simply to contribute data without in any way or sense personally concerning themselves overly much with the integral mechanics of organisation in its final form.

Some of the details thus requested, required and desired would ideally include the following or any part or portion thereof.


1. Full legal name(s) of each and every family member and of each and every spouse, (including maiden surnames)

2. Full legal names of parent(s) of each and every member and spouse, as above, (including maiden surnames)

3. Derivations or reasons for choices of all given names, including specific personages, if any, for whom named, and persons suggesting or influencing said decisions, as well as circumstances surrounding or affecting same. All legal changes, alterations, additions to or deletions from full names, as well as in spelling, order or sequence thereof


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every birth, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons known to have been present in attendance at time of birth, medical or otherwise, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Weight, measurements, eye and hair colour or other physical characteristics or statistics pertaining to infant at time of birth


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every infant blessing or christening, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with, participating in, or acting as Godparents or sponsors at infant blessing or christening, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Religious denomination under whose auspices the ordinance was performed


1. Same points as above, also noting full names and status of proxies where applicable


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Same points as for Baptism above


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every marriage (and later sealing), also noting full names and status of proxies where applicable

2. Same points as immediately above, with regard to any previous or subsequent marriages of the spouse

3. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every such marriage and later sealing

4. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every such marriage or sealing, whether of member, or other previously or subsequently of spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

5. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with, acting as attendants or as legal witnesses to, or otherwise participating in the official party at marriage or later sealing, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

6. Religious denomination or civil authority under whose auspices the ordinance was performed


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every death, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every death, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every death, whether of member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons known to have been present in attendance at time of death, medical or otherwise, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship, as the case may be

5. Weight, measurements, eye and hair colour, or other physical characteristics or statistics pertaining to deceased at time of demise

6. Certified medical cause of death


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse

3. Actual location, as precisely as possible, of each and every memorial service, whether for member or spouse, together with rural land description, street address or name of building or institution, if any

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting or officiating at, assisting with or participating in memorial services or portions thereof, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship as the case may be

5. Religious denomination or civil authority, if any, under whose auspices memorial services were performed

6. Full names, insofar as possible, of all members, both honourary and active, of bearer party, if any, at memorial services

7. Official corporate name of firm, if any, acting as directors of memorial services


1. Full date, (day, month and year), of each and every actual interment or committal, whether of member or spouse

2. Approximate time of day, as precisely as possible, of each and every actual interment or committal, whether of member or spouse

3. Actual legal and official name and designation of cemetery and of municipal unit, urban or rural, within whose boundaries, as then constituted, the same is located, complete with plot number or legal description within cemetery, if available

4. Full names, insofar as possible, of all persons conducting, officiating at, assisting with or participating in interment or committal services or portions thereof, together with rank, style, title, office or official or personal relationship, as the case may be

5. Religious denomination or civil authority, if any, under whose auspices interment or committal services were performed

6. Full names, insofar as possible, of all members, both honourary and active, of bearer party, if any, at interment or committal

7. Official corporate name of firm, if any, acting as directors of interment or committal services


1. Any and all ranks, styles, titles, offices, honours, awards, prizes, appointments or distinctions achieved or attained by a member or spouse from whatever source, whether public, private, social, fraternal, academic, scholastic, athletic, political, diplomatic, religious, corporate, military or otherwise, with all dates of such conferral or bestowal, etc., as precisely as possible

2. Any and all personal characteristics or traits, including average adult weight, height and measurements at prime, eye and hair colour, complexion or any other similarly notable physical attributes

3. Life history, including movements, associations, experiences, interests, recreations, hobbies, talents or abilities, personal habits, preferences or tastes, curious sayings or favourite phrases, or any other similar items, together with any anecdotes and tales which might conceivably aid in reconstructing, reviving or revealing in any way any aspect of the individual personality


1. Where documentation exists apart from personal knowledge alone in support of any of the facts thus indicated or stated, the nature of the document(s) or source(s) from which such information has been gleaned, or by means of which it may be re-obtained or verified


1. Finally, it need only be clarified that throughout this work the specific terminology in reference to place-names follows insofar as possible the usage current in each instance at time of event. Consequently changes in designation, jurisdiction or status for a given locality over a period of time may be reflected either from one entry to another, or even within a given entry. It will therefore not be at all uncommon to find an entire change of name for a community, or alteration in type or order of local government units, as well as various other combinations or permutations which may from time to time appear at first to the uninitiated as possible errors, inconsistencies or omissions; however, every care has been taken to enter such changes consistent with the historically proper style of the moment.


Background, Origins and Early Development



General Introduction

According to tradition handed down in the family of the Irish Barringtons, and long diffused and preserved throughout the Limerick and other branches, the first of our ancestors known on English soil was one Eudo, Udo or Odo du Barentin or Barentone, variously described as either a Norman follower or Saxon supporter of the Conqueror, by whom he was rewarded with a grant of the Custodianship of The King's Forest of Hatfield. In reality the Barringtons were Anglo-Saxon and they extend back much further still. Although the surname may have originated with Udo and he may have been the first whose forename has been preserved without a subsequent gap in the record, he and his forebears had in fact been Hereditary Woodwards of Hatfield Forest, at Hatfield Broad Oak, near Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire even as early as and probably well before the Conquest. Udo's grant may therefore have been more in the nature of a regrant or confirmation, perhaps with a broadening, extension or other alteration of its scope, terms or conditions as well.

There is also in circulation a rather charming English family legend concerning a remote paternal antecedent named Adam who was converted to Christianity by St. Augustine, the first Archbishop of Canterbury, allegedly in the year 597. From this event is said to have been derived the friar's head crest atop the basic Arms, Argent three chevronels gules a label azure, - (in which case the monk in question almost certainly would have had to have been Benedictine rather than Capuchin as apparently since supposed by many branches of the name).

At any rate Udo's son Eustachius (or Eustace), surnamed "de Barentona", was confirmed in the Custody of this Royal Forest by King Henry I., from whom also he received a considerable additional grant of lands in nearby Essex, which became the hereditary seat of his successors. He died during the reign of King Stephen, by whom the family was greatly further enriched by receipt of Lord Montfichet's former holdings.

The 14th in direct descent from Udo, John Barrington, a contemporary of Henry VIII., further enhanced his heritage and fortunes by marriage into the great family of Bonham, which alliance brought a share of the blood of the Lords Marney as well. John's son Thomas did better still, by marrying, firstly, Alice, daughter to Henry Parker, Lord Morley, and, secondly, Winifred, daughter and co-heiress to Henry Pole, Lord Montagu and widow of Thomas Hastings. This lady's grandfather, Sir Richard Pole, a Knight of the Garter, was married to the cruelly-executed Margaret, Countess of Salisbury, whose father in turn was the also-murdered George, Duke of Clarence, brother to King Edward IV. and King Richard III., (the latter of whom fell before the Tudor onslaught at Bosworth Field, having, it was perhaps unjustly alleged, previously disposed of his two young nephews in the Tower); and thus Thomas' wife brought into the family by right of her great-grandfather, the blood of the Royal House of England.

According to some of the most respected authorities, Thomas and Winifred produced a daughter Catherine who married into the noble and illustrious family of Bourchier, and also two sons, Francis and John, the former becoming a great man in England and the latter in Ireland. But in this assumption the experts are found in error. The younger son was Henry, not John, and the John in question, who settled in Ireland, was instead son to a George, stated by their kinsman Sir Henry Sidney to have been another scion of the original Essex family, branching off the main line of Barrington Hall at some unspecified earlier date.

The elder son of Thomas, Sir Francis, who succeeded his father in the ancestral seat of Barrington Hall, Essex and became Custodian of Hatfield Forest, was created a Baronet of England by King James on 29 June 1611 following institution of that new honour the same year. He served as Member of Parliament during the last years of Elizabeth, throughout the entire reign of James, and even the first three years of Charles I. His wife was aunt to that archfiend and chief regicide Oliver Cromwell, the odious usurper and self-styled "Lord Protector" of the Realm. At Sir Francis' death in 1628 he was succeeded by his eldest son Sir Thomas, second Baronet, who, dying in 1654, was in turn succeeded as third Baronet by his own son Sir John.

This Sir John Barrington of Barrington Hall followed in his grandfather's footsteps as a Member of Parliament and was at first a henchman of his cousin Cromwell. However, shocked and horrified by the despicable excesses which the Parliamentarians proposed, he thought better of the enterprise and withdrew his support; and, when appointed to the blatantly illegal and wholly unconstitutional "kangaroo" tribunal imposed to "try" King Charles, he flatly refused to sit, and likewise indignantly spurned the invitation to join the regicides in signing the spurious death warrant which ended the life of the Martyr King. Thenceforth shunning public life, he dwelt in quietude thereafter and throughout the reign of the restored King Charles II., son to Charles the Martyr, dying 24 March 1682, more than three decades after the Royal Martyr himself, for whose downfall he seems to have felt at least partially personally responsible and guilty. His son Thomas who predeceased him left by his wife Lady Anne Rich, daughter and co-heiress to Robert Rich, fifth Earl of Warwick, an elder son who succeeded him as Sir John, fourth Baronet; but the latter died unmarried in consequence of smallpox in 1691 and the title passed to his brother Sir Charles as fifth Baronet.

Sir Charles, also a Member of Parliament, despite two marriages left no issue. His first cousin Sir John, sixth Baronet, succeeded him and died in 1717. Sir John's eldest son, another Sir John, seventh Baronet, also served in Parliament but died without issue 4 May 1776, being succeeded by his brother Sir Fitzwilliam as eighth Baronet. The latter's two sons succeeded in turn, the elder, Sir John, ninth Baronet, dying unmarried 5 August 1818; and with the demise of the younger, Sir Fitzwilliam, 10th Baronet, on 26 September 1833 in his 79th year, this branch failed in the male line and the English Baronetcy accordingly became extinct, though the daughters married well.

Despite the expiration of his own heirs-male, however, other kinsfolk of Sir Francis, first Baronet, also descending from Udo, have gained great influence and achieved positions of honour, distinction and eminence in English affairs. One of these, Drogo or Drew, served twice as Lord Mayor of London, just before and again shortly after the beginning of the 1400s.

It should perhaps be noted at this juncture that the old Irish Peerage title of Viscount Barrington belongs to a family having nothing whatever to do with the original stock, their founder, whose name was formerly Shute, having merely assumed the surname of his own volition without any blood ties of any sort with the historic family of whom we treat. This he did in consequence of the fact that his first cousin Elizabeth was married to Francis Barrington, a junior grandson to the second Baronet; which Francis and Elizabeth, being childless, bequeathed him their personal property. Of this line arguably the most famous has been the great 20th Century diplomat and man of literature, Patrick, 11th Viscount.

Inasmuch as the Kings of England had been sending troops and settlers into Ireland for centuries before the two Crowns of Scotland and England were united and the "plantations" of Scots settlements also began in earnest, English suzerainty over Ireland has had a very long history, far predating the influx of the Scots-Irish. In fact the ultimate outcome was that in later years the already-settled English finally were relegated primarily to the south of Ireland where they continued Anglicanism in the form of the Established Church of Ireland as their predominant religious affiliation, whereas most of the newly-arriving Scots planters eventually took over the several counties collectively known as Ulster and proceeded to institute Presbyterianism as the common denomination therein.

Thus it was with the Barringtons. In due course, as might be expected, the original Essex family split into various branches and, as with so many other English families of the time, a part or portion of them accompanied the Royal forces into Ireland. This crossing mainly took place during the reigns of the first Mary and Elizabeth, the latter of whom bestowed in 1558, the first year of her reign, a vast and imposing land grant in Queen's County, (now County Leix), including the estate of Cullenagh or Cullinagh, (afterward the site of a modern-day wind farm), upon their leaders George the father and John the son, abovementioned. This was done at the behest of Sir Henry Sidney, Vice Treasurer and afterward Lord Deputy of Ireland, who also bore Barrington blood, and whose Arms as a Knight of the Garter in 1564 included a version of the Armorial Bearings above described. From this colony of Barringtons sprang a branch so large and so powerful that they came to be reckoned one of the so-called "Seven Tribes" of Anglo-Irish occupiers of that County, and were enumerated amongst the principal gentlemen of Leix in 1598. Of course the native Irish family dispossessed of their ancient patrimony in order to accommodate them, the � Mores (or � Moores), being less than pleased with the new arrangement, continued to dispute the claim and waged occasional skirmishes against them for many years, but always the Barringtons, who commanded superior force, held firm. Finally, in 1608, after having averaged an uprising almost every second year for nearly half a century, the remaining � Mores were officially "deported" to County Kerry, where they were little heard of more.

This John Barrington of Cullenagh, who died in 1593, had a descendant John some two centuries later who left several sons, the fourth and eldest surviving of whom being perhaps the most famous and noteworthy of all his race, namely the celebrated jurist, statesman and writer Sir Jonah Barrington, at one time a Member of Parliament and a Judge in Admiralty, who vigourously opposed the Union of Ireland with Great Britain to form The United Kingdom in 1801, and of whom so much has been written across the years.

Meanwhile, however, another scion of this ancient family, Samuel Barrington, whose father had been a definite Cromwellian, had settled at Limerick in or about 1691, and his posterity, seated at Glenstal, (famed latterly as the site of the great Benedictine Abbey and secondary school), attained considerable prominence there, his son and grandson, both named Benjamin, each serving in turn as Sheriff of the County of Limerick, in 1714 and 1729 respectively. The latter's second son Matthew died in 1765, leaving a son Joseph, who, with his sons, became the founder of the renowned Barrington Hospital and Infirmary at Limerick. This Sir Joseph was created a Baronet of The United Kingdom 30 September 1831.

Numerous descendants of this Limerick family have achieved distinction in public affairs and as military officers, having been decorated for their actions in almost every major conflict from that day to this, several having actually laid down their lives on Active Service. Sir Joseph's United Kingdom Baronetcy still survives, two elderly brothers, successively the sixth and seventh Baronets, having been most helpful in imparting much knowledge of the history of their venerable family and its branches. The former was in his time an eminent horticulturist, specialising in the propagation of orchids and carnations; the latter a decorated war hero and ex-Prisoner of War, before distinguishing himself in a series of corporate directorships. At this writing, close to the 300th anniversary of their connexion with Limerick, their kinsman, the current heir to the title, was residing at Calgary, Alberta.

Of the four or five Barrington officers in Cromwell's army, (one of whom being Samuel's father abovementioned), only two had their reward in County Wexford: Major Thomas with grants in the Baronies of Forth and Bantry, and Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander in the Barony of Scarawalsh. The bulk of the Wexford Barringtons descend from the former, a Cavalry Captain and later Major from the Cullenagh branch, who was ascribed the distasteful sobriquet "Kill-All" for his especial degree of barbarism and cruelty, unsurpassed even by his fellow Roundheads, equally toward unarmed men, women and babes of the general Irish population. Principal amongst his lands in Forth was the estate and Castle of Ballymacane, granted in 1656 or 1657. From him descended two other substantial Wexford branches, those of Ballycogly and of Lambstown, as well as numerous other families from other sons.

The Barringtons of Ballycogly (or Ballycogley), including Ballycogly Castle and Tower House, both near Tacumshin (or Tacumshane) Lake, sprang from Major Nicholas, younger son to Thomas "Kill-All", and himself three times Mayor of Wexford. Those of Lambstown originated with his nephew, another Nicholas, fourth son to Thomas, eldest son and successor to "Kill-All". Curiously, this latter Thomas was sympathetic to, and several of his children and their issue turned to, embraced and joined the "Society of Friends" or "Quaker" faith, - one is tempted to suggest as some sort of penance for the misdeeds of their progenitor.

Various other Barringtons, in the nearly four and one-half centuries since their arrival in Ireland, have spread far and wide throughout that land from their original settlement or colony in Queen's County, particularly southward all the way to Cork and Wexford; and, just as naturally, countless Barringtons from both England and Ireland (as well as a scant handful who ventured into Scotland for a few generations) have found their way beyond the seas, including the rebel American possessions both before and after the rebellion, and are now numerous throughout the nethermost regions of our far-flung Empire upon which the sun never sets.

Amy Barrington's masterful The Barringtons: A Family History, penned in 1917, as well as other excellent works since that time have done so much to elucidate the rise of this illustrious family both in England and in Ireland as well as abroad that it would seem futile and redundant to try to further reproduce their contents herein; the reader is accordingly referred and commended for further research and enlightenment to those definitive sources.

(The brief overview of the original mutual ancestry of all branches of the family,

contained in the foregoing General Introduction,

will be continued in greater detail for each specific branch

in the respective Branch Introductions preceding each separate Part

of this total work.

The Compiler's own determinate branch will be found in Part I.,

and other distinct branches will be likewise fully shown and covered

in further additional subsequent Parts as may be duly and individually

indicated and designated thereafter)


The Determinate Branch of the Compiler


Branch Introduction

The Barringtons of Eastern Ontario and Western Qu�bec, as well as a goodly part of North America, at least theoretically derive from three or four close family members, supposedly brothers and cousins, residing in County Wexford, Ireland toward the close of the 1700s and long thought to have been descended of the House of Ballycogly, - although circumstantial evidence has now recently brought the Raheenlusk branch to the fore, in strong prominence and contention as their possible root and source instead.

Of these individuals, one, whose name has apparently long been lost to history, but which, it now appears, may well have been John, allegedly perished as a martyr, together with his wife, in defence of the reformed religion and Protestant faith, specifically in the form of the Established Church of Ireland, most probably during the Wexford Rising of 1798; two others, James and George, eventually found their way to Canada, as did four sons of the martyred couple. Precisely how long their forebears had been domiciled on Irish soil, or, more particularly, in County Wexford, has never been clearly defined, but certainly the Wexford Barringtons were part of a much larger and older Anglo-Irish family of the name who were already widespread and well established in the Emerald Isle.

Indeed there exists a letter penned from Dublin and bearing date 31 May 1798 which makes reference and contains allusion to just such an act of barbarism as that above cited, a few days earlier at a place implied to have been somewhere in the Wicklow Mountains very near the point at which the County boundaries of Counties Wexford, Wicklow and Carlow mutually come together, in these terms following: "In an attempt on Newtown Mount Kennedy, the rebels were defeated with the loss of 40. The Rector of Kyle and his whole family, infants and all, have been butchered by the rebels. The families of Mr. Bookey, Mr. Barrington and others have shared the same fate. The insurgent camp at Blackmoor Hill has been taken possession of by government . . .". This incident may pertain to immediate relatives if not the actual parents of the four emigrant brothers, and may well have inspired the nucleus of the tale, despite the obviously erroneous suggestion that none of the children survived or escaped. Moreover the writer skips to and fro all over Ireland in describing the latest atrocities, and, whilst Kyle Parish was in County Tipperary, the events listed directly before and after, including the Barrington murders, he evidently thought and believed to have taken place along the Wexford/Wicklow border.

That the anonymous and unknown correspondent relied heavily upon hastily conveyed snatches of conversation from persons who had themselves witnessed and escaped these outrages, or even upon second or third-hand information, and that even these bits of hearsay were not always accurately understood, becomes clear when truth is decanted from fiction. In reality the clergyman who perished was undoubtedly the Reverend Robert Burrowes (or Burroughs), who was actually Rector of Kilmuckridge Parish on the Wexford seacoast very near the southernmost tip of the mountain range, but whose residence was called Kyle Glebe, where he was cut down on Whitsunday morning, 28 May 1798. Contrary to the report, his family did not accompany him in death, but indeed fled instead to prominent relatives some distance further afield. And if the Burrowes family survived, then equally well so too may the family of the martyred Barrington(s) have made their escape to eventually leave Ireland behind for the New World.

For many decades and generations after cessation of these overt hostilities, members of the dominant Anglo-Saxon Protestant ruling class who still felt threatened by the seething resentment of those who opposed them and wished them harm, continued in no small numbers to quit Ireland when and as they could. James Barrington Sr., abovementioned, either a brother or a cousin to the slain hero, was claimed as the earliest generation, but not necessarily the first member of the family, in Leeds County, Upper Canada. Tradition holds that his father had been a prominent official of the nature of a Judge or Sheriff in the legal establishment of either County Cork or County Wexford. James and his wife set sail from Wexford on 10 May 1817 on the brig General Moore, (Captain R. Hoare, master, and 96 settlers aboard), arriving on 19 August (not on 8 August or on any of various other dates as erroneously suggested, indicated or recorded in some documents and sources) at the Port of Qu�bec, together with an impressive array of personal effects, agricultural implements and equipment and livestock, as part of the organised emigration scheme known as the Rideau Military Settlement.

James was at first assigned, on 21 October 1817, a tract of about 100 acres in the remote and largely inaccessible North Half of Lot 2, Concession 8, Lansdowne Township, but later, on 29 July 1818, retroactively under the original date, at his own request, owing to poor and entirely unsuitable soil quality and topographical conditions on one of the most horrible pieces of land ever drawn by any settler anywhere, transferred to the Perth Military Settlement Plan, receiving instead an equivalent allocation in the North Half of Lot 13, Concession 6 in the Township of Yonge, about three miles south-east of Farmersville (present-day Athens), which area came to be known as the Dobbs Settlement, for the family on the adjacent farm into which Alice (or Allis) "Allie" Barrington, daughter to John and Deborah, later married. This land was confirmed a few years later, about 1822, and finally granted by Letters Patent from The Crown bearing date 23 June 1828. Traditions vary as to whether he had two, three or even four sons resident in Canada, one legend simply ascribing to him "many sons". He was said to have been buried at or near Tincap in Elizabethtown Township along with a number of these alleged sons.

Be that as it may, two of his sons, James and John, with their wives and John's little daughter Mary, emigrated the following year, 1818, and spent some time at Montr�al before also proceeding westward to Leeds a few years later. Under the succession laws then in force in Upper Canada, James Jr., (known as "Jemmy"), as the eldest son, inherited his father's property outright and simply continued thereon without even so much as bothering about a change in the title deed, and John accordingly took up in due course a homestead on which he erected a log dwelling a few rods west of Unionville, now known as Forthton Corners, in Elizabethtown Township, on the south side of the old Perth Road, (afterward Highway 29), about nine miles from Brockville.

This traditional story and account, however, may well be subject to some redefinition, it remaining equally plausible that James Sr. lived and died near Tincap where he was supposedly buried, and that it was his son James Jr., commonly called "Jemmy", and wife Alice (or Allis), otherwise better known as "Allie", who led the way, coming in 1817 with the "military settlers", rather than with John in 1818, and finally settling in Yonge as above described.

James Jr.'s wife Alice (or Allis) is remembered across the years as "Big Aunt Allie", a most meticulous housekeeper who insisted that even the feather beds be aired out and shaken each and every day. John's wife Deborah Harper, a "good and beautiful woman", is said to have been a close relative to Allie. One account states that she was a sister to the four Harper Brothers, founders of the publishing empire, but this is patently untrue, and another version, which asserts that they were cousins, seems more probable or credible, the premise being that there had been two brothers, one of whom in earlier years had removed either from Ireland to England or vice versa, - the publishers' own grandfather having thus emigrated to North America from Ipswich, Suffolk. (In reality the former seems the more likely scenario, inasmuch as the Harpers or Harpurs had been settled at Harperstown Castle in the Townland of Harperstown in southern Wexford since about the time of the Anglo invasion and occupation by their patron Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke, otherwise known as "Strongbow", in the name of King Henry II., during the 12th Century of the Christian Era.) James "Jemmy" and Alice "Allie" had no family, although legend decrees and history has it that other Barrington children (thought and believed to be offspring of an otherwise unknown fifth brother earlier deceased) lived with them across the years, and at their deaths the original property passed by bequest to their nephew Bennett "Ben" Barrington, son to John, and thence to several generations of his descendants.

Jemmy and Allie were buried at picturesque Oak Leaf Cemetery where their inscriptions were still visible and quite legible toward the end of the 20th Century. The final resting-places of Jemmy's brother John and the latter's wife Deborah remain uncertain, and if ever there were markers erected to their memory these are no longer extant anywhere. However, sometime in the late 1970s or early 1980s a smallish tablet, slightly broken and partially embedded in the earth, was observed by a descendant, the late Harcourt Templeton Johnston, in very close proximity to the tombstones of Jemmy and Allie. The three letters "DEB" were still clearly discernible above ground level, and this was taken upon circumstantial evidence by family members to indicate a clue as to the burial site of Deborah Harper Barrington, together with the extended or parallel hypothesis that therefore John must also lie alongside her there.

John, a devout Orangeman and a staunch supporter of the notorious Ogle Robert Gowan, is stated to have come to Forthton from Montr�al when his eldest daughter Mary was nine years old, which would seem to place the date roughly about 1825 or 1826, and in any case the family were at this location by the time little William and Mary Doolan came trudging up the old Perth Road from Brockville in search of lodgings in the late summer of probably 1826 or 1827, William subsequently becoming Mary Barrington's husband as narrated in the colourful Doolan history. This Barrington property became the refuge for Mary, then in the last stages of pregnancy with her daughter Deborah, during the dark days of November 1838 at the time of the Battle of the Windmill, whilst William was away defending the riverfront against the invaders, and the back country was safer than the front; thus, here, at her parental home, Mary gave birth to Deborah later the same month.

Whether Eliza, John's second child, was born in Ireland or Canada, or in transit on the high seas, remains a point still disputed by sources, but in any case she was born the very year of her parents' emigration and christened later that autumn at Montr�al. However, she died the following year, and later generations of the family confused her with a much younger child of the same name, who they remembered, and who had been born after removal to Upper Canada. This latter Eliza never married, but resided many years with the Forth family who kept the inn at Forthton, and in her lattermost years with her niece Alice Doolan at the old Doolan homestead. According to Sarah Alice "Sadie" Bryan Chipman, writing in January 1959, her Aunt Eliza much preferred little boys to little girls, a pet phrase being "a bit of a boy". Her life ended suddenly one early spring day, at not such a very advanced age as had been imagined by the younger relatives, upon her having walked across the field to the home of her nephew Will Doolan Jr.

The Barringtons of Dundas County result from an accidental or chance occurrence, Thomas, another son to John, having gone to that vicinity in consequence of a harvest excursion, and, upon meeting a special girl there, having decided to marry her and remain nearby. This Thomas was supposedly born aboard ship, probably on the St. Lawrence, in the summer of 1826, perhaps at the time the family was preparing to remove westward, although he was christened at Montr�al, possibly indicative of the fact that they retained commerce back and forth for a time. It may also be that he was born during a return journey to visit relatives at Montr�al or wind up affairs there, after their having already completed the removal; or possibly the express purpose may have been to have him born amongst better conditions and more civilised medical care than the frontier could offer, his birth unfortunately coming before their destination could be reached. Finally, the truth also remains that many more Irish settlers than is usually supposed actually made return visits to the homeland, and, if this were so of John and Deborah, it is quite conceivable that Thomas may have been born on the high seas during the voyage back to Canada.

With Thomas in Dundas and Bennett or "Ben" being bequeathed his uncle Jemmy's property near Athens, the Forthton property devolved upon John's son James, by whose family it was retained for many years thereafter. The other brother, William James, resided just across the line in Kitley Township where he and his wife Eliza Davis, so the story goes, one day "found a baby boy abandoned on their doorstep", and adopted him, naming him Wilson Simpson Barrington. Actually it has been always more generally understood that he was in reality the biological son to a member of the Barrington family, whose identity had not been transmitted across the years or passed down to us until quite recently revealed as hereafter noted; consequently he and his issue must be considered Barrington descendants as well.

The story behind the story is that one day, returning home to his farm from Easton's Corners, the above William James Barrington stopped to refresh himself about at the midway point, near a locality called Crystal, where resided two Wilson sisters. One thing led to another, and possibly William felt a bit too refreshed, with the result that a few months later the infant was surreptitiously delivered to and deposited at his door, together with a note requesting that he should be christened "Wilson".

Of course the possibilty cannot be overlooked, ruled out or dismissed that this may actually have been a clandestinely arranged "ruse" staged in order to enable the childless couple to honourably and respectably extend their bloodline, with the young woman acting essentially as a surrogate.

On 4 May 1820 an older William Barrington landed in Canada from County Wexford, subsequently relocating to Elizabethtown Township and settling near Lamb's Pond, (now New Dublin), where he remained, and where his tombstone may still be viewed in the Anglican Churchyard, very near old St. John's Church itself.

Joseph Barrington Sr. is an obscure figure in history, but apparently had arrived in Canada by at least 1826 when his son Joseph Jr. was born. He is known to have died at Qu�bec City, where he had been engaged in the construction of large sea-going vessels, in early 1828, a very young man, but whether he left any other children is unclear and presumed doubtful. It is quite possible that this family had previously been in Upper Canada, and indeed following his death his widow and infant son then left Montr�al and joined their closest relatives in Leeds County, where little Joseph Jr. was christened the following year.

William and Joseph Sr. are generally thought to have been almost certainly other sons to James Sr., and therefore also brothers. Although this may be the same William who witnessed Joseph Jr.'s first marriage in 1848, and likely therefore his uncle, this witness may alternatively have been a cousin William. There exists no certain trace of any definite siblings for the younger Joseph, and none are presumed. That William's or Joseph Sr.'s father may have been another brother in Ireland apparently has traditionally never been accepted or considered part of the equation. It is now fully accepted that James, John, William and Joseph Sr. were all brothers, and that likewise they had a sister Ann who was married to John Kavanagh and left substantial progeny in and throughout Leeds County as well.

Another William, John, Thomas and James Barrington, brothers, were sons of the martyrs, and also settled in Lower Canada, around Montr�al and later southward. Their date of emigration is given as anywhere from 1810 by some family sources, to the 1820s. Evidence suggests the earlier date to be less likely, at least for some of them; however, there is no valid reason to suppose that all came at the same time. John's family of three sons and six daughters are said to have "gone west" very early on, and California is rumoured as a destination for at least two of them, whilst two others are known to have settled around Leavenworth, Kansas and one near Lakeview, Oregon. John's brother James never married. William and, to a lesser extent, Thomas have thus become the progenitors of the bulk of the Barringtons still resident throughout western and south-western Qu�bec to this day, where a community now yet bears the name.

The precise connexion of George Barrington in Montr�al, who was also mentioned as a relative, remains uncertain, as does his family or fate. He appears to have been parallel with the sons of the first settlers, and, if so, may have been one of the unaccounted-for sons whose existence has been so vigourously and vehemently asserted and attested to by so many legends and so much tradition across a very long and extended period of history.

(Further details concerning many of the persons and events

lightly touched upon in the brief overview

contained in the preceding Branch Introduction,

as well as other additional factual information

not otherwise specifically mentioned or included herein,

and similar data pertaining to all known lineal descendants

of these people,

may be found in the individual personal histories and biographies

located in their respective positions throughout this Part

of the major work)



Abijah Judson Abbott (Superintendent of Schools for Glenwood School Board, Iowa and later a Judicial District Judge in Kansas, etc.) was born 14 August 1842 at or near West Milton, Union Township, Miami County, Ohio, son to Samuel M. Abbott and Rebekah (or Rebecca) Miles; married, secondly, 4 October 1905 at Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado, Ida B. Perry; died 24 May 1929 at Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico; buried in May 1929 at Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. His first wife Ruth Townsend Barrington, (to whom he was married 8 June 1865 at West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa), was born 8 June 1844 at or near Fredericktown, Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, daughter to Thomas Barrington and Elizabeth Watson Townsend, (to whom refer); died 12 November 1903 at Denver, Denver County, Colorado (not in New Mexico Territory as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) in consequence of a probable blood clot following within one or two days upon successful surgery for removal of a large and bothersome tumour; buried in November 1903 at Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico Territory. Abijah Judson Abbott and Ruth Townsend Barrington begat issue: (1) George Oliver Abbott, born 6 April 1867 at or near West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa, died 28 February 1938 at or near Garden City, Finney County, Kansas, who married, firstly, in 1892 at Dodge City, Ford County, Kansas, Hattie Rheidenour, and, secondly, 31 March 1898 at Alvin, Brasoria County, Texas, Virginia May Kimmons; (2) Alice Edna Abbott, born 28 May 1868 or 28 May 1869 (depending upon sources) at or near Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa, died 25 May 1948 at Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, buried in 1948 at Oak Park Cemetery, Alvin, Brasoria County, Texas, who married 15 September 1897 at Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado, William E. Drisdale; (3) Edmund Clarence Abbott (a District Attorney and several times Member of the Legislative Assembly of New Mexico Territory, etc.), born 8 August 1871 at or near Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa, died 13 February 1939 at or near St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida, who married 22 November 1898 at Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado, Cora X. Young; (4) Raymond Barrington Abbott (University Professor and developer or co-developer of numerous significant and important inventions including a high-tension insulation device for electrical transmission towers, an electrical stethoscope capable of greatly amplifying sounds such as heartbeats whilst reducing or eliminating extraneous noise, and the first portable metal detector in history, subsequently used, amongst other purposes, to locate an eight-pound piece of the famed Barringer Crater Meteorite in Arizona and metallic relics of the Yankee colonial rebellion in Indiana and Pennsylvania, and by Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd to retrieve supplies deposited or cached during one of his previous expeditions to Antarctica, etc.), born 25 December 1873 at or near Newton, Harvey County, Kansas, died 10 August 1964 at Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California, buried 13 August 1964 at Inspiration Slope, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Los Angeles County, California, who married 5 August 1908 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, Louise Marie Warner; (5) Florence Evelyn Abbott, born 4 January 1877 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, died 12 July 1969 at the Odd Fellows Home, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, who married, firstly, 1 January 1901 at Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado, Franklin Earl "Frank" Simonton, and, secondly, 25 December 1929 at Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon, Belgrave Russel Atkinson; (6) Chester Abbott, born 13 February 1880 at or near Sterling, Rice County, Kansas, died early, unmarried, 17 September 1881 at or near Lyons, Rice County, Kansas; (7) Albert Justin Abbott, born 13 January 1882 or 13 January 1883 (depending upon sources) at or near Lyons, Rice County, Kansas, died 23 November 1956 at or near Nogales, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, who married 10 June 1908 at Las Cruces, Do�a Ana County, New Mexico Territory, Alice Elizabeth Ford; (8) Frances Josephine Abbott, born 23 November 1889 at or near Garden City, Finney County, Kansas, died 24 February 1968 at her place of residence at Salem, Marion County, Oregon suddenly upon lying down to relax after breakfast, cremated and ashes committed and interred at the Salem Memorial Mausoleum beside the Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, who married 28 March 1913 at or near her parents' residence, the "Ranch of the Ten Elders", Rito de los Frijoles Canyon (afterward part of Bandelier National Monument), Sandoval County, New Mexico, James Douglas Walker.


Albert Justin Abbott was born 13 January 1882 or 13 January 1883 (depending upon sources) at or near Lyons, Rice County, Kansas, son to Abijah Judson Abbott and Ruth Townsend Barrington, (to whom refer); died 23 November 1956 at or near Nogales, Santa Cruz County, Arizona. His wife Alice Elizabeth Ford, (to whom he was married 10 June 1908 at Las Cruces, Do�a Ana County, New Mexico Territory), was born 4 April 1888 at or near San Angelo, Tom Green County, Texas; died 3 January 1974. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Abbott, who married Raymond Coles Johnson; (2) Ruth Barrington Abbott, who married Ralph Godfrey Moery.


Bruce Barrington Abbott was son to Raymond Barrington Abbott Jr. and Irene Elizabeth Toborg, (to whom refer). His wife Stephanie Little was daughter to Raymond Little and Edna Boise. This couple begat issue: (1) Scott Barrington Abbott, who married Emily Suzanne Fox; (2) Cynthia Rae Abbott.


David Kendall Abbott was son to Hugh Bradsfield Abbott and Shirley Elaine Wickstrom, (to whom refer). His wife was Laura Elaine Porzig. This couple begat issue: (1) Erik David Abbott; (2) Neil Andrew Abbott.


Donald Page Abbott was born 15 May 1940 at Anderson, Madison County, Indiana, son to Donald Warner Abbott and Francys Henrietta Page, (to whom refer); died 1 May 1963 at Denver, Denver County, Colorado. His wife was --- Simmons. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Donald Warner Abbott was born 27 March 1910 at Berkeley, Alameda County, California, son to Raymond Barrington Abbott and Louise Marie Warner, (to whom refer); died 22 May 1992 at Tujunga, Los Angeles County, California. His wife Francys Henrietta Page, (to whom he was married 3 February 1934 at or near Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Indiana), was born 12 June 1910 at or near Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Indiana, daughter to James Page and Mary Younker; died 7 December 1992 at Tujunga, Los Angeles County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Page Abbott, born 15 May 1940 at Anderson, Madison County, Indiana, died 1 May 1963 at Denver, Denver County, Colorado, who married --- Simmons; (2) Kathryne Louise Abbott, who married George David Norris; (3) Susan Ann Abbott, who married James Meier; (4) Donna Francys Abbott.


Duane Stephen Abbott was son to Raymond Barrington Abbott Jr. and Irene Elizabeth Toborg, (to whom refer). His wife was Linda Christine Soucek. This couple begat issue: (1) Kristin Elizabeth Abbott; (2) Erin Stephanie Abbott.


Earl G. Abbott was born 21 May 1899 at or near Garden City, Finney County, Kansas, son to George Oliver Abbott and Virginia May Kimmons, (to whom refer); died 17 September 1976 at Schenectady, Schenectady County, New York. His wife Lois Rebecca Dunn, (to whom he was married 18 August 1928 at Schenectady, Schenectady County, New York), was born 22 August 1906 at or near Mechanicville, Saratoga County, New York, daughter to Walter Dunn and Anna Kanzelmyer; died 12 September 1978 at Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut. This couple begat issue: (1) Hugh Bradsfield Abbott, who married Shirley Elaine Wickstrom; (2) Joel David Abbott, who married Maralyn Ford.


Edmund Clarence Abbott (a District Attorney and several times Member of the Legislative Assembly of New Mexico Territory, etc.) was born 8 August 1871 at or near Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa, son to Abijah Judson Abbott and Ruth Townsend Barrington, (to whom refer); died 13 February 1939 at or near St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida. His wife Cora X. Young, (to whom he was married 22 November 1898 at Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado), was born 13 September 1870 or 13 September 1873 (depending upon sources) at or near Amazonia, Lincoln Township, Andrew County, Missouri; died 1 September 1948 or 1 November 1948 (depending upon sources) at Harrisonburg Independent City (not part of any County), Virginia. This couple begat issue: (1) Ruth Jane Abbott, born 5 September 1901 at or near Raton, Colfax County, New Mexico Territory, died 25 May 1999 at Harrisonburg Independent City (not part of any County), Virginia, who married, firstly, 25 June 1925 at Governor's Island, Manhattan Borough, New York County, New York City, New York, William Torrey Barker, secondly, 3 June 1935 at Balboa Heights, Balboa Township, Panama Canal Zone, Garrett Seymour Paul, and thirdly, 20 June 1970 at Ottobine, Franklin Township, Rockingham County, Virginia, John Gray Paul; (2) Edmund Clarence Abbott Jr., born in February 1902 at Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico Territory, died early, unmarried, 25 February 1904 at Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico Territory; (3) Paul Abbott, born 29 January 1904 at Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico Territory, died in infancy, unmarried, 1 February 1904 at Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico Territory.


George Oliver Abbott was born 6 April 1867 at or near West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa, son to Abijah Judson Abbott and Ruth Townsend Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 31 March 1898 at Alvin, Brasoria County, Texas, Virginia May Kimmons, (to whom also refer); died 28 February 1938 at or near Garden City, Finney County, Kansas. His first wife Hattie Rheidenour, (to whom he was married in 1892 at Dodge City, Ford County, Kansas), died in or about 1893 or 1894 at Dodge City, Ford County, Kansas. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of George Oliver Abbott and Hattie Rheidenour are presently available.


George Oliver Abbott was born 6 April 1867 at or near West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa, son to Abijah Judson Abbott and Ruth Townsend Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1892 at Dodge City, Ford County, Kansas, Hattie Rheidenour, (to whom also refer); died 28 February 1938 at or near Garden City, Finney County, Kansas. His second wife Virginia May Kimmons, (to whom he was married 31 March 1898 at Alvin, Brasoria County, Texas), was born 26 May 1874 at or near Abingdon, Knox County, Illinois, daughter to Americas Kimmons and Margaret Aten; died 18 July 1966 at Garden City, Finney County, Kansas. George Oliver Abbott and Virginia May Kimmons begat issue: (1) Earl G. Abbott, born 21 May 1899 at or near Garden City, Finney County, Kansas, died 17 September 1976 at Schenectady, Schenectady County, New York, who married 18 August 1928 at Schenectady, Schenectady County, New York, Lois Rebecca Dunn; (2) Roger Leon Abbott, born 21 March 1901 or 29 March 1901 (depending upon sources) at or near Garden City, Finney County, Kansas, died 23 July 1992 at Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, who married 20 June 1931 at Glendale, Los Angeles County, California, Mary Colvin.


Hugh Bradsfield Abbott was son to Earl G. Abbott and Lois Rebecca Dunn, (to whom refer). His wife Shirley Elaine Wickstrom was daughter to Arthur Wickstrom and Alice Fisher. This couple begat issue: (1) David Kendall Abbott, who married Laura Elaine Porzig; (2) Rebecca Elaine Abbott, who married Irving Scott Banks.


Joel David Abbott was son to Earl G. Abbott and Lois Rebecca Dunn, (to whom refer). His wife was Maralyn Ford. This couple begat issue: (1) Benjamin Stilson Abbott.


Raymond Barrington Abbott (University Professor and developer or co-developer of numerous significant and important inventions including a high-tension insulation device for electrical transmission towers, an electrical stethoscope capable of greatly amplifying sounds such as heartbeats whilst reducing or eliminating extraneous noise, and the first portable metal detector in history, subsequently used, amongst other purposes, to locate an eight-pound piece of the famed Barringer Crater Meteorite in Arizona and metallic relics of the Yankee colonial rebellion in Indiana and Pennsylvania, and by Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd to retrieve supplies deposited or cached during one of his previous expeditions to Antarctica, etc.) was born 25 December 1873 at or near Newton, Harvey County, Kansas, son to Abijah Judson Abbott and Ruth Townsend Barrington, (to whom refer); died 10 August 1964 at Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California; buried 13 August 1964 at Inspiration Slope, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Los Angeles County, California. His wife Louise Marie Warner, (to whom he was married 5 August 1908 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California), was born 1 August 1877 at or near Coulson, Simcoe County, Ontario, daughter to George Warner and Isabella Creelman; died 13 May 1970 at or near Sunland, Los Angeles County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Warner Abbott, born 27 March 1910 at Berkeley, Alameda County, California, died 22 May 1992 at Tujunga, Los Angeles County, California, who married 3 February 1934 at or near Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Indiana, Francys Henrietta Page; (2) Robert Edmund Abbott, born 14 May 1912 at Berkeley, Alameda County, California, died 29 June 1978 at Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona, who married 13 March 1937 at Kendallville, Noble County, Indiana, Nordine Eleanor Russell; (3) Raymond Barrington Abbott Jr., born in or about 1915 or 1916 at Berkeley, Alameda County, California, who married Irene Elizabeth Toborg.


Raymond Barrington Abbott Jr. was born in or about 1915 or 1916 at Berkeley, Alameda County, California, son to Raymond Barrington Abbott and Louise Marie Warner, (to whom refer). His wife Irene Elizabeth Toborg was daughter to Ernst Toborg and Edna Von Raven. This couple begat issue: (1) Bruce Barrington Abbott, who married Stephanie Little; (2) Christine Gay Abbott, who married, firstly, Geoffrey Kenworthy, and, secondly, William Zigrang; (3) Duane Stephen Abbott, who married Linda Christine Soucek.


Robert Edmund Abbott was born 14 May 1912 at Berkeley, Alameda County, California, son to Raymond Barrington Abbott and Louise Marie Warner, (to whom refer); died 29 June 1978 at Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona. His wife Nordine Eleanor Russell, (to whom he was married 13 March 1937 at Kendallville, Noble County, Indiana), was born 12 May 1912 at or near Greeley, Pike County, Indiana, daughter to Lawrence Russell and Berenice Hoffman; died 9 November 1990 at Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona. This couple begat issue: (1) Gail Evelyn Abbott, born 7 January 1938 at or near Kendallville, Noble County, Indiana, died 3 August 1996 at Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, California, who married Roger Edwin Dickey; (2) Thomas David Abbott, who married Mary Jane Randolf.


Roger Leon Abbott was born 21 March 1901 or 29 March 1901 (depending upon sources) at or near Garden City, Finney County, Kansas, son to George Oliver Abbott and Virginia May Kimmons, (to whom refer); died 23 July 1992 at Sacramento, Sacramento County, California. His wife Mary Colvin, (to whom he was married 20 June 1931 at Glendale, Los Angeles County, California), was born 31 August 1903 at or near Hillsboro, Hillsboro Township, Montgomery County, Illinois; died 7 December 1988 at Sacramento, Sacramento County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Anne Virginia Abbott, who married --- Reese; (2) Martha Jane Abbott, who married Jerry Hinsdale.


Scott Barrington Abbott was son to Bruce Barrington Abbott and Stephanie Little, (to whom refer). His wife was Emily Suzanne Fox. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas David Abbott was son to Robert Edmund Abbott and Nordine Eleanor Russell, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Jane Randolf was daughter to Edgar Randolf and Jane Crowell. This couple begat issue: (1) David Raymond Abbott; (2) Sally Ann Abbott; (3) Kathleen Jane Abbott, who married Harry William Love Jr.


William John Adam. His wife Mary Ann Barrington, (to whom he was married 5 September 1906), was born 30 November 1880 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to James Barrington and Ann Mary March, (to whom refer); christened 1 June 1881 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; died in 1963. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Stanley John Adams. His wife Nesta Violet Wright, (to whom he was married 14 February 1939), was daughter to George Wright and Mercy Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 20 June 1908, (Sir) William Lingard Amphlett Goulding (2nd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.), (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Stanley John Adams and Nesta Violet Wright are presently available.


George Percival Adamson. His wife Edith Barrington, (to whom he was married 30 April 1891), was born a twin 11 January 1865, daughter to Frederick Barrington and Emma Fitzmaurice, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Percival Barrington Adamson, born 18 July 1893, died unmarried in 1914 in consequence of enteric disorder.


Caspar John William Agnew was born 29 April 1967, son to Jonathan Geoffrey William Agnew and (Honourable) Agneta Joanna Middleton Campbell, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 4 August 2005, Suzanne Michelle Modzelewski, (to whom also refer). His first wife Annabel J. Summers, (to whom he was married 6 April 1991 and from whom subsequently divorced in April 2004), was daughter to Timothy Summers and ---. Caspar John William Agnew and Annabel J. Summers begat issue: (1) Hector John Timothy Agnew, born in 1993; (2) Daisy Matilda Agnew, born 6 August 1995; (3) Edward Thomas William Agnew, born 17 March 1999.


Caspar John William Agnew was born 29 April 1967, son to Jonathan Geoffrey William Agnew and (Honourable) Agneta Joanna Middleton Campbell, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 6 April 1991, Annabel J. Summers, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in April 2004). His second wife was Suzanne Michelle Modzelewski, (to whom he was married 4 August 2005). Caspar John William Agnew and Suzanne Michelle Modzelewski begat issue: (1) Theodore John William Agnew, born 7 June 2007.


Jonathan Geoffrey William Agnew was born 30 July 1941, son to (Sir) Geoffrey William Gerald Agnew (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, etc.) and (Honourable) Doreen Maud Jessel; married, secondly, in 1990, Marie-Clare Dreesmann. His first wife (Honourable) Agneta Joanna Middleton Campbell, (to whom he was married 21 October 1966 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1985), was born in 1944, daughter to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) John Middleton "Jock" Campbell (Life Baron Campbell of Eskan, etc.) and Barbara Noel Roffey, (to whom refer); died 13 September 2002. Jonathan Geoffrey William Agnew and (Honourable) Agneta Joanna Middleton Campbell begat issue: (1) Caspar John William Agnew, born 29 April 1967, who married, firstly, 6 April 1991, Annabel J. Summers, (from whom subsequently divorced in April 2004), and, secondly, 4 August 2005, Suzanne Michelle Modzelewski; (2) Lara Joanna Agnew, born 22 May 1969, who married 3 July 2003 at The Orangery, Holland Park, Kensington Palace, Kensington and Chelsea Royal Borough, Greater London County, England, Michael H. Gayshon; (3) Katherine Agneta Agnew, born 21 October 1971.


Eldon Alberts was born 10 October 1933. His wife Beverley June Gates, (to whom he was married 10 October 1964), was born 25 June 1937, daughter to George Gates and Mary Jane Bryan, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Edward Allen. His wife Eleanor Barrington, (to whom he was married 16 May 1798 or 18 May 1798, depending upon sources, probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 10 August 1776 or 19 August 1776 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Alexander Barrington and Eleanor Hoowee, (to whom refer); died 7 April 1819. This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Allen; (2) Henry Allen.

ANKNEY, --- / FISHER, ---

--- Ankney. His wife --- Fisher was daughter to Edward B. Fisher and ---, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Douglas Ian Ashford. His wife Carol Ann McBroom, (to whom he was married 7 March 1981), was born 24 August 1960, daughter to Gordon James McBroom and Barbara Jane Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Allison Mae Ashford, born 27 February 1986; (2) Neil Douglas Ashford, born 28 March 1988; (3) James Ian Ashford, born 18 April 1991.

ASTLEY, --- / DAVIS, ---

--- Astley was son to Richard W. Astley and --- Kincaid, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Davis. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Astley was son to Richard W. Astley and --- Kincaid, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Lotterhand. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles D'Oyley Astley was born 13 November 1849 probably at or near Brislington, Brislington Parish, Somerset County, England, son to Richard Astley and Adelaide Annette Crampton, (to whom refer); died 6 February 1937 probably at or near Banff, Alberta; buried 8 February 1937 at Banff Cemetery, Banff, Alberta. His wife Lucy Ann Andrew, (to whom he was married in April, May or June 1888 at or near Plympton, Plympton Parish, Devon County, England), was born in or about 1861 or 1862 at or near St. Gluvias, St. Gluvias Parish, Cornwall County, England, daughter to James Andrew and ---; died 22 April 1934 at her residence on Bow Avenue, Banff, Alberta; buried 24 April 1934 at Banff Cemetery, Banff, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) Violet Louise Astley, born 3 September 1888 at Cornwall County, England, died 24 October 1979 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia in consequence of pulmonary edema, buried in October 1979 at Banff Cemetery, Banff, Alberta, who married David Mowbray Soole (an early member of the Royal North West Mounted Police, commonly known as the "Mounties", etc.); (2) Charles Willoughby D'Oyley Astley, born 22 February 1891 at or near Banff, Alberta District, North West Territories; (3) Lucy Constance Adelaide Astley, born 31 July 1893 at or near Red Deer, Alberta District, North West Territories, died in 1975, buried at Banff Cemetery, Banff, Alberta, who married Ernest Smith Martindale; (4) Helena Beatrice Astley, born 2 February 1896 at or near Banff, Alberta District, North West Territories; (5) Reginald Trevelyan Astley, born 1 January 1901 or 4 January 1901 (depending upon sources) at or near Banff, Alberta District, North West Territories.


Richard Astley was born in or about 1817 or 1818 at or near Quenington, Quenington Parish, Gloucester County, England, son to John Wolvey Astley and Christian (or Christine) ---; christened 27 February 1818 at or near Quenington, Quenington Parish, Gloucester County, England; died 7 February 1902 at or near Perranuthnoe, West Penwith Rural District, Cornwall County, England; buried 12 February 1902 at or near Perranuthnoe, West Penwith Rural District, Cornwall County, England. His wife Adelaide Annette Crampton, (to whom he was married 24 June 1844 at or near Bath, Somerset County, England), was born 4 November 1822 probably at Fassaroe Townland, Kilmacanogue Parish, (near Bray), Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Philip Henry Crampton and Cherrie Adelaide Edwards, (to whom refer); died 2 May 1896 or 22 May 1896 (depending upon sources) at or near Perranuthnoe, West Penwith Rural District, Cornwall County, England; buried 27 May 1896 at or near Perranuthnoe, West Penwith Rural District, Cornwall County, England. This couple begat issue: (1) Adelaide Eliza Christine (or Christian) Astley, born 29 January 1845 probably at or near Whitchurch, Whitchurch Parish, Somerset County, England, died 12 December 1868 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, buried in December 1868 at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, who married 12 September 1865 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, William Floyd; (2) Helena Emilie Astley, born in January, February or March 1847 probably at or near Brislington, Brislington Parish, Somerset County, England, who married 21 April 1880 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, Charles Seymour Dupuis; (3) Richard Disney Lancaster Astley, born 15 August 1848 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, died 27 November 1894 or 29 November 1894 (depending upon sources) at Waiheke Island, Hauraki Gulf, near Auckland City, North Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania in consequence of a drowning incident, buried 9 December 1894 at Waikumete Cemetery, Great North Road, Glen Eden Borough, Waitakere District, near Auckland City, North Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, who married in 1883 at the Baptist Church, Wellesley Street, Auckland City, North Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, Emily Hannah Isabel Fleming; (4) Charles D'Oyley Astley, born 13 November 1849 probably at or near Brislington, Brislington Parish, Somerset County, England, died 6 February 1937 probably at or near Banff, Alberta, buried 8 February 1937 at Banff Cemetery, Banff, Alberta, who married in April, May or June 1888 at or near Plympton, Plympton Parish, Devon County, England, Lucy Ann Andrew; (5) Louisa Annette Astley, born in or about 1850 or 1851 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, christened 28 September 1851 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, died early, unmarried, 1 November 1866 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, buried 7 November 1866 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England; (6) Beatrice Emma (or Ellen) Astley, born in or about 1852 or 1853 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, died 28 October 1919 probably at or near Willow Point, near Nelson, British Columbia, buried 4 November 1919 at Nelson Memorial Park, Nelson, British Columbia, who married 31 July 1881, Charles Blisett Roberts; (7) Pascoe Trevelyan Astley, born in or about 1853 or 1854 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, christened 1 January 1855 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, died 4 January 1930 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, West Penwith Rural District, Cornwall County, England, buried 8 January 1930 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, West Penwith Rural District, Cornwall County, England; (8) a male child, name, if any, unavailable, born in January 1855 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, died probably at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England; (9) Robert Tenison Astley, born 30 May 1856 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, christened 25 July 1856 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England; (10) Willoughby John Astley (a noted pioneer and one of the originators of the Rocky Mountain tourist resorts of Banff and Lake Louise, Alberta, etc.), born 22 December 1859 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, christened 22 January 1860 at St. Piran's and St. Michael's Anglican Church (otherwise known as Perranuthnoe Parish Church), Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, died 10 April 1948 at Kootenay Lake General Hospital, Nelson, British Columbia in consequence of myocardial degeneration following upon arteriosclerosis, buried 15 April 1948 at Nelson Memorial Park, Nelson, British Columbia, who married 28 April 1894 on the Isle of Wight, Southampton County, England, Elizabeth (or Lizzie) Ida Penn; (11) Henry Reginald Astley, born in or about 1860 or 1861 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, christened 8 December 1861 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, died 28 July 1893 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, buried 2 August 1893 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England; (12) Constance Caroline Astley, born 16 November 1864 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, christened 1 January 1865 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, died in 1962 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, West Penwith Rural District, Cornwall County, England, buried in 1962 at or near Perranuthnoe, West Penwith Rural District, Cornwall County, England.


Richard Crampton Astley was born in July, August or September 1884 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, son to Richard Disney Lancaster Astley and Emily Hannah Isabel Fleming, (to whom refer); died 26 December 1938 in the Dominion of New Zealand; buried 28 December 1938 at Waikumete Cemetery, Great North Road, Glen Eden Borough, Waitakere District, near Auckland City, North Island, the Dominion of New Zealand. His wife was Edith Dawes, (to whom he was married in 1920 in the Dominion of New Zealand). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Richard Disney Lancaster Astley was born 15 August 1848 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, son to Richard Astley and Adelaide Annette Crampton, (to whom refer); died 27 November 1894 or 29 November 1894 (depending upon sources) at Waiheke Island, Hauraki Gulf, near Auckland City, North Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania in consequence of a drowning incident; buried 9 December 1894 at Waikumete Cemetery, Great North Road, Glen Eden Borough, Waitakere District, near Auckland City, North Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania. His wife Emily Hannah Isabel Fleming, (to whom he was married in 1883 at the Baptist Church, Wellesley Street, Auckland City, North Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania), was born at or near Belfast, Shankill Parish, Upper Belfast Barony, Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland, daughter to Joseph Fleming and ---; died 2 May 1900 at or near Auckland City, North Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania; buried in May 1900 at Waikumete Cemetery, Great North Road, Glen Eden Borough, Waitakere District, near Auckland City, North Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania. This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Crampton Astley, born in July, August or September 1884 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, died 26 December 1938 in the Dominion of New Zealand, buried 28 December 1938 at Waikumete Cemetery, Great North Road, Glen Eden Borough, Waitakere District, near Auckland City, North Island, the Dominion of New Zealand, who married in 1920 in the Dominion of New Zealand, Edith Dawes; (2) Constance Margaret Astley, born in or about 1885 or 1886 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, who married in 1908 in the Dominion of New Zealand, William John Carrington; (3) Adelaide Emily "Addie" Astley, born in or about 1886 or 1887 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, who married 9 March 1910 at the Registry Office, Wellington City, North Island, the Dominion of New Zealand, James Henry Carrington; (4) Mary Astley, born in June 1889 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, died in infancy, unmarried, 11 August 1889 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, buried 12 August 1889 at Waikumete Cemetery, Great North Road, Glen Eden Borough, Waitakere District, near Auckland City, North Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania; (5) Annie Astley, born a twin in or about July or August 1892 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, died in infancy, unmarried, 16 November 1892 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, buried 18 November 1892 at Waikumete Cemetery, Great North Road, Glen Eden Borough, Waitakere District, near Auckland City, North Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania; (6) Charles Astley, born a twin in or about July or August 1892 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, died in infancy, unmarried, 19 November 1892 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, buried in November 1892 at Waikumete Cemetery, Great North Road, Glen Eden Borough, Waitakere District, near Auckland City, North Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania; (7) Alice Astley, born in or about 1893 or 1894 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, died in 1968; (8) Sydney Astley, born in October or November 1894 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, died in 1958.


Richard W. Astley was born in or about 1902 or 1903 at or near Laggan (otherwise known as Lake Louise), Alberta District, North West Territories, son to Willoughby John Astley and Elizabeth (or Lizzie) Ida Penn, (to whom refer); died in or about 1937 or 1938. His wife was --- Kincaid. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Davis; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Lotterhand.


Willoughby John Astley (a noted pioneer and one of the originators of the Rocky Mountain tourist resorts of Banff and Lake Louise, Alberta, etc.) was born 22 December 1859 at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, son to Richard Astley and Adelaide Annette Crampton, (to whom refer); christened 22 January 1860 at St. Piran's and St. Michael's Anglican Church (otherwise known as Perranuthnoe Parish Church), Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England; died 10 April 1948 at Kootenay Lake General Hospital, Nelson, British Columbia in consequence of myocardial degeneration following upon arteriosclerosis; buried 15 April 1948 at Nelson Memorial Park, Nelson, British Columbia. His wife Elizabeth (or Lizzie) Ida Penn, (to whom he was married 28 April 1894 on the Isle of Wight, Southampton County, England), was born 7 March 1873 at or near Islington, St. Mary's Parish (otherwise known as Islington Parish), Middlesex County, England, daughter to William Penn and Elizabeth Heriott; died 3 July 1934 at 924 Ward Street, Nelson, British Columbia in consequence of septicaemia (blood poisoning) following upon cystitis and pyelitis; buried 5 July 1934 at Nelson Memorial Park, Nelson, British Columbia. This couple begat issue: (1) Mabel Louise Crampton Astley, born 3 March 1895 at or near Laggan (otherwise known as Lake Louise), Alberta District, North West Territories, died 23 August 1965 at or near Nelson, British Columbia, who married 30 March 1921 at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Nelson, British Columbia, Kenneth Ross Attree; (2) Richard W. Astley, born in or about 1902 or 1903 at or near Laggan (otherwise known as Lake Louise), Alberta District, North West Territories, died in or about 1937 or 1938, who married --- Kincaid.


Belgrave Russel Atkinson was born 25 December 1870 at or near Lawrence, Essex County, Massachusetts; died 12 August 1963 at Umatilla County, Oregon. His wife Florence Evelyn Abbott, (to whom he was married 25 December 1929 at Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon), was born 4 January 1877 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, daughter to Abijah Judson Abbott and Ruth Townsend Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 1 January 1901 at Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado, Franklin Earl "Frank" Simonton, (to whom also refer); died 12 July 1969 at the Odd Fellows Home, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Belgrave Russel Atkinson and Florence Evelyn Abbott.


Kenneth Ross Attree was born 22 May 1892 at or near Brighton, Brighton Parish, Brighton Municipal Borough, Sussex County, England, son to George Frederick Attree and Edith Catherine Ross; married, secondly, Joyce Hirst; died 29 August 1976 at Nelson, Central Kootenay Regional District, British Columbia; buried in 1976 at Nelson Memorial Park, Nelson, Central Kootenay Regional District, British Columbia. His first wife Mabel Louise Crampton Astley, (to whom he was married 30 March 1921 at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Nelson, British Columbia), was born 3 March 1895 at or near Laggan (otherwise known as Lake Louise), Alberta District, North West Territories, daughter to Willoughby John Astley and Elizabeth (or Lizzie) Ida Penn, (to whom refer); died 23 August 1965 at or near Nelson, British Columbia; buried in August 1965 at Nelson Memorial Park, Nelson, British Columbia. Kenneth Ross Attree and Mabel Louise Crampton Astley begat issue: (1) Richard Willoughby Alexander Attree, died 12 July 1959 at Chalk River, Renfrew County, Ontario, who married --- Dyson.


Richard Willoughby Alexander Attree was son to Kenneth Ross Attree and Mabel Louise Crampton Astley, (to whom refer); died 12 July 1959 at Chalk River, Renfrew County, Ontario. His wife was --- Dyson. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.

AYLWARD, --- / FISHER, ---

--- Aylward. His wife --- Fisher was daughter to Edward B. Fisher and ---, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Thomas Baker. His wife Heather Brown was daughter to Gordon Denis Brown and Marjorie Doris Giffin, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Irving Scott Banks. His wife Rebecca Elaine Abbott was daughter to Hugh Bradsfield Abbott and Shirley Elaine Wickstrom, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harry Barker. His wife Linda Townsend was daughter to Lawrence Edgar Townsend and Clara Helen Raison, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Torrey Barker was born at Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. His wife Ruth Jane Abbott, (to whom he was married 25 June 1925 at Governor's Island, Manhattan Borough, New York County, New York City, New York), was born 5 September 1901 at or near Raton, Colfax County, New Mexico Territory, daughter to Edmund Clarence Abbott and Cora X. Young, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 3 June 1935 at Balboa Heights, Balboa Township, Panama Canal Zone, Garrett Seymour Paul, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 20 June 1970 at Ottobine, Franklin Township, Rockingham County, Virginia, John Gray Paul, (to whom likewise also refer); died 25 May 1999 at Harrisonburg Independent City (not part of any County), Virginia. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of William Torrey Barker and Ruth Jane Abbott are presently available.

BARRINGTON, --- / ---

--- Barrington (an Officer in the service of the archfiend Oliver Cromwell, etc.) wss a scion probably of the Barringtons of Cullenagh Castle, Cullenagh Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, and in any case descended ultimately from the Barringtons of Barrington Hall, Essex County, England; settled probably at Limerick County, Munster Province, Ireland. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Samuel Barrington (founder about 1691 of an upscale establishment at Limerick City for the manufacture of fine timepieces, especially clocks, chimes, etc.), born probably in or about 1649 or 1650, died in 1693 probably at or near Limerick, Limerick County, Munster Province, Ireland, buried in 1693 at St. Mary the Virgin's Church of Ireland Cathedral, Limerick, Limerick County, Munster Province, Ireland, who married ---.


--- Barrington was son to James Barrington and Letitia Gray, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Copplethwaite (or Copperthwaite). This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Wellington Barrington (prominent physician of Boston, whence he had emigrated in or about 1851 or 1852, etc.), born in or about 1824 or 1825 in Ireland, died in 1891 in North America, who married in 1840, his first cousin Kate Barrington; (2) John Copplethwaite (or Copperthwaite) Barrington (noted surgeon during the Yankee Civil War, having emigrated to North America in or about 1849 or 1850, etc.), born in Ireland, died in 1868 in North America, who married in 1841, Frances Miller.

BARRINGTON, --- / ---

--- Barrington was son to James Barrington and Letitia Gray, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) James Barrington, who married ---; (2) Letitia Barrington, born in or about 1805 or 1806 in Ireland, died unmarried at New York City, New York County, New York aged in her 80s or 90s; (3) Richard Barrington, died at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (4) a female child, name unavailable; (5) a female child, name unavailable; (6) a female child, name unavailable; (7) a female child, name unavailable; (8) a female child, name unavailable; (9) a female child, name unavailable; (10) a female child, name unavailable; (11) a male child, name unavailable; (12) a male child, name unavailable; (13) a male child, name unavailable; (14) a male child, name unavailable.

BARRINGTON, --- / ---

--- Barrington was son to James Barrington and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Jennie Barrington.


--- Barrington was son to William Hill Barrington and Mildred Ward, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Aarola. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a child, name and sex unavailable; (3) a child, name and sex unavailable; (4) a child, name and sex unavailable.


--- Barrington was son to Yorke Barrington and --- MacKinnon, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Kokoski. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Raymakers; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- LeBlanc; (3) a male child, name unavailable.


--- Barrington was son to --- Barrington and --- Kokoski, (to whom refer). His wife was --- LeBlanc. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Barrington was son to Yorke Barrington and --- MacKinnon, (to whom refer). His wife was --- MacDonald. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable.


--- Barrington was son to Yorke Barrington and --- MacKinnon, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Hominick. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable.


--- Barrington was son to Yorke Barrington and --- MacKinnon, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Pettipas. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable.


--- Barrington was son to Yorke Barrington and --- MacKinnon, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Piercey. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable.

BARRINGTON, --- / ---

--- Barrington was son to Yorke Barrington and --- MacKinnon, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable.

BARRINGTON, --- / ---

--- Barrington was son to Frank Doran Barrington and Victoria Pierrynowski, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Keith Allan Barrington, died in 1984; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable.


--- Barrington was son to Richard Charles Barrington and Winnifred MacLean, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Trainor. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married Debra MacDonald; (3) a male child, name unavailable; (4) a male child, name unavailable.

BARRINGTON, --- / ---

--- Barrington was son to Edward John Jutton Barrington and Arlene Esther Wall, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Barrington was son to --- Barrington and --- Trainor, (to whom refer). His wife Debra MacDonald died in 1982. This couple begat issue: (1) Michelle Nichole Barrington, died in 1982.


Alexander Barrington (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born in or about 1563 or 1564 in Ireland, son to John Barrington and Johanna (Joanna, Joan or Jane) Hovenden (Ovenden or Ovington), (to whom refer); married, secondly, Margaret (Mary or Jane) Bowen (or Bown), (to whom also refer); died 15 September 1635 (Old Style or Julian) or 25 September 1635 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland; buried 21 September 1635 (Old Style or Julian) or 1 October 1635 (New Style or Gregorian) at the Parish Church, Timogue Parish, Stradbally Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His first wife Jane (or Joan) Brereton, (to whom he was married in or about 1592 or 1593), was daughter to Edward Brereton and ---. Alexander Barrington and Jane (or Joan) Brereton begat issue: (1) Joan Barrington, who married George Leigh; (2) Jane Barrington, who married Oliver Nix; (3) a female child, name unavailable, died in or about 1634 or 1635.


Alexander Barrington (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born in or about 1563 or 1564 in Ireland, son to John Barrington and Johanna (Joanna, Joan or Jane) Hovenden (Ovenden or Ovington), (to whom refer); married, firstly, in or about 1592 or 1593, Jane (or Joan) Brereton, (to whom also refer); died 15 September 1635 (Old Style or Julian) or 25 September 1635 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland; buried 21 September 1635 (Old Style or Julian) or 1 October 1635 (New Style or Gregorian) at the Parish Church, Timogue Parish, Stradbally Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His second wife Margaret (Mary or Jane) Bowen (or Bown) was daughter to Robert Bowen (or Bown) and Alice Harpole; married, firstly, Gerald Fitzgerald who died in 1601; died in 1637. Alexander Barrington and Margaret (Mary or Jane) Bowen (or Bown) begat issue: (1) Francis Barrington (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, etc.), died in or about 1665 or 1666, who married Grizel (Grisel, Griseld, Griselda, Greshild, Greshilda or Catherine) Gilbert; (2) Christopher Barrington, died unmarried in or about 1684 to 1687; (3) George Barrington, died unmarried in November 1632; (4) Anne Barrington, who married Thomas Fitzgerald; (5) Alice Barrington, who married Joshua George; (6) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington; (7) James Barrington, died unmarried in 1635.


Alexander Barrington was son to Francis Barrington and Grizel (Grisel, Griseld, Griselda, Greshild, Greshilda or Catherine) Gilbert, (to whom refer); died in or about April 1675. His wife Ellen (Helen, Eleanor or Susan) Cosby, (to whom he was married in June 1666), was daughter to Francis Cosby and Anne Loftus, (who was daughter to Sir Thomas Loftus and Helena Harpole, who was in turn daughter to Sir Robert Harpole Constable of Carlow, etc. and ---, the said Helena being also relict of the late Francis Cosby who was slain in 1596); married, secondly, in May 1676, Pierce Bryan; died in October 1684. Alexander Barrington and Ellen (Helen, Eleanor or Susan) Cosby begat issue: (1) Francis Barrington, born in or about 1667 or 1668, died unmarried; (2) John Barrington (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, twice High Sheriff of Queen's County, Justice of the Peace, etc.), born in or about 1668 or 1669, died 27 January 1756 (Old Style or Julian) or 7 February 1757 (New Style or Gregorian) at Rathfarnham, Rathfarnham Townland, Rathfarnham Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married, firstly, in October 1693, Dorcas Wheeler, and, secondly, --- Bolton; (3) Grizel Barrington, died in August 1684; (4) Ann Barrington; (5) James Barrington, born in or about 1671 or 1672, who married Mary Fitzgerald; (6) Alexander Barrington, died early, unmarried, in February 1683 (Old Style or Julian) or in February 1684 (New Style or Gregorian); (7) Elizabeth Barrington, died early, unmarried; (8) Jane Barrington, died early, unmarried; (9) Dora Barrington, died early, unmarried; (10) Thomas Barrington, who married Jane ---.


Alexander Barrington was son to Nicholas Barrington and Elizabeth ---, (to whom refer). His wife was Elizabeth Baskerville. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Barrington, died in 1747, who married William Fitzgerald.


Alexander Barrington (a Lieutenant-Colonel in the service of the archfiend Oliver Cromwell, etc.) was son probably to Thomas Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died in 1685. His wife Katherine Boyle died in or about 1692 or 1693. This couple begat issue (one of their six sons being understood to have been grandfather to William Barrington, the ancestor of the Barringtons of Raheenlusk, and his brother George Barrington, to both of whom also refer): (1) Samuel Barrington; (2) Charles Barrington; (3) Vincent Barrington; (4) William Barrington, who married ---; (5) Boyle Barrington, who married in 1701, Mary Bayly; (6) Alexander Barrington, who married in December 1687 (Old Style or Julian) or in January 1688 (New Style or Gregorian), Naomi Woodroofe (Woodrofe, Woodroffe or Woodruff); (7) Ann Barrington; (8) Mary Barrington; (9) Elizabeth Barrington; (10) Judith Barrington.


Alexander Barrington was son to Alexander Barrington and Katherine Boyle, (to whom refer). His wife was Naomi Woodroofe (Woodrofe, Woodroffe or Woodruff), (to whom he was married in December 1687 Old Style or Julian or in January 1688 New Style or Gregorian). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Alexander Barrington was born 11 June 1728 (Old Style or Julian) or 22 June 1728 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), son to Nicholas Barrington and Mary Bancroft, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 16 February 1772 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Eleanor Hoowee, (to whom also refer); died 31 January 1799 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His first wife Elizabeth Jessop, (to whom he was married 25 February 1755 at the Society of Friends or "Quaker" Meetinghouse, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was daughter to Samuel Jessop and ---; died in August 1767 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. Alexander Barrington and Elizabeth Jessop begat issue: (1) Samuel Barrington, born 11 April 1756 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in or about 1779 or 1780 or in or about 1787 or 1788 (depending upon sources), Elizabeth Duncan; (2) Mary Barrington, born 6 October 1757 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died unmarried in November 1834 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Elizabeth Barrington, born 31 May 1759 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 2 August 1808, who married 5 December 1786 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Barker Thacker; (4) Alexander Barrington, born 17 June 1760 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, 29 June 1760 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (5) Thomas Barrington, born 20 July 1761 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, 31 July 1761 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (6) Alexander Barrington, born 30 December 1762 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 2 July 1804 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 23 September 1795 at Edenderry, Monasteroris Parish, Coolestown Barony, King's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Elizabeth Manliffe (or Manly).


Alexander Barrington was born 11 June 1728 (Old Style or Julian) or 22 June 1728 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), son to Nicholas Barrington and Mary Bancroft, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 25 February 1755 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Meetinghouse, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Elizabeth Jessop, (to whom also refer); died 31 January 1799 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His second wife Eleanor Hoowee, (to whom he was married 16 February 1772 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 23 June 1737 (Old Style or Julian) or 4 July 1737 (New Style or Gregorian), daughter to Thomas Hoowee and Anne Nevins; married, firstly, Thomas Burton; died 2 January 1801 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. Alexander Barrington and Eleanor Hoowee begat issue: (1) Thomas Barrington, born 30 November 1772 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (2) Thomas Barrington, born 5 February 1774 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, 2 July 1776 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Jacob Barrington, born 3 January 1775 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, 16 February 1775 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (4) Eleanor Barrington, born 10 August 1776 or 19 August 1776 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 7 April 1819, who married 16 May 1798 or 18 May 1798 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Edward Allen; (5) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, born 16 June 1779 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, in 1781 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland.


Alexander Barrington was son probably to Nelson Barrington and Mary ---, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1762, Mary Sherlock, (to whom also refer); buried at Mullinacuff Parish, Shillelagh Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His first wife Jane Nevill died in 1762. No children by blood were begotten of or in any case survived the marriage of Alexander Barrington and Jane Nevill.


Alexander Barrington was son probably to Nelson Barrington and Mary ---, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Jane Nevill, (to whom also refer); buried at Mullinacuff Parish, Shillelagh Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His second wife was Mary Sherlock, (to whom he was married in 1762). No children by blood were begotten of or in any case survived the marriage of Alexander Barrington and Mary Sherlock.


Alexander Barrington was born 30 December 1762 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Alexander Barrington and Elizabeth Jessop, (to whom refer); died 2 July 1804 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Elizabeth Manliffe (or Manly), (to whom he was married 23 September 1795 at Edenderry, Monasteroris Parish, Coolestown Barony, King's County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 3 October 1767 at Colehill Townland (otherwise known as Knockersally Townland), Ballyboggan Parish, Upper Moyfenrath Barony, Meath County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Josiah Manliffe (or Manly) and Elizabeth Bewley (or Beaulieu); died 6 February 1813. This couple begat issue: (1) Josiah Barrington, born 10 September 1796, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1797, buried at Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (2) Sarah Barrington, born 10 February 1798, died unmarried 4 August 1878 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Alexander Barrington, born 9 January 1800, died 25 February 1856 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 18 March 1831, Anne Cooke; (4) Josiah Manliffe Barrington, born 9 September 1801, died early, unmarried, 9 June 1819 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (5) Elizabeth Barrington, born 2 October 1802, died unmarried 30 October 1886 at Bloomfield Retreat, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland in consequence of senile dementia.


Alexander Barrington was born 9 January 1800, son to Alexander Barrington and Elizabeth Manliffe (or Manly), (to whom refer); died 25 February 1856 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Anne Cooke, (to whom he was married 18 March 1831), was born in or about 1800 or 1801, daughter to John Cooke and Sarah ---; died 13 February 1881. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Allan Edward Barrington was born 3 September 1900 (according to some sources) or 7 September 1900 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Bennett Barrington and Alice Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), (to whom refer); married, secondly, Helen ---, (to whom also refer). His first wife (and first cousin) Edna Barrington Bell Wing, (to whom he was married 22 April 1924 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in or about 1906 or 1907 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to James Melbourne Wing and Alice Barrington, (to whom likewise also refer); died in 1973; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. Allan Edward Barrington and Edna Barrington Bell Wing begat issue: (1) Edward John Barrington, born 14 December 1924 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, died 23 February 1982 at Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario in consequence of cardiac failure three hours after quintuple bypass open heart surgery, buried in 1982 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Verta Cornforth.


Allan Edward Barrington was born 3 September 1900 (according to some sources) or 7 September 1900 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Bennett Barrington and Alice Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), (to whom refer); married, firstly, 22 April 1924 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, his first cousin Edna Barrington Bell Wing, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Helen ---. Allan Edward Barrington and Helen --- begat issue: (1) Russell Barrington; (2) Roger Barrington; (3) Ralph Barrington; (4) Reginald Barrington.


Alton Ferguson "Pete" Barrington was born 8 September 1925, son to David Archibald Barrington and Celia Florence McWhinnie, (to whom refer); christened 22 December 1925 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec or at St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife was Helen Robinson. This couple begat issue: (1) Kenneth Barrington; (2) Keith Barrington.


Archibald Barrington was born 22 December 1814 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to William Barrington and Esther Britton, (to whom refer); christened 26 February 1815 at Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; died 25 October 1874 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; buried 27 October 1874 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Jane Todd, (to whom he was married 23 February 1841 at St. James' Anglican Church, Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie, otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie, Montr�al Judicial District, Canada East), was born in or about 1823 or 1824 in Lower Canada, daughter to John Todd and ---; died 13 January 1878 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; buried 15 January 1878 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Jane Barrington, born 16 October 1843 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 29 February 1844, died 5 June 1934 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, buried 7 June 1934 at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 27 September 1873 at St. James' Anglican Church, Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, her first cousin David McMullen Barrington; (2) David Barrington, born in 1844 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, died in 1929; (3) John Barrington, born 13 February 1846 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Canada East, christened 16 June 1846 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Canada East, died unmarried; (4) Archibald Barrington, born 5 April 1849 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 8 July 1849 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, died unmarried 28 November 1933, buried 30 November 1933 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec.


Arthur Ebenezer Barrington was born 17 June 1863, son to Philip Sidney Barrington and Elizabeth Shackleton (aunt to Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Officer of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society, an illustrious explorer of Antarctica, etc.), (to whom refer); died probably on the Australian continent. His wife (and first cousin once removed) Ada Barrington, (to whom he was married 14 September 1889), was born a twin 11 January 1865, daughter to Frederick Barrington and Emma Fitzmaurice, (to whom also refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Arthur Frederick Edward Barrington, born 2 June 1890, died in infancy, unmarried, 16 September 1892.


Arthur Edward Barrington was born 16 August 1887 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, son to Thomas George Barrington and Mary Jane "Jenny" Cunneyworth, (to whom refer). His wife Florence Emily "Flora" MacDonald, (to whom he was married 16 August 1911 at Toronto, York County, Ontario), was daughter to Samuel MacDonald and Johanna Sweeney. This couple begat issue: (1) Dorothy Barrington; (2) Arthur E. Barrington.


Benjamin Barrington (a Captain in the service of the archfiend Oliver Cromwell, etc.) was son probably to Francis Barrington and Grizel (Grisel, Griseld, Griselda, Greshild, Greshilda or Catherine) Gilbert, (to whom refer). His wife Thomasina Comerford was daughter to William (or Gerald) Comerford and Thomasina Pigott (or Piggott). This couple begat issue: (1) Nicholas Barrington; (2) Thomas Barrington; (3) James (or Joseph) Barrington; (4) Comerford Barrington; (5) Ann (or Anne) Barrington, who married Constantine Neale.


Benjamin Barrington (Sheriff of the County of Limerick, etc.) was son to Samuel Barrington and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Benjamin Barrington (Alderman of The City of Limerick, Sheriff of the County of Limerick, etc.), born in or about 1699 or 1700, who married in 1724, Anne Waltho.


Benjamin Barrington (Alderman of The City of Limerick, Sheriff of the County of Limerick, etc.) was born in or about 1699 or 1700, son to Benjamin Barrington and ---, (to whom refer). His wife Anne Waltho, (to whom he was married in 1724), was daughter to John Waltho and Catherine (or Catharine) Croker. This couple begat issue including: (1) Croker Barrington; (2) Matthew Barrington, died in June 1765, buried 13 June 1765, who married Jane Canter; (3) John Barrington; (4) Benjamin Barrington; (5) Elizabeth Barrington, who married Waltho Blackall.


Boyle Barrington was son to Alexander Barrington and Katherine Boyle, (to whom refer). His wife was Mary Bayly, (to whom he was married in 1701). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Bruce Barrington was son to Lawrence Raymond Barrington and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was Jeannie ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Bruce Donald Barrington was born in 1948, son to Donald Frederick Barrington and Pauline Luckey, (to whom refer); died 31 March 2003 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife was Karen Smith. This couple begat issue: (1) Darren James Barrington.


Bryce Bennett Barrington was born 29 March 1891 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Barrington and Sarah E. Charlton, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Myrtle Victoria McBratney, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, in or about 1940, Lillian Violet Gray, (to whom likewise also refer); died 12 October 1965 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His first wife was Christina Lawson, (to whom he was married 10 March 1914 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario). Bryce Bennett Barrington and Christina Lawson begat issue: (1) Margaret Sarah Christina Barrington, born 26 April 1914 at or near Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, died 24 April 2006 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 26 October 1935 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Elmer Raymond Burnham; (2) Grace Barrington, born in 1915 at or near Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, who married Lewis (or Louis) Allen Cole; (3) Bessie Matilda Barrington, born in 1917 at or near Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, died in 2000, who married 19 December 1936, Robert Kenneth Dixie.


Bryce Bennett Barrington was born 29 March 1891 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Barrington and Sarah E. Charlton, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 10 March 1914 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, Christina Lawson, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, in or about 1940, Lillian Violet Gray, (to whom likewise also refer); died 12 October 1965 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His second wife Myrtle Victoria McBratney married, firstly, Wesley Wellington Love. Bryce Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Victoria McBratney begat issue: (1) Edward Bryce Barrington, born 26 May 1923, died 5 February 1983 at Princeton, Mercer County, West Virginia, buried in 1983 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 5 October 1967, Florence Margaret Curtis, and, secondly, 1 November 1972 at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia, Daisy Short; (2) James Ivan Barrington, born 31 July 1924, died 23 February 1999 at Gananoque, Leeds County, Ontario, who married in 1962, Mildred Edith Hudson; (3) Donald Wendell Barrington, born 11 August 1925 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, died 18 June 1978 at his residence, the former Dodds Schoolhouse, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained in a house fire, buried 20 June 1978 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Albertina "Tina" Frankhuisen.


Bryce Bennett Barrington was born 29 March 1891 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Barrington and Sarah E. Charlton, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 10 March 1914 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, Christina Lawson, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, Myrtle Victoria McBratney, (to whom likewise also refer); died 12 October 1965 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His third wife Lillian Violet Gray, (to whom he was married in or about 1940), married, firstly, --- Haskins. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Bryce Bennett Barrington and Lillian Violet Gray.


Cecil Vivian Barrington was born 17 September 1865, son to Charles Barrington and Louisa Grubb, (to whom refer). His wife Emma Harriet Armstrong, (to whom he was married 15 August 1911), was daughter to --- Armstrong and ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Cecil Vivian Barrington and Emma Harriet Armstrong are presently available.


Charles Barrington was born 20 September 1700 (Old Style or Julian) or 1 October 1700 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland, son to Nicholas Barrington and Martha Ouseley, (to whom refer); christened at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable.


Charles Barrington was born in 1779, son to John Barrington and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom refer); died 6 November 1848 at Barrington Park, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia. His wife Elizabeth Hayward Budd, (to whom he was married 22 June 1799 at St. John the Baptist's Anglican Church, otherwise known as Hillingdon Parish Church, Hillingdon, Hillingdon Parish, Middlesex County, England), was born at or near Uxbridge, Hillingdon Parish, Middlesex County, England; died in 1838 at Barrington Park, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia. This couple begat issue: (1) Charles John Barrington, born 11 September 1801 at Middlesex County, England, died unmarried 30 April 1866 at Barrington Park, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia; (2) Sydney William Philip A. H. Barrington, born 14 May 1808 in England, died (killed in battle), unmarried, in 1856 at Palo Alto, El Llano Municipality, Aguascalientes State, the United Mexican States in consequence of injuries sustained in the Mexican War; (3) Henry Barrington, born 21 December 1813 in England, died (lost at sea), unmarried, 28 July 1844; (4) Yorke Ainslie Walker Barrington, born 20 February 1816 in Prince Edward Island, died 4 January 1893, who married 27 January 1864 at Christ Church Anglican Church, Guysborough, Guysborough County, Nova Scotia, Matilda Mahon; (5) Edward Joseph Barrington, born in or about 1818 or 1819, died 17 January 1883 at Oak Island, near Oak Harbour, Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington, who married, firstly, ---, and, secondly, 13 September 1865, Christina Angela McCrohan; (6) Olivia Maria Barrington, born 15 January 1823, died 8 May 1900, who married Robert Bridge; (7) John Edwin Barrington, born in 1825 in Nova Scotia, died 13 September 1884, who married Helen Jane Catherine Pooley; (8) Elizabeth Ann Barrington; (9) Sibella Margaret Barrington, who married Richard Brown; (10) Harriet Watson Barrington; (11) Mary Harriet Barrington, born at Barrington Park, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, died unmarried 20 March 1873 at Barrington Park, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia.


Charles Barrington was born 5 October 1834, son to Edward Barrington and Sarah Leadbeater, (to whom refer); died 20 April 1901; buried in April 1901 at Mount Jerome Cemetery, Harold's Cross, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Louisa Grubb, (to whom he was married 22 March 1860), was born in 1836, daughter to Samuel Grubb and Deborah (or Elizabeth or Eliza) Davis; died 16 December 1910. This couple begat issue: (1) Manliffe Barrington, born 2 July 1861, who married 20 September 1894, his first cousin Lydia Sarah Barrington; (2) a male child, name, if any, unavailable, stillborn or died immediately upon birth, unmarried; (3) Cecil Vivian Barrington, born 17 September 1865, who married 15 August 1911, Emma Harriet Armstrong.


Charles Barrington was born 27 February 1860, son to Frederick Barrington and Emma Fitzmaurice, (to whom refer); died probably on the Australian continent. His wife Elsie Walton was born in 1858. This couple begat issue, several children, names and sex unavailable, born probably on the Australian continent.


(Sir) Charles Bacon Barrington (6th Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (an eminent horticulturist specialising in the propagation of orchids and carnations, and also involved with secret wartime intelligence operations, etc.) was born 6 June 1902, son to (Sir) Charles Burton Barrington (5th Baronet, etc.) and Mary Rose Bacon, (to whom refer); died in 1980. His wife Constance Doris Elkington, (to whom he was married 7 August 1930), was daughter to Ernest James Elkington and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Victoria Elizabeth Josephine Barrington, born 30 November 1940; (2) Diana Mary Rose Barrington, born 11 May 1946, who married 17 July 1968, Thomas Manuel.


(Sir) Charles Burton Barrington (5th Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Member of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Limerick, High Sheriff of the County of Limerick, etc.) was born in 1848, son to (Sir) Croker Barrington (4th Baronet, etc.) and Anna Felicia West; died 12 August 1943. His wife Mary Rose Bacon, (to whom he was married 14 February 1895), was daughter to (Sir) nned Henry Hickman Bacon (11th Baronet and 10th Baronet both in the Baronetage of England, etc.) (High Sheriff of the County of Lincoln, etc.) and Elizabeth Beckett; died 1 March 1943. This couple begat issue: (1) Winifred Frances Barrington, born 5 July 1897, died unmarried 14 May 1921 at her family home in consequence of wounds received when fatally shot during a planned ambush and assassination by the rebel Irish Republican Army (IRA) who had been lying in wait for her return; (2) (Sir) Charles Bacon Barrington (6th Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (an eminent horticulturist specialising in the propagation of orchids and carnations, and, like his brother, involved with secret wartime intelligence operations, etc.), born 6 June 1902, died in 1980, who married 7 August 1930, Constance Doris Elkington; (3) (Sir) Alexander Fitzwilliam Croker Barrington (7th Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (a decorated war hero and Prisoner of War, who, like his brother, had been involved with secret wartime intelligence operations, afterward distinguishing himself in a series of corporate directorships, etc.), born 19 November 1909, died unmarried 6 February 2003.


Charles Mack Barrington was born 27 December 1881 probably at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to Robert John Barrington and Agnes Goodfellow, (to whom refer); christened 15 August 1882; married, secondly, Florence Elizabeth Dickson, (to whom also refer); died in 1959. His first wife Edith Drysdale, (to whom he was married 20 January 1904 at the Manse, Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was born 16 June 1885 probably at or near Allan's Corners, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to Thomas Drysdale and ---; died 25 October 1904 at Beauharnois County, Qu�bec. Charles Mack Barrington and Edith Drysdale begat issue: (1) Robert Drysdale Barrington, born 27 April 1904, christened 18 August 1904, died in 1980.


Charles Mack Barrington was born 27 December 1881 probably at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to Robert John Barrington and Agnes Goodfellow, (to whom refer); christened 15 August 1882; married, firstly, 20 January 1904 at the Manse, Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, Edith Drysdale, (to whom also refer); died in 1959. His second wife was Florence Elizabeth Dickson. Charles Mack Barrington and Florence Elizabeth Dickson begat issue: (1)William Redpath Barrington, born 25 September 1908, died in 1995; (2) Geoffrey Royal Barrington, born 1 July 1910, died 10 July 1985.


Charles Valentine Barrington was born 29 March 1862, son to William Leadbeater Barrington and Caroline Catherine Stark, (to whom refer). His wife was Kitty Whiting, (to whom he was married 2 April 1893). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Clarence Alfred Barrington was son to Clarence Chester Barrington and Laura Coberly, (to whom refer). His wife was Iris Gertrude Neeley. This couple begat issue: (1) Clarence Allen Barrington; (2) Larry Dean Barrington.


Clarence Chester Barrington was born 15 July 1897, son to William Henry Barrington and Ida May Switzer Hillerman, (to whom refer); died in May 1977 at Tolleson, Maricopa County, Arizona. His wife was Laura Coberly. This couple begat issue: (1) Elva Winifred Barrington, who married Lilburn A. Snow; (2) Clarence Alfred Barrington, who married Iris Gertrude Neeley; (3) Marjorie Elnora Barrington, who married Bobbie Johnson.


Clifford Archibald Barrington was born 27 November 1916 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to David Archibald Barrington and Celia Florence McWhinnie, (to whom refer); christened 7 August 1917 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Muriel Isabel Lamb, (to whom he was married 6 December 1939 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was daughter to James Gilbert Lamb and Jennie Isabel Blair. This couple begat issue: (1) David Barrington; (2) Diane Barrington; (3) Richard E. Barrington.

BARRINGTON, (Sir) CROKER, (4th Baronet, etc.) / WEST, ANNA FELICIA

(Sir) Croker Barrington (4th Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Deputy Lieutenant of the County, etc.) was born 12 July 1817 at Limerick, Limerick County, Munster Province, Ireland, son to (Sir) Matthew Barrington (2nd Baronet, etc.) and Charlotte Hartigan, (to whom refer); died 4 July 1890. His wife Anna Felicia West, (to whom he was married 12 April 1845), was daughter to John Beatty West (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, etc.) and ---; died 7 June 1873. This couple begat issue: (1) Olivia Maria Barrington, born in or about 1846 or 1847, who married 13 June 1871, Lewen Burton Weldon (Canon at Salisbury Anglican Cathedral, Salisbury and at Christ Church Cathedral of the Church of Ireland, Dublin, etc.); (2) (Sir) Charles Burton Barrington (5th Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Member of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Limerick, High Sheriff of the County of Limerick, etc.), born in 1848, died 12 August 1943, who married 14 February 1895, Mary Rose Bacon; (3) Croker Barrington, born in 1851, died 24 June 1926, who married 7 October 1890, his second cousin Florence Jane Bayly; (4) Mercy Barrington, born in or about 1853, who married George Wright (Justice of The King's Bench for Ireland, Judge of the High Court of Ireland, etc.); (5) William Matthew Barrington, born in 1855, died 10 June 1883; (6) a female child, name unavailable, born in or about 1857; (7) John Beatty Barrington (Justice of the Peace in and for The City of Limerick and Counties Limerick and Tipperary, High Sheriff of the County of Limerick, etc.) (recipient of the French Legion of Honour and Croix de Guerre for services rendered in the first World War as well as numerous other decorations, medals, honours and awards, etc.), born 18 July 1859, died 16 September 1926, who married 2 August 1887, his second cousin Catherine Charlotte Bayly; (8) a female child, name unavailable; (9) a female child, name unavailable, born in or about 1863; (10) Anna Josephine Barrington, died 2 July 1947, who married 3 June 1891, John Naper George Pollock (Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, etc.).


Croker Barrington was born in 1851, son to (Sir) Croker Barrington (4th Baronet, etc.) and Anna Felicia West, (to whom refer); died 24 June 1926. His wife (and second cousin) Florence Jane Bayly, (to whom he was married 7 October 1890), was daughter to John Bayly and Maryanne Charlotte Barrington, (to whom also refer); died 16 June 1935 or 16 July 1935 (depending upon sources). This couple begat issue: (1) Florence Mary Barrington (Member of the Third Class of The Order of St. George of Russia, Honourary Life Member of the British Red Cross Society, etc.), died unmarried 9 November 1968; (2) Evelyn Victoria Muriel Barrington, died 3 February 1929, who married 29 July 1922, Reginald Fosbery Nation (Chevalier, otherwise Knight, of the French Legion of Honour, as well as recipient of numerous other decorations, medals, honours and awards, etc.); (3) William Matthew Barrington, born 11 May 1895, died early, unmarried, 12 March 1897; (4) Croker Edmund Barrington (Military Cross, etc.), born 2 September 1897, died (killed) on Active Service, World War II., 17 July 1944 in Burma Colony, who married 26 July 1933, Gwendolen Mary Bligh.


Croker Edmund Barrington (Military Cross, etc.) was born 2 September 1897, son to Croker Barrington and Florence Jane Bayly, (to whom refer); died (killed) on Active Service, World War II., 17 July 1944 in Burma Colony. His wife Gwendolen Mary Bligh, (to whom he was married 26 July 1933), was born 19 January 1905, daughter to Frederick Arthur Bligh (Justice of the Peace and High Sheriff) and Mary Wentworth Forbes. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Daniel Barrington (Clerk of The Crown for Limerick, etc.) was born 14 October 1792, son to (Sir) Joseph Barrington (1st Baronet, etc.) and Mary Baggott (Baggot or Bagot), (to whom refer); died 5 February 1842. His wife Anne Williams, (to whom he was married 22 October 1829), was daughter to Richard Williams and ---; died 5 February 1892. This couple begat issue: (1) Anne Barrington, died in 1886, who married 29 November 1866, Walter Carr Mackinnon; (2) Maryanne Charlotte Barrington, died 31 July 1870 or 31 August 1870 (depending upon sources), who married 3 September 1857, John Bayly (Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, etc.).


David Barrington was son to Edward Sydney Barrington and Jean MacKenzie, (to whom refer). His wife Louise L. Colchester was daughter to Cecil Colchester and Denise Laurier; died 22 April 1982 at Sydney City Hospital, Sydney, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia; buried 24 April 1982 at Pine Hill Cemetery, River Bennett, Victoria County, Nova Scotia. This couple begat issue: (1) Edward Barrington; (2) Denise Barrington, who married Donald Reese.


David Archibald Barrington was born 17 January 1882 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to David McMullen Barrington and Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 8 January 1967 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Celia Florence McWhinnie, (to whom he was married 27 September 1911 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was born 15 November 1889, daughter to James McWhinnie and Eliza Ann Ferguson; died 5 February 1954 in Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Ivan David Barrington, born 8 February 1913 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 6 June 1913 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 28 July 1934, Winetta Myrrn Greig; (2) Garnet James Barrington, born 12 November 1914 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 14 September 1915 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married his first cousin Ina June "Inez" Barrington; (3) Clifford Archibald Barrington, born 27 November 1916 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 7 August 1917 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 6 December 1939 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, Muriel Isabel Lamb; (4) Merrill Edwin Barrington (Alderman of The Village of Ormstown and Member of the House of Commons in the Federal Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, etc.), born a twin 25 February 1920 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 13 June 1920, who married 12 January 1946, Gerharda Theodora Nijhuis; (5) Mervin George Barrington, born a twin 25 February 1920 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 13 June 1920, who married Angie Bishop; (6) Verna Eliza Jane Barrington, born 28 December 1923 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened in July 1925, who married Ross Winters; (7) Alton Ferguson "Pete" Barrington, born 8 September 1925, christened 22 December 1925 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married Helen Robinson; (8) Dorothy Margaret Barrington, died early, unmarried, 26 May 1929, buried 27 May 1929 at Ormstown Union Cemetery, Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec.


David McMullen Barrington was born 13 January 1844 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, son to John Barrington and Sarah McMullen, (to whom refer); christened 29 January 1844; died 30 March 1929 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; buried 1 April 1929 at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife (and first cousin) Jane Barrington, (to whom he was married 27 September 1873 at St. James' Anglican Church, Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was born 16 October 1843 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, daughter to Archibald Barrington and Jane Todd, (to whom also refer); christened 29 February 1844; died 5 June 1934 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; buried 7 June 1934 at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) James Barrington, born 16 December 1873, died 20 February 1964, who married in June 1907, Margaret "Maggie" McEwan; (2) John Barrington, born 10 May 1878 at or near Howick, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 9 June 1878, died 17 October 1951, who married 27 December 1905 at or near Riverfield, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, Annie Eliza Ritchie; (3) David Archibald Barrington, born 17 January 1882 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died 8 January 1967 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 27 September 1911 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, Celia Florence McWhinnie.


David William Barrington was born 11 April 1965 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Donald Arthur Barrington and Shirley Luella Brown, (to whom refer). His wife was Cynthia May McCauley, (to whom he was married 3 August 1991 outside their residence, Wylie Road, Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) Terrence James Barrington, born antenuptially 14 December 1989 at Pembroke General Hospital, Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario.


Donald Arthur Barrington was born 29 November 1940 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Kenneth Rath Barrington and Elma Caroline Weatherhead, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 17 May 1996 at Deep River Community Church, Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario, Phyllis Grace Thompson, (to whom also refer). His first wife Shirley Luella Brown, (to whom he was married 1 October 1960 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, and from whom subsequently divorced in 1978 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario), was born 26 December 1943 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. Donald Arthur Barrington and Shirley Luella Brown begat issue: (1) Sandra Lee "Sandy" Barrington, born 26 March 1961 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, bore out of wedlock, by one Kim Rail, two male children and one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Sandra Lee Barrington" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); (2) Thomas Charles Barrington, born 25 July 1962 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Victoria Allison; (3) John Kenneth Barrington, born 28 July 1963 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 18 August 1995 at Deep River Community Church, Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario, Annette Marie Boudreau; (4) David William Barrington, born 11 April 1965 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 3 August 1991 outside their residence, Wylie Road, Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario, Cynthia May McCauley; (5) a child, unnamed, sex unavailable, stillborn 11 November 1968 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried at Greenbank Cemetery, near Greenbank, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (6) Caroline Dawn Barrington, born 10 June 1970 at Deep River Hospital, Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario, who married 21 May 2005 at Calgary, Alberta, Richard Ryan Butt.


Donald Arthur Barrington was born 29 November 1940 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Kenneth Rath Barrington and Elma Caroline Weatherhead, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 1 October 1960 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Shirley Luella Brown, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1978 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario). His second wife Phyllis Grace Thompson, (to whom he was married 17 May 1996 at Deep River Community Church, Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario), was born 27 March 1942 at Campbellton, Northumberland County, New Brunswick, daughter to James Thompson and Phyllis Bradley; married, firstly, Jackie Gerald Tooley; died 30 December 2008 at Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Donald Arthur Barrington and Phyllis Grace Thompson.


Donald Colquhoun Barrington was born in 1938, son to William Carlyle Barrington and Luella Olive Colquhoun, (to whom refer); died 1 August 1994; buried in August 1994 at Wolford Cemetery, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife was Joan Farnell. This couple begat issue: (1) Terri Anne Barrington, who married Bernard Janson; (2) Karen Jane Barrington, who married Peter MacPherson; (3) Heather Leigh Barrington, who married Brian Budynsky.


Donald Frederick Barrington was born in or about 1930 or 1931, son to Leonard Frederick Barrington and Ivy Grace Haird, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Patricia Poucher, (to whom also refer); died 23 November 2007 at Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa City Municipality, Ontario; buried at Hillside Cemetery, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario. His first wife was Pauline Luckey, (from whom subsequently divorced). Donald Frederick Barrington and Pauline Luckey begat issue: (1) Bruce Donald Barrington, born in 1948, died 31 March 2003 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Karen Smith.


Donald Frederick Barrington was born in or about 1930 or 1931, son to Leonard Frederick Barrington and Ivy Grace Haird, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Pauline Luckey, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 23 November 2007 at Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa City Municipality, Ontario; buried at Hillside Cemetery, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario. His second wife was Patricia Poucher. Donald Frederick Barrington and Patricia Poucher begat issue: (1) Kenneth Barrington, who married Anne ---; (2) Karen Barrington, who married Daryl Sands.


Donald Wendell Barrington was born 11 August 1925 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Bryce Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Victoria McBratney, (to whom refer); died 18 June 1978 at his residence, the former Dodds Schoolhouse, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of injuries sustained in a house fire; buried 20 June 1978 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Albertina "Tina" Frankhuisen was born 22 January 1929 at Utrecht, Utrecht City Municipality, Utrecht Province, Randstad Conurbation Region, the Kingdom of The Netherlands, daughter to Albert Christian Frankhuisen and Maria Helena Gertruda van Hilten; married, firstly, in the Kingdom of The Netherlands, Johannis Marinus Josephus "Rien" van Immerseel, (from whom subsequently divorced in July 1953). Donald Wendell Barrington and Albertina "Tina" Frankhuisen begat issue: (1) Bryce Donald Barrington; (2) Kenneth Edward Barrington.


Edward Barrington (Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born 2 October 1796, son to John Barrington and Margaret Manliffe (or Manly), (to whom refer); married, secondly, 25 November 1847 at Lisburn, Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland, Huldah Strangman, (to whom also refer); died 12 October 1877 at Fassaroe House, Fassaroe Townland, Kilmacanogue Parish, (near Bray), Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland; buried in October 1877 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His first wife Sarah Leadbeater (a first cousin twice removed to Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Officer of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society, an illustrious explorer of Antarctica, etc.), (to whom he was married 14 March 1822 at the Society of Friends or "Quaker" Meetinghouse, Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 2 February 1798 or 6 February 1798 (depending upon sources), daughter to William Leadbeater and Mary Shackleton (great-grandaunt to Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Officer of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society, an illustrious explorer of Antarctica, etc.); died 7 December 1843 at Fassaroe House, Fassaroe Townland, Kilmacanogue Parish, (near Bray), Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland in consequence of childbirth; buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Cork Street, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. Edward Barrington and Sarah Leadbeater begat issue: (1) Margaret Barrington, born 2 March 1823, died 25 June 1912 at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, buried in 1912 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Temple Hill, Blackrock, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 14 March 1872, Thomas Davis; (2) (Sir) John Barrington, (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, and on two occasions The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of The City of Dublin, etc.), born 6 September 1824, died 2 May 1887, buried in May 1887 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Temple Hill, Blackrock, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 12 March 1848 or 22 March 1848 (depending upon sources), Elizabeth Pim; (3) William Leadbeater Barrington, born 20 January 1826 at 186 (afterward renumbered 202) Great Britain Street, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 15 March 1903 in North America, buried in March 1903 at Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, District of Columbia, who married in 1853, Caroline Catherine Stark; (4) Edward Ebenezer Barrington, born 20 July 1827, died 15 September 1904, buried in September 1904 at Enniskerry, Powerscourt Parish, Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 7 April 1885, Anna Maria Allen; (5) Richard Manliffe Barrington, born 29 March 1829, died early, unmarried, 23 May 1847, buried 25 May 1847 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (6) Philip Sidney Barrington, born 11 June 1830, died 1 July 1913, buried in July 1913 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 31 May 1860 at Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Elizabeth Shackleton (aunt to Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Officer of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society, an illustrious explorer of Antarctica, etc.); (7) Mary Jane Barrington, born 13 December 1831, died suddenly 4 November 1906, who married 28 December 1853, Thomas Henry White; (8) Selina Barrington, born 26 February 1833, who married 16 October 1861, Robert ffennell; (9) Charles Barrington, born 5 October 1834, died 20 April 1901, buried in April 1901 at Mount Jerome Cemetery, Harold's Cross, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 22 March 1860, Louisa Grubb; (10) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, stillborn 9 May 1837; (11) Erasmus Barrington, born 30 March 1839, died 9 March 1874 in consequence of injuries sustained in a fall from his horse, buried in March 1874 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 6 April 1864, Jane Kearns Deane Bennett; (12) Lydia Sarah Barrington, born 3 November 1840, died unmarried 29 January 1864 in consequence of phthisis (consumption or tuberculosis), buried in 1864 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (13) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, stillborn 7 December 1843.


Edward Barrington (Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born 2 October 1796, son to John Barrington and Margaret Manliffe (or Manly), (to whom refer); married, firstly, 14 March 1822 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Meetinghouse, Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Sarah Leadbeater, (to whom also refer); died 12 October 1877 at Fassaroe House, Fassaroe Townland, Kilmacanogue Parish, (near Bray), Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland; buried in October 1877 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His second wife Huldah Strangman, (to whom he was married 25 November 1847 at Lisburn, Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland), was born 29 January 1820 at Waterford County, Munster Province, Ireland, daughter to Joshua Strangman and Anna Pim; died 7 October 1895 at Fassaroe House, Fassaroe Townland, Kilmacanogue Parish, (near Bray), Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland; buried in October 1895 at the Abbey Churchyard, Waterford, Waterford County, Munster Province, Ireland. Edward Barrington and Huldah Strangman begat issue: (1) Richard Manliffe Barrington (an eminent Irish naturalist, etc.), born 22 May 1849 at Fassaroe House, Fassaroe Townland, Kilmacanogue Parish, (near Bray), Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 15 September 1915 suddenly whilst operating the controls of his motor car en route from Dublin to Fassaroe, buried in September 1915 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 26 April 1898 at St. Peter's Church of Ireland (otherwise known as St. Peter's Parish Church), St. Peter's Parish, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Lena Louisa Richarda Gyles; (2) Anna Wakefield Barrington, born 28 December 1850, died unmarried 14 June 1902, buried in June 1902 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Huldah Isabel Barrington, born 2 May 1852, died early, unmarried, 28 January 1870 in consequence of typhoid, buried in 1870 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (4) Victoria Barrington, born 16 May 1853 at Fassaroe House, Fassaroe Townland, Kilmacanogue Parish, (near Bray), Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 19 July 1892 at Kimberley, Greasley Parish, Nottingham County, England, her first cousin Francis "Frank" Malone; (5) Amy Barrington (a distinguished family historian and genealogist, etc.), born 14 February 1857, died unmarried 6 January 1942; (6) Marion Barrington, born 17 February 1859, died unmarried 26 June 1893, buried in 1893 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland.


Edward Barrington was born 18 February 1854, son to William Leadbeater Barrington and Caroline Catherine Stark, (to whom refer); died in October 1902 in the United Mexican States in consequence of injuries inflicted when struck by a tram. His wife Bessie Jones, (to whom he was married 15 October 1891), married, secondly, in 1908, ---. Edward Barrington and Bessie Jones begat issue: (1) Dorothy Caroline Frances Norah Barrington, born 25 December 1892; (2) William Barrington, born 12 February 1894.


Edward Bryce Barrington was born 26 May 1923, son to Bryce Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Victoria McBratney, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 1 November 1972 at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia, Daisy Short, (to whom also refer); died 5 February 1983 at Princeton, Mercer County, West Virginia; buried in 1983 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His first wife Florence Margaret Curtis, (to whom he was married 5 October 1967), was daughter to Frank Curtis and Florence Embelton; married, firstly, --- Bell. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Edward Bryce Barrington and Florence Margaret Curtis.


Edward Bryce Barrington was born 26 May 1923, son to Bryce Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Victoria McBratney, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 5 October 1967, Florence Margaret Curtis, (to whom also refer); died 5 February 1983 at Princeton, Mercer County, West Virginia; buried in 1983 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His second wife Daisy Short, (to whom he was married 1 November 1972 at Grundy, Buchanan County, Virginia), was born 14 February 1917 in West Virginia, daughter to Noah A. Short and Lottie Muncy (or Muncey); married, firstly, --- Kessinger (or Keesinger). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Edward Bryce Barrington and Daisy Short.


Edward Charles Barrington was born 9 March 1872, son to Erasmus Barrington and Jane Kearns Deane Bennett, (to whom refer). His wife Annie Maud Woods, (to whom he was married 16 January 1907), was born 9 February 1877, daughter to Frederick Woods and Annie Uprichard. This couple begat issue: (1) Edward Frederick Bennett Barrington, born 27 March 1909; (2) Charles Eric Barrington, born 4 December 1910; (3) Manliffe Barrington, born 8 November 1912; (4) Edith Janie Barrington, born 24 May 1916.


Edward Ebenezer Barrington was born 20 July 1827, son to Edward Barrington and Sarah Leadbeater, (to whom refer); died 15 September 1904; buried in September 1904 at Enniskerry, Powerscourt Parish, Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Anna Maria Allen, (to whom he was married 7 April 1885), was daughter to Anthony Pierce Allen and ---. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Edward George Barrington was born in 1796, son to (Sir) Jonah Barrington and Catherine Grogan, (to whom refer); died in 1844. His wife was Anna Blake. This couple begat issue: (1) Katherine Sibella Barrington, who married 12 April 1852, William Alexander MacKenna.


Edward John Barrington was born 14 December 1924 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Allan Edward Barrington and Edna Barrington Bell Wing, (to whom refer); died 23 February 1982 at Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario in consequence of cardiac failure three hours after quintuple bypass open heart surgery; buried in 1982 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife was Verta Cornforth. This couple begat issue: (1) Marlane Barrington, who married Al Parish; (2) Ronald Barrington; (3) Bruce Barrington; (4) George Henry Barrington.


Edward John Jutton Barrington wss born 3 September 1914, son to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer); died 27 March 1993 or 27 May 1993 (depending upon sources); buried in 1993 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Arlene Esther Wall was born 3 June 1916; died 3 April 1999; buried in 1999 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Jackson; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---.


Edward Joseph Barrington was born in or about 1818 or 1819, son to Charles Barrington and Elizabeth Hayward Budd, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 13 September 1865, Christina Angela McCrohan, (to whom also refer); died 17 January 1883 at Oak Island, near Oak Harbour, Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington. His first wife was ---. Edward Joseph Barrington and --- begat issue: (1) Olivia Barrington, who married --- Monroe.


Edward Joseph Barrington was born in or about 1818 or 1819, son to Charles Barrington and Elizabeth Hayward Budd, (to whom refer); married, firstly, ---, (to whom also refer); died 17 January 1883 at Oak Island, near Oak Harbour, Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington. His second wife Christina Angela McCrohan, (to whom he was married 13 September 1865), was born 25 December 1847; married, secondly, Joseph C. Power; died 16 December 1938. Edward Joseph Barrington and Christina Angela McCrohan begat issue: (1) Yorke A. Barrington, died in 1900 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married Anna Phillips; (2) Edward M. Barrington, born in or about 1867 or 1868, died 29 August 1898 at Dawson, Yukon Territory in consequence of typhoid; (3) Harry Barrington, who married Kate Metzler; (4) Sibella "Sibbie" Barrington, who married Christian Fisher; (5) Sydney C. Barrington, born 13 June 1875 at Oak Harbour, Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington, died 28 June --- at Oak Harbour, Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington, who married Hazel Delisle ---; (6) William Hill Barrington, born in 1877 at Oak Harbour, Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington, who married 7 July 1913 at Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Mildred Ward.


Edward Sydney Barrington was born in 1884, son to Yorke Henry Ainslie Barrington and Marion Elizabeth Jane Tutty, (to whom refer); died in 1963 at Sault Ste. Marie, Algoma District, Ontario. His wife was Jean MacKenzie, (to whom he was married in 1911). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Sullivan; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- MacPherson; (3) David Barrington, who married Louise L. Colchester.


Edwin George Barrington was born 15 December 1889 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, son to Thomas George Barrington and Mary Jane "Jenny" Cunneyworth, (to whom refer). His wife was Mary McKay, (to whom he was married 21 June 1924 at Toronto, York County, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) Murray Barrington; (2) Grant Barrington.


Erasmus Barrington was born 30 March 1839, son to Edward Barrington and Sarah Leadbeater, (to whom refer); died 9 March 1874 in consequence of injuries sustained in a fall from his horse; buried in March 1874 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Jane Kearns Deane Bennett, (to whom he was married 6 April 1864), was born 12 June 1842, daughter to William Bennett and Eliza Deane; died 9 April 1913; buried in April 1913 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Lydia Sarah Barrington, born 18 February 1865, who married 20 September 1894, her first cousin Manliffe Barrington; (2) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, born 25 September 1866, died in infancy, unmarried, 5 October 1866; (3) William Bennett Barrington, born 6 July 1868, who married 21 June 1904, Elizabeth Andriah McDonnell Webb; (4) Eliza Bennett Barrington, born 16 December 1870, who married 21 April 1904, Herbert Manders; (5) Edward Charles Barrington, born 9 March 1872, who married 16 January 1907, Annie Maud Woods.


Eugene Barrington was born 7 July 1873, son to William Leadbeater Barrington and Caroline Catherine Stark, (to whom refer). His wife was Eva Worms, (to whom he was married 5 May 1901). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Finlay Dow Barrington was born 15 May 1862 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, son to George Barrington and Isabella "Bella" Dow, (to whom refer); christened 20 July 1862 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East. His wife Alice Tidman, (to whom he was married 31 October 1888 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was daughter to Richard Tidman and Mary Ann Jeffs. This couple begat issue: (1) Alice Ruby Barrington, born 6 August 1891 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, christened 22 November 1891 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (2) Finlay Dow Barrington, born 8 May 1893 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, christened 5 November 1893 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec.


Francis Barrington (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, etc.) was born in Ireland, son to Alexander Barrington and Margaret (Mary or Jane) Bowen (or Bown), (to whom refer); died in or about 1665 or 1666. His wife Grizel (Grisel, Griseld, Griselda, Greshild, Greshilda or Catherine) Gilbert was daughter to (Sir) William Gilbert (Knight Bachelor of England, etc.) and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Alexander Barrington, died in or about April 1675, who married in June 1666, Ellen (Helen, Eleanor or Susan) Cosby; (2) probably Nicholas Barrington (a Captain in the service of the archfiend Oliver Cromwell, etc.), died in or about 1667 or 1668, who married Elizabeth ---; (3) probably Thomas Barrington (a Major in the service of the archfiend Oliver Cromwell, etc.), born in Ireland, died 30 July 1676 (Old Style or Julian) or 9 August 1676 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland, who married, firstly, --- Nelson, and, secondly, in 1661, Margery ---; (4) probably Benjamin Barrington (a Captain in the service of the archfiend Oliver Cromwell, etc.), who married Thomasina Comerford.


Frank Doran Barrington was son to John Robert Barrington and Mary Ann Sparling, (to whom refer); died 27 April 2000 at Sydney, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia. His wife Victoria Pierrynowski died in 1985. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- MacLeod; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Donovan; (3) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Griffen; (4) a male child, name unavailable; (5) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- MacDonald; (6) a male child, name unavailable; (7) a male child, name unavailable; (8) a male child, name unavailable; (9) a male child, name unavailable; (10) a male child, name unavailable.


Frank Seward Barrington was born in or about 1861 or 1862, son to John Edwin Barrington and Helen Jane Catherine Pooley, (to whom refer); died in 1943. His wife was ---, (from whom subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Frederick Barrington was born 25 May 1813, son to John Barrington and Margaret Manliffe (or Manly), (to whom refer); died 29 October 1885; buried at Thrapston, Thrapston Parish, Northampton County, England. His wife Emma Fitzmaurice was born 20 March 1831; died 29 June 1882; buried at Thrapston, Thrapston Parish, Northampton County, England. This couple begat issue: (1) Samuel Barrington, born a twin 21 March 1851, died in infancy, unmarried; (2) Laura Barrington, born a twin 21 March 1851, died probably on the Australian continent; (3) Frederick Albert Barrington, born 21 July 1853, died 9 November 1897 probably at or near King's Lynn, King's Lynn Municipal Borough, Norfolk County, England, who married, firstly, in May 1883, Ellen Isabella Coulton, and, secondly, 12 September 1889, Frances Emma Taylor; (4) Emily Barrington, born 29 October 1854, who married, firstly, 13 May 1878, Edward T. Latham Blacker, and, secondly, 25 February 1890, John William Neilson; (5) Henry Ernest Walter Barrington, born 18 December 1856, who married in 1889 or in 1899 (depending upon sources), Alice Muriel Swain; (6) Maud Barrington, born 13 April 1858, died unmarried 1 May 1894; (7) Charles Barrington, born 27 February 1860, died probably on the Australian continent, who married Elsie Walton; (8) Edith Barrington, born a twin 11 January 1865, who married 30 April 1891, George Percival Adamson; (9) Ada Barrington, born a twin 11 January 1865, who married 14 September 1889, her first cousin once removed Arthur Ebenezer Barrington.


Frederick Barrington was born in or about 1855 or 1856 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to James Barrington and Margaret Rhodes, (to whom refer). His wife Alice E. Ransier, (to whom he was married 29 December 1881), was born in or about 1862 or 1863 at or near White Fish (afterward known as Morton), South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Canada West. This couple begat issue: (1) Ethel Eleanor Barrington, born 16 June 1885 at or near Farmersville (afterward known as Athens), Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario.


Frederick Albert Barrington was born 21 July 1853, son to Frederick Barrington and Emma Fitzmaurice, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 12 September 1889, Frances Emma Taylor, (to whom also refer); died 9 November 1897 probably at or near King's Lynn, King's Lynn Municipal Borough, Norfolk County, England. His first wife Ellen Isabella Coulton, (to whom he was married in May 1883), was born 27 May 1853; died 15 September 1887; buried in September 1887 at Pentney, Pentney Parish, Norfolk County, England. Frederick Albert Barrington and Ellen Isabella Coulton begat issue: (1) Frederick James Fitzmaurice Barrington (recipient, amongst other honours, of a Beit Fellowship in Medicine in 1910, etc.), born 28 February 1884; (2) Arthur Barrington, born 1 March 1886.


Frederick Albert Barrington was born 21 July 1853, son to Frederick Barrington and Emma Fitzmaurice, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in May 1883, Ellen Isabella Coulton, (to whom also refer); died 9 November 1897 probably at or near King's Lynn, King's Lynn Municipal Borough, Norfolk County, England. His second wife Frances Emma Taylor, (to whom he was married 12 September 1889), was daughter to Charles Taylor and ---. Frederick Albert Barrington and Frances Emma Taylor begat issue: (1) a male child, name, if any, unavailable, died in infancy, unmarried, aged two days.


Garnet James Barrington was born 12 November 1914 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to David Archibald Barrington and Celia Florence McWhinnie, (to whom refer); christened 14 September 1915 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife (and first cousin) Ina June "Inez" Barrington was born 27 March 1917, daughter to John Barrington and Annie Eliza Ritchie, (to whom also refer); christened 3 July 1917; bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Ina June Barrington" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work). Garnet James Barrington and Ina June "Inez" Barrington begat issue: (1) Gary Barrington; (2) Alban Barrington; (3) Garnet W. Barrington.


George Barrington (a Captain in one or more of the armed incursions into Ireland during Marian or Elizabethan times, etc.) was born in England, a scion of the ancient and illustrious House and Family of Barrington of Barrington Hall, Essex; died in Ireland. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Joseph Barrington, died in Ireland in consequence of injuries sustained at the hands of the � Mores; (2) John Barrington (a Captain in one or more of the armed incursions into Ireland during Elizabethan times, etc.), died 15 September 1593 (Old Style or Julian) or 24 September 1593 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland, who married Johanna (Joanna, Joan or Jane) Hovenden (Ovenden or Ovington); (3) Robert Barrington, who married ---, a daughter of an adherent of the � Mores.


George Barrington was grandson probably to one of the six sons of Alexander Barrington and Katherine Boyle, (to whom refer), and brother to William Barrington, (to whom also refer); died in April, May, June, July or August 1753. His wife was Mary ---. This couple begat, probably amongst others, issue: (1) Joseph Barrington; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Butler.


George Barrington was born 25 June 1830 in Ireland, a close kinsman, probably in the degree either of nephew, grandnephew or cousin, to James Barrington who married ---, (to whom refer), and also to John Barrington who married ---, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, 18 October 1881 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, Mary Mitchell, (to whom likewise also refer); died 7 December 1910 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. His first wife Isabella "Bella" Dow, (to whom he was married in or about 1850, 1851 or 1852 in Canada East), was born in or about 1832 or 1833 in Scotland. George Barrington and Isabella "Bella" Dow begat issue: (1) Jane Barrington, born 22 July 1852 at Montr�al, Montr�al Municipal District, Canada East, christened 29 July 1852 at Montr�al, Montr�al Municipal District, Canada East, died in infancy, unmarried, 30 July 1852 at Montr�al, Montr�al Municipal District, Canada East, buried same day, 30 July 1852 at at Montr�al, Montr�al Municipal District, Canada East; (2) Thomas Barrington, born 7 April 1854 at Montr�al, Montr�al Municipal District, Canada East, christened 28 May 1854 at Montr�al, Montr�al Municipal District, Canada East, died 26 July 1884 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, buried in July 1884 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married 13 June 1877 in Qu�bec, Jeannie Greenshields Meikle; (3) Elizabeth Dow Barrington, born 1 May 1856 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, christened 13 July 1856 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, died early, unmarried, 20 May 1867 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, buried 22 May 1867 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East; (4) Isabella Dow Barrington, born 15 May 1860 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, christened 8 July 1860 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, died early, unmarried, 2 May 1867 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, buried 3 May 1867 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East; (5) Finlay Dow Barrington, born 15 May 1862 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, christened 20 July 1862 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, who married 31 October 1888 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, Alice Tidman; (6) William George Barrington, born 8 October 1864 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, christened 13 November 1864 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, died in infancy, unmarried, 3 June 1865 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, buried 5 June 1865 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East.


George Barrington was born 25 June 1830 in Ireland, a close kinsman, probably in the degree either of nephew, grandnephew or cousin, to James Barrington who married ---, (to whom refer), and also to John Barrington who married ---, (to whom also refer); married, firstly, in or about 1850, 1851 or 1852 in Canada East, Isabella "Bella" Dow, (to whom likewise also refer); died 7 December 1910 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. His second wife Mary Mitchell, (to whom he was married 18 October 1881 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was born 10 January 1851 in Canada East; married, firstly, James Young; died 1 June 1923; buried 2 June 1923. George Barrington and Mary Mitchell begat issue: (1) William Albert Barrington, born 4 August 1882 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, christened 19 October 1882 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married 2 March 1909, Annie Louise Fox; (2) Mary Ethel Barrington, born 29 October 1884 or 29 October 1885 (depending upon sources) at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, christened 6 November 1885 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married 9 September 1914 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, George Welsford Tourgis; (3) Alice Muriel Barrington, born 10 April 1888 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, christened 1 July 1888 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec.


George Barrington was born 8 April 1841 at or near Fredericktown, Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, son to Thomas Barrington and Elizabeth Watson Townsend, (to whom refer); died 24 December 1912 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas. His wife Sarah Abbott Pearson, (to whom he was married 3 August 1864 at West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa), was born 1 August 1845 at Miami County, Ohio, daughter to Robert Pearson and Mary Abbott; died 25 March 1923 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas. This couple begat issue: (1) William Henry Barrington, born 22 September 1866 at or near West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa, died 5 March 1929 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, who married 29 December 1887, Ida May Switzer Hillerman; (2) John Abbott Barrington, born 9 November 1867 at or near West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa, died 30 August 1930 in hospital at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, buried 2 September 1930 at Mountain View Cemetery, Altadena, Los Angeles County, California, who married 29 August 1895 at Tipton, Cedar County, Iowa, Lauretta H. Crew, (from whom subsequently separated but probably not fully divorced); (3) Herbert Daniel Barrington, born 9 February 1871 at or near West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa, died 9 September 1958 at his residence, 513 Everett Street, Wichita, Sedgewick County, Kansas, buried 12 September 1958 at Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Sedgewick County, Kansas, who married 26 May 1896, Myrta Louisa Butler; (4) Mary E. "May" Barrington, born 14 May 1875 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, died 10 August 1969 or 15 August 1969 (depending upon sources) at Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas, who married 19 January 1893, James Monroe Morray; (5) Eva Barrington, born 11 July 1880 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, died 29 August 1970 at the residence of her eldest daughter at Pittsburg, Hickory County, Missouri in consequence of cardiovascular complaint, who married 21 February 1900 at Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, Ernest Charles Umdenstock (Trustee, Osage City School Board for more than a quarter century and inventor and patentee of equipment for the improvement of the "party line" telephone system, etc.).


George Barrington was born 1 February 1861 or 2 February 1861 (depending upon sources) at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to Thomas Barrington and Ann Mulloy, (to whom refer); christened 9 February 1862 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Canada West; died 17 October 1927. His wife Nancy Sabina (or Sophia) Hyndman, (to whom he was married 9 November 1892 at Morrisburg, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 18 December 1855 in Canada West, daughter to Samuel Hyndman and ---; died 29 January 1921 at St. Luke's Hospital, Ottawa, _Carleton County, Ontario in consequence of six hours' suffering with uraemic convulsions following upon 17 days' treatment for interstitial nephritis and an abdominal tumour; buried in 1921 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Samuel Barrington, who married 25 May 1921, Mabel Wade; (2) William Carlyle Barrington, born 23 January 1900 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, died in 1949, who married Luella Olive Colquhoun.


George Harold Wade Barrington was born 20 August 1922, son to Thomas Samuel Barrington and Mabel Wade, (to whom refer). His wife Leanna Elizabeth Carruthers was born 13 August 1928. This couple begat issue: (1) Ronald George Barrington, born 9 July 1948, who married Gwen ---; (2) Bonnie Jean Barrington, born 29 May 1950, who married Daniel Thibodeau; (3) Crystal Lynne Barrington, born 8 January 1953; (4) Thomas James Barrington, born 8 October 1955.


George Herbert Barrington was born 25 September 1888, son to William Henry Barrington and Ida May Switzer Hillerman, (to whom refer); died 8 December 1929. His wife Lottie Pettis, (to whom he was married 16 June 1915), was born 15 June 1890. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George Leslie Barrington was born 28 February 1884 probably at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to James Barrington and Ann Mary March, (to whom refer); christened 31 July 1884 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Ellen Maud Drysdale, (to whom he was married 19 December 1908 at the bride's residence, Springbrook Farm, Allan's Corners, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was daughter to Thomas Drysdale and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Leslie Howard Barrington, born 27 January 1910, christened 9 April 1910, who married 1 October 1938 at Ephraim Scott Presbyterian Church, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, Lily Hazel Hale.


George William Barrington was son to William Carlyle Barrington and Luella Olive Colquhoun, (to whom refer). His wife was Eva Waffle. This couple begat issue: (1) Nancy Lee Barrington, who married Earl Roberts; (2) Merrill Lynn Barrington, who married Paul Gullackson.


George Wolseley Barrington was born 23 November 1882 at Montr�al Montr�al County, Qu�bec, son to Thomas Barrington and Jeannie Greenshields Meikle, (to whom refer); died 28 March 1950. His wife Pauline Byrne Bryant, (to whom he was married 15 May 1925 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), died 3 December 1980. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Joan Barrington, born 8 May 1926 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, christened 23 November 1926 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec.


Gordon Bruce Barrington was born 8 April 1947 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, son to Wilford Harold Barrington and Annie Isabel Williams, (to whom refer). His wife Bernice Gail Vallance was born 7 June 1945 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Wilford Hugh Barrington, born 16 February 1981 at Edmonton, Alberta.


Gordon E. Barrington was born 4 June 1932, son to Leonard Frederick Barrington and Ivy Grace Haird, (to whom refer). His wife Audrey Dack was born 29 January 1936, daughter to Howard Beaumont Dack and Vera Ritchie. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harry Barrington was son to Edward Joseph Barrington and Christina Angela McCrohan, (to whom refer). His wife was Kate Metzler. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harry Barrington was son to John Robert Barrington and Mary Ann Sparling, (to whom refer). His wife Gertrude "Googie" LeBlanc died 24 January 1995 at New Waterford, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia; buried in 1995 at Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Parish Cemetery, New Waterford, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia. This couple begat issue: (1) Gregory Barrington; (2) Harry Barrington Jr.; (3) Leonard Barrington; (4) Joan Barrington, who married Thomas Stevens; (5) Marion Barrington, who married Alphonse Brenna; (6) Terry Barrington, who married Robert McKenzie.


Henry Ernest Walter Barrington was born 18 December 1856, son to Frederick Barrington and Emma Fitzmaurice, (to whom refer). His wife was Alice Muriel Swain, (to whom he was married in 1889 or in 1899 depending upon sources). This couple begat issue: (1) Hilda Barrington, born in June 1900; (2) Iris Barrington, born 31 January 1902.


Henry French Barrington was son to John Barrington and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom refer); died in 1836 at Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife --- Edwards was daughter to James Edwards and Anne Tenison. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Herbert Daniel Barrington was born 9 February 1871 at or near West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa, son to George Barrington and Sarah Abbott Pearson, (to whom refer); died 9 September 1958 at his residence, 513 Everett Street, Wichita, Sedgewick County, Kansas; buried 12 September 1958 at Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Sedgewick County, Kansas. His wife Myrta Louisa Butler, (to whom he was married 26 May 1896), was born 29 August 1870 at or near Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana, daughter to Robert Butler and Lucinda Peeples; died 5 November 1956 at her residence, 513 Everett Street, Wichita, Sedgewick County, Kansas following upon some six years' confinement as an invalid; buried 6 November 1956 at Wichita Park Cemetery, Wichita, Sedgewick County, Kansas. This couple begat issue: (1) Percival E. Barrington, born 12 July 1897 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, died 24 January 1991 at Wichita, Sedgewick County, Kansas, who married 24 August 1918, Mary E. Penrod; (2) Aubert Barrington, born 27 January 1900 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, died early, unmarried, 28 August 1902 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas; (3) Lester M. Barrington, born 28 March 1902, died 14 April 1988 at Wichita, Sedgewick County, Kansas; (4) Marden E. Barrington, born 7 February 1906 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, died in September 1985 at or near Altoona, Wilson County, Kansas; (5) Willard Eugene Barrington, born 26 October 1908 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, died in August 1967 at Wichita, Sedgewick County, Kansas; (6) Helen Dorothea Barrington, who married Robert O. Whitely.


Herbert Ernest Barrington was born 4 March 1887 probably at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to Robert John Barrington and Agnes Goodfellow, (to whom refer); died in 1969 at or near Hemmingford Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec; buried at Henrysburg Wesleyan Methodist Cemetery, Henrysburg, St. Bernard de Lacolle Parish Municipality, St. John County, Qu�bec. His wife Arpha Mabel Boyes, (to whom he was married 1 June 1904), was daughter to Richard Boyes and Ann ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Horace Ganevet Barrington was born 25 April 1872, son to William Leadbeater Barrington and Caroline Catherine Stark, (to whom refer). His wife was Thilda Bates, (to whom he was married 31 July 1900). This couple begat issue: (1) Thilda Banks Barrington, born 14 November 1905.


Ira Barrington was born 14 February 1863, son to Thomas Barrington and Ann Mulloy, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 31 August 1904 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, Isabella "Bella" Kippen, (to whom also refer); died 22 September 1936 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried in September 1936 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His first wife Bella Anderson, (to whom he was married 24 May 1900 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born in or about 1866 or 1867 at or near Dominionville, Kenyon Township, Glengarry County, Canada West; died 1 March 1903 (not 13 March 1903 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Winchester Township, near Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario in consequence of one week's suffering with appendicitis. Ira Barrington and Bella Anderson begat issue: (1) a female infant, name, if any, unavailable, stillborn or died at birth 11 April 1902 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario.


Ira Barrington was born 14 February 1863, son to Thomas Barrington and Ann Mulloy, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 24 May 1900 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Bella Anderson, (to whom also refer); died 22 September 1936 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario; buried in September 1936 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His second wife Isabella "Bella" Kippen, (to whom he was married 31 August 1904 at Toronto, York County, Ontario), was born in or about 1867 or 1868, daughter to Hugh Kippen and Elizabeth ---; died in 1941; buried at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Ira Barrington and Isabella "Bella" Kippen.


Isaac Barrington was born in or about 1768 or 1769, son to Mark Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died 9 February 1814 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Anne Power, (to whom he was married in 1789), died 17 May 1812 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Sarah Barrington, born 13 May 1790 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, 6 August 1790 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (2) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, born 21 May 1791 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in or about 1809 or 1810, --- Beaver; (3) Mary Barrington, born 15 August 1793 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (4) Lydia Barrington, born 19 March 1795 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, -Ireland, died early, unmarried, 15 November 1796 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (5) Isaac Barrington, born 20 November 1796 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 16 May 1837 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (6) Ann Barrington, born 22 December 1798 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in or about 1815 or 1816, --- Birch; (7) Loveday Barrington, born 3 May 1801 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, 20 July 1809 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (8) Thomas Barrington, born 15 March 1803 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (9) Elizabeth Barrington, born 7 September 1805 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (10) Catherine Barrington, born 30 September 1806 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in or about 1842 or 1843, --- O'Neill; (11) John Barrington, born 14 September 1808 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, 12 March 1809 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (12) Jane Barrington, born 5 March 1810 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (13) Rachel Barrington, born 12 May 1812 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, 28 April 1813 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland.


Ivan David Barrington was born 8 February 1913 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to David Archibald Barrington and Celia Florence McWhinnie, (to whom refer); christened 6 January 1913 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Winetta Myrrn Greig, (to whom he was married 28 July 1934), was daughter to David J. Greig and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Rodney Stanley Barrington, born 2 October 1930, died in infancy, unmarried, 21 October 1930, buried 23 October 1930 at Ormstown Union Cemetery, Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (2) David John Barrington, born 19 September 1933, christened 4 June 1934 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (3) Joan Celia Barrington, born 17 February 1935, christened 17 April 1935 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (4) Rodney Ivan Barrington, born 14 February 1936, christened 22 July 1936 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (5) Bernice Margaret Barrington, born 10 March 1937 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 18 July 1937 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (6) Sandra Myrrn Barrington, born 12 March 1938 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 14 May 1938 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (7) James Greig Barrington, born 15 January 1940, christened in June 1940 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (8) Carolyn Barrington.


Jacob Barrington was born 17 May 1779 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Thomas Barrington and Hannah Haughton, (to whom refer); died 22 February 1833 at Rochester, Monroe County, New York. His wife Elizabeth Neale, (to whom he was married 22 July 1804 at Coolrain Mills, Coolrain Townland, Offerlane Parish, Upperwoods Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born in or about 1776 or 1777, daughter to William Neale and Sarah ---; died 8 October 1827 at Bloomfield Retreat, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) William Barrington, born 9 September 1805 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, 17 October 1805 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (2) Richard Barrington, born 17 December 1806 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, 15 April 1807 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Hannah Barrington, born 3 March 1813 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in 1892 at or near Indianford, Fulton Township, Rock County, Wisconsin, who married 3 June 1833 at Rochester, Monroe County, New York, Curtis Peacock Casson (Treasurer of Rock County, Wisconsin, etc.).


James Barrington was born in or about 1671 or 1672, son to Alexander Barrington and Ellen (Helen, Eleanor or Susan) Cosby, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Fitzgerald was daughter to George Fitzgerald and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Alexander Barrington.


James Barrington was son probably to William Barrington and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue including: (1) James Barrington, who married in September 1763, Letitia Gray; (2) John Barrington.


James Barrington was son probably to James Barrington and ---, (to -whom refer). His wife Letitia Gray, (to whom he was married in September 1763), was daughter to William Gray and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Barrington, who married, firstly, --- (a Creole of Mauritius, etc.), and, secondly, ---; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Copplethwaite (or Copperthwaite); (3) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---; (4) a male child, name unavailable; (5) a male child, name unavailable; (6) a male child, name unavailable; (7) a male child, name unavailable; (8) Letitia Barrington, who married in 1817, James Greenham.


James Barrington was born in Ireland, brother probably to John Barrington who married ---, (to whom refer), and a close kinsman, probably in the degree either of uncle or cousin, to George Barrington who married Isabella "Bella" Dow, (to whom also refer); died at Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada; buried allegedly at or near Tincap, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada. His wife --- died at Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada. This couple begat issue probably including: (1) probably James "Jemmy" Barrington, born in or about 1786 or 1787 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 15 October 1871 at Leeds County, Ontario, buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married in Ireland, Alice "Allie" ---; (2) probably John Barrington, born in or about 1789 or 1790 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died sometime betwixt 14 January 1861 (the base date of the Census of 1861 in which he still appeared) and 23 February 1861 (the date when his will was executed) at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, who married, firstly, in Ireland, Deborah Harper, and, secondly, in Canada West, Mary Anne ---; (3) probably Ann Barrington, born in or about 1796 or 1797 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 20 June 1878 at Leeds County, Ontario, buried in June 1878 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married in or about 1818 or 1819 in Ireland, John Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh); (4) probably William Barrington, born in or about 1797 or 1798 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 4 June 1867 at Leeds County, Canada West, buried 7 June 1867 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, who married 31 July 1821 in Upper Canada, Elizabeth (or Eliza) Mary Green (or Greene); (5) probably Joseph Barrington, born in or about 1798 or 1799 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 25 February 1828 at Qu�bec, Qu�bec Judicial District, Lower Canada, buried 3 March 1828 at Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, who married Susan (or Eliza) ---.


James "Jemmy" Barrington was born in or about 1786 or 1787 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son probably to James Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died 15 October 1871 at Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Alice "Allie" ---, (to whom he was married in Ireland), was born 22 February 1795 in Ireland; died 13 June 1866 at Leeds County, Canada West; buried 15 June 1866 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Canada West. No children by blood were begotten of or in any case survived this marriage.


James Barrington was son to --- Barrington and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---.


James Barrington was born in or about 1831 or 1832 at or near Glen Elbe, Yonge Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to John Barrington and Deborah Harper, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 26 December 1862 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, Eliza Ann Hagerman, (to whom also refer); died in 1881. His first wife Margaret Rhodes was born in or about 1833 or 1834 at or near Glen Elbe, Yonge Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada. James Barrington and Margaret Rhodes begat issue: (1) Frederick Barrington, born in or about 1855 or 1856 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Canada West, who married 29 December 1881, Alice E. Ransier; (2) Jennette Barrington, born in or about 1857 or 1858 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Canada West.


James Barrington was born in or about 1831 or 1832 at or near Glen Elbe, Yonge Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to John Barrington and Deborah Harper, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Margaret Rhodes, (to whom also refer); died in 1881. His second wife Eliza Ann Hagerman, (to whom he was married 26 December 1862 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West), was born 19 April 1839 at South Gower Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to Henry Hagerman and --- Manhard; died 17 February 1917 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of several months' suffering with arteriosclerosis; buried in 1917 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. James Barrington and Eliza Ann Hagerman begat issue: (1) Mary Jane "Jennie" Barrington, born in or about 1863 or 1864 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died in 1918, who married 11 March 1891 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, William J. Wilson; (2) Jessie M. Barrington, born in or about 1866 or 1867 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, who married 8 September 1897 at Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Frederick Cadwell.


James Barrington was born 10 December 1836 or 10 December 1837 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to William Barrington and Elizabeth (or Eliza) Mary Green (or Greene), (to whom refer); christened 22 July 1838; died 27 July 1880 or 27 July 1881 (depending upon sources); buried 29 July 1880 or 29 July 1881 (depending upon sources) at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Sarah Eliza Justus, (to whom he was married 29 December 1864 at Leeds County, Ontario), was born 29 December 1842 at or near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to James Justus and Margaret Wilson; died 17 December 1930 at or near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Wellington Barrington, born 7 September 1865 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died 17 June 1928 at or near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of a few hours' suffering with acute indigestion, buried 19 June 1928 at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 3 February 1892 at Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Margaret Ann "Maggie" Rowsom (or Rowsome); (2) Margaret "Maggie" Barrington, born 29 December 1866 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died in 1947, buried at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 4 January 1887 at Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Abraham Horton; (3) Harriet "Hattie" Barrington, born 11 July 1867 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 30 October 1897 on Concession 11, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of one week's suffering with puerperal fever following upon childbirth, buried at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 15 March 1892 or 15 November 1892 (depending upon sources) at the Anglican Rectory, Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Samuel Todd Rowsome (or Rowsom); (4) Lydia Barrington, born 27 June 1870 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died in 1965, buried in 1965 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 24 January 1899 or 25 January 1899 or 24 June 1899 (depending upon sources) at Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Richard Blake; (5) Aileen Barrington, born a twin 29 June 1872 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontsrio, died unmarried; (6) Rebecca Barrington, born a twin 29 June 1872 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died unmarried in 1960, buried at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (7) Emma Eliza (according to some sources and general usage) (or Elizabeth Emma according to some sources and Registrar-General) Barrington, born 9 April 1874 (according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 9 April 1873 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died in 1961, buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Joshua Johnston; (8) William Nelson Barrington, born 18 February 1875 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 28 February 1922 probably at or near New Rockland, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, buried 2 March 1922 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery, Upper Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, who married 5 October 1904, Helen Barbara "Nellie" Watson; (9) Joseph Barrington, born 24 June 1877 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 21 August 1877, buried in August 1877 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (10) Joseph Byron Barrington, born 18 June 1878 (according to some sources, not 18 June 1876 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, christened 6 February 1881 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 12 August 1962, buried 14 August 1962 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 17 January 1907 at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Margaret "Maggie" Scott; (11) Alice "Allie" Barrington, born 28 September 1880 (according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 28 September 1882 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, christened 6 April 1881, died in 1966, buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married William Nelson Spencer.


James Barrington was born 16 November 1842 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, son to John Barrington and Sarah McMullen, (to whom refer); christened 21 December 1842; died 30 June 1927 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; buried 2 July 1927 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, (near Howick, Howick Municipality), Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Ann Mary March, (to whom he was married 20 March 1865 at St. James' Anglican Church, Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East), was born in or about 1841 or 1842; died 12 March 1900 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; buried 15 March 1900 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) John Edward Barrington, born 15 June 1866 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, christened 10 July 1866 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, died 23 June 1932 in Qu�bec, buried 25 June 1932, who married 9 June 1896, his first cousin Mary Jane Barrington; (2) William Robert Barrington, born 5 February 1869 at Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 10 July 1869 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died 25 January 1902, buried 27 January 1902 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 5 December 1894 at West End Methodist Church, West Montr�al, Hochelaga County, Qu�bec, Annie May Hadley; (3) Frances Agnes "Fanny" Barrington, born 18 February 1872 probably at Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 19 July 1872 probably at or near Ste. C�cile (afterward Salaberry-de-Valleyfield), Ste. C�cile Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, died in 1901 at Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 23 May 1898 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, Phillip Fry; (4) James David Barrington, born 21 April 1874 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 23 July 1874 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 23 December 1902 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, Lydia Elizabeth Talbot; (5) Thomas Chester Barrington, born 17 February 1876 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 6 March 1876 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died 24 March 1921 in consequence of injuries sustained in a fall, buried 26 March 1921 at Huntingdon Protestant Cemetery, at or near Huntingdon Town Municipality, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec, who married 13 November 1907 at the residence of the bride's mother, Godmanchester Township, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec, Martha Margaret Elizabeth Smellie; (6) Ella Mary (or May) Barrington, born 3 January 1879 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 25 July 1879 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 19 June 1907 in Qu�bec, Loyal M. Hoy; (7) Mary Ann Barrington, born 30 November 1880 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 1 June 1881 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died in 1963, who married 5 September 1906, William John Adam; (8) George Leslie Barrington, born 28 February 1884 probably at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 31 July 1884 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 19 December 1908 at the bride's residence, Springbrook Farm, Allan's Corners, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, Ellen Maud Drysdale.


James Barrington was born in or about 1866 or 1867, son to John Bennett "Ben" Barrington and Elizabeth Jane "Betty Jane" Glazier, (to whom refer); died in 1957; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Sarah E. Charlton was born in or about 1862 or 1863; died 8 August 1936 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in August 1936 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Bryce Bennett Barrington, born 29 March 1891 at or near Portland, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 12 October 1965 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 10 March 1914 at Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, Christina Lawson, secondly, Myrtle Victoria McBratney, and, thirdly, in or about 1940, Lillian Violet Gray; (2) Gladys Barrington, born in 1893, died 8 January 1964, who married 14 November 1911 at Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Gordon Young.


James Barrington was born 16 December 1873, son to David McMullen Barrington and Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 20 February 1964. His wife Margaret "Maggie" McEwan, (to whom he was married in June 1907), was born 17 December 1873, daughter to Archibald McEwan and ---; died 27 December 1963. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


James David Barrington was born 21 April 1874 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to James Barrington and Ann Mary March, (to whom refer); christened 23 July 1874 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Lydia Elizabeth Talbot, (to whom he was married 23 December 1902 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was daughter to David Talbot and M. A. Conley. This couple begat issue: (1) Gladys Ellen (or Ella) Barrington, born 7 January 1903 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 5 June 1903, who married 23 July 1924, Neil Dougal Conley.


James Henderson Barrington was born 15 December 1910, son to John Murphy Barrington and Rosie Henderson, (to whom refer); christened 9 March 1911. His wife Margaret Mona Stone, (to whom he was married 6 June 1934), was daughter to Albert Edward Stone and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Donald Barrington, born 9 November 1935, christened 26 April 1936; (2) Albert John Barrington, born 7 March 1941 at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec.


James Henry Barrington was born 16 December 1902 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Bennett Barrington and Alice Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), (to whom refer); died 25 February 1969. His wife Sarah Elizabeth "Sadie" Hayes, (to whom he was married 3 April 1924 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in or about 1905 or 1906 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Oliver Hayes and Emily Earl; died 6 July 1965. This couple begat issue: (1) Lawrence Raymond Barrington, born 12 November 1925, who married ---.


James Ivan Barrington was born 31 July 1924, son to Bryce Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Victoria McBratney, (to whom refer); died 23 February 1999 at Gananoque, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Mildred Edith Hudson, (to whom he was married in 1962), was born in 1904; married, firstly, ---; died in 1998. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of James Ivan Barrington and Mildred Edith Hudson are presently available.


Jason Barrington was born in 1980, son to William Ernest Barrington and Murielle Charpentier, (to whom refer). His wife was Isabelle ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Jay Campbell Barrington was born in or about 1889 or 1890 at or near Norway, Dickinson County, Michigan, son to John Henry Barrington and Lilia Mildred Campbell, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Ellen Barrington, who married ---.


John Barrington (a Captain in one or more of the armed incursions into Ireland during Elizabethan times, etc.) was son to George Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died 15 September 1593 (Old Style or Julian) or 24 September 1593 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland. His wife Johanna (Joanna, Joan or Jane) Hovenden (Ovenden or Ovington) was daughter to Giles Hovenden (Ovenden or Ovington) (a Captain in one or more of the armed incursions into Ireland during Elizabethan times, etc.) and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Alexander Barrington (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, Justice of the Peace, etc.), born in or about 1563 or 1564 in Ireland, died 15 September 1635 (Old Style or Julian) or 25 September 1635 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland, buried 21 September 1635 (Old Style or Julian) or 1 October 1635 (New Style or Gregorian) at the Parish Church, Timogue Parish, Stradbally Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married, firstly, in or about 1592 or 1593, Jane (or Joan) Brereton, and, secondly, Margaret (Mary or Jane) Bowen (or Bown); (2) a male child, name unavailable, died in 1598 in Ireland in consequence of injuries sustained at the hands of the � Mores during or following the siege and burning of Cullenagh Castle, the Barrington stronghold; (3) Anne Barrington, who married Richard Noble; (4) Thomas Barrington (Justice of the Peace, etc.), who married ---.


John Barrington (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, twice High Sheriff of Queen's County, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born in or about 1668 or 1669, son to Alexander Barrington and Ellen (Helen, Eleanor or Susan) Cosby, (to whom refer); married, secondly, --- Bolton, (to whom also refer); died 27 January 1756 (Old Style or Julian) or 7 February 1757 (New Style or Gregorian) at Rathfarnham, Rathfarnham Townland, Rathfarnham Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His first wife Dorcas Wheeler, (to whom he was married in October 1693), was daughter to Jonah Wheeler and Dorcas Perceval; died in October 1703; buried 9 October 1703 (Old Style or Julian) or 20 October 1703 (New Style or Gregorian) at St. Aidan's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. John Barrington and Dorcas Wheeler begat issue: (1) Ellen (or Eleanor) Barrington, born in or about 1695 or 1696, who married in June 1723 (Old Style or Julian) or July 1723 (New Style or Gregorian) or in June 1724 (Old Style or Julian) or July 1724 (New Style or Gregorian) or in June 1725 (Old Style or Julian) or July 1725 (New Style or Gregorian) (depending upon sources), Philip Beard; (2) Mary (or Maria) Barrington; (3) Catherine Barrington, died unmarried in or about 1747 to 1749; (4) Jonah Barrington (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, High Sheriff of Queen's County, Justice of the Peace, etc.), born in or about 1700 or 1701, died in or about 1763 or 1764, who married in February 1726 (Old Style or Julian) or February 1727 (New Style or Gregorian) or in February 1727 (Old Style or Julian) or February 1728 (New Style or Gregorian) (depending upon sources), Margaret Byrne; (5) Wheeler Barrington, died unmarried in or about 1752 to 1754.


John Barrington (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, twice High Sheriff of Queen's County, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born in or about 1668 or 1669, son to Alexander Barrington and Ellen (Helen, Eleanor or Susan) Cosby, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in October 1693, Dorcas Wheeler, (to whom also refer); died 27 January 1756 (Old Style or Julian) or 7 February 1757 (New Style or Gregorian) at Rathfarnham, Rathfarnham Townland, Rathfarnham Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His second wife was --- Bolton. John Barrington and --- Bolton begat issue: (1) Bolton Barrington, born in 1712.


John Barrington was born 25 October 1689 (Old Style or Julian) or 4 November 1689 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Thomas Barrington and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Nunn, (to whom refer); died 12 December 1779 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Mary Aldridge, (to whom he was married 11 November 1714 Old Style or Julian or 22 November 1714 New Style or Gregorian probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was daughter to William Aldridge and ---; died in September 1753 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Frances Barrington, born 3 September 1715 (Old Style or Julian) or 14 September 1715 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in or about 1737 or 1738 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Samuel Lapham; (2) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, born 7 October 1717 (Old Style or Julian) or 18 October 1717 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Comfort Barrington, born 16 April 1719 (Old Style or Julian) or 27 April 1719 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, in June 1719 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (4) Thomas Barrington, born 11 April 1720 (Old Style or Julian) or 22 April 1720 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (5) John Barrington, born in or about December 1721 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, 7 November 1724 (Old Style or Julian) or 18 November 1724 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (6) Lydia Barrington (a Yankee version of the celebrated Canadian heroine Laura Secord but a generation apart), born in or about 1728 or 1729 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 28 December 1789 at Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Fourth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, who married 2 November 1753 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Meetinghouse, Sycamore Alley, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, William Darragh.


John Barrington was born 23 December 1723 (Old Style or Julian) or 3 January 1724 (New Style or Gregorian) or 27 December 1723 (Old Style or Julian) or 7 January 1724 (New Style or Gregorian) (depending upon sources) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), son to Nicholas Barrington and Mary Bancroft, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 11 September 1763, Mary Anne Plummer (or Plumer), (to whom also refer); died 2 October 1784 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland in consequence of injuries sustained in a fall from the roof of a house which he was inspecting, compounded by stabbing with a chisel held in the hand of a carpenter attempting to catch him, which device had been forgotten in the exigency of the moment. His first wife Mary Sutton, (to whom he was married in January 1752 Old Style or Julian or in January 1753 New Style or Gregorian), was daughter to John Sutton and Mary Hobson; died 14 October 1757. John Barrington and Mary Sutton begat issue: (1) Mary Barrington, born 16 December 1752 (Old Style or Julian) or in January 1753 (New Style or Gregorian), died unmarried 26 February 1818 at 202 Great Britain Street, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (2) John Barrington, born 31 October 1755, died early, unmarried; (3) Sarah Barrington, born 11 July 1757, died early, unmarried.


John Barrington was born 23 December 1723 (Old Style or Julian) or 3 January 1724 (New Style or Gregorian) or 27 December 1723 (Old Style or Julian) or 7 January 1724 (New Style or Gregorian) (depending upon sources) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), son to Nicholas Barrington and Mary Bancroft, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in January 1752 (Old Style or Julian) or in January 1753 (New Style or Gregorian), Mary Sutton, (to whom also refer); died 2 October 1784 in consequence of injuries sustained in a fall from the roof of a house which he was inspecting, compounded by stabbing with a chisel held in the hand of a carpenter attempting to catch him, which device had been forgotten in the exigency of the moment. His second wife Mary Anne Plummer (or Plumer), (to whom he was married 11 September 1763), was daughter to William Plummer (or Plumer) and --- Stephens; married, secondly, in 1789, John Bomford; died in 1809. John Barrington and Mary Anne Plummer (or Plumer) begat issue: (1) John Barrington, born 9 October 1764, died 2 April 1824 in consequence of typhus, buried, firstly, in April 1824 at Tullagh Parish Churchyard, Tullagh Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, and, secondly, in 1847 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married, firstly, 16 February 1787, Thomasina Burton, and, secondly, 7 November 1792 at Edenderry, Monasteroris Parish, Coolestown Barony, King's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Margaret Manliffe (or Manly); (2) William Barrington, born 17 June 1767, died early, unmarried, 2 February 1770; (3) Edward Barrington, born 18 December 1769, died early, unmarried, 25 June 1771.


John Barrington was son probably to Richard Barrington and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries), (to whom he was married in July 1768). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Barrington (Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born in or about 1731 or 1732, son to Jonah Barrington and Margaret Byrne, (to whom refer); died 24 January 1784. His wife Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom he was married 5 December 1751 Old Style or Julian or 16 December 1751 New Style or Gregorian), was born in or about 1734 or 1735, daughter to Patrick French and Catherine O'Brien. This couple begat issue: (1) John Barrington, died in 1834 at Castlewood Townland, Durrow Parish, Clarmallagh Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in 1778, Alicia Edwards; (2) Henry French Barrington, died in 1836 at Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married --- Edwards; (3) (Sir) Jonah Barrington (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Member of the House of Commons in the Parliament of Ireland, an eminent Judge, etc.), born in or about 1759 or 1760 at Knapton Townland, Abbeyleix Parish, Cullenagh Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 8 April 1834 at Versailles, Yvelines D�partment, �le-de-France R�gion, the Kingdom of France, who married in June 1789, Catherine Grogan; (4) Wheeler Barrington (Justice of the Peace in and for County Down, etc.), died in or about 1836 or 1837, who married in 1793, Eleanor Mary O'Neil (or O'Neill); (5) a female child, name unavailable; (6) William Palliser Barrington, born in or about 1766 or 1767, died unmarried in 1787 or 1788 in consequence of injuries sustained when shot through the heart with a pistol ball during a duel; (7) Sydney Barrington, died unmarried in or about 1797 or 1798 at Cape St. Nicola Mole, (afterward in the Republic of Haiti), Santo Domingo Island, (afterward known as Hispaniola Island), the British West Indies; (8) Margaret Barrington, born in or about 1769 or 1770, who married --- Corry; (9) Charity French Barrington, who married, firstly, Tenison Edwards, and, secondly, in 1796, William Beaumann (or Beaumont); (10) Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) Barrington, who married, firstly, 11 May 1783, John Cuffe, and, secondly, Arthur (or Anthony) Weldon (or Waldron); (11) Catherine Barrington; (12) Charles Barrington, born in 1779, died 6 November 1848 at Barrington Park, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, who married 22 June 1799 at St. John the Baptist's Anglican Church (otherwise known as Hillingdon Parish Church), Hillingdon, Hillingdon Parish, Middlesex County, England, Elizabeth Hayward Budd; (13) Eliza Barrington, who married Daniel Stephens; (14) a male child, name unavailable; (15) a male child, name unavailable; (16) a male child, name unavailable.


John Barrington was born in or about 1746 or 1747 at Ballycogly Townland, Mayglass Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Nicholas Barrington and Anne ---, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Nicholas Barrington, died in or about 1841 or 1842, who married in September 1795 at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Elizabeth Boxwell; (2) Martha Barrington, died unmarried; (3) William Barrington, who married ---; (4) one or more other male child(ren), name or names unavailable, any one of whom or their brother William Barrington married and begat, (together with a daughter Arabella Barrington and probably other children), a daughter Eliza Barrington, who married in 1828, her first cousin William Boxwell Barrington.


John Barrington was born in Ireland, brother probably to James Barrington who married ---, (to whom refer), and a close kinsman, probably in the degree either of uncle or cousin, to George Barrington who married Isabella "Bella" Dow, (to whom also refer); allegedly died for his faith in Ireland, probably in 1798 in consequence of the County Wexford Rising. His wife --- allegedly died for her faith in Ireland, probably in 1798 in consequence of the County Wexford Rising. This couple begat issue probably including: (1) probably William Barrington, born in or about 1775 to 1778 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 13 September 1847 in Canada East, buried 14 September 1847 probably at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, who married in November 1807 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Esther Britton; (2) probably John Barrington, born in or about 1787 or 1788 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 24 August 1856 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, buried 26 August 1856, who married in 1817 at or near Longueuil, Longueuil Barony, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, Elizabeth Earl; (3) probably Thomas Barrington, born in or about 1790 or 1791 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 16 May 1866 probably at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, buried 18 May 1866 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, who married 9 March 1822 at Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Elizabeth Murray; (4) probably James Barrington, born in or about 1791 or 1792 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died unmarried 16 January 1873 in Qu�bec, buried 18 January 1873.


John Barrington was son to John Barrington and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom refer); died in 1834 at Castlewood Townland, Durrow Parish, Clarmallagh Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Alicia Edwards, (to whom he was married in 1778), was daughter to James Edwards and Anne Tenison. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


John Barrington was born 9 October 1764, son to John Barrington and Mary Anne Plummer (or Plumer), (to whom refer); married, secondly, 7 November 1792 at Edenderry, Monasteroris Parish, Coolestown Barony, King's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Margaret Manliffe (or Manly), (to whom also refer); died 2 April 1824 in consequence of typhus; buried, firstly, in April 1824 at Tullagh Parish Churchyard, Tullagh Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, and, secondly, in 1847 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His first wife Thomasina Burton, (to whom he was married 16 February 1787), was born in or about 1766 or 1767, daughter to Thomas Burton and Eleanor Hoowee; died 15 July 1788 probably in consequence of phthisis (consumption or tuberculosis). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Barrington and Thomasina Burton.


John Barrington was born 9 October 1764, son to John Barrington and Mary Anne Plummer (or Plumer), (to whom refer); married, firstly, 16 February 1787, Thomasina Burton, (to whom also refer); died 2 April 1824 in consequence of typhus; buried, firstly, in April 1824 at Tullagh Parish Churchyard, Tullagh Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, and, secondly, in 1847 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His second wife Margaret Manliffe (or Manly), (to whom he was married 7 November 1792 at Edenderry, Monasteroris Parish, Coolestown Barony, King's County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 25 December 1773 at Roosk House, Roosk Townland, Ballymacwilliam Parish, Warrenstown Barony, (near Edenderry, Monasteroris Parish, Coolestown Barony), King's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Josiah Manliffe (or Manly) and Elizabeth Bewley (or Beaulieu); died 18 May 1869 at Glendruid House, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; buried in May 1869 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. John Barrington and Margaret Manliffe (or Manly) begat issue: (1) Eliza Barrington, born 4 September 1793, died 1 September 1877, buried in September 1877 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 30 December 1837 at Glendruid House, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Thomas Elder Henry; (2) Mary Anne Barrington, born 17 December 1794, died early, unmarried, 24 February 1796; (3) Edward Barrington (Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, etc.), born 2 October 1796, died 12 October 1877 at Fassaroe House, Fassaroe Townland, Kilmacanogue Parish, (near Bray), Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, buried in October 1877 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married, firstly, 14 March 1822 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Meetinghouse, Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Sarah Leadbeater, and, secondly, 25 November 1847 at Lisburn, Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland, Huldah Strangman; (4) Richard Barrington, born 1 July 1798, died 22 November 1890 at or near Redhill, Reigate Parish, Surrey County, England, buried at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 15 June 1827 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Elizabeth Malone; (5) John Barrington (founder of the Barrington Lectureship and donor of its endowment, etc.), born 28 May 1800, died 18 December 1836 in consequence of typhus, buried, firstly, in December 1836 at Tullagh Parish Churchyard, Tullagh Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, and, secondly, in 1847 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 3 February 1831, Martha Gamble; (6) Lucy Barrington, born 5 September 1801 or in September 1802 (depending upon sources) at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 21 October 1871 at Boherboy Cottage, Dunlavin Townland, Dunlavin Parish, Lower Talbotstown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, buried at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 6 April 1830 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Francis Malone; (7) Manliffe Barrington, born 3 May 1804, died in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day, 3 May 1804; (8) Selina Barrington, born 6 August 1805, died unmarried 17 September 1836 at Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland in consequence of phthisis (consumption or tuberculosis), buried, firstly, in September 1836 at Tullagh Parish Churchyard, Tullagh Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, and, secondly, at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (9) Manliffe Barrington, born 6 May 1807, died unmarried 28 January 1880 at Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, buried at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (10) Emily Barrington, born 1 March 1809, died early, unmarried, 2 April 1828 in consequence of fever, buried, firstly, in April 1828 at Tullagh Parish Churchyard, Tullagh Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, and, secondly, at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (11) Arthur Barrington, born 11 November 1811, died unmarried 13 January 1881 at Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland in consequence of apoplexy, buried in January 1881 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (12) Frederick Barrington, born 25 May 1813, died 29 October 1885, buried at Thrapston, Thrapston Parish, Northampton County, England, who married Emma Fitzmaurice; (13) a child, name and sex unavailable, died in infancy, unmarried.


John Barrington was born in or about 1787 or 1788 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son probably to John Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died 24 August 1856 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East; buried 26 August 1856. His wife was Elizabeth Earl, (to whom he was married in 1817 at or near Longueuil, Longueuil Barony, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada). This couple begat issue: (1) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, born in or about 1819 or 1820 in Lower Canada, who married, firstly, 20 January 1843 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, Charles Silas Watson, and, secondly, 17 November 1863 at Delaware Township, Leavenworth County, Kansas, George Darling; (2) William Barrington, born in or about 1821 or 1822 in Lower Canada; (3) Rachel Barrington, born in or about 1823 or 1824 in Lower Canada, bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Rachel Barrington" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), who married 11 September 1856 at or near Huntingdon Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Canada East, William McLane; (4) Thomas Barrington, born 28 December 1826 at or near Longueuil, Longueuil Barony, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, christened 14 February 1828 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada; (5) John Barrington, born in or about 1829 or 1830 in Lower Canada, who married Christiana Wheeler; (6) Mary Ann Barrington, born in or about 1830 or 1831 in Lower Canada, who married 23 February 1852 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, William Waddell; (7) Hannah Barrington, born in or about 1832 or 1833 in Lower Canada, died in or about 1907 or 1908, buried in or about 1907 or 1908 at Mount Muncie Cemetery, Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, Kansas, who married John Butts; (8) June Barrington, born in or about 1834 or 1835 in Lower Canada; (9) Elizabeth Barrington, born in or about 1837 or 1838 in Lower Canada.


John Barrington was born in or about 1789 or 1790 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son probably to James Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in Canada West, Mary Anne ---, (to whom also refer); died sometime betwixt 14 January 1861 (the base date of the Census of 1861 in which he still appeared) and 23 February 1861 (the date when his will was executed) at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West. His first wife Deborah Harper, (to whom he was married in Ireland), was born in Ireland, daughter to --- Harper and ---; died probably 10 January 1840 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada. John Barrington and Deborah Harper begat issue: (1) Mary Barrington, born in or about 1815 or 1816 in Ireland, died 19 August 1878 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of a stroke, buried in August 1878 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married in or about 1832 or 1833 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Lamb's Pond (afterward known as New Dublin), Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, William Doolan; (2) Eliza (or Elizabeth) Barrington, born in or about 1817 or 1818 probably in Ireland or at sea but possibly in British North America, christened 6 September 1818 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, (with the Reverend John Leeds, Anglican Church, officiating), died early, unmarried, 22 August 1819 at Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, buried 23 August 1819 at Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada; (3) Alice "Allie" Barrington, born 3 January 1821 (according to some sources and her tombstone) or 18 January 1821 (according to some sources) or 18 June 1821 (according to church christening registers) at Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, christened 25 May 1821 (according to some sources) or 15 July 1821 (according to church christening registers) at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, (with the Reverend John Bethune, Anglican Church, officiating), died 24 May 1888, buried in May 1888 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married in 1855 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Canada West, (with the Reverend I. Travis Lewis, Anglican Church, officiating), James Dobbs; (4) William James Barrington, born 4 September 1823 at Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, christened 12 October 1823 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, fathered extramaritally by one --- Wilson, one male child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "--- Wilson" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), died 17 January 1890, buried in 1890 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married in 1856 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Canada West, Eliza Davis; (5) Thomas Barrington, born 21 June 1826 or 1 July 1826 (depending upon sources but not 21 June 1827 or 1 July 1827 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) allegedly "aboard ship" or "at sea", christened 13 August 1826 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, (with the Reverend John Bethune, Anglican Church, officiating), died 21 April 1909 at or near Morewood, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario in consequence of three weeks' suffering with "senile gangrene", buried in 1909 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married Ann Mulloy; (6) James Barrington, born in or about 1831 or 1832 at or near Glen Elbe, Yonge Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died in 1881, who married, firstly, Margaret Rhodes, and, secondly, 26 December 1862 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, Eliza Ann Hagerman; (7) Eliza (or Elizabeth) Barrington, born in or about 1833 or 1834 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died unmarried 24 March 1903 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 25 March 1903 (according to some sources) at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of apoplexy suddenly upon having walked across the field to the residence of her nephew William Doolan Jr., buried in 1903 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (8) John Bennett "Ben" Barrington, born 15 August 1838 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 3 November 1918 at his residence, Victoria Street, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of some months' suffering with valvular cardiac disorder, buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Elizabeth Jane "Betty Jane" Glazier.


John Barrington was born in or about 1789 or 1790 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son probably to James Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in Ireland, Deborah Harper, (to whom also refer); died sometime betwixt 14 January 1861 (the base date of the Census of 1861 in which he still appeared) and 23 February 1861 (the date when his will was executed) at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West. His second wife was Mary Anne ---, (to whom he was married in Canada West). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Barrington and Mary Anne ---.


John Barrington was born in or about 1799 or 1800, son to Nicholas Barrington and Elizabeth Boxwell, (to whom refer); died in 1882. His wife Jane Frances Tinkler, (to whom he was married in 1836), was born in 1812; died in 1882. This couple begat issue: (1) Nicholas John Barrington, died in or about 1911 or 1912, who married Charlotte Greene; (2) Jane Deborah Barrington, born in 1838, died 12 June 1922, who married 3 October 1861 or 3 October 1870 (depending upon sources) at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, William Boxwell; (3) Louisa Agnes Barrington, who married in 1882, John Edward Corvie; (4) John C. Barrington, died 24 March 1875 or 25 March 1875 (depending upon sources) at or near Menton, Menton Commune, Nice Arrondissement, Alpes-Maritimes D�partment, Provence-Alpes-C�te-d'Azur R�gion, the French Republic.


John Barrington (founder of the Barrington Lectureship and donor of its endowment, etc.) was born 28 May 1800, son to John Barrington and Margaret Manliffe (or Manly), (to whom refer); died 18 December 1836 in consequence of typhus; buried, firstly, in December 1836 at Tullagh Parish Churchyard, Tullagh Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, and, secondly, in 1847 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Martha Gamble, (to whom he was married 3 February 1831), was born 17 January 1809, daughter to Samuel Gamble and Johanna Rutledge; died 10 April 1876 at Glendruid House, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; buried in April 1876 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


John Barrington was born in or about September 1810 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to William Barrington and Esther Britton, (to whom refer); died 28 February 1885 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; buried 3 March 1885 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Sarah McMullen, (to whom he was married 7 December 1841 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church, afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral, Montr�al, Montr�al Municipal District, Canada East), was born in or about 1821 or 1822 in Ireland; died 22 March 1901 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; buried 24 March 1901 probably at or near Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) James Barrington, born 16 November 1842 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 21 December 1842, died 30 June 1927 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, buried 2 July 1927 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, (near Howick, Howick Municipality), Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 20 March 1865 at St. James' Anglican Church, Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, Ann Mary March; (2) David Barrington, born in January 1843, died in infancy, unmarried, 12 March 1843; (3) David McMullen Barrington, born 13 January 1844 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 29 January 1844, died 30 March 1929 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, buried 1 April 1929 at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 27 September 1873 at St. James' Anglican Church, Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, his first cousin Jane Barrington; (4) William Barrington, born 6 February 1848 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 19 March 1848, died 8 December 1929 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, buried 10 December 1929 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 26 February 1872 in Qu�bec, Mary Ann Henderson; (5) Robert John Barrington, born 21 May 1850 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 24 June 1850 probably at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, died 5 December 1931, buried 6 December 1931 at or near Henrysburg, St. Bernard de Lacolle Parish Municipality, St. John County, Qu�bec, who married 15 March 1875 at St. James' Anglican Church, Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, Agnes Goodfellow; (6) Thomas Barrington, born 10 May 1853 probably in the First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 27 February 1854, died 30 May 1908 at Montr�al General Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, buried 1 June 1908 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 12 October 1878 at the Episcopal Church, at or near Huntingdon Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec, Christena Susan "Tina" Murphy; (7) Mary Jane Barrington, born 28 April 1856 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, christened 9 June 1856, died early, unmarried, 16 June 1864 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, buried 17 June 1864 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East.


(Sir) John Barrington (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, and on two occasions The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of The City of Dublin, etc.) was born 6 September 1824, son to Edward Barrington and Sarah Leadbeater, (to whom refer); died 2 May 1887; buried in May 1887 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Temple Hill, Blackrock, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Elizabeth Pim, (to whom he was married 12 March 1848 or 22 March 1848 (depending upon sources), was born 8 June 1820, daughter to Jonathan Pim and Eliza (or Elizabeth) Goff; died 28 August 1900; buried in 1900 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Temple Hill, Blackrock, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Edward Barrington, born 17 January 1849; (2) Jonathan Pim Barrington, born 5 February 1851, who married 16 December 1884, Mary Thomas Greatorex; (3) Eliza Jane Barrington, born 8 November 1852, who married 16 November 1875, Robert Goodbody; (4) John Henry Barrington, born 30 November 1854; (5) Sarah Barrington, born 20 September 1857.


John Barrington was born in or about 1829 or 1830 in Lower Canada, son to John Barrington and Elizabeth Earl, (to whom refer). His wife was Christiana Wheeler. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Barrington was born 10 May 1878 near Howick, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to David McMullen Barrington and Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 9 June 1878; died 17 October 1951. His wife Annie Eliza Ritchie, (to whom he was married 27 December 1905 at or near Riverfield, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was born 9 April 1878 near Howick, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to John Ritchie and ---; died 8 April 1960. This couple begat issue: (1) Alice May Barrington, died early, unmarried, 3 April 1917, buried 5 April 1917 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, (near Howick, Howick Municipality), Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (2) Ina June "Inez" Barrington, born 27 March 1917, christened 3 July 1917, bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Ina June Barrington" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), who married her first cousin Garnet James Barrington.


John Barrington (President of the Courts Martial of the Allied Military Government in Occupied Germany following World War II., etc.) was born 2 June 1899, son to John Beatty Barrington and Catherine Charlotte Bayly, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 30 April 1949, Margaret Eileen Hewson, (to whom also refer); died 4 January 1961. His first wife Joan Mary Jameson, (to whom he was married 23 January 1928 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1947), was daughter to William Bellingham Jameson and ---. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Barrington and Joan Mary Jameson.


John Barrington (President of the Courts Martial of the Allied Military Government in Occupied Germany following World War II., etc.) was born 2 June 1899, son to John Beatty Barrington and Catherine Charlotte Bayly, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 23 January 1928, Joan Mary Jameson, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1947); died 4 January 1961. His second wife Margaret Eileen Hewson, (to whom he was married 30 April 1949), was daughter to Henry Brownrigg Hewson and ---; married, firstly, B. E. Hickson. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Barrington and Margaret Eileen Hewson.


John "Jack" Barrington was son to John Robert Barrington and Mary Ann Sparling, (to whom refer). His wife Christina Hawco was born at Belle Isle, Newfoundland Colony, British North America; died 28 April 1997. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Merrick; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- MacNeil; (3) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- LeBlanc; (4) a female child, name unavailable.


John Barrington was born 29 December 1952, son to William Ernest Barrington and Barbara Campbell, (to whom refer). His wife Line Bergeron, (to whom he was married 10 September 1982), was born 29 December 1958. This couple begat issue: (1) Matthew Barrington, born in 1985; (2) Emilie-Ann Barrington, born in 1986.


John Abbott Barrington was born 9 November 1867 at or near West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa, son to George Barrington and Sarah Abbott Pearson, (to whom refer); died 30 August 1930 in hospital at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California; buried 2 September 1930 at Mountain View Cemetery, Altadena, Los Angeles County, California. His wife Lauretta H. Crew, (to whom he was married 29 August 1895 at Tipton, Cedar County, Iowa and from whom subsequently separated but probably not fully divorced), was born 6 March 1869 at Springdale Township, (near West Branch), Cedar County, Iowa or at or near Damascus, Goshen Township, Columbiana County, Ohio (depending upon sources), daughter to Gideon Crew and Rebecca Brantingham; died 17 March 1950 or in April 1950 (depending upon sources) at Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Pansy Fern Barrington, born 25 January 1896, died in January 1983 at Montebello, Los Angeles County, California.


John Alment (or Allment) Barrington (inventor and patentee of improved agricultural equipment, etc.) was born 10 March 1816 or 16 March 1816 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at Glendruid House, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland or otherwise elsewhere at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), son to Thomas Barrington and Elizabeth Alment (or Allment), (to whom refer); died 2 February 1892 at or near Eureka (formerly known as Barrington), Greenbush Township, Clinton County, Michigan. His wife Serepta A. Squires, (to whom he was married in 1841 in Kentucky), was born in or about 1821 or 1822; died in 1875. This couple begat issue: (1) William Barrington, who married Sarah ---; (2) Sarah Barrington, who married --- Hollister; (3) Elmira B. Barrington, died early, unmarried, buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Owl Creek, Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio; (4) Mary S. Barrington, died early, unmarried, buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Owl Creek, Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio.


John Beatty Barrington (Justice of the Peace in and for The City of Limerick and Counties Limerick and Tipperary, High Sheriff of the County of Limerick, etc.) (recipient of the French Legion of Honour and Croix de Guerre for services rendered in the first World War as well as numerous other decorations, medals, honours and awards, etc.) was born 18 July 1859, son to (Sir) Croker Barrington (4th Baronet, etc.) and Anna Felicia West, (to whom refer); died 16 September 1926. His wife (and second cousin) Catherine Charlotte Bayly, (to whom he was married 2 August 1887), was daughter to John Bayly (Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, etc.) and Maryanne Charlotte Barrington, (to whom also refer); died 3 April 1937. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Charlotte Gladys Barrington, who married 20 April 1911, Colin Algernon Campbell; (2) Marjory Barrington, who married 27 July 1915, Michael King-French; (3) John Barrington (President of the Courts Martial of the Allied Military Government in Occupied Germany following World War II., etc.), born 2 June 1899, died 4 January 1961, who married, firstly, 23 January 1928, Joan Mary Jameson, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1947), and, secondly, 30 April 1949, Margaret Eileen Hewson.


John Bennett "Ben" Barrington was born 15 August 1838 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to John Barrington and Deborah Harper, (to whom refer); died 3 November 1918 at his residence, Victoria Street, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of some months' suffering with valvular cardiac disorder; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth Jane "Betty Jane" Glazier was born 2 May 1846 in Canada West; died 3 September 1931 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in September 1931 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) John Bennett Barrington, born 14 December 1865 in the Dobbs Settlement, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died 15 August 1935 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in August 1935 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 25 August 1886 at St. Luke's Anglican Church, Ballycanoe, Front of Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario, his second cousin Alice Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh); (2) Thomas Bennett Barrington, died unmarried 23 January 1943 at or near Morrin, Alberta, buried in 1943 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) James Barrington, born in or about 1866 or 1867, died in 1957, buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Sarah E. Charlton; (4) William Barrington, born 4 March 1872 at or near Farmersville (afterward known as Athens), Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died in 1937 at Edmonton, Alberta, buried at Edmonton, Alberta, who married 5 June 1900 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Sarah Ellen "Sadie" Pritchard; (5) Alice Barrington, born in or about 1872 or 1873 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 29 September 1939, buried in 1939 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 26 December 1894 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, James Melbourne Wing; (6) Edward A. Barrington, born 5 March 1875 or 4 March 1876 (depending upon sources) in Ontario, died unmarried 24 June 1906 or 24 October 1906 (depending upon sources) in Western Canada in consequence of injuries sustained in a mining disaster, buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (7) Eliza Jane "Jennie" Barrington, born in or about 1881 or 1882, died 4 May 1917, buried in May 1917 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 13 September 1899 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, Richard Ferguson.


John Bennett Barrington was born 5 December 1858 or 5 December 1859 (depending upon sources) at or near Chesterville, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to Thomas Barrington and Ann Mulloy, (to whom refer); died in 1941. His wife Elizabeth Catherine Smith, (to whom he was married 1 January 1889 according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 23 January 1889 or 23 January 1891 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources, at Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 7 December 1865 at or near Chesterville, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Canada West, daughter to John Ward Smith and Grace Wilson; died in 1942. This couple begat issue: (1) Florence Neil Barrington, born 19 January 1905 at Russell Township, Russell County, Ontario, died in 1980, who married Norman A. MacRae; (2) Wallace Barrington, born 13 March 1909 or 23 March 1909 (depending upon sources) at Russell Township, Russell County, Ontario, died 14 April 1976, who married Jean Twiname (Twyname or Twynham).


John Bennett Barrington was born 14 December 1865 in the Dobbs Settlement, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to John Bennett "Ben" Barrington and Elizabeth Jane "Betty Jane" Glazier, (to whom refer); died 15 August 1935 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in August 1935 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife (and second cousin) Alice Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), (to whom he was married 25 August 1886 at St. Luke's Anglican Church, Ballycanoe, Front of Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 14 February 1865, daughter to Thomas Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh) and Martha Earl, (to whom also refer); died in 1943 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Dora Barrington, born 3 July 1889 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario (nearest to, but slightly across the Township line from Glen Buell, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), died 15 November 1960, buried at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married 4 December 1907 (not 4 December 1908 as erroneously transcribed by the Registrar-General of Ontario from the returns of the local Registrar) at or near Union Valley, Front of Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Wesley Clarence Dack; (2) Thomas Bennett Barrington, born 3 April 1892 or 10 April 1892 (depending upon sources) at or near Union Valley, Front of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 4 July 1960, buried in July 1960 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married 30 April 1912, Myrtle Alice Jutton; (3) John S. Barrington, born 3 March 1895 in Ontario; (4) Ethel Barrington, born 3 May 1897 or 3 January 1898 (depending upon sources) at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, died 11 April 1967, who married 20 November 1918 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, (with the Reverend George Code, Anglican Church, officiating), George Oliver Hayes; (5) Allan Edward Barrington, born 3 September 1900 (according to some sources) or 7 September 1900 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 22 April 1924 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, his first cousin Edna Barrington Bell Wing, and, secondly, Helen ---; (6) James Henry Barrington, born 16 December 1902 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 25 February 1969, who married 3 April 1924 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, Sarah Elizabeth "Sadie" Hayes; (7) William John Barrington, born 18 January 1905 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, died 11 January 1962 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, buried in 1962 at Highland Cemetery, Marcellus, Marcellus Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married 9 November 1915 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, Ethel Lauretta Wing; (8) Leonard Frederick Barrington, born 28 May 1908 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, died 8 August 1980 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 11 August 1980 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 20 July 1926 at Christ Anglican Church, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, Ivy Grace Haird.


John Copplethwaite (or Copperthwaite) Barrington (noted surgeon during the Yankee Civil War, having emigrated to North America in or about 1849 or 1850, etc.) was born in Ireland, son to James Barrington and Letitia Gray, (to whom refer); died in 1868 in North America. His wife was Frances Miller, (to whom he was married in 1841). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable.


John Edward Barrington was born 15 June 1866 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, son to James Barrington and Ann Mary March, (to whom refer); christened 10 July 1866 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East; died 23 June 1932 in Qu�bec; buried 25 June 1932. His wife (and first cousin) Mary Jane Barrington, (to whom he was married 9 June 1896), was born 4 February 1873 at Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to William Barrington and Mary Ann Henderson, (to whom also refer); christened 6 June 1873 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; died in 1945 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


John Edwin Barrington was born in 1825 in Nova Scotia, son to Charles Barrington and Elizabeth Hayward Budd, (to whom refer); died 13 September 1884. His wife Helen Jane Catherine Pooley was born in 1825, daughter to William Pooley and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Parnell Barrington, born in or about 1849 or 1850; (2) Margaret Brown Barrington, born in or about 1850 or 1851, died unmarried in 1928 at Yonkers, Westchester County, New York; (3) Yorke Henry Ainslie Barrington, born in or about 1851 or 1852, died 25 April 1930 at Framingham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, who married 2 December 1876 at North Sydney, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, Marion Elizabeth Jane Tutty; (4) Helen Douglas Barrington, born in or about 1852 or 1853, died in 1885, who married 14 December 1881, George Clark Woodward; (5) Susan Emily Barrington, born in or about 1853 or 1854, died in 1915, who married Stephen Lowrey Purves; (6) Harriet Alexis Barrington, born in or about 1854 or 1855, who married --- White; (7) John Gaston Barrington, born 17 September 1858, died in 1910, who married 3 June 1896 at Baddeck, Victoria County, Nova Scotia, Blanche Lee Tremaine; (8) Frank Seward Barrington, born in or about 1861 or 1862, died in 1943, who married ---, (from whom subsequently divorced); (9) Emily Frederica Barrington, born in or about 1865 or 1866, died in 1927, who married --- Winters.


John Gaston Barrington was born 17 September 1858, son to John Edwin Barrington and Helen Jane Catherine Pooley, (to whom refer); died in 1910. His wife Blanche Lee Tremaine, (to whom he was married 3 June 1896 at Baddeck, Victoria County, Nova Scotia), was born 13 December 1874, daughter to B. E. Tremaine and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Mabel Barrington, born 28 March 1897; (2) John Barrington, born 5 December 1899.


John Henderson Barrington was born 25 March 1875 at Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to William Barrington and Mary Ann Henderson, (to whom refer); christened 1 August 1875 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife was Margaret Barr. This couple begat issue: (1) William Barrington.


John Henry Barrington was born in or about 1859 or 1860 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Joseph Barrington and Norah (or Norry) Hannah Coughlin, (to whom refer). His wife was Lilia Mildred Campbell, (to whom he was married 11 November 1890 at Menominee, Menominee County, Michigan). This couple begat issue: (1) Jay Campbell Barrington, born in or about 1889 or 1890 at or near Norway, Dickinson County, Michigan, who married ---.


John Kenneth Barrington was born 28 July 1963 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Donald Arthur Barrington and Shirley Luella Brown, (to whom refer). His wife was Annette Marie Boudreau, (to whom he was married 18 August 1995 at Deep River Community Church, Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Murphy Barrington was born 6 December 1880 probably at St. Urbain Premier Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to Thomas Barrington and Christena Susan "Tina" Murphy, (to whom refer); christened 14 March 1881; died in 1947. His wife Rosie Henderson, (to whom he was married 10 February 1904), was born in or about 1879 or 1880, daughter to James Henderson and Jane Graham; died in 1959. This couple begat issue: (1) Ada May Barrington, born 8 September 1905, christened 29 December 1905 at or near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (2) Bertha Rose Barrington, born 11 March 1907, christened 28 June 1907 at or near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (3) Thomas John Barrington, born 1 April 1909 at Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 2 July 1909 at or near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 3 July 1937 at the Presbyterian Church, West Montr�al, Hochelaga County, Qu�bec, Eileen Telford Walker; (4) James Henderson Barrington, born 15 December 1910, christened 9 March 1911, who married 6 June 1934, Margaret Mona Stone.


John Robert Barrington was son to Yorke Henry Ainslie Barrington and Marion Elizabeth Jane Tutty, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Ann Sparling, (to whom he was married in 1906 at Antigonish County, Nova Scotia), was born 3 February 1885 at or near Eagle Lake, Unorganised Territory, Manitoba, daughter to Wesley Darwin Sparling and Mary Ann MacLean; died 21 May 1986 at Sydney, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia in her 102nd year. This couple begat issue: (1) Hilda Mae Barrington, born in 1908, died 5 March 1996 at Cape Breton Regional Hospital, Sydney, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, who married Angus Cyprian Day; (2) Elsie Barrington, who married --- Gillis; (3) Yorke Barrington, born in 1911 at Sydney, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, died in March 1986, who married --- MacKinnon; (4) John "Jack" Barrington, who married Christina Hawco; (5) Frank Doran Barrington, died 27 April 2000 at Sydney, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, who married Victoria Pierrynowski; (6) Harry Barrington, who married Gertrude "Googie" LeBlanc; (7) Mary Barrington, who married --- Burns; (8) Marion Maude Barrington, died in 1982, who married --- MacDonald.


John Stark Barrington was born 15 September 1857, son to William Leadbeater Barrington and Caroline Catherine Stark, (to whom refer). His wife was Emma Louisa Lewis, (to whom he was married 10 September 1887). This couple begat issue: (1) Lewis Barrington, born 27 November 1889.


John Thomas Barrington was born in or about 1876 or 1877 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to Robert John Barrington and Agnes Goodfellow, (to whom refer). His wife Corinne Duquette, (to whom he was married 11 August 1899), was born in 1872 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to Louis Duquette and Caroline H�bert; died in 1965. This couple begat issue: (1) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, died in infancy, unmarried, in February 1900, buried 17 February 1900 at Ste. Martine Roman Catholic Parish Cemetery, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (2) Marie A. Barrington, born 10 November 1903, christened same day, 10 November 1903; (3) Joseph John Albert Barrington, born or christened 25 July 1906, died in 1984, who married Rh�a Brunette; (4) William Barrington, born in or about 1906 or 1907; (5) Anita (or Anne) Barrington, born in or about 1907 or 1908, who married 15 September 1924 at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, Honor� Morrisseau; (6) Marie Alice Agnes Gabriel Barrington, born 31 July 1908, christened same day, 31 July 1908, died in infancy, unmarried, in September 1908, buried 29 September 1908; (7) Marie Cecile Lucette Barrington, born 17 March 1910, christened 18 March 1910, died in 1965, who married 17 May 1943 in Qu�bec, Alfred Joseph Wood; (8) Joseph Welley Barrington, born in or about 1910 or 1911, christened 7 October 1911 at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec.


John Watson Barrington was born 24 April 1906 in Qu�bec, son to William Nelson Barrington and Helen Barbara "Nellie" Watson, (to whom refer); christened 14 September 1906 in Qu�bec; died 15 November 1985 at Sherbrooke Hospital, Sherbrooke City Municipality, Estrie Administrative Region, Qu�bec; buried at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery, Upper Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Le Val-Saint-Fran�ois Regional County Municipality, Estrie Administrative Region, Qu�bec. His wife Edna Marion Beers, (to whom he was married 28 June 1930 at the Parsonage, Crystal Springs United Church, 8301 Foucher Street, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was born in 1903, daughter to Ernest Hartley Beers and Dora Mary ---; died 22 March 1991; buried in 1991 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery, Upper Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Le Val-Saint-Fran�ois Regional County Municipality, Estrie Administrative Region, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) William Ernest Barrington, born 24 February 1933, christened 27 June 1933, who married, firstly, in 1951, Barbara Campbell, and, secondly, 5 September 1975, Murielle Charpentier.


Jonah Barrington (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, High Sheriff of Queen's County, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born in or about 1700 or 1701, son to John Barrington and Dorcas Wheeler, (to whom refer); died in or about 1763 or 1764. His wife Margaret Byrne, (to whom he was married in February 1726 Old Style or Julian or February 1727 New Style or Gregorian or in February 1727 Old Style or Julian or February 1728 New Style or Gregorian, depending upon sources), was daughter to (Sir) Daniel Byrne (2nd Baronet in the Baronetage of England, etc.) and Anna Dorothea Warren. This couple begat issue: (1) John Barrington (Justice of the Peace, etc.), born in or about 1731 or 1732, died 24 January 1784, who married 5 December 1751 (Old Style or Julian) or 16 December 1751 (New Style or Gregorian), Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French.


(Sir) Jonah Barrington (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Member of the House of Commons in the Parliament of Ireland, an eminent Judge, etc.), was born in or about 1759 or 1760 at Knapton Townland, Abbeyleix Parish, Cullenagh Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to John Barrington and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom refer); died 8 April 1834 at Versailles, Yvelines D�partment, �le-de-France R�gion, the Kingdom of France. His wife Catherine Grogan, (to whom he was married in June 1789), was daughter to Edward Grogan and Jane Grierson (and aunt to Sir Edward Grogan, 1st Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc., Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, etc.); died 31 August 1839. This couple begat issue: (1) Jane Catherine Barrington, born in or about 1791 or 1792, died in 1872, who married in or about 1814 or 1815, Thomas de Grenier de Fonblanque (Vicomte de Fonblanque, etc. in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of France, etc.) (Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General to the Principality of Serbia, etc.); (2) Sibella (or Sybella) Barrington, who married in or about 1812 or 1813, William Loftus Otway; (3) Edward George Barrington, born in 1796, died in 1844, who married Anna Blake; (4) Patricia Barrington, born in or about 1797 or 1798, died 23 November 1843 at Naples, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, who married in 1822, John Alexander Hunter; (5) Arabella Henrietta Barrington, born in or about 1806 or 1807 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 10 June 1884 at Kensington Parish, Middlesex County, England, who married, firstly, in March 1828 at St. Ann's Church of Ireland (otherwise known as St. Ann's Parish Church), Dawson Street, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Edward Hughes Lee (Barone Calabrella, etc. in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of Sicily, etc.), and, secondly, 13 September 1837 at the Anglican Church, Geneva, Geneva Canton, the Swiss Confederation, Vincent Frederick Kennett; (6) Margaret Barrington, born at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 16 June 1829 at the Chapel of the British Embassy, Paris, Seine-et-Oise D�partment, �le-de-France R�gion, the Kingdom of France, John Worthy (Captain, Honourable East India Company's Service, etc.).


Jonathan Pim Barrington was born 5 February 1851, son to (Sir) John Barrington and Elizabeth Pim, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Thomas Greatorex, (to whom he was married 16 December 1884), was born 5 December 1861, daughter to Thomas Greatorex and Matilda Davison. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Gwendoline Barrington, born 22 November 1885; (2) Enid Irene Barrington, born 27 May 1887, who married 16 December 1914, Rupert M'Comas; (3) Elizabeth Olga Barrington, born 5 October 1890, who married 20 December 1915, Manliffe U. Manly; (4) Margaret Sylvia Barrington, born 31 August 1892; (5) Henry Gordon Barrington, born 31 May 1895.


(Sir) Joseph Barrington (1st Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (founder, together with his sons, of the celebrated Barrington Hospital at Limerick, etc.) was born 21 February 1764, son to Matthew Barrington and Jane Canter, (to whom refer); died 10 January 1846. His wife Mary Baggott (Baggot or Bagot), (to whom he was married in 1787), was daughter to Daniel Baggott (Baggot or Bagot) and ---; died in October 1829; buried 1 November 1829. This couple begat issue including: (1) (Sir) Matthew Barrington (2nd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Crown Solicitor for Munster Province, Ireland, etc.), born 21 May 1788, died 1 April 1861, who married 1 January 1814, Charlotte Hartigan; (2) Daniel Barrington (Clerk of The Crown for Limerick, etc.), born 14 October 1792, died 5 February 1842, who married 22 October 1829, Anne Williams.


Joseph Barrington was born 1 April 1770, son to Thomas Barrington and Hannah Haughton, (to whom refer); died 25 April 1798 at Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at Carlow, Carlow County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources) in consequence of phthisis (consumption or tuberculosis). His wife Elizabeth "Betsy" Pike, (to whom he was married 13 November 1795 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born in or about 1773 or 1774; died 15 December 1854 at Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Barrington, born 21 October 1796, died in infancy, unmarried, 28 March 1797 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland.


Joseph Barrington was born in or about 1798 or 1799 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son probably to James Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died 25 February 1828 at Qu�bec, Qu�bec Judicial District, Lower Canada; buried 3 March 1828 at Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada. His wife was Susan (or Eliza) ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Joseph Barrington, born 2 May 1826 probably at or near Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada or at Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada (depending upon sources), christened 13 July 1829 at Brockville, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 8 February 1915 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1915 at Alexander Union Cemetery, Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 21 February 1848 at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, (with the Reverend Hugh Nichols, Baptist Church, officiating), Norah (or Norry) Hannah Coughlin, and, secondly, 26 November 1902 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Mary Ann ---.


Joseph Barrington was born 2 May 1826 probably at or near Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada or at Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada (depending upon sources), son to Joseph Barrington and Susan (or Eliza) ---, (to whom refer); christened 13 July 1829 at Brockville, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada; married, secondly, 26 November 1902 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Mary Ann ---, (to whom also refer); died 8 February 1915 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1915 at Alexander Union Cemetery, Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Norah (or Norry) Hannah Coughlin, (to whom he was married 21 February 1848 at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West with the Reverend Hugh Nichols, Baptist Church, officiating), was born in or about 1829 or 1830; died 21 November 1900 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of stomach cancer; buried at Alexander Union Cemetery, Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. Joseph Barrington and Norah (or Norry) Hannah Coughlin begat issue: (1) William James Barrington, born in March 1849, died early, unmarried, 22 November 1864; (2) Ellen (Hellen or Helen) Barrington, born 21 August 1850; (3) Susan Barrington, born 6 April 1852, who married Edward Jenness; (4) Margaret Jane Barrington, born 10 February 1854 or 10 February 1857 (depending upon sources) at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 15 January 1924 at or near Virden, Manitoba, buried in 1924 at Virden Cemetery, Virden, Manitoba, who married 22 January 1879 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Anson Berry; (5) Richard L. Barrington, born 28 January 1856, who married 25 February 1902 at Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Annie ---; (6) Mary Ann Barrington, born in or about December 1857; (7) John Henry Barrington, born in or about 1859 or 1860 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, who married 11 November 1890 at Menominee, Menominee County, Michigan, Lilia Mildred Campbell; (8) a female child, name, if any, unavailable; (9) a female child possibly named Anna Barrington; (10) Charlotte Barrington, who married William Sparrowhawk; (11) William A. Barrington, born in or about 1867 or 1868.


Joseph Barrington was born 2 May 1826 probably at or near Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada or at Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada (depending upon sources), son to Joseph Barrington and Susan (or Eliza) ---, (to whom refer); christened 13 July 1829 at Brockville, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada; married, firstly, 21 February 1848 at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, (with the Reverend Hugh Nichols, Baptist Church, officiating), Norah (or Norry) Hannah Coughlin, (to whom also refer); died 8 February 1915 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1915 at Alexander Union Cemetery, Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Mary Ann ---, (to whom he was married 26 November 1902 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was daughter to Robert --- and Eliza A. ---; married, firstly, ---. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Joseph Barrington and Mary Ann ---.


Joseph Byron Barrington was born 18 June 1878 (according to some sources, not 18 June 1876 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Barrington and Sarah Eliza Justus, (to whom refer); christened 6 February 1881 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; died 12 August 1962; buried 14 August 1962 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Margaret "Maggie" Scott, (to whom he was married 17 January 1907 at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), died 9 February 1969; buried in 1969 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Joseph John Albert Barrington was born or christened 25 July 1906, son to John Thomas Barrington and Corinne Duquette, (to whom refer); died in 1984. His wife was Rh�a Brunette. This couple begat issue: (1) Joseph John Roy Roger Barrington, born 20 March 1941, christened 23 March 1941.


Joseph N. Barrington was born 22 April 1803 or 17 November 1803 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), son to Thomas Barrington and Elizabeth Alment (or Allment), (to whom refer); died 26 July 1878 at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio. His wife Elizabeth Sharp, (to whom he was married 30 September 1840 at the Society of Friends or "Quaker" Meetinghouse, Owl Creek, Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio), was born 6 October 1799 at York County, Pennsylvania, daughter to John Sharp and Elizabeth Kennard; died 26 December 1885 at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio. In addition to the adoption and upbringing of one male child who, being a "stranger in blood", is not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also begat issue: (1) Amelia F. Barrington, born in or about 1840 or 1841 probably at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio.


Kenneth Barrington was son to Donald Frederick Barrington and Patricia Poucher, (to whom refer). His wife was Anne ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Kenneth Rath Barrington was born 5 June 1902 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Wellington Barrington and Margaret Ann "Maggie" Rowsom (or Rowsome), (to whom refer); died 29 June 1953 at Elizbethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1953 at Greenbank Cemetery, near Greenbank, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Elma Caroline Weatherhead, (to whom he was married 4 September 1937 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 5 March 1903 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Robert Weatherhead and Adeline Read; died 30 January 1992 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1992 at Greenbank Cemetery, near Greenbank, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Arthur Barrington, born 29 November 1940 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 1 October 1960 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Shirley Luella Brown, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1978 at Pembroke, Renfrew County, Ontario), and, secondly, 17 May 1996 at Deep River Community Church, Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario, Phyllis Grace Thompson; (2) Helen Margaret Barrington, born 7 August 1943 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married in 1961 at or near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Ronald Patrick Young, (from whom subsequently divorced).


Lawrence Raymond Barrington was born 12 November 1925, son to James Henry Barrington and Sarah Elizabeth "Sadie" Hayes, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Bruce Barrington, who married Jeannie ---.


Leonard Frederick Barrington was born 28 May 1908 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Bennett Barrington and Alice Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), (to whom refer); died 8 August 1980 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 11 August 1980 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Ivy Grace Haird, (to whom he was married 20 July 1926 at Christ Anglican Church, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in or about 1909 or 1910 at or near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Percy Dick Haird and Elfa (or Elva) ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a male infant, stillborn 5 September 1928 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried or otherwise disposed of in September 1928 at the Barrington farm, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Clarence Earl Barrington, born in 1929, died unmarried in 1958, buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Donald Frederick Barrington, born in or about 1930 or 1931, died 23 November 2007 at Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa City Municipality, Ontario, buried at Hillside Cemetery, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Pauline Luckey, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Patricia Poucher; (4) Gordon E. Barrington, born 4 June 1932, who married Audrey Dack; (5) Doreen Barrington, who married William Paull; (6) Velma Barrington, who married Donald Holmes.


Leslie Howard Barrington was born 27 January 1910, son to George Leslie Barrington and Ellen Maud Drysdale, (to whom refer); christened 9 April 1910. His wife Lily Hazel Hale, (to whom he was married 1 October 1938 at Ephraim Scott Presbyterian Church, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was daughter to James Hale and Catherine Fraser. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Lester M. Barrington was born 28 March 1902, son to Herbert Daniel Barrington and Myrta Louisa Butler, (to whom refer); died 14 April 1988 at Wichita, Sedgewick County, Kansas. His wife was Nelle Kerr. This couple begat issue: (1) Delmar Wayne Barrington; (2) Linda Lee Barrington.


Lloyd Arnold Jutton Barrington was born 24 April 1917 or 24 August 1917 (depending upon sources), son to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer); died 1 March 1986; buried in March 1986 at Byrd Cemetery, Locke, Locke Township, Cayuga County, New York. His wife Roberta Arlene Hayes was born 12 December 1920; died 24 April 2004; buried in 2004 at Byrd Cemetery, Locke, Locke Township, Cayuga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Donna Marie Barrington, born 19 March 1942, died 17 July 1994, buried in July 1994 at Indian Mound Cemetery, Moravia, Moravia Township, Cayuga County, New York, who married George Malcolm Hoag; (2) Royal Barrington, born 30 May 1945, died 8 August 2006, buried in August 2006 at Byrd Cemetery, Locke, Locke Township, Cayuga County, New York; (3) Lloyd Arnold Barrington, born 25 July 1946, died 8 December 2009, buried at Byrd Cemetery, Locke, Locke Township, Cayuga County, New York.


Manliffe Barrington was born 2 July 1861, son to Charles Barrington and Louisa Grubb, (to whom refer). His wife (and first cousin) Lydia Sarah Barrington, (to whom he was married 20 September 1894), was born 18 February 1865, daughter to Erasmus Barrington and Jane Kearns Deane Bennett, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Marden E. Barrington was born 7 February 1906 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, son to Herbert Daniel Barrington and Myrta Louisa Butler, (to whom refer); died in September 1985 at or near Altoona, Wilson County, Kansas. His wife was Eva Jane Letherman. This couple begat issue: (1) Marshall Barrington.


Mark Barrington was born in Ireland, son to Thomas Barrington and --- Nelson, (to whom refer). His wife was Martha Paine, (to whom he was married in 1683 Old Style or Julian or in 1684 New Style or Gregorian). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Mark Barrington was son probably to Nelson Barrington and Mary ---, (to whom refer); died 27 September 1797 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife was ---, (to whom he was married in 1754). This couple begat, together with other children whose names and sex are presently unavailable, issue: (1) William Barrington, who married in 1787, ---; (2) Isaac Barrington, born in or about 1768 or 1769, died 9 February 1814 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in 1789, Anne Power.


Mark Barrington was born 10 October 1812 or 15 October 1812 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), son to Thomas Barrington and Elizabeth Alment (or Allment), (to whom refer); died in or about 1860 or 1861 at Knox County, Ohio. His wife Bethia Mosher Townsend, (to whom he was married in or about 1851 or 1852 at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio), was born 16 August 1822 at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, daughter to Thomas Townsend and Ruth Mosher; died in or about 1853 or 1854 at Knox County, Ohio. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Townsend Barrington, born 29 May 1853 at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, adopted and brought up after the demise of his own parents by his uncle and aunt Thomas Barrington and Elizabeth Watson Townsend, (to whom also refer), died 24 July 1944 at his residence, 1247 Oxford Avenue, Altadena, Los Angeles County, California, buried 27 July 1944 at Mountain View Cemetery, Altadena, Los Angeles County, California, who married 12 May 1887 at Centerdale (formerly known as Centredale), Center Township, Cedar County, Iowa, Sarah Jane Webster.


Matthew Barrington was son to Benjamin Barrington and Anne Waltho, (to whom refer); died in June 1765; buried 13 June 1765. His wife Jane Canter was daughter to John Canter and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) (Sir) Joseph Barrington (1st Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (founder, together with his sons, of the celebrated Barrington Hospital at Limerick, etc.), born 21 February 1764, died 10 January 1846, who married in 1787, Mary Baggott (Baggot or Bagot).


(Sir) Matthew Barrington (2nd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Crown Solicitor for Munster Province, Ireland, etc.) was born 21 May 1788, son to (Sir) Joseph Barrington (1st Baronet, etc.) and Mary Baggott (Baggot or Bagot), (to whom refer); died 1 April 1861. His wife Charlotte Hartigan, (to whom he was married 1 January 1814), was daughter to William Hartigan and ---; died 18 November 1858. This couple begat issue: (1) (Sir) William Hartigan Barrington (3rd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.), born 4 October 1815, died 14 July 1872, who married 14 March 1859, Elizabeth Olivia Darley; (2) (Sir) Croker Barrington (4th Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Deputy Lieutenant of the County, etc.), born 12 July 1817 at Limerick, Limerick County, Munster Province, Ireland, died 4 July 1890, who married 12 April 1845, Anna Felicia West; (3) Henrietta Victorine Barrington, died 29 July 1899, who married 15 January 1857, William Richard Le Fanu; (4) a female child, name unavailable; (5) a female child, name unavailable; (6) Olivia Barrington, died in 1876, who married in 1853, (The Right Honourable) George Augustus Chichester May (Member of The Queen's Privy Council and Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, etc.); (7) a female child, name unavailable; (8) a female child, name unavailable.


Melvin Norman Barrington was born 10 November 1915 at or near Baldwinsville, Van Buren Township, Onondaga County, New York, son to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Winifred May Ridgeway, (to whom also refer); died 13 March 1987; buried in March 1987 at Woodlawn Memorial Park, Gotha, Orange County, Florida. His first wife Mary Mumper was born 1 April 1918; died in 1973; buried at Greenlawn Memorial Park, Warners, Van Buren Township, Onondaga County, New York. Melvin Norman Barrington and Mary Mumper begat issue: (1) Ann R. Barrington, who married --- Dezena.


Melvin Norman Barrington was born 10 November 1915 at or near Baldwinsville, Van Buren Township, Onondaga County, New York, son to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Mary Mumper, (to whom also refer); died 13 March 1987; buried in March 1987 at Woodlawn Memorial Park, Gotha, Orange County, Florida. His second wife Winifred May Ridgeway was born 13 February 1915; married, firstly, --- DeShane; died 24 April 2006; buried in April 2006 at Woodlawn Memorial Park, Gotha, Orange County, Florida. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Melvin Norman Barrington and Winifred May Ridgeway are presently available.


Merrill Edwin Barrington (Alderman of The Village of Ormstown and Member of the House of Commons in the Federal Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, etc.) was born a twin 25 February 1920 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec or at St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to David Archibald Barrington and Celia Florence McWhinnie, (to whom refer); christened 13 June 1920. His wife was Gerharda Theodora Nijhuis, (to whom he was married 12 January 1946). This couple begat issue: (1) Reta Barrington; (2) Cecil Barrington.


Mervin George Barrington was born a twin 25 February 1920 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec or at St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to David Archibald Barrington and Celia Florence McWhinnie, (to whom refer); christened 13 June 1920. His wife was Angie Bishop. This couple begat issue: (1) George Barrington.


Nelson Barrington was son to Thomas Barrington and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Nunn, (to whom refer); died at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Corlican, Corlican Townland, Whitechurchglynn Parish, Bantry Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Mary --- died in 1775 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Corlican, Corlican Townland, Whitechurchglynn Parish, Bantry Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple probably begat issue: (1) probably Alexander Barrington, buried at Mullinacuff Parish, Shillelagh Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married, firstly, Jane Nevill, and, secondly, in 1762, Mary Sherlock; (2) probably Ann Barrington, who married --- Redmond; (3) probably Mark Barrington, died 27 September 1797 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in 1754, ---.


Nelson Barrington was born 28 March 1770, son to Richard Barrington and Jane Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries), (to whom refer); died in or about 1822, 1823 or 1824. His wife was Jane Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries), (to whom he was married 2 February 1813 at Castlebridge Church of Ireland, otherwise known as Ardcolm Parish Church, Castlebridge, Ardcolm Parish, East Shelmaliere Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland); married, secondly, in 1824 at Castlebridge Church of Ireland, Castlebridge, Ardcolm Parish, East Shelmaliere Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Christopher Wilson. Nelson Barrington and Jane Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries) begat issue: (1) Thomas Barrington, born in 1813, christened 22 July 1813 at Castlebridge Church of Ireland (otherwise known as Ardcolm Parish Church), Castlebridge, Ardcolm Parish, East Shelmaliere Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (2) Jane Barrington, born in or about 1818 or 1819, christened 15 July 1819 at Castlebridge Church of Ireland (otherwise known as Ardcolm Parish Church), Castlebridge, Ardcolm Parish, East Shelmaliere Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Mary Barrington, born in or about 1821 or 1822, christened 28 July 1822 at Castlebridge Church of Ireland (otherwise known as Ardcolm Parish Church), Castlebridge, Ardcolm Parish, East Shelmaliere Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland.


Nicholas Barrington (a Captain in the service of the archfiend Oliver Cromwell, etc.) was son probably to Francis Barrington and Grizel (Grisel, Griseld, Griselda, Greshild, Greshilda or Catherine) Gilbert, (to whom refer); died in or about 1667 or 1668. His wife was Elizabeth ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Alexander Barrington, who married Elizabeth Baskerville.


Nicholas Barrington (thrice Mayor of The Town of Wexford, etc.) was born in or about 1662 or 1663 in Ireland, son to Thomas Barrington and Margery ---, (to whom refer); died in 1713 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Martha Ouseley, (to whom he was married in or about September 1692 probably at or near Mayglass Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 8 May 1665 probably at Ballycogly Townland, Mayglass Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Richard Ouseley and Anne Noss. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Barrington, born in 1693 in Ireland, christened 12 September 1693 (Old Style or Julian) or 22 September 1693 (New Style or Gregorian) at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, in March 1694 (Old Style or Julian) or in March 1695 (New Style or Gregorian) at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, buried 15 March 1694 (Old Style or Julian) or 25 March 1695 (New Style or Gregorian) in the Chancel, St. Patrick's Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (2) Nicholas Barrington, born in or about 1694 or 1695 in Ireland, christened 21 July 1695 (Old Style or Julian) or 31 July 1695 (New Style or Gregorian) at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died probably early, probably unmarried; (3) Richard Barrington, born in or about 1695 or 1696 in Ireland, christened 17 August 1696 (Old Style or Julian) or 27 August 1696 (New Style or Gregorian) at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died probably early, probably unmarried; (4) Mark Barrington, born in or about 1697 or 1698 in Ireland, christened 25 February 1698 (Old Style or Julian) or 7 March 1699 (New Style or Gregorian) at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died without issue in or about 1747 or 1748; (5) Charles Barrington, born 20 September 1700 (Old Style or Julian) or 1 October 1700 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland, christened at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married ---; (6) Ann (or Anne) Barrington, born 7 October 1701 (Old Style or Julian) or 18 October 1701 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland, christened at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died probably early, probably unmarried; (7) Nicholas Barrington, born in August 1702 in Ireland, christened at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in or about 1747 or 1748 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in or about 1744 or 1745 probably at or near Mayglass Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Anne ---; (8) John Barrington, born 2 March 1703 (Old Style or Julian) or 13 March 1704 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland, christened 3 March 1703 (Old Style or Julian) or 14 March 1704 (New Style or Gregorian) at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died probably early, probably unmarried; (9) Margery Barrington, born in or about 1705 or 1706 in Ireland, christened 14 May 1706 (Old Style or Julian) or 25 May 1706 (New Style or Gregorian) at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married Joseph Higginbotham.


Nicholas Barrington was born in or about 1691 or 1692 probably at Ballymacane, Ballymacane Townland, Tacumshane Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Thomas Barrington and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Nunn, (to whom refer); died 2 January 1768 probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources); buried in January 1768 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Corlican, Corlican Townland, Whitechurchglynn Parish, Bantry Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Mary Bancroft, (to whom he was married 21 January 1720 Old Style or Julian or 1 February 1721 New Style or Gregorian or 24 January 1720 Old Style or Julian or 4 February 1721 New Style or Gregorian, depending upon sources, at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 30 October 1699 (Old Style or Julian) or 9 November 1699 (New Style or Gregorian), daughter to Jacob Bancroft and Ruth Laurence; died 19 December 1750 (Old Style or Julian) or 30 December 1750 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Jacob Barrington, born (having one hand only) 28 August 1721 (Old Style or Julian) or 8 September 1721 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died unmarried in or about 1784 or 1785 or 12 March 1805 (depending upon sources) at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (2) John Barrington, born 23 December 1723 (Old Style or Julian) or 3 January 1724 (New Style or Gregorian) or 27 December 1723 (Old Style or Julian) or 7 January 1724 (New Style or Gregorian) (depending upon sources) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died 2 October 1784 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland in consequence of injuries sustained in a fall from the roof of a house which he was inspecting, compounded by stabbing with a chisel held in the hand of a carpenter attempting to catch him, which device had been forgotten in the exigency of the moment, who married, firstly, in January 1752 (Old Style or Julian) or in January 1753 (New Style or Gregorian), Mary Sutton, and, secondly, 11 September 1763, Mary Anne Plummer (or Plumer); (3) Thomas Barrington, born 20 June 1725 (Old Style or Julian) or 1 July 1725 (New Style or Gregorian) or 30 June 1725 (Old Style or Julian) or 11 July 1725 (New Style or Gregorian) (depending upon sources) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died early, unmarried, 26 March 1733 (Old Style or Julian) or 6 April 1733 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (4) Alexander Barrington, born 11 June 1728 (Old Style or Julian) or 22 June 1728 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died 31 January 1799 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married, firstly, 25 February 1755 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Meetinghouse, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Elizabeth Jessop, and, secondly, 16 February 1772 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Eleanor Hoowee; (5) Ruth Barrington, born 29 May 1730 (Old Style or Julian) or 9 June 1730 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died early, unmarried, 18 March 1733 (Old Style or Julian) or 29 March 1734 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (6) Nicholas Barrington, born 12 January 1733 (Old Style or Julian) or 23 January 1734 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married ---; (7) Ruth Barrington, born 8 January 1735 (Old Style or Julian) or 19 January 1736 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), who married Stephen Dalton; (8) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, born 7 October 1736 (Old Style or Julian) or 18 October 1736 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died unmarried 13 September 1825 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (9) Thomas Barrington, born 11 October 1738 (Old Style or Julian) or 22 October 1738 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died 2 March 1826 at Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 19 March 1769 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Hannah Haughton; (10) Mary Barrington, born 17 March 1741 (Old Style or Julian) or 28 March 1741 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died in infancy, unmarried, 17 September 1741 (Old Style or Julian) or 28 September 1741 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (11) Richard Barrington, born 3 March 1743 (Old Style or Julian) or 14 March 1743 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died in or about 1783 or 1784, who married 5 August 1772 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Maria Jane ---; (12) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, died early, unmarried.


Nicholas Barrington was born in August 1702 in Ireland, son to Nicholas Barrington and Martha Ouseley, (to whom refer); christened at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; died in or about 1747 or 1748 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife was Anne ---, (to whom he was married in or about 1744 or 1745 probably at or near Mayglass Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland). This couple begat issue: (1) John Barrington, born in or about 1746 or 1747 at Ballycogly Townland, Mayglass Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married ---; (2) Catherine Barrington, born in or about 1747 or 1748 at Ballycogly Townland, Mayglass Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland.


Nicholas Barrington was born 12 January 1733 (Old Style or Julian) or 23 January 1734 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), son to Nicholas Barrington and Mary Bancroft, (to whom refer); died probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a child, name and sex unavailable, died in March 1774 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland.


Nicholas Barrington was son to John Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died in or about 1841 or 1842. His wife Elizabeth Boxwell, (to whom he was married in September 1795 at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was daughter to William Boxwell and Jane (or Anne) Hatchell; died 13 July 1805. This couple begat issue: (1) Jane Barrington, born in or about 1796 or 1797 probably at Ballycogly Castle, Ballycogly Townland, Mayglass Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 15 January 1876 at Glenville Townland, Ardnageehy Parish, Barrymore Barony, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland, who married in June 1817 at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Richard Leared; (2) John Barrington, born in or about 1799 or 1800, died in 1882, who married in 1836, Jane Frances Tinkler; (3) William Boxwell Barrington, born in December 1801, died 24 April 1880 at Kent County, England, who married in 1828, his first cousin Eliza Barrington.


Nicholas John Barrington was son to John Barrington and Jane Frances Tinkler, (to whom refer); died in or about 1911 or 1912. His wife was Charlotte Greene. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Nicholas William Barrington was born in 1834 in Ireland, son to William Boxwell Barrington and Eliza Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Sarah M. Twycross, (to whom he was married 6 June 1876 at St. Martin's Anglican Church, Kentish Town, Middlesex County, England); married, firstly, --- Winscom. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Nicholas William Barrington and Sarah M. Twycross are presently available.


Percival E. Barrington was born 12 July 1897 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, son to Herbert Daniel Barrington and Myrta Louisa Butler, (to whom refer); died 24 January 1991 at Wichita, Sedgewick County, Kansas. His wife Mary E. Penrod, (to whom he was married 24 August 1918), was born 29 May 1901; died in March 1991. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Philip Frederick Barrington was born 14 October 1859, son to William Leadbeater Barrington and Caroline Catherine Stark, (to whom refer); died 20 July 1910 in North America; buried in July 1910 at Washington, District of Columbia. His wife May Worms, (to whom he was married 5 October 1900), was born in 1882; married, secondly, ---. Philip Frederick Barrington and May Worms begat issue: (1) Philip Frederick Barrington, born 18 August 1901.


Philip Sidney Barrington was born 11 June 1830, son to Edward Barrington and Sarah Leadbeater, (to whom refer); died 1 July 1913; buried in July 1913 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Elizabeth Shackleton (aunt to Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Officer of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society, an illustrious explorer of Antarctica, etc.), (to whom he was married 31 May 1860 at Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 8 July 1832, daughter to Ebenezer Shackleton and Ellen (or Eleanor) Bell (grandparents to Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Officer of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society, an illustrious explorer of Antarctica, etc.); died 16 November 1906; buried in November 1906 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Philip Sidney Barrington, born 27 May 1861 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 27 November 1893 in consequence of typhoid, who married 30 September 1886, Susan Catherine Jameson; (2) Arthur Ebenezer Barrington, born 17 June 1863, died probably on the Australian continent, who married 14 September 1889, his first cousin once removed Ada Barrington; (3) Eleanor Isabel Barrington, born 29 June 1865, died unmarried 12 August 1898 in British East India in consequence of enteric disorder; (4) Margaret Lilian Barrington, born 25 May 1867, died unmarried 25 January 1915, buried in 1915 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (5) Kathleen Agnes Barrington, born 21 May 1870, died 12 May 1900, who married 18 May 1895, Ernest Earls Carleton; (6) Selina Barrington, born 16 December 1871 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 20 December 1895 in Ireland, Egerton Hammond; (7) Walter Howard Barrington, born 9 May 1872 or 9 May 1873 (depending upon sources) at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married Louisa Simpson; (8) Sarah Elizabeth Barrington, born 29 August 1876.


Philip Sidney Barrington was born 27 May 1861 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Philip Sidney Barrington and Elizabeth Shackleton (aunt to Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Officer of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society, an illustrious explorer of Antarctica, etc.), (to whom refer); died 27 November 1893 in consequence of typhoid. His wife Susan Catherine Jameson, (to whom he was married 30 September 1886), was born 4 July 1861, daughter to Thomas Jameson and Jane Bryan; married, secondly, ---. Philip Sidney Barrington and Susan Catherine Jameson begat issue: (1) Gladys Eleanor Barrington, born 4 January 1888; (2) Frank Edward Philip Barrington, born 5 November 1892.


Ralph Switzer Barrington was born 28 November 1894, son to William Henry Barrington and Ida May Switzer Hillerman, (to whom refer). His wife was Leona True. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Randy Barrington was son to Royal Robert Barrington and Shirley May Revette, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Alyssa Barrington; (2) Taylor Barrington; (3) Haley Barrington.


Richard Barrington was born in or about 1684 or 1685, son to Thomas Barrington and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Nunn, (to whom refer); died 4 November 1744 (Old Style or Julian) or 15 November 1744 (New Style or Gregorian) or 4 December 1744 (Old Style or Julian) or 15 December 1744 (New Style or Gregorian) (depending upon sources); buried in November 1744 or in December 1744 (depending upon sources) at Tacumshane Churchyard, Tacumshane, Tacumshane Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Barrington, died probably unmarried and certainly in any case without surviving issue; (2) Richard Barrington, born in or about 1719 or 1720, died 5 February 1783, buried in February 1783 at Tacumshane Churchyard, Tacumshane, Tacumshane Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in July 1762, Jane Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries); (3) probably Elizabeth Barrington; (4) probably John Barrington, who married in July 1768, Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries).


Richard Barrington was born in or about 1719 or 1720, son to Richard Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died 5 February 1783; buried in February 1783 at Tacumshane Churchyard, Tacumshane, Tacumshane Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife was Jane Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries), (to whom he was married in July 1762). This couple begat issue: (1) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, born 15 April 1763, who married in June 1785 or in July 1785, Thomas Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries); (2) Richard Barrington, born 4 February 1768, died 25 November 1840, who married 11 September 1794, Elizabeth Anne Waddy; (3) Nelson Barrington, born 28 March 1770, died in or about 1822, 1823 or 1824, who married 2 February 1813 at Castlebridge Church of Ireland (otherwise known as Ardcolm Parish Church), Castlebridge, Ardcolm Parish, East Shelmaliere Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Jane Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries); (4) Thomas Barrington, born 28 May 1773; (5) Catherine Barrington, born 4 November 1778; (6) William Barrington, born 4 July 1781.


Richard Barrington was born 3 March 1743 (Old Style or Julian) or 14 March 1743 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), son to Nicholas Barrington and Mary Bancroft, (to whom refer); died in or about 1783 or 1784. His wife was Maria Jane ---, (to whom he was married 5 August 1772 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland); married, firstly, --- Rowney; died in or about 1787 or 1788. Richard Barrington and Maria Jane --- begat issue: (1) William Barrington, born in or about 1772 or 1773, died in April 1849, who married Eliza Ann (or Anne) Fowler; (2) Mary Barrington, died unmarried.


Richard Barrington was son to James Barrington and Letitia Gray, (to whom refer); married, secondly, ---, (to whom also refer). His first wife was --- (a Creole of Mauritius, etc.). Richard Barrington and --- (a Creole of Mauritius, etc.) begat issue: (1) Kate Barrington, born in or about 1823 or 1824, died in 1890 in North America, who married in 1840, her first cousin Richard Wellington Barrington (prominent physician of Boston, whence he had emigrated in or about 1851 or 1852, etc.).


Richard Barrington was son to James Barrington and Letitia Gray, (to whom refer); married, firstly, --- (a Creole of Mauritius, etc.), (to whom also refer). His second wife was ---; married, firstly, --- Riall. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Richard Barrington and ---.


Richard Barrington was born 4 February 1768, son to Richard Barrington and Jane Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries), (to whom refer); died 25 November 1840. His wife was Elizabeth Anne Waddy, (to whom he was married 11 September 1794). This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Barrington, born 10 September 1795, died probably early, probably unmarried; (2) Thomas Barrington, born 8 August 1797, died probably early, probably unmarried; (3) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, born 12 December 1799, who married in 1821, Michael Masterson; (4) Frances Barrington, born 23 April 1802, died unmarried; (5) John Barrington, born 18 August 1803, died unmarried in or about 1882 or 1883; (6) William Barrington, born 24 April 1806; (7) Jane Barrington, born 29 November 1807, died unmarried 16 August 1840; (8) Mary Barrington, born 8 May 1810.


Richard Barrington was born 1 July 1798, son to John Barrington and Margaret Manliffe (or Manly), (to whom refer); died 22 November 1890 at or near Redhill, Reigate Parish, Surrey County, England; buried at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Elizabeth Malone, (to whom he was married 15 June 1827 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 3 January 1800, daughter to James Malone and Jane Bancroft; died 30 December 1854 or 30 December 1868 (depending upon sources) at London, Middlesex County, England; buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Stoke Newington Parish, Middlesex County, England. This couple begat issue: (1) Florence Barrington, born 26 January 1833, died 21 June 1879 at or near Isleworth, Isleworth Parish, Middlesex County, England, buried in June 1879 at Isleworth, Isleworth Parish, Middlesex County, England, who married 11 May 1864, Norman Southall.


Richard Charles "Dick" Barrington was son to Yorke Henry Ainslie Barrington and Marion Elizabeth Jane Tutty, (to whom refer). His wife Winnifred MacLean died in 1973. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Muise; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Trainor; (4) a male child, name unavailable; (5) a male child, name unavailable; (6) a male child, name unavailable; (7} a male child, name unavailable.


Richard L. Barrington was born 28 January 1856, son to Joseph Barrington and Norah (or Norry) Hannah Coughlin, (to whom refer). His wife Annie ---, (to whom he was married 25 February 1902 at Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was daughter to William --- and Annie Chapman; married, firstly, --- Sunderland. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Richard L. Barrington and Annie --- are presently available.


Richard Leadbeater Barrington was born 12 October 1864, son to William Leadbeater Barrington and Caroline Catherine Stark, (to whom refer). His wife was Mary Baldwin Whiting, (to whom he was married 18 September 1901). This couple begat issue: (1) Whiting Barrington, born 27 June 1902, died early, unmarried, in May 1911; (2) Virginia Barrington, born 30 July 1904.


Richard Manliffe Barrington (an eminent Irish naturalist, etc.) was born 22 May 1849 at Fassaroe House, Fassaroe Townland, Kilmacanogue Parish, (near Bray), Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Edward Barrington and Huldah Strangman, (to whom refer); died 15 September 1915 suddenly whilst operating the controls of his motor car en route from Dublin to Fassaroe; buried in September 1915 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Lena Louisa Richarda Gyles, (to whom he was married 26 April 1898 at St. Peter's Church of Ireland, otherwise known as St. Peter's Parish Church, St. Peter's Parish, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 1 July 1863, daughter to George Gyles and Alethea Grey. This couple begat issue: (1) Alison Innes Barrington, born 15 March 1899; (2) Richard Grey Barrington, born 11 May 1900, died early, unmarried, 24 September 1901, buried in 1901 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Joyce Marion Barrington, born 14 June 1902; (4) John Strangman Barrington, born 16 August 1903.


Richard Wellington Barrington (prominent physician of Boston, whence he had emigrated in or about 1851 or 1852, etc.) was born in or about 1824 or 1825 in Ireland, son to --- Barrington and --- Copplethwaite (or Copperthwaite), (to whom refer); died in 1891 in North America. His wife (and first cousin) Kate Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1840), was born in or about 1823 or 1824, daughter to Richard Barrington and --- (a Creole of Mauritius, etc.), (to whom also refer); died in 1890 in North America. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Barrington, born in Ireland, married and died in North America; (2) Charles Barrington, born in Ireland, died unmarried in or about 1851 or 1852 aboard ship at sea during the family's emigration; (3) Wilhelmina "Mina" Barrington, died in North America; (4) John T. Barrington; (5) Arthur Henry Barrington; (6) Eliza (or Elizabeth) "Lizzie" Barrington, died early, unmarried, aged about five years.


Richard William Barrington was born in 1818, son to William Barrington and Eliza Ann (or Anne) Fowler, (to whom refer). His wife was ---, (to whom he was married in or about 1849 or 1850). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert Barrington was son to George Barrington and ---, (to whom refer). His wife --- was daughter to an adherent of the � Mores; married, secondly, Thomas Lighe (Leigh or Leagh) who was slain in 1598 in Ireland at the hands of the � Mores probably during or following the siege and burning of Cullenagh Castle, the Barrington stronghold. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Robert Barrington and --- are presently available.


Robert John Barrington was born 21 May 1850 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, son to John Barrington and Sarah McMullen, (to whom refer); christened 24 June 1850 probably at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East; died 5 December 1931; buried 6 December 1931 at or near Henrysburg, St. Bernard de Lacolle Parish Municipality, St. John County, Qu�bec. His wife Agnes Goodfellow, (to whom he was married 15 March 1875 at St. James' Anglican Church, Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was born in or about 1850 or 1851 at or near Lake Shore, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, daughter to Robert Goodfellow and Ann Pinkerton. This couple begat issue: (1) Annie Jane Priscilla Barrington, born 29 December 1875 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 6 March 1876 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (2) John Thomas Barrington, born in or about 1876 or 1877 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 11 August 1899, Corinne Duquette; (3) Robert Andrew Barrington, born 8 February 1880 probably at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 26 July 1880 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (4) Charles Mack Barrington, born 27 December 1881 probably at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 15 August 1882, died in 1959, who married, firstly, 20 January 1904 at the Manse, Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, Edith Drysdale, and, secondly, Florence Elizabeth Dickson; (5) Herbert Ernest Barrington, born 4 March 1887 probably at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died in 1969 at or near Hemmingford Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec, buried at Henrysburg Wesleyan Methodist Cemetery, Henrysburg, St. Bernard de Lacolle Parish Municipality, St. John County, Qu�bec, who married 1 June 1904, Arpha Mabel Boyes.


Robin Barrington was born in 1955, son to William Ernest Barrington and Barbara Campbell, (to whom refer); died 9 December 2005 at Richmond, Le Val-Saint-Fran�ois Regional County Municipality, Estrie Administrative Region, Qu�bec. His wife was Heidi Barfuhs, (to whom he was married 7 December 1984). This couple begat issue: (1) Dana-Elisa Barrington, born in 1990.


Ronald George Barrington was born 9 July 1948, son to George Harold Wade Barrington and Leanna Elizabeth Carruthers, (to whom refer). His wife Gwen --- was born 22 November 1950. This couple begat issue: (1) Wade Barrington, born 19 April 1969; (2) Russell Barrington, born 18 April 1972.


Royal Robert Barrington was born 27 May 1927 or 27 August 1927 (depending upon sources), son to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer); died 5 August 2008 at his residence, North Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried in August 2008 at North Syracuse Cemetery, North Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York. His wife was Shirley May Revette, (to whom he was married in or about 1951 or 1952). This couple begat issue: (1) Randy Barrington, who married ---.


Samuel Barrington (founder about 1691 of an upscale establishment at Limerick City for the manufacture of fine timepieces, esprcially clocks, chimes, etc.) was born probably in or about 1649 or 1650, son to --- Barrington (an Officer in the service of the archfiend Oliver Cromwell, etc.) and ---, (to whom refer); died in 1693 probably at or near Limerick, Limerick County, Munster Province, Ireland; buried in 1693 at St. Mary the Virgin's Church of Ireland Cathedral, Limerick, Limerick County, Munster Province, Ireland. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Benjamin Barrington (Sheriff of the County of Limerick, etc.), who married ---.


Samuel Barrington was born 11 April 1756 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Alexander Barrington and Elizabeth Jessop, (to whom refer). His wife was Elizabeth Duncan, (to whom he was married in or about 1779 or 1780 or in or about 1787 or 1788 depending upon sources). This couple begat issue: (1) William Barrington; (2) Elizabeth Barrington, who married Thomas Nicholson.


Samuel Barrington was born 2 May 1845 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, son to William Barrington and Margaret Millar, (to whom refer); christened 5 February 1846 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Canada East; died 23 June 1926 in Qu�bec; buried 25 June 1926 at New Cemetery, Dundee Township, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec. His wife Agnes Millar, (to whom he was married in or about 1888 or 1889), was born 5 May 1858 at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East; died 21 January 1935 at 5567 Bannantyne Avenue, Verdun, Jacques Cartier County, Qu�bec; buried 23 January 1935 at New Cemetery, Dundee Township, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) William Leonard Barrington, born 4 September 1890 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 8 May 1891 at Huntingdon County, Qu�bec, died 29 April 1945 at Verdun, Jacques Cartier County, Qu�bec, who married 20 December 1916, Catherine MacLeod; (2) John George Barrington, born 1 August 1897 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 24 January 1898, died early, unmarried, 13 June 1913, buried 16 June 1913.


Samuel Wilford Barrington was born 17 November 1882, son to William Barrington and Mary Ann Henderson, (to whom refer); christened 25 March 1883 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife was Ella Grace McKerrow. This couple begat issue: (1) Wilford Harold Barrington, born 19 January 1911 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, died 18 February 1957 at Calgary, Alberta, who married 5 June 1937 at 5565 Canterbury Avenue, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, Annie Isabel Williams.


Sydney C. Barrington was born 13 June 1875 at Oak Harbour, Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington, son to Edward Joseph Barrington and Christina Angela McCrohan, (to whom refer); died 28 June --- at Oak Harbour, Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington. His wife Hazel Delisle --- died in June 1954. This couple begat issue: (1) Yorke Barrington, born in 1903, died unmarried in 1923 in consequence of injuries sustained during a duck hunt.


Sydney George Barrington was born 31 May 1910, son to Thomas Chester Barrington and Martha Margaret Elizabeth Smellie, (to whom refer); christened 17 October 1910. His wife (and third cousin once removed) Agnes Helen Gardner, (to whom he was married 1 August 1936), was born 29 December 1904 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, daughter to William Thomas Gardner and Matilda Holmes, (to whom also refer); christened 3 June 1905 at the Presbyterian Church, St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Ruth Anne Barrington, born 27 June 1938 probably at Hinchinbrooke Township, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec, christened 27 June 1939 probably at Hinchinbrooke Township, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec.


Thomas Barrington (Justice of the Peace, etc.) was son to John Barrington and Johanna (Joanna, Joan or Jane) Hovenden (Ovenden or Ovington), (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) John Barrington, born in or about 1620 or 1621 at Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (2) probably Alexander Barrington (a Lieutenant-Colonel in the service of the archfiend Oliver Cromwell, etc.), died in 1685, who married Katherine Boyle; (3) probably Elizabeth Barrington, born in or about 1625 or 1626, christened 1 October 1626 (Old Style or Julian) or 11 October 1626 (New Style or Gregorian) at St. John's Church of Ireland, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland.


Thomas Barrington (a Major in the service of the archfiend Oliver Cromwell, etc.) was born in Ireland, son probably to Francis Barrington and Grizel (Grisel, Griseld, Griselda, Greshild, Greshilda or Catherine) Gilbert, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1661, Margery ---, (to whom also refer); died 30 July 1676 (Old Style or Julian) or 9 August 1676 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland. His first wife was --- Nelson; buried at Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. Thomas Barrington and --- Nelson begat issue: (1) Thomas Barrington, born in Ireland, who married in November 1683, Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Nunn; (2) John Barrington, born in 1657 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died unmarried in January 1685 (Old Style or Julian) or in January 1686 (New Style or Gregorian); (3) Mark Barrington, born in Ireland, who married in 1683 (Old Style or Julian) or in 1684 (New Style or Gregorian), Martha Paine.


Thomas Barrington (a Major in the service of the archfiend Oliver Cromwell, etc.) was born in Ireland, son probably to Francis Barrington and Grizel (Grisel, Griseld, Griselda, Greshild, Greshilda or Catherine) Gilbert, (to whom refer); married, firstly, --- Nelson, (to whom also refer); died 30 July 1676 (Old Style or Julian) or 9 August 1676 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland. His second wife Margery ---, (to whom he was married in 1661), was born in Ireland; married, firstly, George Lymington. Thomas Barrington and Margery --- begat issue: (1) Nicholas Barrington (thrice Mayor of The Town of Wexford, etc.), born in or about 1662 or 1663 in Ireland, died in 1713 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in or about September 1692 probably at or near Mayglass Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Martha Ouseley.


Thomas Barrington was son to Alexander Barrington and Ellen (Helen, Eleanor or Susan) Cosby, (to whom refer); died in or before 1758. His wife was Jane ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Francis Barrington, died in or before 1758; (2) John Barrington, died in 1740, probably unmarried and certainly without issue; (3) Elizabeth Barrington, who married William Fitzgerald; (4) Dorcas Barrington; (5) Ann Barrington, who married --- Collins.


Thomas Barrington was born in Ireland, son to Thomas Barrington and --- Nelson, (to whom refer). His wife Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Nunn, (to whom he was married in November 1683), was daughter to Richard Nunn and ---; died in 1735. This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Barrington, born in or about 1684 or 1685, died 4 November 1744 (Old Style or Julian) or 15 November 1744 (New Style or Gregorian) or 4 December 1744 (Old Style or Julian) or 15 December 1744 (New Style or Gregorian) (depending upon sources), buried in November 1744 or in December 1744 (depending upon sources) at Tacumshane Churchyard, Tacumshane, Tacumshane Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married ---; (2) Nelson Barrington, died at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Corlican, Corlican Townland, Whitechurchglynn Parish, Bantry Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married Mary ---; (3) Comfort Barrington, who married --- Fenton (or ffonton); (4) John Barrington, born 25 October 1689 (Old Style or Julian) or 4 November 1689 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 12 December 1779 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 11 November 1714 (Old Style or Julian) or 22 November 1714 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Mary Aldridge; (5) Frances Barrington, who married, firstly, 7 May 1714 (Old Style or Julian) or 18 May 1714 (New Style or Gregorian) at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Andrew Jessop, and, secondly, in 1720 at or near Kilteale, Kilteale Parish, Stradbally Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Robert Biker; (6) Nicholas Barrington, born in or about 1691 or 1692 probably at Ballymacane, Ballymacane Townland, Tacumshane Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 2 January 1768 probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), buried in January 1768 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Corlican, Corlican Townland, Whitechurchglynn Parish, Bantry Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 21 January 1720 (Old Style or Julian) or 1 February 1721 (New Style or Gregorian) or 24 January 1720 (Old Style or Julian) or 4 February 1721 (New Style or Gregorian) (depending upon sources) at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Mary Bancroft; (7) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, who married 14 September 1721 (Old Style or Julian) or 25 September 1721 (New Style or Gregorian), Samuel Greenwood.


Thomas Barrington was born 11 October 1738 (Old Style or Julian) or 22 October 1738 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), son to Nicholas Barrington and Mary Bancroft, (to whom refer); died 2 March 1826 at Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Hannah Haughton, (to whom he was married 19 March 1769 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was daughter to Joseph Haughton and Mary Raper; died 21 September 1824 or 24 September 1824 (depending upon sources) at Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Joseph Barrington, born 1 April 1770, died 25 April 1798 at Ballitore, Timolin Parish, Narragh and Reban East Barony, Kildare County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at Carlow, Carlow County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources) in consequence of phthisis (consumption or tuberculosis), who married 13 November 1795 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Elizabeth "Betsy" Pike; (2) Thomas Barrington, born 23 April 1772, died early, unmarried, in May 1774 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Mary Barrington, born 6 May 1773 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, 10 May 1774 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (4) Alexander Barrington, born 2 June 1774 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died unmarried 16 April 1798 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (5) Benjamin Barrington, born 19 August 1775 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, 5 February 1780 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (6) Thomas Barrington, born in 1776 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 10 May 1844 or 24 December 1844 (depending upon sources) at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Owl Creek, Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, who married 12 May 1795 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Meetinghouse, Cork, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland, Elizabeth Alment (or Allment); (7) David Barrington, born 18 September 1777 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, 30 December 1800 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (8) Jacob Barrington, born 17 May 1779 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 22 February 1833 at Rochester, Monroe County, New York, who married 22 July 1804 at Coolrain Mills, Coolrain Townland, Offerlane Parish, Upperwoods Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Elizabeth Neale; (9) Hannah Barrington, born 13 August 1780 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, 20 May 1781 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (10) Jonathan Barrington, born 10 February 1782 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, 26 March 1794 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (11) Bancroft Barrington, born 21 March 1783 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died in infancy, unmarried, 28 February 1784 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (12) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, born 22 November 1784 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, 12 August 1790 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (13) Hannah Barrington, born 10 November 1786 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, 19 December 1788 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (14) Mary Barrington, born 10 March 1788 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, 5 February 1790 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (15) Jane Barrington, born 20 June 1789 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died early, unmarried, 2 September 1808 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (16) Samuel Barrington, born probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died probably at Choconut Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.


Thomas Barrington was born in 1776 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Thomas Barrington and Hannah Haughton, (to whom refer); died 10 May 1844 or 24 December 1844 (depending upon sources) at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio; buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Owl Creek, Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio. His wife Elizabeth Alment (or Allment), (to whom he was married 12 May 1795 at the Society of Friends or "Quaker" Meetinghouse, Cork, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland), was born 27 July 1773 at or near Cork, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland, daughter to Mark Alment (or Allment) and Constance Fisher; died 31 October 1840 at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio; buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Owl Creek, Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio. This couple begat issue: (1) Hannah Barrington, born 13 May 1796 probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died unmarried in 1858 or 4 May 1860 (depending upon sources) at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio; (2) Joseph Barrington, born 1 January 1798 probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died early, unmarried, 25 March 1802 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Constance Barrington, born 20 November 1799 probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died in infancy, unmarried, 10 August 1800 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (4) Margaret Barrington, born 26 July 1801 probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died 22 December 1833 probably at or near Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg Borough, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, who married --- Nicholson; (5) Joseph N. Barrington, born 22 April 1803 or 17 November 1803 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died 26 July 1878 at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, who married 30 September 1840 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Meetinghouse, Owl Creek, Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, Elizabeth Sharp; (6) Alexander Barrington, born 28 December 1805 probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died early, unmarried, 13 May 1811 or 13 June 1811 (depending upon sources) in Ireland; (7) George Barrington, born 10 October 1807 or 19 October 1807 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died 29 June 1838 at or near Vicksburg, Warren County, Mississippi; (8) Thomas Barrington, born 3 January 1810 or 13 January 1810 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died 19 June 1891 or 29 June 1891 (depending upon sources) at or near West Branch, Cedar County, Iowa, who married 27 May 1840 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Meetinghouse, Alum Creek, Peru Township, Morrow County, Ohio, Elizabeth Watson Townsend; (9) Mark Barrington, born 10 October 1812 or 15 October 1812 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died in or about 1860 or 1861 at Knox County, Ohio, who married in or about 1851 or 1852 at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, Bethia Mosher Townsend; (10) John Alment (or Allment) Barrington (inventor and patentee of improved agricultural equipment, etc.), born 10 March 1816 or 16 March 1816 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at Glendruid House, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland or otherwise elsewhere at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), died 2 February 1892 at or near Eureka (formerly known as Barrington), Greenbush Township, Clinton County, Michigan, who married in 1841 in Kentucky, Serepta A. Squires.


Thomas Barrington was born in or about 1790 or 1791 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son probably to John Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died 16 May 1866 probably at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East; buried 18 May 1866 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East. His wife was Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Elizabeth Murray, (to whom he was married 9 March 1822 at Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada. This couple begat issue: (1) Amelia Barrington, born 13 January 1823 at or near Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, christened 25 May 1823 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, died 20 March 1896 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, buried 23 March 1896, who married 25 April 1849 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, John Riddell Gardner; (2) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, born 11 November 1824 at or near Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, christened 5 December 1824 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada; (3) John Barrington, born 2 March 1827 at or near Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, christened 15 April 1827 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, died in infancy, unmarried, 17 April 1827 at or near Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, buried 19 April 1827 at Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada; (4) James Barrington, born 13 June 1829 at or near Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, christened 26 August 1829 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada; (5) Thomas Barrington, who married 24 September 1858, Catherine Woodland; (6) Hannah Barrington, born in 1836, died in 1906, who married 26 April 1862 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, George A. Webb; (7) Henry Barrington, born 21 October 1839, died in infancy, unmarried; (8) Henry Barrington, born 1 February 1841, christened 8 April 1843.


Thomas Barrington was born 3 January 1810 or 13 January 1810 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), son to Thomas Barrington and Elizabeth Alment (or Allment), (to whom refer); died 19 June 1891 or 29 June 1891 (depending upon sources) at or near West Branch, Cedar County, Iowa. His wife Elizabeth Watson Townsend, (to whom he was married 27 May 1840 at the Society of Friends or "Quaker" Meetinghouse, Alum Creek, Peru Township, Morrow County, Ohio), was born 27 July 1820 at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, daughter to Thomas Townsend and Ruth Mosher; died 1 August 1883 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas; buried in August 1883 in Kansas. In addition to adoption and upbringing of their joint nephew Thomas Townsend Barrington, son to their respective brother and sister Mark Barrington and Bethia Mosher Townsend, (to whom also refer), following upon the demise of his said parents, this couple also begat issue: (1) George Barrington, born 8 April 1841 at or near Fredericktown, Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, died 24 December 1912 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, who married 3 August 1864 at West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa, Sarah Abbott Pearson; (2) Ruth Townsend Barrington, born 8 June 1844 at or near Fredericktown, Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, died 12 November 1903 at Denver, Denver County, Colorado (not in New Mexico Territory as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) in consequence of a probable blood clot following within one or two days upon successful surgery for removal of a large and bothersome tumour, buried in November 1903 at Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico Territory, who married 8 June 1865 at West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa, Abijah Judson Abbott (Superintendent of Schools for Glenwood School Board, Iowa and later a Judicial District Judge in Kansas, etc.).


Thomas Barrington was born in or about 1819 or 1820 in Ireland, son to William Barrington and Esther Britton, (to whom refer). His wife Almira (or Elmira) Th�rien (or Th�rrien), (to whom he was married 17 September 1856), was born in or about 1837 or 1838 at or near Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, daughter to �douard Th�rien (or Th�rrien) and Amable ---; died 22 August 1890 at Deseronto, Hastings County, Ontario in consequence of sudden cardiac arrest. This couple begat issue: (1) Edward Basil Barrington, born in or about 1859 or 1860, christened 30 April 1860, died in infancy, unmarried, in May 1860, buried 25 May 1860; (2) Joseph Thomas Barrington, born in or about 1860 or 1861, christened 20 June 1861; (3) William Barrington, born in or about March or April 1862, died in infancy, unmarried, in or about September or October 1862, buried 3 October 1862; (4) Almira (or Elmira) Barrington; (5) Louis Thomas Barrington, born in or about 1863 or 1864, christened 28 July 1864; (6) Rachel Barrington; (7) Margaret Edwige "Jennie" Barrington, born 14 June 1866 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, christened same day, 14 June 1866 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, who married 8 September 1890 at Napanee, Lennox County, Ontario, William James Challes (Challis or Challice).


Thomas Barrington was born 21 June 1826 or 1 July 1826 (depending upon sources but not 21 June 1827 or 1 July 1827 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) allegedly "aboard ship" or "at sea", son to John Barrington and Deborah Harper, (to whom refer); christened 13 August 1826 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, (with the Reverend John Bethune, Anglican Church, officiating); died 21 April 1909 at or near Morewood, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario in consequence of three weeks' suffering with "senile gangrene"; buried in 1909 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Ann Mulloy was born 15 April 1833 at or near North Augusta, Augusta Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to James Mulloy and Judith Mayberry; died 21 November 1913 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario in consequence of a few minutes' suffering with angina pectoris following upon arteriosclerosis of 12 years' duration; buried at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Jane Barrington, born 15 May 1853 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, christened 3 September 1853 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, died 26 June 1932, buried in June 1932 at Morewood, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 11 October 1876 at Winchester, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, James Reveler; (2) Deborah Barrington, born 21 February 1855, who married 23 November 1881 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 23 November 1882 (according to some sources) at Morewood, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, William Hamilton; (3) William James Barrington, born 20 November 1856, died 30 August 1930 at or near Russell, Russell Township, Russell County, Ontario, who married 9 February 1887, Ida Melinda Gardner; (4) John Bennett Barrington, born 5 December 1858 or 5 December 1859 (depending upon sources) at or near Chesterville, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Canada West, died in 1941, who married 1 January 1889 (according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 23 January 1889 or 23 January 1891 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Chesterville, Dundas County, Ontario, Elizabeth Catherine Smith; (5) George Barrington, born 1 February 1861 or 2 February 1861 (depending upon sources) at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Canada West, christened 9 February 1862 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Canada West, died 17 October 1927, who married 9 November 1892 at Morrisburg, Dundas County, Ontario, Nancy Sabina (or Sophia) Hyndman; (6) Ira Barrington, born 14 February 1863, died 22 September 1936 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, buried in September 1936 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 24 May 1900 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Bella Anderson, and, secondly, 31 August 1904 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, Isabella "Bella" Kippen; (7) Mahlon Barrington, born 3 November 1865 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Canada West, died unmarried 20 March 1923 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario in consequence of pneumonia and meningitis following upon several days' suffering with influenza, buried in 1923 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario; (8) Margaret "Maggie" Barrington, born 25 April 1868, died 10 January 1944, who married 23 December 1891 at Morewood, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, James Thomas Smith; (9) Thomas Garrett Barrington, born 20 November 1871, died early, unmarried, 5 December 1875, buried at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario.


Thomas Barrington was son to Thomas Barrington and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Elizabeth Murray, (to whom refer). His wife Catherine Woodland, (to whom he was married 24 September 1858), was born in or about 1825 or 1826 in Ireland; died 26 July 1900 at Toronto, York County, Ontario in consequence of a malignant tumour. This couple begat issue: (1) Catherine Barrington, born 9 January 1860 probably at or near Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, died in infancy, unmarried, 22 January 1860 probably at or near Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, buried 24 January 1860 probably at or near Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East; (2) Sarah Elizabeth Barrington, born in or about 1860 or 1861, died unmarried 19 May 1928 at 1000 College Street, Toronto, York County, Ontario in consequence of haemorrhage following upon six months' suffering with carcinoma of the stomach, buried 21 May 1928 at Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto, York County, Ontario; (3) Thomas George Barrington, born in or about 1863 or 1864 at or near Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, died 27 June 1937 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, who married 27 May 1885 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, Mary Jane "Jenny" Cunneyworth.


Thomas Barrington was born 10 May 1853 probably in the First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, son to John Barrington and Sarah McMullen, (to whom refer); christened 27 February 1854; died 30 May 1908 at Montr�al General Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; buried 1 June 1908 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Christena Susan "Tina" Murphy, (to whom he was married 12 October 1878 at the Episcopal Church, at or near Huntingdon Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec), was born 20 December 1851, daughter to John Murphy and ---; died 5 May 1925 at the residence of her son John Murphy Barrington, at or near Huntingdon Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec; buried 9 May 1925 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, (near Howick, Howick Municipality), Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) John Murphy Barrington, born 6 December 1880 probably at St. Urbain Premier Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 14 March 1881, died in 1947, who married 10 February 1904, Rosie Henderson; (2) David Barrington, born 9 November 1883, christened 11 November 1883, died in infancy, unmarried, 12 November 1883, buried 13 November 1883 at South Georgetown Cemetery, near Howick, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec.


Thomas Barrington was born 7 April 1854 at Montr�al, Montr�al Municipal District, Canada East, son to George Barrington and Isabella "Bella" Dow, (to whom refer); christened 28 May 1854 at Montr�al, Montr�al Municipal District, Canada East; died 26 July 1884 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; buried in July 1884 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. His wife Jeannie Greenshields Meikle, (to whom he was married 13 June 1877 in Qu�bec), was born 5 September 1854 in Canada East, daughter to Thomas Meikle and Margaret Woods; died 5 September 1914. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Meikle Barrington, born 2 May 1878 in Qu�bec, died 15 April 1953, who married 10 May 1905 at Westmount, Hochelaga County, Qu�bec, Maude Mary Thompson; (2) Isabella Dow Barrington, born 26 March 1881 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, christened 29 May 1881 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died 14 August 1971, who married 16 September 1908 at the bride's residence, 104 Villeneuve Avenue, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, Frederick Howard Gilroy; (3) George Wolseley Barrington, born 23 November 1882 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died 28 March 1950, who married 15 May 1925 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, Pauline Byrne Bryant.


Thomas Bennett Barrington was born 3 April 1892 or 10 April 1892 (depending upon sources) at or near Union Valley, Front of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Bennett Barrington and Alice Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), (to whom refer); died 4 July 1960; buried in July 1960 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom he was married 30 April 1912), was born 6 August 1895 at or near Solvay, Geddes Township, Onondaga County, New York, daughter to Edward John Jutton and Emma Isabella Hoyt; died 29 March 1945 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried in 1945 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Lucinda A. Barrington, born 6 February 1913 or 7 February 1913 (depending upon sources), died 9 February 2004, buried in 2004 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married, firstly, Edward Togni, and, secondly, Earl Switzer; (2) Edward John Jutton Barrington, born 3 September 1914, died 27 March 1993 or 27 May 1993 (depending upon sources), buried in 1993 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married Arlene Esther Wall; (3) Melvin Norman Barrington, born 10 November 1915 at or near Baldwinsville, Van Buren Township, Onondaga County, New York, died 13 March 1987, buried in March 1987 at Woodlawn Memorial Park, Gotha, Orange County, Florida, who married, firstly, Mary Mumper, and, secondly, Winifred May Ridgeway; (4) Lloyd Arnold Jutton Barrington, born 24 April 1917 or 24 August 1917 (depending upon sources), died 1 March 1986, buried in March 1986 at Byrd Cemetery, Locke, Locke Township, Cayuga County, New York, who married Roberta Arlene Hayes; (5) Violet Isabelle "Belle" Barrington, born 28 August 1919, died 1 October 2001, buried in October 2001 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married Louis Arthur Donahue; (6) Mildred Thelma Barrington, born 21 March 1923, who married Howard Nelson Hawker Sr.; (7) Estella Mae Barrington, born 13 November 1924, died in July 1981, buried in 1981 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married Leon E. Gilbert; (8) Thomas Bennett Barrington, born 7 May 1926, who married Doris Hawley; (9) Royal Robert Barrington, born 27 May 1927 or 27 August 1927 (depending upon sources), died 5 August 2008 at his residence, North Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, buried in August 2008 at North Syracuse Cemetery, North Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, who married in or about 1951 or 1952, Shirley May Revette; (10) Jane Barrington, who married Hank Fiore; (11) Carole Barrington who married --- Vargason; (12) a female child, name unavailable.


Thomas Bennett Barrington was born 7 May 1926, son to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer). His wife was Doris Hawley. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) Thomas Barrington, born 20 April 1949, died in 2007; (4) a female child, name unavailable; (5) a male child, name unavailable; (6) a male child, name unavailable; (7) a female child, name unavailable; (8) a female child, name unavailable; (9) a female child, name unavailable.


Thomas Charles Barrington was born 25 July 1962 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Donald Arthur Barrington and Shirley Luella Brown, (to whom refer). His wife was Victoria Allison. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Chester Barrington was born 17 February 1876 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to James Barrington and Ann Mary March, (to whom refer); christened 6 March 1876 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; died 24 March 1921 in consequence of injuries sustained in a fall; buried 26 March 1921 at Huntingdon Protestant Cemetery, at or near Huntingdon Town Municipality, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec. His wife was Martha Margaret Elizabeth Smellie, (to whom he was married 13 November 1907 at the residence of the bride's mother, Godmanchester Township, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec). This couple begat issue: (1) Sydney George Barrington, born 31 May 1910, christened 17 October 1910, who married 1 August 1936, his third cousin once removed Agnes Helen Gardner.


Thomas Elder Henry Barrington was born 25 January 1868, son to William Leadbeater Barrington and Caroline Catherine Stark, (to whom refer). His wife was Cornelia Worms, (to whom he was married in November 1901). This couple begat issue: (1) Cornelius Barrington, born 18 May 1902; (2) a male child, name unavailable.


Thomas George Barrington was born in or about 1863 or 1864 at or near Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, son to Thomas Barrington and Catherine Woodland, (to whom refer); died 27 June 1937 at Toronto, York County, Ontario. His wife Mary Jane "Jenny" Cunneyworth, (to whom he was married 27 May 1885 at Toronto, York County, Ontario), was born in or about 1866 or 1867, daughter to George Cunneyworth and Esther ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Arthur Edward Barrington, born 16 August 1887 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, who married 16 August 1911 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, Florence Emily "Flora" MacDonald; (2) Edwin George Barrington, born 15 December 1889 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, who married 21 June 1924 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, Mary McKay; (3) Frederick Norman Barrington, born 8 April 1895 at Toronto, York County, Ontario; (4) Edith May Barrington, born 5 September 1898 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, who married 17 April 1926 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, Thomas Smith; (5) William Francis Barrington, born 1 December 1900 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, who married 13 September 1924 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, Jeanne MacKay; (6) Harry Smedley Barrington, born 18 January 1904 or 24 January 1904 (according to some sources) or 10 February 1904 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Toronto, York County, Ontario; (7) George M. Barrington, born in August 1907 at West Toronto, York County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 29 February 1908 at Toronto, York County, Ontario.


Thomas John Barrington was born 1 April 1909 at Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to John Murphy Barrington and Rosie Henderson, (to whom refer); christened 2 July 1909 at or near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Eileen Telford Walker, (to whom he was married 3 July 1937 at the Presbyterian Church, West Montr�al, Hochelaga County, Qu�bec), was daughter to John Finlayson Walker and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Brian Walker Barrington, born 7 July 1939, christened 24 December 1939.


Thomas Meikle Barrington was born 2 May 1878 in Qu�bec, son to Thomas Barrington and Jeannie Greenshields Meikle, (to whom refer); died 15 April 1953. His wife Maude Mary Thompson, (to whom he was married 10 May 1905 at Westmount, Hochelaga County, Qu�bec), was daughter to William Thompson and Mary Hope; died in February 1968. This couple begat issue: (1) Lois Hope Barrington, born 28 June 1906 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, christened 3 October 1906 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec.


Thomas Samuel Barrington was son to George Barrington and Nancy Sabina (or Sophia) Hyndman, (to whom refer). His wife was Mabel Wade, (to whom he was married 25 May 1921). This couple begat issue: (1) George Harold Wade Barrington, born 20 August 1922, who married Leanna Elizabeth Carruthers; (2) Evron Barrington, who married Harold Liske; (3) Vivian Barrington, who married James Reid; (4) Joyce Barrington, who married Joseph Ludlow.


Thomas Townsend Barrington was born 29 May 1853 at Middlebury Township, Knox County, Ohio, son to Mark Barrington and Bethia Mosher Townsend, (to whom refer); adopted and brought up after the demise of his own parents by his uncle and aunt Thomas Barrington and Elizabeth Watson Townsend, (to whom also refer); died 24 July 1944 at his residence, 1247 Oxford Avenue, Altadena, Los Angeles County, California; buried 27 July 1944 at Mountain View Cemetery, Altadena, Los Angeles County, California. His wife Sarah Jane Webster, (to whom he was married 12 May 1887 at Centerdale, formerly known as Centredale, Center Township, Cedar County, Iowa), was born 26 March 1857 in Ohio, daughter to Charles Webster and Sarah Crozier; died 11 August 1932 at Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Edith M. Barrington, born 9 December 1889 at or near West Branch, Cedar County, Iowa, died unmarried 11 November 1984 at Los Angeles County, California, buried in November 1984 at Mountain View Cemetery, Altadena, Los Angeles County, California; (2) Ruth D. Barrington, born 4 November 1894 at or near West Branch, Cedar County, Iowa, died 25 October 1981 at Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California, who married 24 March 1919, Edmund Herman Lee.


Thomas William Barrington was born 9 April 1878 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to William Barrington and Mary Ann Henderson, (to whom refer); christened 9 June 1878 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife was Mae Dodge. This couple begat issue: (1) Irene Barrington; (2) Hazel Barrington; (3) Pearl Barrington; (4) Patricia Barrington.


Wallace Barrington was born 13 March 1909 or 23 March 1909 (depending upon sources) at Russell Township, Russell County, Ontario, son to John Bennett Barrington and Elizabeth Catherine Smith, (to whom refer); died 14 April 1976. His wife was Jean Twiname (Twyname or Twynham). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Walter Glynne Barrington was born 6 April 1912 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Wilson Simpson Barrington and Frances Jane "Jennie" Steacy (or Steacey), (to whom refer); died 29 October 1974 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario. His wife Viola Gertrude Rourke, (to whom he was married 9 May 1942), was born 25 September 1912; died 26 July 1989. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Jane Barrington, born 19 September 1947, bore out of wedlock, subsequent to divorce, by one Kenneth Little, one male and one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Mary Jane Barrington" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), who married ---, (from whom subsequently divorced); (2) Karen Ann Barrington, born 13 September 1950, who married 4 June 1988, Os Hoch.


Walter Howard Barrington was born 9 May 1872 or 9 May 1873 (depending upon sources) at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Philip Sidney Barrington and Elizabeth Shackleton (aunt to Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Officer of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society, an illustrious explorer of Antarctica, etc.), (to whom refer). His wife Louisa Simpson was born 23 May 1880, daughter to Thomas Simpson and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Eileen Louisa Eastwood Barrington, born 3 June 1899; (2) Selina Margaret Barrington, born 19 October 1901; (3) Thomas Walter Barrington, born 25 April 1903; (4) Philip Sidney Barrington, born 13 March 1905; (5) Ralph Dudley Barrington, born 27 November 1907; (6) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, stillborn in 1909; (6) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, stillborn in 1910.


Wellington Barrington was born 7 September 1865 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to James Barrington and Sarah Eliza Justus, (to whom refer); died 17 June 1928 at or near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of a few hours' suffering with acute indigestion; buried 19 June 1928 at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Margaret Ann "Maggie" Rowsom (or Rowsome), (to whom he was married 3 February 1892 at Merrickville, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 4 July 1858 or 4 July 1859 (depending upon sources) at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, daughter to Richard Rowsom (or Rowsome) and Sarah Rath; died 23 December 1942 at her residence at or near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Vida Hibernia (or Hybernia) Barrington, born 23 November 1893 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 15 August 1895 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in August 1895 at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Vernon Maxwell Barrington, born 29 March 1895 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 31 August 1895 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of diarrhea, buried in September 1895 at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Coral Faylene Barrington, born 21 February 1897 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, 5 September 1897 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of one week's suffering with milk infection, buried in September 1897 at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (4) Anna Vera Barrington, born 7 November 1899 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 4 November 1900 (according to some sources) or 7 November 1900 (according to some sources and her parents' statement) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 30 January 1963 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1963 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 18 March 1948 at Addison, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, William Adam Bennett; (5) Kenneth Rath Barrington, born 5 June 1902 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 29 June 1953 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1953 at Greenbank Cemetery, near Greenbank, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 4 September 1937 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Elma Caroline Weatherhead.


Wheeler Barrington (Justice of the Peace in and for County Down, etc.) was son to John Barrington and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom refer); died in or about 1836 or 1837. His wife was Eleanor Mary O'Neil (or O'Neill), (to whom he was married in 1793). This couple begat issue: (1) Charlotte Barrington, who married --- Nolan.


Wilford Harold Barrington was born 19 January 1911 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Samuel Wilford Barrington and Ella Grace McKerrow, (to whom refer); died 18 February 1957 at Calgary, Alberta. His wife Annie Isabel Williams, (to whom he was married 5 June 1937 at 5565 Canterbury Avenue, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was born 23 March 1910 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, daughter to Angus Hugh Williams and Mary Elizabeth McLeod; died in June 1977 at Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Dianne Barrington, born 18 May 1941 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, christened 7 September 1941 at the residence of her maternal (Williams) grandparents at 4971 Dorval Avenue, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married 2 March 1963, Robert Warren Taylor; (2) Gordon Bruce Barrington, born 8 April 1947 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, who married Bernice Gail Vallance.


William Barrington was son to Alexander Barrington and Katherine Boyle, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Catherine (or Katherine) Barrington, died in or about 1741 or 1742; (2) Samuel Barrington.


William Barrington was grandson probably to one of the six sons of Alexander Barrington and Katherine Boyle, (to whom refer), and brother to George Barrington who married Mary --- and died in 1753, (to whom also refer), as well as being considered grandfather probably to William Barrington, (to whom likewise also refer), who died in or about December 1799 or January 1800 (depending upon sources), and who married, firstly, --- Gainfort (or Gainford), and, secondly, in February 1785, Mary Atkin, becoming ancestor to the Barringtons of Ballyhegue. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue, at least: (1) James Barrington, who married in September 1763, Letitia Gray; (2) John Barrington.


William Barrington was grandson probably to William Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in February 1785, Mary Atkin, (to whom also refer); died in or about December 1799 or January 1800 (depending upon sources). His first wife was --- Gainfort (or Gainford). William Barrington and --- Gainfort (or Gainford) begat issue: (1) Edward Barrington, died unmarried in July 1817 or August 1817 (depending upon sources); (2) Richard Barrington; (3) Esther (Ester or Easter) Barrington, who married --- Mulroney (or Mulrony).


William Barrington was grandson probably to William Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); married, firstly, --- Gainfort (or Gainford), (to whom also refer); died in or about December 1799 or January 1800 (depending upon sources). His second wife Mary Atkin, (to whom he was married in February 1785), was daughter to William Atkin and ---. William Barrington and Mary Atkin begat issue: (1) William Barrington; (2) Margaret Barrington; (3) Thomas Barrington; (4) Ann Barrington; (5) Jane Barrington.


William Barrington was son to Mark Barrington and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was ---, (to whom he was married in 1787). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Barrington was born in or about 1772 or 1773, son to Richard Barrington and Maria Jane ---, (to whom refer); died in April 1849. His wife Eliza Ann (or Anne) Fowler died 6 December 1842. This couple begat issue: (1) Maria Jane Barrington, born 3 October 1812, died unmarried 1 April 1857; (2) Jane Barrington, born 9 April 1814, died unmarried 3 May 1882; (3) John Fowler Barrington, born 19 November 1815, died early, unmarried, 6 October 1825; (4) Martha Barrington, born in 1815, died early, unmarried, 20 April 1817; (5) Richard William Barrington, born in 1818, who married in or about 1849 or 1850, ---; (6) Frederick Atlantic Barrington, born 30 August 1819; (7) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, born 19 January 1821; (8) Thomas William Barrington, born 13 September 1823; (9) Eliza Ann (or Anne) Barrington, born 6 February 1828, who married in 1852, William Quin.


William Barrington was born in or about 1775 to 1778 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son probably to John Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died 13 September 1847 in Canada East; buried 14 September 1847 probably at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East. His wife Esther Britton, (to whom he was married in November 1807 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born in or about 1777 or 1778 at Askunshin Townland, Monart Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Richardson Britton and ---; died 27 March 1858 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth "Lizzie" Barrington, born in 1808 at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, christened 15 August 1808 at Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 5 June 1881 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 4 November 1836 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, James Whittal; (2) John Barrington, born in or about September 1810 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 28 February 1885 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, buried 3 March 1885 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 7 December 1841 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Municipal District, Canada East, Sarah McMullen; (3) William Barrington, born in or about October 1812 (not in 1813 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, christened 15 December 1812 at Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 3 May 1859 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, who married in or about 1841 or 1842 in Canada East, Margaret Millar; (4) Archibald Barrington, born 22 December 1814 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, christened 26 February 1815 at Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 25 October 1874 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, buried 27 October 1874 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 23 February 1841 at St. James' Anglican Church, Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Montr�al Judicial District, Canada East, Jane Todd; (5) Thomas Barrington, born in or about 1819 or 1820 in Ireland, who married 17 September 1856, Almira (or Elmira) Th�rien (or Th�rrien); (6) Jane Barrington, born in or about 1822 or 1823 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, died early, unmarried, 10 March 1840 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, buried 12 March 1840 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada.


William Barrington was son to John Barrington and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- and begat one male child William Barrington, born 12 July 1810 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 20 December 1879 at or near Bushey, Bushey Parish, Hertford County, England, who married in September 1840 at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, his second cousin Eliza (or Elizabeth) Barrington Leared; (2) Arabella Barrington.


William Barrington was born in or about 1797 or 1798 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son probably to James Barrington who married ---, (to whom refer); died 4 June 1867 at Leeds County, Canada West; buried 7 June 1867 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West. His wife Elizabeth (or Eliza) Mary Green (or Greene), (to whom he was married 31 July 1821 in Upper Canada), was born in or about 1803 or 1804 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; died 2 August 1886 (according to some sources) or 3 August 1886 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 4 August 1886 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Johanna (or Joanna) Barrington, born 6 October 1824 or 6 October 1825 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 7 July 1905 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in July 1905 at Hanton Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 7 January 1845, William J. Hanton; (2) Elizabeth (or Eliza) Barrington, born 6 March 1827 or 6 March 1828 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) or 16 July 1827 (according to Registers of St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Lamb's Pond, afterward known as New Dublin) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 14 June 1893, buried in June 1893 at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 17 October 1854 or 17 November 1854 (depending upon sources) at or near Greenbush, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, (with the Reverend John Wesley German, Wesleyan Methodist Church, officiating), Allan (or Allen) Earl; (3) William Barrington, born 19 November 1828 or 19 November 1829 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable), died probably unmarried 12 August 1874, buried in August 1874 at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (4) Margaret Barrington, born 19 April 1830 or 19 April 1831 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable), who married --- Henry; (5) Samuel Barrington, born 25 June 1830 or 25 June 1831 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable); (6) Hester (Hesther or Esther) Barrington, born 13 September 1834 or 13 September 1835 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) or 13 December 1834 (according to Registers of St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Lamb's Pond, afterward known as New Dublin) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, christened 28 July 1839, died 29 March 1903 at or near Dulcemaine, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1903 at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married John Fair; (7) James Barrington, born 10 December 1836 or 10 December 1837 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, christened 22 July 1838, died 27 July 1880 or 27 July 1881 (depending upon sources), buried 29 July 1880 or 29 July 1881 (depending upon sources) at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 29 December 1864 at Leeds County, Canada West, Sarah Eliza Justus; (8) Alice "Allie" Barrington, born 25 July 1838 or 25 July 1839 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, christened 3 November 1839, died unmarried 21 March 1905 on Concession 5, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of a "complication of diseases", buried in 1905 at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (9) Caroline Barrington, born 18 December 1842 or 18 December 1843 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township or at Kitley Township (depending upon sources), Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, christened 7 March 1843, died 11 January 1927 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of myocarditis following upon senility, buried in 1927 at Wolford Cemetery, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 28 December 1864 at Leeds County, Canada West, George Leacock (or Laycock); (10) Rebecca Barrington, born 3 May 1844 or 3 May 1845 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, christened 1 September 1844, died 28 April 1918 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of cardiac failure, buried in 1918 at Toledo-on-the-Hill Cemetery, Toledo, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 19 October 1870 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, John Leacock (or Laycock); (11) Charlotte Amelia Barrington, born 5 May 1846 or 5 May 1847 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) or 25 May 1846 (according to Registers of St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Lamb's Pond, afterward known as New Dublin), christened 13 August 1846.


William Barrington was born 12 July 1810 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to the one male child, name unavailable, of William Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died 20 December 1879 at or near Bushey, Bushey Parish, Hertford County, England. His wife (and second cousin) Eliza (or Elizabeth) Barrington Leared, (to whom he was married in September 1840 at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 3 April 1818, daughter to Richard Leared and Jane Barrington, (to whom also refer); died 3 August 1905 or 7 August 1905 (depending upon sources) at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Annie G. Barrington.


William Barrington was born in or about October 1812 (not in 1813 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to William Barrington and Esther Britton, (to whom refer); christened 15 December 1812 at Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; died 3 May 1859 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East; buried 6 May 1859 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East. His wife Margaret Millar, (to whom he was married in or about 1841 or 1842 in Canada East), was born in or about 1821 or 1822 in Lower Canada; died 22 December 1906 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; buried 29 December 1906 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) John Barrington, born 14 December 1843 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 29 January 1846, died unmarried; (2) Samuel Barrington, born 2 May 1845 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 5 February 1846 probably at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Canada East, died 23 June 1926 in Qu�bec, buried 25 June 1926 at New Cemetery, Dundee Township, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec, who married in or about 1888 or 1889, Agnes Millar; (3) Mary Jane Barrington, born 8 October 1847 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened in February 1848, who married 29 June 1869, David Biron Simpson; (4) a child, unnamed, sex unavailable, born in or about 1849 or 1850 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, in or about 1849 or 1850 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East; (5) Margaret Barrington, born 12 September 1852, christened 21 March 1853, died early, unmarried, 9 April 1856 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, buried 11 April 1856 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East; (6) William Barrington, born 9 December 1854 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 15 July 1855, died early, unmarried, 26 April 1856 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, buried 27 April 1856 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East; (7) Annie Barrington, born 2 October 1857 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, christened 10 February 1858 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, who married John Lyons.


William Barrington was son to John Alment (or Allment) Barrington and Serepta A. Squires, (to whom refer). His wife was Sarah ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Minnie Barrington.


William Barrington was born 6 February 1848 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, son to John Barrington and Sarah McMullen, (to whom refer); christened 19 March 1848; died 8 December 1929 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, buried 10 December 1929 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Mary Ann Henderson, (to whom he was married 26 February 1872 in Qu�bec), was born 18 December 1844 in Canada East, daughter to Thomas Henderson and Margaret ---; died 9 April 1923 in Qu�bec; buried 11 April 1923 in Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Jane Barrington, born 4 February 1873 at Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 6 June 1873 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died in 1945 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 9 June 1896, her first cousin John Edward Barrington; (2) John Henderson Barrington, born 25 March 1875 at Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 1 August 1875 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married Margaret Barr; (3) Thomas William Barrington, born 9 April 1878 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 9 June 1878 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married Mae Dodge; (4) Samuel Wilford Barrington, born 17 November 1882, christened 25 March 1883 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married Ella Grace McKerrow.


William Barrington was born 4 March 1872 at or near Farmersville (afterward known as Athens), Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Bennett "Ben" Barrington and Elizabeth Jane "Betty Jane" Glazier, (to whom refer); died in 1937 at Edmonton, Alberta; buried at Edmonton, Alberta. His wife Sarah Ellen "Sadie" Pritchard, (to whom he was married 5 June 1900 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in or about 1874 or 1875 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Pritchard and Martha ---; died 24 September 1956 at Edmonton, Alberta; buried 27 September 1956 at Edmonton, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) Martha Elizabeth Barrington, born 24 January 1908 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married A. E. Bedard; (2) Ruth Anna Barrington, born 1 December 1911 at Lot 7, Concession 8, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married T. Musto.


William Albert Barrington was born 4 August 1882 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, son to George Barrington and Mary Mitchell, (to whom refer); christened 19 October 1882 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. His wife was Annie Louise Fox, (to whom he was married 2 March 1909). This couple begat issue: (1) Ruth Annie Barrington, born 8 November 1911 at Toronto, York County, Ontario.


William Bennett Barrington was born 6 July 1868, son to Erasmus Barrington and Jane Kearns Deane Bennett, (to whom refer). His wife Elizabeth Andriah McDonnell Webb, (to whom he was married 21 June 1904), was daughter to John McDonnell Webb and Cornelia Martha Burne; married, firstly, Charles Kearns Deane Tanner. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William Bennett Barrington and Elizabeth Andriah McDonnell Webb.


William Boxwell Barrington was born in December 1801, son to Nicholas Barrington and Eliza Boxwell, (to whom refer); died 24 April 1880 at Kent County, England. His wife (and first cousin) Eliza Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1828), was granddaughter to John Barrington and ---, (to whom also refer), either through their son William Barrington or through another male child, name unavailable. This couple begat issue: (1) Eliza Augusta Barrington, born in or about 1828 or 1829 at or near Bombay (afterward Mumbai), Bombay District, Bombay Province, Bombay Presidency, British East India, died in April, May or June 1899, who married 21 March 1849 at Aden, Lahej Sultanate (afterward the Republic of Yemen), Charles John Cruttenden; (2) Amelia Laura Barrington, born 15 December 1830 at Ahmednuggur, Ahmednuggur District, Auzungabad Province, Bombay Presidency, British East India, who married 22 December 1852 at Belgaum, Belgaum District, Bejapoor (afterward Bijapur) Province, Bombay Presidency, British East India, Harry Octavius Horold; (3) Jane Maria Barrington, born 16 September 1832 at Poona (afterward Pune), Poona District, Bombay Province, Bombay Presidency, British East India, christened 26 February 1833 at Bombay (afterward Mumbai), Bombay District, Bombay Province, Bombay Presidency, British East India, who married 22 April 1861 at St. Peter's Church of Ireland (otherwise known as St. Peter's Parish Church), St. Peter's Parish, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, John Harvey Twycross; (4) Nicholas William Barrington, born in 1834 in Ireland, who married 6 June 1876 at St. Martin's Anglican Church, Kentish Town, Middlesex County, England, Sarah M. Twycross; (5) Maria Louisa Barrington, born 10 January 1836 at Broach, Broach District, Bombay Province, Bombay Presidency, British East India.


William Carlyle Barrington was born 23 January 1900 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, son to George Barrington and Nancy Sabina (or Sophia) Hyndman, (to whom refer); died in 1949. His wife Luella Olive Colquhoun was born in 1899; married, secondly, 23 February 1952, William Steacy Barrington, (to whom also refer). William Carlyle Barrington and Luella Olive Colquhoun begat issue: (1) George William Barrington, who married Eva Waffle; (2) Enid Yvonne Barrington, who married Ernest Robert Brown; (3) Donald Colquhoun Barrington, born in 1938, died 1 August 1994, buried in August 1994 at Wolford Cemetery, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Joan Farnell.


William Ernest Barrington was born 24 February 1933, son to John Watson Barrington and Edna Marion Beers, (to whom refer); christened 27 June 1933; married, secondly, 5 September 1975, Murielle Charpentier, (to whom also refer). His first wife Barbara Campbell, (to whom he was married in 1951), was born in 1932; died 16 February 1975; buried in 1975 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery, Upper Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec. William Ernest Barrington and Barbara Campbell begat issue: (1) John Barrington, born 29 December 1952, who married 10 September 1982, Line Bergeron; (2) Robin Barrington, born in 1955, died 9 December 2005 at Richmond, Le Val-Saint-Fran�ois Regional County Municipality, Estrie Administrative Region, Qu�bec, who married 7 December 1984, Heidi Barfuhs; (3) Janet Barrington, born in 1961, who married, firstly, in 1987, William Doyle, and, secondly, in September 2004, Jacques Greffe.


William Ernest Barrington was born 24 February 1933, son to John Watson Barrington and Edna Marion Beers, (to whom refer); christened 27 June 1933; married, firstly, in 1951, Barbara Campbell, (to whom also refer). His second wife Murielle Charpentier, (to whom he was married 5 September 1975), was born in 1948. William Ernest Barrington and Murielle Charpentier begat issue: (1) Jason Barrington, born in 1980, who married Isabelle ---; (2) Kelly Barrington, born in 1984.


William Francis Barrington was born 1 December 1900 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, son to Thomas George Barrington and Mary Jane "Jenny" Cunneyworth, (to whom refer). His wife was Jeanne MacKay, (to whom he was married 13 September 1924 at Toronto, York County, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) Harold Norman Barrington; (2) Audrey Barrington.


William George Barrington was born 24 September 1908, son to William Nelson Barrington and Helen Barbara "Nellie" Watson, (to whom refer); christened 18 August 1909; died 12 April 1982 en route to Sherbrooke Hospital, Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke County, Qu�bec; buried in 1982 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery, Upper Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec. His wife Mary Lestine Taber, (to whom he was married 3 September 1931), was daughter to Ernest D. Taber and Hattie Solomon; buried at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery, Upper Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Helen Elaine Barrington, born 28 March 1933 at or near Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, christened 23 July 1933, married, firstly, 29 June 1957 at Chalmers United Church, Richmond, Richmond County, Qu�bec, Herbert Coles, and, secondly, 15 July 1989 at Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi Regional County Municipality, Mont�r�gie Administrative Region, Qu�bec, Robert Buzzell; (2) Winnifred Mary Barrington, born 29 January 1938 at or near Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, christened 2 September 1938, who married, firstly, 23 December 1961, Robert John Fortin, and, secondly, in 2005, William Jenner.


(Sir) William Hartigan Barrington (3rd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) was born 4 October 1815, son to (Sir) Matthew Barrington (2nd Baronet, etc.) and Charlotte Hartigan, (to whom refer); died 14 July 1872. His wife Elizabeth Olivia Darley, (to whom he was married 14 March 1859), was born in or about 1828 or 1829, daughter to Henry Darley and Maria Louisa West; died in May 1907. This couple begat issue: (1) Maria Louisa Olivia Barrington, born in or about 1862 or 1863, died unmarried 19 August 1947; (2) Charlotte Jessy Barrington, born in or about 1871 or 1872 at Glenstal Castle, near Muroe Village, Abington Parish, Owneybeg Barony, Limerick County, Munster Province, Ireland, died 12 August 1951, who married 4 June 1901 at Abington Parish Church of Ireland, Abington Parish, Owneybeg Barony, Limerick County, Munster Province, Ireland, George Digby Scott (Chancellor of Christ Church Cathedral of the Church of Ireland, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, etc.).


William Henry Barrington was born 22 September 1866 at or near West Branch, Springdale Township, Cedar County, Iowa, son to George Barrington and Sarah Abbott Pearson, (to whom refer); died 5 March 1929 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California. His wife Ida May Switzer Hillerman, (to whom he was married 29 December 1887), was born 17 December 1868 at or near South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana; died 21 March 1960 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) George Herbert Barrington, born 25 September 1888, died 8 December 1929, who married 16 June 1915, Lottie Pettis; (2) Ralph Switzer Barrington, born 28 November 1894, who married Leona True; (3) Clarence Chester Barrington, born 15 July 1897, died in May 1977 at Tolleson, Maricopa County, Arizona, who married Laura Coberly; (4) Eva Coletta Barrington, who married Herbert C. Stroud; (5) Esther Rosetta Barrington, born 27 June 1904 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, died 24 January 2006 at Soldotna City, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska in her 102nd year, cremated in January 2006 and ashes buried at Kenai City Cemetery, Kenai City, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska, who married, firstly, Victor Lyonal "Leo" Tyler, and, secondly, Walter Peteet.


William Hill Barrington was born in 1877 at Oak Harbour, Whidbey Island, Island County, Washington, son to Edward Joseph Barrington and Christina Angela McCrohan, (to whom refer). His wife was Mildred Ward, (to whom he was married 7 July 1913 at Whitehorse, Yukon Territory). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Aarola.


William James Barrington was born 4 September 1823 at Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, son to John Barrington and Deborah Harper, (to whom refer); christened 12 October 1823 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada; fathered extramaritally, by one --- Wilson, one male child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "--- Wilson" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); died 17 January 1890; buried in 1890 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Eliza Davis, (to whom he was married in 1856 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Canada West), was born in or about 1821 or 1822; died 14 July 1900 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of seven or eight years' suffering with heart disease; buried in 1900 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. In addition to adoption of the Husband's abovementioned extramarital male child begotten by --- Wilson, (who, being a member by blood of the Barrington family, will be further noted and documented in these records), this couple also either adopted or begat one female child known as Mary Jane Barrington, born in or about 1857 or 1858, died early, unmarried.


William James Barrington was born 20 November 1856, son to Thomas Barrington and Ann Mulloy, (to whom refer); died 30 August 1930 at or near Russell, Russell Township, Russell County, Ontario. His wife Ida Melinda Gardner, (to whom he was married 9 February 1887), was born in or about 1862 or 1863; died 21 July 1929 or 22 July 1929 (depending upon sources) at or near Russell, Russell Township, Russell County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Edwin Barrington, born 21 May 1894 at or near Russell, Russell Township, Russell County, Ontario.


William John Barrington was born 18 January 1905 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, son to John Bennett Barrington and Alice Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), (to whom refer); died 11 January 1962 at Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York; buried in 1962 at Highland Cemetery, Marcellus, Marcellus Township, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Ethel Lauretta Wing, (to whom he was married 9 November 1915 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 29 Septenber 1898; died 30 July 1960; buried in 1960 at Highland Cemetery, Marcellus, Marcellus Township, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Dorothy Alice Barrington, born 5 June 1916, died 21 August 2002, buried in 2002 at Highland Cemetery, Marcellus, Marcellus Township, Onondaga County, New York, who married Arthur E. Frost.


William Leadbeater Barrington was born 20 January 1826 at 186 (afterward renumbered 202) Great Britain Street, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Edward Barrington and Sarah Leadbeater, (to whom refer); died 15 March 1903 in North America; buried in March 1903 at Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, District of Columbia. His wife Caroline Catherine Stark, (to whom he was married in 1853), was born 13 September 1831; died 20 April 1912; buried in April 1912 at Washington, District of Columbia. This couple begat issue: (1) Edward Barrington, born 18 February 1854, died in October 1902 in the United Mexican States in consequence of injuries inflicted when struck by a tram, who married 15 October 1891, Bessie Jones; (2) William Manliffe Barrington, born 25 December 1855, died 10 July 1911 at Manila, Manila Autonomous District, Philippine Islands Territory, who married in 1900, Alma Craig; (3) John Stark Barrington, born 15 September 1857, who married 10 September 1887, Emma Louisa Lewis; (4) Philip Frederick Barrington, born 14 October 1859, died 20 July 1910 in North America, buried in July 1910 at Washington, District of Columbia, who married 5 October 1900, May Worms; (5) Charles Valentine Barrington, born 29 March 1862, who married 2 April 1893, Kitty Whiting; (6) Arthur Barrington, born 11 October 1863; (7) Richard Leadbeater Barrington, born 12 October 1864, who married 18 September 1901, Mary Baldwin Whiting; (8) Francis Leopold Barrington, born 29 January 1866, died early, unmarried, 12 February 1869, buried in February 1869 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (9) Sarah Leadbeater Barrington, born 20 January 1867, died early, unmarried, 25 September 1867, buried in 1867 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (10) Thomas Elder Henry Barrington, born 25 January 1868, who married in November 1901, Cornelia Worms; (11) Caroline Guglielma Barrington, born 26 March 1869, died unmarried 15 September 1910 in North America, buried in September 1910 at Washington, District of Columbia; (12) Margaret Aurelia Barrington, born 2 February 1871, who married 30 January 1905, William Hayes Brown; (13) Horace Ganevet Barrington, born 25 April 1872, who married 31 July 1900, Thilda Bates; (14) Eugene Barrington, born 7 July 1873, who married 5 May 1901, Eva Worms.


William Leonard Barrington was born 4 September 1890 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to Samuel Barrington and Agnes Millar, (to whom refer); christened 8 May 1891 at Huntingdon County, Qu�bec; died 29 April 1945 at Verdun, Jacques Cartier County, Qu�bec. His wife Catherine MacLeod, (to whom he was married 20 December 1916), was born in 1891; died in 1961. This couple begat issue: (1) George Kenneth Barrington, born 6 January 1918, christened 9 June 1918, died in infancy, unmarried, 4 November 1918, buried 6 November 1918 at Mount Royal Cemetery, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (2) William Norman Barrington, born 19 April 1919, christened 6 July 1919; (3) Stewart Millar Barrington, born 8 April 1922, christened 11 June 1922; (4) John Gordon Barrington, born 24 November 1923 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, christened 8 January 1924 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec.


William Manliffe Barrington was born 25 December 1855, son to William Leadbeater Barrington and Caroline Catherine Stark, (to whom refer); died 10 July 1911 at Manila, Manila Autonomous District, Philippine Islands Territory. His wife was Alma Craig, (to whom he was married in 1900). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


William Nelson Barrington was born 18 February 1875 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Barrington and Sarah Eliza Justus, (to whom refer); died 28 February 1922 probably at or near New Rockland, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec; buried 2 March 1922 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery, Upper Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec. His wife Helen Barbara "Nellie" Watson, (to whom he was married 5 October 1904), was born 24 November 1873; died 16 July 1922 in consequence of anaemia; buried in July 1922 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery, Upper Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) John Watson Barrington, born 24 April 1906 in Qu�bec, christened 14 September 1906 in Qu�bec, died 15 November 1985 at Sherbrooke Hospital, Sherbrooke City Municipality, Estrie Administrative Region, Qu�bec, buried at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery, Upper Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Le Val-Saint-Fran�ois Regional County Municipality, Qu�bec, who married 28 June 1930 at the Parsonage, Crystal Springs United Church, 8301 Foucher Street, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, Edna Marion Beers; (2) William George Barrington, born 24 September 1908, christened 18 August 1909, died 12 April 1982 en route to Sherbrooke Hospital, Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke County, Qu�bec, buried in 1982 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cemetery, Upper Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, who married 3 September 1931, Mary Lestine Taber; (3) Helen Wilma Barrington, born posthumously 22 March 1922 at or near New Rockland, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, christened 4 August 1922 at or near New Rockland, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, afterward brought up by her uncle and aunt Joshua Johnston and Emma Eliza (or Elizabeth Emma) Barrington, (to whom also refer), died 13 November 2000, buried at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 18 January 1941 at Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Allan Arthur Peterson.


William Robert Barrington was born 5 February 1869 at Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to James Barrington and Ann Mary March, to whom refer); christened 10 July 1869 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; died 25 January 1902; buried 27 January 1902 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Annie May Hadley, (to whom he was married 5 December 1894 at West End Methodist Church, West Montr�al, Hochelaga County, Qu�bec), died 26 July 1903 at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; buried 28 July 1903 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Harold Clifford Barrington, born 24 May 1897 at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 27 October 1897.


William Steacy Barrington was born 7 March 1901 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Wilson Simpson Barrington and Frances Jane "Jennie" Steacy (or Steacey), (to whom refer); died 28 December 1962 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Luella Olive Colquhoun, (to whom he was married 23 February 1952), was born in 1899; married, firstly, William Carlyle Barrington, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William Steacy Barrington and Luella Olive Colquhoun.


Wilson Keble Barrington was born 16 September 1906 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Wilson Simpson Barrington and Frances Jane "Jennie" Steacy (or Steacey), (to whom refer); died 30 August 1998 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of Parkinson's Disease. His wife Ruth Beatrice Larmour, (to whom he was married 15 October 1932 at Morrisburg, Dundas County, Ontario), was daughter to George Ambrose Larmour and Edith Sophia Van Allen. This couple begat issue: (1) Barbara Jane Barrington, born 3 August 1934, who married 14 August 1953, Gordon James McBroom; (2) Patricia Mae Barrington, born 11 July 1944, who married 27 January 1968, Christopher Hall.


Wilson Simpson Barrington was born extramaritally 1 June 1864 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to William James Barrington (son to John Barrington and Deborah Harper) by one --- Wilson, (to whom refer in the entry labelled "--- Wilson" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); adopted by the said William James Barrington and his wife Eliza Davis, (to whom also refer); christened 18 June 1864 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, (with the Reverend T. Bedford Jones, Anglican Church, officiating); died 3 February 1947 at or near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1947 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Frances Jane "Jennie" Steacy (or Steacey), (to whom he was married 31 January 1898 at the Rectory, All Saints' Anglican Church, Redan, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 4 June 1872, daughter to William Steacy (or Steacey) and Mary Ann ---; died 2 May 1948; buried in May 1948 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Anna Eliza "Bessie" Barrington, born 15 September 1899 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 15 June 1992 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in June 1992 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 15 September 1927, Herbert Symond Klyne, secondly, 6 September 1936, Joseph Allan Murray, and, thirdly, 7 September 1963, George Henry "Harry" Clow; (2) William Steacy Barrington, born 7 March 1901 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 28 December 1962 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 23 February 1952, Luella Olive Colquhoun; (3) LouEdna Marguerite Barrington, born 21 December 1903 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 22 December 1996 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 24 December 1996 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 22 March 1927 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, John Robert McLennan (Alderman of The Town of Brockville, etc.); (4) Wilson Keble Barrington, born 16 September 1906 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 30 August 1998 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of Parkinson's Disease, who married 15 October 1932 at Morrisburg, Dundas County, Ontario, Ruth Beatrice Larmour; (5) Walter Glynne Barrington, born 6 April 1912 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 29 October 1974 at Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, who married 9 May 1942, Viola Gertrude Rourke.


Yorke Barrington was born in 1911 at Sydney, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, son to John Robert Barrington and Mary Ann Sparling, (to whom refer); died in March 1986. His wife --- MacKinnon was daughter to John MacKinnon and Elizabeth MacLean. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Madinsky; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Kokoski; (3) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- MacDonald; (4) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- MacDonald; (5) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Pretty; (6) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Hominick; (7) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Pettipas; (8) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Piercey; (9) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---; (10) Roderick Barrington, died 17 June 1983 at Sydney, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia.


Yorke A. Barrington was son to Edward Joseph Barrington and Christina Angela McCrohan, (to whom refer); died in 1900 at Seattle, King County, Washington. His wife was Anna Phillips. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Yorke Ainslie Walker Barrington was born 20 February 1816 in Prince Edward Island, son to Charles Barrington and Elizabeth Hayward Budd, (to whom refer); died 4 January 1893. His wife Matilda Mahon, (to whom he was married 27 January 1864 at Christ Church Anglican Church, Guysborough, Guysborough County, Nova Scotia), was born in 1845 at Guysborough, Guysborough County, Nova Scotia; died 31 August 1917. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Mary Yorke Barrington, born 26 December 1864, died 4 March 1944 at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia; (2) Sibella Annie Barrington, born 21 December 1867, died unmarried 17 December 1929 at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia; (3) Matilda Mary Budd Barrington, born 11 July 1870, died unmarried 27 May 1958 at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia; (4) Harriett Henrietta Barrington, born 16 July 1873, died 13 April 1930 at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia; (5) Fannie McLarty Barrington, born 4 October 1875, died in 1952, who married William Chirgwin; (6) Yorke Cottrell Barrington, born 25 July 1880, died in 1959 at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, who married Elma Livingston Rosborough; (7) John Edmond Fitzroy Barrington, born 21 July 1883 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, died 29 November 1941 at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia in consequence of injuries sustained in a fire at his residence.


Yorke Cottrell Barrington was born 25 July 1880, son to Yorke Ainslie Walker Barrington and Matilda Mahon, (to whom refer); died in 1959 at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia. His wife Elma Livingston Rosborough was born in 1891 at Halifax County, Nova Scotia, daughter to Samuel Rosborough and ---; died 26 February 1983 at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Yorke Henry Ainslie Barrington was born in or about 1851 or 1852, son to John Edwin Barrington and Helen Jane Catherine Pooley, (to whom refer); died 25 April 1930 at Framingham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. His wife Marion Elizabeth Jane Tutty, (to whom he was married 2 December 1876 at North Sydney, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia), was born in 1856 at North Sydney, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, daughter to John Robert Tutty and Margaret Watson; died in 1926. This couple begat issue: (1) John Robert Barrington, who married in 1906 at Antigonish County, Nova Scotia, Mary Ann Sparling; (2) Susan Purves Barrington, born 20 November 1879, died 4 April 1960, who married in 1905, Charles Burke; (3) Rachael Barrington, born in 1881, who married Ray McMillan; (4) Edward Sydney Barrington, born in 1884, died in 1963 at Sault Ste. Marie, Algoma District, Ontario, who married in 1911, Jean MacKenzie; (5) Richard Charles "Dick" Barrington, who married Winnifred MacLean; (6) Yorke Barrington; (7) Hilda Barrington, born 14 March 1899, died 27 April 1951, who married William Murphy.


Basil Herbert Barrington-Kennett (illustrious pioneer aviator, etc.) was born 19 November 1884, son to Brackley Herbert Barrington-Kennett and Eleanor (or Ellinor) Frances Austen, (to whom refer); died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., 18 May 1915 in the French Republic whilst serving as Major with the Grenadier Guards on assignment to the Royal Flying Corps; buried at Le Touret Military Cemetery, Richebourg-l'Avou�, Richebourg-l'Avou� Commune, Cambrin Canton, Bethune Arrondissement, Pas-de-Calais D�partment, Nord-Pas-de-Calais R�gion, the French Republic. His wife Rhoda Violet Cecil Hargreaves, (to whom he was married in January, February or March 1913), was born in 1889; died in 1977; buried in 1977 at St. Mary the Virgin's Anglican Churchyard, Barnsley, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough, Gloucester County, England. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Brackley Herbert Barrington-Kennett (Colonel of the Bodyguard to His Majesty King Edward VII., etc.) was born 30 March 1846 at or near Calais, Calais Arrondissement, Pas-de-Calais D�partment, Nord-Pas-de-Calais R�gion, the Kingdom of France, son to Vincent Frederick Kennett and Arabella Henrietta Barrington, (to whom refer); died in January, February or March 1919. His wife Eleanor (or Ellinor) Frances Austen (a noted author, etc.), (to whom he was married 15 January 1884), was daughter to F. L. Austen and ---; died in April, May or June 1933. This couple begat issue: (1) Basil Herbert Barrington-Kennett (illustrious pioneer aviator, etc.), born 19 November 1884, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., 18 May 1915 in the French Republic whilst serving as Major with the Grenadier Guards on assignment to the Royal Flying Corps, buried at Le Touret Military Cemetery, Richebourg-l'Avou�, Richebourg-l'Avou� Commune, Cambrin Canton, Bethune Arrondissement, Pas-de-Calais D�partment, Nord-Pas-de-Calais R�gion, the French Republic, who married in January, February or March 1913, Rhoda Violet Cecil Hargreaves; (2) Godwin Austen Barrington-Kennett, born in January, February or March 1886, who married, firstly, in July, August or September 1918, Beryl Eileen Malcolmson, and, secondly, in July, August or September 1946, --- Williams; (3) Victor Annesley Barrington-Kennett, born in July, August or September 1887, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., 13 March 1916 in the French Republic whilst serving as Major with the Royal Flying Corps, buried at Miraumont Communal Cemetery, Miraumont, Miraumont Commune, Albert Canton, P�ronne Arrondissement, Somme D�partment, Picardie R�gion, the French Republic; (4) Aubrey Hampden Barrington-Kennett, born in October, November or December 1890, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., 19 September 1914 or 20 September 1914 (depending upon sources) in the French Republic whilst serving as Second Lieutenant with the Second Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, buried at Vailly British Cemetery, Vailly-sur-Aisne, Vailly-sur-Aisne Commune, Vailly-sur-Aisne Canton, Soissons Arrondissement, Aisne D�partment, Picardie R�gion, the French Republic.


Godwin Austen Barrington-Kennett was born in January, February or March 1886, son to Brackley Herbert Barrington-Kennett and Eleanor (or Ellinor) Frances Austen, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in July, August or September 1946, --- Williams, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Beryl Eileen Malcolmson, (to whom he was married in July, August or September 1918). Godwin Austen Barrington-Kennett and Beryl Eileen Malcolmson begat issue: (1) Jean Violet Barrington-Kennett, born 23 March 1920 at Guildford, Guildford Municipal Borough, Surrey County, England, died in December 2008 at Nairobi Hospital, Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, the Republic of Kenya, cremated 26 December 2008 and ashes scattered at Nairobi Game Reserve, Rift Valley Province, the Republic of Kenya, who married, firstly, in July, August or September 1943, Peter Gainsford, secondly, 20 December 1952 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, Kenya Colony and Protectorate, Alexander Hyde Duder, and, thirdly, 23 November 1978 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, the Republic of Kenya, Myles Larcombe Hudspeth.


Godwin Austen Barrington-Kennett was born in January, February or March 1886, son to Brackley Herbert Barrington-Kennett and Eleanor (or Ellinor) Frances Austen, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in July, August or September 1918, Beryl Eileen Malcolmson, (to whom also refer). His second wife was --- Williams, (to whom he was married in July, August or September 1946). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Godwin Austen Barrington-Kennett and --- Williams are presently available.


John Bayly (Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born 30 November 1830, son to John Bayly and Catherine Yates; died 15 November 1890 or 15 November 1899 (depending upon sources). His wife Maryanne Charlotte Barrington, (to whom he was married 3 September 1857), was daughter to Daniel Barrington and Anne Williams, (to whom refer); died 31 July 1870 or 31 August 1870 (depending upon sources). This couple begat issue including: (1) Catherine Charlotte Bayly, died 3 April 1937, who married 2 August 1887, her second cousin John Beatty Barrington; (2) Florence Jane Bayly, died 16 June 1935 or 16 July 1935 (depending upon sources), who married 7 October 1890, her second cousin Croker Barrington.


John Bayly was born 24 August 1910, son to Richard Edmund Bayly and Anna Selina Waller. His wife Lorna Middleton Campbell, (to whom he was married 10 October 1944), was born 1 July 1921, daughter to Colin Algernon Campbell and Mary Charlotte Gladys Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) John Bayly, born 16 February 1946, who married 9 December 1972, Kathrin Else Luise Helmke; (2) Desmond Peter Bayly, born 9 October 1947; (3) Charlotte Mary Bayly, born 14 October 1949; (4) Anne Lorna Bayly, born 10 April 1959.


John Bayly was born 16 February 1946, son to John Bayly and Lorna Middleton Campbell, (to whom refer). His wife Kathrin Else Luise Helmke, (to whom he was married 9 December 1972), was daughter to Erich Helmke and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Kirsten Gerda Bayly, born 14 February 1975.


Joseph Beale. His wife Anne Shannon Penrose, (to whom he was married 2 July 1863), was born 10 July 1825, daughter to George Rooke Penrose and Anne (or Anna) Thacker, (to whom refer); died 16 August 1890. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Philip Beard. His wife Ellen (or Eleanor) Barrington, (to whom he was married in June 1723 Old Style or Julian or July 1723 New Style or Gregorian or in June 1724 Old Style or Julian or July 1724 New Style or Gregorian or in June 1725 Old Style or Julian or July 1725 New Style or Gregorian, depending upon sources), was born in or about 1695 or 1696, daughter to John Barrington and Dorcas Wheeler, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dorcas Beard.


William Beaumann (or Beaumont). His wife Charity French Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1796), was daughter to John Barrington and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Tenison Edwards, (to whom also refer). William Beaumann (or Beaumont) and Charity French Barrington begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- and died without issue.


--- Beaver. His wife Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, (to whom he was married in or about 1809 or 1810), was born 21 May 1791 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Isaac Barrington and Anne Power, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Grant Beaver. His wife Sheryl Templeton was daughter to John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Brittany Beaver; (2) Zachary Beaver.


A. E. Bedard. His wife Martha Elizabeth Barrington was born 24 January 1908 at or near Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to William Barrington and Sarah Ellen "Sadie" Pritchard, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Algernon Reginald Mowbray Bellairs was son to Gilbert Bellairs and ---; died 14 February 1939. His wife Constance Genevieve Blackall, (to whom he was married 11 July 1930), was born in September 1894, daughter to Henry Blackall and Isabella Emily Butler, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue, of whom no further records are presently available.


William Adam Bennett was born in 1898; died 10 September 1967 in Qu�bec; buried in September 1967 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Anna Vera Barrington, (to whom he was married 18 March 1948 at Addison, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 7 November 1899 (according to some sources and Registrar-General) or 4 November 1900 (according to some sources) or 7 November 1900 (according to some sources and her parents' statement) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Wellington Barrington and Margaret Ann Rowsom (or Rowsome), (to whom refer); died 30 January 1963 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1963 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


William Austin Bennett was born in 1892; died in 1979; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth May Patience was born a twin 19 May 1894, daughter to James Daniel Patience and Martha E. Earl, (to whom refer); died in 1966; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harold Elmer Berger was born 13 March 1901; died 9 August 1963. His wife Ethel Margaret Doolan, (to whom he was married 20 August 1927), was born 25 March 1901, daughter to Albert Doolan and Jennie Gibson, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) James Kent Berger, born 22 April 1931, who married 27 March 1954, Patricia Rae Prom, (from whom subsequently divorced 6 January 1970); (2) Virginia Jane Berger, born 13 September 1934, who married 20 June 1957, James Hunter Meriwether III.


James Kent Berger was born 22 April 1931, son to Harold Elmer Berger and Ethel Margaret Doolan, (to whom refer). His wife Patricia Rae Prom, (to whom he was married 27 March 1954 and from whom subsequently divorced 6 January 1970), was born 5 August 1933. This couple begat issue: (1) Karen Valerie Berger, born 27 July 1955.


Frank James Bernicky was born 23 March 1930. His wife Marina Vera Bryan, (to whom he was married 23 September 1952), was born 28 November 1934, daughter to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dale Marie Bernicky, born 30 May 1953; (2) Brian Francis Bernicky, born 28 April 1955.


Anson Berry was born 6 December 1860 on his paternal grandparents' farm at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to John Berry and Mary Ann Seeley; died 4 February 1930 at or near Virden, Manitoba; buried in 1930 at Virden Cemetery, Virden, Manitoba. His wife Margaret Jane Barrington, (to whom he was married 22 January 1879 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 10 February 1854 or 10 February 1857 (depending upon sources) at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Joseph Barrington and Norah (or Norry) Hannah Coughlin, (to whom refer); died 15 January 1924 at or near Virden, Manitoba; buried in 1924 at Virden Cemetery, Virden, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Frederick Anson Berry, born 5 May 1879 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 29 December 1943, who married 30 April 1910 at Grenville County, Ontario, Maggie Rubina Langtry; (2) Edward Hanlan Berry, born 11 October 1880 at or near North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 14 June 1963 at or near Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, who married 18 October 1905 at North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Bertha Davis; (3) Holland Rockwell Berry, born 14 March 1882 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died early, unmarried, 6 April 1897 on Concession 10, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of eight months' suffering with consumption (tuberculosis); (4) Lawrence Saxon Berry, born 18 March 1883 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 3 December 1960 at or near Virden, Manitoba, who married 12 December 1922 at Victoria, British Columbia, Fanny Rose English; (5) Lewis David Berry, born 25 April 1888 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 4 March 1947, who married 16 February 1911, Phillipina Lavina Brill; (6) Harcourt Berry, born 23 August 1891 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 17 July 1967, who married 12 April 1915 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Mary Tamisine Bernice Hinton.


Edward Hanlan Berry was born 11 October 1880 at or near North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Anson Berry and Margaret Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 14 June 1963 at or near Reston, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba. His wife Bertha Davis, (to whom he was married 18 October 1905 at North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 30 October 1883 at or near North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Buck Davis and Mary Sophia Jelly. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frederick Anson Berry was born 5 May 1879 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Anson Berry and Margaret Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 29 December 1943. His wife Maggie Rubina Langtry, (to whom he was married 30 April 1910 at Grenville County, Ontario), was born in or about 1884 or 1885, daughter to Robert Langtry and Martha Jane Hart. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harcourt Berry was born 23 August 1891 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Anson Berry and Margaret Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 17 July 1967. His wife Mary Tamisine Bernice Hinton, (to whom he was married 12 April 1915 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 13 October 1893 at Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to John Nelson Hinton and Alice Anne Edwards; died 12 September 1895. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Lawrence Saxon Berry was born 18 March 1883 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Anson Berry and Margaret Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 3 December 1960 at or near Virden, Manitoba. His wife Fanny Rose English, (to whom he was married 12 December 1922 at Victoria, British Columbia), was born 16 November 1909 at or near Kenton, Woodworth Rural Municipality, Manitoba. This couple begat issue: (1) Albert Berry, born 29 November 1924; (2) Barrington Berry, born 21 June 1926 at or near Cromer, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba; (3) Joyce Berry, born 24 September 1927; (4) Leone Berry, born 4 January 1929; (5) Robert Berry, born 15 February 1931; (6) Ruby Berry, born 9 October 1933; (7) Louise Berry, born 28 December 1938 at or near Virden, Manitoba, who married 29 December 1956 at Cromer, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba, Albert J. Croft.


Lewis David Berry was born 25 April 1888 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Anson Berry and Margaret Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 4 March 1947. His wife was Phillipina Lavina Brill, (to whom he was married 16 February 1911). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Claude Bertrem. His wife Margaret Earl was born 27 February 1932, daughter to Robert Cecil Earl and Charlotte Elizabeth Fair, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Donald Bielby. His wife Constance Jean Leacock was born 8 July 1947, daughter to Arthur Allan Leacock and Mary Lou Avery, (to whom refer); christened 14 September 1947. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George Biggis. His wife Gladys Somerville Stephens, (to whom he was married in 1907), was born 7 June 1886 at or near Le Mars, Plymouth County, Iowa, daughter to Nassau William Stephens and Georgiana Somerville, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert Biker married, firstly, ---. His second wife Frances Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1720 at or near Kilteale, Kilteale Parish, Stradbally Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was daughter to Thomas Barrington and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Nunn, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 7 May 1714 (Old Style or Julian) or 18 May 1714 (New Style or Gregorian) at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Andrew Jessop, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Robert Biker and Frances Barrington are presently available.


--- Birch. His wife Ann Barrington, (to whom he was married in or about 1815 or 1816), was born 22 December 1798 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Isaac Barrington and Anne Power, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Benjamin Blackall was son to Waltho Blackall and Elizabeth Barrington, (to whom refer); died 24 May 1828. His wife Anne Thorn was daughter to Edward Thorn and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Waltho Blackall, born 2 June 1796, died without issue; (2) Mary Blackall, who married her first cousin Waltho Blackall; (3) Nicholas Blackall, died without issue; (4) Catherine Blackall, who married Cornelius Hogan; (5) Elizabeth Blackall, who married 23 July 1834, John Page; (6) Jonas Blackall (President of The Limerick Institute, etc.), born in 1812, died 22 July 1888, who married Catherine Blackall.


Fitzgerald Blackall was son to Waltho Blackall and Elizabeth Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Margaret McNamara. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George Jonas Butler Blackall was born 1 October 1902, son to Henry Blackall and Isabella Emily Butler, (to whom refer). His wife Anne Mary Blackall, (to whom he was married 29 April 1947), was daughter to George Butler Blackall and Kathleen Mary O'Keeffe. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Henry Blackall was born 28 December 1851, son to Jonas Blackall and Catherine Blackall, (to whom refer); died 22 May 1931. His wife Isabella Emily Butler, (to whom he was married 1 September 1888), was born 18 May 1866, daughter to William Thomas Butler and Margaret McNamara; died 8 December 1939. This couple begat issue: (1) (Sir) Henry William Butler Blackall (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Queen's Counsel, Honourary Doctor of Laws from Dublin University, distinguished genealogist and Fellow of the Irish Genealogical Research Society, etc.) (Crown Counsel, Solicitor-General and Member of the Legislative Council for Kenya Colony, Crown Counsel for Nigeria Colony, Attorney-General for Cyprus Colony, Attorney-General, Member of the Legislative Council, Member of the Executive Council and Deputy Governor of Gold Coast Colony, afterward known as the Republic of Ghana, Chief Justice of Trinidad and Tobago Colony, Chief Justice of Hong Kong Colony, President of the West African Court of Appeals, President of the West Indian Court of Appeals, etc.), born 19 June 1889, died in 1981, who married 21 April 1934, Maria Severis; (2) Isabel Blackall, born 8 July 1890, died unmarried 9 September 1922; (3) Hilda Blackall, born 23 January 1892, died unmarried 1 November 1936; (4) Evelyn Augusta Blackall, born in August 1893, who married Cecil Branson; (5) Constance Genevieve Blackall, born in September 1894, who married 11 July 1930, Algernon Reginald Mowbray Bellairs; (6) Ethel Nora Blackall, born 29 October 1895, who married 25 April 1925, Richard George Rickman (Grand Juror for the County of Hampshire, etc.); (7) Clare Blackall, born 10 September 1897, died unmarried 19 January 1935; (8) Ida Blackall, born 27 August 1901, died unmarried 13 March 1926; (9) George Jonas Butler Blackall, born 1 October 1902, who married 29 April 1947, Anne Mary Blackall.


(Sir) Henry William Butler Blackall (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Queen's Counsel, Honourary Doctor of Laws from Dublin University, distinguished genealogist and Fellow of the Irish Genealogical Research Society, etc.) (Crown Counsel, Solicitor-General and Member of the Legislative Council for Kenya Colony, Crown Counsel for Nigeria Colony, Attorney-General for Cyprus Colony, Attorney-General, Member of the Legislative Council, Member of the Executive Council and Deputy Governor of Gold Coast Colony, afterward known as the Republic of Ghana, Chief Justice of Trinidad and Tobago Colony, Chief Justice of Hong Kong Colony, President of the West African Court of Appeals, President of the West Indian Court of Appeals, etc.), was born 19 June 1889, son to Henry Blackall and Isabella Emily Butler, (to whom refer); died in 1981. His wife Maria Severis, (to whom he was married 21 April 1934), was daughter to Demosthenes Severis and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Jonas Blackall (President of The Limerick Institute, etc.) was born in 1812, son to Benjamin Blackall and Anne Thorn, (to whom refer); died 22 July 1888. His wife Catherine Blackall was born in 1816, daughter to John MacMahon Blackall and Susan Butler; died 26 November 1889. This couple begat issue: (1) Nicholas George Blackall, born 29 July 1842, died in 1877, who married 26 June 1875, Jane Healy; (2) Susan Blackall, born 4 June 1843, who married 15 January 1867, Henry Hassett (Justice of the Peace, etc.); (3) John Blackall, born 5 August 1846, died unmarried in North America; (4) Catherine Blackall, born 11 September 1847, died unmarried; (5) Eliza Blackall, born 2 November 1848, died a nun, unmarried; (6) Jonas Blackall, born 5 August 1850, died in infancy in 1850; (7) Henry Blackall, born 28 December 1851, died 22 May 1931, who married 1 September 1888, Isabella Emily Butler; (8) Marcella Blackall, born 27 October 1853, died unmarried 16 September 1876.


Matthew Blackall was son to Waltho Blackall and Elizabeth Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Jane ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Waltho Blackall, born 17 February 1805, who married his first cousin Mary Blackall; (2) Jane Blackall, born and/or christened 30 March 1807.


Nicholas George Blackall was born 29 July 1842, son to Jonas Blackall and Catherine Blackall, (to whom refer); died in 1877. His wife Jane Healy, (to whom he was married 26 June 1875), was daughter to Terence Healy and Anna Walton. This couple begat issue: (1) Jonas George Blackall, born 16 March 1876, died unmarried 30 June 1938.


Waltho Blackall was son to John Blackall and Rachel Waltho. His wife Elizabeth Barrington was daughter to Benjamin Barrington and Anne Waltho, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Benjamin Blackall, died 24 May 1828, who married Anne Thorn; (2) John Blackall; (3) Fitzgerald Blackall, who married Margaret McNamara; (4) Matthew Blackall, who married Jane ---; (5) Elizabeth Blackall, died in 1828, who married 9 September 1810, John Haskett; (6) Catherine Blackall, who married in 1809, Joseph McDonnell.


Waltho Blackall was born 17 February 1805, son to Matthew Blackall and Jane ---, (to whom refer). His wife (and first cousin) Mary Blackall was daughter to Benjamin Blackall and Anne Thorn, (to whom also refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Matthew Blackall, died unmarried; (2) John Blackall, died unmarried; (3) Nicholas Blackall, died unmarried; (4) Waltho Blackall, died unmarried.


Edward T. Latham Blacker was born 7 January 1854; died 21 September 1888. His wife Emily Barrington, (to whom he was married 13 May 1878), was born 29 October 1854, daughter to Frederick Barrington and Emma Fitzmaurice, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 25 February 1890, John William Neilson, (to whom also refer). Edward T. Latham Blacker and Emily Barrington begat issue: (1) Ida Barrington Blacker, born 4 March 1879; (2) Frederick Blacker, born 19 May 1883, who married probably on the Australian continent, ---; (3) Maud Isobel Barrington Blacker, born 2 January 1887, who married 15 November 1911 at Edinburgh, Midlothian County, Scotland, George S. Smith.


Frederick Blacker was born 19 May 1883, son to Edward T. Latham Blacker and Emily Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was ---, (to whom he was married probably on the Australian continent). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Ford Blake was born 9 September 1905, son to Richard Blake and Lydia Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 9 October 1905; died 14 July 1970; buried in July 1970 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Emily Campbell was born 22 August 1902 at or near Yule, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Blake, born in 1942, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1942, buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Richard Blake was born 22 December 1876 at Leeds County, Ontario, son to Robert Blake and Ruth Warren; died in 1953; buried at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Lydia Barrington, (to whom he was married 24 January 1899 or 25 January 1899 or 24 June 1899, depending upon sources, at Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 27 June 1870 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to James Barrington and Sarah Eliza Justus, (to whom refer); died in 1965; buried in 1965 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Walter Blake, born 31 December 1899 at Leeds County, Ontario, christened 12 February 1900, died in 1962, buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Edith Wiltse; (2) William Henry Blake, born 21 January 1902 at Leeds County, Ontario, christened 12 August 1902, died in infancy, unmarried, 16 August 1902 on Concession 11, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of meningitis, buried 18 August 1902 at St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (3) Richard Mansell Blake, born 16 September 1903 at Leeds County, Ontario, christened 16 November 1903, died in 1964, buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 20 August 1924 at or near Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Edna Irene Pettem; (4) James Ford Blake, born 9 September 1905, christened 9 October 1905, died 14 July 1970, buried in July 1970 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Emily Campbell; (5) Leita Ruth Blake, born 30 September 1907 on Concession 10, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, christened 3 January 1908, died 6 March 1981 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1981 at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 26 June 1929 at the Anglican Rectory, North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Lloyd McDowell Giffin.


Richard Mansell Blake was born 16 September 1903 at Leeds County, Ontario, son to Richard Blake and Lydia Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 16 November 1903; died in 1964; buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Edna Irene Pettem, (to whom he was married 20 August 1924 at or near Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 4 May 1901; died 19 December 1982 at Queensway Hospital, Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario; buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Edward Mansell Blake, christened 18 July 1926 at St. James' Anglican Church, Jellyby, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 12 February 1944 at the Parslow residence near Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Helen Parslow; (2) Allan George Blake, born 26 November 1929, christened 11 March 1930.


Robert Walter Blake was born 31 December 1899 at Leeds County, Ontario, son to Richard Blake and Lydia Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 12 February 1900; died in 1962; buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Edith Wiltse was born in 1906; died in 1999; buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Blake, who married Garnet Thompson.


Henry Alfred Blumenfeld was born 17 September 1954. His wife Charlotte Elaine Coles, (to whom he was married 27 July 1991 at Emmanuel United Church, Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi Regional County Municipality, Mont�r�gie Administrative Region, Qu�bec), was born 31 March 1962 at Sherbrooke General Hospital, Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke County, Qu�bec, daughter to Herbert Coles and Helen Elaine Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Summer Elaine Blumenfeld, born 8 August 1992 at Brome Missisquoi Perkins Hospital, Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi Regional County Municipality, Mont�r�gie Administrative Region, Qu�bec; (2) Lucas Cole Blumenfeld, born 2 November 1994 at Brome Missisquoi Perkins Hospital, Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi Regional County Municipality, Mont�r�gie Administrative Region, Qu�bec; (3) Rickie-Lee Dianna Blumenfeld, born 13 July 1997 at Brome Missisquoi Perkins Hospital, Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi Regional County Municipality, Mont�r�gie Administrative Region, Qu�bec.

BOND, --- / SOOLE, ---

--- Bond. His wife --- Soole was daughter to David Mowbray Soole and Violet Louise Astley, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frederick Lewis Maitland Boothby (Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, etc.) was son to Alexander Cunningham Boothby and Madeline Maitland-Heriot; died 3 January 1940. His wife (Lady) May Katherine Leila Pery, (to whom he was married 22 October 1908), was born 3 May 1880, daughter to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) William Hale John Charles Pery (3rd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Isabella Colquhoun, (to whom refer); died 29 June 1959. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George Edward Botting was born 21 October 1881 at or near Chilworth, Guildford Municipal Borough, Stoke by Guildford Parish, Surrey County, England, son to Thomas Botting and Elizabeth Tidy; died 3 October 1940 at Victoria, British Columbia in consequence of pulmonary tuberculosis; buried 7 October 1940 at Royal Oak Burial Park, Victoria, British Columbia. His wife Mary Maude Roberts, (to whom he was married 4 February 1913 at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Nelson, British Columbia), was born 12 August 1887 probably at or near Otterford, Otterford Parish, Somerset County, England, daughter to Charles Blisett Roberts and Beatrice Emma (or Ellen) Astley, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Boulden was born at Port Hope, Northumberland County, Ontario. His wife Geralda Savage "Dede" Webb, (to whom he was married 20 May 1960), was born 31 August 1932 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, daughter to Herbert H. Webb and Geralda Savage, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jane Louise Boulden, born 1 April 1962; (2) Eric Matthew Boulden, born 13 December 1964.


Frederick Warren Bowen was born 11 March 1961. His wife Sally Marie Templeton, (to whom he was married 8 August 1992), was born 7 January 1966 in Alberta, daughter to William Lincoln Templeton and Eva Mary Heaver, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jesse William Templeton Bowen, born 31 March 1996; (2) Zoe Marie Grace Bowen, born 22 December 1997.


Francis Harvey Boxwell was born in 1874, son to John Harvey Boxwell and Jane Williams; died in 1936. His wife Sarah "Sadie" Leared, (to whom he was married in 1900), was born 9 October 1869 or 19 October 1869 (depending upon sources), daughter to Richard Hughes Leared and Sarah Mary Boxwell, (to whom refer); died in September 1944. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married Alan Holcroft; (3) a female child, name unavailable; (4) a female child, name unavailable.


William Boxwell was born 28 August 1832 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Samuel Boxwell and Susan Richards; died 30 June 1916. His wife Jane Deborah Barrington, (to whom he was married 3 October 1861 or 3 October 1870, depending upon sources, at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born in 1838, daughter to John Barrington and Jane Frances Tinkler, (to whom refer); died 12 June 1922. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Cox Brady was son to Anthony Brady and ---; died in 1927. His wife (Lady) Victoria May Pery, (to whom he was married 14 October 1914), was born 4 May 1893, daughter to (The Right Honourable) William Henry Edmund deVere Sheaffe Pery (4th Earl of Limerick, etc.) and May Imelda Josephine Irwin, (to whom refer); died 27 December 1918. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Cecil Branson. His wife Evelyn Augusta Blackall was born in August 1893, daughter to Henry Blackall and Isabella Emily Butler, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


Francis Earl Brayton was born 17 May 1937. His wife Helen Barbara Peterson, (to whom he was married 15 August 1959 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Addison, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 5 August 1941, daughter to Allan Arthur Peterson and Helen Wilma Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Timothy Earl Brayton, born 17 October 1961 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 27 May 1987 at Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Ruth Flood; (2) Theodore Allan Brayton, born 25 October 1963 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Lynn ---, and, secondly, 27 July 1985 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, Trudy G. Scott; (3) Thomas Robert Dwight Brayton, born 30 May 1966 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 13 August 1994 at St. John Bosco Roman Catholic Church, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Debra Pyke; (4) Todd Gordon Brayton, born 3 December 1969 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 14 February 1992 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Elizabeth Lynn Daw.


Theodore Allan Brayton was born 25 October 1963 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Francis Earl Brayton and Helen Barbara Peterson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 27 July 1985 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, Trudy G. Scott, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Lynn ---. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Theodore Allan Brayton and Lynn ---.


Theodore Allan Brayton was born 25 October 1963 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Francis Earl Brayton and Helen Barbara Peterson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Lynn ---, (to whom also refer). His second wife Trudy G. Scott, (to whom he was married 27 July 1985 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 20 August 1962 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. Theodore Allan Brayton and Trudy G. Scott begat issue: (1) Joshua Ted Brayton, born 30 June 1987 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Joel Ronald Brayton, born 2 May 1989 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Thomas Robert Dwight Brayton was born 30 May 1966 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Francis Earl Brayton and Helen Barbara Peterson, (to whom refer). His wife Debra Pyke, (to whom he was married 13 August 1994 at St. John Bosco Roman Catholic Church, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 5 March 1972 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Nicholas Thomas Brayton, born 27 March 1999 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Rachel Victoria Brayton, born 3 February 2001 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Timothy Earl Brayton was born 17 October 1961 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Francis Earl Brayton and Helen Barbara Peterson, (to whom refer). His wife Ruth Flood, (to whom he was married 27 May 1987 at Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 20 April 1962 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Ryan Timothy Brayton, born 19 December 1990 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Sarah Lynn Brayton, born 17 March 1993 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Todd Gordon Brayton was born 3 December 1969 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Francis Earl Brayton and Helen Barbara Peterson, (to whom refer). His wife Elizabeth Lynn Daw, (to whom he was married 14 February 1992 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 4 August 1969 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Summer Elizabeth Brayton, born 7 September 1996 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Jacob Matthew Earl Brayton, born 15 April 1998 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Jesse Ronald Todd Brayton, born 8 August 2000 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Alphonse Brenna. His wife Marion Barrington was daughter to Harry Barrington and Gertrude "Googie" LeBlanc, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert Bridge was born 29 August 1813 in England; died 2 September 1891. His wife Olivia Maria Barrington was born 15 January 1823, daughter to Charles Barrington and Elizabeth Hayward Budd, (to whom refer); died 8 May 1900. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Clarence Briggs. His wife Helen Oneita (or Oneida) Umdenstock was born 28 December 1900, daughter to Ernest Charles Umdenstock and Eva Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 24 December 1923, Daniel Isaac Marker, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Clarence Briggs and Helen Oneita (or Oneida) Umdenstock are presently available.


Allan Brown was born in 1964, son to Gordon Denis Brown and Marjorie Doris Giffin, (to whom refer). His wife Tracy Sawyer was born in 1974. This couple begat issue: (1) Samantha Brown, born antenuptially in 1991; (2) Jordyn Alysha Brown, born 4 February 2005 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Camryn Ashleigh Brown, born 6 January 2007 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Charles Brown was born 23 August 1839 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, son to Richard Brown and Sibella Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer); died 13 February 1917 at London, London City County, England. His wife was Clara Mavor, (to whom he was married 8 January 1881 at London, Middlesex County, England). This couple begat issue: (1) Percy Brown; (2) Charles Brown, who married ---; (3) Hugh Brown.


Charles Brown was son to Charles Brown and Clara Mavor, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Quinlan.


David Brown was son to Gordon Denis Brown and Marjorie Doris Giffin, (to whom refer). His wife was Valerie ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


David Andrew Robert Murray Brown was son to Charles Murray Brown and ---. His wife Margaret Jane Kennedy, (to whom he was married 4 January 1964), was born 21 May 1937, daughter to Robert Kennedy and Catherine Frances Gregory, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robin David Brown, born 10 October 1964; (2) Belinda Jane Brown, born 20 December 1966.


David Edward Brown was born 1 July 1841 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Sydney County, Nova Scotia, son to Richard Brown and Sibella Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer); died 6 November 1906 at London, London City County, England. His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Gerald Brown.


Ernest Robert Brown. His wife Enid Yvonne Barrington was daughter to William Carlyle Barrington and Luella Olive Colquhoun, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Paul William Brown, who married his distant cousin Karen Leacock; (2) Brenda Joanne Brown; (3) Aaron Robert Brown.


Gordon Denis Brown was born 31 October 1936 at or near Carley's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; died 23 May 2002 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in May 2002 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Marjorie Doris Giffin, (to whom he was married 8 October 1955), was born 13 March 1935, daughter to Lloyd McDowell Giffin and Leita Ruth Blake, (to whom refer); christened 7 September 1936. This couple begat issue: (1) Cecil Brown; (2) David Brown, who married Valerie ---; (3) Allan Brown, born in 1964, who married Tracy Sawyer; (4) Timothy Brown, who married Danielle ---; (5) Donna Brown, who married Darcy Roadhouse; (6) Heather Brown, who married Thomas Baker; (7) Gloria Brown, who married Blake Perry.


Henry Yorke Lyell Brown was born 23 August 1843 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Sydney County, Nova Scotia, son to Richard Brown and Sibella Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer); died 22 November 1928 at Adelaide, South Australia State, the Commonwealth of Australia. His wife was Madge Thompson, (to whom he was married in 1912). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable.


John Brown was born 23 March 1868 at or near Howick, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Margaret Gardner, (to whom he was married 11 January 1899 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was born 21 August 1865 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, daughter to John Riddell Gardner and Amelia Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 8 October 1865 at the Presbyterian Church, St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East; died 16 May 1913 at Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; buried 18 May 1913 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Viola Brown, born 29 November 1901 at Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 21 February 1902 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married Clarence Kerr; (2) Winifred Amelia Brown, born 23 June 1903 at Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 15 October 1903 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died 27 July 2001 at Kissimmee, Osceola County, Florida, who married 2 November 1931 at Elm Bank, near Howick, Howick Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, Archibald James Ferguson; (3) Lillian Brown, born 16 April 1905 at Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, christened 27 June 1905 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married Bruce Chisholm.


Paul William Brown was son to Ernest Robert Brown and Enid Yvonne Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife (and distant cousin) Karen Leacock was daughter to Arthur Allan Leacock and Mary Lou Avery, (to whom also refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Brown; (2) Kristina Brown.


Richard Brown was born 2 May 1805 at Lowther Parish, Cumberland County, England; died 30 October 1882 at London, Middlesex County, England. His wife Sibella Margaret Barrington was daughter to Charles Barrington and Elizabeth Hayward Budd, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret Sibella Brown, born 17 February 1836, died early, unmarried, 7 July 1854 at Lowther Parish, Cumberland County, England; (2) Richard Henry Brown, born 13 November 1837 at Bayswater, London, Middlesex County, England, died 20 February 1920 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, who married 23 November 1864 at Pictou, Pictou County, Nova Scotia, Barbara Davison; (3) Charles Brown, born 23 August 1839 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, died 13 February 1917 at London, London City County, England, who married 8 January 1881 at London, Middlesex County, England, Clara Mavor; (4) David Edward Brown, born 1 July 1841 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Sydney County, Nova Scotia, died 6 November 1906 at London, London City County, England, who married ---; (5) Henry Yorke Lyell Brown, born 23 August 1843 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Sydney County, Nova Scotia, died 22 November 1928 at Adelaide, South Australia State, the Commonwealth of Australia, who married in 1912, Madge Thompson; (6) Sibella Harriett Brown, born 11 January 1847 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Sydney County, Nova Scotia, died unmarried 16 April 1911 in England.


Richard Henry Brown was born 13 November 1837 at Bayswater, London, Middlesex County, England, son to Richard Brown and Sibella Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer); died 20 February 1920 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. His wife Barbara Davison, (to whom he was married 23 November 1864 at Pictou, Pictou County, Nova Scotia), was born 25 September 1842; died 28 October 1898 at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia. This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret Sibella Brown, born 2 March 1866 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, died 15 November 1961 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia; (2) Elizabeth Purves Brown, born 2 March 1866 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, died 29 June 1951 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia; (3) Annie Ethel Brown, born 17 April 1869 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, died in 1918, who married in 1892, Lewis Wilkieson Johnstone; (4) Richard Charles Brown, born 31 May 1872 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, died in 1928 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia; (5) Lillian Jane Seward Brown, born 16 August 1878 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, died in 1928 at Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia.


Timothy Brown was son to Gordon Denis Brown and Marjorie Doris Giffin, (to whom refer). His wife was Danielle ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Hayes Brown. His wife Margaret Aurelia Barrington, (to whom he was married 30 January 1905), was born 2 February 1871, daughter to William Leadbeater Barrington and Caroline Catherine Stark, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Caroline Catherine Brown, born 21 January 1906; (2) William Hayes Brown, born in August 1907; (3) Henry Barrington Brown, born 14 November 1908; (4) a female child, name unavailable, born 15 July 1910, died in infancy, unmarried, 31 December 1910; (5) a male child, name unavailable, born 10 April 1912.


Donald Harold Bryan was born 2 August 1932, son to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Betty Fader, (to whom also refer). His first wife Cora Arvilla Mercer, (to whom he was married 28 October 1949 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 6 November 1928. Donald Harold Bryan and Cora Arvilla Mercer begat issue: (1) Harold Orville Bryan, born 24 May 1950, who married 5 August 1972, Glenda Susanne Haining; (2) Paul Donald Bryan, born 30 October 1951; (3) Garry Wayne Bryan, born 18 November 1952; (4) Robert Kent Bryan, born 29 July 1955.


Donald Harold Bryan was born 2 August 1932, son to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 28 October 1949, Cora Arvilla Mercer, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife was Betty Fader. Donald Harold Bryan and Betty Fader begat issue: (1) Shawn Bryan, born 20 August 1969.


Elmer Jacob Bryan was born 23 July 1898, son to William Jacob Bryan and Margaret Ann Moorehead, (to whom refer); died 17 November 1971; buried at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife E. Winnifred Steacy, (to whom he was married 3 November 1920), was born in or about 1900 or 1901. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Elswood Gordon Bryan was born 26 May 1906, son to William Jacob Bryan and Margaret Ann Moorehead, (to whom refer). His wife Beatrice Mae Smith, (to whom he was married 11 December 1929), was born in or about 1903 or 1904; died 28 November 1971; buried at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Douglas Eric Bryan, born 7 October 1938; (2) Margaret Elaine Bryan, born 18 June 1942; (3) Bruce Garnet Bryan, born 7 April 1946.


Harold Orville Bryan was born 24 May 1950, son to Donald Harold Bryan and Cora Arvilla Mercer, (to whom refer). His wife Glenda Susanne Haining, (to whom he was married 5 August 1972), was born in January 1949. This couple begat issue: (1) Erica Bryan, who married ---.


Harold Thomas Bryan was born 24 April 1912. His wife Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom he was married 19 December 1928 at Toronto, York County, Ontario), was born 30 September 1910 in Ontario, daughter to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jean Marie Bryan, born antenuptially 17 September 1928, who married Wilfrid Leeder; (2) William Douglas Bryan, born 2 November 1930, died 2 February 2012 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 6 February 2012 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 23 September 1950, Faye Wilkins; (3) Donald Harold Bryan, born 2 August 1932, who married, firstly, 28 October 1949, Cora Arvilla Mercer, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Betty Fader; (4) Marina Vera Bryan, born 28 November 1934, who married 23 September 1952, Frank James Bernicky; (5) Bette Wilhelmine Bryan, born 7 November 1937, who married 12 October 1957, John James Wilkinson.


Thomas Bedford Bryan was born 8 March 1871, son to William Peter Bryan and Deborah A. Doolan, (to whom refer); died 20 February 1952; buried in 1952 at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Christena Morris, (to whom he was married 28 February 1905), was born 24 November 1883; died 16 June 1956; buried in June 1956 at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name, if any, unavailable, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried; (2) Mary Jane Bryan, born 23 November 1912, who married 6 January 1932, George Gates.


William Douglas Bryan was born 2 November 1930, son to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer); died 2 February 2012 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 6 February 2012 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife was Faye Wilkins, (to whom he was married 23 September 1950). This couple begat issue: (1) Valerie Dianne Bryan, born 30 March 1952, who married Gerald Doherty; (2) Vicki Lynne Bryan, born 24 June 1955, who married Donald Crate; (3) Catherine Mary Bryan, born 28 August 1958, who married Kenneth Knapp.


William Jacob Bryan was born 12 April 1863, son to William Peter Bryan and Deborah A. Doolan, (to whom refer); died 31 August 1945; buried in September 1945 at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Margaret Ann Moorehead, (to whom he was married 11 October 1893), was born in 1870; died in 1954; buried at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Lenna Bryan, born 19 April 1895 at or near Lyndhurst, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 13 February 1976 at St. Mary's of the Lake Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, who married 15 September 1920, Hubert A. McNeely; (2) Elmer Jacob Bryan, born 23 July 1898, died 17 November 1971, buried at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 3 November 1920, E. Winnifred Steacy; (3) Elswood Gordon Bryan, born 26 May 1906, who married 11 December 1929, Beatrice Mae Smith; (4) Helen Jane Bryan, born 25 June 1910, who married 25 September 1935, Herbert Burtch.


William Peter Bryan was born 1 September 1829; died 28 February 1910. His wife Deborah A. Doolan, (to whom he was married 10 April 1862), was born 21 November 1838 in the Dobbs Settlement, Yonge Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to William Doolan and Mary Barrington, (to whom refer); died 30 December 1924 or 30 December 1925 (depending upon sources); buried at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William Jacob Bryan, born 12 April 1863, died 31 August 1945, buried in September 1945 at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 11 October 1893, Margaret Ann Moorehead; (2) Mary Ann Bryan, born 10 November 1864, died 24 March 1944, who married 7 August 1889, Luther E. Murphy; (3) Thomas Bedford Bryan, born 8 March 1871, died 20 February 1952, buried in 1952 at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 28 February 1905, Christena Morris; (4) Albert Edward Bryan, born 10 January 1876, died in infancy, unmarried, 22 September 1876, buried in September 1876 at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (5) Sarah Eliza Bryan, born 12 November 1877, died in infancy, unmarried, 25 October 1878, buried at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (6) Sarah Alice "Sadie" Bryan, born 12 March 1880, died 25 January 1965, who married 3 December 1902, Samuel Chipman.


Edward de Courcy Bryant was born 8 May 1951, son to Edward James Bryant and Suzanne de Courcy, (to whom refer). His wife Frances Newton, (to whom he was married in 1982), was daughter to Guy Newton and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edward James Bryant was son to Edward B. Bryant and ---. His wife Suzanne de Courcy, (to whom he was married 16 October 1948), was born 17 October 1923, daughter to John Arthur Gerald de Courcy and Anna Felicia Wright, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Edward de Courcy Bryant, born 8 May 1951, who married in 1982, Frances Newton; (2) David de Courcy Bryant, born 7 August 1954, died 2 December 2002.


Brian Budynsky. His wife Heather Leigh Barrington was daughter to Donald Colquhoun Barrington and Joan Farnell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dana Budynsky.

BURKE, --- / ---

--- Burke was son to Charles Burke and Susan Purves Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


Charles Burke. His wife Susan Purves Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1905), was born 20 November 1879, daughter to Yorke Henry Ainslie Barrington and Marion Elizabeth Jane Tutty, (to whom refer); died 4 April 1960. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---; (2) John Barrington Burke, born in July 1907, died in 1947; (3) a male child, name unavailable; (4) a male child, name unavailable; (5) a male child, name unavailable; (6) a male child, name unavailable; (7) a female child, name unavailable.


Elmer Raymond Burnham was born in 1912; died 13 August 1964. His wife Margaret Sarah Christina Barrington, (to whom he was married 26 October 1935 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 26 April 1914 at or near Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, daughter to Bryce Bennett Barrington and Christina Lawson, (to whom refer); died 24 April 2006. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Burns. His wife Mary Barrington was daughter to John Robert Barrington and Mary Ann Sparling, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable; (4) a female child, name unavailable; (5) a female child, name unavailable; (6) a female child, name unavailable; (7) a male child, name unavailable; (8) a male child, name unavailable; (9) a male child, name unavailable.


Peter Burrowes. His wife Catherine Otway, (to whom he was married in 1837), was born in or about 1816 or 1817, daughter to William Loftus Otway and Sibella (or Sybella) Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a child, name and sex unavailable; (2) a child, name and sex unavailable; (3) a child, name and sex unavailable; (4) a child, name and sex unavailable; (5) a child, name and sex unavailable; (6) a child, name and sex unavailable.


Herbert Burtch. His wife Helen Jane Bryan, (to whom he was married 25 September 1935), was born 25 June 1910, daughter to William Jacob Bryan and Margaret Ann Moorehead, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sheila Marlene Burtch, born 30 April 1938, who married Wayne Sly; (2) Sharon Rochelle Burtch, born 9 May 1939, who married Earl Lake; (3) Sylvia Helen Burtch, born 16 July 1944, who married Orland French (a noted newspaper and television journalist, etc.); (4) Herbert Bryan Burtch, born 7 October 1948, who married, firstly, Dianne Woods, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 1 April 1976, Susan Mary Sutton.


Herbert Bryan Burtch was born 7 October 1948, son to Herbert Burtch and Helen Jane Bryan, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 1 April 1976, Susan Mary Sutton, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Dianne Woods, (from whom subsequently divorced). Herbert Bryan Burtch and Dianne Woods begat issue: (1) Jason Kenneth Burtch, born 31 July 1971.


Herbert Bryan Burtch was born 7 October 1948, son to Herbert Burtch and Helen Jane Bryan, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Dianne Woods, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife was Susan Mary Sutton, (to whom he was married 1 April 1976). Herbert Bryan Burtch and Susan Mary Sutton begat issue: (1) Sara Elizabeth Jane Burtch, born 3 April 1977; (2) Amy Nicole Burtch, born 12 October 1978.


--- Butler. His wife --- Barrington was daughter to George Barrington and Mary ---, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) John Butler.


Richard Ryan Butt was born 1 October 1975 at Montr�al, Montr�al Urban Community, Qu�bec, son to Richard Butt and Judith Alberts. His wife Caroline Dawn Barrington, (to whom he was married 21 May 2005 at Calgary, Alberta), was born 10 June 1970 at Deep River Hospital, Deep River, Renfrew County, Ontario, daughter to Donald Arthur Barrington and Shirley Luella Brown, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Cecilia Mae Barrington, born antenuptially 17 March 2004 at Drumheller, Alberta, continuing to bear her mother's surname Barrington in lieu of that of Butt; (2) Nyklas Brendan Butt, born 6 October 2005 at Swift Current, Saskatchewan.


John Butts was born probably at Bradford Parish, West Riding, York County, England. His wife Hannah Barrington was born in or about 1832 or 1833 in Lower Canada, daughter to John Barrington and Elizabeth Earl, (to whom refer); died in or about 1907 or 1908; buried in or about 1907 or 1908 at Mount Muncie Cemetery, Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, Kansas. This couple begat issue: (1) Samuel E. Butts; (2) Edward J. Butts; (3) John A. Butts; (4) Frank W. Butts.


Robert Buzzell was born 3 July 1938. His wife Helen Elaine Barrington, (to whom he was married 15 July 1989 at Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi Regional County Municipality, Mont�r�gie Administrative Region, Qu�bec), was born 28 March 1933 at or near Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, daughter to William George Barrington and Mary Lestine Taber, (to whom refer); christened 23 July 1933; married, firstly, 29 June 1957 at Chalmers United Church, Richmond, Richmond County, Qu�bec, Herbert Coles, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Robert Buzzell and Helen Elaine Barrington.


Robert Orrin Alfred Byrd was born 17 March 1933. His wife Lorena Ann Templeton, (to whom he was married 8 September 1956), was born 22 July 1935 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to James Templeton and Alice Lorena Graham, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Ann Louise Byrd, born 19 April 1960 at Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario; (2) June Lorena Byrd, born 19 June 1962 at Belleville, Hastings County, Ontario.



Frederick Cadwell was son to Stephen M. Cadwell and Catherine ---. His wife Jessie M. Barrington, (to whom he was married 8 September 1897 at Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in or about 1866 or 1867 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, daughter to James Barrington and Eliza Ann Hagerman, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Daniel Cameron. His wife Lilian Simpson was daughter to David Biron Simpson and Mary Jane Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Colin Algernon Campbell was born 5 August 1874, son to (The Much Honoured) William Middleton Campbell of Colgrain (3rd Laird of Colgrain in the Noblesse of Scotland, etc.) (Governor of the Bank of England, etc.) and Edith Agneta Bevan; died 3 January 1957. His wife Mary Charlotte Gladys Barrington, (to whom he was married 20 April 1911), was daughter to John Beatty Barrington and Catherine Charlotte Bayly, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) (The Right Honourable) (Sir) John Middleton "Jock" Campbell (a Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom and subsequently also a Life Peer of the Realm in the House of Lords as The Baron Campbell of Eskan in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, a dedicated social reformer, etc.), born 8 April 1912 or 8 August 1912 (depending upon sources), died 26 December 1994, who married, firstly, 8 January 1938, Barbara Noel Roffey, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1948), and, secondly, in 1949, Phyllis Taylor Boyd; (2) Lorna Middleton Campbell, born 1 July 1921, who married 10 October 1944, John Bayly.


Elbert Campbell. His wife Ethel Mary Stephens was born 29 June 1888 at or near Middleville, Newport and Fairfield Townships, Herkimer County, New York, daughter to Nassau William Stephens and Georgiana Somerville, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.

CAMPBELL, (The Right Honourable) (Sir) JOHN MIDDLETON, (Life Baron Campbell of Eskan, etc.) / ROFFEY, BARBARA NOEL

(The Right Honourable) (Sir) John Middleton "Jock" Campbell (a Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom and subsequently also a Life Peer of the Realm in the House of Lords as The Baron Campbell of Eskan in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, a dedicated social reformer, etc.) was born 8 April 1912 or 8 August 1912 (depending upon sources), son to Colin Algernon Campbell and Mary Charlotte Gladys Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1949, Phyllis Taylor Boyd, (to whom also refer); died 26 December 1994. His first wife Barbara Noel Roffey, (to whom he was married 8 January 1938 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1948), was daughter to Leslie Arden Roffey and ---. (The Right Honourable) (Sir) John Middleton "Jock" Campbell (a Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom and a Life Peer of the Realm as The Baron Campbell of Eskan, etc.) and Barbara Noel Roffey begat issue: (1) (Honourable) Agneta Joanna Middleton Campbell, born in 1944, died 13 September 2002, who married 21 October 1966, Jonathan Geoffrey William Agnew, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1985); (2) (Honourable) Peter Mark Middleton Campbell, born in 1946.

CAMPBELL, (The Right Honourable) (Sir) JOHN MIDDLETON, (Life Baron Campbell of Eskan, etc.) / BOYD, PHYLLIS TAYLOR

(The Right Honourable) (Sir) John Middleton "Jock" Campbell (a Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom and subsequently also a Life Peer of the Realm in the House of Lords as The Baron Campbell of Eskan in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, a dedicated social reformer, etc.) was born 8 April 1912 or 8 August 1912 (depending upon sources), son to Colin Algernon Campbell and Mary Charlotte Gladys Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstiy, 8 January 1938, Barbara Noel Roffey, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1948); died 26 December 1994. His second wife Phyllis Taylor Boyd, (to whom he was married in 1949), died in 1983. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of (The Right Honourable) (Sir) John Middleton "Jock" Campbell (a Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom and a Life Peer of the Realm as The Baron Campbell of Eskan, etc.) and Phyllis Taylor Boyd.


Kenneth Campbell-Watson was son to D. T. C. Campbell-Watson and ---. His wife Kathleen Dolores deVere Pery, (to whom he was married 9 October 1937), was born 27 April 1906, daughter to Neville John Tenison Pery and Dolores Harriet Davis, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kayleen Elizabeth Hinshaw Campbell-Watson, born 27 April 1939; (2) Katherine Louise Campbell-Watson, born 26 May 1940; (3) Kenneth David Campbell Campbell-Watson, born 19 January 1944.


Ernest Earls Carleton married, secondly, ---. His first wife Kathleen Agnes Barrington, (to whom he was married 18 May 1895), was born 21 May 1870, daughter to Philip Sidney Barrington and Elizabeth Shackleton (aunt to Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Officer of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society, an illustrious explorer of Antarctica, etc.), (to whom refer); died 12 May 1900. Ernest Earls Carleton and Kathleen Agnes Barrington begat issue: (1) Kevin O'Neill Carleton, born 18 July 1896; (2) Lillian Grace Carleton, born 3 May 1900.


--- Carnahan. His wife Helen Townsend was daughter to Clarke Townsend and Mildred Fair, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Frederick Carrington. His wife Jennifer Jordan Paul was daughter to Seymour Paul and Barbara Alleyne Jordan, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Henry Carrington. His wife Adelaide Emily "Addie" Astley, (to whom he was married 9 March 1910 at the Registry Office, Wellington City, North Island, the Dominion of New Zealand), was born in or about 1886 or 1887 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, daughter to Richard Disney Lancaster Astley and Emily Hannah Isabel Fleming, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William John Carrington married, firstly, in 1883 at the bride's residence on Meadow Road, Kaiapoi, Waimakariri District, Canterbury Region, South Island, New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, Margaret "Maggie" Campbell. His second wife Constance Margaret Astley, (to whom he was married in 1908 in the Dominion of New Zealand), was born in or about 1885 or 1886 at New Zealand Colony, British Oceania, daughter to Richard Disney Lancaster Astley and Emily Hannah Isabel Fleming, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of William John Carrington and Constance Margaret Astley are presently available.


Curtis Peacock Casson (Treasurer of Rock County, Wisconsin, etc.) was born 20 February 1812 at or near Thorne, Thorne Parish, West Riding, York County, England, son to Curtis Casson and Mary Peacock; died 18 March 1885 at or near Indianford, Fulton Township, Rock County, Wisconsin. His wife Hannah Barrington, (to whom he was married 3 June 1833 at Rochester, Monroe County, New York), was born 3 March 1813 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Jacob Barrington and Elizabeth Neale, (to whom refer); died in 1892 at or near Indianford, Fulton Township, Rock County, Wisconsin. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Jane Casson, born 17 October 1834 at Penfield Township, Monroe County, New York, died 28 November 1923 at Fortuna, Humboldt County, California, who married Andrew Jackson Hunting.


Andrew Joseph Castagnola was born 20 October 1919 at San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, son to Emanual Castagnola and Vittorina Stagnaro; died 24 December 1988 at Lower Lake, Lake County, California. His wife Patricia Carrol Swift, (to whom he was married 27 June 1953 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 15 January 1933, daughter to John James Swift and Maxine Eleanor Jenness, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Thomas R. Montague, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, Elmo "Bud" Irish, (to whom likewise also refer). Andrew Joseph Castagnola and Patricia Carrol Swift begat issue: (1) Andrea Carroll Castagnola, born 3 May 1954; (2) Michele Marie Castagnola, born 18 November 1955; (3) Michael Victor Castagnola, born 4 July 1958.


--- Catalfano. Hia wife --- Hawker was daughter to --- Hawker and ---, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


Richard Edgeson Cathcart was son to Percival John Cathcart and ---. His wife Lynn Goulding, (to whom he was married 6 January 1958), was born 31 March 1937, daughter to Ossian Goulding and Felice Martell Darling, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 20 January 1966, Kenneth Irwin, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Richard Edgeson Cathcart and Lynn Goulding are presently available.


Edward de L�risson Cazenove was born 11 June 1923, son to Ralph de L�risson Cazenove and Edith M. Thomson; married, secondly, in 1956 at Marylebone, St. Marylebone Metropolitan Borough, London County, England, Patricia Kelsall; died in 2000 at Leicester City Borough, Leicester County, England. His first wife Grania Geraldine Kennedy, (to whom he was married 9 January 1947 at Westminster City Metropolitan Borough, London County, England and from whom subsequently divorced in 1956), was daughter to Edward Robert Kennedy and Beryl Doris Lumsdaine, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Patrick Ralph de L�risson Cazenove, born 12 October 1947; (2) Nicola Louise Cazenove, born in 1949, who married, firstly, in 1976, (Sir) Brian Charles Pennefather Warren (9th Baronet in the Baronetage of Ireland, etc.), (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, in 1994, Charles St. Vigor Fox.


William James Challes (Challis or Challice) was born in or about 1863 or 1864 at Portland Township, Frontenac County, Canada West, son to James Challes (Challis or Challice) and Catherine ---. His wife Margaret Edwige "Jennie" Barrington, (to whom he was married 8 September 1890 at Napanee, Lennox County, Ontario), was born 14 June 1866 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, daughter to Thomas Barrington and Almira (or Elmira) Th�rien (or Th�rrien), (to whom refer); christened same day, 14 June 1866 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Timothy C. S. Child was son to John Child and ---. His wife Pervaneh Frances Pery, (to whom he was married 21 August 1999), was born 20 February 1969, daughter to (Honourable) Michael Henry Colquhoun Pery and Jennifer Mary Stuart-Williams, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Samuel Chipman was born 21 September 1873; died 29 May 1944. His wife Sarah Alice "Sadie" Bryan, (to whom he was married 3 December 1902), was born 12 March 1880, daughter to William Peter Bryan and Deborah A. Doolan, (to whom refer); died 25 January 1965. This couple begat issue: (1) William Victor Chipman, born 20 August 1904, died early, unmarried, 10 February 1921; (2) Samuel Gerald Chipman, born 7 September 1911, who married, firstly, 20 August 1931, Doris Aileen Dudley, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 28 August 1958, Sonia Carthwright Walster, (from whom also subsequently divorced).


Samuel Gerald Chipman was born 7 September 1911, son to Samuel Chipman and Sarah Alice "Sadie" Bryan, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 28 August 1958, Sonia Carthwright Walster, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His first wife Doris Aileen Dudley, (to whom he was married 20 August 1931 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 3 August 1911. Samuel Gerald Chipman and Doris Aileen Dudley begat issue: (1) Beverley Alena Chipman, born 11 June 1932, who married, firstly, 6 September 1951, Gordon McLeod, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 3 May 1963, Gordon Bothwell Wansbrough; (2) Patricia Alison Chipman, born 3 June 1936, who married 21 September 1957, William Alfred Gray; (3) Karen Elizabeth Chipman, born 6 May 1939, who married, firstly, Paul Douglas McLaren, and, secondly, 3 June 1966, Harry Nelson Joiner.


Samuel Gerald Chipman was born 7 September 1911, son to Samuel Chipman and Sarah Alice "Sadie" Bryan, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 20 August 1931, Doris Aileen Dudley, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Sonia Carthwright Walster, (to whom he was married 28 August 1958 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 25 January 1928. Samuel Gerald Chipman and Sonia Carthwright Walster begat issue: (1) Samuel Gerald Chipman Jr., born 10 September 1959.


William Chirgwin was born 12 June 1881. His wife Fannie McLarty Barrington was born 4 October 1875, daughter to Yorke Ainslie Walker Barrington and Matilda Mahon, (to whom refer); died in 1952. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Matilda Chirgwin, born 17 May 1908 at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, died 13 September 1996 at her residence, North Sydney, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, buried in September 1996 at Lakeside Cemetery, North Sydney, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, who married John P. Parker; (2) Yorke Chirgwin.


Donald Chisamore. His wife Evangeline Montgomery was daughter to Samuel Gordon Montgomery and Eula Maude Patience, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Bruce Chisholm. His wife Lillian Brown was born 16 April 1905 at Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to John Brown and Margaret Gardner, (to whom refer); christened 27 June 1905 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Traill Christie. His wife Lucie Catherine Le Fanu, (to whom he was married 18 April 1933), was born 9 February 1901, daughter to Thomas Phillip Le Fanu and Florence Sophia Mabel Sullivan, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Stephen Clarke was born 10 July 1850. His wife Jemima Florence "Jennie" Hanton, (to whom he was married 3 October 1900 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 7 October 1850, daughter to William J. Hanton and Johanna (or Joanna) Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George Henry "Harry" Clow was born 31 August 1892; died 24 January 1971. His wife Anna Eliza "Bessie" Barrington, (to whom he was married 7 September 1963), was born 15 September 1899 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Wilson Simpson Barrington and Frances Jane "Jennie" Steacy (or Steacey), (to whom refer); married, firstly, 15 September 1927, Herbert Symond Klyne, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, 6 September 1936, Joseph Allan Murray, (to whom likewise also refer); died 15 June 1992 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in June 1992 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of George Henry "Harry" Clow and Anna Eliza "Bessie" Barrington are presently available.


William Code was born 19 June 1962. His wife Donna Jean Hanton, (to whom he was married 27 July 1987 at Nepean, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario), was born 26 November 1962, daughter to Richard Keith Hanton and Maxine Barr, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) William Kyle Code, born 21 October 1994.


Lewis (or Louis) Allen Cole. His wife Grace Barrington was born in 1915 at or near Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, daughter to Bryce Bennett Barrington and Christina Lawson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George Cuthbert Henry Coleman was born in or about 1884 or 1885 at Madras, Madras District, Madras Province, Fort St. George Presidency (otherwise known as Madras Presidency), British East India, son to George D. Coleman and Edith Isabel Evans. His wife Violet Roberts, (to whom he was married 26 February 1916 at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Nelson, British Columbia), was born 28 September 1892 probably at or near Bishop's Wood, Otterford Parish, Somerset County, England, daughter to Charles Blisett Roberts and Beatrice Emma (or Ellen) Astley, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Herbert Coles was born 2 January 1932. His wife Helen Elaine Barrington, (to whom he was married 29 June 1957 at Chalmers United Church, Richmond, Richmond County, Qu�bec), was born 28 March 1933 at or near Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, daughter to William George Barrington and Mary Lestine Taber, (to whom refer); christened 23 July 1933; married, secondly, 15 July 1989 at Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi Regional County Municipality, Mont�r�gie Administrative Region, Qu�bec, Robert Buzzell, (to whom also refer). Herbert Coles and Helen Elaine Barrington begat issue: (1) Charlotte Elaine Coles, born 31 March 1962 at Sherbrooke General Hospital, Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke County, Qu�bec, who married 27 July 1991 at Emmanuel United Church, Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi Regional County Municipality, Mont�r�gie Administrative Region, Qu�bec, Henry Alfred Blumenfeld; (2) Barbara Diane Coles, born 1 October 1963 at Sherbrooke General Hospital, Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke County, Qu�bec, who married 28 May 1994 at St. George Orthodox Church, Montr�al, Montr�al Urban Community, Qu�bec, Joseph Stephen Nicholas Michel; (3) Margaret Anne Coles, born 1 March 1966 at Sherbrooke General Hospital, Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke County, Qu�bec, who married 25 February 1994 at the Court House, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, Barton Adam Moodie.


John Collas was born 14 June 1966; died 15 February 2002. His wife --- Dezena was daughter to --- Dezena and Ann R. Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable.


--- Collins. His wife Ann Barrington was daughter to Thomas Barrington and Jane ---, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Neil Dougal Conley. His wife Gladys Ellen (or Ella) Barrington, (to whom he was married 23 July 1924), was born 7 January 1903 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to James David Barrington and Lydia Elizabeth Talbot, (to whom refer); christened 5 June 1903. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edwin John Cooper was born 4 February 1935, son to Edwin John Ralph Cooper and Alice Sloan. His wife Mary Eleanor Gardner, (to whom he was married 20 October 1956 at East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 26 July 1934 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Robert James Percy Gardner and Lila Johnston Dunlap, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) James Edwin Cooper, born 21 August 1957 at Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 22 October 1988, Susan Wilson.


James Edwin Cooper was born 21 August 1957 at Winchester, Dundas County, Ontario, son to Edwin John Cooper and Mary Eleanor Gardner, (to whom refer). His wife Susan Wilson, (to whom he was married 22 October 1988), was born 5 August 1956. This couple begat issue: (1) Dennis James Cooper, born 24 June 1990; (2) Edwin John Cooper, born 27 August 1992.


Stephen Corbett. His wife Jane Kelly was daughter to William Kelly and Anne Dalton, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Corry was son to Edward Corry (Member of the House of Commons whose brother Isaac Corry was Chancellor of the Exchequer for Ireland, etc.) and ---. His wife Margaret Barrington was born in or about 1769 or 1770, daughter to John Barrington and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Adelaide Margaret Corry, born in or about 1801 or 1802, died 31 July 1888, who married at St. Mary Redcliffe Anglican Church, Redcliffe District, Bristol City Borough, Gloucester County, England, W. Smith.


John Edward Corvie was born at Stafford County, England. His wife Louisa Agnes Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1882), was daughter to John Barrington and Jane Frances Tinkler, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Paul Cowlin. His wife Terrianne Hinton was born 13 January 1969, daughter to Grant Hinton and Donna Lorraine Warren, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Fiennes Henry Crampton was born 2 June 1862, son to Philip Henry Crampton and Blanche Quartley, (to whom refer). His wife Kathleen Brock, (to whom he was married 22 June 1901), was daughter to Edward Archibald Brock and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Philip Henry Crampton died 6 February 1838. His wife Cherrie Adelaide Edwards, (to whom he was married 9 December 1814), was daughter to Tenison Edwards and Charity French Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1844. This couple begat issue: (1) Philip Henry Crampton, born 15 September 1816, died 25 April 1882, who married, firstly, 4 December 1841, Jane Delicia McRoberts, and, secondly, 17 July 1861, Blanche Quartley; (2) Adelaide Annette Crampton, born 4 November 1822 probably at Fassaroe Townland, Kilmacanogue Parish, (near Bray), Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 2 May 1896 or 22 May 1896 (depending upon sources) at or near Perranuthnoe, West Penwith Rural District, Cornwall County, England, buried 27 May 1896 at or near Perranuthnoe, West Penwith Rural District, Cornwall County, England, who married 24 June 1844 at or near Bath, Somerset County, England, Richard Astley.


Philip Henry Crampton was born 15 September 1816, son to Philip Henry Crampton and Cherrie Adelaide Edwards, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 17 July 1861, Blanche Quartley, (to whom also refer); died 25 April 1882. His first wife Jane Delicia McRoberts, (to whom he was married 4 December 1841), was daughter to John Pomeroy McRoberts and ---; died 13 September 1859. Philip Henry Crampton and Jane Delicia McRoberts begat issue: (1) St. John Cecil Crampton, born 1 January 1853, who married 22 February 1894, Florence Oldroyd; (2) Adelaide Annabella Mary McLeod Crampton, who married 18 April 1907, Charles Edward Cumberland (Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, etc.); (3) Elizabeth Hanbury Crampton; (4) Florence Louisa Crampton.


Philip Henry Crampton was born 15 September 1816, son to Philip Henry Crampton and Cherrie Adelaide Edwards, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 4 December 1841, Jane Delicia McRoberts, (to whom also refer); died 25 April 1882. His second wife Blanche Quartley, (to whom he was married 17 July 1861), was daughter to William Quartley and ---. Philip Henry Crampton and Blanche Quartley begat issue: (1) Fiennes Henry Crampton, born 2 June 1862, who married 22 June 1901, Kathleen Brock; (2) Constance Delicia Crampton.


St. John Cecil Crampton was born 1 January 1853, son to Philip Henry Crampton and Jane Delicia McRoberts, (to whom refer). His wife Florence Oldroyd, (to whom he was married 22 February 1894), was daughter to Henry John Oldroyd and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Delicia Crampton, born 13 January 1895.


Donald Crate. His wife Vicki Lynne Bryan was born 24 June 1955, daughter to William Douglas Bryan and Faye Wilkins, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jillian Crate, who married Tyler Reuvers; (2) Andrew Crate.


M. M. F. "Monty" Crawford was born in 1935; died in 1997; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Gloria Ann Fair was daughter to Cecil Herbert Fair and Mabel Fern Goff, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) --- Crawford, who married --- Simpson; (2) --- Crawford.


Albert J. Croft was born 4 March 1930 at Edmonton, Alberta. His wife Louise Berry, (to whom he was married 29 December 1956 at Cromer, Pipestone Rural Municipality, Manitoba), was born 28 December 1938 at or near Virden, Manitoba, daughter to Lawrence Saxon Berry and Fanny Rose English, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kerry James Croft; (2) Colleen Louise Croft; (3) Lorna Fern Croft; (4) Valerie Rose Croft.


Richard Croker was born in or about 1814 or 1815; married, firstly, in 1841 at Tewkesbury, Tewkesbury Municipal Borough, Gloucester County, England, Emma Harriet Longmore. His second wife Caroline de Fonblanque, (to whom he was married 19 September 1861 at St. Gabriel's Anglican Church, otherwise known as St. Gabriel's Parish Church, Warwick Square, St. Gabriel's Parish, Pimlico, Westminster City, Middlesex County, England), was daughter to Thomas de Grenier de Fonblanque (Vicomte de Fonblanque, etc.) and Jane Catherine Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Richard Croker and Caroline de Fonblanque are presently available.


Charles John Cruttenden. His wife Eliza Augusta Barrington, (to whom he was married 21 March 1849 at Aden, Lahej Sultanate, afterward the Republic of Yemen), was born in or about 1828 or 1829 at or near Bombay (afterward Mumbai), Bombay District, Bombay Province, Bombay Presidency, British East India, daughter to William Boxwell Barrington and Eliza Barrington, (to whom refer); died in April, May or June 1899. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Cuffe. His wife Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) Barrington, (to whom he was married 11 May 1783), was daughter to John Barrington and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Arthur (or Anthony) Weldon (or Waldron), (to whom also refer). John Cuffe and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) Barrington begat issue: (1) William Cuffe, died 28 July 1848, who married 7 March 1816, (Lady) Anna Maria Sherard.

CUFFE, JOHN OTWAY / WILKINS, CAROLINE TERESA (4th Duchesse de Pl�neuf, etc.)

John Otway Cuffe was born in 1817, son to William Cuffe and (Lady) Anna Maria Sherard, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 4 June 1894, Alice Evelyn Woodman, (to whom also refer); died 27 December 1899. His first wife Caroline Teresa Wilkins (4th Duchesse de Pl�neuf, 4th Marquise de Grainville, etc., in her own right, in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of France, etc.), (to whom he was married in 1857), was daughter to James Wilkins and ---; died in 1889. John Otway Cuffe and Caroline Teresa Wilkins (4th Duchesse de Pl�neuf, etc.) begat issue: (1) John Philip Cuffe, died unmarried; (2) Maurice Sherard Oscar Cuffe, born in or about 1857 or 1858 at or near Islington, St. Mary's Parish (otherwise known as Islington Parish), Middlesex County, England, who married in 1878, Julie Amy Heatley.


John Otway Cuffe was born in 1817, son to William Cuffe and (Lady) Anna Maria Sherard, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1857, Caroline Teresa Wilkins (4th Duchesse de Pl�neuf, 4th Marquise de Grainville, etc., in her own right, in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of France, etc.), (to whom also refer); died 27 December 1899. His second wife Alice Evelyn Woodman, (to whom he was married 4 June 1894), was daughter to William Woodman and ---; married, secondly, 29 April 1903, Robert Cecil Joseph Patrick Kearney (1st Count Cecil-Kearney, etc. in the Noblesse of the Papal States, etc.). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Otway Cuffe and Alice Evelyn Woodman are presently available.


Maurice Sherard Oscar Cuffe was born in or about 1857 or 1858 at or near Islington, St. Mary's Parish (otherwise known as Islington Parish), Middlesex County, England, son to John Otway Cuffe and Caroline Teresa Wilkins (4th Duchesse de Pl�neuf, etc.), (to whom refer). His wife Julie Amy Heatley, (to whom he was married in 1878), was born in or about 1862 or 1863 at or near Missenden, Missenden Parish, Buckingham County, England. This couple begat issue: (1) Sherard John Otway Cuffe (5th Duc de Pl�neuf, 5th Marquis de Grainville, etc. in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of France, etc.) (Grand Officer of The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, etc.), born 25 January 1881 at Highbury, St. Mary's Parish (otherwise known as Islington Parish), Middlesex County, England, afterward legally assuming and bearing the amplified surname Pole-Sherard-Cuffe in lieu of that of Cuffe alone, died 4 March 1934 at Zammit Clapp Hospital (otherwise known as Blue Sisters' Hospital), Sliema, Malta Colony, who married, firstly, 4 September 1922 at the Registry Office, Brighton, Brighton Municipal Borough, East Sussex, Sussex County, England, Lylie Schultz, and, secondly, Edith (or Edyth) Maud (or Maude) Constance Widdrington.


Sherard John Otway Cuffe (5th Duc de Pl�neuf, 5th Marquis de Grainville, etc. in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of France, etc.) (Grand Officer of The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, etc.) was born 25 January 1881 at Highbury, St. Mary's Parish (otherwise known as Islington Parish), Middlesex County, England, son to Maurice Sherard Oscar Cuffe and Julie Amy Heatley, (to whom refer); afterward legally assumed and bore the amplified surname Pole-Sherard-Cuffe in lieu of that of Cuffe alone; married, secondly, Edith (or Edyth) Maud (or Maude) Constance Widdrington, (to whom also refer); died 4 March 1934 at Zammit Clapp Hospital (otherwise known as Blue Sisters' Hospital), Sliema, Malta Colony. His first wife Lylie Schultz, (to whom he was married 4 September 1922 at the Registry Office, Brighton, Brighton Municipal Borough, East Sussex, Sussex County, England), was daughter to Martin Schultz and ---; married, firstly, --- da Costa Ricci; died in May 1928. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Sherard John Otway Pole-Sherard-Cuffe (5th Duc de Pl�neuf, etc.) and Lylie Schultz are presently available.


Sherard John Otway Cuffe (5th Duc de Pl�neuf, 5th Marquis de Grainville, etc. in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of France, etc.) (Grand Officer of The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, etc.) was born 25 January 1881 at Highbury, St. Mary's Parish (otherwise known as Islington Parish), Middlesex County, England, son to Maurice Sherard Oscar Cuffe and Julie Amy Heatley, (to whom refer); afterward legally assumed and bore the amplified surname Pole-Sherard-Cuffe in lieu of that of Cuffe alone; married, firstly, 4 September 1922 at the Registry Office, Brighton, Brighton Municipal Borough, East Sussex, Sussex County, England, Lylie Schultz, (to whom also refer); died 4 March 1934 at Zammit Clapp Hospital (otherwise known as Blue Sisters' Hospital), Sliema, Malta Colony. His second wife Edith (or Edyth) Maud (or Maude) Constance Widdrington was daughter to Ernest Augustus Dundas Widdrington and Ellen Eliza Skeet; married, firstly, 28 April 1903 at St. Mary Abbots Parish Church (otherwise known as Kensington Parish Church), Kensington, Kensington Metropolitan Borough, London County, England, Reid Taylor; married, secondly, in October, November or December 1920 at Kensington, Kensington Metropolitan Borough, London County, England, James Stewart Kennedy. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Sherard John Otway Pole-Sherard-Cuffe (5th Duc de Pl�neuf, etc.) and Edith (or Edyth) Maud (or Maude) Constance Widdrington are presently available.


William Cuffe was son to John Cuffe and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) Barrington, (to whom refer); died 28 July 1848. His wife (Lady) Anna Maria Sherard, (to whom he was married 7 March 1816), was born 23 October 1794, daughter to (The Right Honourable) Philip Sherard (5th Earl of Harborough, 5th Baron Harborough, both in the Peerage of Great Britain, and 7th Baron Sherard in the Peerage of Ireland, etc.) and Eleanor Monckton; died 21 November 1848 or 22 November 1848 (depending upon sources). This couple begat issue: (1) John Otway Cuffe, born in 1817, died 27 December 1899, who married, firstly, in 1857, Caroline Teresa Wilkins (4th Duchesse de Pl�neuf, 4th Marquise de Grainville, etc., in her own right, in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of France, etc.), and, secondly, 4 June 1894, Alice Evelyn Woodman.


Charles Edward Cumberland (Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, etc.) married, firstly, ---. His second wife Adelaide Annabella Mary McLeod Crampton, (to whom he was married 18 April 1907), was daughter to Philip Henry Crampton and Jane Delicia McRoberts, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Charles Edward Cumberland and Adelaide Annabella Mary McLeod Crampton are presently available.


William Cutler. His wife Anna Molloy was daughter to Ebenezer Molloy and --- Greenham, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Astrea Cutler; (2) Edward Cutler.



Kenneth Dack was born in 1908, son to Wesley Clarence Dack and Dora Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1973. His wife was Helen ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Wesley Clarence Dack was born 20 April 1890 at or near Glen Buell, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to David Dack and Sarah Cecelia McLean; died 18 September 1936 or 18 December 1936 (depending upon sources); buried at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Dora Barrington, (to whom he was married 4 December 1907, not 4 December 1908 as erroneously transcribed by the Registrar-General of Ontario from the returns of the local Registrar, at or near Union Valley, Front of Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 3 July 1889 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, (nearest to, but slightly across the Township line from Glen Buell, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), daughter to John Bennett Barrington and Alice Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), (to whom refer); died 15 November 1960; buried at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) Kenneth Dack, born in 1908, died in 1973, who married Helen ---; (2) Clarence Dack, born in 1911, died in 1961.


Stephen Dalton. His wife Ruth Barrington was born 8 January 1735 (Old Style or Julian) or 19 January 1736 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at Lambstown, Lambstown Townland, Templetoun Parish, Shelburne Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), daughter to Nicholas Barrington and Mary Bancroft, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Stephen Dalton, who married Anne Jackson; (2) Anne Dalton, who married William Kelly.


Stephen Dalton was son to Stephen Dalton and Ruth Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Anne Jackson. This couple begat issue: (1) Josiah Dalton; (2) Louisa Dalton, who married Thomas Wilson.


George Darling. His wife Susan Barrington, (to whom he was married 17 November 1863 at Delaware Township, Leavenworth County, Kansas), was born in or about 1819 or 1820 in Lower Canada, daughter to John Barrington and Elizabeth Earl, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 20 January 1843 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, Charles Silas Watson, (to whom also refer). George Darling and Susan Barrington begat issue: (1) Anna Darling, born 16 October 1864 probably at Delaware Township, Leavenworth County, Kansas.


William Darragh was born in or about 1718 or 1719 in Ireland; died 8 June 1783 or 6 August 1783 (depending upon sources) at Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. His wife Lydia Barrington (a Yankee version of the celebrated Canadian heroine Laura Secord but a generation apart), (to whom he was married 2 November 1753 at the Society of Friends or "Quaker" Meetinghouse, Sycamore Alley, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born in or about 1728 or 1729 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to John Barrington and Mary Aldridge, (to whom refer); died 28 December 1789 at Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; buried at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Fourth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. This couple begat issue including: (1) Charles Darragh.

DARST, --- / ---

--- Darst was son to Glenn Darst and Madeline Christine Fisher, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Peggy Darst, who married --- Townsdin.


Glenn Darst was born 21 December 1893 at Spring Valley, Fillmore County, Minnesota; died 28 February 1970. His wife Madeline Christine Fisher, (to whom he was married 15 August 1915 at Spring Valley, Fillmore County, Minnesota), was born 8 May 1893, daughter to Christian Fisher and Sibella "Sibbie" Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---.


Bernard Ewart Davies. His wife Kathleen Eleanor Hammond was born 6 June 1900, daughter to Egerton Hammond and Selina Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable.


Hugh Sykes Davies was son to T. Sykes Davies and ---; died in 1984. His wife Fay de Courcy, (to whom he was married 9 July 1947 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1962), was born 3 March 1919, daughter to John Arthur Gerald de Courcy and Anna Felicia Wright, (to whom refer); died 13 April 1997. This couple begat issue: (1) Katharine Felicia Davies, born in 1953.


Thomas Davis died 7 May 1876 at Front of Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), (to whom he was married 30 July 1875 at South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in or about 1819 or 1820 in Ireland, daughter to John Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh) and Ann Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, James McGuire, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 3 January 1887 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Michael Flaherty, (to whom likewise also refer); died 8 November 1900 at Lanark County, Ontario in consequence of lung congestion. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Thomas Davis and Elizabeth Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh).


Thomas Davis was born in 1823, son to Francis Davis and Sarah Grubb; died 14 June 1898; buried in June 1898 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Temple Hill, Blackrock, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Margaret Barrington, (to whom he was married 14 March 1872), was born 2 March 1823, daughter to Edward Barrington and Sarah Leadbeater, (to whom refer); died 25 June 1912 at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; buried in 1912 at the Society of Friends ("Quaker") Burying Ground, Temple Hill, Blackrock, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.

DAY, --- / ---

--- Day was son to Angus Cyprian Day and Hilda Mae Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Angus Cyprian Day was born in 1893 at or near Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia; died in 1974. His wife Hilda Mae Barrington was born in 1908, daughter to John Robert Barrington and Mary Ann Sparling, (to whom refer); died 5 March 1996 at Cape Breton Regional Hospital, Sydney, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married, firstly, --- Grandy, and, secondly, --- Steele; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Rankin; (3) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Doucette; (4) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---; (5) a male child, name unavailable.


John Arthur Gerald de Courcy was son to (Honourable) Robert Charles Sinclair de Courcy and Katharine (or Katherine) Harris. His wife Anna Felicia Wright, (to whom he was married 21 June 1917), was daughter to George Wright and Mercy Barrington, (to whom refer); died 7 September 1952. This couple begat issue: (1) Fay de Courcy, born 3 March 1919, died 13 April 1997, who married 9 July 1947, Hugh Sykes Davies, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1962); (2) Stella de Courcy, born 22 April 1921, who married 6 November 1948, Paul Robert Kemp-King; (3) Suzanne de Courcy, born 17 October 1923, who married 16 October 1948, Edward James Bryant.


Daniel John Dengis was born in 1956. His wife Brenda Jane McBroom, (to whom he was married 24 May 1981), was born 25 June 1958, daughter to Gordon James McBroom and Barbara Jane Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Shaun Daniel Dengis, born 4 March 1983; (2) Stephanie Jane Dengis, born 22 April 1986.


Christopher Daniel DeSalvo was born 29 July 1964 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, son to Enrico DeSalvo and Jessie Best. His wife Connie Lynn Young, (to whom he was married 26 August 1995 at Port Elmsley, North Elmsley Township, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 24 November 1962 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Ronald Patrick Young and Helen Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 7 October 1985 at the Provincial Court House, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Stanley LaFirst, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced 2 February 1988). Christopher Daniel DeSalvo and Connie Lynn Young begat issue: (1) Emily Ann DeSalvo, born 11 June 1997 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Patrick William DeSalvo, born 18 May 2000 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


William B. DeWolfe. His wife Frances Doreen McNeely, (to whom he was married 17 July 1943), was born 15 March 1921, daughter to Hubert A. McNeely and Lenna Bryan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nancy Ruth DeWolfe, born 5 July 1944, who married Douglas MacKinnon Hall; (2) David Joseph DeWolfe, born 25 October 1949.

DEZENA, --- / ---

--- Dezena was son to --- Dezena and Ann R. Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable.


--- Dezena was son to Luis Dezina and Carlota de Lapuente. His wife Ann R. Barrington was daughter to Melvin Norman Barrington and Mary Mumper, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married John Collas; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---; (3) a male child, name unavailable.


Roger Edwin Dickey. His wife Gail Evelyn Abbott was born 7 January 1938 at or near Kendallville, Noble County, Indiana, daughter to Robert Edmund Abbott and Nordine Eleanor Russell, (to whom refer); died 3 August 1996 at Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Karen Lynn Dickey, who married Andrew M. Kralik; (2) Deborah Ann Dickey, who married Dennis Mars Horton.


Douglas Dixie was son to Robert Kenneth Dixie and Bessie Matilda Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Kathy ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Dixie was son to Robert Kenneth Dixie and Bessie Matilda Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Joan ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert Kenneth Dixie was born in or about 1906 or 1907. His wife Bessie Matilda Barrington, (to whom he was married 19 December 1936), was born in 1917 at or near Kenora, Kenora District, Ontario, daughter to Bryce Bennett Barrington and Christina Lawson, (to whom refer); died in 2000. This couple begat issue: (1) William Manford Dixie, born in or about 1942 or 1943, died 18 May 2015 at Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, buried 21 May 2015 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Leeds and the Thousand Islands Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Donna Greenham; (2) James Dixie, who married Joan ---; (3) Douglas Dixie, who married Kathy ---.


William Dixie was son to William Manford Dixie and Donna Greenham, (to whom refer). His wife was Pamela ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Lucas Dixie; (2) Ryleigh Dixie; (3) Jacob Dixie.


William Manford Dixie was born in or about 1942 or 1943, son to Robert Kenneth Dixie and Bessie Matilda Barrington, (to whom refer); died 18 May 2015 at Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; buried 21 May 2015 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Leeds and the Thousand Islands Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Donna Greenham was daughter to Donald Greenham and Isabelle Avery. This couple begat issue: (1) Terry Dixie, who married Philip Meek; (2) William Dixie, who married Pamela ---.


James Dobbs was born in or about 1823 or 1824; died 14 July 1882; buried in July 1882 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Alice "Allie" Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1855 at or near Brockville, Leeds County, Canada West with the Reverend I. Travis Lewis, Anglican Church, officiating), was born 3 January 1821 (according to some sources and her tombstone) or 18 January 1821 (according to some sources) or 18 June 1821 (according to church christening registers) at Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, daughter to John Barrington and Deborah Harper, (to whom refer); christened 15 May 1821 (according to some sources) or 15 July 1821 (according to church christening registers) at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, (with the Reverend John Bethune, Anglican Church, officiating); died 24 May 1888; buried in May 1888 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Deborah A. Dobbs, died early, unmarried, date uncertain but aged 14 years and three days, buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario.


Gerald Doherty. His wife Valerie Dianne Bryan was born 30 March 1952, daughter to William Douglas Bryan and Faye Wilkins, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nathan Doherty, who married Lisa Moore; (2) Marc Doherty, who married 14 September 2013, Laura McCloy.


Marc Doherty was son to Gerald Doherty and Valerie Dianne Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife was Laura McCloy, (to whom he was married 14 September 2013). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Nathan Doherty was son to Gerald Doherty and Valerie Dianne Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife was Lisa Moore. This couple begat issue: (1) Charlotte Doherty.


Louis Arthur Donahue was born 2 November 1918; died 14 July 1982; buried in July 1982 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Violet Isabelle "Belle" Barrington was born 28 August 1919, daughter to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer); died 1 October 2001; buried in October 2001 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable; (4) a male child, name unavailable.


Albert Doolan was born 10 June 1861 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to William Doolan and Mary Barrington, (to whom refer); died 8 October 1942. His wife Jennie Gibson, (to whom he was married 26 August 1891), was born 26 June 1866; died 8 April 1949. This couple begat issue: (1) Roy Gibson Doolan (held Prisoner of War by the Japanese throughout the closing months of World War II., often on rations as low as a half cup of rice per day, and found barely clinging to the final stages of survival when liberated, etc.), born 29 May 1896, died 10 January 1971, who married 30 June 1929, Alla Davis Fisher; (2) Ernest Albert Doolan, born 1 August 1898, died 10 January 1959 at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois in consequence of cardiac arrest instantly whilst operating his vehicle, who married 3 May 1944, Evelyn Utes; (3) Ethel Margaret Doolan, born 25 March 1901, who married 20 August 1927, Harold Elmer Berger.


Daniel Martin Doolan was born 24 July 1974, son to Roy Fisher Doolan and Pamela Anne Martin, (to whom refer). His wife Sheryl Anne Cavales, (to whom he was married 31 May 2002), was born 7 December 1973. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ernest Albert Doolan was born 1 August 1898, son to Albert Doolan and Jennie Gibson, (to whom refer); died 10 January 1959 at Chicago, Cook County, Illinois in consequence of cardiac arrest instantly whilst operating his vehicle. His wife Evelyn Utes, (to whom he was married 3 May 1944), was born 3 March 1905; married, secondly, Walter J. LeDoux. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Ernest Albert Doolan and Evelyn Utes.


James Barrington Doolan was born 27 September 1836 (according to Registers of St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Lamb's Pond, afterward known as New Dublin) or 27 October 1836 (according to Family Bible) at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to William Doolan and Mary Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 21 February 1837; died 20 October 1917. His wife Mary Ferns was born in or about 1838 or 1839; died 15 August 1921. This couple begat issue: (1) Zelba Doolan, born 21 November 1871, died in infancy, unmarried, 31 August 1872; (2) William Doolan, born in or about 1872 or 1873, died unmarried 6 May 1907; (3) John Thomas Doolan, born 26 November 1875, died early, unmarried, 17 September 1881, buried, firstly, at Oakwoods Cemetery, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, and, secondly, at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario.


John Doolan was born 24 May 1844 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, son to William Doolan and Mary Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Mary MacAlister, (to whom also refer); died 17 April 1933. His first wife was Mary Delaney. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Doolan and Mary Delaney.


John Doolan was born 24 May 1844 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, son to William Doolan and Mary Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Mary Delaney, (to whom also refer); died 17 April 1933. His second wife was Mary MacAlister. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Doolan and Mary MacAlister; however this couple adopted two female children who, being "strangers in blood", are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Roy Fisher Doolan was born 14 May 1936, son to Roy Gibson Doolan and Alla Davis Fisher, (to whom refer). His wife Pamela Anne Martin was born 3 May 1942. This couple begat issue: (1) Scot Martin Doolan, born 2 November 1969; (2) Daniel Martin Doolan, born 24 July 1974, who married 31 May 2002, Sheryl Anne Cavales; (3) Stephen Martin Doolan, born 29 June 1977; (4) Allison Martin "Lark" Doolan, born 13 April 1982.


Roy Gibson Doolan (held Prisoner of War by the Japanese throughout the closing months of World War II., often on rations as low as a half cup of rice per day, and found barely clinging to the final stages of survival when liberated, etc.) was born 29 May 1896, son to Albert Doolan and Jennie Gibson, (to whom refer); died 10 January 1971. His wife Alla Davis Fisher, (to whom he was married 30 June 1929), was born 4 August 1903; died 29 September 1966. This couple begat issue: (1) Roy Fisher Doolan, born 14 May 1936, who married Pamela Anne Martin.


Thomas Doolan was born in or about 1841 or 1842 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, son to William Doolan and Mary Barrington, (to whom refer); died in July 1899. His wife was Margaret ---. This couple begat issue: (1) William Doolan.


William Doolan was born in or about 1812 in 1813 in Ireland, son to William Doolan and Mary Raph (Ralph or Rath); died 11 November 1878 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 13 November 1878 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Mary Barrington, (to whom he was married in or about 1832 or 1833 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Lamb's Pond, afterward known as New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada), was born in or about 1815 or 1816 in Ireland, daughter to John Barrington and Deborah Harper, (to whom refer); died 19 August 1878 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of a stroke; buried in August 1878 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Ann Doolan, born 8 March 1834 (according to some sources) or 8 March 1835 (according to some sources and her own statement) at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 9 February 1912 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried in 1912 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married in December 1857 in Canada West, James Templeton (Trustee, Board of Trustees, Patterson's Corners School District, Ontario, etc.); (2) James Barrington Doolan, born 27 September 1836 (according to Registers of St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Lamb's Pond, afterward known as New Dublin) or 27 October 1836 (according to Family Bible) at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, christened 21 February 1837, died 20 October 1917, who married Mary Ferns; (3) Deborah A. Doolan, born 21 November 1838 in the Dobbs Settlement, Yonge Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died 30 December 1924 or 30 December 1925 (depending upon sources), buried at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 10 April 1862, William Peter Bryan; (4) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, born in or about 1839 or 1840 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, died in infancy, unmarried; (5) Thomas Doolan, born in or about 1841 or 1842 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, died in July 1899, who married Margaret ---; (6) John Doolan, born 24 May 1844 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, died 17 April 1933, who married, firstly, Mary Delaney, and, secondly, Mary MacAlister; (7) Alice Doolan, born 9 January 1846 (according to some sources including Family Bible and her tombstone, not 9 January 1851 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources and her own statement) at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, died unmarried in July 1930, buried in 1930 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (8) William Doolan, born 14 January 1848 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, christened 4 March 1849 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Lamb's Pond (afterward known as New Dublin), Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, died 14 February 1938, buried in 1938 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 25 February 1885, Jane Ann Mackie; (9) Eliza Doolan, born 24 March 1850 (according to some sources including Family Bible and her tombstone, not 12 July 1862 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died unmarried 16 March 1932, buried in 1932 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (10) Sarah Doolan (an accomplished needlework artist despite having been deaf and mute from birth, etc.), born 6 November 1852 (according to some sources including Family Bible and her tombstone, not 6 November 1860 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources and her sister's statement) at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died unmarried 5 November 1951, buried at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (11) Susan Doolan, born 27 October 1854 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died unmarried 9 December 1934, buried at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (12) Harriet Doolan, born in or about 1855 or 1856 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died unmarried in October 1894, buried at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (13) George Doolan, born in or about 1857 or 1858 (according to Family Bible, etc.) at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died in infancy, unmarried; (14) Albert Doolan, born 10 June 1861 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died 8 October 1942, who married 26 August 1891, Jennie Gibson.


William Doolan was born 14 January 1848 at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, son to William Doolan and Mary Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 4 March 1849 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Lamb's Pond (afterward known as New Dublin), Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West; died 14 February 1938; buried in 1938 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Jane Ann Mackie, (to whom he was married 25 February 1885), was born in or about 1852 or 1853; died in 1932; buried at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Anna Alexandria "Annie" Doolan, born 4 February 1886 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, christened 7 August 1886 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died unmarried 17 January 1962, buried in 1962 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie" Doolan, born 13 June 1887 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, christened 16 January 1888 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died unmarried 18 September 1965, buried in September 1965 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Jennie Doolan, born 9 December 1890 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, christened 7 May 1891 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died unmarried 5 September 1975 at Cornwall, Stormont County, Ontario, buried 8 September 1975 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario.

DOUCETTE, --- / DAY, ---

--- Doucette. His wife --- Day was daughter to Angus Cyprian Day and Hilda Mae Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Doyle. His wife Janet Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1987), was born in 1961, daughter to William Ernest Barrington and Barbara Campbell, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in September 2004, Jacques Greffe, (to whom also refer). William Doyle and Janet Barrington begat issue: (1) Brittany Doyle; (2) Ashton Doyle.


William E. Drisdale was born 26 March 1867 at or near La Grange, Fayette County, Texas; died 19 October 1947; buried in October 1947 at Oak Park Cemetery, Alvin, Brazoria County, Texas. His wife Alice Edna Abbott, (to whom he was married 15 September 1897 at Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado), was born 28 May 1868 or 28 May 1869 (depending upon sources) at or near Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa, daughter to Abijah Judson Abbott and Ruth Townsend Barrington, (to whom refer); died 25 May 1948 at Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, New Mexico; buried in 1948 at Oak Park Cemetery, Alvin, Brasoria County, Texas. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Faires Drisdale, born 9 July 1898 at or near Martindale, Caldwell County, Texas, died early, unmarried, 24 May 1905 at or near Yoakum, DeWitt County, Texas.


Alexander Hyde Duder was born 28 July 1917 at Nakuru, Nakuru District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya Colony, Britsh East Africa Protectorate; died in 1972 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, the Republic of Kenya; cremated in 1972 and ashes scattered over Thomson's Falls, near Nyahururu, Laikipia District, Rift Valley Province, the Republic of Kenya. His wife Jean Violet Barrington-Kennett, (to whom he was married 20 December 1952 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, Kenya Colony and Protectorate), was born 23 March 1920 at Guildford, Guildford Municipal Borough, Surrey County, England, daughter to Godwin Austen Barrington-Kennett and Beryl Eileen Malcolmson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in July, August or September 1943, Peter Gainsford, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 23 November 1978 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, the Republic of Kenya, Myles Larcombe Hudspeth, (to whom likewise also refer); died in December 2008 at Nairobi Hospital, Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, the Republic of Kenya; cremated 26 December 2008 and ashes scattered at Nairobi Game Reserve, Rift Valley Province, the Republic of Kenya. Alexander Hyde Duder and Jean Violet Barrington-Kennett begat issue: (1) Michael Hyde Duder, born 9 August 1955 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, Kenya Colony and Protectorate, who married 7 January 1984 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, the Republic of Kenya, Julia Caroline Hewett; (2) Nicholas Hyde Duder, born 8 February 1960 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, Kenya Colony and Protectorate, who married 2 October 2004 at Bali Island, Bali Province, the Republic of Indonesia, Cressentia Nolita.


Michael Hyde Duder was born 9 August 1955 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, Kenya Colony and Protectorate, son to Alexander Hyde Duder and Jean Violet Barrington-Kennett, (to whom refer). His wife Julia Caroline Hewett, (to whom he was married 7 January 1984 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, the Republic of Kenya), was born in September 1960 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, Kenya Colony and Protectorate. This couple begat issue: (1) Siana Nicole Duder, born 12 March 1985 at Ascot, Sunninghill and Ascot Civil Parish, Windsor and Maidenhead Royal Borough, Berkshire County, England; (2) James Hyde Duder, born 10 August 1986 at Ascot, Sunninghill and Ascot Civil Parish, Windsor and Maidenhead Royal Borough, Berkshire County, England; (3) Ross Finlay Hyde Duder, born 16 May 1997 at Swindon, Swindon Borough, Wiltshire County, England.


Nicholas Hyde Duder was born 8 February 1960 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, Kenya Colony and Protectorate, son to Alexander Hyde Duder and Jean Violet Barrington-Kennett, (to whom refer). His wife Cressentia Nolita, (to whom he was married 2 October 2004 at Bali Island, Bali Province, the Republic of Indonesia), was born 30 November 1975 at Jakarta, Jakarta Special Capital Territory, Jakarta Province, the Republic of Indonesia. This couple begat issue: (1) Alexander Barrington Ciptapramoedya Duder, born 7 November 2007 at Jakarta, Jakarta Special Capital Territory, Jakarta Province, the Republic of Indonesia; (2) Adam Kennett Arjava Duder, born 14 January 2010 at Jakarta, Jakarta Special Capital Territory, Jakarta Province, the Republic of Indonesia.


Francis Ninian Dunlop was son to (The Very Reverend) Colin Dunlop (Anglican Dean of Lincoln, etc.) and ---. His wife Elizabeth Anna Le Fanu, (to whom he was married 1 September 1962), was born 24 October 1939, daughter to William Richard Le Fanu and (Dame) Elizabeth Violet Maconchy, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Christopher Dunlop, born 28 October 1963; (2) Sarah Dunlop, born 15 August 1965.


Leslie Albert Dunnet was son to David Ferguson Dunnet and ---. His wife Claire Victorine Le Fanu, (to whom he was married in 1940), was born 26 August 1912, daughter to (The Most Reverend) Henry Frewen Le Fanu and Mary Annette Ingle "Margery" Dredge, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret Lesley Dunnet, born 13 November 1941; (2) Jane Elizabeth Dunnet, born 23 April 1943; (3) Robert Frewen Dunnet, born 1 October 1945; (4) Anne Frances Dunnet, born 23 March 1949; (5) John David Dunnet, born 17 August 1950.


Charles Seymour Dupuis was son to Charles Sanders Skelton Dupuis and ---. His wife Helena Emilie Astley, (to whom he was married 21 April 1880 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England), was born in January, February or March 1847 probably at or near Brislington, Brislington Parish, Somerset County, England, daughter to Richatd Astley and Adelaide Annette Crampton, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Allan (or Allen) Earl was born 14 September 1825; died 13 July 1908; buried in July 1908 at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth (or Eliza) Barrington, (to whom he was married 17 October 1854 or 17 November 1854, depending upon sources, at or near Greenbush, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West with the Reverend John Wesley German, Wesleyan Methodist Church, officiating), was born 6 March 1827 or 6 March 1828 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) or 16 July 1827 (according to Registers of St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Lamb's Pond, afterward known as New Dublin) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to William Barrington and Elizabeth (or Eliza) Mary Green (or Greene), (to whom refer); died 14 June 1893; buried in June 1893 at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret A. Earl, born in August 1855, died early, unmarried, 3 March 1860, buried in 1860 at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Canada West; (2) Martha E. Earl, born 20 March 1860, died in 1931, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married James Daniel Patience.


Robert Cecil Earl was born in 1902; died 17 December 1957. His wife Charlotte Elizabeth Fair, (to whom he was married 18 February 1928), was born in 1911, daughter to Edwin Montrose Fair and Charlotte Anna Steacy, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gordon Earl; (2) Allan Earl; (3) John Earl; (4) Margaret Earl, born 27 February 1932, who married Claude Bertrem.


Leon Edgley. His wife Joyce Giffin was daughter to Richard Alvin Giffin and Gladys Mildred Willoughby, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Sean Edgley, who married Lisa ---; (2) Mark Edgley.


Sean Edgley was son to Leon Edgley and Joyce Giffin, (to whom refer). His wife was Lisa ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Jonathon Edgley; (2) Dominick Edgley; (3) Alexis Edgley.


Tenison Edwards was son to James Edwards and Anne Tenison. His wife Charity French Barrington was daughter to John Barrington and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1796, William Beaumann (or Beaumont), (to whom also refer). Tenison Edwards and Charity French Barrington begat issue: (1) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, died probably early, probably unmarried; (2) Annabella Tenison Edwards, born in 1791, died in 1865 or 18 September 1868 (depending upon sources), who married 11 May 1808, Henry Hartstonge Pery, (by courtesy Lord Glentworth); (3) Cherrie Adelaide Edwards, died in 1844, who married 9 December 1814, Philip Henry Crampton.



Cecil Herbert Fair was born 10 December 1898, son to Samuel James Fair and Minnie M. Running, (to whom refer); died in 1975; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Mabel Fern Goff was born in 1903; died in 1980; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Gloria Ann Fair, who married M. M. F. "Monty" Crawford.


Edwin Montrose Fair was born 30 July 1862, son to John Fair and Hester (Hesther or Esther) Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1943; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Charlotte Anna Steacy, (to whom he was married 14 June 1882), was born 3 January 1867; died 6 March 1933; buried in 1933 at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Helena Maud "Lena" Fair, born 10 October 1884, died in 1954 at Ganges, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, who married 11 November 1908, Charles W. Leggett; (2) Ethel Pearl Fair, born 26 January 1885, died unmarried 22 July 1905, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) Edna Mae Fair, born 23 March 1887, died in 1958, who married John Raford Howard Thompson; (4) Muriel Bertha Fair, born 14 September 1891, died in 1958, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (5) John Eustacey Walter Fair, born 12 February 1895, died early, unmarried, 6 September 1897, buried in September 1897 at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (6) John Charles Steacy Fair, born 29 January 1907, who married Leona Gagnon; (7) Charlotte Elizabeth Fair, born in 1911, who married 18 February 1928, Robert Cecil Earl.


John Fair was born in 1833; died 22 October 1894; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Hester (Hesther or Esther) Barrington was born 13 September 1834 or 13 September 1835 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) or 13 December 1834 (according to Registers of St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Church, Lamb's Pond, afterward known as New Dublin) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to William Barrington and Elizabeth (or Eliza) Mary Green (or Greene), (to whom refer); christened 28 July 1839; died 29 March 1903 at or near Dulcemaine, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1903 at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William Albert Fair, born 12 August 1855, died in 1937, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Lila Cook; (2) a child, name and sex unavailable, born 10 May 1861, died early, unmarried, 21 January 1866 or 31 January 1866 (depending upon sources), buried in 1866 at Dulcemaine Cemetery, Dulcemaine, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Canada West; (3) John S. Fair, born in or about 1861 or 1862, died early, unmarried, 24 January 1866, buried in 1866 at Dulcemaine Cemetery, Dulcemaine, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Canada West; (4) Edwin Montrose Fair, born 30 July 1862, died in 1943, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 14 June 1882, Charlotte Anna Steacy; (5) Ida M. Fair, born 9 September 1868, died in 1934, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married James Greer; (6) Samuel James Fair, born 21 September 1874, died in 1934, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Minnie M. Running.


John Charles Steacy Fair was born 29 January 1907, son to John Fair and Hester (Hesther or Esther) Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife Leona Gagnon was born in 1917; died in 1992. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Samuel James Fair was born 21 September 1874, son to John Fair and Hester (Hesther or Esther) Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1934; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Minnie M. Running was born 10 November 1878; died in 1969; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Cecil Herbert Fair, born 10 December 1898, died in 1975, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Mabel Fern Goff; (2) Mildred Fair, born 27 May 1900, who married 28 March 1917 at the Methodist Parsonage, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Clarke Townsend; (3) Vera J. Fair, born in April 1906; (4) Bessie W. Fair, born in 1912, died in 1989, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario.


William Albert Fair was born 12 August 1855, son to John Fair and Hester (Hesther or Esther) Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1937; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Lila Cook was born 25 April 1867; died in 1946; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Roy M. Fair, born 26 February 1887; (2) Mary "Minnie" Fair, born 12 April 1888 at or near Dulcemaine, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 18 May 1986 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in May 1986 at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 12 June 1912, Ransome Ernest Ferguson; (3) Hubert Fair, born 24 September 1890, died in June 1969 at San Bernardino, San Bernardino County, California; (4) Hazel Fair, born 6 April 1895, who married James Wallace; (5) Hester (Hesther or Esther) Fair, born 10 November 1900, who married Merrick McKay.


John Farmer. His wife Sarah Jane Leared, (to whom he was married 9 September 1858), was born 22 February 1830, daughter to Richard Leared and Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 13 June 1896. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Fenton (or ffonton). His wife Comfort Barrington was daughter to Thomas Barrington and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Nunn, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Margery Fenton (or ffonton).


--- Ferguson. His wife Elizabeth "Bessie" Montgomery was daughter to Samuel Gordon Montgomery and Eula Maude Patience, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Archibald James Ferguson was born 5 April 1874 at St. Anicet Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to Peter Ferguson and Clara Moore Caldwell; died in June 1976 at Lakeland, Polk County, Florida. His wife Winifred Amelia Brown, (to whom he was married 2 November 1931 at Elm Bank, near Howick, Howick Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was born 23 June 1903 at Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to John Brown and Margaret Gardner, (to whom refer); christened 15 October 1903 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; died 27 July 2001 at Kissimmee, Osceola County, Florida. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Grant Ferguson was son to Harold Ferguson and Lila May Leacock, (to whom refer). His wife was Anita ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harold Ferguson was born in 1919; died 18 February 1988 at Smiths Falls General Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in 1988 at St. Anne's Anglican Cemetery, Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Lila May Leacock, (to whom he was married 9 May 1945 at Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 4 November 1920, daughter to William Hilliard Leacock (or Laycock) and Ida Annie Kinch, (to whom refer); christened 17 December 1920; died 19 September 2013; buried 21 September 2013 at St. Anne's Anglican Cemetery, Easton's Corners, Merrickville-Wolford Village Municipality, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Kent Ferguson; (2) Grant Ferguson, who married Anita ---; (3) Mark Ferguson.


Ransome Ernest Ferguson was born in 1885; died in 1952; buried at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary "Minnie" Fair, (to whom he was married 12 June 1912), was born 12 April 1888 at or near Dulcemaine, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to William Albert Fair and Lila Cook, (to whom refer); died 18 May 1986 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in May 1986 at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) William Henry Ferguson, born in 1913, buried at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Jean Isabelle Connell.


Richard Ferguson was born in or about 1859 or 1860 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Richard Ferguson and Ann McEwan; died in 1939; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Eliza Jane "Jennie" Barrington, (to whom he was married 13 September 1899 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in or about 1881 or 1882, daughter to John Bennett "Ben" Barrington and Elizabeth Jane "Betty Jane" Glazier, (to whom refer); died 4 May 1917; buried in May 1917 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Charlotte Mabel Ferguson, born 10 October 1902 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) William M. Ferguson, born in or about 1905 or 1906, died in 1969, buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married C. Mabel Henderson.


William Henry Ferguson was born in 1913, son to Ransome Ernest Ferguson and Mary Fair, (to whom refer); buried at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Jean Isabelle Connell was born in 1920; buried at St. James' Anglican Cemetery, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William M. Ferguson was born in or about 1905 or 1906, son to Richard Ferguson and Eliza Jane "Jennie" Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1969; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife C. Mabel Henderson was born in or about 1901 or 1902. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edward Barrington ffennell was born 6 September 1862, son to Robert ffennell and Selina Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife Frances Gray, (to whom he was married 28 September 1899), was born 19 February 1872, daughter to William Gray and Mary Lewis. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Roberta ffennell, born 23 February 1901.


Robert ffennell was born 2 September 1822, son to Joshua ffennell and Rachel Malcolmson; died 17 September 1866. His wife Selina Barrington, (to whom he was married 16 October 1861), was born 26 February 1833, daughter to Edward Barrington and Sarah Leadbeater, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Edward Barrington ffennell, born 6 September 1862, who married 28 September 1899, Frances Gray; (2) Charles ffennell, born 25 March 1864, died early, unmarried, 19 September 1882 in consequence of typhoid, buried in September 1882 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Lydia Roberta ffennell, born 11 October 1865, who married 14 October 1890, William Argent Pilgrim.


Hank Fiore. His wife Jane Barrington was daughter to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable; (4) a female child, name unavailable; (5) a female child, name unavailable; (6) a female child, name unavailable.


Christian Fisher. His wife Sibella "Sibbie" Barrington was daughter to Edward Joseph Barrington and Christina Angela McCrohan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Henrietta Fisher, born 25 January 1891, who married in 1912 at Seattle, King County, Washington, Raymond "Jig" Maxwell; (2) Madeline Christine Fisher, born 8 May 1893, who married 15 August 1915 at Spring Valley, Fillmore County, Minnesota, Glenn Darst; (3) Edward B. Fisher, born 6 October 1899 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married ---.


Edward B. Fisher was born 6 October 1899 at Seattle, King County, Washington, son to Christian Fisher and Sibella "Sibbie" Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Aylward; (4) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Ankney.


(Honourable) Richard Temple Fisher was son to (His Grace) (The Most Reverend and Right Honourable) (Sir) Geoffrey Francis Fisher (Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Primate of All England, Member of The Sovereign's Most Honourable Privy Council at Westminster, Knight Grand Cross of The Royal Victorian Order, recipient of The Royal Victorian Chain, etc.) (afterward a Life Peer of Parliament in the House of Lords as The Baron Fisher of Lambeth in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) and Rosamond Chevallier Forman. His wife Clare Margaret Le Fanu, (to whom he was married 17 May 1969), was born 8 December 1939, daughter to John Lewen Le Fanu and Margery Brew, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Paul Humphrey Le Fanu Fisher, born 8 April 1970; (2) Rosamond Margaret Chevallier Fisher, born 21 February 1973.


Thomas Fitzgerald. His wife Anne Barrington was daughter to Alexander Barrington and Margaret (Mary or Jane) Bowen (or Bown), (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Fitzgerald. His wife Elizabeth Barrington was daughter to Alexander Barrington and Elizabeth Baskerville, (to whom refer); died in 1747. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Michael Flaherty died 13 July 1911 at Providence House, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario or at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, (depending upon sources). His wife Elizabeth Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), (to whom he was married 3 January 1887 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born in or about 1819 or 1820 in Ireland, daughter to John Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh) and Ann Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, James McGuire, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, 30 July 1875 at South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Thomas Davis, (to whom likewise also refer); died 8 November 1900 at Lanark County, Ontario in consequence of lung congestion. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Michael Flaherty and Elizabeth Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh).


James Fletcher. His wife Carol Ann Pery was born in 1940, daughter to Lyndon deVere Pery and Eileen May Reid, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Floyd was born probably in or about 1845 or 1846 in England, son to Peter Floyd and Ann Trenhayle. His wife Adelaide Eliza Christine (or Christian) Astley, (to whom he was married 12 September 1865 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England), was born 29 January 1845 probably at or near Whitchurch, Whitchurch Parish, Somerset County, England, daughter to Richard Astley and Adelaide Annette Crampton, (to whom refer); died 12 December 1868 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England; buried in December 1868 at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England. This couple begat issue: (1) Adelaide Eliza Christian (or Christine) Floyd, born in or about 1865 or 1866 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, died early, unmarried, in December 1868 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, buried 16 December 1868 at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England; (2) Edgar Floyd, born in or about 1866 or 1867; (3) Beatrice Floyd, born in or about 1867 or 1868.


Thomas de Grenier de Fonblanque (Vicomte de Fonblanque, etc. in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of France, etc.) (Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General to the Principality of Serbia, etc.) was born 26 January 1793 at London, Middlesex County, England, son to John Anthony Martin de Grenier de Fonblanque (Knight of The Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Member of the House of Commons in the Parliament at Westminster, and a noted King's Counsel who, as its oldest living practitioner, was designated the "Father of the English Bar", etc.) and ---; died in 1860. His wife Jane Catherine Barrington, (to whom he was married in or about 1814 or 1815), was born in or about 1791 or 1792, daughter to (Sir) Jonah Barrington and Catherine Grogan, (to whom refer); died in 1872. This couple begat issue: (1) Jane Catherine Patricia de Fonblanque, died 6 May 1886, who married 4 October 1842 at St. Helier Parish, Jersey Bailiwick, Channel Islands, the Duchy of Normandy, Kingsmill Pennefather; (2) Adelaide Arabella de Fonblanque, born in 1827, died 1 August 1856 at Basedow, the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, who married 1 November 1849, Otto Karl von Schlippenbach und Sk�vde (or Skofde) (Graf, otherwise Count, of Schlippenbach and Skofde, etc. in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of Sweden, etc.) (Chamberlain to His Imperial Majesty Wilhelm I., Kaiser of Germany and King of Prussia, etc.); (3) Caroline de Fonblanque, who married 19 September 1861 at St. Gabriel's Anglican Church (otherwise known as St. Gabriel's Parish Church), Warwick Square, St. Gabriel's Parish, Pimlico, Westminster City, Middlesex County, England, Richard Croker.


Robert John Fortin. His wife Winnifred Mary Barrington, (to whom he was married 23 December 1961), was born 29 January 1938 at or near Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, daughter to William George Barrington and Mary Lestine Taber, (to whom refer); christened 2 September 1938; married, secondly, in 2005, William Jenner, (to whom also refer). Robert John Fortin and Winnifred Mary Barrington begat issue: (1) Maria Lianne Fortin, born 3 July 1962 at Catherine Booth Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (2) Heather Lynne Fortin, born 14 November 1963 at Catherine Booth Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (3) Suzanne Lee Fortin, born 26 January 1966 at New Liskeard Hospital, New Liskeard, Timiskaming District, Ontario; (4) Joseph John Robert William Fortin, born 2 October 1968 at Grace Hospital, St. John's, Newfoundland.


Daniel John Foster. His wife Gretta deVere Pery, (to whom he was married in 1944), was born 2 September 1911, daughter to Harry Reddall deVere Pery and Bertha Fouscha, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.

FOUNTAIN, --- / HART, ---

--- Fountain. His wife --- Hart was daughter to --- Hart and --- Williams, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable.


Charles St. Vigor Fox was son to Wilfred Michael Fox and Anthea Helen Orr Ewing; married, firstly, 8 August 1964, Charlotte Certhia Ingram, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1992). His second wife Nicola Louise Cazenove, (to whom he was married in 1994), was born in 1949, daughter to Edward de L�risson Cazenove and Grania Geraldine Kennedy, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1976, (Sir) Brian Charles Pennefather Warren (9th Baronet in the Baronetage of Ireland, etc.), (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Charles St. Vigor Fox and Nicola Louise Cazenove are presently available.


Brian Franklin was born 12 December 1949. His wife Candace Aileen McLeod was born 28 August 1952, daughter to Gordon McLeod and Beverley Alena Chipman, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Orland French (a noted newspaper and television journalist, etc.). His wife Sylvia Helen Burtch was born 16 July 1944, daughter to Herbert Burtch and Helen Jane Bryan, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Arthur E. Frost was born 9 october 1911; died 13 March 2002; buried in 2002 at Highland Cemetery, Marcellus, Marcellus Township, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Dorothy Alice Barrington was born 5 June 1916, daughter to William John Barrington and Ethel Lauretta Wing, (to whom refer); died 21 August 2002; buried in 2002 at Highland Cemetery, Marcellus, Marcellus Township, Onondaga County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Phillip Fry. His wife Frances Agnes "Fanny" Barrington, (to whom he was married 23 May 1898 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was born 18 February 1872 probably at Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to James Barrington and Ann Mary March, (to whom refer); christened 19 July 1872 probably at or near Ste. C�cile (afterward Salaberry-de-Valleyfield), Ste. C�cile Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec; died in 1901 at Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Peter Gainsford. His wife Jean Violet Barrington-Kennett, (to whom he was married in July, August or September 1943), was born 23 March 1920 at Guildford, Guildford Municipal Borough, Surrey County, England, daughter to Godwin Austen Barrington-Kennett and Beryl Eileen Malcolmson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 20 December 1952 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, Kenya Colony and Protectorate, Alexander Hyde Duder, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 23 November 1978 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, the Republic of Kenya, Myles Larcombe Hudspeth, (to whom likewise also refer); died in December 2008 at Nairobi Hospital, Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, the Republic of Kenya; cremated 26 December 2008 and ashes scattered at Nairobi Game Reserve, Rift Valley Province, the Republic of Kenya. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Peter Gainsford and Jean Violet Barrington-Kennett are presently available.


George H. Gardiner was born 10 October 1884, son to James Gardiner and Mary Emily Leacock (or Laycock), (to whom refer); died 28 August 1968; buried in 1968 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Alma Montgomery, (to whom he was married in 1916), was born 9 January 1897; died 6 August 1946; buried in August 1946 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Bryce Roy Gardiner, stillborn or died at birth in or about 1920 or 1921; (2) Iona Gardiner, born 3 November 1926, who married 3 July 1945, Cecil Hammond.


James Gardiner was born 15 May 1853 or 18 May 1853 (depending upon sources) at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to James Gardiner and Mary Ann Polk; died 23 February 1934 at or near Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1934 at St. Anne's Anglican Cemetery, Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary Emily Leacock (or Laycock) was born 8 December 1865 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, daughter to George Leacock (or Laycock) and Caroline Barrington, (to whom refer); died 12 August 1934; buried in August 1934 at St. Anne's Anglican Cemetery, Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Doreen Gardiner, who married 14 July 1934 at the residence of the Reverend C. F. Brown, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Percy Harold Lockwood; (2) Alletia Gardiner, born 20 September 1883, died 23 March 1934, buried in 1934 at St. Anne's Anglican Cemetery, Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (3) George H. Gardiner, born 10 October 1884, died 28 August 1968, who married in 1916, Alma Montgomery; (4) Viola Pearl Gardiner, born 6 April 1887, died unmarried 15 December 1980, buried at St. Anne's Anglican Cemetery, Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (5) Roy Burton Gardiner, born 10 March 1888, died in 1974, buried at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married in 1934 at St. Peter's Church, Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Grace Marguerita Cole; (6) Harry C. Gardiner, born 15 December 1891, died in infancy, unmarried, 26 December 1891, buried at St. Anne's Anglican Cemetery, Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (7) Hazel Gardiner, born 31 October 1895, died in infancy, unmarried, 5 November 1895, buried at St. Anne's Anglican Cemetery, Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario.


Roy Burton Gardiner was born 10 March 1888, son to James Gardiner and Mary Emily Leacock (or Laycock), (to whom refer); died in 1974; buried at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Grace Marguerita Cole, (to whom he was married in 1934 at St. Peter's Church, Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in 1901; died in 1985. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


David William Gardner was born 10 October 1938 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Robert James Percy Gardner and Lila Johnston Dunlap, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 22 November 1990, Judy Butchart, (to whom also refer). His first wife Corinne Gail Poapst, (to whom he was married 16 June 1962 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced in 1990), was born 4 March 1940, daughter to Lorne E. Poapst and Helen Burton. David William Gardner and Corinne Gail Poapst begat issue: (1) Kevin Brent Gardner, born 26 February 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Cheryl Lynne Gardner, born 20 May 1965 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


David William Gardner was born 10 October 1938 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Robert James Percy Gardner and Lila Johnston Dunlap, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 16 June 1962 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario, Corinne Gail Poapst, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1990). His second wife was Judy Butchart, (to whom he was married 22 November 1990). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of David William Gardner and Judy Butchart are presently available.


John Riddell Gardner died 3 October 1896 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec; buried 5 October 1896. His wife Amelia Barrington, (to whom he was married 25 April 1849 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East), was born 13 January 1823 at or near Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, daughter to Thomas Barrington and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Elizabeth Murray, (to whom refer); christened 25 May 1823 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church (afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral), Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada; died 20 March 1896 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec; buried 23 March 1896. This couple begat issue: (1) Alexander Gardner, born in February 1850 in the First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 28 April 1850 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East; (2) William Thomas Gardner, born 6 July 1851 in the First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 17 August 1851 in the First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, died 17 August 1925 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, buried 18 August 1925 at the Presbyterian Cemetery, St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, who married 6 February 1895 at the Presbyterian Church, at or near Huntingdon Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec, Matilda Holmes; (3) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Gardner, born 16 December 1852 in the First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 14 January 1853 in the First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, died early, unmarried, 4 May 1871 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, buried 6 May 1871; (4) Elizabeth Jane Gardner, born 14 March 1855 at or near Helenstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 19 June 1855 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, who married James Symons; (5) Thomas Gardner, born 5 September 1857 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, christened 31 October 1857 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, who married Jesse Wright; (6) John Riddell Gardner, born 6 October 1859 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, christened 16 December 1859 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East; (7) James Gardner, born 2 September 1861 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, christened 14 October 1861 at the Presbyerian Church, St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, died unmarried 11 March 1889 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, buried 13 March 1889 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec; (8) Amelia Gardner, born 3 September 1863 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, christened 11 October 1863 at the Presbyterian Church, St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, who married Robert Sinton; (9) Margaret Gardner, born 21 August 1865 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, christened 8 October 1865 at the Presbyterian Church, St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, died 16 May 1913 at Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, buried 18 May 1913 at Georgetown Presbyterian Cemetery, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 11 January 1899 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, John Brown; (10) George Webb Gardner, born 28 September 1867 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, christened 10 November 1867 at the Presbyterian Church, St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec.


Robert James Percy Gardner was born 20 September 1894 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William John Gardner and Mary Templeton, (to whom refer); died 21 February 1956 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario; buried in 1956 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Lila Johnston Dunlap, (to whom he was married 21 April 1933 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 21 January 1898 at or near Millar's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; died 6 June 1990 in Ontario; buried in June 1990 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Eleanor Gardner, born 26 July 1934 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 20 October 1956 at East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Edwin John Cooper; (2) David William Gardner, born 10 October 1938 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 16 June 1962 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario, Corinne Gail Poapst, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1990), and, secondly, 22 November 1990, Judy Butchart.


Thomas Gardner was born 5 September 1857 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, son to John Riddell Gardner and Amelia Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 31 October 1857 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East. His wife was Jesse Wright. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William John Gardner was born 22 September 1862 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to Robert Gardner and Mary Jane Claire; died 10 January 1928 at his residence near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1928 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary Templeton, (to whom he was married 14 June 1893 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 22 July 1865 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 9 November 1943 in Ontario; buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert James Percy Gardner, born 20 September 1894 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 21 February 1956 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, buried in 1956 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 21 April 1933 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Lila Johnston Dunlap; (2) Alice Zelba Gardner, born 19 August 1897 (not 26 August 1897 as erroneously suggested or indicated in the records of the Registrar-General of Ontario on the basis of mistaken information accidentally supplied by her maternal grandfather) at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 22 April 1994 at Bayfield Manor, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, buried 25 April 1994 at Alexander Union Cemetery, Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 30 October 1935 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Wilfrid Fergus Morrison; (3) John Mansell Kirkwood Gardner, born 7 January 1900 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried 23 November 1937, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario.


William Thomas Gardner was born 6 July 1851 in the First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, son to John Riddell Gardner and Amelia Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 17 August 1851 in the First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East; died 17 August 1925 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec; buried 18 August 1925 at the Presbyterian Cemetery, St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec. His wife was Matilda Holmes, (to whom he was married 6 February 1895 at the Presbyterian Church, at or near Huntingdon Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec). This couple begat issue: (1) Edith Margaret Gardner, born 9 March 1897 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, christened 12 July 1897 at the Presbyterian Church, St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec; (2) Agnes Helen Gardner, born 29 December 1904 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, christened 3 June 1905 at the Presbyterian Church, St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, who married 1 August 1936, her third cousin once removed Sydney George Barrington.


George Gates was born 26 October 1910. His wife Mary Jane Bryan, (to whom he was married 6 January 1932), was born 23 November 1912, daughter to Thomas Bedford Bryan and Christena Morris, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kenneth Lloyd Gates, born 8 June 1933, who married 21 July 1956, Marion Blackman; (2) Betty Laura Gates, born 3 September 1934, who married 25 July 1959, Ennis James; (3) Beverley June Gates, born 25 June 1937, who married 10 October 1964, Eldon Alberts.


Kenneth Lloyd Gates was born 8 June 1933, son to George Gates and Mary Jane Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife Marion Blackman, (to whom he was married 21 July 1956), was born 30 March 1931. This couple begat issue: (1) Susan Christine Gates, born 17 May 1957; (2) Sharon Elizabeth Gates, born 21 January 1959; (3) Daniel Robert Gates, born 4 January 1962; (4) David Edward Gates, born 26 February 1964; (5) Barbara Louise Gates, born 7 June 1966.


John Gavin. His wife Cheryl Anne Leeder was born 21 March 1947, daughter to Wilfrid Leeder and Jean Marie Bryan, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Michael H. Gayshon was son to Morris Gayshon and ---. His wife Lara Joanna Agnew, (to whom he was married 3 July 2003 at The Orangery, Holland Park, Kensington Palace, Kensington and Chelsea Royal Borough, Greater London County, England), was born 22 May 1969, daughter to Jonathan Geoffrey William Agnew and (Honourable) Agneta Joanna Middleton Campbell, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Joshua George. His wife Alice Barrington was daughter to Alexander Barrington and Margaret (Mary or Jane) Bowen (or Bown), (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Lloyd McDowell Giffin was born 21 June 1902 at Leeds County, Ontario, son to Morton R. Giffin and Margaret Ann McLean; died 23 November 1983 at Brockville Psychiatric Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Leita Ruth Blake, (to whom he was married 26 June 1929 at the Anglican Rectory, North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 30 September 1907 on Concession 10, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Richard Blake and Lydia Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 3 January 1908; died 6 March 1981 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1981 at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Alvin Giffin, born 9 June 1930 at or near Jellyby, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, christened 11 December 1930, died 1 March 2004 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of cancer, buried in 2004 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 14 June 1952 at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Gladys Mildred Willoughby; (2) Marjorie Doris Giffin, born 13 March 1935, christened 7 September 1936, who married 8 October 1955, Gordon Denis Brown; (3) Walter Archie Giffin, born 24 November 1942, christened 2 May 1943, died 15 April 1996 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1996 at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Paulette Mae Fournell.


Richard Alvin Giffin was born 9 June 1930 at or near Jellyby, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Lloyd McDowell Giffin and Leita Ruth Blake, (to whom refer); christened 11 December 1930; died 1 March 2004 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of cancer; buried in 2004 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Gladys Mildred Willoughby, (to whom he was married 14 June 1952 at Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was born 3 June ----. This couple begat issue: (1) Lorraine Giffin, who married John O'Halloran; (2) Joyce Giffin, who married Leon Edgley.


Walter Archie Giffin was born 24 November 1942, son to Lloyd McDowell Giffin and Leita Ruth Blake, (to whom refer); christened 2 May 1943; died 15 April 1996 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1996 at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Paulette Mae Fournell was born 20 April 1950. This couple begat issue: (1) Robin Giffin.


Leon E. Gilbert was born 6 June 1918; died 1 October 1983; buried in October 1983 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Estella Mae Barrington was born 13 November 1924, daughter to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer); died in July 1981; buried in 1981 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable; (4) a female child, name unavailable.


--- Gillis. His wife Elsie Barrington was daughter to John Robert Barrington and Mary Ann Sparling, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable.


Frederick Howard Gilroy died 18 June 1952. His wife Isabella Dow Barrington, (to whom he was married 16 September 1908 at the bride's residence, 104 Villeneuve Avenue, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was born 26 March 1881 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, daughter to Thomas Barrington and Jeannie Greenshields Meikle, (to whom refer); christened 29 May 1881 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; died 14 August 1971. This couple begat issue: (1) George Barrington Gilroy, born 6 July 1911 at or near Mount Forest, Wellington County, Ontario, died 27 March 1960, who married Helen Donaldson McDonald.


George Barrington Gilroy was born 6 July 1911 at or near Mount Forest, Wellington County, Ontario, son to Frederick Howard Gilroy and Isabella Dow Barrington, (to whom refer); died 27 March 1960. His wife was Helen Donaldson McDonald. This couple begat issue: (1) Louise Convery Gilroy.


Bryan Girard. His wife Ida Suzanne Templeton was born 25 September 1967 in Alberta, daughter to William Lincoln Templeton and Eva Mary Heaver, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Aidan Girard; (2) Ryce Girard.


John Barrington Goodbody was born 9 May 1888, son to Robert Goodbody and Eliza Jane Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife Phyllis Sybil Greene, (to whom he was married 13 September 1915), was daughter to George Greene and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert Goodbody was born 7 June 1850, son to Jonathan Goodbody and Lydia Clibborn. His wife Eliza Jane Barrington, (to whom he was married 16 November 1875), was born 8 November 1852, daughter to (Sir) John Barrington and Elizabeth Pim, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret Jane Evelyn Goodbody, born 8 September 1881, who married 7 July 1903, Norman Fritz Thompson; (2) John Barrington Goodbody, born 9 May 1888, who married 13 September 1915, Phyllis Sybil Greene; (3) Robert Goodbody, born 22 March 1890, who married 17 February 1914, Millicent Hurst.


Robert Goodbody was born 22 March 1890, son to Robert Goodbody and Eliza Jane Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife Millicent Hurst, (to whom he was married 17 February 1914), was daughter to Villiers E. Hurst and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Evelyn Villiers Goodbody, born 22 December 1914.


John Gorsche. His wife Lillian M. Hutchison was born in or about 1894 or 1895 at or near Morris, Grundy County, Illinois, daughter to James Charles Hutchison and Barbara Cavers, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George Michael Richard Goulding was born 24 December 1951, son to Ossian Goulding and Yasuko Elisabeth Katherine Tham, (to whom refer). His wife (Honourable) Caroline Laurence Patricia Cavendish, (to whom he was married 13 October 1979), was born 3 March 1952, daughter to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Frederick Caryll Philip Cavendish (7th Baron Waterpark in the Peerage of Ireland, etc.) (8th Baronet in the Baronetage of Great Britain, etc.) and Dani�le Alice Guirche. This couple begat issue: (1) William Roderick Ossian Goulding, born 12 August 1983; (2) Laura Yasuko Daniele Goulding, born in 1986.


Hamilton Paddy Goulding (popular Irish musician and entertainer, etc.) was born 23 June 1947, son to (Sir) William Basil Goulding (3rd Baronet, etc.) and (Honourable) Valerie Hamilton Monckton, (to whom refer). His wife Yvonne Denise Thompson, (to whom he was married 16 December 1970), was daughter to S. V. Holmes Thompson and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ossian Goulding was born 1 January 1913, son to (Sir) William Lingard Amphlett Goulding (2nd Baronet, etc.) and Nesta Violet Wright, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 19 December 1943, Yasuko Elisabeth Katherine Tham, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1962); married, thirdly, 20 August 1962, Margaret Angela Chadwick, (to whom likewise also refer). His first wife was Felice Martell Darling, (to whom he was married 9 July 1936 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1943). Ossian Goulding and Felice Martell Darling begat issue: (1) Lynn Goulding, born 31 March 1937, who married, firstly, 6 January 1958, Richard Edgeson Cathcart, and, secondly, 20 January 1966, Kenneth Irwin.


Ossian Goulding was born 1 January 1913, son to (Sir) William Lingard Amphlett Goulding (2nd Baronet, etc.) and Nesta Violet Wright, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 9 July 1936, Felice Martell Darling, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1943); married, thirdly, 20 August 1962, Margaret Angela Chadwick, (to whom likewise also refer). His second wife Yasuko Elisabeth Katherine Tham, (to whom he was married 19 December 1943 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1962), was daughter to Lennart Tham and ---. Ossian Goulding and Yasuko Elisabeth Katherine Tham begat issue: (1) Carola Nesta Katherine Goulding, born 16 February 1946; (2) Sara Elizabeth Louise Goulding, born in 1947; (3) George Michael Richard Goulding, born 24 December 1951, who married 13 October 1979, (Honourable) Caroline Laurence Patricia Cavendish.


Ossian Goulding was born 1 January 1913, son to (Sir) William Lingard Amphlett Goulding (2nd Baronet, etc.) and Nesta Violet Wright, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 9 July 1936, Felice Martell Darling, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1943); married, secondly, 19 December 1943, Yasuko Elisabeth Katherine Tham, (to whom likewise also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1962). His third wife Margaret Angela Chadwick, (to whom he was married 20 August 1962), was daughter to Frank Chadwick and ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Ossian Goulding and Margaret Angela Chadwick are presently available.


Timothy Adam Goulding (popular Irish musician and entertainer, etc.) was born 15 May 1945, son to (Sir) William Basil Goulding (3rd Baronet, etc.) and (Honourable) Valerie Hamilton Monckton, (to whom refer). His wife was Patricia Moran, (to whom he was married in 1971). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.

GOULDING, (Sir) WILLIAM BASIL, (3rd Baronet, etc.) / MONCKTON, (Honourable) VALERIE HAMILTON

(Sir) William Basil Goulding (3rd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) was born 4 November 1909, son to (Sir) William Lingard Amphlett Goulding (2nd Baronet, etc.) and Nesta Violet Wright, (to whom refer); died in 1982. His wife (Honourable) Valerie Hamilton Monckton (Senator of the Irish Republic, crusader for social justice, etc.) (to whom he was married 28 August 1939), was born 12 September 1918, daughter to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Walter Turner Monckton (1st Viscount Monckton of Brenchley in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Knight Grand Cross of The Royal Victorian Order, Knight Commander of The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Military Cross, Member of Parliament in the House of Commons at Westminster, Member of The Sovereign's Most Honourable Privy Council at Westminster, a Minister of The Crown, principal legal counsel to His Majesty The King during the Abdication Crisis of 1936, etc.) and Mary Adelaide Somes "Polly" Colyer-Fergusson; died 28 July 2003. This couple begat issue: (1) (Sir) William Lingard Walter Goulding (4th Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.), born 11 July 1940; (2) Timothy Adam Goulding (popular Irish musician and entertainer, etc.), born 15 May 1945, who married in 1971, Patricia Moran; (3) Hamilton Paddy Goulding (popular Irish musician and entertainer, etc.), born 23 June 1947, who married 16 December 1970, Yvonne Denise Thompson.


(Sir) William Lingard Amphlett Goulding (2nd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) was son to (Sir) William Joshua Goulding (1st Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) and Ada Stokes; died 20 June 1935. His wife Nesta Violet Wright, (to whom he was married 20 June 1908), was daughter to George Wright and Mercy Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 14 February 1939, Stanley John Adams, (to whom also refer). (Sir) William Lingard Amphlett Goulding (2nd Baronet, etc.) and Nesta Violet Wright begat issue: (1) (Sir) William Basil Goulding (3rd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.), born 4 November 1909, died in 1982, who married 28 August 1939, (Honourable) Valerie Hamilton Monckton (Senator of the Irish Republic, crusader for social justice, etc.); (2) Ossian Goulding, born 1 January 1913, who married, firstly, 9 July 1936, Felice Martell Darling, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1943), secondly, 19 December 1943, Yasuko Elisabeth Katherine Tham, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1962), and, thirdly, 20 August 1962, Margaret Angela Chadwick.

GRANDY, --- / DAY, ---

--- Grandy. His wife --- Day was daughter to Angus Cyprian Day and --- Hilda Mae Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, --- Steele, (to whom also refer). --- Grandy and --- Day begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable.

GRANT, --- / HART, ---

--- Grant. His wife --- Hart was daughter to --- Hart and --- Williams, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable; (4) a male child, name unavailable.


(Sir) Edmund Arnott Grattan (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General to the Kingdom of Belgium, etc.) was born in 1818, son to Thomas Colley Grattan (distingished diplomat, courtier and author, etc.) and Eliza O'Donnel; died in August 1890 at Ostend, West Flanders Region, the Kingdom of Belgium. His wife Mary Catherine Cawthorne Hunter, (to whom he was married in April, May or June 1860 at Kent County, England), was born in or about 1831 or 1832 at Lancaster County, England, daughter to John Alexander Hunter and Patricia Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edmond Robert Henry Gray was born 19 August 1840, son to Henry Gray and (Honourable) Emilie Caroline Pery, (to whom refer). His wife Cecile Maria Astley, (to whom he was married 27 May 1868), was daughter to (Sir) Francis Dugdale Astley (2nd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) John Edmond Henry Gray, born 17 April 1869, who married 24 June 1897, Dulcibella Amy Gooch; (2) Francis Cecil Gray, born 28 December 1871; (3) Kathleen Mary Gray.


Henry Gray was son to (The Right Reverend) Robert Gray (Lord Bishop of Bristol, etc.) and Elizabeth Camplin (whose brother became an Alderman of The City of Bristol, etc.); died 5 June 1864. His wife (Honourable) Emilie Caroline Pery, (to whom he was married 21 May 1835), was born 28 March 1815, daughter to Henry Hartstonge Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) and Annabella Tenison Edwards, (to whom refer); died 4 September 1888. This couple begat issue: (1) Alice Elizabeth Gray, died 1 July 1910, who married in 1855, Robert Kennedy (Lieutenant of the County of Kildare, Justice of the Peace, etc.); (2) Edmond Robert Henry Gray, born 19 August 1840, who married 27 May 1868, Cecile Maria Astley; (3) Caroline Maria Gray, died 24 January 1877, who married 28 August 1862, her first cousin (The Right Honourable) (Sir) William Hale John Charles Pery (3rd Earl of Limerick, 3rd Viscount Limerick, 4th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 3rd Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Knight of The Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, Privy Counsellor of The United Kingdom, Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, etc.); (4) Annie Emilie Gray, who married W. Lorne; (5) Louisa Augusta Penison Emilie Gray, who married Charles Stirling.


John Edmond Henry Gray was born 17 April 1869, son to Edmond Robert Henry Gray and Cecile Maria Astley, (to whom refer). His wife Dulcibella Amy Gooch, (to whom he was married 24 June 1897), was daughter to Francis Harcourt Gooch and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) John Astley Gray; (2) Richard Edmond Gray; (3) Henry Francis Gray.


William Alfred Gray was born 15 August 1934. His wife Patricia Alison Chipman, (to whom he was married 21 September 1957), was born 3 June 1936, daughter to Samuel Gerald Chipman and Doris Aileen Dudley (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Michael John Gray, born 15 September 1958; (2) Jennifer Arleen Gray, born 27 April 1960; (3) Peter Andrew Gray, born 16 May 1963; (4) Timothy William Gray, born 4 January 1965.


Donald Wayne Scott Greenham was born 3 December 1942, son to Raymond Stewart Greenham and Marion Eleanor Scott, (to whom refer). His wife Jennifer Elizabeth Gigg, (to whom he was married 21 August 1970), was born 15 February 1946. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Greenham. His wife Letitia Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1817), was daughter to James Barrington and Letitia Gray, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married Ebenezer Molloy.


Raymond Stewart Greenham was born 13 November 1922. His wife Marion Eleanor Scott, (to whom he was married 14 May 1941 at Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 11 April 1923 in Ontario, daughter to Leonard Templeton Scott and Lillian Erma Dixie, (to whom refer); died in 1989 in Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Rae Eleanor Scott Greenham, born 2 October 1941, who married 28 July 1973, Harry Alfred Kingstone; (2) Donald Wayne Scott Greenham, born 3 December 1942, who married 21 August 1970, Jennifer Elizabeth Gigg.


Samuel Greenwood was son to James Greenwood and Jane ---. His wife Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, (to whom he was married 14 September 1721 Old Style or Julian or 25 September 1721 New Style or Gregorian), was daughter to Thomas Barrington and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Nunn, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Greer was born 10 June 1859; died in 1930; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Ida M. Fair was born 9 September 1868, daughter to John Fair and Hester (Hesther or Esther) Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1934; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario.


Jacques Greffe. His wife Janet Barrington, (to whom he was married in September 2004), was born in 1961, daughter to William Ernest Barrington and Barbara Campbell, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1987, William Doyle, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Jacques Greffe and Janet Barrington.


Cyril Victor E. Grice. His wife Helen Catherine Le Fanu, (to whom he was married in 1956), was born 29 March 1916, daughter to (The Most Reverend) Henry Frewen Le Fanu and Mary Annette Ingle "Margery" Dredge, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable.


Percy Grindrod was born 31 December 1865 at or near Stretford, Stretford Township, Manchester Parish, Lancaster County, England; died 3 June 1943 at Ste. Anne de Bellevue Municipality, Jacques Cartier County, Qu�bec. His wife Elizabeth Jane Barrington Hutchison, (to whom he was married 22 July 1899 at West End Methodist Church, West Montr�al, Hochelaga County, Qu�bec), was born 16 January 1870 at St. Stanislas de Kostka Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, daughter to Thomas James Hutchison and Jane Barrington Whittal, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 12 June 1888 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, John Williamson, (to whom also refer); died 16 February 1949 at the Homeopathic Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. Percy Grindrod and Elizabeth Jane Barrington Hutchison begat issue: (1) Edwin Percy Grindrod, born 21 February 1900 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died 18 November 1918 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (2) Muriel Mary Grindrod, born 27 September 1901 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died 15 August 1994 at Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario; (3) Donald Grindrod, born 27 October 1902 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died early, unmarried, 4 August 1905 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (4) Evelyn May Grindrod, born 16 May 1905 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died 26 July 1997 at Edmonton, Alberta; (5) Alice Florence Grindrod, born 25 March 1911 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (6) Marjory Constance Grindrod, born 15 April 1913 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died 25 July 1936 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec.


Paul Gullackson. His wife Merrill Lynn Barrington was daughter to George William Barrington and Eva Waffle, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jacob Gullackson.


Edmund Augustus Henry Gun-Cuninghame was born 9 May 1833, son to Robert Gun-Cuninghame and (Honourable) Annabella Erina Pery, (to whom refer); died 2 February 1870. His wife was Henrietta Byrne, (to whom he was married 9 February 1863). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name, if any, unavailable, born 19 November 1863; (2) Erina Gun-Cuninghame, born 10 July 1865.


Robert Gun-Cuninghame (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Wicklow, etc.) was born 4 September 1792, son to George Gun-Cuninghame and Jean Gordon; married, firstly, 21 July 1817, Elizabeth Foulkes; died 7 June 1877. His second wife (Honourable) Annabella Erina Pery, (to whom he was married 11 September 1832), was born 5 May 1810, daughter to Henry Hartstonge Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) and Annabella Tenison Edwards, (to whom refer); died 25 April 1841. This couple begat issue: (1) Edmund Augustus Henry Gun-Cuninghame, born 9 May 1833, died 2 February 1870, who married 9 February 1863, Henrietta Byrne; (2) Albert Evelyn Gordon Gun-Cuninghame, born 19 April 1834, died early, unmarried, 6 June 1837; (3) Glentworth Sexton deVere Gun-Cuninghame, born 2 May 1835, died in infancy, unmarried, 17 December 1835; (4) Nina Augusta Erina Gun-Cuninghame, born 28 June 1836, died 9 July 1869, who married 21 February 1860, John Wilson Moore; (5) Cecil Theodore deVere Gun-Cuninghame, born 9 September 1837, died early, unmarried, 3 April 1845; (6) Eva Adelaide Antoinette Gun-Cuninghame, born 14 December 1838, died in or about 1879 or 1880, who married J. M. Muldary; (7) Glencairn Dunsmere Stuart Gun-Cuninghame, born 12 February 1841.


Brian James Gwynn was born in 1883, son to (The Very Reverend) John Gwynn (Canon and ecclesiastical Dean in the Church of Ireland, Warden of St. Columba's College, Dublin, Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin and academic Lecturer and Professor of Divinity and Linguistics there, etc.) and Lucy Josephine O'Brien; died in 1972. His wife Mary Caroline Weldon, (to whom he was married 28 September 1912), was daughter to Lewen Burton Weldon and Olivia Maria Barrington, (to whom refer); died 22 December 1944. This couple begat issue: (1) Mercy Felicia Gwynn, born 5 March 1915, died in 1998, buried at St. Maelruain's Church of Ireland Cemetery, Tallaght, Tallaght Parish, Uppercross Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in 1941, (His Grace) (The Most Reverend) George Otto Simms (Lord Archbishop of Armagh and Metropolitan of Armagh in the Church of Ireland and Lord Primate of All Ireland, etc.).



Christopher Hall. His wife Patricia Mae Barrington, (to whom he was married 27 January 1968), was born 11 July 1944, daughter to Wilson Keble Barrington and Ruth Beatrice Larmour, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Douglas MacKinnon Hall. His wife Nancy Ruth DeWolfe was born 5 July 1944, daughter to William B. DeWolfe and Frances Doreen McNeely, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Hillary Eden Hall, born 18 May 1969; (2) Russell William Douglas Hall, born 3 November 1971.


William Hamilton. His wife Deborah Barrington, (to whom he was married 23 November 1881 according to some sources and Registrar-General or 23 November 1882 according to some sources at Morewood, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 21 February 1855, daughter to Thomas Barrington and Ann Mulloy, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Hamilton; (2) William Hamilton; (3) Annabelle Hamilton, who married --- Marcellus.


Bruce George Hammond was born 24 January 1947, son to Cecil Hammond and Iona Gardiner, (to whom refer). His wife was Sandra Crapo, (to whom he was married in June 1970). This couple begat issue: (1) Kristen Hammond; (2) Eric Hammond; (3) David Hammond; (4) Benjamin Hammond; (5) Laura Elizabeth Hammond.


Cecil Hammond died 2 July 1962. His wife Iona Gardiner, (to whom he was married 3 July 1945), was born 3 November 1926, daughter to George H. Gardiner and Alma Montgomery, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Bruce George Hammond, born 24 January 1947, who married in June 1970, Sandra Crapo; (2) Melanie Anne Hammond, born 30 October 1948, who married in 1967, ---, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1972, having had one child, Scott ---, born 22 December 1972).


Egerton Hammond was born 1 June 1863, son to Egerton Douglas Hammond and Elizabeth Whitmore. His wife Selina Barrington, (to whom he was married 20 December 1895 in Ireland), was born 16 December 1871 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Philip Sidney Barrington and Elizabeth Shackleton (aunt to Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton, Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Officer of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society, an illustrious explorer of Antarctica, etc.), (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Douglas William Hammond, born in 1897, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., unmarried, 24 May 1915 whilst serving as Second Lieutenant with The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), commemorated officially on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, West Flanders Province, the Kingdom of Belgium; (2) Kathleen Eleanor Hammond, born 6 June 1900, who married Bernard Ewart Davies.


Bruce Hanton was born 14 March 1960, son to Richard Keith Hanton and Maxine Barr, (to whom refer). His wife Sheryl Millar, (to whom he was married 6 July 1991 in Qu�bec), was born 17 October 1960. This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Scott Hanton, born 9 November 1994.


Howard Wellington Hanton was born 13 August 1911, son to Robert Russell Hanton and Minerva Rowsome (or Rowsom), (to whom refer); died 14 August 1971. His wife Vera Roy, (to whom he was married 15 August 1936 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Trenton, Hastings County, Ontario), was born 18 January 1909. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Gerald Hanton was born 24 January 1938, son to Richard Wallace Hanton and Vena Pearl Vanderburg, (to whom refer); died 27 July 1999; buried in 1999 at Lehigh Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Shirley Truelove was born 16 October 1941. This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret Patricia Hanton, born 26 July 1965, died in infancy, unmarried, 11 November 1965, buried at Lehigh Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Ann Katie Hanton, born 7 October 1969; (3) Jennifer Irene Hanton, born 18 January 1970, who married Ainley ---.


Matthias Hanton was born 11 September 1852, son to William J. Hanton and Johanna (or Joanna) Barrington, (to whom refer); died 14 April 1926; buried in 1926 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Ella A. Van Loan was born 9 January 1867; died in 1953; buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Meredith M. Hanton was born 9 April 1891, son to Samuel Hanton and Jennie DeWolfe, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) David Hanton.


Richard Hanton was born 18 October 1845, son to William J. Hanton and Johanna (or Joanna) Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 1 February 1846; died in October 1925; buried 14 October 1925 at Lehigh Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Mary Craig was born 22 June 1850; died 2 May 1903 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of drowning after wandering from the Brockville General Hospital to the St. Lawrence River; buried in May 1903 at Lehigh Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Russell Hanton, born 26 April 1875, died 27 March 1941, buried in 1941 at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married in September 1899, Minerva Rowsome (or Rowsom); (2) Jennie Florence Hanton, born in 1876, died early, unmarried, 20 November 1894, buried at Lehigh Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (3) William Alfred Hanton, born 30 June 1879.


Richard Keith Hanton was born 4 December 1930, son to Richard Wallace Hanton and Vena Pearl Vanderburg, (to whom refer). His wife Maxine Barr, (to whom he was married 20 July 1957 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 1 February 1935. This couple begat issue: (1) Susan Hanton, who married Christian ---; (2) Bruce Hanton, born 14 March 1960, who married 6 July 1991 in Qu�bec, Sheryl Millar; (3) Donna Jean Hanton, born 26 November 1962, who married 27 July 1987 at Nepean, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, William Code.


Richard Wallace Hanton was born 12 February 1904, son to Robert Russell Hanton and Minerva Rowsome (or Rowsom), (to whom refer); died 18 March 1983; buried in 1983 at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Vena Pearl Vanderburg, (to whom he was married 6 August 1927 at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 1 April 1905 at or near Avonmore, Roxborough Township, Stormont County, Ontario; died 15 June 1992 at Smiths Falls Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried in June 1992 at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Betty Ann Hanton, born 8 March 1929, died 15 May 1993, buried in May 1993 at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Richard Keith Hanton, born 4 December 1930, who married 20 July 1957 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Maxine Barr; (3) Robert Donald Hanton, born 7 February 1933, died 30 September 2011 at his residence at Athens Township, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, buried 5 October 2011 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Leeds and the Thousand Islands Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 22 October 1966 at the Baptist Church, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, Gail Young; (4) John Gerald Hanton, born 24 January 1938, died 27 July 1999, buried in 1999 at Lehigh Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Shirley Truelove.


Robert Donald Hanton was born 7 February 1933, son to Richard Wallace Hanton and Vena Pearl Vanderburg, (to whom refer); died 30 September 2011 at his residence at Athens Township, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 5 October 2011 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Leeds and the Thousand Islands Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Gail Young, (to whom he was married 22 October 1966 at the Baptist Church, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 11 July 1940. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert Russell Hanton was born 26 April 1875, son to Richard Hanton and Mary Craig, (to whom refer); died 27 March 1941; buried in 1941 at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Minerva Rowsome (or Rowsom), (to whom he was married in September 1899), was born 17 July 1880; died 16 September 1974; buried in September 1974 at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Irene Hanton, born 2 February 1900 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, died 30 October 1987 at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario; (2) Richard Wallace Hanton, born 12 February 1904, died 18 March 1983, buried in 1983 at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 6 August 1927 at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Vena Pearl Vanderburg; (3) Alice Mary Hanton, born 17 March 1909, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, 17 March 1909; (4) Howard Wellington Hanton, born 13 August 1911, died 14 August 1971, who married 15 August 1936 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Trenton, Hastings County, Ontario, Vera Roy.


Samuel Hanton was born 28 December 1848, son to William J. Hanton and Johanna (or Joanna) Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 4 March 1849; died 23 July 1911 in consequence of cancer; buried 25 July 1911 at Toledo-on-the-Hill Cemetery, Toledo, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Jennie DeWolfe was born 1 October 1862; died 9 October 1912; buried at Toledo-on-the-Hill Cemetery, Toledo, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Walter Mortimer Hanton, born 7 July 1889, died 11 September 1957, buried in September 1957 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 31 December 1912 at the Presbyterian Manse, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, Ida Lena Robb; (2) Meredith M. Hanton, born 9 April 1891, who married ---.


Walter Mortimer Hanton was born 7 July 1889, son to Samuel Hanton and Jennie DeWolfe, (to whom refer); died 11 September 1957; buried in September 1957 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Ida Lena Robb, (to whom he was married 31 December 1912 at the Presbyterian Manse, Athens, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 30 November 1883; died 5 September 1944 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in September 1944 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Doris Elizabeth Hanton, born in 1924, died 5 June 1995, buried in June 1995 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 3 April 1945 at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Alvin Richards Hinton.


William Hanton was born 29 January 1847, son to William J. Hanton and Johanna (or Joanna) Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 15 August 1847; died 22 June 1928; buried 24 June 1928 at Lehigh Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Ada Irene Hanna was born in 1888; died in 1971; buried at Lehigh Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William J. Hanton was born in 1816 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; died 11 September 1896 or 15 September 1896 (depending upon sources) at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in September 1896 at Hanton Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Johanna (or Joanna) Barrington, (to whom he was married 7 January 1845), was born 6 October 1824 or 6 October 1825 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to William Barrington and Elizabeth (or Eliza) Mary Green (or Greene), (to whom refer); died 7 July 1905 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in July 1905 at Hanton Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Hanton, born 18 October 1845, christened 1 February 1846, died in October 1925, buried 14 October 1925 at Lehigh Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Mary Craig; (2) William Hanton, born 29 January 1847, christened 15 August 1847, died 22 June 1928, buried 24 June 1928 at Lehigh Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Ada Irene Hanna; (3) Samuel Hanton, born 28 December 1848, christened 4 March 1849, died 23 July 1911 in consequence of cancer, buried 25 July 1911 at Toledo-on-the-Hill Cemetery, Toledo, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Jennie DeWolfe; (4) Jemima Florence "Jennie" Hanton, born 7 October 1850, who married 3 October 1900 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Stephen Clarke; (5) Matthias Hanton, born 11 September 1852, died 14 April 1926, buried in 1926 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Ella A. Van Loan; (6) Keziah Hanton, born 1 May 1855, died in 1953, buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Francis Morrison; (7) Robert Hanton, born in 1856, died early, unmarried, in 1870; (8) Jane Hanton, born in 1862, died early, unmarried, in 1870; (9) Frances Hanton, born 12 July 1864, died in infancy, unmarried, 1 November 1864, buried at Hanton Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West; (10) Margaret L. "Maggie" Hanton, born 19 July 1869, died in 1935, buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.

HART, --- / WILLIAMS, ---

--- Hart. His wife --- Williams was daughter to to Adrian Floyer Williams and Betty Fox Slade, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Grant; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Fountain; (3) a female child, name unavailable.


John Haskett. His wife Elizabeth Blackall, (to whom he was married 9 September 1810), was daughter to Waltho Blackall and Elizabeth Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1828. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Henry Hassett (Justice of the Peace, etc.) died 28 November 1870. His wife Susan Blackall, (to whom he was married 15 January 1867), was born 4 June 1843, daughter to Jonas Blackall and Catherine Blackall, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.

HAWKER, --- / ---

--- Hawker was son to Howard Nelson Hawker Jr. and --- Newton, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Vasile; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Catalfano.

HAWKER, --- / WEIGAND, ---

--- Hawker was son to Howard Nelson Hawker Sr. and Mildred Thelma Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Weigand. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Aspinall; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Weston; (3) a female child, name unavailable, who married, firstly, --- Labencki, and, secondly, --- Simpson.

HAWKER, --- / WILBUR, ---

--- Hawker was son to Howard Nelson Hawker Jr. and --- Newton, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Wilbur. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable; (4) a female child, name unavailable.

HAWKER, --- / VASILE, ---

--- Hawker was son to --- Hawker and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Vasile. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


--- Hawker was son to --- Hawker and --- Weigand, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Aspinall. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable.


--- Hawker was son to Howard Nelson Hawker Sr. and Mildred Thelma Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, ---, (to whom also refer). His first wife Jacqueline Quimby died 5 September 2007. --- Hawker and Jacqueline Quimby begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable.

HAWKER, --- / ---

--- Hawker was son to Howard Nelson Hawker Sr. and Mildred Thelma Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Jacqueline Quimby, (to whom also refer). His second wife was ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of --- Hawker and --- are presently available.


Howard Nelson Hawker Sr. was born 30 August 1922, son to Verner Charles "Vernon" Hawker and Maud Catherine Zellar; died 1 August 1989 in New York. His wife Mildred Thelma Barrington was born 21 March 1923, daughter to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Howard Nelson Hawker Jr., who married --- Newton; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Weigand; (3) a male child, name unavailable, who married, firstly Jacqueline Quimby, and, xecondly, ---; (4) a female child, name unavailable.


Howard Nelson Hawker Jr. was son to Howard Nelson Hawker Sr. and Mildred Thelma Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Newton. This couple begat issue: (1) Howard Nelson Hawker III., who married, firstly, --- Jezawarski, and, secondly, --- Daniels Nevin; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---; (3) a female child, name unavailable, who married, firstly, --- Woodworth, and, secondly, ---; (4) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Wilbur; (5) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Skarr.


Howard Nelson Hawker III. was son to Howard Nelson Hawker Jr. and --- Newton, (to whom refer); married, secondly, --- Daniels Nevin, (to whom also refer). His first wife was --- Jezawarski. Howard Nelson Hawker III. and --- Jezawarski begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable.


Howard Nelson Hawker III. was son to Howard Nelson Hawker Jr. and --- Newton, (to whom refer); married, firstly, --- Jezawarski, (to whom also refer). His second wife was --- Daniels Nevin. Howard Nelson Hawker III. and --- Daniels Nevin begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable.


George Oliver Hayes was born 26 February 1886 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to George Oliver Hayes and Emily Rex; died 25 February 1955. His wife Ethel Barrington, (to whom he was married 20 November 1918 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario with the Reverend George Code, Anglican Church, officiating), was born 3 May 1897 or 3 January 1898 (depending upon sources) at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Bennett Barrington and Alice Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), (to whom refer); died 11 April 1967. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Seamus Hayes. His wife Mary Rose Robinson, (to whom he was married in 1961), was born in 1936, daughter to George John Robinson and Maeve Kennedy, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Hugh Harold Heathcote was son to Frederick Heathcote and ---. His wife Violet Isabella deVere Pery, (to whom he was married 2 November 1918), was daughter to (Honourable) Edmund Aubrey Templar Pery and Clara Julia O'Brien Croker, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Richard Henderson. His wife Helen Joan McNeely, (to whom he was married in June 1959), was born 16 March 1932, daughter to Hubert A. McNeely and Lenna Bryan, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


--- Henry. His wife Margaret Barrington was born 19 April 1830 or 19 April 1831 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable), daughter to William Barrington and Elizabeth (or Eliza) Mary Green (or Greene), (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Elder Henry was born 14 July 1801, son to Robert Henry and Katherine Olivia Elder; died 12 August 1883; buried in August 1883 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Eliza Barrington, (to whom he was married 30 December 1837 at Glendruid House, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 4 September 1793, daughter to John Barrington and Margaret Manliffe (or Manly), (to whom refer); died 1 September 1877; buried in September 1877 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Andrew Mark Herbert was born 25 April 1963, son to Norman Peter Herbert and Caroline Kennedy Richards, (to whom refer). His wife Suzan Tessier, (to whom he was married 15 August 1992), was daughter to Albert Malgoire Tessier and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


David Neil Herbert was born 19 February 1965, son to Norman Peter Herbert and Caroline Kennedy Richards, (to whom refer). His wife Elizabeth Diane Tucker, (to whom he was married 2 September 1989), was daughter to Whitman D. Tucker and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Benjamin Connor Herbert, born 8 February 1991; (2) Shannon Laine Herbert, born 18 May 1993.


Norman Peter Herbert was son to Norman Stuart Everard Herbert and ---. His wife Caroline Kennedy Richards, (to whom he was married in August 1960), was born 21 October 1937, daughter to Cyril Gough Richards and Leila Emilie Kennedy, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Andrew Mark Herbert, born 25 April 1963, who married 15 August 1992, Suzan Tessier; (2) David Neil Herbert, born 19 February 1965, who married 2 September 1989, Elizabeth Diane Tucker; (3) Simon Paul Herbert, born 3 February 1972.


Percy Hughes Hewitt. His wife (Lady) Alice Louisa Pery, (to whom he was married 5 August 1868), was daughter to (The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Margaret Jane Horsley, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 7 March 1874, Edward Martin Langworthy, (to whom also refer); died 15 September 1876. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Percy Hughes Hewitt and (Lady) Alice Louisa Pery are presently available.


Joseph Higginbotham. His wife Margery Barrington was born in or about 1705 or 1706 in Ireland, daughter to Nicholas Barrington and Martha Ouseley, (to whom refer); christened 14 May 1706 (Old Style or Julian) or 25 May 1706 (New Style or Gregorian) at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Jerry Hinsdale. His wife Martha Jane Abbott was daughter to Roger Leon Abbott and Mary Colvin, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) John Hinsdale; (2) Jill Hinsdale.


Harry Hamilton Hinshaw was son to John Hinshaw and ---; died 26 October 1918. His wife Margaret Alice Pery, (to whom he was married 12 December 1899), was daughter to (Honourable) Cecil Standish Stackpole Pery and Katherine Mary Gavin, (to whom refer); died 31 May 1956. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Alvin Richards Hinton was born in 1920, son to John Hinton and Stella Richards; died 4 October 2002 at Smiths Falls Hospital, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; buried at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Doris Elizabeth Hanton, (to whom he was married 3 April 1945 at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in 1924, daughter to Walter Mortimer Hanton and Ida Lena Robb, (to whom refer); died 5 June 1995; buried in June 1995 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Grant Hinton, born 5 October 1945, who married 20 July 1968 at Trinity Anglican Church, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Donna Lorraine Warren; (2) John Hinton, born 28 June 1950, who married Donna Kerr.


Grant Hinton was born 5 October 1945, son to Alvin Richards Hinton and Doris Elizabeth Hanton, (to whom refer). His wife Donna Lorraine Warren, (to whom he was married 20 July 1968 at Trinity Anglican Church, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 12 July 1949; died 29 June 2005; buried in 2005 at Wolford Cemetery, Merrickville-Wolford Village, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Terrianne Hinton, born 13 January 1969, who married Paul Cowlin; (2) Kevin Grant Hinton, born 2 April 1974, who married Cathy Garvin.


John Hinton was born 28 June 1950, son to Alvin Richards Hinton and Doris Elizabeth Hanton, (to whom refer). His wife was Donna Kerr. This couple begat issue: (1) Tanya Hinton, who married Jason Jamieson; (2) Derek Hinton; (3) Jeff Hinton.


Kevin Grant Hinton was born 2 April 1974, son to Grant Hinton and Donna Lorraine Warren, (to whom refer). His wife was Cathy Garvin. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Cassian Hlynka. His wife Doris Mary Reveler was born in or about 1914 or 1915, daughter to Frederick Carman Reveler and Mary Jean "Jennie" Fleming, (to whom refer); died 10 April 1940 at Winnipeg, Manitoba; buried in 1940 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George Malcolm Hoag was born 20 February 1938; died 25 May 1968; buried in 1968 at Indian Mound Cemetery, Moravia, Moravia Township, Cayuga County, New York. His wife Donna Marie Barrington was born 19 March 1942, daughter to Lloyd Arnold Jutton Barrington and Roberta Arlene Hayes, (to whom refer); died 17 July 1994; buried in July 1994 at Indian Mound Cemetery, Moravia, Moravia Township, Cayuga County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Os Hoch was born 9 April 1948. His wife Karen Ann Barrington, (to whom he was married 4 June 1988), was born 13 September 1950, daughter to Walter Glynne Barrington and Viola Gertrude Rourke, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Andrew Barrington Hoch, born 16 July 1990; (2) Emma Susan Hoch, born 1 June 1993.


Cornelius Hogan. His wife Catherine Blackall was daughter to Benjamin Blackall and Anne Thorn, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Alan Holcroft. His wife --- Boxwell was daughter to Francis Harvey Boxwell and Sarah "Sadie" Leared, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable.


--- Hollister. His wife Sarah Barrington was daughter to John Alment (or Allment) Barrington and Serepta A. Squires, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) John Hollister.


Donald Holmes. His wife Velma Barrington was daughter to Leonard Frederick Barrington and Ivy Grace Haird, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harry Octavius Horold. His wife Amelia Laura Barrington, (to whom he was married 22 December 1852 at Belgaum, Belgaum District, Bejapoor, afterward Bijapur, Province, Bombay Presidency, British East India), was born 15 December 1830 at Ahmednuggur, Ahmednuggur District, Auzungabad Province, Bombay Presidency, British East India, daughter to William Boxwell Barrington and Eliza Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Abraham Horton was born 14 January 1856 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, son to Nicholas Horton and Ann Rowsom (or Rowsome); died 20 March 1955; buried in 1955 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Margaret "Maggie" Barrington, (to whom he was married 4 January 1887 at Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 29 December 1866 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, daughter to James Barrington and Sarah Eliza Justus, (to whom refer); died in 1947; buried at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. In addition to the upbringing of the Wife's niece Harriet "Hattie" Rowsome (or Rowsom), (daughter to Samuel Todd Rowsome or Rowsom and Harriet "Hattie" Barrington, to whom also refer), who thereafter assumed and bore until time of marriage the said surname Horton in lieu of that of Rowsome (or Rowsom), this couple also begat issue: (1) Eugene Horton, born in 1901, buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Florence Reba Olds.


Dennis Mars Horton. His wife Deborah Ann Dickey was daughter to Roger Edwin Dickey and Gail Evelyn Abbott, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Eugene Horton was born in 1901, son to Abraham Horton and Margaret "Maggie" Barrington, (to whom refer); buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Florence Reba Olds was born 3 November 1908; died 30 January 2003; buried in 2003 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple adopted one male child who, being a "stranger in blood", is not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Loyal M. Hoy. His wife Ella Mary (or May) Barrington, (to whom he was married 19 June 1907 in Qu�bec), was born 3 January 1879 at or near Ste. Martine, Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to James Barrington and Ann Mary March, (to whom refer); christened 25 July 1879 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Myles Larcombe Hudspeth died at Cape Town, Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality, Western Cape Province, the Republic of South Africa. His wife Jean Violet Barrington-Kennett, (to whom he was married 23 November 1978 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, the Republic of Kenya), was born 23 March 1920 at Guildford, Guildford Municipal Borough, Surrey County, England, daughter to Godwin Austen Barrington-Kennett and Beryl Eileen Malcolmson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in July, August or September 1943, Peter Gainsford, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, 20 December 1952 at Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, Kenya Colony and Protectorate, Alexander Hyde Duder, (to whom likewise also refer); died in December 2008 at Nairobi Hospital, Nairobi, Nairobi County, Nairobi Region, the Republic of Kenya; cremated 26 December 2008 and ashes scattered at Nairobi Game Reserve, Rift Valley Province, the Republic of Kenya. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Myles Larcombe Hudspeth and Jean Violet Barrington-Kennett are presently available.


John Alexander Hunter was born 30 September 1798 at York County, England, son to John Alexander Hunter and Henrietta Saul; died 1 October 1852. His wife Patricia Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1822), was born in or about 1797 or 1798, daughter to (Sir) Jonah Barrington and Catherine Grogan, (to whom refer); died 23 November 1843 at Naples, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. This couple begat issue: (1) John Hunter, born in 1823, died in 1886; (2) Henrietta Hunter, born in or about 1825 or 1826, died in 1864, who married ---; (3) Henry Hunter, born in or about 1828 or 1829 at York County, England; (4) Mary Catherine Cawthorne Hunter, born in or about 1831 or 1832 at Lancaster County, England, who married in April, May or June 1860 at Kent County, England, (Sir) Edmund Arnott Grattan (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General to the Kingdom of Belgium, etc.).


Wilson Lesley Hunter was born 28 September 1916 at Millar's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Edward Hunter and Elizabeth Ann "Lizzie" Law; married, secondly, Viola Victoria Lippert; died 18 February 2005 at the Baker Cancer Centre, Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of double pneumonia following upon cancer; cremated 22 February 2005 at Calgary, Alberta; ashes buried 12 March 2005 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton, (to whom he was married 31 March 1942 at Grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary, Alberta, with the Reverend Alfred Bright, Presbyterian Church in Canada, officiating and whom he subsequently callously abandoned), was born 9 October 1919 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, daughter to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); christened 24 August 1926 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, (with the Reverend D. Whyte Smith, United Church of Canada, officiating); died 9 July 1988 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of kidney and heart failure coupled with pneumonia following upon general physical and organic decline resulting from a stroke and cancer of the lung and bone structure; buried 13 July 1988 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta.


Alfred Henry Hunting was born 28 May 1862 at or near Des Plaines, Cook County, Illinois, son to Andrew Jackson Hunting and Mary Jane Casson, (to whom refer); died 29 July 1944 at Racine, Racine County, Wisconsin. His wife Violetta Adelaide Parmalee, (to whom he was married 6 September 1893 at Iron Mountain, Dickinson County, Michigan), was born 1 October 1869 at Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, daughter to Nathaniel Blanchard Parmalee and Anna Gertrude Nichols; died 13 September 1949 at Racine, Racine County, Wisconsin. This couple begat issue: (1) Clyde Alfred Hunting, born 29 June 1894 at Iron Mountain, Dickinson County, Michigan, died 5 January 1968 at Stevens Point, Portage County, Wisconsin, who married 5 June 1926 at Stevens Point, Portage County, Wisconsin, Elfrieda Mathilda Pagel.


Andrew Jackson Hunting was born 9 May 1836 at Jefferson County, New York, son to Jabez Hunting and Caroline Kemp; died 2 November 1915 at Marinette, Marinette County, Wisconsin. His wife Mary Jane Casson, (to whom he was married 21 November 1858 at Fall River, Columbia County, Wisconsin), was born 17 October 1834 at Penfield Township, Monroe County, New York, daughter to Curtis Peacock Casson and Hannah Barrington, (to whom refer); died 28 November 1923 at Fortuna, Humboldt County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Alfred Henry Hunting, born 28 May 1862 at or near Des Plaines, Cook County, Illinois, died 29 July 1944 at Racine, Racine County, Wisconsin, who married 6 September 1893 at Iron Mountain, Dickinson County, Michigan, Violetta Adelaide Parmalee.


Clyde Alfred Hunting was born 29 June 1894 at Iron Mountain, Dickinson County, Michigan, son to Alfred Henry Hunting and Violetta Adelaide Parmalee, (to whom refer); died 5 January 1968 at Stevens Point, Portage County, Wisconsin. His wife Elfrieda Mathilda Pagel, (to whom he was married 5 June 1926 at Stevens Point, Portage County, Wisconsin), was born 26 September 1896 at Wausau, Marathon County, Wisconsin, daughter to Herman Henry Pagel and Ida Amelia Weise; died 21 September 1987 at St. Louis, Missouri. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Tea.


Herbert Huntley was born in or about 1871 or 1872. His wife Mary Whittal was born in or about 1871 or 1872 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to William Whittal and Agnes Beattie, (to whom refer); died 30 May 1901 at Chateaugay County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edwin Hooker Hutchison was born 17 May 1867 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, son to Thomas James Hutchison and Jane Barrington Whittal, (to whom refer); died 20 December 1956 at Oak Bluff Nursing Home, Manhattan, Will County, Illinois. His wife Susan "Susie" Martin, (to whom he was married in or about 1889 or 1890 in Illinois), was born in or about 1863 or 1864 in Ireland; died in 1935 at or near Manhattan, Will County, Illinois. This couple begat issue: (1) Marie Hutchison, born in or about 1894 or 1895 in Illinois, died at Dwight, Livingston County, Illinois; (2) Helen E. Hutchison, born in or about 1897 or 1898 in Illinois.


James Charles Hutchison was born 2 June 1863 at St. Stanislas de Kostka Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, son to Thomas James Hutchison and Jane Barrington Whittal, (to whom refer); died 23 December 1932 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta. His wife Barbara Cavers, (to whom he was married in or about 1884 or 1885 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was born 20 March 1865 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East; died 2 November 1942 at or near Gleichen, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) James Walter Hutchison, born in or about 1886 or 1887 at or near Morris, Grundy County, Illinois, died 11 August 1964 at Calgary, Alberta, buried in August 1964 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta, who married Emma ---; (2) Jennie Hutchison, born in or about 1889 or 1890 at or near Morris, Grundy County, Illinois, died 4 November 1963 at Morris, Grundy County, Illinois; (3) Lillian M. Hutchison, born in or about 1894 or 1895 at or near Morris, Grundy County, Illinois, who married John Gorsche.


James Walter Hutchison was born in or about 1886 or 1887 at or near Morris, Grundy County, Illinois, son to James Charles Hutchison and Barbara Cavers, (to whom refer); died 11 August 1964 at Calgary, Alberta; buried in August 1964 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta. His wife Emma --- died 26 July 1962 at Calgary, Alberta; buried in July 1962 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) Lillian Hutchison, who married Floyd Sammons; (2) Edith Hutchison, who married Andrew Thomson.


John David "Jack" Hutchison was born 16 January 1865 at St. Stanislas de Kostka Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, son to Thomas James Hutchison and Jane Barrington Whittal, (to whom refer); died 11 September 1946 at Fresno, Fresno County, California. His wife Annie Beatrice Titherington was born 12 September 1868 at Tattenhall Parish, Chester County, England; died 27 July 1945 at Fresno, Fresno County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Merva Hutchison; (2) Doris Hutchison; (3) Norma Hutchison; (4) William Robert Hutchison, born in or about 1899 or 1900, died (killed) on Active Service, World War II., 16 March 1945 whilst serving with the Toronto Scottish Regiment, Royal Canadian Infantry Corps, buried at Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery, Groesbeek, near Nijmegen, Gelderland Province, the Kingdom of The Netherlands.


Thomas James Hutchison was born in or about 1833 or 1834 at Armagh County, Ulster Province, Ireland. His wife Jane Barrington Whittal, (to whom he was married 28 December 1862 at the Anglican Church, the Boyd Settlement, Hinchinbrooke Township, Huntingdon County, Canada East), was born 9 July 1843 at or near North Georgetown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, daughter to James Whittal and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, George Wilson, (to whom also refer); died 5 June 1924 at her residence, 48 Rushbrooke Street, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. Thomas James Hutchison and Jane Barrington Whittal begat issue: (1) James Charles Hutchison, born 2 June 1863 at St. Stanislas de Kostka Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, died 23 December 1932 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, who married in or about 1884 or 1885 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, Barbara Cavers; (2) John David "Jack" Hutchison, born 16 January 1865 at St. Stanislas de Kostka Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, died 11 September 1946 at Fresno, Fresno County, California, who married Annie Beatrice Titherington; (3) Edwin Hooker Hutchison, born 17 May 1867 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, died 20 December 1956 at Oak Bluff Nursing Home, Manhattan, Will County, Illinois, who married in or about 1889 or 1890 in Illinois, Susan "Susie" Martin; (4) Elizabeth Jane Barrington Hutchison, born 16 January 1870 at St. Stanislas de Kostka Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, died 16 February 1949 at the Homeopathic Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married, firstly, 12 June 1888 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, John Williamson, and, secondly, 22 July 1899 at West End Methodist Church, West Montr�al, Hochelaga County, Qu�bec, Percy Grindrod; (5) Caroline Adelaide Hutchison, born 23 December 1872 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died 26 February 1949 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married in or about 1889 or 1890 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, James Montgomery Kennedy.



Thomas Cole Imeson III. His wife Penelope Jane Paul was daughter to John Abbott Paul and Bonnie Dold Lineweaver (Linenweaver or Leinweber), (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Adam Easterday Imeson.


Shane D. Inlow. His wife Nancy Jane Meyer was born 23 May 1953, daughter to Arthur Edwy Meyer and Vivianne Fisher, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Elmo "Bud" Irish. His wife Patricia Carrol Swift was born 15 January 1933, daughter to John James Swift and Maxine Eleanor Jenness, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 27 June 1953, Andrew Joseph Castagnola, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, secondly, Thomas R. Montague, (to whom likewise also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Elmo "Bud" Irish and Patricia Carrol Swift.


Raymond Irish was son to Raymond Irish and Carole Stanistreet. His wife Penny Lee Young, (to whom he was married 31 July 1987 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1988), was born 6 November 1965 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Ronald Patrick Young and Helen Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 25 October 1990 at Prescott Town Hall, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Allen Edward James Kirkby, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Raymond Irish and Penny Lee Young.


Kenneth Irwin. His wife Lynn Goulding, (to whom he was married 20 January 1966), was born 31 March 1937, daughter to Ossian Goulding and Felice Martell Darling, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 6 January 1958, Richard Edgeson Cathcart, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Kenneth Irwin and Lynn Goulding are presently available.



Donald James Jack. His wife Lola-Joy Templeton, (to whom he was married 20 August 1966 at Riverview United Church, Calgary, Alberta), was born 25 August 1947 at Olds, Alberta, daughter to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer). In addition to adoption of children who, being "strangers in blood", are not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple also begat issue: (1) James Ray Jack, born 25 January 1973, died in infancy, unmarried, 6 April 1973, buried in 1973 at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta.


Robert Jack. His wife Eliza Faith Watson, (to whom he was married 28 December 1871), was born 10 August 1845 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Canada East, daughter to Charles Silas Watson and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Jackson. His wife --- Barrington was daughter to Edward John Jutton Barrington and Arlene Esther Wall, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ennis James was born 30 September 1934. His wife Betty Laura Gates, (to whom he was married 25 July 1959), was born 3 September 1934, daughter to George Gates and Mary Jane Bryan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Frederick Thomas James, born 8 October 1961; (2) Laura Lynn James, born 24 September 1966.


Jason Jamieson. His wife Tanya Hinton was daughter to John Hinton and Donna Kerr, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Bernard Janson. His wife Terri Anne Barrington was daughter to Donald Colquhoun Barrington and Joan Farnell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Morgan Janson.


Thomas Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries). His wife Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, (to whom he was married in June 1785 or in July 1785), was born 15 April 1763, daughter to Richard Barrington and Jane Jeffares (Jeffers, Jefferies or Jeffries), (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Jeffries (Jefferies, Jeffares or Jeffers). His wife Harriet Leared, (to whom he was married 30 June 1864), was born 9 August 1841, daughter to Richard Leared and Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 11 March 1926. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Jenner. His wife Winnifred Mary Barrington, (to whom he was married in 2005), was born 29 January 1938 at or near Melbourne, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, daughter to William George Barrington and Mary Lestine Taber, (to whom refer); christened 2 September 1938; married, firstly, 23 December 1961, Robert John Fortin, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of William Jenner and Winnifred Mary Barrington.


Edward Jenness. His wife Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington was born 6 April 1852, daughter to Joseph Barrington and Norah (or Norry) Hannah Coughlin, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Wesley Ernest Jenness, born in New York, disappeared without further trace possibly under an assumed name following arrest and a period of judicial persecution through incarceration, who married 5 February 1908 at First Methodist Church, Du Bois, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, Hazel Maude Kunselman, (from whom subsequently divorced); (2) Florence Jenness; (3) Annie Jenness; (4) William Jenness.


Wesley Ernest Jenness was born in New York, son to Edward Jenness and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, (to whom refer); disappeared without further trace possibly under an assumed name following arrest and a period of judicial persecution through incarceration. His wife Hazel Maude Kunselman, (to whom he was married 5 February 1908 at First Methodist Church, Du Bois, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 7 July 1889 at or near Punxsutawney, Punxsutawney Borough, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, daughter to Styles Rankin Kunselman and Anna Craven; died 12 January 1960 at Bell, Los Angeles County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Maxine Eleanor Jenness, born 28 April 1912 at or near Punxsutawney, Punxsutawney Borough, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, died 15 March 1979 at Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, buried 21 March 1979 at Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, who married 19 April 1932, John James Swift; (2) Edward Styles Jenness, born 23 July 1916 at or near Punxsutawney, Punxsutawney Borough, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, died in 1980 at Orange County, California.


Andrew Jessop. His wife Frances Barrington, (to whom he was married 7 May 1714 Old Style or Julian or 18 May 1714 New Style or Gregorian at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was daughter to Thomas Barrington and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Nunn, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1720 at or near Kilteale, Kilteale Parish, Stradbally Barony, Queen's County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Robert Biker, (to whom also refer). Andrew Jessop and Frances Barrington begat issue: (1) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Jessop; (2) Mary Jessop.


Marcus Jesty was born 6 March 1886 at or near Fonthill Gifford, Fonthill Gifford Parish, Wilt County, England, son to John Jesse Jesty and Sarah A. Titt; died 21 June 1966 at Veteran's Hospital, Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia. His wife Beatrice Louisa Helena Roberts, (to whom he was married 22 April 1924 at St. Michael's and All Angels' Anglican Church, Balfour, British Columbia), was born 27 March 1885 probably at Cornwall County, England, daughter to Charles Blisett Roberts and Beatrice Emma (or Ellen) Astley, (to whom refer); died 25 October 1954 at Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia in consequence of coronary thrombosis; buried 27 October 1954 at Nelson Memorial Park, Nelson, British Columbia. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Valcane.

JOCELYN, (The Right Honourable) (Sir) ROBERT JOHN, (10th Earl of Roden, etc.) / DUNLOP, SARA CECILIA

(The Right Honourable) (Sir) Robert John Jocelyn (10th Earl of Roden, 11th Viscount Jocelyn, 11th Baron Newport, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 14th Baronet in the Baronetage of England, etc.) was born 25 August 1938, son to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Robert William Jocelyn (9th Earl of Roden, etc.) and Clodagh Rose Kennedy, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1986, Ann Margareta Maria Henning, (to whom also refer). His first wife Sara Cecilia Dunlop, (to whom he was married 10 June 1970 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1982), was daughter to Andrew Dunlop (Companion of The Distinguished Service Order, etc.) and ---. (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Robert John Jocelyn (10th Earl of Roden, etc.) and Sara Cecilia Dunlop begat issue: (1) (Lady) Cecilia Rose Jocelyn, born 11 February 1976.

JOCELYN, (The Right Honourable) (Sir) ROBERT JOHN, (10th Earl of Roden, etc.) / HENNING, ANN MARGARETA MARIA

(The Right Honourable) (Sir) Robert John Jocelyn (10th Earl of Roden, 11th Viscount Jocelyn, 11th Baron Newport, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 14th Baronet in the Baronetage of England, etc.) was born 25 August 1938, son to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Robert William Jocelyn (9th Earl of Roden, etc.) and Clodagh Rose Kennedy, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 10 June 1970, Sara Cecilia Dunlop, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1982). His second wife Ann Margareta Maria Henning, (to whom he was married in 1986), was daughter to Gunnar Albert Philip Henning and ---. (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Robert John Jocelyn (10th Earl of Roden, etc.) and Ann Margareta Maria Henning begat issue: (1) Shane Robert Henning Jocelyn (by courtesy Viscount Jocelyn), born 9 December 1989.

JOCELYN, (The Right Honourable) (Sir) ROBERT WILLIAM, (9th Earl of Roden, etc.) / KENNEDY, CLODAGH ROSE

(The Right Honourable) (Sir) Robert William Jocelyn (9th Earl of Roden, 10th Viscount Jocelyn, 10th Baron Newport, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 13th Baronet in the Baronetage of England, etc.) (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Down, etc.) was born 4 December 1909, son to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Robert Soame Jocelyn (8th Earl of Roden, 9th Viscount Jocelyn, 9th Baron Newport, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 12th Baronet in the Baronetage of England, etc.) (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Down, etc.) and Elinor Jessie Parr; died in 1993. His wife Clodagh Rose Kennedy (Officer of The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, etc.), (to whom he was married 21 October 1937), was daughter to Edward Robert Kennedy and Beryl Doris Lumsdaine, (to whom refer); died in 1989. This couple begat issue: (1) (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Robert John Jocelyn (10th Earl of Roden, 11th Viscount Jocelyn, 11th Baron Newport, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 14th Baronet in the Baronetage of England, etc.), born 25 August 1938, who married, firstly, 10 June 1970, Sara Cecilia Dunlop, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1982), and, secondly, in 1986, Ann Margareta Maria Henning; (2) (Honourable) Thomas Alan Jocelyn, born 4 October 1941, died (lost at sea) in 1991 whilst serving as a Lieutenant-Commander in Her Majesty's Royal Navy, who married 12 November 1966, Fiona Alice Cairns, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1982); (3) (Honourable) James Michael Jocelyn, born 12 April 1943.


(Honourable) Thomas Alan Jocelyn was born 4 October 1941, son to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Robert William Jocelyn (9th Earl of Roden, etc.) and Clodagh Rose Kennedy, (to whom refer); died (lost at sea) in 1991 whilst serving as a Lieutenant-Commander in Her Majesty's Royal Navy. His wife Fiona Alice Cairns, (to whom he was married 12 November 1966 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1982), was daughter to Rudland Dallas Cairns (Distinguished Service Cross, etc.) and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Moira Anne Jocelyn, born 5 November 1969; (2) Caragh Clodagh Jocelyn, born 28 December 1976; (3) Charles Patrick Jocelyn, born 20 October 1978.


Ben Johnson. His wife Georgiana Mary Stephens was born 7 April 1883 at or near Sheldon, O'Brien County, Iowa, daughter to Nassau William Stephens and Georgiana Somerville, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Bobbie Johnson. His wife Marjorie Elnora Barrington was daughter to Clarence Chester Barrington and Laura Coberly, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Raymond Coles Johnson. His wife Elizabeth Abbott was daughter to Albert Justin Abbott and Alice Elizabeth Ford, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Agnew Herbert Johnston (Trustee and Chairman of the Board of Education of Fort William, Ontario, for whom a school is named at Thunder Bay, longest-serving Presbyterian minister to that time in a single congregation in Canada, 99th Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, etc.) was born 26 October 1906 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to John Johnston and Eliza Victoria Templeton, (to whom refer). His wife Christine MacKay, (to whom he was married 13 October 1951), was born 14 July 1921; died in 1995. This couple begat issue: (1) John Andrew Agnew Johnston, born 15 October 1952 at Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, who married, firstly, 2 June 1979, Amy Evelyn Gertz, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, ---; (2) Kenneth Niall Harcourt Johnston, born 26 June 1956 in Ontario; (3) Andrew MacKay Johnston, born 19 June 1958 in Ontario.


Ernest Wilbert Johnston was born antenuptially 14 January 1941 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Harold Victor Johnston and Minnie O. Strickfoot, (to whom refer). His wife Ruth Elaine Stewart, (to whom he was married 10 September 1966 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 9 September 1944 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Allan Stewart and Ethel Kerr. This couple begat issue: (1) Lorie Ann Johnston, born 4 September 1971 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Kathryn Lynn Johnston, born in November 1975 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 18 October 2003, Richard Stephen Throop.


Harcourt Templeton Johnston was born 1 October 1902 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to John Johnston and Eliza Victoria Templeton, (to whom refer); fathered out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by one Alice Carson, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Alice Carson" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); died in 1991. His wife Margaret Hendry Gibb, (to whom he was married 12 September 1945), was born 31 August 1916. Harcourt Templeton Johnston and Margaret Hendry Gibb begat issue: (1) Margaret Elizabeth Johnston, born 11 July 1955 in Ontario, who married 27 December 1980 at Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Donald P. O'Neill.


Harold Victor Johnston was born 19 June 1909, son to Joshua Johnston and Emma Eliza (or Elizabeth Emma) Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 25 February 1911; died in 1987; buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Minnie O. Strickfoot, (to whom he was married 19 November 1941 at the Parsonage, the United Church of Canada, Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in 1911; died 13 March 1984; buried in 1984 at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Ernest Wilbert Johnston, born antenuptially 14 January 1941 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 10 September 1966 at Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Ruth Elaine Stewart.


James Allan Johnston was born 28 September 1906, son to Joshua Johnston and Emma Eliza (or Elizabeth Emma) Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 15 August 1908; died in 1996; buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Anna Lovina Douglas was born in 1905; married, firstly, Stanley Crummy; died in 1998; buried at Lehigh Cemetery, near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of James Allan Johnston and Anna Lovina Douglas are presently available.


John Johnston (Reeve of the Township of Oxford, Counties Councillor of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, etc., one of whose brothers The Honourable William Agnew Johnston served in succession as Member of the State House of Representatives, State Senator, State Attorney-General and finally Chief Justice of the State of Kansas, etc.) was born 23 January 1845, son to Mathew (or Matthew) Johnston (donor of the site for St. Matthew's Presbyterian Church, East Oxford, which was named in his honour, etc.) and Jane Agnew; married, firstly, 22 February 1871 at Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Elizabeth Anderson; died 6 December 1924; buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Eliza Victoria Templeton, (to whom he was married 13 March 1900 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 15 April 1871 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 6 February 1940 at McKellar Hospital, Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario; buried in 1940 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. John Johnston and Eliza Victoria Templeton begat issue: (1) Harcourt Templeton Johnston, born 1 October 1902 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, fathered out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by one Alice Carson, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Alice Carson" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), died in 1991, who married 12 September 1945, Margaret Hendry Gibb; (2) Agnew Herbert Johnston (Trustee and Chairman of the Board of Education of Fort William, Ontario, for whom a school is named at Thunder Bay, longest-serving Presbyterian minister to that time in a single congregation in Canada, 99th Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, etc.), born 26 October 1906 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 13 October 1951, Christine MacKay; (3) Myrtle Mabel Johnston, born 9 September 1909 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died unmarried 21 October 1957 in Ontario, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario.


John Andrew Agnew Johnston was born 15 October 1952 at Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, son to Agnew Herbert Johnston and Christine MacKay, (to whom refer); married, secondly, ---, (to whom also refer). His first wife Amy Evelyn Gertz, (to whom he was married 2 June 1979 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 18 December 1953 at Buffalo, Erie County, New York, daughter to John Blake Gertz and Diane June Stubinder. John Andrew Agnew Johnston and Amy Evelyn Gertz begat issue: (1) Ann Johnston.


John Andrew Agnew Johnston was born 15 October 1952 at Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, son to Agnew Herbert Johnston and Christine MacKay, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 2 June 1979, Amy Evelyn Gertz, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife was ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Andrew Agnew Johnston and --- are presently available.


Joshua Johnston was born in or about 1871 or 1872; died 10 January 1934; buried in 1934 at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Emma Eliza (according to some sources and general usage) (or Elizabeth Emma according to some sources and Registrar-General) Barrington was born 9 April 1874 (according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 9 April 1873 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to James Barrington and Sarah Eliza Justus, (to whom refer); died in 1961; buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario. In addition to the upbringing of the Wife's niece Helen Wilma Barrington, (daughter to William Nelson Barrington and Helen Barbara "Nellie" Watson, to whom also refer), this couple also begat issue: (1) James Allan Johnston, born 28 September 1906, christened 15 August 1908, died in 1996, buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Anna Lovina Douglas; (2) Harold Victor Johnston, born 19 June 1909, christened 25 February 1911, died in 1987, buried at Glen Elbe Cemetery, Glen Elbe, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 19 November 1941 at the Parsonage, the United Church of Canada, Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Minnie O. Strickfoot.


Lewis Wilkieson Johnstone. His wife Annie Ethel Brown, (to whom he was married in 1892), was born 17 April 1869 at Sydney Mines, Sydney Township, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, daughter to Richard Henry Brown and Barbara Davison, (to whom refer); died in 1918. This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Henry Johnstone, died in infancy, unmarried; (2) Ethel Agnes Barbara Johnstone, born in 1893; (3) Lewis Johnstone, born in 1895, died in 1963.


Harry Nelson Joiner was born 17 August 1938. His wife Karen Elizabeth Chipman, (to whom he was married 3 June 1966), was born 6 May 1939, daughter to Samuel Gerald Chipman and Doris Aileen Dudley, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Paul Douglas McLaren, (to whom also refer). Harry Nelson Joiner and Karen Elizabeth Chipman begat issue: (1) Benjamin Andrew Joiner, born 11 May 1967.


Bartlett Philip Jones was born 21 January 1922 at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas; died 21 March 1991 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. His wife Winifred Isabelle Walker was daughter to James Douglas Walker and Frances Josephine Abbott, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Stanley Geoffrey Jones; (2) Gregory Jeffrey Jones.


Dennis Jones. His wife Mary-Ann Templeton, (to whom he was married 7 November 1981), was born 8 October 1955 at Lethbridge, Alberta, daughter to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nathaniel Jones, who married Whitney Hemstock.


Nathaniel Jones was son to Dennis Jones and Mary-Ann Templeton, (to whom refer). His wife was Whitney Hemstock. This couple begat issue: (1) Cleopatra Jones.



Bennett Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh) was son to John Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh) and Ann Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Jane Spence. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh) was born probably in or about 1786 or 1787 probably at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; died 25 October 1871 at Leeds County, Ontario; buried in 1871 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Ann Barrington, (to whom he was married in or about 1818 or 1819 in Ireland), was born in or about 1796 or 1797 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter probably to James Barrington and ---, (to whom refer); died 20 June 1878 at Leeds County, Ontario; buried in June 1878 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), born in or about 1819 or 1820 in Ireland, died 8 November 1900 at Lanark County, Ontario in consequence of lung congestion, who married, firstly, James McGuire, secondly, 30 July 1875 at South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Thomas Davis, and thirdly, 3 January 1887 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Michael Flaherty; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable; (4) a female child, name unavailable; (5) Margaret Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), born 30 August 1825 probably at or near Wiltsetown, Yonge Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, christened 22 January 1826 at Wiltsetown, Yonge Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, (with the Reverend John Wenham, Anglican Church, officiating); (6) Thomas Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), died 6 February 1881, buried in 1881 at St. Luke's Anglican Churchyard, Ballycanoe, Front of Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 12 February 1864, Martha Earl; (7) Bennett Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), who married Jane Spence.


Thomas Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh) was son to John Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh) and Ann Barrington, (to whom refer); died 6 February 1881; buried in 1881 at St. Luke's Anglican Churchyard, Ballycanoe, Front of Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Martha Earl, (to whom he was married 12 February 1864), was born in or about 1836 or 1837 in Ireland, daughter to Allan (or Allen) Earl and Margaret ---; died 15 July 1901; buried in July 1901 at St. Luke's Anglican Churchyard, Ballycanoe, Front of Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Alice Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), born 14 February 1865, died in 1943 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 25 August 1886 at St. Luke's Anglican Church, Ballycanoe, Front of Yonge Township, Leeds County, Ontario, her second cousin John Bennett Barrington.


William Kelly. His wife Anne Dalton was daughter to Stephen Dalton and Ruth Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jane Kelly, who married Stephen Corbett; (2) Anne Kelly.


Paul Robert Kemp-King was son to George Kemp-King (Member of The Royal Victorian Order, Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, etc.) and ---. His wife Stella de Courcy, (to whom he was married 6 November 1948), was born 22 April 1921, daughter to John Arthur Gerald de Courcy and Anna Felicia Wright, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Stephen de Courcy Kemp-King, born 19 April 1950; (2) Andrew James de Courcy Kemp-King, born 23 September 1953.


Benjamin James Kennedy was born 4 April 1942, son to Robert Kennedy and Catherine Frances Gregory, (to whom refer). His wife Margaret Lorna Clark, (to whom he was married in 1980), was daughter to George Clark and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Graham John Clark Kennedy, born in 1982; (2) Heather Catherine Kennedy, born in 1983; (3) Julia Susan Kennedy, born in 1985.

KENNEDY, (Sir) CHARLES EDWARD BAYLY, (2nd Baronet, etc.) / PERY, (Honourable) AUGUSTA MARIA

(Sir) Charles Edward Bayly Kennedy (2nd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) was born 13 February 1820, son to (Sir) John Kennedy (1st Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) and Maria Beauman (Beaumann or Beaumont); died 4 December 1880 or 5 December 1880 (depending upon sources). His wife (Honourable) Augusta Maria Pery, (to whom he was married 19 October 1854), was daughter to Henry Hartstonge Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) and Annabella Tenison Edwards, (to whom refer); died 10 November 1865. This couple begat issue: (1) (Sir) John Charles Kennedy (3rd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Dublin, Justice of the Peace, etc.), born 23 March 1856, who married 11 November 1879, Sydney H. Maude Higginson; (2) George Edward deVere Kennedy, born 2 August 1857, who married 8 August 1889, Julia Ellen Beatrice Carden.


Edward Robert Kennedy was born in 1860, son to Robert Kennedy and Alice Elizabeth Gray, (to whom refer); died 22 January 1925. His wife Beryl Doris Lumsdaine, (to whom he was married in 1905), was daughter to Edwin Sandys Lumsdaine and ---; died in 1988 probably at Sydney City, New South Wales State, the Commonwealth of Australia aged in her 102nd year. This couple begat issue: (1) Doris Caroline Sabia Kennedy, who married 17 June 1929, (Honourable) Henry Gerald Valerian Francis Wellesley, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1953); (2) Maeve Kennedy, who married 8 June 1932, George John Robinson; (3) John Edward Kennedy, born in 1909, died unmarried 17 August 1930 at Longford, Longford County, Leinster Province, Ireland in consequence of injuries sustained in a fall from a horse during a race; (4) Robert Kennedy, born in 1911, died 24 August 1990, who married 3 July 1935, Catherine Frances Gregory; (5) Clodagh Rose Kennedy (Officer of The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, etc.), died in 1989, who married 21 October 1937, (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Robert William Jocelyn (9th Earl of Roden, 10th Viscount Jocelyn, 10th Baron Newport, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 13th Baronet in the Baronetage of England, etc.); (6) Percy William Kennedy, born 11 June 1914, who married 28 March 1936, Joan Hilda Cooper; (7) Patricia Kennedy, born in 1917, died 25 January 1988, who married 12 December 1938, Dermot McGillycuddy (Companion of The Distinguished Service Order, etc.); (8) Darby Michael Kennedy (Military Cross, etc.), born in 1919, died (killed) on Active Service, World War II., unmarried, in February 1945 in Europe whilst serving with the Irish Guards; (9) Grania Geraldine Kennedy, who married 9 January 1947 at Westminster City Metropolitan Borough, London County, England, Edward de L�risson Cazenove, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1956).


Francis Henry Kennedy was born in 1900, son to Francis William Kennedy and Amy Goodeve, (to whom refer); died in 1981. His wife Magdalen Frances Ormiston, (to whom he was married 5 November 1931), was daughter to George A. FitzAdam Ormiston and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Francis Kennedy, born 7 April 1935, who married in 1976, Sally Mary Antram; (2) John Ormiston Kennedy, born 8 April 1938, who married 12 July 1969, Margaret Mary Lee; (3) Bridget Magdalen Kennedy, born 1 November 1942, who married in 1974, Alexander Lindsay.


Francis William Kennedy (an Admiral in the Royal Navy, Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, etc.) was born in 1862, son to Robert Kennedy and Alice Elizabeth Gray, (to whom refer); died 11 July 1939. His wife Amy Goodeve, (to whom he was married 30 August 1898), was daughter to Henry Hills Goodeve and ---; died 6 March 1960. This couple begat issue: (1) Judith Eileen Rose Kennedy; (2) Francis Henry Kennedy, born in 1900, died in 1981, who married 5 November 1931, Magdalen Frances Ormiston; (3) Leila Emilie Kennedy, born 7 March 1911, died 8 May 1989, who married 7 July 1936, Cyril Gough Richards.


George Edward deVere Kennedy was born 2 August 1857, son to (Sir) Charles Edward Bayly Kennedy (2nd Baronet, etc.) and (Honourable) Augusta Maria Pery, (to whom refer). His wife Julia Ellen Beatrice Carden, (to whom he was married 8 August 1889), was daughter to (Sir) John Craven Carden (4th Baronet in the Baronetage of Ireland, etc.) and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Hilda Doris Kennedy; (2) Ronald Bayly Craven Kennedy, born 21 September 1895; (3) Derrick Edward deVere Kennedy, born 5 June 1904.


James Montgomery Kennedy was born in or about 1869 or 1870 in Scotland; died 24 September 1948 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. His wife Caroline Adelaide Hutchison, (to whom he was married in or about 1889 or 1890 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was born 23 December 1872 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to Thomas James Hutchison and Jane Barrington Whittal, (to whom refer); died 26 February 1949 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Caroline "Carrie" Kennedy, born in or about 1889 or 1890 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (2) Isabel "Bella" Kennedy, born 12 December 1894 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (3) Gordon Kennedy, born in or about 1895 or 1896 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec.


(Sir) John Charles Kennedy (3rd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Dublin, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born 23 March 1856, son to (Sir) Charles Edward Bayly Kennedy (2nd Baronet, etc.) and (Honourable) Augusta Maria Pery, (to whom refer). His wife Sydney H. Maude Higginson, (to whom he was married 11 November 1879), was daughter to (Sir) James Macaulay Higginson (Knight Commander of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, etc.) and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Augusta Mabel Kennedy; (2) Gladys Maude Kennedy; (3) (Sir) John Ralph Bayly Kennedy (4th Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.), born 9 April 1896, died unmarried 9 August 1968; (4) James Edward Kennedy, born 18 January 1898.


John Henry Kennedy (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk, etc.) was born 5 March 1859, son to Robert Kennedy and Alice Elizabeth Gray, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 16 January 1926, Amy Elizabeth Orpen, (to whom also refer); died 10 December 1928. His first wife Rose Parke, (to whom he was married in 1889), was daughter to (Major-General) H. Parke and ---; married, firstly, Henry Thornhill; died 26 May 1924. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Henry Kennedy and Rose Parke are presently available.


John Henry Kennedy (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk, etc.) was born 5 March 1859, son to Robert Kennedy and Alice Elizabeth Gray, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in 1889, Rose Parke, (to whom also refer); died 10 December 1928. His second wife Amy Elizabeth Orpen, (to whom he was married 16 January 1926), was daughter to Richard H. M. Orpen and ---; died 24 October 1960. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Henry Kennedy and Amy Elizabeth Orpen are presently available.


John Ormiston Kennedy was born 8 April 1938, son to Francis Henry Kennedy and Magdalen Frances Ormiston, (to whom refer). His wife Margaret Mary Lee, (to whom he was married 12 July 1969), was daughter to H. G. N. Lee and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Christopher Patrick Kennedy, born in 1971; (2) Annabel Margaret Kennedy, born in 1973.


Percy William Kennedy was born 11 June 1914, son to Edward Robert Kennedy and Beryl Doris Lumsdaine, (to whom refer). His wife Joan Hilda Cooper, (to whom he was married 28 March 1936), was daughter to Sydney Cooper and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Rosemary Ann Caroline Kennedy, born in 1937, who married, firstly, in November 1956, Allan Ross, and, secondly, 2 July 1969, Timothy Noel Leonard; (2) William Roger Kennedy, born in 1940, who married 22 October 1966, Vivienne Gloria O'Shea; (3) Evelyn Geraldine Margaret Kennedy, born in 1942; (4) Richard Augustus Kennedy, born in 1944; (5) Judith Wilhelmena Patricia Kennedy, born in 1953.


Robert Kennedy (Lieutenant of the County of Kildare, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born 5 August 1828, son to (Sir) John Kennedy (1st Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) and Maria Beauman (Beaumann or Beaumont); died 7 October 1913. His wife Alice Elizabeth Gray, (to whom he was married in 1855), was daughter to Henry Gray and (Honourable) Emilie Caroline Pery, (to whom refer); died 1 July 1910. This couple begat issue: (1) John Henry Kennedy (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Norfolk, etc.), born 5 March 1859, died 10 December 1928, who married, firstly, in 1889, Rose Parke, and, secondly, 16 January 1926, Amy Elizabeth Orpen; (2) Edward Robert Kennedy, born in 1860, died 22 January 1925, who married in 1905, Beryl Doris Lumsdaine; (3) Francis William Kennedy (an Admiral in the Royal Navy, Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, etc.), born in 1862, died 11 July 1939, who married 30 August 1898, Amy Goodeve; (4) Robert Gray Kennedy, born 27 March 1867, died 15 October 1910, who married 14 February 1899, Jane Nicholson.


Robert Kennedy was born in 1911, son to Edward Robert Kennedy and Beryl Doris Lumsdaine, (to whom refer); died 24 August 1990. His wife Catherine Frances Gregory, (to whom he was married 3 July 1935), was daughter to Robert Gregory and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Susan Kennedy, born 20 June 1936, who married in 1970, Ian Traill Sutherland, (from whom subsequently divorced); (2) Margaret Jane Kennedy, born 21 May 1937, who married 4 January 1964, David Andrew Robert Murray Brown; (3) Robert Edward Kennedy (Justice of the Peace, etc.), born 27 October 1940, who married 3 January 1969, Sandra Joan Giles; (4) Benjamin James Kennedy, born 4 April 1942, who married in 1980, Margaret Lorna Clark.


Robert Edward Kennedy (Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born 27 October 1940, son to Robert Kennedy and Catherine Frances Gregory, (to whom refer). His wife Sandra Joan Giles, (to whom he was married 3 January 1969), was daughter to S. A. Giles and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Jane Catherine Kennedy, born in 1972; (2) Megan Anne Kennedy, born in 1974; (3) Edward Robert Kennedy, born in 1980.


Robert Francis Kennedy was born 7 April 1935, son to Francis Henry Kennedy and Magdalen Frances Ormiston, (to whom refer). His wife Sally Mary Antram, (to whom he was married in 1976), was daughter to A. B. Antram and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Andrew Francis Kennedy, born in 1980.


Robert Gray Kennedy was born 27 March 1867, son to Robert Kennedy and Alice Elizabeth Gray, (to whom refer); died 15 October 1910. His wife Jane Nicholson, (to whom he was married 14 February 1899), was daughter to John Nicholson and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Roger Kennedy was born in 1940, son to Percy William Kennedy and Joan Hilda Cooper, (to whom refer). His wife Vivienne Gloria O'Shea, (to whom he was married 22 October 1966), was daughter to James O'Shea and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) John Edward Kennedy, born 27 August 1967; (2) Darby James Kennedy, born in 1971, died unmarried in 1993.


Vincent Frederick Kennett was born 13 February 1799 at St. Marylebone Parish, Middlesex County, England; died 6 March 1862. His wife Arabella Henrietta Barrington, (to whom he was married 13 September 1837 at the Anglican Church, Geneva, Geneva Canton, the Swiss Confederation), was born in or about 1806 or 1807 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to (Sir) Jonah Barrington and Catherine Grogan, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in March 1828 at St. Ann's Church of Ireland (otherwise known as St. Ann's Parish Church), Dawson Street, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Edward Hughes Lee (Barone Calabrella, etc. in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of Sicily, etc.), (to whom also refer); died 10 June 1884 at Kensington Parish, Middlesex County, England. Vincent Frederick Kennett and Arabella Henrietta Barrington begat issue: (1) (Sir) Vincent Hunter Kennett-Barrington (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, a distinguished diplomat and statesman and one of the early pioneers of international medical aid, etc.), born 3 September 1844 at or near Bagna di Lucca, Lucca Province, Tuscany Region, the Austrian Empire, died 13 July 1903, who married 12 January 1878, Alicia Georgette Sandeman; (2) Brackley Herbert Barrington-Kennett (Colonel of the Bodyguard to His Majesty King Edward VII., etc.), born 30 March 1846 at or near Calais, Calais Arrondissement, Pas-de-Calais D�partment, Nord-Pas-de-Calais R�gion, the Kingdom of France, died in January, February or March 1919, who married 15 January 1884, Eleanor (or Ellinor) Frances Austen (a noted author, etc.); (3) Patricia Barrington-Kennett, born in or about 1838 or 1839 in the Swiss Confederation, who married 28 December 1869, (Sir) Alfred George Marten (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Member of the House of Commons in the Parliament at Westminster, etc.); (4) Arabella Barrington-Kennett, born in or about 1842 or 1843 at Naples, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, who married 20 July 1865, Augustus Charles Scovell (grandnephew to General Sir George Scovell, Knight Grand Cross of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, etc.).


(Sir) Vincent Hunter Kennett-Barrington (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, a distinguished diplomat and statesman and one of the early pioneers of international medical aid, etc.) was born 3 September 1844 at or near Bagna di Lucca, Lucca Province, Tuscany Region, the Austrian Empire, son to Vincent Frederick Kennett and Arabella Henrietta Barrington, (to whom refer); died 13 July 1903. His wife Alicia Georgette Sandeman, (to whom he was married 12 January 1878), was daughter to George Glas Sandeman and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Guy Nevill Eagleston Kennett-Barrington, born 11 July 1883; (2) Leila Winifred Leonor Kennett-Barrington (Dame of Grace of The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, etc.), born 15 May 1885, died in 1979, who married 19 April 1911, Edward Charles Ponsonby Lascelles.


Geoffrey Kenworthy. His wife Christine Gay Abbott was daughter to Raymond Barrington Abbott Jr. and Irene Elizabeth Toborg, (to whom refer); married, secondly, William Zigrang, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Geoffrey Kenworthy and Christine Gay Abbott are presently available.


D. Kepley. His wife Terry Lynne Meyer (Miss Edmonton and Miss Canada 1975, the 29th Miss Canada from 28 October 1974 to 3 November 1975, broadcasting host and "on-air personality", entrepreneur, marketing executive, etc.) was born 20 January 1952, daughter to Arthur Edwy Meyer and Vivianne Fisher, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Clarence Kerr. His wife Viola Brown was born 29 November 1901 at Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to John Brown and Margaret Gardner, (to whom refer); christened 21 February 1902 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, Tr�s-Saint-Sacrement Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James W. Kerruish was born 9 November 1939. His wife Eleanor Laurie Scott was born 20 September 1941, daughter to Walter Thomas Scott and Jean Davis McLean, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Laurie Lee Kerruish, born 8 April 1967.


--- Kilburn. His wife Nina Parker was daughter to John P. Parker and Mary Matilda Chirgwin, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Thomas Lynch, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of --- Kilburn and Nina Parker are presently available.


Lancelot Michael King-French was born 20 September 1916, son to Michael King-French and Marjory Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1972. His wife Mary McMullan, (to whom he was married 3 June 1939), was daughter to William McMullan and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Iona Sarah King-French, born 17 March 1946, who married in October 1967, Albert Pratt; (2) Primrose Madawe King-French, born 4 May 1947, who married in May 1968, Ian David Nish.


Michael King-French was born 29 July 1886, son to William Michael French and Frances Browning Hone; died 21 June 1950. His wife Marjory Barrington, (to whom he was married 27 July 1915), was daughter to John Beatty Barrington and Catherine Charlotte Bayly, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lancelot Michael King-French, born 20 September 1916, died in 1972, who married 3 June 1939, Mary McMullan; (2) Wanda King-French, born 25 April 1929, died unmarried 29 April 1948.


Harry Alfred Kingstone. His wife Rae Eleanor Scott Greenham, (to whom he was married 28 July 1973), was born 2 October 1941, daughter to Raymond Stewart Greenham and Marion Eleanor Scott, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Allen Edward James Kirkby was born 23 August 1966, son to Edward Kirkby and Linda Covil. His wife Penny Lee Young, (to whom he was married 25 October 1990 at Prescott Town Hall, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 6 November 1965 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Ronald Patrick Young and Helen Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 31 July 1987, Raymond Irish, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced in 1988). Allen Edward James Kirkby and Penny Lee Young begat issue: (1) Melissa Holly Kirkby, born 9 June 1990 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Herbert Symond Klyne was born 10 March 1891; died 10 December 1929; buried at Olivet Church Cemetery, Ellisville, near Seeley's Bay, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Anna Eliza "Bessie" Barrington, (to whom he was married 15 September 1927), was born 15 September 1899 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Wilson Simpson Barrington and Frances Jane "Jennie" Steacy (or Steacey), (to whom refer); married, secondly, 6 September 1936, Joseph Allan Murray, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 7 September 1963, George Henry "Harry" Clow, (to whom likewise also refer); died 15 June 1992 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in June 1992 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Herbert Symond Klyne and Anna Eliza "Bessie" Barrington are presently available.


Bryan Knapp was son to Kenneth Knapp and Catherine Mary Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife was Courtney Seed. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Kenneth Knapp. His wife Catherine Mary Bryan was born 28 August 1958, daughter to William Douglas Bryan and Faye Wilkins, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Amanda Knapp, who married Todd Wilson; (2) Philip Knapp, who married Christina Pielow; (3) Bryan Knapp, who married Courtney Seed.


Philip Knapp was son to Kenneth Knapp and Catherine Mary Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife was Christina Pielow. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Andrew M. Kralik. His wife Karen Lynn Dickey was daughter to Roger Edwin Dickey and Gail Evelyn Abbott, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Connor Austin Kralik.



--- Labencki. His wife --- Hawker was daughter to --- Hawker and --- Weigand, (to whom refer); married, secondly, --- Simpson, (to whom also refer). --- Labencki and --- Hawker begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Plitt; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---.

LABENCKI, --- / ---

--- Labencki was son to --- Labencki and --- Hawker, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable.


Stanley LaFirst. His wife Connie Lynn Young, (to whom he was married 7 October 1985 at the Provincial Court House, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced 2 February 1988), was born 24 November 1962 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Ronald Patrick Young and Helen Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 26 August 1995 at Port Elmsley, North Elmsley Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Christopher Daniel DeSalvo, (to whom also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Stanley LaFirst and Connie Lynn Young.


Earl Lake. His wife Sharon Rochelle Burtch was born 9 May 1939, daughter to Herbert Burtch and Helen Jane Bryan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Earl Carl Lake, born 14 August 1958; (2) Kevin Herbert Lake, born 22 June 1962; (3) Timothy Frederick Lake, born 28 December 1971.


Edward Martin Langworthy. His wife (Lady) Alice Louisa Pery, (to whom he was married 7 March 1874), was daughter to (The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Margaret Jane Horsley, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 5 August 1868, Percy Hughes Hewitt, (to whom also refer); died 15 September 1876. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Edward Martin Langworthy and (Lady) Alice Louisa Pery are presently available.


Samuel Lapham. His wife Frances Barrington, (to whom he was married in or about 1737 or 1738 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 3 September 1715 (Old Style or Julian) or 14 September 1715 (New Style or Gregorian) probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to John Barrington and Mary Aldridge, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Brian Larsen. His wife Laura Ann Meyer was born 26 April 1957, daughter to Arthur Edwy Meyer and Vivianne Fisher, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edward Charles Ponsonby Lascelles was born 8 October 1884, son to Henry Arthur Lascelles and Caroline Maria Gore; died 3 February 1956. His wife Leila Winifred Leonor Kennett-Barrington (Dame of Grace of The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, etc.), (to whom he was married 19 April 1911), was born 15 May 1885, daughter to (Sir) Vincent Hunter Kennett-Barrington and Alicia Georgette Sandeman, (to whom refer); died in 1979. This couple begat issue: (1) Henry Anthony Lascelles (Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion of The Distinguished Service Order, etc.), born 10 January 1912; (2) Alice Leila Lascelles, born 4 April 1914.


Allan Clifford Leacock (or Laycock) was born 2 September 1883, son to John Leacock (or Laycock) and Rebecca Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 15 December 1886; died 10 August 1981; buried in August 1981 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife Helena Sarah Hewitt, (to whom he was married 20 June 1919), was born 20 December 1891; died 11 September 1991; buried in September 1991 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Arthur Allan Leacock, born 10 August 1922, christened 24 January 1923, died 26 August 2010, buried 30 August 2010 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 8 April 1944, Mary Lou Avery.


Arthur Allan Leacock was born 10 August 1922, son to Allan Clifford Leacock (or Laycock) and Helena Sarah Hewitt, (to whom refer); christened 24 January 1923; died 26 August 2010; buried 30 August 2010 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His wife was Mary Lou Avery, (to whom he was married 8 April 1944). This couple begat issue: (1) Joy Leacock, who married Marc Andr� Pelletier; (2) Mary Lou Leacock, who married Dennis Leeder; (3) Kathy Leacock, who married Stanley Newberry; (4) Karen Leacock, who married her distant cousin Paul William Brown; (5) Eleanor Leacock (a Councillor of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley, etc.), who married Mark Renaud; (6) Jacky Leacock; (7) Constance Jean Leacock, born 8 July 1947, christened 14 September 1947, who married Donald Bielby.


George Leacock (or Laycock) was born 10 August 1840 or 20 August 1840 (depending upon sources) at Kitley Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, son to William Leacock (or Laycock) and Mary Montgomery; died 8 June 1920 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of gangrene; buried 9 June 1920 at Wolford Cemetery, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Caroline Barrington, (to whom he was married 28 December 1864 at Leeds County, Canada West), was born 18 December 1842 or 18 December 1843 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable), at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township or at Kitley Township (depending upon sources), Johnstown Municipal District, Canada West, daughter to William Barrington and Elizabeth (or Eliza) Mary Green (or Greene), (to whom refer); christened 7 March 1843; died 11 January 1927 at or near Jasper, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of myocarditis following upon senility; buried in 1927 at Wolford Cemetery, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Emily Leacock (or Laycock), born 8 December 1865 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, died 12 August 1934, buried in August 1934 at St. Anne's Anglican Cemetery, Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married James Gardiner; (2) William Herbert Leacock (or Laycock), born 16 March 1868 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died in 1957, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 13 May 1891, Agnes "Aggie" Scott; (3) John Alfred Leacock (or Laycock), born 22 July 1871 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 20 November 1940 in consequence of skull fracture, buried at Wolford Cemetery, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married Alice Estella "Stella" Kilborn; (4) Lillian Elizabeth "Lilly" Leacock (or Laycock), born 22 November 1880 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, christened 2 February 1881, died unmarried 3 March 1939, buried in 1939 at Wolford Cemetery, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (5) Frederick Levi Leacock (or Laycock), born 24 November 1887 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, christened 16 July 1888, died 27 February 1920 in consequence of spinal fracture, buried in 1920 at Wolford Cemetery, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (6) Coral Idell Leacock (or Laycock), born in 1889.


John Leacock (or Laycock) was born in or about 1841, 1842 or 1843, son to William Leacock (or Laycock) and Mary Montgomery; died 22 July 1893 (not 22 July 1894 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) in consequence of his having been struck by lightning; buried 24 July 1893 at Toledo-on-the-Hill Cemetery, Toledo, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Rebecca Barrington, (to whom he was married 19 October 1870 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 3 May 1844 or 3 May 1845 (according to differing dates, both appearing in Family Bible, the earlier date being more probable), daughter to William Barrington and Elizabeth (or Eliza) Mary Green (or Greene), (to whom refer); died 28 April 1918 in consequence of cardiac failure; buried in 1918 at Toledo-on-the-Hill Cemetery, Toledo, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Helen Leacock (or Laycock), born in or about December 1871, died early, unmarried, 11 May 1885 (not 11 May 1886 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) in consequence of brain fever, buried 13 May 1885 at Toledo-on-the-Hill Cemetery, Toledo, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) William Hilliard Leacock (or Laycock), born 25 March 1875, died in 1936, buried at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married, firstly, Edna Maud Purcell, and, secondly, 4 July 1917 at the bride's residence, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Ida Annie Kinch; (3) John Milborn Leacock (or Laycock), born 7 January 1881, christened 6 April 1881, died in 1954, buried at Toledo-on-the-Hill Cemetery, Toledo, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (4) Allan Clifford Leacock (or Laycock), born 2 September 1883, christened 15 December 1886, died 10 August 1981, buried in August 1981 at Hillcrest Cemetery, near Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, who married 20 June 1919, Helena Sarah Hewitt.


John Alfred Leacock (or Laycock) was born 22 July 1871 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to George Leacock (or Laycock) and Caroline Barrington, (to whom refer); died 20 November 1940 in consequence of skull fracture; buried at Wolford Cemetery, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Alice Estella "Stella" Kilborn was born 26 December 1884; died in 1980; buried at Wolford Cemetery, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Herbert Ennis Leacock (or Laycock), born 4 March 1908, christened 25 November 1915.


William Herbert Leacock (or Laycock) was born 16 March 1868 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to George Leacock (or Laycock) and Caroline Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1957; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Agnes "Aggie" Scott, (to whom he was married 13 May 1891), was born 11 January 1867; died in 1925; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


William Hilliard Leacock (or Laycock) was born 25 March 1875, son to John Leacock (or Laycock) and Rebecca Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 4 July 1917 at the bride's residence, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Ida Annie Kinch, (to whom also refer); died in 1936; buried at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His first wife Edna Maud Purcell was born 27 September 1874; died in 1916; buried at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. William Hilliard Leacock (or Laycock) and Edna Maud Purcell begat issue: (1) Howard P. Leacock, born in November 1903; (2) Elva Elizabeth (or Elizabeth Elva) Leacock, born in 1908, died early, unmarried, in March 1910 in consequence of cardiac difficulties, buried in 1910 at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario; (3) Edna May Leacock, born in 1910, died in extreme infancy, unmarried, in 1910, buried at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario.


William Hilliard Leacock (or Laycock) was born 25 March 1875, son to John Leacock (or Laycock) and Rebecca Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Edna Maud Purcell, (to whom also refer); died in 1936; buried at Maple Vale Cemetery, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario. His second wife Ida Annie Kinch, (to whom he was married 4 July 1917 at _the bride's residence, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in 1892, daughter to Isaac Kinch and Emma J. Karley; died in 1985; buried at Wolford Cemetery, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. William Hilliard Leacock (or Laycock) and Ida Annie Kinch begat issue: (1) Lila May Leacock, born 4 November 1920, christened 17 December 1920, died 19 September 2013, buried 21 September 2013 at St. Anne's Anglican Cemetery, Easton's Corners, Merrickville-Wolford Village Municipality, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 9 May 1945 at Easton's Corners, Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Harold Ferguson.

LEARED, --- / HALLAM, ---

--- Leared was son to John Harvey Leared and Olive Hockin, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Hallam. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable.


Arthur Leared was born 3 December 1819 or 12 April 1822 (depending upon sources), son to Richard Leared and Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 16 October 1879 at London, Middlesex County, England. His wife Anne E. Jeffries (Jefferies, Jeffares or Jeffers), (to whom he was married in 1853), died 12 September 1879 at London, Middlesex County, England. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Leared was born 7 March 1839, son to Richard Leared and Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 13 October ----. His wife was Emily Theobald. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Harvey Leared was born 5 October 1875 at Glenville Townland, Ardnageehy Parish, Barrymore Barony, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland, son to Richard Hughes Leared and Sarah Mary Boxwell, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1937 at or near Tewkesbury, Tewkesbury Municipal Borough, Gloucester County, England, Rose Isabella Donaldson, (to whom also refer); died 19 August 1952. His first wife Olive Hockin, (to whom he was married 12 August 1922), was born 20 December 1880; died 5 February 1936. John Harvey Leared and Olive Hockin begat issue: (1) Jennifer Leared, stillborn in 1925; (2) Richard Oliver Leared, born 24 January 1926, who married --- Woodrow; (3) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Hallam.


John Harvey Leared was born 5 October 1875 at Glenville Townland, Ardnageehy Parish, Barrymore Barony, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland, son to Richard Hughes Leared and Sarah Mary Boxwell, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 12 August 1922, Olive Hockin, (to whom also refer); died 19 August 1952. His second wife was Rose Isabella Donaldson, (to whom he was married in 1937 at or near Tewkesbury, Tewkesbury Municipal Borough, Gloucester County, England). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Harvey Leared and Rose Isabella Donaldson are presently available.


Paul Lupus Leared was born 22 July 1880, son to Richard Hughes Leared and Sarah Mary Boxwell, (to whom refer); died 7 March 1918 near Baghdad, Baghdad Vilayet, Iraq Region, the Ottoman Empire in consequence of injuries sustained in an accident whilst participating in a wild game hunt. His wife was Kathleen Bertram. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable.


Richard Leared was born 23 June 1788 at Glenville Townland, Ardnageehy Parish, Barrymore Barony, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland; died 6 November 1866 at Glenville Townland, Ardnageehy Parish, Barrymore Barony, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland. His wife Jane Barrington, (to whom he was married in June 1817 at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born in or about 1796 or 1797 probably at Ballycogly Castle, Ballycogly Townland, Mayglass Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Nicholas Barrington and Elizabeth Boxwell, (to whom refer); died 15 January 1876 at Glenville Townland, Ardnageehy Parish, Barrymore Barony, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Eliza (or Elizabeth) Barrington Leared, born 3 April 1818, died 3 August 1905 or 7 August 1905 (depending upon sources) at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married in September 1840 at St. Iberius' Church of Ireland, Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, her second cousin William Barrington; (2) Arthur Leared, born 3 December 1819 or 12 April 1822 (depending upon sources), died 16 October 1879 at London, Middlesex County, England, who married in 1853, Anne E. Jeffries (Jefferies, Jeffares or Jeffers); (3) Martha Leared, born in March 1821 or 22 May 1823 (depending upon sources) at or near Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 4 November 1857, who married 3 April 1851 at Carnarvon County, the Principality of Wales, John Williams; (4) Nicholas Barrington Leared, born 7 December 1825, died 30 September 1915; (5) Susan Leared, born 5 August 1827, died in infancy, unmarried, 7 January 1828 or 30 June 1828 (depending upon sources) at or near Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (6) Sarah Jane Leared, born 22 February 1830, died 13 June 1896, who married 9 September 1858, John Farmer; (7) Richard Hughes Leared, born 6 August 1832, died 23 February 1908, who married 13 November 1867 at Rathaspick Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, Sarah Mary Boxwell; (8) Susan Leared, born 26 August 1834, died early, unmarried, 27 March 1836; (9) Susan Leared, born 7 July 1836, died 2 July 1918, who married 11 June 1859, John Williams; (10) John Leared, born 7 March 1839, died 13 October ----, who married Emily Theobald; (11) Harriet Leared, born 9 August 1841, died 11 March 1926, who married 30 June 1864, Thomas Jeffries (Jefferies, Jeffares or Jeffers).


Richard Hughes Leared was born 6 August 1832, son to Richard Leared and Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 23 February 1908. His wife Sarah Mary Boxwell, (to whom he was married 13 November 1867 at Rathaspick Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 14 April 1842 at Hermitage Townland (otherwise known as Whitestown Lower Townland), Drinagh Parish, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to John Harvey Boxwell and Sarah Tanner; died 30 October 1922 at Glenville Townland, Ardnageehy Parish, Barrymore Barony, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Sarah "Sadie" Leared, born 9 October 1869 or 19 October 1869 (depending upon sources), died in September 1944, who married in 1900, Francis Harvey Boxwell; (2) Richard Leared, born 2 March 1871 or 29 March 1871 (depending upon sources), died 31 March 1911; (3) Jane Mary "Maisie" Leared, born 21 January 1873, died in 1960; (4) John Harvey Leared, born 5 October 1875 at Glenville Townland, Ardnageehy Parish, Barrymore Barony, Cork County, Munster Province, Ireland, died 19 August 1952, who married, firstly, 12 August 1922, Olive Hockin, and, secondly, in 1937 at or near Tewkesbury, Tewkesbury Municipal Borough, Gloucester County, England, Rose Isabella Donaldson; (5) Jasper Leared, born 2 November 1876 at or near Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (6) Frank Harvey "Tim" Leared, born 7 November 1877, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., 9 April 1918 at or near Armentieres, Armentieres Canton, Lille Arrondissement, Nord D�partment, Nord-Pas-de-Calais R�gion, the French Republic whilst serving with the First Regiment, King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment), buried at Haverskerque British Cemetery, Haverskerque Commune, Merville Canton, Dunkirk Arrondissement, Nord D�partment, Nord-Pas-de-Calais R�gion, the French Republic; (7) Paul Lupus Leared, born 22 July 1880, died 7 March 1918 near Baghdad, Baghdad Vilayet, Iraq Region, the Ottoman Empire in consequence of injuries sustained in an accident whilst participating in a wild game hunt, who married Kathleen Bertram.


Richard Oliver Leared was born 24 January 1926, son to John Harvey Leared and Olive Hockin, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Woodrow. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable.


--- Leaslie (or Leslie). His wife Elizabeth Redmond was daughter to --- Redmond and Ann Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edmund Herman Lee was born 5 October 1894 at or near Watertown, Codington County, South Dakota; died 12 October 1959 at Bakersfield, Kern County, California. His wife Ruth D. Barrington, (to whom he was married 24 March 1919), was born 4 November 1894 at or near West Branch, Cedar County, Iowa, daughter to Thomas Townsend Barrington and Sarah Jane Webster, (to whom refer); died 25 October 1981 at Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Patricia Lee; (2) Jeannette Lee, who married --- Pratt.


Edward Hughes Lee (Barone Calabrella, etc. in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of Sicily, etc.) was born 11 April 1806 at London, Middlesex County, England, son to Francis Lee and Catherine Ball (afterward Baroness Calabrella, etc. in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of Sicily, etc.) (a noted literary figure of her time and sister to the notorious Regency dandy Edward Hughes Ball Hughes, otherwise known as "Golden Balls", etc.); died 13 September 1834 at Boulogne, Pas-de-Calais D�partment, Nord-Pas-de-Calais R�gion, the Kingdom of France. His wife Arabella Henrietta Barrington, (to whom he was married in March 1828 at St. Ann's Church of Ireland, otherwise known as St. Ann's Parish Church, Dawson Street, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born in or about 1806 or 1807 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to (Sir) Jonah Barrington and Catherine Grogan, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 13 September 1837 at the Anglican Church, Geneva, Geneva Canton, the Swiss Confederation, Vincent Frederick Kennett, (to whom also refer); died 10 June 1884 at Kensington Parish, Middlesex County, England. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Edward Hughes Lee (Barone Calabrella, etc.) and Arabella Henrietta Barrington are presently available.


Dennis Leeder. His wife Mary Lou Leacock was daughter to Arthur Allan Leacock and Mary Lou Avery, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Wilfrid Leeder was born 3 February 1922. His wife Jean Marie Bryan was born antenuptially 17 September 1928, daughter to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Cheryl Anne Leeder, born 21 March 1947, who married John Gavin.


Anthony Le Fanu was born 11 August 1918, son to Hugh Barrington Le Fanu and Georgiana Harriott Kingscote, (to whom refer); died (killed) on Active Service, World War II., 3 March 1944 in the Kingdom of Italy whilst serving as a Sergeant with the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment; commemorated officially at Cassino War Cemetery, Cassino Commune, Frosinone Province, Lazio Region, the Italian Republic. His wife was Margaret Elizabeth Joyce, (to whom he was married in 1940). This couple begat issue: (1) Peter Joseph Le Fanu, born 29 October 1941; (2) Anthony John Le Fanu, born 4 December 1943.


Brinsley Rankine Le Fanu was born 10 August 1862, son to William Richard Le Fanu and Henrietta Victorine Barrington, (to whom refer); died 5 February 1945. His wife Margaret Dudgeon, (to whom he was married 15 April 1902), was daughter to John Dudgeon and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Brinsley Sheridan Le Fanu, born 2 May 1905, died 14 November 1964, who married 23 June 1931, Dorothy Duncan; (2) John Lewen Le Fanu, born 17 July 1906, died 6 April 2005, who married 21 April 1937, Margery Brew.


Fletcher Sheridan Le Fanu was born 21 January 1860, son to William Richard Le Fanu and Henrietta Victorine Barrington, (to whom refer); died 17 March 1939. His wife was Jane Hore, (to whom he was married 18 November 1885). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


(The Most Reverend) Henry Frewen Le Fanu (Anglican Archbishop of Perth and Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia, etc.) was born 1 April 1870 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to William Richard Le Fanu and Henrietta Victorine Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 26 July 1941, Winifred Maud Whiteley, (to whom also refer); died 9 September 1946; cremated and ashes buried at Brisbane General Cemetery, Toowong, Brisbane City, Queensland State, the Commonwealth of Australia. His first wife Mary Annette Ingle "Margery" Dredge, (to whom he was married 25 October 1904), was born in February 1880 at or near Filby, Filby Parish, Norfolk County, England, daughter to John N. Dredge and ---; died 28 February 1926 at Brisbane City, Queensland State, the Commonwealth of Australia; buried in March 1926 at Brisbane General Cemetery, Toowong, Brisbane City, Queensland State, the Commonwealth of Australia. (The Most Reverend) Henry Frewen Le Fanu and Mary Annette Ingle "Margery" Dredge begat issue: (1) Mary Charlotte Le Fanu, born 20 May 1906; (2) Stephen Henry John Le Fanu, born 13 July 1908, who married 20 October 1942, Margaret Edeline Dunnet; (3) Claire Victorine Le Fanu, born 26 August 1912, who married in 1940, Leslie Albert Dunnet; (4) Francis William Le Fanu, born 4 May 1915, died unmarried 17 September 1953; (5) Helen Catherine Le Fanu, born 29 November 1916, who married in 1956, Cyril Victor E. Grice; (6) Elizabeth Le Fanu, born 21 June 1920, died in infancy, unmarried, 16 September 1920; (7) Philip Sheridan Le Fanu, born 24 February 1926, who married 14 November 1959, Nora Vivien Wheatley.


(The Most Reverend) Henry Frewen Le Fanu (Anglican Archbishop of Perth and Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia, etc.) was born 1 April 1870 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to William Richard Le Fanu and Henrietta Victorine Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 25 October 1904, Mary Annette Ingle "Margery" Dredge, (to whom also refer); died 9 September 1946; cremated and ashes buried at Brisbane General Cemetery, Toowong, Brisbane City, Queensland State, the Commonwealth of Australia. His second wife Winifred Maud Whiteley, (to whom he was married 26 July 1941), died in 1979; buried at Brisbane General Cemetery, Toowong, Brisbane City, Queensland State, the Commonwealth of Australia. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of (The Most Reverend) Henry Frewen Le Fanu and Winifred Maud Whiteley.


Hugh Barrington Le Fanu was born 11 November 1872, son to William Richard Le Fanu and Henrietta Victorine Barrington, (to whom refer); died in May 1929. His wife Georgiana Harriott Kingscote, (to whom he was married 23 December 1908 at Wyddial, Buntingford Rural District, Hertford County, England), was born 16 June 1879, daughter to William Anthony Kingscote and Catherine Jeannette Pringle; died 18 July 1965. This couple begat issue: (1) Barbara Le Fanu, born 25 October 1910 or 28 October 1910 (depending upon sources), died unmarried 24 November 1958; (2) Peter Le Fanu, born 2 April 1912, died unmarried 13 February 1934; (3) (Admiral of the Fleet) (Sir) Michael Le Fanu (Knight Grand Cross of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Distinguished Service Cross, First Sea Lord and Chief of Staff of Her Majesty's Royal Navy, etc.), born 2 May 1913, died 28 November 1970, who married 18 December 1943, Prudence Grace Morgan; (4) Anthony Le Fanu, born 11 August 1918, died (killed) on Active Service, World War II., 3 March 1944 in the Kingdom of Italy whilst serving as a Sergeant with the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment, commemorated officially at Cassino War Cemetery, Cassino Commune, Frosinone Province, Lazio Region, the Italian Republic, who married in 1940, Margaret Elizabeth Joyce.


John Lewen Le Fanu was born 17 July 1906, son to Brinsley Rankine Le Fanu and Margaret Dudgeon, (to whom refer); died 6 April 2005. His wife Margery Brew, (to whom he was married 21 April 1937), was daughter to Cecil Brew and ---; died 13 August 2004. This couple begat issue: (1) Clare Margaret Le Fanu, born 8 December 1939, who married 17 May 1969, (Honourable) Richard Temple Fisher; (2) Juliet Elizabeth Le Fanu, born 20 December 1944.

LE FANU, (Admiral of the Fleet) (Sir) MICHAEL / MORGAN, PRUDENCE GRACE

(Admiral of the Fleet) (Sir) Michael Le Fanu (Knight Grand Cross of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Distinguished Service Cross, First Sea Lord and Chief of Staff of Her Majesty's Royal Navy, etc.) was born 2 May 1913, son to Hugh Barrington Le Fanu and Georgiana Harriott Kingscote, (to whom refer); died 28 November 1970. His wife Prudence Grace Morgan, (to whom he was married 18 December 1943), was daughter to (Admiral) (Sir) Llewellyn Vaughan Morgan (Knight Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Member of The Royal Victorian Order, Distinguished Service Cross, etc.) and Mary Julia Lowe. This couple begat issue: (1) Mark Le Fanu, born 14 November 1946; (2) Victoria Le Fanu, born 9 October 1948; (3) Hugh Le Fanu, born 23 July 1951.


Philip Sheridan Le Fanu was born 24 February 1926, son to (The Most Reverend) Henry Frewen Le Fanu and Mary Annette Ingle "Margery" Dredge, (to whom refer). His wife Nora Vivien Wheatley, (to whom he was married 14 November 1959), was daughter to Irving Peter Wheatley and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Annabel Sheridan Le Fanu, born 30 June 1961; (2) Sally Annette Sheridan Le Fanu, born 19 November 1963; (3) Elizabeth Mary Sheridan Le Fanu, born 8 September 1965; (4) Peter Henry Sheridan Le Fanu, born 3 October 1966.


Richard Brinsley Sheridan Le Fanu was born 2 May 1905, son to Brinsley Rankine Le Fanu and Margaret Dudgeon, (to whom refer); died 14 November 1964. His wife Dorothy Duncan, (to whom he was married 23 June 1931), was daughter to Robert Duncan and ---; died 10 April 1970. This couple begat issue: (1) Adrienne Le Fanu, born 20 October 1933, who married 15 October 1955, Hubert James Stuart.


Stephen Henry John Le Fanu was born 13 July 1908, son to (The Most Reverend) Henry Frewen Le Fanu and Mary Annette Ingle "Margery" Dredge, (to whom refer). His wife Margaret Edeline Dunnet, (to whom he was married 20 October 1942), was daughter to David Ferguson Dunnet and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Phillip Le Fanu (Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, etc.) (Commissioner of Public Works in Ireland, Vice-President of The Royal Irish Academy, President of The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, etc.) was born 9 December 1858, son to William Richard Le Fanu and Henrietta Victorine Barrington, (to whom refer); died 21 October 1945. His wife Florence Sophia Mabel Sullivan, (to whom he was married 3 July 1890), was daughter to James Sullivan and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Lucie Catherine Le Fanu, born 9 February 1901, who married 18 April 1933, John Traill Christie; (2) William Richard Le Fanu (Fellow of The Royal Society of Antiquaries, President of The Huguenot Society, for nearly 40 years Librarian of The Royal College of Surgeons, etc.), born 9 July 1904, died 1 April 1995, who married 23 April 1930, (Dame) Elizabeth Violet Maconchy (Dame Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, renowned musician and composer, etc.).


William Richard Le Fanu was son to (The Very Reverend) Thomas Phillip Le Fanu (a Dean in the Church of Ireland, etc.) and Emma Lucretia Dobbin. His wife Henrietta Victorine Barrington, (to whom he was married 15 January 1857), was daughter to (Sir) Matthew Barrington (2nd Baronet, etc.) and Charlotte Hartigan, (to whom refer); died 29 July 1899. This couple begat issue: (1) Charlotte Anna Le Fanu, born 31 December 1857, died unmarried in April 1926; (2) Thomas Phillip Le Fanu (Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, etc.) (Commissioner of Public Works in Ireland, Vice-President of The Royal Irish Academy, President of The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, etc.), born 9 December 1858, died 21 October 1945, who married 3 July 1890, Florence Sophia Mabel Sullivan; (3) Fletcher Sheridan Le Fanu, born 21 January 1860, died 17 March 1939, who married 18 November 1885, Jane Hore; (4) William Richard Le Fanu (Secretary and Treasurer, Queen Anne's Bounty, etc.), born 26 April 1861, died unmarried 22 March 1925; (5) Brinsley Rankine Le Fanu, born 10 August 1862, died 5 February 1945, who married 15 April 1902, Margaret Dudgeon; (6) Victor Charles Le Fanu (clergyman, educator, prominent school headmaster, Justice of the Peace, champion Rugby player with the Irish national team, etc.), born 14 October 1865, died unmarried 9 August 1939; (7) (The Most Reverend) Henry Frewen Le Fanu (Anglican Archbishop of Perth and Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia, etc.), born 1 April 1870 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 9 September 1946, cremated and ashes buried at Brisbane General Cemetery, Toowong, Brisbane City, Queensland State, the Commonwealth of Australia, who married, firstly, 25 October 1904, Mary Annette Ingle "Margery" Dredge, and, secondly, 26 July 1941, Winifred Maud Whiteley; (8) Francis Lewen Le Fanu, born 12 July 1871, died unmarried 28 September 1892; (9) Hugh Barrington Le Fanu, born 11 November 1872, died in May 1929, who married 23 December 1908 at Wyddial, Buntingford Rural District, Hertford County, England, Georgiana Harriott Kingscote; (10) Emma Catherine Le Fanu, born 19 October 1874, died unmarried 2 November 1942.


William Richard Le Fanu (Fellow of The Royal Society of Antiquaries, President of The Huguenot Society, for nearly 40 years Librarian of The Royal College of Surgeons, etc.) was born 9 July 1904, son to Thomas Phillip Le Fanu and Florence Sophia Mabel Sullivan, (to whom refer); died 1 April 1995. His wife (Dame) Elizabeth Violet Maconchy (Dame Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, renowned musician and composer, etc.), (to whom he was married 23 April 1930), was born 19 March 1907 at or near Broxbourne, Ware Rural District, Hertford County, England, daughter to Gerald Edward Campbell Maconchy and ---; died 11 November 1994. This couple begat issue: (1) Elizabeth Anna Le Fanu, born 24 October 1939, who married 1 September 1962, Francis Ninian Dunlop; (2) Nicola Frances Le Fanu (renowned composer and Professor of Music, etc.), born 28 April 1947 at or near Wickham Bishops, Maldon Rural District, Essex County, England, who married in 1979, David Newton Lumsdaine (renowned musician and composer, etc.).


Charles W. Leggett was born in 1883; died in 1959. His wife Helena Maud "Lena" Fair, (to whom he was married 11 November 1908), was born 10 October 1884, daughter to Edwin Montrose Fair and Charlotte Anna Steacy, (to whom refer); died in 1954 at Ganges, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. This couple begat issue: (1) Christine Leggett; (2) Edwin Leggett; (3) John Fair Leggett, born in 1911, died in 1972, who married Marguerite H. Anderson.


John Fair Leggett was born in 1911, son to Charles W. Leggett and Helena Maud "Lena" Fair, (to whom refer); died in 1972. His wife Marguerite H. Anderson was born 1917; died in 1992. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert J. Leggett, born in 1943, who married D. Lynne Ward.


Robert J. Leggett was born in 1943, son to John Fair Leggett and Marguerite H. Anderson, (to whom refer). His wife D. Lynne Ward was born in 1946. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George Leigh. His wife Joan Barrington was daughter to Alexander Barrington and Jane (or Joan) Brereton, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Timothy Noel Leonard was son to John Leonard and ---. His wife Rosemary Ann Caroline Kennedy, (to whom he was married 2 July 1969), was born in 1937, daughter to Percy William Kennedy and Joan Hilda Cooper, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in November 1956, Allan Ross, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Timothy Noel Leonard and Rosemary Ann Caroline Kennedy are presently available.


Thomas Lett. His wife Mary Redmond was daughter to --- Redmond and Ann Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Alexander Lindsay. His wife Bridget Magdalen Kennedy, (to whom he was married in 1974), was born 1 November 1942, daughter to Francis Henry Kennedy and Magdalen Frances Ormiston, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Philip John Lindsay, born in 1975.


Harold Liske. His wife Evron Barrington was daughter to Thomas Samuel Barrington and Mabel Wade, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable.


Percy Harold Lockwood. His wife Doreen Gardiner, (to whom he was married 14 July 1934 at the residence of the Reverend C. F. Brown, Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario), was daughter to James Gardiner and Mary Emily Leacock (or Laycock), (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


W. Lorne. His wife Annie Emilie Gray was daughter to Henry Gray and (Honourable) Emilie Caroline Pery, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harry William Love, Jr. His wife Kathleen Jane Abbott was daughter to Thomas David Abbott and Mary Jane Randolf, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Joseph Ludlow. His wife Joyce Barrington was daughter to Thomas Samuel Barrington and Mabel Wade, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a child, name and sex unavailable; (2) a child, name and sex unavailable; (3) a child, name and sex unavailable; (4) a child, name and sex unavailable.


David Newton Lumsdaine (renowned musician and composer, etc.) was born 31 October 1931. His wife Nicola Frances Le Fanu (renowned composer and Professor of Music, etc.), (to whom he was married in 1979), was born 28 April 1947 at or near Wickham Bishops, Maldon Rural District, Essex County, England, daughter to William Richard Le Fanu and (Dame) Elizabeth Violet Maconchy, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Lynch. His wife Nina Parker was daughter to John P. Parker and Mary Matilda Chirgwin, (to whom refer); married, firstly, --- Kilburn, (to whom also refer). Thomas Lynch and Nina Parker begat issue: (1) Benn Lynch; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable.


John Lyons. His wife Annie Barrington was born 2 October 1857 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, daughter to William Barrington and Margaret Millar, (to whom refer); christened 10 February 1858 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



William Harley Macalpine-Leny (Companion of The Distinguished Service Order, Deputy Lieutenant of the County, etc.) was son to William Macalpine-Leny and ---; died 4 March 1951. His wife Anna Felicia Weldon, (to whom he was married 19 June 1908), was daughter to Lewen Burton Weldon and Olivia Maria Barrington, (to whom refer); died 6 October 1926). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- MacDonald. His wife Marion Maude Barrington was daughter to John Robert Barrington and Mary Ann Sparling, (to whom refer); died in 1982. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable.


--- MacDonald. His wife --- Barrington was daughter to Yorke Barrington and --- MacKinnon, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable.


William Alexander MacKenna. His wife Katherine Sibella Barrington, (to whom he was married 12 April 1852), was daughter to Edward George Barrington and Anna Blake, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Walter Carr Mackinnon. His wife Anne Barrington, (to whom he was married 29 November 1866), was daughter to Daniel Barrington and Anne Williams, (to whom refer); died in 1886. This couple begat issue, of whom no further records are presently available.


--- MacPherson. His wife --- Barrington was daughter to Edward Sydney Barrington and Jean MacKenzie, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Peter MacPherson. His wife Karen Jane Barrington was daughter to Donald Colquhoun Barrington and Joan Farnell, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kim MacPherson; (2) Chris MacPherson; (3) Curtis MacPherson.


Norman A. MacRae. His wife Florence Neil Barrington was born 19 January 1905 at Russell Township, Russell County, Ontario, daughter to John Bennett Barrington and Elizabeth Catherine Smith, (to whom refer); died in 1980. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ronald Campbell MacWilliams (like his brothers a renowned championship golfer and athlete, one of which brothers, Andrew Carson MacWilliams, QC, being akso noted legal counsel and City Solicitor of The City of Calgary, Alberta, etc.) was born 14 June 1906, son to Andrew MacWilliams (prominent Presbyterian clergyman, civic and community leader, Registrar of Calgary College, etc.) and Effie Martha Carson (well-known Calgary socialite, service club and charity organiser, President of the Local Council of Women, etc.); died 12 October 1953 in the garage at his residence, 1640 14 Avenue South West, Calgary, Alberta (afterward the site of the Sunalta Community Wildflower Garden, otherwise sometimes referred to as Templeton-MacWilliams Park) in consequence of cardiac arrest. His wife Ida Patricia "Pat" Templeton, (to whom he was married 30 December 1940), was born 4 August 1914, daughter to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); died in 1995. This couple begat issue: (1) Nora Patricia MacWilliams, born 14 November 1941 at Calgary, Alberta, died 4 January 2015 at Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas in consequence of cancer, who married 7 October 1961, Alan Leslie Short, (from whom subsequently divorced); (2) Ronald James MacWilliams, born 24 August 1946.


C. A. Maddox. His wife Celia Morray was born 18 August 1897, daughter to James Monroe Morray and Mary E. "May" Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jack M. Maddox; (2) Donna Lee Maddox; (3) Russell Wanes Maddox.


--- Madinsky. His wife --- Barrington was daughter to Yorke Barrington and --- MacKinnon, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable; (4) a male child, name unavailable.


Francis Malone was born 26 May 1798, son to James Malone and Jane Bancroft; died 15 January 1876 at Dunlavin Townland, Dunlavin Parish, Lower Talbotstown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland; buried in January 1876 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Lucy Barrington, (to whom he was married 6 April 1830 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 5 September 1801 or in September 1802 (depending upon sources) at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to John Barrington and Margaret Manliffe (or Manly), (to whom refer); died 21 October 1871 at Boherboy Cottage, Dunlavin Townland, Dunlavin Parish, Lower Talbotstown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland; buried in October 1871 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. This couple begat issue: (1) Emily Malone, born 15 September 1831 at 4 Werburgh Street, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died unmarried 7 February 1910 at 13 Eaton Square, Monkstown, Monkstown Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, buried in February 1910 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (2) James Reginald Malone, born 21 December 1832 at 4 Werburgh Street, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died unmarried 2 April 1904 at Glasnevin, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, very suddenly whilst riding in an electric car, buried in April 1904 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (3) Margaret Frances Malone, born 27 January 1834 at Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 14 May 1866, who married 27 April 1865, Albert Stephens; (4) Jane Isabel Malone, born 2 July 1835 at Dunlavin Townland, Dunlavin Parish, Lower Talbotstown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 21 April 1900, who married 4 December 1856, her third cousin Frederick George Penrose; (5) Francis "Frank" Malone, born 10 December 1838 at 3 Lower Dominick Street, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died 2 April 1905 at Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, buried in April 1905 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 19 July 1892 at Kimberley, Greasley Parish, Nottingham County, England, his first cousin Victoria Barrington; (6) Lucy Malone, born 1 August 1842 at Dunlavin Townland, Dunlavin Parish, Lower Talbotstown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died unmarried 23 September 1916 at Boherboy Cottage, Dunlavin Townland, Dunlavin Parish, Lower Talbotstown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland; (7) Bancroft Malone, born 6 January 1845 at Dunlavin Townland, Dunlavin Parish, Lower Talbotstown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, died unmarried 13 March 1907 at Stormanstown House, Glasnevin, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, buried in March 1907 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland.


Francis "Frank" Malone was born 10 December 1838 at 3 Lower Dominick Street, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, son to Francis Malone and Lucy Barrington, (to whom refer); died 2 April 1905 at Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; buried in April 1905 at the family's private cemetery, Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife (and first cousin) Victoria Barrington, (to whom he was married 19 July 1892 at Kimberley, Greasley Parish, Nottingham County, England), was born 16 May 1853 at Fassaroe House, Fassaroe Townland, Kilmacanogue Parish, (near Bray), Rathdown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Edward Barrington and Huldah Strangman, (to whom also refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Marion Barrington Malone, born 12 March 1894.


Herbert Manders was son to Herbert Manders and Elizabeth Greaves. His wife Eliza Bennett Barrington, (to whom he was married 21 April 1904), was born 16 December 1870, daughter to Erasmus Barrington and Jane Kearns Deane Bennett, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Herbert William Manders, born 21 May 1906.


Manliffe U. Manly was son to Joshua Manly and ---. His wife Elizabeth Olga Barrington, (to whom he was married 20 December 1915), was born 5 October 1890, daughter to Jonathan Pim Barrington and Mary Thomas Greatorex, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Manuel was son to Anthony Manuel and ---. His wife Diana Mary Rose Barrington, (to whom he was married 17 July 1968), was born 11 May 1946, daughter to (Sir) Charles Bacon Barrington (6th Baronet, etc.) and Constance Doris Elkington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jessica Barrington Manuel, born 9 March 1977.


--- Marcellus. His wife Annabelle Hamilton was daughter to William Hamilton and Deborah Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Dwight Marcellus; (2) Russell Marcellus, died (killed), World War II.


Kenneth Roy Maresh was born 14 June 1938. His wife Sandra Ruth Scott was born 27 September 1939, daughter to Harold Bedford Scott and Ruth Shields, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Scott Anthony Maresh, born 20 April 1960; (2) Kenneth Roy Maresh II., born 26 November 1961; (3) Pamela Jean Maresh, born 23 February 1963; (4) Edward Alan Maresh, born 1 August 1967; (5) Stacey Allen Maresh, born 7 May 1970.


Joseph Daniel Robert Marion was born 8 February 1966 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Joseph Marion and Marie ---. His wife Cindy Marie Young, (to whom he was married 13 July 1991 at St. Mark's Roman Catholic Church, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 5 June 1968 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Ronald Patrick Young and Helen Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Caroline Margaret Marion, born 2 May 1995 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Ronald Matthew Marion, born 4 November 1997 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Daniel Isaac Marker was born 17 September 1896. His wife Helen Oneita (or Oneida) Umdenstock, (to whom he was married 24 December 1923), was born 28 December 1900, daughter to Ernest Charles Umdenstock and Eva Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Clarence Briggs, (to whom also refer). Daniel Isaac Marker and Helen Oneita (or Oneida) Umdenstock begat issue: (1) Richard Gaylon Marker; (2) Joy Zelle Marker.


Charles Marshall was born in 1899; buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Harriet "Hattie" Horton (Rowsome or Rowsom), (to whom he was married 25 January 1922), was born 23 October 1897 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Samuel Todd Rowsome (or Rowsom) and Harriet Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 30 October 1897 in Ontario; brought up after her mother's death by her uncle and aunt Abraham Horton and Margaret Barrington, (to whom also refer), thereafter assuming and bearing until time of marriage the said surname Horton in lieu of that of Rowsome (or Rowsom); died 13 October 1979 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in October 1979 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


(Sir) Alfred Amberson Barrington Marten (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Chief Justice of the High Court of Bombay, etc.) was born 8 December 1870, son to (Sir) Alfred George Marten and Patricia Barrington-Kennett, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1957, Kathleen ---, (to whom also refer); died 1 July 1962. His first wife Fanny Lois Tarn, (to whom he was married 1 June 1898), was daughter to William Tarn and ---; died in 1947. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of (Sir) Alfred Amberson Barrington Marten and Fanny Lois Tarn are presently available.


(Sir) Alfred Amberson Barrington Marten (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Chief Justice of the High Court of Bombay, etc.) was born 8 December 1870, son to (Sir) Alfred George Marten and Patricia Barrington-Kennett, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 1 June 1898, Fanny Lois Tarn, (to whom also refer); died 1 July 1962. His second wife Kathleen ---, (to whom he was married in 1957), married, firstly, C. Rodney Wimshurst. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of (Sir) Alfred Amberson Barrington Marten and Kathleen --- are presently available.


(Sir) Alfred George Marten (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Member of the House of Commons in the Parliament at Westminster, etc.) was born 8 September 1829; died 22 June 1910. His wife Patricia Barrington-Kennett, (to whom he was married 28 December 1869), was born in or about 1838 or 1839 in the Swiss Confederation, daughter to Vincent Frederick Kennett and Arabella Henrietta Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) (Sir) Alfred Amberson Barrington Marten (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Chief Justice of the High Court of Bombay, etc.), born 8 December 1870, died 1 July 1962, who married, firstly, 1 June 1898, Fanny Lois Tarn, and, secondly, in 1957, Kathleen ---; (2) (Sir) Clarence Henry Kennett Marten (Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Provost and Assistant Master of Eton College and private tutor to the future Queen Elizabeth II., etc.), born a twin 28 October 1872, died unmarried 11 December 1948; (3) Isabel Caroline Patricia Marten, born a twin 28 October 1872; (4) Amy Corisande Arabella Marten; (5) Ida Frances Alice Marten.


Ernest Smith Martindale was born in 1886; died in 1977; buried at Banff Cemetery, Banff, Alberta. His wife Lucy Constance Adelaide Astley was born 31 July 1893 at or near Red Deer, Alberta District, North West Territories, daughter to Charles D'Oyley Astley and Lucy Ann Andrew, (to whom refer); died in 1975; buried at Banff Cemetery, Banff, Alberta. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Michael Masterson. His wife Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1821), was born 12 December 1799, daughter to Richard Barrington and Elizabeth Anne Waddy, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Percival Maw was born 3 June 1872 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Ellen "Nellie" Whittal, (to whom he was married 21 March 1894 at the Methodist Church, Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was born 12 April 1873 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to William Whittal and Agnes Beattie, (to whom refer); died 26 August 1896 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Raymond "Jig" Maxwell. His wife Henrietta Fisher, (to whom he was married in 1912 at Seattle, King County, Washington), was born 25 January 1891, daughter to Christian Fisher and Sibella "Sibbie" Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


Brian James McBroom was born 27 February 1955, son to Gordon James McBroom and Barbara Jane Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife Nancy Jean Armstrong, (to whom he was married 5 February 1983), was born in 1955. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Thomas McBroom, born a twin 25 September 1985; (2) Elizabeth Ann McBroom, born a twin 25 September 1985; (3) Kelly Jean McBroom, born 21 March 1989.


Gordon James McBroom was born in 1934. His wife Barbara Jane Barrington, (to whom he was married 14 August 1953), was born 3 August 1934, daughter to Wilson Keble Barrington and Ruth Beatrice Larmour, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Brian James McBroom, born 27 February 1955, who married 5 February 1983, Nancy Jean Armstrong; (2) Brenda Jane McBroom, born 25 June 1958, who married 24 May 1981, Daniel John Dengis; (3) Carol Ann McBroom, born 24 August 1960, who married 7 March 1981, Douglas Ian Ashford; (4) Gregory John McBroom, born 31 August 1962, who married 21 August 1990, Laura Desjarlais.


Gregory John McBroom was born 31 August 1962, son to Gordon James McBroom and Barbara Jane Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Laura Desjarlais, (to whom he was married 21 August 1990). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


David McCaig was son to William H. McCaig and ---. His wife (Lady) Alison Dora Pery, (to whom he was married 30 October 1999), was born 27 October 1964, daughter to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Patrick Edmund Pery (6th Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Sylvia Rosalind Lush, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Joseph McDonnell. His wife Catherine Blackall, (to whom he was married in 1809), was daughter to Waltho Blackall and Elizabeth Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Dermot McGillycuddy (Companion of The Distinguished Service Order, etc.) was born 20 July 1911, son to Ross Kinloch McGillycuddy of The Reeks, The McGillycuddy of The Reeks (a principal Chieftain in the Noblesse of Ireland, etc.) (a Senator of the Irish Free State and thereafter of the Irish Republic, a Chevalier, otherwise Knight, of the French Legion of Honour, etc.) and Helen Grace Courage; died 20 October 1974. His wife Patricia Kennedy, (to whom he was married 12 December 1938), was born in 1917, daughter to Edward Robert Kennedy and Beryl Doris Lumsdaine, (to whom refer); died 25 January 1988. This couple begat issue: (1) Dermot Patrick Donough McGillycuddy of The Reeks, The McGillycuddy of The Reeks (a principal Chieftain in the Noblesse of Ireland, etc.), born 17 December 1939 at Bishopscourt, Straffan, near Naas, Kildare County, Leinster Province, the Irish Republic, who married 4 April 1964 at Winwick, Daventry Rural District, Northampton County, England, Wendy O'Connor Don Spencer.


Dermot Patrick Donough McGillycuddy of The Reeks, The McGillycuddy of The Reeks (a principal Chieftain in the Noblesse of Ireland, etc.) was born 17 December 1939 at Bishopscourt, Straffan, near Naas, Kildare County, Leinster Province, the Irish Republic, son to Dermot McGillycuddy and Patricia Kennedy, (to whom refer). His wife Wendy O'Connor Don Spencer, (to whom he was married 4 April 1964 at Winwick, Daventry Rural District, Northampton County, England), was born in or about 1931 or 1932, daughter to George Spencer (Justice of the Peace, Fellow of the Royal Society, etc.) and Susan Ballam; died 4 September 2013 at Himeville, Kwa Sani Municipality, Sisonke District, KwaZulu-Natal Province, the Republic of South Africa. This couple begat issue: (1) Piers Donough Edward George McGillycuddy, younger, of The Reeks, (Tanist and Heir-Apparent), born 17 April 1965 at Rowston Manor, Rowston, East Kesteven Rural District, Lincoln County, England; (2) Lavinia O'Connor McGillycuddy, born 28 October 1966; (3) Michael Dermot McGillycuddy, born in 1968; (4) Jocelyn Patrick Spencer McGillycuddy, born in 1970.


James McGuire died 31 October 1869 at South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Elizabeth Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh) was born in or about 1819 or 1820 in Ireland, daughter to John Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh) and Ann Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 30 July 1875 at South Crosby Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Thomas Davis, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 3 January 1887 at Smiths Falls, Lanark County, Ontario, Michael Flaherty, (to whom likewise also refer); died 8 November 1900 at Lanark County, Ontario in consequence of lung congestion. James McGuire and Elizabeth Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh) begat issue, of whom no further records are presently available.


Merrick McKay. His wife Hester (Hesther or Esther) Fair was born 10 November 1900, daughter to William Albert Fair and Lila Cook, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Robert McKenzie. His wife Terry Barrington was daughter to Harry Barrington and Gertrude "Googie" LeBlanc, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William McLane. His wife Rachel Barrington, (to whom he was married 11 September 1856 at or near Huntingdon Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Canada East), was born in or about 1823 or 1824 in Lower Canada, daughter to John Barrington and Elizabeth Earl, (to whom refer); bore out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, one female child, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Rachel Barrington" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of William McLane and Rachel Barrington are presently available.


Paul Douglas McLaren was born 2 November 1936; died 25 May 1962. His wife Karen Elizabeth Chipman was born 6 May 1939, daughter to Samuel Gerald Chipman and Doris Aileen Dudley, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 3 June 1966, Harry Nelson Joiner, (to whom also refer). Paul Douglas McLaren and Karen Elizabeth Chipman begat issue: (1) Paul Dale McLaren, born 23 May 1960; (2) Anthony Shawn McLaren, born 24 August 1961.


David Gordon McLennan was born in May 1961, son to John Roderick McLennan and Marjorie Blanche Shotter, (to whom refer). His wife was Susan Johan Rodger, (to whom he was married 24 August 1984 at Thornhill, Markham and Vaughan Municipalities, York Regional Municipality, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) Geoffrey Gordon McLennan, born 2 October 1992 at Thornhill, Markham and Vaughan Municipalities, York Regional Municipality, Ontario; (2) Sarah Elizabeth McLennan, born 13 June 1995 at Montr�al, Montr�al Urban Community, Qu�bec.


John Charles Roderick McLennan was born 7 August 1956, son to John Roderick McLennan and Marjorie Blanche Shotter, (to whom refer). His wife was Teresa Anne McMullen, (to whom he was married 30 June 1979 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) John Andrew McLennan, born 13 April 1980; (2) Brendan Roderick McLennan, born 27 March 1984; (3) Geoffrey Robert McLennan, born 19 April 1985; (4) Allison Megan McLennan, born 5 January 1992.


John Robert McLennan (Alderman of The Town of Brockville, etc.) was born 31 July 1903, son to John McLennan and Edith Baldwin; died 17 November 1965; buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife LouEdna Marguerite Barrington, (to whom he was married 22 March 1927 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 21 December 1903 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Wilson Simpson Barrington and Frances Jane "Jennie" Steacy (or Steacey), (to whom refer); died 22 December 1996 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 24 December 1996 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) John Roderick McLennan, born 30 October 1929, who married 21 August 1954 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Marjorie Blanche Shotter; (2) Nancy Jane McLennan, born 29 December 1937 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 6 September 1958 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Gary Franklyn Roberts.


John Roderick McLennan was born 30 October 1929, son to John Robert McLennan and LouEdna Marguerite Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Marjorie Blanche Shotter, (to whom he was married 21 August 1954 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) John Charles Roderick McLennan, born 7 August 1956, who married 30 June 1979 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Teresa Anne McMullen; (2) David Gordon McLennan, born in May 1961, who married 24 August 1984 at Thornhill, Markham and Vaughan Municipalities, York Regional Municipality, Ontario, Susan Johan Rodger.


Gordon McLeod was born 4 December 1928. His wife Beverley Alena Chipman, (to whom he was married 6 September 1951 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 11 June 1932, daughter to Samuel Gerald Chipman and Doris Aileen Dudley, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 3 May 1963, Gordon Bothwell Wansbrough, (to whom also refer). Gordon McLeod and Beverley Alena Chipman begat issue: (1) Candace Aileen McLeod, born 28 August 1952, who married Brian Franklin; (2) Gregory Leroy Chipman McLeod, born 9 October 1955.


Ray McMillan. His wife Rachael Barrington was born in 1881, daughter to Yorke Henry Ainslie Barrington and Marion Elizabeth Jane Tutty, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a child, name and sex unavailable; (2) a child, name and sex unavailable; (3) a child, name and sex unavailable, died in infancy, unmarried.


Donald Keith McNeely was born 10 October 1952, son to Douglas Keith McNeely and Mary Barnes, (to whom refer). His wife was Joan Rabbie. This couple begat issue: (1) Carrie Ann McNeely, born 20 August 1972; (2) Terry Lynn McNeely, born 3 December 1974.


Douglas Keith McNeely was born 27 October 1926, son to Hubert A. McNeely and Lenna Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife was Mary Barnes. This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Keith McNeely, born 10 October 1952, who married Joan Rabbie; (2) Linda Louise McNeely, born 6 October 1954, who married James Offord; (3) James Allen McNeely, born 8 February 1956; (4) Sandra Ann McNeely, born 25 January 1957; (5) William Earl McNeely, born 22 May 1960; (6) Robert John McNeely, born 18 December 1961.


Hubert A. McNeely died 20 October 1973. His wife Lenna Bryan, (to whom he was married 15 September 1920), was born 19 April 1895 at or near Lyndhurst, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to William Jacob Bryan and Margaret Ann Moorehead, (to whom refer); died 13 February 1976 at St. Mary's of the Lake Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Frances Doreen McNeely, born 15 March 1921, who married 17 July 1943, William B. DeWolfe; (2) James Earl McNeely, born 19 February 1925, who married Helen Doyle; (3) Douglas Keith McNeely, born 27 October 1926, who married Mary Barnes; (4) Margaret Eleanor McNeely, born 17 February 1929, who married John Rodgers; (5) Helen Joan McNeely, born 16 March 1932, who married in June 1959, Richard Henderson; (6) Hubert John Frederick McNeely, born 30 October 1934, who married 2 December 1961, Joan Stewart.


Hubert John Frederick McNeely was born 30 October 1934, son to Hubert A. McNeely and Lenna Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife was Joan Stewart, (to whom he was married 2 December 1961). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


James Earl McNeely was born 19 February 1925, son to Hubert A. McNeely and Lenna Bryan, (to whom refer). His wife was Helen Doyle. This couple begat issue: (1) Joseph Earl McNeely, born 30 August 1956; (2) Helen Marie McNeely, born 26 November 1957; (3) Hubert John McNeely, born 14 March 1959; (4) Elizabeth Ann McNeely, born 30 November 1960; (5) Thomas Edward McNeely, born 23 December 1961; (6) Laurie Elaine McNeely, born 17 April 1965.


Rupert M'Comas. His wife Enid Irene Barrington, (to whom he was married 16 December 1914), was born 27 May 1887, daughter to Jonathan Pim Barrington and Mary Thomas Greatorex, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Manliffe Greatorex M'Comas, born 27 January 1916.


Philip Meek. His wife Terry Dixie was daughter to William Manford Dixie and Donna Greenham, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Adam Meek; (2) Jordan Meek; (3) Jesse Meek; (4) Madelynn Meek; (5) Lily Meek.


Donald Meier was son to James Meier and Susan Ann Abbott, (to whom refer). His wife was Shannon ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Ashley Meier; (2) Aaron Meier.


James Meier. His wife Susan Ann Abbott was daughter to Donald Warner Abbott and Francys Henrietta Page, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Donald Meier, who married Shannon ---; (2) Aaron Meier; (3) Thomas Meier; (4) Jonathan Meier.


--- Memelsdorf. His wife --- Williams was daughter to Glynne Slade Floyer Williams and --- Wendorf, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


James Hunter Meriwether III. was born 17 September 1934. His wife Virginia Jane Berger, (to whom he was married 20 June 1957), was born 13 September 1934, daughter to Harold Elmer Berger and Ethel Margaret Doolan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lucinda dePauw Meriwether, born 4 July 1960; (2) Margaret Hollyday Meriwether, born 18 October 1961; (3) James Hunter Meriwether IV., born 16 November 1963; (4) Melinda Caroline Meriwether, born 19 June 1970.


Arthur Edwy Meyer (distinguished petroleum engineer, Governor of The University of Calgary, etc.) was born 7 September 1927 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, son to Frank Spencer Meyer and Mildred Louise Murphy, (to whom refer). His wife Vivianne Fisher, (to whom he was married 14 July 1951 at Yorkton, Saskatchewan), was born 15 January 1928. This couple begat issue: (1) Terry Lynne Meyer (Miss Edmonton and Miss Canada 1975, the 29th Miss Canada from 28 October 1974 to 3 November 1975, broadcasting host and "on-air personality", entrepreneur, marketing executive, etc.), born 20 January 1952, who married D. Kepley; (2) Nancy Jane Meyer, born 23 May 1953, who married Shane D. Inlow; (3) Daniel Frank Meyer, born 14 December 1954; (4) Laura Ann Meyer, born 26 April 1957, who married Brian Larsen; (5) John Arthur Kenneth Meyer, born 3 December 1958.


Frank Spencer Meyer was born 5 July 1887 at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland; died 16 July 1951 at Yorkton, Saskatchewan. His wife Mildred Louise Murphy, (to whom he was married 6 September 1924 at Winnipeg, Manitoba), was born 14 June 1899 at New York City, New York, daughter to Luther E. Murphy and Mary Ann Bryan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Joyce Meyer, born 16 June 1926; (2) Arthur Edwy Meyer (distinguished petroleum engineer, Governor of The University of Calgary, etc.), born 7 September 1927 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, who married 14 July 1951 at Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Vivianne Fisher.


Joseph Stephen Nicholas Michel was born 8 March 1961 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. His wife Barbara Diane Coles, (to whom he was married 28 May 1994 at St. George Orthodox Church, Montr�al, Montr�al Urban Community, Qu�bec), was born 1 October 1963 at Sherbrooke General Hospital, Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke County, Qu�bec, daughter to Herbert Coles and Helen Elaine Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nicholas Theo Michel, born 7 January 1995 at Brome Missisquoi Perkins Hospital, Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi Regional County Municipality, Mont�r�gie Administrative Region, Qu�bec; (2) Andrew Frederick Michel, born 17 November 1996 at Brome Missisquoi Perkins Hospital, Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi Regional County Municipality, Mont�r�gie Administrative Region, Qu�bec; (3) Timothy Stephen William Michel, born 1 October 1999 at Brome Missisquoi Perkins Hospital, Cowansville, Brome-Missisquoi Regional County Municipality, Mont�r�gie Administrative Region, Qu�bec.


Ralph Godfrey Moery was born 3 January 1904 at or near Fosterburg, Foster Township, Madison County, Illinois; died in January 1981 at Tucson, Pima County, Arizona. His wife Ruth Barrington Abbott was daughter to Albert Justin Abbott and Alice Elizabeth Ford, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) William Abbott Moery.


Ebenezer Molloy. His wife --- Greenham was daughter to James Greenham and Letitia Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Anna Molloy, who married William Cutler.


Raymond A. Monfort. His wife Edith M. Umdenstock was daughter to Ernest Charles Umdenstock and Eva Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nancy Ann Monfort.


--- Monroe. His wife Olivia Barrington was daughter to Edward Joseph Barrington and ---, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


Thomas R. Montague was born 1 October 1924 at Salinas, Monterey County, California, son to Thomas J. Montague and Audry Valenti; died 4 November 1987 at Sacramento, Sacramento County, California. His wife Patricia Carrol Swift was born 15 January 1933, daughter to John James Swift and Maxine Eleanor Jenness, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 27 June 1953, Andrew Joseph Castagnola, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); married, thirdly, Elmo "Bud" Irish, (to whom likewise also refer). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Thomas R. Montague and Patricia Carrol Swift.


Allen Montgomery was son to Samuel Gordon Montgomery and Eula Maude Patience, (to whom refer). His wife was Marjory ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Irvin Montgomery was born in 1925, son to Samuel Gordon Montgomery and Eula Maude Patience, (to whom refer); died in 1995. His wife Helen B. Ripley was born in 1918; died in 1996; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Samuel Gordon Montgomery was born in 1896; died in 1991; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Eula Maude Patience was born a twin 19 May 1894, daughter to James Daniel Patience and Martha E. Earl, (to whom refer); died in 1970; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) James Irvin Montgomery, born in 1925, died in 1995, who married Helen B. Ripley; (2) Stewart Leon Montgomery, born in 1930; (3) Charles Donald Montgomery, born in 1931; (4) Allen Montgomery, who married Marjory ---; (5) Elizabeth "Bessie" Montgomery, who married --- Ferguson; (6) Evangeline Montgomery, who married Donald Chisamore; (7) Eileen Montgomery, who married --- Running; (8) Carson Montgomery; (9) Loverna Montgomery, died unmarried 11 March 2011 at her residence, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario, buried in 2011 at St. John's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Leeds Cemetery), Leeds and the Thousand Islands Township, Leeds County, Ontario.


Barton Adam Moodie was born 4 November 1963. His wife Margaret Anne Coles, (to whom he was married 25 February 1994 at the Court House, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario), was born 1 March 1966 at Sherbrooke General Hospital, Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke County, Qu�bec, daughter to Herbert Coles and Helen Elaine Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Meriah Helen Moodie, born 31 October 1993 at Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (2) Adam Thomas Moodie, born 18 June 1994 at Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario; (3) Natalie Elizabeth Moodie, born 15 January 1999 at Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


John Wilson Moore. His wife Nina Augusta Erina Gun-Cuninghame, (to whom he was married 21 February 1860), was born 28 June 1836, daughter to Robert Gun-Cuninghame and (Honourable) Annabella Erina Pery, (to whom refer); died 9 July 1869. This couple begat issue, of whom no further records are presently available.


Earl Morray was born 13 May 1896, son to James Monroe Morray and Mary E. "May" Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Fern Campbell, (to whom he was married in July 1920). This couple begat issue: (1) Earl Morray Jr.


James Monroe Morray was born 12 March 1858 in Illinois; died 26 September 1928 at or near Osage, Osage County, Kansas. His wife Mary E. "May" Barrington, (to whom he was married 19 January 1893), was born 14 May 1875 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, daughter to George Barrington and Sarah Abbott Pearson, (to whom refer); died 10 August 1969 or 15 August 1969 (depending upon sources) at Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas. This couple begat issue: (1) Earl Morray, born 13 May 1896, who married in July 1920, Fern Campbell; (2) Celia Morray, born 18 August 1897, who married C. A. Maddox; (3) Julia Morray, born 19 January 1899, died early, unmarried, 12 August 1917; (4) Eunice Morray, who married Frank A. Sylvain; (5) Myra Morray, who married --- Slusser; (6) Ruth Morray.


Francis Morrison was born in November 1849; died in 1924; buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Keziah Hanton was born 1 May 1855, daughter to William J. Hanton and Johanna (or Joanna) Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1953; buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert A. Morrison, born 25 January 1881, died unmarried in 1903, buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Melbourne Morrison, born 26 February 1889.


Wilfrid Fergus Morrison was born 28 November 1895 at or near Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Morrison and Ellen McCoy; married, firstly, Pearl McClintock; died 24 March 1975 in Ontario; buried in 1975 at Alexander Union Cemetery, Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Alice Zelba Gardner, (to whom he was married 30 October 1935 at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 19 August 1897 (not 26 August 1897 as erroneously suggested or indicated in the records of the Registrar-General of Ontario on the basis of mistaken information accidentally supplied by her maternal grandfather) at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to William John Gardner and Mary Templeton, (to whom refer); died 22 April 1994 at Bayfield Manor, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario; buried 25 April 1994 at Alexander Union Cemetery, Bishop's Mills, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Wilfrid Fergus Morrison and Alice Zelba Gardner.


Honor� Morrisseau was son to Arthur Morrisseau and Hedwidge (Edwidge or Edwige) Faubert. His wife Anita (or Anne) Barrington, (to whom he was married 15 September 1924 at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was born in or about 1907 or 1908, daughter to John Thomas Barrington and Corinne Duquette, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Muise. His wife --- Barrington was daughter to Richard Charles "Dick" Barrington and Winnifred MacLean, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


J. M. Muldary. His wife Eva Adelaide Antoinette Gun-Cuninghame was born 14 December 1838, daughter to Robert Gun-Cuninghame and (Honourable) Annabella Erina Pery, (to whom refer); died in or about 1879 or 1880. This couple begat issue, of whom no further records are presently available.


--- Mulroney (or Mulrony). His wife Esther (Ester or Easter) Barrington was daughter to William Barrington and --- Gainfort (or Gainford), (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Luther E. Murphy was born 19 April 1860. His wife Mary Ann Bryan, (to whom he was married 7 August 1889), was born 10 November 1864, daughter to William Peter Bryan and Deborah A. Doolan, (to whom refer); died 24 March 1944. This couple begat issue: (1) Ethel Marion Murphy, born 6 June 1890, died unmarried 27 July 1946; (2) Mildred Louise Murphy, born 14 June 1899 at New York City, New York, who married 6 September 1924 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Frank Spencer Meyer.


William Murphy. His wife Hilda Barrington was born 14 March 1899, daughter to Yorke Henry Ainslie Barrington and Marion Elizabeth Jane Tutty, (to whom refer); died 27 April 1951. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable.


Joseph Allan Murray was born 19 March 1888; died 12 February 1960. His wife Anna Eliza "Bessie" Barrington, (to whom he was married 6 September 1936), was born 15 September 1899 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Wilson Simpson Barrington and Frances Jane "Jennie" Steacy (or Steacey), (to whom refer); married, firstly, 15 September 1927, Herbert Symond Klyne, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 7 September 1963, George Henry "Harry" Clow, (to whom likewise also refer); died 15 June 1992 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried in June 1992 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Joseph Allan Murray and Anna Eliza "Bessie" Barrington are presently available.


T. Musto. His wife Ruth Anna Barrington was born 1 December 1911 at Lot 7, Concession 8, Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to William Barrington and Sarah Ellen "Sadie" Pritchard, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Reginald Fosbery Nation (Chevalier, otherwise Knight, of the French Legion of Honour, as well as recipient of numerous other decorations, medals, honours and awards, etc.) died in February 1969. His wife Evelyn Victoria Muriel Barrington, (to whom he was married 29 July 1922), was daughter to Croker Barrington and Florence Jane Bayly, (to whom refer); died 3 February 1929. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Constantine Neale. His wife Ann (or Anne) Barrington was daughter to Benjamin Barrington and Thomasina Comerford, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John William Neilson was born 18 March 1842; died in March 1914 in consequence of appendicitis. His wife Emily Barrington, (to whom he was married 25 February 1890), was born 29 October 1854, daughter to Frederick Barrington and Emma Fitzmaurice, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 13 May 1878, Edward T. Latham Blacker, (to whom also refer). John William Neilson and Emily Barrington begat issue: (1) Phyllis Neilson, born 13 March 1892, who married in or about 1916 or 1917, ---.


Stanley Newberry. His wife Kathy Leacock was daughter to Arthur Allan Leacock and Mary Lou Avery, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Nicholson. His wife Margaret Barrington was born 26 July 1801 probably at or near Rosanna, Mountalexander Townland, Kiltennell Parish, Ballaghkeen North Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland or at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland (depending upon sources), daughter to Thomas Barrington and Elizabeth Alment (or Allment), (to whom refer); died 22 December 1833 probably at or near Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg Borough, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Nicholson was son to Joseph Nicholson and ---. His wife Elizabeth Barrington was daughter to Samuel Barrington and Elizabeth Duncan, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Nimmo was born in or about 1843 or 1844 at Manchester, Manchester Municipal Borough, Lancaster County, England, son to William Nimmo and Elizabeth ---. His wife Ruth Pennefather, (to whom he was married in July, August or September 1879 at Lancaster County, England), was born in or about 1857 or 1858 at Perth City, Western Australia Colony, British Oceania, daughter to Kingsmill Pennefather and Jane Catherine Patricia de Fonblanque, (to whom refer); died in September 1906. This couple begat issue: (1) William Pennefather Nimmo, born in October, November or December 1881 at West Derby, Liverpool City Borough, Lancaster County, England; (2) Charles Foveaux Nimmo, born in July, August or September 1883 at West Derby, Liverpool City Borough, Lancaster County, England; (3) Kingsmill Pennefather Nimmo, born in July, August or September 1885 at West Derby, Liverpool City Borough, Lancaster County, England; (4) Dorothea Patricia G. Nimmo, born in April, May or June 1890 at West Derby, Liverpool City Borough, Lancaster County, England.


Ian David Nish was son to John Nish and ---. His wife Primrose Madawe King-French, (to whom he was married in May 1968), was born 4 May 1947, daughter to Lancelot Michael King-French and Mary McMullan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) George Lancelot Nish, born 12 May 1971; (2) Hennetta Sarah Nish, born 18 December 1974.


Oliver Nix. His wife Jane Barrington was daughter to Alexander Barrington and Jane (or Joan) Brereton, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Richard Noble died 10 October 1609 (Old Style or Julian) or 20 October 1609 (New Style or Gregorian) in Ireland. His wife Anne Barrington was daughter to John Barrington and Johanna (Joanna, Joan or Jane) Hovenden (Ovenden or Ovington), (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Nolan. His wife Charlotte Barrington was daughter to Wheeler Barrington and Eleanor Mary O'Neil (or O'Neill), (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Charlotte Nolan.


George David Norris was born 23 July 1931; died 19 September 1977. His wife Kathryne Louise Abbott was daughter to Donald Warner Abbott and Francys Henrietta Page, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) James David Norris, who married, firstly, Lisa Straley, and, secondly, Dana Lyn Falabala; (2) Dirdra Kay Norris, who married Mark Stiffler.


James David Norris was son to George David Norris and Kathryne Louise Abbott, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Dana Lyn Falabala, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Lisa Straley. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of James David Norris and Lisa Straley are presently available.


James David Norris was son to George David Norris and Kathryne Louise Abbott, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Lisa Straley, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Dana Lyn Falabala. James David Norris and Dana Lyn Falabala begat issue: (1) Amber Marie Norris; (2) Heather Lyn Norris.


John Norwood. His wife Arabella Otway, (to whom he was married in 1838), was born in or about 1819 or 1820, daughter to William Loftus Otway and Sibella (or Sybella) Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



James Offord. His wife Linda Louise McNeely was born 6 October 1954, daughter to Douglas Keith McNeely and Mary Barnes, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Jeffrey James Offord, born 25 September 1972; (2) Sarah Jane Offord, born 9 March 1975.


John O'Halloran. His wife Lorraine Giffin was daughter to Richard Alvin Giffin and Gladys Mildred Willoughby, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Meghan O'Halloran; (2) Courtney O'Halloran.


T. O'Hanlon. His wife Doris Teresa Robinson was born in 1943, daughter to George John Robinson and Maeve Kennedy, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- O'Neill. His wife Catherine Barrington, (to whom he was married in or about 1842 or 1843), was born 30 September 1806 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Isaac Barrington and Anne Power, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Donald P. O'Neill. His wife Margaret Elizabeth Johnston, (to whom he was married 27 December 1980 at Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, Ontario), was born 11 July 1955 in Ontario, daughter to Harcourt Templeton Johnston and Margaret Hendry Gibb, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Wallace Orr was born in or about 1884 or 1885; died in 1949 in Qu�bec. His wife Barbara Agnes Whittal, (to whom he was married in or about 1907 or 1908 at Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec), was born 5 January 1887 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to William Whittal and Agnes Beattie, (to whom refer); died in or about 1972 or 1973 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Loftus Otway was born 24 March 1781, son to Loftus Otway and Sarah Woodward; died in 1859 at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Sibella (or Sybella) Barrington, (to whom he was married in or about 1812 or 1813), was daughter to (Sir) Jonah Barrington and Catherine Grogan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Catherine Otway, born in or about 1816 or 1817, who married in 1837, Peter Burrowes; (2) Arabella Otway, born in or about 1819 or 1820, who married in 1838, John Norwood; (3) Loftus Otway, born in or about 1824 or 1825; (4) Frances Morgan Otway, born in or about 1829 or 1830.



John Page. His wife Elizabeth Blackall, (to whom he was married 23 July 1834), was daughter to Benjamin Blackall and Anne Thorn, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Al Parish. His wife Marlane Barrington was daughter to Edward John Barrington and Verta Cornforth, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John P. Parker. His wife Mary Matilda Chirgwin was born 17 May 1908 at Sydney Mines, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia, daughter to William Chirgwin and Fannie McLarty Barrington, (to whom refer); died 13 September 1996 at her residence, North Sydney, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia; buried in September 1996 at Lakeside Cemetery, North Sydney, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia. This couple begat issue: (1) Nina Parker, who married, firstly, --- Kilburn, and, secondly, Thomas Lynch.


Alexander Paterson. His wife Marjorie Slack was daughter to Charles Barrington "Barry" Slack and Viona Marie Shearer, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Daniel Patience was born 25 March 1852; died 1 November 1936; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Martha E. Earl was born 20 March 1860, daughter to Allan (or Allen) Earl and Elizabeth (or Eliza) Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1931; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Edith Patience, born in February 1883, died in infancy, unmarried, 24 August 1883, buried in August 1883 at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Margaret E. Patience, born 7 May 1885, died in 1942, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Elwell E. Slack; (3) Gerald Patience, born 3 September 1890, died early, unmarried, 18 October 1903, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (4) Eula Maude Patience, born a twin 19 May 1894, died in 1970, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Samuel Gordon Montgomery; (5) Elizabeth May Patience, born a twin 19 May 1894, died in 1966, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married William Austin Bennett.


Oliver Pattemore was born in 1912; died in 1978; buried at Harlem Cemetery, Harlem, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Reata Ilene Townsend was born in 1921, daughter to Clarke Townsend and Mildred Fair, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Bruce Scot Paul was son to Seymour Paul and Margrett Sue Grimes, (to whom refer). His wife was Betty Dooley. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Garrett Seymour Paul was born 28 March 1888 at Harrisonburg Independent City (not part of any County), Virginia, son to John Paul and Katherine Seymour Green; died 30 June 1960 at Harrisonburg Independent City (not part of any County), Virginia. His wife Ruth Jane Abbott, (to whom he was married 3 June 1935 at Balboa Heights, Balboa Township, Panama Canal Zone), was born 5 September 1901 at or near Raton, Colfax County, New Mexico Territory, daughter to Edmund Clarence Abbott and Cora X. Young, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 25 June 1925 at Governor's Island, Manhattan Borough, New York County, New York City, New York, William Torrey Barker, (to whom also refer); married, thirdly, 20 June 1970 at Ottobine, Franklin Township, Rockingham County, Virginia, John Gray Paul, (to whom likewise also refer); died 25 May 1999 at Harrisonburg Independent City (not part of any County), Virginia. Garrett Seymour Paul and Ruth Jane Abbott begat issue: (1) Seymour Paul, who married, firstly, Margrett Sue Grimes, and, secondly, Barbara Alleyne Jordan; (2) John Abbott Paul, who married, firstly, Bonnie Dold Lineweaver (Linenweaver or Leinweber) and, secondly, Deborah Lynn Huston.


John Abbott Paul was son to Garrett Seymour Paul and Ruth Jane Abbott, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Deborah Lynn Huston, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Bonnie Dold Lineweaver (Linenweaver or Leinweber). John Abbott Paul and Bonnie Dold Lineweaver (Linenweaver or Leinweber) begat issue: (1) Penelope Jane Paul, who married Thomas Cole Imeson III; (2) John Abraham Paul; (3) Thomas Jefferson Paul.


John Abbott Paul was son to Garrett Seymour Paul and Ruth Jane Abbott, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Bonnie Dold Lineweaver (Linenweaver or Leinweber), (to whom also refer). His second wife was Deborah Lynn Huston. John Abbott Paul and Deborah Lynn Huston begat issue: (1) Virginia Shenandoah Paul.


John Gray Paul was born 19 April 1920; died 1 April 1995 at Harrisonburg Independent City (not part of any County), Virginia. His wife Ruth Jane Abbott, (to whom he was married 20 June 1970 at Ottobine, Franklin Township, Rockingham County, Virginia), was born 5 September 1901 at or near Raton, Colfax County, New Mexico Territory, daughter to Edmund Clarence Abbott and Cora X. Young, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 25 June 1925 at Governor's Island, Manhattan Borough, New York County, New York City, New York, William Torrey Barker, (to whom also refer); married, secondly, 3 June 1935 at Balboa Heights, Balboa Township, Panama Canal Zone, Garrett Seymour Paul, (to whom likewise also refer); died 25 May 1999 at Harrisonburg Independent City (not part of any County), Virginia. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Gray Paul and Ruth Jane Abbott.


Seymour Paul was son to Garrett Seymour Paul and Ruth Jane Abbott, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Barbara Alleyne Jordan, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Margrett Sue Grimes. Seymour Paul and Margrett Sue Grimes begat issue: (1) Bruce Scot Paul, who married Betty Dooley.


Seymour Paul was son to Garrett Seymour Paul and Ruth Jane Abbott, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Margrett Sue Grimes, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Barbara Alleyne Jordan. Seymour Paul and Barbara Alleyne Jordan begat issue: (1) Jennifer Jordan Paul, who married James Frederick Carrington; (2) Amy Abbott Paul, who married Edward Knox Shipman II.


William Paull. His wife Doreen Barrington was daughter to Leonard Frederick Barrington and Ivy Grace Haird, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Marc Andr� Pelletier. His wife Joy Leacock was daughter to Arthur Allan Leacock and Mary Lou Avery, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles Edward de Fonblanque Pennefather (Governor of the Isle of St. Helena, and for whom is named the Pennefather River in the State of Queensland in the modern Commonwealth of Australia, etc.), was born 23 June 1848, son to Kingsmill Pennefather and Jane Catherine Patricia de Fonblanque, (to whom refer). His wife was Mary Rose "Maizie" Seward, (to whom he was married 2 February 1881 at Victoria Colony, British Oceania). This couple begat issue: (1) John William Seward Pennefather, born 29 September 1883; (2) Charles Edward de Fonblanque Pennefather, born 3 June 1885, died in 1950; (3) Edward Kingsmill Pennefather, born 9 June 1898.


(Sir) John de Fonblanque Tymperley Pennefather (1st Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Member of the House of Commons in the Parliament at Westminster, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born 29 March 1856 at Perth Town, Western Australia Colony, British Oceania, son to Kingsmill Pennefather and Jane Catherine Patricia de Fonblanque, (to whom refer); died 8 August 1933; buried 11 August 1933 at East Sheen Cemetery, East Sheen, Barnes Municipal Borough, Surrey County, England. His wife Madeline Emily Melesina Stewart, (to whom he was married 28 April 1886), was daughter to (Sir) Robert Prescott Stewart (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, an internationally renowned composer and Professor of Music, etc.) and ---; died in March 1940; buried 6 March 1940 at East Sheen Cemetery, East Sheen, Barnes Municipal Borough, Surrey County, England. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Kingsmill Pennefather was born in or about 1783 or 1784, son to John Pennefather and Elizabeth Perceval. His wife Jane Catherine Patricia de Fonblanque, (to whom he was married 4 October 1842 at St. Helier Parish, Jersey Bailiwick, Channel Islands, the Duchy of Normandy), was daughter to Thomas de Grenier de Fonblanque (Vicomte de Fonblanque, etc.) and Jane Catherine Barrington, (to whom refer); died 6 May 1886. This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Edward de Fonblanque Pennefather (Governor of the Isle of St. Helena, and for whom is named the Pennefather River in the State of Queensland in the modern Commonwealth of Australia, etc.), born 23 June 1848, who married 2 February 1881 at Victoria Colony, British Oceania, Mary Rose "Maizie" Seward; (2) (Sir) John de Fonblanque Tymperley Pennefather (1st Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Member of the House of Commons in the Parliament at Westminster, Justice of the Peace, etc.), born 29 March 1856 at Perth Town, Western Australia Colony, British Oceania, died 8 August 1933, buried 11 August 1933 at East Sheen Cemetery, East Sheen, Barnes Municipal Borough, Surrey County, England, who married 28 April 1886, Madeline Emily Melesina Stewart; (3) Ruth Pennefather, born in or about 1857 or 1858 at Perth City, Western Australia Colony, British Oceania, died in September 1906, who married in July, August or September 1879 at Lancaster County, England, William Nimmo.


Alexander Penrose was born 17 August 1830, son to George Rooke Penrose and Anne (or Anna) Thacker, (to whom refer). His wife was Dora Trumsell. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Barker Thacker Penrose was born 25 October 1826, son to George Rooke Penrose and Anne (or Anna) Thacker, (to whom refer); died 19 March 1903. His wife was Fanny Crawford, (to whom he was married in 1855). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Francis Sinclair Penrose was born 11 November 1876, son to Frederick George Penrose and Jane Isabel Malone, (to whom refer). His wife Agnes Finlayson McKechnie, (to whom he was married 3 November 1915 at Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Autonomous District, the Argentine Republic), was daughter to William McKechnie and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, born 25 November 1916.


Frederick George Penrose was born 2 August 1828, son to George Rooke Penrose and Anne (or Anna) Thacker, (to whom refer); died 23 January 1911 at Monkstown, Monkstown Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife (and third cousin) Jane Isabel Malone, (to whom he was married 4 December 1856), was born 2 July 1835 at Dunlavin Townland, Dunlavin Parish, Lower Talbotstown Barony, Wicklow County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Francis Malone and Lucy Barrington, (to whom also refer); died 21 April 1900. This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret Manliffe Penrose, born 11 June 1860, died early, unmarried, 15 October 1871; (2) Herbert Frederick Penrose, born 9 May 1862, who married 15 April 1902, Mary Schroeder; (3) George Rooke Penrose, born 22 October 1865, who married 6 November 1902, Hettie Clark; (4) Lucy Barrington Penrose, born 5 April 1871; (5) Francis Sinclair Penrose, born 11 November 1876, who married 3 November 1915 at Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Autonomous District, the Argentine Republic, Agnes Finlayson McKechnie.


George Rooke Penrose was born 10 August 1794; died 23 June 1865. His wife Anne (or Anna) Thacker, (to whom he was married 3 March 1824), was born in 1800, daughter to Barker Thacker and Elizabeth Barrington, (to whom refer); died in December 1856. This couple begat issue: (1) Anne Shannon Penrose, born 10 July 1825, died 16 August 1890, who married 2 July 1863, Joseph Beale; (2) Barker Thacker Penrose, born 25 October 1826, died 19 March 1903, who married in 1855, Fanny Crawford; (3) Frederick George Penrose, born 2 August 1828, died 23 January 1911 at Monkstown, Monkstown Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, who married 4 December 1856, his third cousin Jane Isabel Malone; (4) Alexander Penrose, born 17 August 1830, who married Dora Trumsell; (5) Jane Penrose, born 29 May 1832, died unmarried 29 August 1907; (6) Samuel Penrose, born 14 April 1835, who married ---; (7) Henry Penrose, born 14 February 1836, who married Elizabeth Gilbert.


George Rooke Penrose was born 22 October 1865, son to Frederick George Penrose and Jane Isabel Malone, (to whom refer). His wife was Hettie Clark, (to whom he was married 6 November 1902). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Henry Penrose was born 14 February 1836, son to George Rooke Penrose and Anne (or Anna) Thacker, (to whom refer). His wife was Elizabeth Gilbert. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Herbert Frederick Penrose was born 9 May 1862, son to Frederick George Penrose and Jane Isabel Malone, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Schroeder, (to whom he was married 15 April 1902), died in 1910. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Samuel Penrose was born 14 April 1835, son to George Rooke Penrose and Anne (or Anna) Thacker, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Blake Perry. His wife Gloria Brown was daughter to Gordon Denis Brown and Marjorie Doris Giffin, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


(Honourable) Adrian Patrick Pery was born 14 June 1967, son to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Patrick Edmund Pery (6th Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Sylvia Rosalind Lush, (to whom refer). His wife Suzanne Wartnaby, (to whom he was married 5 July 1997), was daughter to Peter Wartnaby and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


(Honourable) Cecil Standish Stackpole Pery was born 23 November 1847, son to (The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Susanna Sheaffe, (to whom refer); died 6 June 1935. His wife Katherine Mary Gavin, (to whom he was married 20 August 1875), was daughter to John Gavin and ---; died 24 December 1946. This couple begat issue: (1) Neville John Tenison Pery, born 17 January 1877, died 11 March 1958, who married 5 February 1905, Dolores Harriet Davis; (2) Margaret Alice Pery, died 31 May 1956, who married 12 December 1899, Harry Hamilton Hinshaw; (3) Cecil deVere Pery, born 21 February 1881, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., unmarried, 25 September 1915 whilst serving with the 1st Middlesex Regiment.


Edmund Aubrey Horsley deVere Pery was born 9 December 1875, son to (Honourable) Edmund Aubrey Templar Pery and Clara Julia O'Brien Croker, (to whom refer). His wife Margrieta Allitza Coetzee, (to whom he was married 2 November 1902), was daughter to Jacobus Hendrik Coetzee and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Clara Violet Pery, born 8 June 1903; (2) Lily Aileen Pery, born 3 August 1904; (3) Jacoba Hendrika Pery, born 2 May 1908; (4) Myrtle Croker Pery, born 20 August 1913.


(Honourable) Edmund Aubrey Templar Pery was born 6 January 1845, son to (The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Margaret Jane Horsley, (to whom refer); died in 1924. His wife Clara Julia O'Brien Croker, (to whom he was married 21 January 1875), was daughter to James O'Brien Croker and ---; died 15 October 1901. This couple begat issue: (1) Edmund Aubrey Horsley deVere Pery, born 9 December 1875, who married 2 November 1902, Margrieta Allitza Coetzee; (2) Harry Reddall deVere Pery, born 19 April 1877, died in 1937, who married 23 April 1907, Bertha Fouscha; (3) Percy deVere Pery, born 17 August 1878; (4) George Terence Croker deVere Pery, born 1 October 1879, died early, unmarried, 23 July 1884; (5) William Vere deVere Pery, born 12 June 1882, died 23 July 1956, who married 5 November 1912, Annie Tombs; (6) Mary Margaret Aileen deVere Pery, died unmarried 14 February 1902; (7) Violet Isabella deVere Pery, who married 2 November 1918, Hugh Harold Heathcote.

PERY, (The Right Honourable) EDMUND CHRISTOPHER, (7th Earl of Limerick, etc.) / THOMAS, EMILY KATE

(The Right Honourable) Edmund Christopher Pery (7th Earl of Limerick, 7th Viscount Limerick, 8th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 7th Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) was born 10 February 1963, son to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Patrick Edmund Pery (6th Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Sylvia Rosalind Lush, (to whom refer). His wife Emily Kate Thomas, (to whom he was married in 1990), was daughter to Michael Gavin Lynam Thomas and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Felix Edmund Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth), born 16 November 1991; (2) (Honourable) Ivo Patrick Pery, born in 1993.

PERY, (The Right Honourable) (Sir) EDMUND COLQUHOUN, (5th Earl of Limerick, etc.) / TROTTER, (Dame) ANGELA OLIVIA

(The Right Honourable) (Sir) Edmund Colquhoun Pery (5th Earl of Limerick, 5th Viscount Limerick, 6th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 5th Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Knight Grand Cross of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion of Honour, Knight Commander of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Companion of The Distinguished Service Order, Territorial Decoration, etc.) was born 16 October 1888, son to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) William Hale John Charles Pery (3rd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Isabella Colquhoun, (to whom refer); died 4 August 1967. His wife Angela Olivia Trotter (afterward Dame Grand Cross of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion of Honour, Deputy Lieutenant of the County of West Sussex and recipient of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Austria, the Henri Dunant Medal of the International Red Cross Society and numerous other high honours and decorations for her meritorious services to the Red Cross, etc.), (to whom he was married 1 June 1926), was daughter to (Sir) Henry Trotter (Knight Commander of The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, etc.) and Olivia Georgiana Wellesley (Dame of Grace of The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, recipient of the Medal of Queen Elisabeth of Belgium, etc.); died in 1981. This couple begat issue: (1) (Lady) Anne Patricia Pery (a distinguished and accomplished scientist in the field of physics, etc.), born 3 October 1928, who married 16 May 1959, (Sir) Peter Francis Thorne (Knight Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons at Westminster, etc.); (2) (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Patrick Edmund Pery (6th Earl of Limerick, 6th Viscount Limerick, 7th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 6th Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Knight Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Deputy Lieutenant of the County of West Sussex, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Trade and Industry, etc.), born 12 April 1930, died 8 January 2003, who married 22 April 1961, Sylvia Rosalind Lush (afterward Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, etc.); (3) (Honourable) Michael Henry Colquhoun Pery, born 8 May 1937, who married 13 July 1963, Jennifer Mary Stuart-Williams.

PERY, EDMUND HENRY, (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) / VILLEBOIS, EVA MARIA

Edmund Henry Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) was born 3 March 1809, son to Henry Hartstonge Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) and Annabella Tenison Edwards, (to whom refer); died 16 February 1844. His wife Eva Maria Villebois, (to whom he was married 8 October 1836), was born in or about 1802 or 1803, daughter to Henry Villebois and ---; married, secondly, 29 December 1847, Hugh S. Baillie; died 28 August 1903. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Edmund Henry Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) and Eva Maria Villebois.


Fergus Anthony Colquhoun Pery was born 4 March 1967, son to (Honourable) Michael Henry Colquhoun Pery and Jennifer Mary Stuart-Williams, (to whom refer). His wife Emma C. Rhind-Tutt, (to whom he was married 10 May 1997), was daughter to John Rhind-Tutt and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Alexandra Jane Pery, born in 1998; (2) Benedict James Colquhoun Pery, born in 2000; (3) Charlotte Anne Pery, born 21 February 2003.


(Honourable) Harry deVere Pery was born 2 June 1851, son to (The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Margaret Jane Horsley, (to whom refer); died 1 September 1935. His wife Harriette Knox, (to whom he was married 10 December 1874), was daughter to Robert Knox and ---; died 31 December 1933. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Harry Reddall deVere Pery was born 19 April 1877, son to (Honourable) Edmund Aubrey Templar Pery and Clara Julia O'Brien Croker, (to whom refer); died in 1937. His wife Bertha Fouscha, (to whom he was married 23 April 1907), was daughter to John Edward Fouscha and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Claudia Thelma deVere Pery, born 15 November 1909; (2) Gretta deVere Pery, born 2 September 1911, who married in 1944, Daniel John Foster; (3) Lyndon deVere Pery, born 23 February 1914, who married in 1934, Eileen May Reid.


(Honourable) Henry Frederick Hartstonge Pery (Honourable East India Company's Service, etc.) was born in 1820, son to Henry Hartstonge Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) and Annabella Tenison Edwards, (to whom refer); died 16 August 1843 in the British East Indies. His wife Amelia Mary Money, (to whom he was married 12 June 1841), was daughter to (Vice-Admiral) Rowland Money and Maria Money; married, secondly, 4 September 1848, Robert William King; died 25 November 1873. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of (Honourable) Henry Frederick Hartstonge Pery and Amelia Mary Money are presently available.


Henry Hartstonge Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) was born 26 May 1789, son to (The Right Honourable) Edmund Henry Pery (1st Earl of Limerick, 1st Viscount Limerick, 2nd Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 1st Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Member of Parliament in the House of Commons prior to becoming a Peer of the Realm, Privy Counsellor of Ireland, Keeper of the Signet and Privy Seal for Ireland, Clerk of The Crown and Hanaper for Ireland, etc.) and Mary Alice Ormsby; died 7 August 1834. His wife Annabella Tenison Edwards, (to whom he was married 11 May 1808), was born in 1791, daughter to Tenison Edwards and Charity French Barrington, (to whom refer); died in 1865 or 18 September 1868 (depending upon sources). This couple begat issue: (1) Edmund Henry Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth), born 3 March 1809, died 16 February 1844, who married 8 October 1836, Eva Maria Villebois; (2) (Honourable) Annabella Erina Pery, born 5 May 1810, died 25 April 1841, who married 11 September 1832, Robert Gun-Cuninghame (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Wicklow, etc.); (3) (The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, 2nd Viscount Limerick, 3rd Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 2nd Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.), born 19 October 1812, died 5 January 1866, who married, firstly, 16 April 1838, Susanna Sheaffe, and, secondly, 6 April 1842 at Norfolk Island Colony, British Oceania, Margaret Jane Horsley, (from whom subsequently separated in February 1863); (4) (Honourable) John Hartstonge Pery, born in 1813, died 8 October 1842 in the United Province of Canada; (5) (Honourable) Mary Georgiana Pery, died unmarried; (6) (Honourable) Emilie Caroline Pery, born 28 March 1815, died 4 September 1888, who married 21 May 1835, Henry Gray; (7) (Honourable) Cecilia Annabella Pery, born 22 April 1817, died 5 March 1902, who married 10 January 1843, George Herbert Repton; (8) (Honourable) Augusta Maria Pery, died 10 November 1865, who married 19 October 1854, (Sir) Charles Edward Bayly Kennedy (2nd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.); (9) (Honourable) Henry Frederick Hartstonge Pery (Honourable East India Company's Service, etc.), born in 1820, died 16 August 1843 in the British East Indies, who married 12 June 1841, Amelia Mary Money.


(Honourable) Henry Hartstonge Pery was born 2 September 1843, son to (The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Margaret Jane Horsley, (to whom refer); died 24 September 1919 or 28 September 1919 (depending upon sources). His wife Sarah Annie Hooper, (to whom he was married 19 March 1873), was daughter to John James Hooper and ---; died 5 April 1934. This couple begat issue: (1) Henry Vernon Horsley Pery, born 19 December 1880, died in 1942, who married 11 March 1925, Dorothy Maud Knight-Eaton; (2) Violet Mary Horsley Pery, born in 1884.


Henry Vernon Horsley Pery was born 19 December 1880, son to (Honourable) Henry Hartstonge Pery and Sarah Annie Hooper, (to whom refer); died in 1942. His wife Dorothy Maud Knight-Eaton, (to whom he was married 11 March 1925), was daughter to D. H. T. M. Knight-Eaton and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Lyndon deVere Pery was born 23 February 1914, son to Harry Reddall deVere Pery and Bertha Fouscha, (to whom refer). His wife Eileen May Reid, (to whom he was married in 1934), was daughter to Henry Ernest Reid and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Barry Lyndon deVere Pery, born in 1935; (2) Carol Ann Pery, born in 1940, who married James Fletcher.


Marcus Alexander Kemal Pery was born 2 October 1965, son to (Honourable) Michael Henry Colquhoun Pery and Jennifer Mary Stuart-Williams, (to whom refer). His wife Katherine Scott, (to whom he was married 8 June 2002), was daughter to Richard Scott and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


(Honourable) Michael Henry Colquhoun Pery was born 8 May 1937, son to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Edmund Colquhoun Pery (5th Earl of Limerick, etc.) and (Dame) Angela Olivia Trotter, (to whom refer). His wife Jennifer Mary Stuart-Williams, (to whom he was married 13 July 1963), was daughter to John Anthony Stuart-Williams and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Marcus Alexander Kemal Pery, born 2 October 1965, who married 8 June 2002, Katherine Scott; (2) Fergus Anthony Colquhoun Pery, born 4 March 1967, who married 10 May 1997, Emma C. Rhind-Tutt; (3) Pervaneh Frances Pery, born 20 February 1969, who married 21 August 1999, Timothy C. S. Child; (4) Azelle Fiona Pery, born 7 April 1971, who married 19 August 2000, Max Thorowgood.


Neville John Tenison Pery was born 17 January 1877, son to (Honourable) Cecil Standish Stackpole Pery and Katherine Mary Gavin, (to whom refer); died 11 March 1958. His wife Dolores Harriet Davis, (to whom he was married 5 February 1905), was daughter to Harvey Davis and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Kathleen Dolores deVere Pery, born 27 April 1906, who married 9 October 1937, Kenneth Campbell-Watson.

PERY, (The Right Honourable) (Sir) PATRICK EDMUND, (6th Earl of Limerick, etc.) / LUSH, SYLVIA ROSALIND

(The Right Honourable) (Sir) Patrick Edmund Pery (6th Earl of Limerick, 6th Viscount Limerick, 7th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 6th Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Knight Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Deputy Lieutenant of the County of West Sussex, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Trade and Industry, etc.) was born 12 April 1930, son to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Edmund Colquhoun Pery (5th Earl of Limerick, etc.) and (Dame) Angela Olivia Trotter, (to whom refer); died 8 January 2003. His wife Sylvia Rosalind Lush (afterward Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, etc.), (to whom he was married 22 April 1961), was daughter to Maurice Stanley Lush (Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Military Cross, etc.) and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) (The Right Honourable) Edmund Christopher Pery (7th Earl of Limerick, 7th Viscount Limerick, 8th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 7th Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.), born 10 February 1963, who married in 1990, Emily Kate Thomas; (2) (Lady) Alison Dora Pery, born 27 October 1964, who married 30 October 1999, David McCaig; (3) (Honourable) Adrian Patrick Pery, born 14 June 1967, who married 5 July 1997, Suzanne Wartnaby.

PERY, (The Right Honourable) (Sir) WILLIAM HALE JOHN CHARLES, (3rd Earl of Limerick, etc.) / GRAY, CAROLINE MARIA

(The Right Honourable) (Sir) William Hale John Charles Pery (3rd Earl of Limerick, 3rd Viscount Limerick, 4th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 3rd Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Knight of The Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, Privy Counsellor of The United Kingdom, Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, Lord-in-Waiting and Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, etc.) was born 17 January 1840, son to (The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Susanna Sheaffe, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 20 October 1877, Isabella Colquhoun, (to whom also refer); died 8 August 1896. His first wife (and first cousin) Caroline Maria Gray, (to whom he was married 28 August 1862), was daughter to Henry Gray and (Honourable) Emilie Caroline Pery, (to whom likewise also refer); died 24 January 1877. (The Right Honourable) (Sir) William Hale John Charles Pery (3rd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Caroline Maria Gray begat issue: (1) (The Right Honourable) William Henry Edmund deVere Sheaffe Pery (4th Earl of Limerick, 4th Viscount Limerick, 5th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 4th Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Limerick, etc.), born 16 September 1863, died 18 March 1929, who married 23 July 1890, May Imelda Josephine Irwin (afterward Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, etc.).

PERY, (The Right Honourable) (Sir) WILLIAM HALE JOHN CHARLES, (3rd Earl of Limerick, etc.) / COLQUHOUN, ISABELLA

(The Right Honourable) (Sir) William Hale John Charles Pery (3rd Earl of Limerick, 3rd Viscount Limerick, 4th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 3rd Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Knight of The Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, Privy Counsellor of The United Kingdom, Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, Lord-in-Waiting and Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, etc.) was born 17 January 1840, son to (The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Susanna Sheaffe, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 28 August 1862, his first cousin Caroline Maria Gray, (to whom also refer); died 8 August 1896. His second wife Isabella Colquhoun, (to whom he was married 20 October 1877), was born in or about 1850 or 1851, daughter to James Charles Henry Colquhoun (Chevalier, otherwise Knight, of the Royal Saxon Order of Civil Merit in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of Saxony, etc. and a renowned European diplomat, etc.) and ---; married, secondly, 22 February 1898, Sir Edmund Halbert Elliot (Knight Bachelor of The United Kingdom, Member of The Royal Victorian Order, etc.); died 10 November 1927. (The Right Honourable) (Sir) William Hale John Charles Pery (3rd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Isabella Colquhoun begat issue: (1) (Lady) Florence Louise Beatrice Esterelle Isabelle Pery, born 18 November 1878, died unmarried 7 March 1955; (2) (Lady) May Katherine Leila Pery, born 3 May 1880, died 29 June 1959, who married 22 October 1908, Frederick Lewis Maitland Boothby (Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, etc.); (3) (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Edmund Colquhoun Pery (5th Earl of Limerick, 5th Viscount Limerick, 6th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 5th Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Knight Grand Cross of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion of Honour, Knight Commander of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Companion of The Distinguished Service Order, Territorial Decoration, etc.), born 16 October 1888, died 4 August 1967, who married 1 June 1926, Angela Olivia Trotter (afterward Dame Grand Cross of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion of Honour, Deputy Lieutenant of the County of West Sussex and recipient of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Austria, the Henri Dunant Medal of the International Red Cross Society and numerous other high honours and decorations for her meritorious services to the Red Cross, etc.).

PERY, (The Right Honourable) WILLIAM HENRY EDMUND deVERE SHEAFFE, (4th Earl of Limerick, etc.) / IRWIN, MAY IMELDA JOSEPHINE

(The Right Honourable) William Henry Edmund deVere Sheaffe Pery (4th Earl of Limerick, 4th Viscount Limerick, 5th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 4th Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Limerick, etc.) was born 16 September 1863, son to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) William Hale John Charles Pery (3rd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Caroline Maria Gray, (to whom refer); died 18 March 1929. His wife May Imelda Josephine Irwin (afterward Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, etc.), (to whom he was married 23 July 1890), was daughter to Joseph Burke Irwin and ---; died 11 March 1943. This couple begat issue: (1) (Honourable) Imelda Sybil Pery, born 10 November 1891, died in infancy, unmarried, 12 November 1891; (2) (Lady) Victoria May Pery, born 4 May 1893, died 27 December 1918, who married 14 October 1914, James Cox Brady; (3) Edmund William Claude Gerard deVere Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth), born 14 October 1894, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., unmarried, 18 May 1918.

PERY, (The Right Honourable) WILLIAM HENRY TENISON, (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) / SHEAFFE, SUSANNA

(The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, 2nd Viscount Limerick, 3rd Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 2nd Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) was born 19 October 1812, son to Henry Hartstonge Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) and Annabella Tenison Edwards, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 6 April 1842 at Norfolk Island Colony, British Oceania, Margaret Jane Horsley, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently separated in February 1863); died 5 January 1866. His first wife Susanna Sheaffe, (to whom he was married 16 April 1838), was daughter to William Sheaffe and --- (and niece to Sir Roger Hale Sheaffe, 1st Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (a hero of Upper Canada at the Battle of Queenston Heights in the War of 1812, etc.); died 21 August 1841. (The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Susanna Sheaffe begat issue: (1) (The Right Honourable) (Sir) William Hale John Charles Pery (3rd Earl of Limerick, 3rd Viscount Limerick, 4th Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 3rd Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) (Knight of The Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, Privy Counsellor of The United Kingdom, Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, Lord-in-Waiting and Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, etc.), born 17 January 1840, died 8 August 1896, who married, firstly, 28 August 1862, his first cousin Caroline Maria Gray, and, secondly, 20 October 1877, Isabella Colquhoun.

PERY, (The Right Honourable) WILLIAM HENRY TENISON, (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) / HORSLEY, MARGARET JANE

(The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, 2nd Viscount Limerick, 3rd Baron Glentworth, all in the Peerage of Ireland, and 2nd Baron Foxford in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) was born 19 October 1812, son to Henry Hartstonge Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) and Annabella Tenison Edwards, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 16 April 1838, Susanna Sheaffe, (to whom also refer); died 5 January 1866. His second wife Margaret Jane Horsley, (to whom he was married 6 April 1842 at Norfolk Island Colony, British Oceania and from whom subsequently separated in February 1863), was daughter to Nicholas Horsley and ---; died 25 November 1875. (The Right Honourable) William Henry Tenison Pery (2nd Earl of Limerick, etc.) and Margaret Jane Horsley begat issue: (1) (Honourable) Henry Hartstonge Pery, born 2 September 1843, died 24 September 1919 or 28 September 1919 (depending upon sources), who married 19 March 1873, Sarah Annie Hooper; (2) (Honourable) Edmund Aubrey Templar Pery, born 6 January 1845, died in 1924, who married 21 January 1875, Clara Julia O'Brien Croker; (3) (Lady) Alice Louisa Pery, died 15 September 1876, who married, firstly, 5 August 1868, Percy Hughes Hewitt, and, secondly, 7 March 1874, Edward Martin Langworthy; (4) (Honourable) Cecil Standish Stackpole Pery, born 23 November 1847, died 6 June 1935, who married 20 August 1875, Katherine Mary Gavin; (5) (Honourable) John Sexton Pery, born 15 June 1849, died 19 September 1921; (6) (Honourable) Harry deVere Pery, born 2 June 1851, died 1 September 1935, who married 10 December 1874, Harriette Knox; (7) (Honourable) Neville Calder Pery, born 12 December 1852, died unmarried in May 1896.


William Vere deVere Pery was born 12 June 1882, son to (Honourable) Edmund Aubrey Templar Pery and Clara Julia O'Brien Croker, (to whom refer); died 23 July 1956. His wife was Annie Tombs, (to whom he was married 5 November 1912). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Walter Peteet died in 1992. His wife Esther Rosetta Barrington was born 27 June 1904 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, daughter to William Henry Barrington and Ida May Switzer Hillerman, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Victor Lyonal "Leo" Tyler, (to whom also refer); died 24 January 2006 at Soldotna City, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska in her 102nd year; cremated in January 2006 and ashes buried at Kenai City Cemetery, Kenai City, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Walter Peteet and Esther Rosetta Barrington.


Allan Arthur Peterson was born 27 April 1923; died 24 June 2001; buried in 2001 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Helen Wilma Barrington, (to whom he was married 18 January 1941 at Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born posthumously 22 March 1922 at or near New Rockland, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec, daughter to William Nelson Barrington and Helen Barbara "Nellie" Watson, (to whom refer); christened 4 August 1922 at or near New Rockland, Melbourne Township, Richmond County, Qu�bec; afterward brought up by her uncle and aunt Joshua Johnston and Emma Eliza (or Elizabeth Emma) Barrington, (to whom also refer); died 13 November 2000; buried at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Helen Barbara Peterson, born 5 August 1941, who married 15 August 1959 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Addison, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Francis Earl Brayton; (2) Robert Allan Peterson, born 18 January 1951, who married 9 September 1972, Rhonda Scott.


Jamie Ryan Peterson was born 16 December 1978 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Robert Allan Peterson and Rhonda Scott, (to whom refer). His wife was Lisa Jacques, (to whom he was married 20 May 2006). This couple begat issue: (1) Meena Lillian Peterson, born antenuptially 21 February 2005 at Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Frontenac County, Ontario.


Robert Allan Peterson was born 18 January 1951, son to Arthur Allan Peterson and Helen Wilma Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife Rhonda Scott, (to whom he was married 9 September 1972), was born 1 September 1951. This couple begat issue: (1) Jason Robert Peterson, born 22 September 1977 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Jamie Ryan Peterson, born 16 December 1978 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 20 May 2006, Lisa Jacques.


Keith Phillips. His wife G. Joan Webb, (to whom he was married in 1952), was born 8 May 1927, daughter to Herbert H. Webb and Geralda Savage, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Patricia Phillips; (2) Stephen Phillips; (3) Lois Phillips, who married --- Smith; (4) Kate Phillips.


William Argent Pilgrim was born 18 January 1860, son to Stephen Pilgrim and Ellen Emerita Argent. His wife Lydia Roberta ffennell, (to whom he was married 14 October 1890), was born 11 October 1865, daughter to Robert ffennell and Selina Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name, if any, unavailable, born in July 1891, died in infancy, unmarried, a few weeks after birth; (2) Stephen Argent ffennell Pilgrim, born 5 October 1898.

PINI, --- / WILLIAMS, ---

--- Pini. His wife --- Williams was daughter to Glynne Slade Floyer Williams and --- Wendorf, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.

PLITT, --- / LABENCKI, ---

--- Plitt. His wife --- Labencki was daughter to --- Labencki and --- Hawker, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


George Plumer (or Plummer). His wife Louisa Stephens was daughter to Daniel Stephens and Eliza Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Loftus Plumer (or Plummer); (2) Daniel Plumer (or Plummer); (3) Robert Plumer (or Plummer); (4) Georgina Plumer (or Plummer); (5) George Plumer (or Plummer), who married --- Barrows.


George Plumer (or Plummer) was son to George Plumer (or Plummer) and Louisa Stephens, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Barrows. This couple begat issue, of whom no further records are presently available.


John Naper George Pollock (Deputy Lieutenant of the County, Justice of the Peace, etc.) was born probably in or about 1861, son to John Osborn George Pollock and Maria Louisa Darley; died 13 February 1905. His wife Anna Josephine Barrington, (to whom he was married 3 June 1891), was daughter to (Sir) Croker Barrington (4th Baronet, etc.) and Anna Felicia West, (to whom refer); died 2 July 1947. This couple begat issue: (1) Anna Jessy Pollock, born 30 July 1892; (2) Hazel Burton Pollock, born in May 1894; (3) John Pollock, born 9 November 1896.


--- Pratt. His wife Jeannette Lee was daughter to Edmund Herman Lee and Ruth D. Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Charles D. Pratt; (2) Timothy G. Pratt; (3) Sarah Pratt, who married --- Quinn; (4) Melinda L. Pratt.


Albert Pratt was son to William Pratt and ---. His wife Iona Sarah King-French, (to whom he was married in October 1967), was born 17 March 1946, daughter to Lancelot Michael King-French and Mary McMullan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Adrienne Elizabeth Pratt, born 17 September 1969; (2) Jennifer Ann Pratt, born 11 October 1972.


--- Pretty. His wife --- Barrington was daughter to Yorke Barrington and --- MacKinnon, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable.


Cyril Summerfield Pugh was son to Samuel S. Pugh and ---; died 9 May 1953. His wife Hilda Frances Weldon, (to whom he was married 24 June 1918), was daughter to Lewen Burton Weldon and Olivia Maria Barrington, (to whom refer); died 8 October 1962. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.

PURVES, --- / TUTTY, ---

--- Purves was son to Geoffrey Purves and Bertha Clark, (to whom refer). His wife --- Tutty was daughter to William Henry Tutty and Irene Rice; married, secondly, --- Kenna. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of --- Purves and --- Tutty are presently available.

PURVES, --- / HATCHER, ---

--- Purves was son to Geoffrey Purves and Bertha Clark, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Hatcher. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable; (4) a female child, name unavailable; (5) a male child, name unavailable.


Geoffrey Purves was son to Stephen Lowrey Purves and Susan Emily Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife Bertha Clark was born in 1889, daughter to Charles Clark and Sarah Beaton; died in 1953. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Tutty; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Hatcher; (3) Esther Purves, born in 1926, died early, unmarried, in 1940.


Stephen Lowrey Purves was born in 1836; died in 1890. His wife Susan Emily Barrington was born in or about 1853 or 1854, daughter to John Edwin Barrington and Helen Jane Catherine Pooley, (to whom refer); died in 1915. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) Geoffrey Purves, who married Bertha Clark.



William Quin. His wife Eliza Ann (or Anne) Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1852), was born 6 February 1828, daughter to William Barrington and Eliza Ann (or Anne) Fowler, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Emily Jane Quin, died unmarried in 1878; (2) William Barrington Quin; (3) Eliza Quin; (4) Louisa Ann (or Anne) Quin; (5) Richard C. Quin; (6) Robert Frederick Quin.

QUINLAN, --- / BROWN, ---

--- Quinlan. His wife --- Brown was daughter to Charles Brown and ---, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Quinn. His wife Sarah Pratt was daughter to --- Pratt and Jeannette Lee, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



--- Raison. His wife Dorene Townsend was daughter to Clarke Townsend and Mildred Fair, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.

RANKIN, --- / DAY, ---

--- Rankin. His wife --- Day was daughter to Angus Cyprian Day and Hilda Mae Barrington, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Jens George Henry Rasmussen was born in or about 1888 or 1889 in the Kingdom of Denmark, son to Peter Rasmussen and Hilda Nelson; married, firstly, ---, (from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife Dorothy Decima (or Desima) Roberts, (to whom he was married 18 August 1919 at Nelson, British Columbia), was born 3 October 1895 probably at or near Otterford, Taunton Rural District, Somerset County, England, daughter to Charles Blisett Roberts and Beatrice Emma (or Ellen) Astley, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gordon Rattray. His wife Janet Webb was born in 1924, daughter to Leon Bennett Webb and Emma Worth, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable.


--- Raymakers. His wife --- Barrington was daughter to --- Barrington and --- Kokoski, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable.


--- Redmond. His wife Ann Barrington was daughter probably to Nelson Barrington and Mary ---, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Samuel Redmond; (2) Elizabeth Redmond, who married --- Leaslie (or Leslie); (3) Mary Redmond, who married Thomas Lett.


--- Reese. His wife Anne Virginia Abbott was daughter to Roger Leon Abbott and Mary Colvin, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Donald Reese. His wife Denise Barrington was daughter to David Barrington and Louise L. Colchester, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a child, name and sex unavailable.


James Reid. His wife Vivian Barrington was daughter to Thomas Samuel Barrington and Mabel Wade, (to whom refer). No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Mark Renaud. His wife Eleanor Leacock (a Councillor of the Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley, etc.) was daughter to Arthur Allan Leacock and Mary Lou Avery, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edmund Henry Repton was son to George Herbert Repton and (Honourable) Cecilia Annabella Pery, (to whom refer). His wife Emily Blanche Tyrwhitt, (to whom he was married 8 November 1868), was daughter to Charles Tyrwhitt snd ---. This couple begat issue, of whom no further records are presently available.


George Herbert Repton died 8 April 1852. His wife (Honourable) Cecilia Annabella Pery, (to whom he was married 10 January 1843), was born 22 April 1817, daughter to Henry Hartstonge Pery (by courtesy Lord Glentworth) and Annabella Tenison Edwards, (to whom refer); died 5 March 1902. This couple begat issue: (1) Edmund Henry Repton, who married 8 November 1868, Emily Blanche Tyrwhitt.


Tyler Reuvers. His wife Jillian Crate was daughter to Donald Crate and Vicki Lynne Bryan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Olivia Reuvers.


Frederick Carman Reveler was born in or about 1887 or 1888, son to James Reveler and Mary Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); died 13 September 1960; buried in September 1960 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Mary Jean "Jennie" Fleming, (to whom he was married 23 December ----), was born in 1890; died in 1984; buried at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) James C. Reveler; (2) Doris Mary Reveler, born in or about 1914 or 1915, died 10 April 1940 at Winnipeg, Manitoba, buried in 1940 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married Cassian Hlynka.


James Reveler was born in or about 1845 or 1846 at Winchester Township, Dundas County, Canada West, son to Hudson Reveler and Eliza McWatters; died 23 March 1908; buried in 1908 at Morewood, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. His wife Mary Jane Barrington, (to whom he was married 11 October 1876 at Winchester, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 15 May 1853 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West, daughter to Thomas Barrington and Ann Mulloy, (to whom refer); christened 3 September 1853 at Mountain Township, Dundas County, Canada West; died 26 June 1932; buried in June 1932 at Morewood, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Frederick Carman Reveler, born in or about 1887 or 1888, died 13 September 1960, buried in September 1960 at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario, who married 23 December ---, Mary Jean "Jennie" Fleming.


Cyril Gough Richards was son to J. Richards and ---. His wife Leila Emilie Kennedy, (to whom he was married 7 July 1936), was born 7 March 1911, daughter to Francis William Kennedy and Amy Goodeve, (to whom refer); died 8 May 1989. This couple begat issue: (1) Caroline Kennedy Richards, born 21 October 1937, who married in August 1960, Norman Peter Herbert; (2) Georgina Kennedy Richards, born in December 1940; (3) Michael Kennedy Richards, born 2 January 1946.


Richard George Rickman (Grand Juror for the County of Hampshire, etc.) was son to Charles Le Bas Rickman (Commissioner of Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs in the service of the Chinese Empire, etc.) and ---. His wife Ethel Nora Blackall, (to whom he was married 25 April 1925), was born 29 October 1895, daughter to Henry Blackall and Isabella Emily Butler, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


Darcy Roadhouse. His wife Donna Brown was daughter to Gordon Denis Brown and Marjorie Doris Giffin, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Barry Kevin Roberts was born 2 February 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Gary Franklyn Roberts and Nancy Jane McLennan, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 14 May 1993 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, Linda Brunet, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Karen Ellis, (to whom he was married 6 June 1989). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Barry Kevin Roberts and Karen Ellis.


Barry Kevin Roberts was born 2 February 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Gary Franklyn Roberts and Nancy Jane McLennan, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 6 June 1989, Karen Ellis, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Linda Brunet, (to whom he was married 14 May 1993 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario). Barry Kevin Roberts and Linda Brunet begat issue: (1) Zachary Kevin Roberts, born 14 March 1996 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


Charles Blisett Roberts was born in or about 1856 or 1857 probably at or near Leeds, Leeds Municipal Borough, Leeds Parish, West Riding, York County, England, son to --- Roberts and Hannah ---. His wife Beatrice Emma (or Ellen) Astley, (to whom he was married 31 July 1881), was born in or about 1852 or 1853 probably at or near Perranuthnoe, Perranuthnoe Parish, Cornwall County, England, daughter to Richard Astley and Adelaide Annette Crampton, (to whom refer); died 28 October 1919 probably at or near Willow Point, near Nelson, British Columbia; buried 4 November 1919 at Nelson Memorial Park, Nelson, British Columbia. This couple begat issue: (1) Piran William Astley Roberts, born 26 February 1882 probably at or near Fairford, Fairford Municipal Borough, Fairford Parish, Gloucester County, England, died 25 May 1970 at Glenwarren Private Hospital, Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia in consequence of cerebral thrombosis, who married Lenora Elizabeth Bedward; (2) Michael Willoughby Trevelyan Roberts, born 28 September 1883 probably at or near Fairford, Fairford Municipal Borough, Fairford Parish, Gloucester County, England, who married 25 June 1924 at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Nelson, British Columbia, Johanna (or Jeanne) Madeleine Collier; (3) Beatrice Louisa Helena Roberts, born 27 March 1885 probably at Cornwall County, England, died 25 October 1954 at Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia in consequence of coronary thrombosis, buried 27 October 1954 at Nelson Memorial Park, Nelson, British Columbia, who married 22 April 1924 at St. Michael's and All Angels' Anglican Church, Balfour, British Columbia, Marcus Jesty; (4) Charles Tindal Roberts, born 10 April 1886 probably at or near Otterford, Otterford Parish, Somerset County, England; (5) Mary Maude Roberts, born 12 August 1887 probably at or near Otterford, Otterford Parish, Somerset County, England, who married 4 February 1913 at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Nelson, British Columbia, George Edward Botting; (6) Robert Skottowe (or Scotti) Roberts, born 20 March 1889 or 22 March 1889 (depending upon sources) probably at or near Otterford, Otterford Parish, Somerset County, England, died unmarried 1 April 1938 at St. Eugene Hospital, Cranbrook, British Columbia in consequence of lobar pneumonia, buried 5 April 1938 at Cranbrook, British Columbia; (7) Constance Ellen Roberts, born 5 June 1891 probably at or near Otterford, Otterford Parish, Somerset County, England; (8) Violet Roberts, born 28 September 1892 probably at or near Bishop's Wood, Otterford Parish, Somerset County, England, who married 26 February 1916 at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Nelson, British Columbia, George Cuthbert Henry Coleman; (9) Marjorie Roberts, born 15 July 1894 probably at or near Otterford, Taunton Rural District, Somerset County, England, who married 10 April 1920 at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Nelson, British Columbia, Ashley Stubbs; (10) Dorothy Decima (or Desima) Roberts, born 3 October 1895 probably at or near Otterford, Taunton Rural District, Somerset County, England, who married 18 August 1919 at Nelson, British Columbia, Jens George Henry Rasmussen; (11) Muriel Astley Roberts, born 14 May 1899 probably at or near Otterford, Taunton Rural District, Somerset County, England.


Earl Roberts. His wife Nancy Lee Barrington was daughter to George William Barrington and Eva Waffle, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gary Franklyn Roberts was son to Percy Roberts and Cora Crowder. His wife Nancy Jane McLennan, (to whom he was married 6 September 1958 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 29 December 1937 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Robert McLennan and LouEdna Marguerite Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gary Ian Roberts, born 19 June 1959 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 29 July 1994 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, Beth Ann Blain; (2) John Michael Roberts, born 6 December 1960 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 11 April 1987 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario, Jo-Anne Marie Wilson; (3) Barry Kevin Roberts, born 2 February 1964 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 6 June 1989, Karen Ellis, and, secondly, 14 May 1993 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario, Linda Brunet.


Gary Ian Roberts was born 19 June 1959 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Gary Franklyn Roberts and Nancy Jane McLennan, (to whom refer). His wife was Beth Ann Blain, (to whom he was married 29 July 1994 at Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Michael Roberts was born 6 December 1960 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Gary Franklyn Roberts and Nancy Jane McLennan, (to whom refer). His wife Jo-Anne Marie Wilson, (to whom he was married 11 April 1987 at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 3 April 1964 at or near North Gower, North Gower Township, Carleton County, Ontario, daughter to Allan Wilson and Louise McGovern. This couple begat issue: (1) Janica Kathleen Marie Roberts, born 4 February 1992 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Michael Jared Daniel Roberts, born 7 June 1995 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario.


Michael Willoughby Trevelyan Roberts was born 28 September 1883 probably at or near Fairford, Fairford Municipal Borough, Fairford Parish, Gloucester County, England, son to Charles Blisett Roberts and Beatrice Emma (or Ellen) Astrey, (to whom refer). His wife Johanna (or Jeanne) Madeleine Collier, (to whom he was married 25 June 1924 at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Nelson, British Columbia), was born in or about 1896 or 1897 probably at or near Broglie Commune, Broglie Canton, Bernay Arrondissement, Eure D�partment, Haute-Normandie (Upper Normandy) R�gion, the French Republic, daughter to C. Alphonse Collier and A. Marie Coutinard. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable.


Piran William Astley Roberts was born 26 February 1882 probably at or near Fairford, Fairford Municipal Borough, Fairford Parish, Gloucester County, England, son to Charles Blisett Roberts and Beatrice Emma (or Ellen) Astrey, (to whom refer); died 25 May 1970 at Glenwarren Private Hospital, Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia in consequence of cerebral thrombosis. His wife Lenora Elizabeth Bedward was born 23 February 1884 at or near Birmingham, Birmingham Municipal Borough, Birmingham Parish, Warwick County, England, daughter to Samuel Bedward and Elizabeth Aldridge; died 29 June 1971 at Glenwarren Private Hospital, Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia in consequence of bronchial pneumonia. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George John Robinson died 4 November 1958. His wife Maeve Kennedy, (to whom he was married 8 June 1932), was daughter to Edward Robert Kennedy and Beryl Doris Lumsdaine, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) John Edward Bernard Robinson, born in 1933, died in 1999; (2) George William Richard Robinson, born in 1934, who married in 1964, Susan Hall; (3) Mary Rose Robinson, born in 1936, who married in 1961, Seamus Hayes; (4) Bryan Patrick Valentine Robinson, born in 1940; (5) Doris Teresa Robinson, born in 1943, who married T. O'Hanlon.


George William Richard Robinson was born in 1934, son to George John Robinson and Maeve Kennedy, (to whom refer). His wife Susan Hall, (to whom he was married in 1964), was daughter to Cyril Hall and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Emma Jane Anna Robinson, born in 1965; (2) Lara Camilla Patricia Robinson, born in 1969.


John Rodgers. His wife Margaret Eleanor McNeely was born 17 February 1929, daughter to Hubert A. McNeely and Lenna Bryan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Janet Joanne Rodgers, born 14 June 1959; (2) Karen Louise Rodgers, born 6 August 1963; (3) John Richard Rodgers, born 11 December 1968.


Allan Ross was son to John Ross and ---. His wife Rosemary Ann Caroline Kennedy, (to whom he was married in November 1956), was born in 1937, daughter to Percy William Kennedy and Joan Hilda Cooper, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 2 July 1969, Timothy Noel Leonard, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Allan Ross and Rosemary Ann Caroline Kennedy are presently available.


Samuel Todd Rowsome (or Rowsom) was born 4 November 1865 at Wolford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to Samuel R. Rowsome (or Rowsom) and Martha Todd; married, secondly, 26 April 1899 at Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Martha Ann Giffin; died 7 June 1941 at Leeds County, Ontario; buried 8 June 1941 at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His first wife Harriet "Hattie" Barrington, (to whom he was married 15 March 1892 or 15 November 1892, depending upon sources, at the Anglican Rectory, Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 11 July 1867 at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to James Barrington and Sarah Eliza Justus, (to whom refer); died 30 October 1897 on Concession 11, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario in consequence of one week's suffering with puerperal fever following upon childbirth; buried at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. Samuel Todd Rowsome (or Rowsom) and Harriet Barrington begat issue: (1) Abel (or Able) Lawrence (or Leonard) Rowsome (or Rowsom), born 13 November 1895 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, christened 26 July 1896 in Ontario, died early, unmarried, 12 September 1902 Concession 10, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in September 1902 at Weir Cemetery, near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario; (2) Harriet "Hattie" Rowsome (or Rowsom), born 23 October 1897 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, christened 30 October 1897 in Ontario, brought up after her mother's death by her uncle and aunt Abraham Horton and Margaret Barrington, (to whom also refer), thereafter assuming and bearing until time of marriage the said surname Horton in lieu of that of Rowsome (or Rowsom), died 13 October 1979 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in October 1979 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 25 January 1922, Charles Marshall.


--- Running. His wife Eileen Montgomery was daughter to Samuel Gordon Montgomery and Eula Maude Patience, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Floyd Sammons. His wife Lillian Hutchison was daughter to James William Hutchison and Emma ---, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue, of whom no further record is presently available.


Daryl Sands. His wife Karen Barrington was daughter to Donald Frederick Barrington and Patricia Poucher, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Melissa Sands; (2) Jeremy Sands.

SCHLIPPENBACH und SK�VDE (or SKOFDE), OTTO KARL von, (Graf, otherwise Count, of Schlippenbach and Skofde, etc.) / FONBLANQUE, ADELAIDE ARABELLA de

Otto Karl von Schlippenbach und Sk�vde (or Skofde) (Graf, otherwise Count, of Schlippenbach and Skofde, etc. in the Noblesse of the Kingdom of Sweden, etc.) (Chamberlain to His Imperial Majesty Wilhelm I., Kaiser of Germany and King of Prussia, etc.) was born in 1807; married, firstly, in 1836, Clothilde Alexandrine Theodora von Arnim; died in 1888. His second wife Adelaide Arabella de Fonblanque, (to whom he was married 1 November 1849), was born in 1827, daughter to Thomas de Grenier de Fonblanque (Vicomte de Fonblanque, etc.) and Jane Catherine Barrington, (to whom refer); died 1 August 1856 at Basedow, the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Otto Karl von Schlippenbach und Sk�vde (or Skofde) (Graf, otherwise Count, of Schlippenbach and Skofde, etc.) and Adelaide Arabella de Fonblanque begat issue: (1) (Countess) Violet Pauline Emilie Rosalie Catherine von Schlippenbach und Sk�vde (or Skofde) (Lady of The Royal Bavarian Order of Theresa, etc.), born 5 September 1851, who married 10 June 1902, Henry Stephen Swiney; (2) (Count) Otto Alfred Eduard von Schlippenbach und Sk�vde (or Skofde), born 4 November 1854; died in 1908.


Arthur Allan Scott was born 11 January 1904 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer). His wife Glenna Althea Kinch, (to whom he was married 21 September 1926), was born in 1905. This couple begat issue: (1) Fleeta Jacqueline Scott, born 28 April 1928 in Ontario, died early, unmarried, 15 September 1939 in Ontario.


George Digby Scott (Chancellor of Christ Church Cathedral of the Church of Ireland, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, etc.) was son to (Venerable) James George Scott (Church of Ireland Archdeacon of Dublin, etc.) and ---. His wife Charlotte Jessy Barrington, (to whom he was married 4 June 1901 at Abington Parish Church of Ireland, Abington Parish, Owney-Beg Barony, Limerick County, Munster Province, Ireland), was born in or about 1871 or 1872 at Glenstal Castle, near Muroe Village, Abington Parish, Owney-Beg Barony, Limerick County, Munster Province, Ireland, daughter to (Sir) William Hartigan Barrington (3rd Baronet, etc.) and Elizabeth Olivia Darley, (to whom refer); died 12 August 1951. This couple begat issue, of whom no further records are presently available.


Harold Bedford Scott was born 15 March 1906 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); died 5 May 1980. His wife Ruth Shields died in October 1950. This couple begat issue: (1) William John Scott II., born 1 August 1935, who married Mary Diane Patreka; (2) Sandra Ruth Scott, born 27 September 1939, who married Kenneth Roy Maresh; (3) Robert Newton Scott, born 18 January 1941 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, who married 22 October 1960, Georgia Lee Swanson.


Leonard Templeton Scott was born 13 December 1899 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); died 2 March 1985 in Ontario. His wife Lillian Erma Dixie, (to whom he was married 6 July 1921), was born 15 May 1899; died 9 March 1993 in Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Marion Eleanor Scott, born 11 April 1923 in Ontario, died in 1989 in Ontario, who married 14 May 1941 at Lyn, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Raymond Stewart Greenham.


Robert John Scott was born 21 March 1898 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 28 August 1943, Mary Delores Moore, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Olive Christie, (to whom he was married in January 1921 and from whom subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Robert John Scott and Olive Christie.


Robert John Scott was born 21 March 1898 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in January 1921, Olive Christie, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). His second wife was Mary Delores Moore, (to whom he was married 28 August 1943). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Robert John Scott and Mary Delores Moore.


Robert Newton Scott was born 18 January 1941 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, son to Harold Bedford Scott and Ruth Shields, (to whom refer). His wife Georgia Lee Swanson, (to whom he was married 22 October 1960), was born 30 August 1942 at Centralia, Lewis County, Washington. This couple begat issue: (1) Deborah Lynn Scott, born 25 February 1962 at Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan; (2) Kimberly Ann Scott, born 21 February 1964 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington; (3) Gayle Christine Scott, born 4 June 1968 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan.


Walter Thomas Scott was born 9 April 1908 in Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); died 2 November 1972. His wife Jean Davis McLean, (to whom he was married 15 July 1937), died 15 May 1983. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, unnamed, born 9 March 1939, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, 9 March 1939; (2) Eleanor Laurie Scott, born 20 September 1941, who married James W. Kerruish.


William Albert Scott was born 4 January 1902 at or near Addison, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to William John Scott and Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom refer); died 8 December 1977 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. His wife Mary Lura Lyons, (to whom he was married 24 October 1926, not in June 1927 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources, at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 18 June 1903 at or near Newboyne, Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Edward Lyons and Martha Emily Drummond; died in January 1958 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


William John Scott was born 10 August 1861; died 20 March 1945; buried in 1945 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, (to whom he was married 25 October 1893 in Ontario), was born a twin 29 June 1868 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 19 July 1940 in Ontario; buried in July 1940 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Lloyd James Daniel Scott, born 29 October 1895 in Ontario, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., unmarried, 29 September 1918 during the breaking of the Hindenburg Line (not at the Battle of Cambrai as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources but which actually occurred the previous year), buried in 1918 at Bourlon Wood Allied War Cemetery, Bois de Bourlon, Pas-de-Calais D�partment, Nord-Pas-de-Calais R�gion, the French Republic; (2) Robert John Scott, born 21 March 1898 in Ontario, who married, firstly, in January 1921, Olive Christie, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 28 August 1943, Mary Delores Moore; (3) Leonard Templeton Scott, born 13 December 1899 in Ontario, died 2 March 1985 in Ontario, who married 6 July 1921, Lillian Erma Dixie; (4) William Albert Scott, born 4 January 1902 at or near Addison, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 8 December 1977 at Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, who married 24 October 1926 (not in June 1927 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Mary Lura Lyons; (5) Arthur Allan Scott, born 11 January 1904 in Ontario, who married 21 September 1926, Glenna Althea Kinch; (6) Harold Bedford Scott, born 15 March 1906 in Ontario, died 5 May 1980, who married Ruth Shields; (7) Walter Thomas Scott, born 9 April 1908 in Ontario, died 2 November 1972, who married 15 July 1937, Jean Davis McLean; (8) Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, born 30 September 1910 in Ontario, who married 19 December 1928 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, Harold Thomas Bryan.


William John Scott II. was born 1 August 1935, son to Harold Bedford Scott and Ruth Shields, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Diane Patreka was born 17 May 1939. This couple begat issue: (1) Cynthia Ann Scott, born 13 April 1957; (2) William John Scott III., born 10 May 1958; (3) Gregory Robert Scott, born 13 March 1960; (4) Jeffrey Alan Scott, born 24 January 1961.


Augustus Charles Scovell (grandnephew to General Sir George Scovell, Knight Grand Cross of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, etc.). His wife Arabella Barrington-Kennett, (to whom he was married 20 July 1865), was born in or about 1842 or 1843 at Naples, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, daughter to Vincent Frederick Kennett and Arabella Henrietta Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Beatrice Arabella Scovell; (2) Frederick George Scovell, born 16 March 1869, who married 22 July 1903, Edith Ann Holl; (3) Augusta Constance Scovell; (4) Mabel Patricia Scovell; (5) Bertram Kennett Scovell, born 27 January 1875; (6) Hilda Katharine Scovell.


Frederick George Scovell was born 16 March 1869, son to Augustus Charles Scovell and Arabella Barrington-Kennett, (to whom refer). His wife Edith Ann Holl, (to whom he was married 22 July 1903), was daughter to Charles Holl and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Monica Mary Scovell; (2) Charles George Barrington Scovell, born 22 September 1905; (3) Betty Barbara Scovell; (4) Edith Joy Scovell.


Edward Knox Shipman II. His wife Amy Abbott Paul was daughter to Seymour Paul and Barbara Alleyne Jordan, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Alan Leslie Short was born 22 September 1937; died in 1996. His wife Nora Patricia MacWilliams, (to whom he was married 7 October 1961 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 14 November 1941 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to Ronald Campbell MacWilliams and Ida Patricia "Pat" Templeton, (to whom refer); died 4 January 2015 at Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas in consequence of cancer. This couple begat issue: (1) Steven Grant Short, born 12 November 1964 at Santa Monica, Los Angeles County, California; (2) Patricia Lillian Short, born 6 April 1970 at Santa Monica, Los Angeles County, California, who married Eric S. Uvaney.


(His Grace) (The Most Reverend) George Otto Simms (Lord Archbishop of Armagh and Metropolitan of Armagh in the Church of Ireland and Lord Primate of All Ireland, etc.) was born 4 July 1910; died 15 November 1991; buried in November 1991 at St. Maelruain's Church of Ireland Cemetery, Tallaght, Tallaght Parish, Uppercross Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. His wife Mercy Felicia Gwynn, (to whom he was married in 1941), was born 5 March 1915, daughter to Brian James Gwynn and Mary Caroline Weldon, (to whom refer); died in 1998; buried at St. Maelruain's Church of Ireland Cemetery, Tallaght, Tallaght Parish, Uppercross Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Franklin Earl "Frank" Simonton was born 23 October 1874 at or near Richfield, Richfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, son to James S. Simonton and Elmina ---; died 24 May 1905 at or near Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. His wife Florence Evelyn Abbott, (to whom he was married 1 January 1901 at Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado), was born 4 January 1877 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, daughter to Abijah Judson Abbott and Ruth Townsend Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 25 December 1929 at Hood River, Hood River County, Oregon, Belgrave Russel Atkinson, (to whom also refer); died 12 July 1969 at the Odd Fellows Home, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. Franklin Earl "Frank" Simonton and Florence Evelyn Abbott begat issue: (1) Franklin Roy "Frank" Simonton, born 17 November 1902, died in infancy, unmarried, 7 April 1903 at or near Lincoln Park, Fremont County, Colorado.

SIMPSON, --- / HAWKER, ---

--- Simpson. His wife --- Hawker was daughter to --- Hawker and ---, (to whom refer); married, firstly, --- Labencki, (to whom also refer). --- Simpson and --- Hawker begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


David Biron Simpson was born in or about 1839 or 1840, son to John Simpson and Rebecca Hatt. His wife Mary Jane Barrington, (to whom he was married 29 June 1869), was born 8 October 1847 in the First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, daughter to William Barrington and Margaret Millar, (to whom refer); christened in February 1848. This couple begat issue: (1) Emma Simpson; (2) John Simpson; (3) Margaret Simpson; (4) William Simpson; (5) Harry Simpson; (6) Lilian Simpson, who married Daniel Cameron.


Robert Sinton. His wife Amelia Gardner was born 3 September 1863 at St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East, daughter to John Riddell Gardner and Amelia Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 11 October 1863 at the Presbyterian Church, St. Louis de Gonzague Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Canada East. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.

SKARR, --- / HAWKER, ---

--- Skarr. His wife --- Hawker was daughter to Howard Nelson Hawker Jr. and --- Newton, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable; (4) a male child, name unavailable.


Charles Slack was son to Charles Barrington "Barry" Slack and Viona Marie Shearer, (to whom refer). His wife was Marilyn ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles Barrington "Barry" Slack was son to Elwell E. Slack and Margaret E. Patience, (to whom refer). His wife Viona Marie Shearer was born in 1917; died 28 August 2006 at Sherwood Park Manor, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; buried 1 September 2006 at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, Maitland, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) James Slack, who married Wendy ---; (2) Charles Slack, who married Marilyn ---; (3) Marjorie Slack, who married Alexander Paterson.


Elwell E. Slack was born in February 1880; died in 1960; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Margaret E. Patience was born 7 May 1885, daughter to James Daniel Patience and Martha E. Earl, (to whom refer); died in 1942; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Inez P. Slack, born in October 1908; (2) Gerald G. Slack, born in July 1910; (3) Charles Barrington "Barry" Slack, who married Viona Marie Shearer; (4) Elwell Osborne Slack, born in 1916, died in 1946, buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Phoebe A. Chisamore.


Elwell Osborne Slack was born in 1916, son to Elwell E. Slack and Margaret E. Patience, (to whom refer); died in 1946; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Phoebe A. Chisamore was born in 1915; died in 1997; buried at Union Cemetery, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Slack was son to Charles Barrington "Barry" Slack and Viona Marie Shearer, (to whom refer). His wife was Wendy ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Slusser. His wife Myra Morray was daughter to James Monroe Morray and Mary E. "May" Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Dean Slusser; (2) Fred Duane Slusser; (3) Gordon James Slusser.


Wayne Sly. His wife Sheila Marlene Burtch was born 30 April 1938, daughter to Herbert Burtch and Helen Jane Bryan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Valerie Anne Sly, born 30 April 1964; (2) Mark Wayne Sly, born 26 January 1967.


--- Smith. His wife Lois Phillips was daughter to Keith Phillips and G. Joan Webb, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Clarke Harold Smith was born 14 August 1897, son to James Thomas Smith and Margaret "Maggie" Barrington, (to whom refer); died 15 March 1946. His wife Ethelwyn Irene Cross, (to whom he was married 11 June 1925), was born 24 April 1900. This couple begat issue: (1) James Carman Smith, born 20 June 1926, who married 16 June 1951, Gloria May Lidstone; (2) Mancel Wesley Smith, born 18 July 1929, who married 30 October 1954, Lorna Marie Henderson; (3) Newman Donald Smith, born 26 December 1935, who married 24 June 1964, Mary Elizabeth Murdoch.


George S. Smith died in or about 1916 or 1917. His wife Maud Isobel Barrington Blacker, (to whom he was married 15 November 1911 at Edinburgh, Midlothian County, Scotland), was born 2 January 1887, daughter to Edward T. Latham Blacker and Emily Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, born 9 August 1912.


James Carman Smith was born 20 June 1926, son to Clarke Harold Smith and Ethelwyn Irene Cross, (to whom refer). His wife Gloria May Lidstone, (to whom he was married 16 June 1951), was born 16 May 1929. This couple begat issue: (1) Devany Ann Smith, born 21 October 1952, who married 21 August 1976, Ronald Richard Twiddy; (2) Wendy Lynn Smith, born 21 November 1953; (3) Dean Carman Smith, born 1 September 1955; (4) Merilee Elizabeth Smith, born 14 June 1959; (5) Leslie Jane Smith, born 14 December 1962.


James Thomas Smith was born 12 October 1864; died 10 September 1935. His wife Margaret "Maggie" Barrington, (to whom he was married 23 December 1891 at Morewood, Winchester Township, Dundas County, Ontario), was born 25 April 1868, daughter to Thomas Barrington and Ann Mulloy, (to whom refer); died 10 January 1944. This couple begat issue: (1) Clarke Harold Smith, born 14 August 1897, died 15 March 1946, who married 11 June 1925, Ethelwyn Irene Cross; (2) Florence Loretta Smith, born 6 January 1903, died early, unmarried, 2 June 1909.


Mancel Wesley Smith was born 18 July 1929, son to Clarke Harold Smith and Ethelwyn Irene Cross, (to whom refer). His wife Lorna Marie Henderson, (to whom he was married 30 October 1954), was born 12 October 1927. This couple begat issue: (1) Ian Henderson Smith, born 21 June 1955; (2) Sheena Margaret Henderson Smith, born 16 May 1958; (3) Melanie Louise Smith, born 9 December 1961.


Newman Donald Smith was born 26 December 1935, son to Clarke Harold Smith and Ethelwyn Irene Cross, (to whom refer). His wife Mary Elizabeth Murdoch, (to whom he was married 24 June 1964), was born 27 August 1941. This couple begat issue: (1) Clarke Murdoch Smith, born 25 April 1965; (2) Brian Newman Smith, born 30 May 1967.


Thomas Smith. His wife Edith May Barrington, (to whom he was married 17 April 1926 at Toronto, York County, Ontario), was born 5 September 1898 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, daughter to Thomas George Barrington and Mary Jane "Jenny" Cunneyworth, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Gwen Smith.


W. Smith. His wife Adelaide Margaret Corry, (to whom he was married at St. Mary Redcliffe Anglican Church, Redcliffe District, Bristol City Borough, Gloucester County, England), was born in or about 1801 or 1802, daughter to --- Corry and Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer); died 31 July 1888. This couple begat issue: (1) Fitzroy Smith, died 24 July 1888; (2) Cecilia Sybella (or Sibella) Smith, died 25 February 1908, who married 9 May 1861, Frederick Wellington Stretton.


Lilburn A. Snow. His wife Elva Winifred Barrington was daughter to Clarence Chester Barrington and Laura Coberly, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.

SOOLE, --- / MABERLEY, ---

--- Soole was son to David Mowbray Soole and Violet Louise Astley, (to whom refer). His wife was --- Maberley. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


David Mowbray Soole (an early member of the Royal North West Mounted Police, commonly known as the "Mounties", etc.) was born in 1884 at or near Reading, Reading Borough, Reading Parish, Berk County, England; died 7 February 1959 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of illness of protracted duration; cremated 9 February 1959 at Calgary, Alberta. His wife Violet Louise Astley was born 3 September 1888 at Cornwall County, England, daughter to Charles D'Oyley Astley and Lucy Ann Andrew, (to whom refer); died 24 October 1979 at Victoria, Capital Regional District, British Columbia in consequence of pulmonary edema; buried in October 1979 at Banff Cemetery, Banff, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- Maberley; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Bond.


Bertram Norman Southall was born 1 July 1865, son to Norman Southall and Florence Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 27 March 1913, Alice Miriam Fox, (to whom also refer). His first wife Dora Louisa Hubbard, (to whom he was married 8 September 1892), died in July 1907. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Bertram Norman Southall and Dora Louisa Hubbard.


Bertram Norman Southall was born 1 July 1865, son to Norman Southall and Florence Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 8 September 1892, Dora Louisa Hubbard, (to whom also refer). His second wife Alice Miriam Fox, (to whom he was married 27 March 1913), was born in 1873, daughter to Octavius R. Fox and ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Bertram Norman Southall and Alice Miriam Fox are presently available.


Norman Southall was born 18 February 1832, son to Ritson Southall and Constance Anne Merrick; died 3 October 1913 at Brighton, Brighton Municipal Borough, East Sussex, Sussex County, England. His wife Florence Barrington, (to whom he was married 11 May 1864), was born 26 January 1833, daughter to Richard Barrington and Elizabeth Malone, (to whom refer); died 21 June 1879 at or near Isleworth, Isleworth Parish, Middlesex County, England; buried in June 1879 at Isleworth, Isleworth Parish, Middlesex County, England. This couple begat issue: (1) Bertram Norman Southall, born 1 July 1865, who married, firstly, 8 September 1892, Dora Louisa Hubbard, and, secondly, 27 March 1913, Alice Miriam Fox; (2) Ernest John Southall, born 21 November 1866, died early, unmarried, 29 December 1868; (3) Arthur Lionel Barrington Southall, born 25 December 1870, died early, unmarried, 24 April 1875, buried at Isleworth, Isleworth Parish, Middlesex County, England.


--- Southgate. His wife --- Williams was daughter to to Adrian Floyer Williams and Betty Fox Slade, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Sparrowhawk. His wife Charlotte Barrington was daughter to Joseph Barrington and Norah (or Norry) Hannah Coughlin, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Nelson Spencer. His wife Alice "Allie" Barrington was born 28 September 1880 (according to some sources and Registrar-General, not 28 September 1882 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near Redan, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to James Barrington and Sarah Eliza Justus, (to whom refer); christened 6 April 1881; died in 1966; buried at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.

STEELE, --- / DAY, ---

--- Steele. His wife --- Day was daughter to Angus Cyprian Day and Hilda Mae Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, --- Grandy, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of --- Steele and --- Day are presently available.


Albert Stephens was born 19 August 1834, son to Thomas Stephens and Ellen Williamson; married, secondly, ---; died 5 May 1912. His first wife Margaret Frances Malone, (to whom he was married 27 April 1865), was born 27 January 1834 at Glendruid, Cabintilly Townland, Kill Parish, Rathdown Barony, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Francis Malone and Lucy Barrington, (to whom refer); died 14 May 1866. Albert Stephens and Margaret Frances Malone begat issue: (1) a male child, name, if any, unavailable, died in infancy, unmarried, aged seven days.


Daniel Stephens. His wife Eliza Barrington was daughter to John Barrington and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Nassau Stephens, who married ---; (2) Louisa Stephens, who married George Plumer (or Plummer).


Edward Barrington Stephens was born 23 July 1850, son to Nassau Stephens and ---, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue, of whom no further records are presently available.


Nassau Stephens was son to Daniel Stephens and Eliza Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) William Stephens, died probably unmarried; (2) Nassau William Stephens, born 12 December 1842, who married 2 November 1867, Georgiana Somerville; (3) Edward Barrington Stephens, born 23 July 1850, who married ---.


Nassau Somerville Stephens was born 19 June 1868, son to Nassau William Stephens and Georgiana Somerville, (to whom refer). His wife Estelle Hartman, (to whom he was married 8 June 1897), was daughter to S. Frederick Hartman and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Nassau William Stephens was born 12 December 1842, son to Nassau Stephens and ---, (to whom refer). His wife Georgiana Somerville, (to whom he was married 2 November 1867), was daughter to John James Somerville and ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Nassau Somerville Stephens, born 19 June 1868, who married 8 June 1897, Estelle Hartman; (2) Barrington Somerville Stephens, born 1 April 1870; (3) Kathleen Georgiana Stephens, born 4 July 1875, who married 9 December 1896, George von Litz; (4) Elton Somerville Stephens, born 30 April 1882; (5) Georgiana Mary Stephens, born 7 April 1883 at or near Sheldon, O'Brien County, Iowa, who married Ben Johnson; (6) Gladys Somerville Stephens, born 7 June 1886 at or near Le Mars, Plymouth County, Iowa, who married in 1907, George Biggis; (7) Ethel Mary Stephens, born 29 June 1888 at or near Middleville, Newport and Fairfield Townships, Herkimer County, New York, who married Elbert Campbell.


Thomas Stevens. His wife Joan Barrington was daughter to Harry Barrington and Gertrude "Googie" LeBlanc, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


LeRoy Stevenson. His wife Joan McLaughlan (or Carson), (to whom he was married 12 June 1962), was born out of wedlock, daughter to Harcourt Templeton Johnston by one Alice Carson, (to whom refer in the entry labelled "Alice Carson" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work), afterward assuming and bearing her stepfather's surname McLaughlan in lieu of that of Carson. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Mark Stiffler. His wife Dirdra Kay Norris was daughter to George David Norris and Kathryne Louise Abbott, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Philip Stinson was son to Robert Stinson and ---. His wife Meriel Patricia Thorne, (to whom he was married 10 January 1998), was born 18 May 1963, daughter to (Sir) Peter Francis Thorne and (Lady) Anne Patricia Pery, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Charles Stirling. His wife Louisa Augusta Penison Emilie Gray was daughter to Henry Gray and (Honourable) Emilie Caroline Pery, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frederick Wellington Stretton. His wife Cecilia Sybella (or Sibella) Smith, (to whom he was married 9 May 1861), was daughter to W. Smith and Adelaide Margaret Corry, (to whom refer); died 25 February 1908. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


Herbert C. Stroud was born 24 June 1904. His wife Eva Coletta Barrington was daughter to William Henry Barrington and Ida May Switzer Hillerman, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Hubert James Stuart. His wife Adrienne Le Fanu, (to whom he was married 15 October 1955), was born 20 October 1933, daughter to Richard Brinsley Sheridan Le Fanu and Dorothy Duncan, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ashley Stubbs was born in or about 1878 or 1879 at or near Granborough, Granborough Parish, Buckingham County, England, son to Charles William Stubbs and Harriett Turner. His wife Marjorie Roberts, (to whom he was married 10 April 1920 at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Nelson, British Columbia), was born 15 July 1894 probably at or near Otterford, Taunton Rural District, Somerset County, England, daughter to Charles Blisett Roberts and Beatrice Emma (or Ellen) Astley, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Sullivan. His wife --- Barrington was daughter to Edward Sydney Barrington and Jean MacKenzie, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ian Traill Sutherland. His wife Susan Kennedy, (to whom he was married in 1970 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 20 June 1936, daughter to Robert Kennedy and Catherine Frances Gregory, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John James Swift. His wife Maxine Eleanor Jenness, (to whom he was married 19 April 1932), was born 28 April 1912 at or near Punxsutawney, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, daughter to Wesley Ernest Jenness and Hazel Maude Kunselman, (to whom refer); died 15 March 1979 at Sacramento, Sacramento County, California; buried 21 March 1979 at Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Francisco, San Francisco County, California. This couple begat issue: (1) Patricia Carrol Swift, born 15 January 1933, who married, firstly, 27 June 1953, Andrew Joseph Castagnola, (from whom subsequently divorced), secondly, Thomas R. Montague, and, thirdly, Elmo "Bud" Irish.


Henry Stephen Swiney married, firstly ---. His second wife (Countess) Violet Pauline Emilie Rosalie Catherine von Schlippenbach und Sk�vde (or Skofde) (Lady of The Royal Bavarian Order of Theresa, etc.), (to whom he was married 10 June 1902), was born 5 September 1851, daughter to Otto Karl von Schlippenbach und Sk�vde (or Skofde) (Graf, otherwise Count, of Schlippenbach and Skofde, etc.) and Adelaide Arabella de Fonblanque, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Henry Stephen Swiney and (Countess) Violet Pauline Emilie Rosalie Catherine von Schlippenbach und Sk�vde (or Skofde) are presently available.


Earl Switzer. His wife Lucinda A. Barrington was born 6 February 1913 or 7 February 1913 (depending upon sources), daughter to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Edward Togni, (to whom also refer); died 9 February 2004; buried in 2004 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Earl Switzer and Lucinda A. Barrington are presently available.


Peter Sychta was son to Stanislaw Sychta and ---. His wife Bridget Iolanthe Thorne, (to whom he was married 3 June 1995), was born 5 July 1961, daughter to (Sir) Peter Francis Thorne and (Lady) Anne Patricia Pery, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Frank A. Sylvain. His wife Eunice Morray was daughter to James Monroe Morray and Mary E. "May" Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Madena Sylvain; (2) Philip Lee Sylvain.


James Symons. His wife Elizabeth Jane Gardner was born 14 March 1855 at or near Helenstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, daughter to John Riddell Gardner and Amelia Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 19 June 1855 at Georgetown Presbyterian Church, near Howick, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.



Robert Douglas Taylor was born 16 September 1964 at Seattle, King County, Washington, son to Robert Warren Taylor and Elizabeth Dianne Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife Rebecca Wister Wooldredge was born 24 January 1968 at Bryn Mawr, Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. This couple begat issue: (1) Emma Lenore Taylor, born a twin 23 June 2003 at Seattle, King County, Washington; (2) Sean Barrington Taylor, born a twin 23 June 2003 at Seattle, King County, Washington.


Robert Warren Taylor was born 26 July 1937 at Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. His wife Elizabeth Dianne Barrington, (to whom he was married 2 March 1963), was born 18 May 1941 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, daughter to Wilford Harold Barrington and Annie Isabel Williams, (to whom refer); christened 7 September 1941 at the residence of her maternal (Williams) grandparents at 4971 Dorval Avenue, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Robert Douglas Taylor, born 16 September 1964 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married Rebecca Wister Wooldredge; (2) Roger Bruce Taylor, born 20 September 1968 at Seattle, King County, Washington, who married 23 August 2008 at Gold Bar, Snohomish County, Washington, Rebel Elaine Berggren.


Roger Bruce Taylor was born 20 September 1968 at Seattle, King County, Washington, son to Robert Warren Taylor and Elizabeth Dianne Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife Rebel Elaine Berggren, (to whom he was married 23 August 2008 at Gold Bar, Snohomish County, Washington), was born 20 November 1980. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.

TEA, --- / HUNTING, ---

--- Tea. His wife --- Hunting was daughter to Clyde Alfred Hunting and Elfrieda Mathilda Pagel, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable.


Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton was born 14 June 1918 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, son to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); legally altered his name from Raymond to Ray; died 17 March 1997. His wife Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom he was married 13 July 1943), was born 28 November 1913 in Alberta; died 28 March 2007 at Calgary, Alberta; cremated in 2007 at Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) John Arthur Templeton, born 6 November 1944 at Calgary, Alberta, died 26 December 2011 in consequence of cancer, who married, firstly, 6 May 1967 at Calgary, Alberta, Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, Vi ---; (2) Lola-Joy Templeton, born 25 August 1947 at Olds, Alberta, who married 20 August 1966 at Riverview United Church, Calgary, Alberta, Donald James Jack; (3) Mary-Ann Templeton, born 8 October 1955 at Lethbridge, Alberta, who married 7 November 1981, Dennis Jones.


Cecil Alfred Templeton was born 10 November 1902, son to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); died 5 January 1954. His wife Ruth Noreen ---, (to whom he was married 12 October 1923), died in June 1965. This couple begat issue: (1) a child, name, if any, and sex unavailable, born in Autumn 1929, died at birth or in extreme infancy, unmarried, same day in Autumn 1929.


Charles Melville Templeton (Trustee, Board of Trustees, Kia Ora School District, Alberta, etc.) was born 25 September 1892 (not 24 September 1892 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Arthur Templeton and Mary Eleanor Thompson, (to whom refer); christened Charles Melville (not Charles Melvin as erroneously inscribed upon his tombstone); died 3 September 1942 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta; buried 7 September 1942 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. His wife Gertrude Barraclough (Officer of The Order of the Eastern Star, etc.), (to whom he was married 28 September 1915 at the residence of the Reverend James Luke Jordan, 2130 4 Avenue North West, Calgary, Alberta, with the Reverend James Luke Jordan, Emmanuel Baptist Church, officiating), was born 21 September 1894 probably at or near Centre Vale, Triangle, Sowerby Township, Halifax Parish, West Riding, York County, England, daughter to Edwin Barraclough and Lucy Ann Lumb; christened 27 April 1895 at St. John the Divine's Anglican Church, Thorpe, Triangle, Sowerby Urban District, West Riding, York County, England; died 10 December 1965 at the residence of her only daughter, Calgary, Alberta; buried 14 December 1965 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating). This couple begat issue: (1) Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton, born 22 May 1916 at the English Nursing Home, Calgary, Alberta, died 13 February 1978 at his residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cardiac failure following upon severe respiratory distress resulting from influenza, buried 15 February 1978 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating), who married, firstly, in November 1938, Phyllis Isabel Taylor, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, 1 March 1947 at the Study, Scarboro United Church, Calgary, Alberta, Barbara Helen Woodford; (2) Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton, born 14 June 1918 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, legally altered his name from Raymond to Ray, died 17 March 1997, who married 13 July 1943, Margaret Aileen St. Clair; (3) Alberta Mary Hazel Templeton, born 9 October 1919 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, christened 24 August 1926 at Templeton Ranch, Norquay Municipal District, near Acme, Alberta, specifically on the North East Quarter of Section 15, Township 29, Range 25, West of the Fourth Meridian, (with the Reverend D. Whyte Smith, United Church of Canada, officiating), died 9 July 1988 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of kidney and heart failure coupled with pneumonia following upon general physical and organic decline resulting from a stroke and cancer of the lung and bone structure, buried 13 July 1988 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married 31 March 1942 at Grace Presbyterian Church, Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Alfred Bright, Presbyterian Church in Canada, officiating), Wilson Lesley Hunter, (by whom subsequently callously abandoned).


Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton was born 22 May 1916 at the English Nursing Home, Calgary, Alberta, son to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 1 March 1947 at the Study, Scarboro United Church, Calgary, Alberta, Barbara Helen Woodford, (to whom also refer); died 13 February 1978 at his residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cardiac failure following upon severe respiratory distress resulting from influenza; buried 15 February 1978 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating). His first wife Phyllis Isabel Taylor (aunt to The Honourable Robert Curtis Clark, Member of the Legislative Assembly, a Minister of The Crown in the Provincial Cabinet and finally Provincial Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in and for the Province of Alberta, etc.), (to whom he was married in November 1938 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 8 March 1919 at Calgary, Alberta, daughter to William Edgar Taylor and Mary Ellen James; married, secondly, Bertram Plastow; died 5 June 1981 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cancer; buried 9 June 1981 at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton and Phyllis Isabel Taylor; however this couple adopted one male child who, being a "stranger in blood", is not to be further noted or documented in these records and whose custody in any case reverted to the adoption authorities consequent upon the couple's divorce.


Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton was born 22 May 1916 at the English Nursing Home, Calgary, Alberta, son to Charles Melville Templeton and Gertrude Barraclough, (to whom refer); married, firstly, in November 1938, Phyllis Isabel Taylor, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 13 February 1978 at his residence, Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cardiac failure following upon severe respiratory distress resulting from influenza; buried 15 February 1978 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend Douglas B. Carr, United Church of Canada, officiating). His second wife Barbara Helen Woodford, (to whom he was married 1 March 1947 at the Study, Scarboro United Church, Calgary, Alberta), was born 24 March 1922 at Northampton, Northampton County, England, daughter to Herbert G. "Bert" Woodford and Ellen Elsie "Nellie" Field (whose second husband Harry Bowell was grandnephew to The Honourable Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Member of The Queen's Honourable Privy Council for Canada, Knight Commander of The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Member of Parliament in the Federal House of Commons, Senator, Minister of The Crown in the Federal Cabinet and eventually Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada, Grand Master of the Loyal Orange Lodge of British America, etc.); died 7 March 1987 at Calgary, Alberta in consequence of cancer; buried 12 March 1987 at Mountain View Memorial Gardens, Rocky View Municipal District, near Calgary, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Charles Stanley Hugh Templeton and Barbara Helen Woodford; however this couple adopted one male and one female child who, being "strangers in blood", are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


Harold James Templeton was born 18 June 1906, son to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); died 10 April 1979 at Lethbridge, Alberta; buried 12 April 1979 at Mountain View Cemetery, Lethbridge, Alberta. His wife Nellie Louise Osborne, (to whom he was married 27 April 1935), was born 16 March 1908. In addition to later adoption of twin female children who, being "strangers in blood", are not to be further noted or documented in these records, this couple had earlier begotten issue: (1) Carl Alfred Templeton, born a twin 7 August 1937, died in infancy, unmarried, 8 August 1937; (2) William Thomas Templeton, born a twin 7 August 1937, died in infancy, unmarried, 8 August 1937; (3) Barbara Louise Templeton, born 15 April 1939, died early, unmarried, 3 January 1941 in consequence of leukemia.


James Templeton (Trustee, Board of Trustees, Patterson's Corners School District, Ontario, etc.) was born 12 March 1831 (according to some sources and his son's statement) or 23 March 1831 (according to some sources and his own statement) or in March 1832 (according to some sources) at or near Larne, Inver Parish or Larne Parish, Lower Belfast Barony or Upper Glenarm Barony, Antrim County, Ulster Province, Ireland, son to James Templeton and Mary Millar; died 4 September 1913 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom he was married in December 1857 in Canada West), was born 8 March 1834 (according to some sources) or 8 March 1835 (according to some sources and her own statement) at Elizabethtown Township, Johnstown Municipal District, Upper Canada, daughter to William Doolan and Mary Barrington, (to whom refer); died 9 February 1912 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; buried in 1912 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. In addition to the upbringing of an unrelated servant girl, Alice Davis, this couple also begat issue: (1) James Arthur Templeton (together with his youngest brother John Wellington Templeton, a pioneer Alberta rancher, land speculator, business magnate, financier, philanthropist, etc.), born 30 December 1860 (according to some sources and his own statement) or 31 December 1860 (according to some sources and both his parents' and his cousin's statements) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 24 September 1946 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, buried in September 1946 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married 26 April 1887 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Mary Eleanor Thompson; (2) Mary Templeton, born 22 July 1865 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, died 9 November 1943 in Ontario, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 14 June 1893 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, William John Gardner; (3) William Templeton, born a twin 29 June 1868 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 16 July 1925 in Ontario, buried in July 1925 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 14 March 1900 in Ontario, Bertha Edna Gardner; (4) Wilhelmina "Mina" Templeton, born a twin 29 June 1868 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 19 July 1940 in Ontario, buried in July 1940 at St. John the Evangelist's Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as New Dublin Cemetery), New Dublin, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 25 October 1893 in Ontario, William John Scott; (5) Eliza Victoria Templeton, born 15 April 1871 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 6 February 1940 at McKellar Hospital, Fort William, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, buried in 1940 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 13 March 1900 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, John Johnston (Reeve of the Township of Oxford, Counties Councillor of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, etc., one of whose brothers The Honourable William Agnew Johnston served in succession as Member of the State House of Representatives, State Senator, State Attorney-General and finally Chief Justice of the State of Kansas, etc.); (6) a male child, name, if any, unavailable, born a twin at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (7) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, born a twin at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died in infancy, unmarried, at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, buried at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario; (8) John Wellington Templeton (together with his eldest brother James Arthur Templeton, a pioneer Alberta rancher, land speculator, business magnate, financier, philanthropist, etc.), born 11 February 1877 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 16 December 1936 at Calgary, Alberta, buried at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married 18 December 1901, Ida Josephine Larson.


James Templeton was born 28 March 1906 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Templeton and Bertha Edna Gardner, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 27 January 1968 at St. John's United Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Hildred Jane "Hilda" Hough, (to whom also refer); died 16 December 1989 in Ontario; buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His first wife Alice Lorena Graham, (to whom he was married 10 June 1931 at or near Millar's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 7 November 1910; died 29 December 1964 in Ontario; buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. James Templeton and Alice Lorena Graham begat issue: (1) Victor William Templeton, born 20 September 1932 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 17 December 1977 at Scarborough, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario, buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 6 August 1955 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario, Frida Evelyn Emmerson; (2) Lorena Ann Templeton, born 22 July 1935 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married 8 September 1956, Robert Orrin Alfred Byrd.


James Templeton was born 28 March 1906 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to William Templeton and Bertha Edna Gardner, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 10 June 1931 at or near Millar's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Alice Lorena Graham, (to whom also refer); died 16 December 1989 in Ontario; buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His second wife Hildred Jane "Hilda" Hough, (to whom he was married 27 January 1968 at St. John's United Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 4 June 1902 at or near North Augusta, Augusta Township, Grenville County, Ontario; married, firstly, Charles Crawford. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of James Templeton and Hildred Jane "Hilda" Hough.


James Arthur Templeton (together with his youngest brother John Wellington Templeton, a pioneer Alberta rancher, land speculator, business magnate, financier, philanthropist, etc.) was born 30 December 1860 (according to some sources and his own statement) or 31 December 1860 (according to some sources and both his parents' and his cousin's statements) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Canada West, son to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 24 September 1946 at Calgary General Hospital, Calgary, Alberta; buried in September 1946 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. His wife Mary Eleanor Thompson, (to whom he was married 26 April 1887 at Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario), was born 15 June 1863 (not 15 June 1864 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at Oxford Township, near Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West, daughter to Thomas Thompson and Eleanor Rickey; christened 8 November 1863 at St. James the Apostle's Anglican Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Canada West; died 25 December 1938 at her residence, Calgary, Alberta; buried at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) William Arthur Templeton, born 19 March 1888 (not 19 March 1889 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 11 March 1966 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, buried in March 1966 at Acme Cemetery, Acme, Alberta, who married Margaret Lucy Jaquith; (2) Charles Melville Templeton (Trustee, Board of Trustees, Kia Ora School District, Alberta, etc.), born 25 September 1892 (not 24 September 1892 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, christened Charles Melville (not Charles Melvin as erroneously inscribed upon his tombstone), died 3 September 1942 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, buried 7 September 1942 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married 28 September 1915 at the residence of the Reverend James Luke Jordan, 2130 4 Avenue North West, Calgary, Alberta, (with the Reverend James Luke Jordan, Emmanuel Baptist Church, officiating), Gertrude Barraclough (Officer of The Order of the Eastern Star, etc.).


John Arthur Templeton was born 6 November 1944 at Calgary, Alberta, son to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Vi ---, (to whom also refer); died 26 December 2011 in consequence of cancer. His first wife was Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom he was married 6 May 1967 at Calgary, Alberta and from whom subsequently divorced). John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain begat issue: (1) Deanna Templeton, who married Trevor von Rothkirch; (2) Sheryl Templeton, who married Grant Beaver; (3) Trevor John Templeton, born 25 June 1975 at Calgary, Alberta, who married Alexis ---.


John Arthur Templeton was born 6 November 1944 at Calgary, Alberta, son to Arthur Edwin Ray Templeton and Margaret Aileen St. Clair, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 6 May 1967 at Calgary, Alberta, Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced); died 26 December 2011 in consequence of cancer. His second wife was Vi ---. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of John Arthur Templeton and Vi ---.


John Ernest Templeton was born 22 November 1936, son to William Lincoln Templeton and Miriam Jean Goulding, (to whom refer). His wife Diana Mary Jamieson was born 22 January 1939. This couple begat issue: (1) Russell Kelvin Templeton, born 18 December 1962; (2) Leanne Jane Templeton, born 7 June 1967.


John Kingsley Templeton was born 11 July 1908, son to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); died 12 April 1976; buried in 1976 at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. His wife Lottie Victoria "Cherie" Boyce was born 19 October 1912; died 13 March 1971. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage; however this couple adopted twin male children who, being "strangers in blood", are not to be further noted or documented in these records.


John Wellington Templeton (together with his eldest brother James Arthur Templeton, a pioneer Alberta rancher, land speculator, business magnate, financier, philanthropist, etc.) was born 11 February 1877 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 16 December 1936 at Calgary, Alberta; buried at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. His wife Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom he was married 18 December 1901), was born 22 August 1875 at or near St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota; died 8 April 1944; buried in 1944 at Union Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta. This couple begat issue: (1) Cecil Alfred Templeton, born 10 November 1902, died 5 January 1954, who married 12 October 1923, Ruth Noreen ---; (2) Arthur Carlyle Templeton, born 8 July 1904, died unmarried 20 August 1964, buried in 1964 at Calgary, Alberta; (3) Harold James Templeton, born 18 June 1906, died 10 April 1979 at Lethbridge, Alberta, buried 12 April 1979 at Mountain View Cemetery, Lethbridge, Alberta, who married 27 April 1935, Nellie Louise Osborne; (4) John Kingsley Templeton, born 11 July 1908, died 12 April 1976, buried in 1976 at Queen's Park Cemetery, Calgary, Alberta, who married Lottie Victoria "Cherie" Boyce; (5) William Lincoln Templeton, born 10 October 1910, died in March 1990 at Calgary, Alberta, who married, firstly, 20 June 1934, Miriam Jean Goulding, and, secondly, 5 June 1964 at the Anglican Cathedral Church of the Redeemer, Calgary, Alberta, Eva Mary Heaver; (6) Ida Patricia "Pat" Templeton, born 4 August 1914, died in 1995, who married 30 December 1940, Ronald Campbell MacWilliams.


Trevor John Templeton was born 25 June 1975 at Calgary, Alberta, son to John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom refer). His wife was Alexis ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Victor William Templeton was born 20 September 1932 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Templeton and Alice Lorena Graham, (to whom refer); died 17 December 1977 at Scarborough, Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario; buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Frida Evelyn Emmerson, (to whom he was married 6 August 1955 at Ottawa, Carleton County, Ontario), was born 2 August 1923. This couple begat issue: (1) William David Templeton, born 21 June 1961 at Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario; (2) Carma Lynn Templeton, born 1 December 1965 at Metropolitan Toronto Municipality, Ontario.


William Templeton was born a twin 29 June 1868 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Templeton and Mary Ann Doolan, (to whom refer); died 16 July 1925 in Ontario; buried in July 1925 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. His wife Bertha Edna Gardner, (to whom he was married 14 March 1900 in Ontario), was born 3 February 1878 (according to some sources and the Gardner Family Bible) or 13 February 1878 (according to some sources and her own statement) at or near Oxford Station, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, daughter to Robert Gardner and Mary Jane Claire; died 2 March 1935 in Ontario; buried in 1935 at St. Matthew's Presbyterian Churchyard, East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) James Templeton, born 28 March 1906 at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, died 16 December 1989 in Ontario, buried at South Gower Cemetery, South Gower Township, Grenville County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 10 June 1931 at or near Millar's Corners, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, Alice Lorena Graham, and, secondly, 27 January 1968 at St. John's United Church, Kemptville, Grenville County, Ontario, Hildred Jane "Hilda" Hough.


William Arthur Templeton was born 19 March 1888 (not 19 March 1889 as erroneously suggested or indicated in some sources) at or near East Oxford, Oxford Township, Grenville County, Ontario, son to James Arthur Templeton and Mary Eleanor Thompson, (to whom refer); died 11 March 1966 at Holy Cross Hospital, Calgary, Alberta; buried in March 1966 at Acme Cemetery, Acme, Alberta. His wife Margaret Lucy Jaquith was born in 1886; died 11 April 1952; buried in 1952 at Acme Cemetery, Acme, Alberta. No children by blood were begotten of this marriage.


William Lincoln Templeton was born 10 October 1910, son to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 5 June 1964 at the Anglican Cathedral Church of the Redeemer, Calgary, Alberta, Eva Mary Heaver, (to whom also refer); died in March 1990 at Calgary, Alberta. His first wife Miriam Jean Goulding, (to whom he was married 20 June 1934), was born 14 May 1912; died 29 August 1959 in consequence of injuries sustained in an automobile crash; buried in 1959 at Calgary, Alberta. William Lincoln Templeton and Miriam Jean Goulding begat issue: (1) John Ernest Templeton, born 22 November 1936, who married Diana Mary Jamieson; (2) Judith Lea Templeton, born 20 February 1946, who married, firstly, ---, (from whom subsequently divorced), and, secondly, ---.


William Lincoln Templeton was born 10 October 1910, son to John Wellington Templeton and Ida Josephine Larson, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 20 June 1934, Miriam Jean Goulding, (to whom also refer); died in March 1990 at Calgary, Alberta. His second wife Eva Mary Heaver, (to whom he was married 5 June 1964 at the Anglican Cathedral Church of the Redeemer, Calgary, Alberta), was born 14 February 1926 at or near De Winton, Sheep Creek Municipal District, Alberta, daughter to William Gordon S. Heaver and Bessie G. Pitchford; died 16 September 2012 at Calgary, Alberta. William Lincoln Templeton and Eva Mary Heaver begat issue: (1) Sally Marie Templeton, born 7 January 1966 in Alberta, who married 8 August 1992, Frederick Warren Bowen; (2) Ida Suzanne Templeton, born 25 September 1967 in Alberta, who married Bryan Girard.


Alexander Thacker was son to Barker Thacker and Elizabeth Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Elizabeth Woodcock. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Barker Thacker died 9 May 1811. His wife Elizabeth Barrington, (to whom he was married 5 December 1786 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 31 May 1759 probably at or near Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Alexander Barrington and Elizabeth Jessop, (to whom refer); died 2 August 1808. This couple begat issue: (1) Alexander Thacker, who married Elizabeth Woodcock; (2) Jane Thacker, born in 1798, died unmarried in 1880; (3) Anne (or Anna) Thacker, born in 1800, died in December 1856, who married 3 March 1824, George Rooke Penrose.


Daniel Thibodeau was born 30 July 1950. His wife Bonnie Jean Barrington was born 29 May 1950, daughter to George Harold Wade Barrington and Leanna Elizabeth Carruthers, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Derek Thibodeau, born 12 October 1971.


John Raford Howard Thompson. His wife Edna Mae Fair was born 23 March 1887, daughter to Edwin Montrose Fair and Charlotte Anna Steacy, (to whom refer); died in 1958. This couple begat issue: (1) Nancy Ann Thompson, born 11 February 1930. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Norman Fritz Thompson was son to Samuel Wesley Thompson and Sarah ---. His wife Margaret Jane Evelyn Goodbody, (to whom he was married 7 July 1903), was born 8 September 1881, daughter to Robert Goodbody and Eliza Jane Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Kathleen Margaret Thompson, born 31 January 1905; (2) Frances Vivienne Thompson, born 1 May 1913.


Andrew Thomson. His wife Edith Hutchison was daughter to James William Hutchison and Emma ---, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue, of whom no further record is presently available.


Andrew Henry Thorne was born 15 September 1965, son to (Sir) Peter Francis Thorne and (Lady) Anne Patricia Pery, (to whom refer). His wife Sarah Fanconi, (to whom he was married 25 June 1994), was daughter to H. T. Fanconi and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


(Sir) Peter Francis Thorne (Knight Commander of The Royal Victorian Order, Commander of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons at Westminster, etc.) was son to (General) (Sir) Augustus Francis Andrew Nicol Thorne (Knight Commander of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Companion of The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Companion of The Distinguished Service Order, Deputy Lieutenant of the County, etc.) and (Honourable) Margaret Pennant. His wife (Lady) Anne Patricia Pery (a distinguished and accomplished scientist in the field of physics, etc.), (to whom he was married 16 May 1959), was born 3 October 1928, daughter to (The Right Honourable) (Sir) Edmund Colquhoun Pery (5th Earl of Limerick, etc.) and (Dame) Angela Olivia Trotter, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Bridget Iolanthe Thorne, born 5 July 1961, who married 3 June 1995, Peter Sychta; (2) Meriel Patricia Thorne, born 18 May 1963, who married 10 January 1998, Philip Stinson; (3) Andrew Henry Thorne, born 15 September 1965, who married 25 June 1994, Sarah Fanconi; (4) Janet Melinda Thorne, born 26 March 1968.


Max Thorowgood was son to Nicholas Thorowgood and ---. His wife Azelle Fiona Pery, (to whom he was married 19 August 2000), was born 7 April 1971, daughter to (Honourable) Michael Henry Colquhoun Pery and Jennifer Mary Stuart-Williams, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Richard Stephen Throop was son to Donald Throop and Grace ---. His wife Kathryn Lynn Johnston, (to whom he was married 18 October 2003), was born in November 1975 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Ernest Wilbert Johnston and Ruth Elaine Stewart, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lillian Throop; (2) Sarah Grace Elaine Throop, born 22 March 2007 at Queensway-Carleton Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario.

TOGNI, --- / ---

--- Togni was son to Edward Togni and Lucinda A. Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.

TOGNI, --- / ---

--- Togni was son to Edward Togni and Lucinda A. Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Edward Togni was born 23 June 1909; died 1 June 1970; buried in June 1970 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. His wife Lucinda A. Barrington was born 6 February 1913 or 7 February 1913 (depending upon sources), daughter to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Earl Switzer, (to whom also refer); died 9 February 2004; buried in 2004 at Belle Isle Cemetery, Camillus, Camillus Township, Onondaga County, New York. Edward Togni and Lucinda A. Barrington begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---; (2) a male child, name unavailable, who married ---.


George Welsford Tourgis. His wife Mary Ethel Barrington, (to whom he was married 9 September 1914 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was born 29 October 1884 or 29 October 1885 (depending upon sources) at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, daughter to George Barrington and Mary Mitchell, (to whom refer); christened 6 November 1885 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Townsdin. His wife Peggy Darst was daughter to Glenn Darst and ---, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a female child, name unavailable; (3) a female child, name unavailable.


Clarke Townsend. His wife Mildred Fair, (to whom he was married 28 March 1917 at the Methodist Parsonage, Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born 27 May 1900, daughter to Samuel James Fair and Mildred M. Running, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Lawrence Edgar Townsend, born 25 October 1917 near Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, died 7 May 2006, buried in May 2006 at Harlem Cemetery, Harlem, Bastard Ward, Rideau Lakes Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married Clara Helen Raison; (2) Reata Ilene Townsend, born in 1921, who married Oliver Pattemore; (3) Alma Townsend, who married Ronald White; (4) Helen Townsend, who married --- Carnahan; (5) Dorene Townsend, who married --- Raison.


David Townsend was son to Lawrence Edgar Townsend and Clara Helen Raison, (to whom refer). His wife was Laurie ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Earl Townsend was son to Lawrence Edgar Townsend and Clara Helen Raison, (to whom refer). His wife was Karen ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Lawrence Edgar Townsend was born 25 October 1917 near Lansdowne, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, son to Clarke Townsend and Mildred Fair, (to whom refer); died 7 May 2006; buried in May 2006 at Harlem Cemetery, Harlem, Bastard Ward, Rideau Lakes Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Clara Helen Raison was born in 1925. This couple begat issue: (1) David Townsend, who married Laurie ---; (2) Earl Townsend, who married Karen ---; (3) Paul Townsend, who married Susan ---; (4) Linda Townsend, who married Harry Barker.


Paul Townsend was son to Lawrence Edgar Townsend and Clara Helen Raison, (to whom refer). His wife was Susan ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ronald Richard Twiddy was born 5 September 1950. His wife Devany Ann Smith, (to whom he was married 21 August 1976), was born 21 October 1952, daughter to James Carman Smith and Gloria May Lidstone, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


John Harvey Twycross. His wife Jane Maria Barrington, (to whom he was married 22 April 1861 at St. Peter's Church of Ireland, otherwise known as St. Peter's Parish Church, St. Peter's Parish, Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland), was born 16 September 1832 at Poona (afterward Pune), Poona District, Bombay Province, Bombay Presidency, British East India, daughter to William Boxwell Barrington and Eliza Barrington, (to whom refer); christened 26 February 1833 at Bombay (afterward Mumbai), Bombay District, Bombay Province, Bombay Presidency, British East India. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Victor Gordon Tyler was son to Victor Lyonal "Leo" Tyler and Esther Rosetta Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Vickie ---. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Victor Gordon Tyler and Vickie --- are presently available.


Victor Lyonal "Leo" Tyler was born 31 January 1899; died in 1963 in Alaska; buried at Kenai City Cemetery, Kenai City, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska. His wife Esther Rosetta Barrington was born 27 June 1904 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, daughter to William Henry Barrington and Ida May Switzer Hillerman, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Walter Peteet, (to whom also refer); died 24 January 2006 at Soldotna City, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska in her 102nd year; cremated in January 2006 and ashes buried at Kenai City Cemetery, Kenai City, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska. Victor Lyonal "Leo" Tyler and Esther Rosetta Barrington begat issue: (1) Victor Gordon Tyler, who married Vickie ---.



Ernest Charles Umdenstock (Trustee, Osage City School Board for more than a quarter century and inventor and patentee of equipment for the improvement of the "party line" telephone system, etc.) was born 24 January 1876 in Kansas, son to John Umdenstock and Henrietta Ziegenbein; died 2 December 1945 at or near Osage, Osage County, Kansas in consequence of cerebral haemorrhage; buried 4 December 1945 in Kansas. His wife Eva Barrington, (to whom he was married 21 February 1900 at Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas), was born 11 July 1880 at or near Barclay, Barclay Township, Osage County, Kansas, daughter to George Barrington and Sarah Abbott Pearson, (to whom refer); died 29 August 1970 at the residence of her eldest daughter at Pittsburg, Hickory County, Missouri in consequence of cardiovascular complaint. This couple begat issue: (1) Ernest Charles Umdenstock Jr.; (2) Helen Oneita (or Oneida) Umdenstock, born 28 December 1900, who married, firstly, 24 December 1923, Daniel Isaac Marker, and, secondly, Clarence Briggs; (3) Hazel Ouida Umdenstock; (4) Edith M. Umdenstock, who married Raymond A. Monfort.


Eric S. Uvaney. His wife Patricia Lillian Short was born 6 April 1970 at Santa Monica, Los Angeles County, California, daughter to Alan Leslie Short and Nora Patricia MacWilliams, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Emily M. Uvaney; (2) Megan W. Uvaney.


VALCANE, --- / JESTY, ---

--- Valcane. His wife --- Jesty was daughter to Marcus Jesty and Beatrice Louisa Helena Roberts, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Vargason. His wife Carole Barrington was daughter to Thomas Bennett Barrington and Myrtle Alice Jutton, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable; (4) a male child, name unavailable; (5) a male child, name unavailable.


George von Litz. His wife Kathleen Georgiana Stephens, (to whom he was married 9 December 1896), was born 4 July 1875, daughter to Nassau William Stephens and Georgiana Somerville, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Georgiana Ethel von Litz, born at Brooklyn Borough, Kings County, New York City, New York; (2) George von Litz, born 23 October 1900 at Brooklyn Borough, Kings County, New York City, New York; (3) Edith von Litz, born at Lowell, Middlesex County, Massachusetts; (4) Benson von Litz, born 14 April 1906 at Richmond, Washington County, Rhode Island.


Trevor von Rothkirch. His wife Deanna Templeton was daughter to John Arthur Templeton and Brenda-Joy Chamberlain, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Hannah von Rothkirch; (2) Tyler von Rothkirch.



William Waddell. His wife Mary Ann Barrington, (to whom he was married 23 February 1852 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East), was born in or about 1830 or 1831 in Lower Canada, daughter to John Barrington and Elizabeth Earl, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Douglas Walker was born 12 October 1889 or 12 October 1892 (depending upon sources) at or near Raton, Colfax County, New Mexico Territory; died 2 February 1979 at Salem, Marion County, Oregon; cremated and ashes committed and interred at the Salem Memorial Mausoleum beside the Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon. His wife Frances Josephine Abbott, (to whom he was married 28 March 1913 at or near her parents' residence, the "Ranch of the Ten Elders", Rito de los Frijoles Canyon, afterward part of Bandelier National Monument, Sandoval County, New Mexico), was born 23 November 1889 at or near Garden City, Finney County, Kansas, daughter to Abijah Judson Abbott and Ruth Townsend Barrington, (to whom refer); died 24 February 1968 at her place of residence at Salem, Marion County, Oregon suddenly upon lying down to relax after breakfast; cremated and ashes committed and interred at the Salem Memorial Mausoleum beside the Salem Pioneer Cemetery, Salem, Marion County, Oregon. This couple begat issue: (1) Abijah Judson Walker, born 13 July 1915, died in infancy, unmarried, in 1915; (2) John Hutchinson Walker, who married Lucille Evans; (3) Winifred Isabelle Walker, who married Bartlett Philip Jones.


John Hutchinson Walker was son to James Douglas Walker and Frances Josephine Abbott, (to whom refer). His wife was Lucille Evans. This couple begat issue: (1) Richard Walker, who married, firstly, Sharon Ione Sallee, and, secondly, Mary J. Boos.


Richard Walker was son to John Hutchinson Walker and Lucille Evans, (to whom refer); married, secondly, Mary J. Boos, (to whom also refer). His first wife was Sharon Ione Sallee. Richard Walker and Sharon Ione Sallee begat issue: (1) Larissa Ione Walker; (2) Richard Grant Walker.


Richard Walker was son to John Hutchinson Walker and Lucille Evans, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Sharon Ione Sallee, (to whom also refer). His second wife was Mary J. Boos. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Richard Walker and Mary J. Boos are presently available.


James Wallace. His wife Hazel Fair was born 6 April 1895, daughter to William Albert Fair and Lila Cook, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Gordon Bothwell Wansbrough was born 19 September 1935. His wife Beverley Alena Chipman, (to whom he was married 3 May 1963), was born 11 June 1932, daughter to Samuel Gerald Chipman and Doris Aileen Dudley, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 6 September 1951, Gordon McLeod, (to whom also refer and from whom subsequently divorced). No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of Gordon Bothwell Wansbrough and Beverley Alena Chipman.


(Sir) Brian Charles Pennefather Warren (9th Baronet in the Baronetage of Ireland, etc.) died in 2006. His wife Nicola Louise Cazenove, (to whom he was married in 1976 and from whom subsequently divorced), was born in 1949, daughter to Edward de L�risson Cazenove and Grania Geraldine Kennedy, (to whom refer); married, secondly, in 1994, Charles St. Vigor Fox, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of (Sir) Brian Charles Pennefather Warren (9th Baronet, etc.) and Nicola Louise Cazenove are presently available.


Charles Silas Watson. His wife Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, (to whom he was married 20 January 1843 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East), was born in or about 1819 or 1820 in Lower Canada, daughter to John Barrington and Elizabeth Earl, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 17 November 1863 at Delaware Township, Leavenworth County, Kansas, George Darling, (to whom also refer). Charles Silas Watson and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington begat issue: (1) George Watson, born 7 November 1843 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East; (2) Eliza Faith Watson, born 10 August 1845 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Canada East, who married 28 December 1871, Robert Jack; (3) John Watson, born 28 February 1848 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, who married, 23 September 1871, Susan L. Turner; (4) William Watson, born 6 July 1850 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East; (5) James Charles Watson, born 4 July 1853 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, who married Luetta ---; (6) Thomas Edmond Earl Watson, born 14 June 1856 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East (depending upon sources), who married 10 May 1888, Eliza Carpenter.


John Watson was born 28 February 1848 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, son to Charles Silas Watson and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Susan L. Turner, (to whom he was married 23 September 1871). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Charles Watson was born 4 July 1853 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, son to Charles Silas Watson and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Luetta ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Edmond Earl Watson was born 14 June 1856 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East (depending upon sources), son to Charles Silas Watson and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Eliza Carpenter, (to whom he was married 10 May 1888). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


George Webb was son to George A. Webb and Hannah Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Willis Webb; (2) Stafford Webb; (3) Violet Webb.


George A. Webb was born in 1839; died in 1885. His wife Hannah Barrington, (to whom he was married 26 April 1862 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East), was born in 1836, daughter to Thomas Barrington and Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Elizabeth Murray, (to whom refer); died in 1906. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Webb, born in 1863, died in 1892; (2) George Webb, who married ---; (3) John Ridell Webb, born 3 March 1867 probably at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, died 8 April 1935 at Kitchener, Waterloo County, Ontario, who married Katherine Waldon; (4) William Webb, who married Catherine ---; (5) Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Webb, who married --- and begat issue, Clarence and Vera; (6) Henrietta "Hattie" Webb, born in 1875, died early, unmarried, in 1880.


Herbert H. Webb was born 2 October 1896 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, son to John Ridell Webb and Katherine Waldon, (to whom refer). His wife was Geralda Savage, (to whom he was married in 1926 at Qu�bec, Qu�bec County, Qu�bec). This couple begat issue: (1) G. Joan Webb, born 8 May 1927 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married in 1952, Keith Phillips; (2) John Barrington "Barry" Webb, born 6 February 1930 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married ---; (3) Geralda Savage "Dede" Webb, born 31 August 1932 at Toronto, York County, Ontario, who married 20 May 1960, John Boulden.


John Barrington "Barry" Webb was born 6 February 1930 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, son to Herbert H. Webb and Geralda Savage, (to whom refer). His wife was ---. This couple begat issue: (1) Karen Hauth Webb; (2) Nancy Wiginton Webb; (3) Geralda Kinna Webb.


John Ridell Webb was born 3 March 1867 probably at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Canada East, son to George A. Webb and Hannah Barrington, (to whom refer); died 8 April 1935 at Kitchener, Waterloo County, Ontario. His wife Katherine Waldon was born at or near Palmerston, Minto Township, Wellington County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Herbert H. Webb, born 2 October 1896 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married Geralda Savage; (2) Leon Bennett Webb, born 8 August 1898, who married at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario, Emma Worth.


Leon Bennett Webb was born 8 August 1898, son to John Ridell Webb and Katherine Waldon, (to whom refer). His wife was Emma Worth, (to whom he was married at Peterborough, Peterborough County, Ontario). This couple begat issue: (1) Janet Webb, born in 1924, who married Gordon Rattray; (2) a female child, name unavailable.


William Webb was son to George A. Webb and Hannah Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife was Catherine ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Arthur (or Anthony) Weldon (or Waldron). His wife Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) Barrington was daughter to John Barrington and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) French, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 11 May 1783, John Cuffe, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of Arthur (or Anthony) Weldon (or Waldron) and Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl) Barrington are presently available.


Kenneth Charles Weldon (Companion of The Distinguished Service Order, Officer of the French Legion of Honour, etc.) was born 25 April 1877, son to Lewen Burton Weldon and Olivia Maria Barrington, (to whom refer); died 11 April 1958. His wife Elizabeth Constance Jane Croker, (to whom he was married 14 November 1906), was daughter to William Croker and ---; died 17 September 1960. This couple begat issue: (1) Anthony Croker Weldon, born 26 September 1907, died unmarried 20 June 1939; (2) Aphra Elizabeth Weldon, born 23 May 1911; (3) Elinor Constance Weldon, born 8 May 1913; (4) Clemence Jane Weldon, born 21 February 1915.


Lewen Burton Weldon (Canon at Salisbury Anglican Cathedral, Salisbury and at Christ Church Cathedral of the Church of Ireland, Dublin, etc.) was born 17 August 1840, son to (Sir) Anthony Weldon (4th Baronet in the Baronetage of Ireland, etc.) and Harriett Hockeley; died 5 January 1914. His wife Olivia Maria Barrington, (to whom he was married 13 June 1871), was daughter to (Sir) Croker Barrington, (4th Baronet, etc.) and Anna Felicia West, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Caroline Weldon, died 22 December 1944, who married 28 September 1912, Brian James Gwynn; (2) Hilda Frances Weldon, died 8 October 1962, who married 24 June 1918, Cyril Summerfield Pugh; (3) Anna Felicia Weldon, died 6 October 1926, who married 19 June 1908, William Harley Macalpine-Leny (Companion of The Distinguished Service Order, Deputy Lieutenant of the County, etc.); (4) Lewen Francis Barrington Weldon (Military Cross, etc.), born 15 October 1875, died 13 June 1958, who married 29 October 1904, Mary Macaulay Molloy; (5) Kenneth Charles Weldon (Companion of The Distinguished Service Order, Officer of the French Legion of Honour, etc.), born 25 April 1877, died 11 April 1958, who married 14 November 1906, Elizabeth Constance Jane Croker.


Lewen Francis Barrington Weldon (Military Cross, etc.) was born 15 October 1875, son to Lewen Burton Weldon and Olivia Maria Barrington, (to whom refer); died 13 June 1958. His wife Mary Macaulay Molloy, (to whom he was married 29 October 1904), was daughter to Lawrence Bomford Molloy and ---; died 29 June 1946. This couple begat issue: (1) Olivia Mary Weldon, born 1 December 1905, died 19 September 1978.


(Honourable) Henry Gerald Valerian Francis Wellesley was born 8 August 1907, son to (The Right Honourable) Henry Arthur Mornington Wellesley (3rd Earl Cowley, 3rd Viscount Dangan and 4th Baron Cowley all in the Peerage of The United Kingdom, etc.) and (Honourable) Millicent Florence Eleanor Wilson; married, secondly, 11 January 1954, Nancy Joan Hilliam; married, thirdly, 30 January 1957, Marina Isabel Sherlock Eustace, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1969); married, fourthly, in 1969, Valerie Rose Pitman; died 25 December 1981. His first wife Doris Caroline Sabia Kennedy, (to whom he was married 17 June 1929 and from whom subsequently divorced in 1953), was daughter to Edward Robert Kennedy and Beryl Doris Lumsdaine, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of (Honourable) Henry Gerald Valerian Francis Wellesley and Doris Caroline Sabia Kennedy are presently available.

WESTON, --- / HAWKER, ---

--- Weston. His wife --- Hawker was daughter to --- Hawker and --- Weigand, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable; (3) a male child, name unavailable; (4) a female child, name unavailable; (5) a female child, name unavailable.


--- White. His wife Harriet Alexis Barrington was born in or about 1854 or 1855, daughter to John Edwin Barrington and Helen Jane Catherine Pooley, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ivan Barrington White was born 11 October 1886, son to James Barrington White and Mary Boyd, (to whom refer). His wife Muriel Kingsland, (to whom he was married 2 July 1914), was daughter to Ambrose Kingsland and ---. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Barrington White (High Sheriff of County Armagh, etc.), was born 21 September 1856, son to Thomas Henry White and Mary Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 10 June 1915, Katherine May Orr, (to whom also refer). His first wife Mary Boyd, (to whom he was married 2 May 1885), was born 10 May 1864, daughter to John K. Boyd and Anne Carter; died 30 May 1914. James Barrington White and Mary Boyd begat issue: (1) Ivan Barrington White, born 11 October 1886, who married 2 July 1914, Muriel Kingsland.


James Barrington White (High Sheriff of County Armagh, etc.), was born 21 September 1856, son to Thomas Henry White and Mary Jane Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 2 May 1885, Mary Boyd, (to whom also refer). His second wife Katherine May Orr, (to whom he was married 10 June 1915), was born 10 August 1866, daughter to James Bardon Orr and Katherine Fanny Sharpe. No children by blood were begotten of the marriage of James Barrington White and Katherine May Orr.


Ronald White. His wife Alma Townsend was daughter to Clarke Townsend and Mildred Fair, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Thomas Henry White was born 11 March 1822, son to James White and Mary Pike; died 10 July 1911. His wife Mary Jane Barrington, (to whom he was married 28 December 1853), was born 13 December 1831, daughter to Edward Barrington and Sarah Leadbeater, (to whom refer); died suddenly 4 November 1906. This couple begat issue: (1) Sarah Elizabeth White (an early female Doctor of Medicine, etc.), born 27 April 1855; (2) James Barrington White (High Sheriff of County Armagh, etc.), born 21 September 1856, who married, firstly, 2 May 1885, Mary Boyd, and, secondly, 10 June 1915, Katherine May Orr; (3) Edward Barrington White, born 12 May 1858, died early, unmarried, 27 December 1859; (4) Selina White, born 15 November 1860; (5) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, died in infancy within a short time of birth, unmarried; (6) a female child, name, if any, unavailable, died in infancy within a short time of birth, unmarried; (7) Thomas Henry White, born 10 May 1869, who married 10 August 1905, Anne White; (8) Mary Winifred White, born 11 April 1874, died early, unmarried, 10 March 1893.


Thomas Henry White was born 10 May 1869, son to Thomas Henry White and Mary Jane Barrington, (to whom refer). His wife Anne White, (to whom he was married 10 August 1905), was born 4 February 1869, daughter to James White and Mary McClelland. This couple begat issue: (1) Thomas Stephen Manliffe White, born 29 September 1906; (2) Lydia Mary White, born 27 November 1907; (3) Henry Alwyn White, born 13 April 1909; (4) Betsy Barrington White, born 2 August 1910.


Robert O. Whitely. His wife Helen Dorothea Barrington was daughter to Herbert Daniel Barrington and Myrta Louisa Butler, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


James Whittal was born 3 November 1815 at or near London, Middlesex County, England, son to John Whittal and ---; died 23 August 1902 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Elizabeth "Lizzie" Barrington, (to whom he was married 4 November 1836 at Christ Church Anglican Parish Church, afterward known as Christ Church Anglican Cathedral, Montr�al, Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada), was born in 1808 at or near Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to William Barrington and Esther Britton, (to whom refer); christened 15 August 1808 at Enniscorthy, St. Mary's Parish, Scarawalsh Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland; died 5 June 1881 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) John Whittal, born 20 August 1837 at or near North Georgetown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, died 18 December 1863 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East, who married in or about 1859 or 1860, Jane Simpson; (2) William Whittal, born 22 October 1842 at or near North Georgetown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, died 14 June 1921 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 26 October 1869 at the Presbyterian Church, at or near Huntingdon Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec, Agnes Beattie; (3) Jane Barrington Whittal, born 9 July 1843 at or near North Georgetown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, died 5 June 1924 at her residence, 48 Rushbrooke Street, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married, firstly, 28 December 1862 at the Anglican Church, the Boyd Settlement, Hinchinbrooke Township, Huntingdon County, Canada East, Thomas James Hutchison, and, secondly, George Wilson; (4) Francis James Whittal, born in or about 1844 or 1845 at or near North Georgetown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East.


John Whittal was born 20 August 1837 at or near North Georgetown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Montr�al Judicial District, Lower Canada, son to James Whittal and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Barrington, (to whom refer): died 18 December 1863 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East. His wife Jane Simpson, (to whom he was married in or about 1859 or 1860), was born in or about 1837 or 1838. This couple begat issue: (1) James Whittal, born 16 March 1861 at Hinchinbrooke Township, Huntingdon County, Canada East.


Thomas Edward Whittal was born 12 August 1889 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, son to William Whittal and Agnes Beattie, (to whom refer); died 14 April 1930 at Montr�al General Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. His wife Catherine Mary Watterson, (to whom he was married 4 December 1918 at Dundee Township, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec), was born in or about 1885 or 1886; died in 1982 in Qu�bec. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William Whittal was born 22 October 1842 at or near North Georgetown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, son to James Whittal and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Barrington, (to whom refer); died 14 June 1921 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec. His wife Agnes Beattie, (to whom he was married 26 October 1869 at the Presbyterian Church, at or near Huntingdon Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec), was born 15 April 1852 in Canada East; died 26 October 1927 at or near Beaver, Dundee Township, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec. This couple begat issue: (1) Mary Whittal, born in or about 1871 or 1872 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died 30 May 1901 at Chateaugay County, New York, who married Herbert Huntley; (2) Ellen "Nellie" Whittal, born 12 April 1873 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died 26 August 1896 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married 21 March 1894 at the Methodist Church, Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, William Percival Maw; (3) Elizabeth Jane Whittal, born 1 February 1876 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died early, unmarried, 28 March 1877 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (4) John Whittal, born 1 April 1878 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died in infancy, unmarried, 8 May 1878 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (5) Agnes Whittal, born 23 January 1880 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died early, unmarried, 18 January 1885 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (6) William James Whittal, born 9 October 1883 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (7) Barbara Agnes Whittal, born 5 January 1887 at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died in or about 1972 or 1973 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, who married in or about 1907 or 1908 at Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, William Wallace Orr; (8) Thomas Edward Whittal, born 12 August 1889 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died 14 April 1930 at Montr�al General Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, who married 4 December 1918 at Dundee Township, Huntingdon County, Qu�bec, Catherine Mary Watterson; (9) Mildred Edith Whittal, born 10 September 1892 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec; (10) George Whittal, born 10 March 1897 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, died in infancy, unmarried, 27 March 1897 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec.


John James Wilkinson was born 31 October 1939. His wife Bette Wilhelmine Bryan, (to whom he was married 12 October 1957), was born 7 November 1937, daughter to Harold Thomas Bryan and Mary Alice Wilhelmine Scott, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Deborah Lynne Wilkinson, born 9 May 1958; (2) Kimberly Anne Wilkinson, born 17 August 1959; (3) Peggy Jean Wilkinson, born 16 July 1962; (4) Shelley Diane Wilkinson, born 17 February 1963.

WILLIAMS, --- / WHITE, ---

--- Williams was son to Adrian Floyer Williams and Betty Fox Slade, (to whom refer). His wife was --- White. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable; (2) a male child, name unavailable.


Adrian Floyer Williams was born in or about 1895 or 1896, son to Glynne Barrington Leared Williams and Mabel Frances Floyer, (to whom refer). His wife Betty Fox Slade, (to whom he was married 19 June 1935 at Temple Anglican Church, London, London City County, England), was born in 1906, daughter to Edward Fox Slade and ---; died in 1992. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Hart; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Southgate; (3) Glynne Slade Floyer Williams, born 8 November 1939, died in 1987 foully by another hand, who married --- Wendorf; (4) a male child, name unavailable, who married --- White.


Glynne Barrington Leared Williams was born 19 July 1860 at or near Belvedere, Erith Parish, Kent County, England, son to John Williams and Susan Leared, (to whom refer); christened 20 September 1860 at St. John the Baptist's Anglican Church (otherwise known as Erith Parish Church), Erith, Erith Parish, Kent County, England; died in 1948 at his estancia or estate at San Telmo Barrio, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Autonomous District, the Argentine Republic. His wife Mabel Frances Floyer, (to whom he was married 26 October 1889 under Civil Registry authority at St. John's Anglican Church, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Autonomous District, the Argentine Republic), was born 29 April 1862 at or near Marshchapel, Marshchapel Parish, Lincoln County, England, daughter to Ayscoghe Floyer and Louisa Sara Shore; christened 11 May 1862 at St. Mary's Anglican Church (otherwise known as Marshchapel Parish Church), Marshchapel, Marshchapel Parish, Lincoln County, England; died 17 November 1928 at Oxford County, England in consequence of injuries sustained in an automobile crash on the main road from Oxford to Henley. This couple begat issue: (1) Martyn Floyer Williams, born in 1894, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., unmarried, 11 August 1916 at or near Thiepval Commune, Boves Canton, Amiens Arrondissement, Somme D�partment, Picardie R�gion, the French Republic during the Battle of the Somme whilst serving as a Lieutenant with "A" Battery, 65th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, buried at Bouzincourt Communal Cemetery Extension, Bouzincourt Commune, Albert Canton, P�ronne Arrondissement, Somme D�partment, Picardie R�gion, the French Republic; (2) Adrian Floyer Williams, born in or about 1895 or 1896, who married 19 June 1935 at Temple Anglican Church, London, London City County, England, Betty Fox Slade; (3) Vaughn Floyer Williams, born in 1898, died (killed) on Active Service, World War I., unmarried, 2 April 1917 when shot down at the controls of his aircraft during action at the Front in the French Republic whilst serving as a Second Lieutenant, 60th Squadron, Royal Flying Corps, buried at Achiet-le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension, Achiet-le-Grand Commune, Bapaume Canton, Arras Arrondissement, Pas-de-Calais D�partment, Nord-Pas-de-Calais R�gion, the French Republic.


Glynne Slade Floyer Williams was born 8 November 1939, son to Adrian Floyer Williams and Betty Fox Slade, (to whom refer); died in 1987 foully by another hand. His wife was --- Wendorf. This couple begat issue: (1) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Memelsdorf; (2) a female child, name unavailable, who married --- Pini; (3) a male child, name unavailable.


John Williams was born in 1824 at Carnarvon County, the Principality of Wales; married, secondly, 11 June 1859, his first wife's younger sister Susan Leared, (to whom refer); died in 1901. His first wife Martha Leared, (to whom he was married 3 April 1851 in the Principality of Wales), was born in March 1821 or 22 May 1823 (depending upon sources) at or near Wexford, Forth Barony, Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Richard Leared and Jane Barrington, (to whom also refer); died 4 November 1857. No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of John Williams and Martha Leared are presently available.


John Williams was born in 1824 at Carnarvon County, the Principality of Wales; married, firstly, 3 April 1851 at Carnarvon County, the Principality of Wales, his second wife's elder sister Martha Leared, (to whom refer); died in 1901. His second wife Susan Leared, (to whom he was married 11 June 1859), was born 7 July 1836 at Wexford County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to Richard Leared and Jane Barrington, (to whom also refer); died 2 July 1918. John Williams and Susan Leared begat issue: (1) Glynne Barrington Leared Williams, born 19 July 1860 at or near Belvedere, Erith Parish, Kent County, England, christened 20 September 1860 at St. John the Baptist's Anglican Church (otherwise known as Erith Parish Church), Erith, Erith Parish, Kent County, England, died in 1948 at his estancia or estate at San Telmo Barrio, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Autonomous District, the Argentine Republic, who married 26 October 1889 under Civil Registry authority at St. John's Anglican Church, Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Autonomous District, the Argentine Republic, Mabel Frances Floyer.


John Williamson was born 10 January 1868 at or near Sale, Sale Parish, Chester County, England; died 4 April 1899 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. His wife Elizabeth Jane Barrington Hutchison, (to whom he was married 12 June 1888 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec), was born 16 January 1870 at St. Stanislas de Kostka Parish Municipality, Beauharnois County, Qu�bec, daughter to Thomas James Hutchison and Jane Barrington Whittal, (to whom refer); married, secondly, 22 July 1899 at West End Methodist Church, West Montr�al, Hochelaga County, Qu�bec, Percy Grindrod, (to whom also refer); died 16 February 1949 at the Homeopathic Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. John Williamson and Elizabeth Jane Barrington Hutchison begat issue: (1) Sarah Georgina Williamson, born 21 January 1889 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died 16 November 1979 at Richmond, Contra Costa County, California; (2) George David Williamson, born 17 July 1890 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died 10 September 1921 at Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon; (3) Elizabeth Elsie Williamson, born 16 June 1892 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died 27 February 1978 at Montr�al, Montr�al Urban Community, Qu�bec; (4) John Maurice Williamson, born 9 September 1894 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died 4 August 1982 at Montr�al, Montr�al Urban Community, Qu�bec; (5) Dorothy Gladys Williamson, born 17 November 1896 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died 3 November 1982 at Richmond, Contra Costa County, California.


George Wilson was born in or about 1820 or 1821 in Ireland. His wife Jane Barrington Whittal was born 9 July 1843 at or near North Georgetown Region, Beauharnois Seigneurie (otherwise known as Annfield Seigneurie), Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, daughter to James Whittal and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Barrington, (to whom refer); married, firstly, 28 December 1862 at the Anglican Church, the Boyd Settlement, Hinchinbrooke Township, Huntingdon County, Canada East, Thomas James Hutchison, (to whom also refer); died 5 June 1924 at her residence, 48 Rushbrooke Street, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec. George Wilson and Jane Barrington Whittal begat issue: (1) Jane Wilson, born 13 October 1878 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (2) George Wilson, born in or about 1880 or 1881 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died early, unmarried, at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec; (3) Charlotte "Lottie" Wilson, born 24 April 1882 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec.


Thomas Wilson. His wife Louisa Dalton was daughter to Stephen Dalton and Anne Jackson, (to whom refer). No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Todd Wilson. His wife Amanda Knapp was daughter to Kenneth Knapp and Catherine Mary Bryan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Ella Wilson; (2) Rachel Wilson.


William J. Wilson was born in or about 1861 or 1862, son to Erasmus D. Wilson and Mary ---; died in 1956. His wife Mary Jane "Jennie" Barrington, (to whom he was married 11 March 1891 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in or about 1863 or 1864 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Canada West, daughter to James Barrington and Eliza Ann Hagerman, (to whom refer); died in 1918. This couple begat issue: (1) Duane Wilson; (2) Lela K. Wilson.


James Melbourne Wing was born 25 June 1871 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario or at or near Jellyby, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario (depending upon sources), son to Allan Wing and Mary Ann Thompson; died 19 November 1945; buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Alice Barrington, (to whom he was married 26 December 1894 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in or about 1872 or 1873 at Rear of Yonge and Escott Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to John Bennett "Ben" Barrington and Elizabeth Jane "Betty Jane" Glazier, (to whom refer); died 29 September 1939; buried in 1939 at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario. This couple begat issue: (1) Edna Barrington Bell Wing, born in or about 1906 or 1907 at or near Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, died in 1973, buried at Holy Trinity Anglican Churchyard (otherwise known as Oak Leaf Cemetery), Oak Leaf, Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne Township, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 22 April 1924 at Athens, Leeds County, Ontario, her first cousin Allan Edward Barrington.


--- Winters. His wife Emily Frederica Barrington was born in or about 1865 or 1866, daughter to John Edwin Barrington and Helen Jane Catherine Pooley, (to whom refer); died in 1927. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ross Winters. His wife Verna Eliza Jane Barrington was born 28 December 1923 at or near Ormstown, Ormstown Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Qu�bec, daughter to David Archibald Barrington and Celia Florence McWhinnie, (to whom refer); christened in July 1925. This couple begat issue: (1) Florence Winters; (2) Dorothy Winters; (2) John Winters; (4) Joyce Winters; (5) Donald Winters; (6) Ronald Winters.


Alfred Joseph Wood. His wife Marie Cecile Lucette Barrington, (to whom he was married 17 May 1943 in Qu�bec), was born 17 March 1910, daughter to John Thomas Barrington and Corinne Duquette, (to whom refer); christened 18 March 1910; died in 1965. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


William H. Woodman was born in or about 1837 or 1838 at Stratford Parish, Essex County, England. His wife Margaret Cassandra Worthy, (to whom he was married in or about 1862 or 1863), was born in or about 1835 or 1836 in the British East Indies, daughter to John Worthy and Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Constance Woodman, born in or about 1863 or 1864 at Paddington Parish, Middlesex County, England; (2) Gertrude Maude Woodman, born in or about 1864 or 1865 at Lee Parish, Kent County, England; (3) Ernest B. Woodman, born in or about 1865 or 1866 at Lee Parish, Kent County, England; (4) Herbert A. Woodman, born in or about 1866 or 1867 at Kidbrooke Parish, Kent County, England; (5) Leicester W. Woodman, born in or about 1867 or 1868 at Kidbrooke Parish, Kent County, England; (6) Evelyn Mildred Woodman, born in or about 1870 or 1871 at Kidbrooke Parish, Kent County, England.


George Clark Woodward. His wife Helen Douglas Barrington, (to whom he was married 14 December 1881), was born in or about 1852 or 1853, daughter to John Edwin Barrington and Helen Jane Catherine Pooley, (to whom refer); died in 1885. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


--- Woodworth. His wife --- Hawker was daughter to Howard Nelson Hawker Jr. and --- Newton, (to whom refer); married, secondly, ---, (to whom also refer). --- Woodworth and --- Hawker begat issue: (1) a male child, name unavailable.


John Worthy (Captain, Honourable East India Company's Service, etc.) was born in or about 1795 or 1796 at or near Brighton, Brighton Parish, Sussex County, England. His wife Margaret Barrington, (to whom he was married 16 June 1829 at the Chapel of the British Embassy, Paris, Seine-et-Oise D�partment, �le-de-France R�gion, the Kingdom of France), was born at Dublin, Dublin County, Leinster Province, Ireland, daughter to (Sir) Jonah Barrington and Catherine Grogan, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Margaret Cassandra Worthy, born in or about 1835 or 1836 in the British East Indies, who married in or about 1862 or 1863, William H. Woodman; (2) Arabella C. H. Worthy, born in or about 1837 or 1838 in the British East Indies; (3) Frederick Worthy, born in or about 1839 or 1840 at Chertsey Parish, Surrey County, England; (4) Elizabeth P. Worthy, born in or about 1843 or 1844 at Surrey County, England.


George Wright (Justice of The King's Bench for Ireland, Judge of the High Court of Ireland, etc.). His wife Mercy Barrington was born in or about 1853, daughter to (Sir) Croker Barrington (4th Baronet, etc.) and Anna Felicia West, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Anna Felicia Wright, died 7 September 1952, who married 21 June 1917, John Arthur Gerald de Courcy; (2) Nesta Violet Wright, who married, firstly, 20 June 1908, (Sir) William Lingard Amphlett Goulding (2nd Baronet in the Baronetage of The United Kingdom, etc.), and, secondly, 14 February 1939, Stanley John Adams.



Gordon Young was born in 1891; died in 1951. His wife Gladys Barrington, (to whom he was married 14 November 1911 at Bastard Township, Leeds County, Ontario), was born in 1893, daughter to James Barrington and Sarah E. Charlton, (to whom refer); died 8 January 1964. No further records of possible offspring of this marriage are presently available.


Ronald Patrick Young was born 13 June 1941 at Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, son to James Young and Jule Durant; died 26 June 1998 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario. His wife Helen Margaret Barrington, (to whom he was married in 1961 at or near Rocksprings, Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario and from whom subsequently divorced), was born 7 August 1943 at Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Kenneth Rath Barrington and Elma Caroline Weatherhead, (to whom refer). This couple begat issue: (1) Connie Lynn Young, born 24 November 1962 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 7 October 1985 at the Provincial Court House, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, Stanley LaFirst, (from whom subsequently divorced 2 February 1988), and, secondly, 26 August 1995 at Port Elmsley, North Elmsley Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Christopher Daniel DeSalvo; (2) Robin Ann Young, born 19 October 1964 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, bore out of wedlock, firstly, by one Danny Letson Jones, one male child, and, secondly, by one Robin Mark Timmerman, one male child, (for further records of both of whom refer to the entry labelled "Robin Ann Young" in the "Supplementary" Section at the end of Part I. of this work); (3) Penny Lee Young, born 6 November 1965 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married, firstly, 31 July 1987, Raymond Irish, (from whom subsequently divorced in 1988), and, secondly, 25 October 1990 at Prescott Town Hall, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Allen Edward James Kirkby; (4) Cindy Marie Young, born 5 June 1968 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 13 July 1991 at St. Mark's Roman Catholic Church, Prescott, Grenville County, Ontario, Joseph Daniel Robert Marion.



William Zigrang. His wife Christine Gay Abbott was daughter to Raymond Barrington Abbott Jr. and Irene Elizabeth Toborg, (to whom refer); married, firstly, Geoffrey Kenworthy, (to whom also refer). No further records of possible offspring of the marriage of William Zigrang and Christine Gay Abbott are presently available.



Ina June "Inez" Barrington was born 27 March 1917, daughter to John Barrington and Annie Eliza Ritchie, (to whom refer); christened 3 July 1917; married her first cousin Garnet James Barrington, (to whom also refer). Ina June "Inez" Barrington produced out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, issue: (1) Anne Barrington, born 22 July 1935 at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, christened 18 September 1935 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, died in infancy, unmarried, 25 September 1935 at Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec, buried 28 September 1935 at Hawthorndale Cemetery, Montr�al, Montr�al County, Qu�bec.


Mary Jane Barrington was born 19 September 1947, daughter to Walter Glynne Barrington and Viola Gertrude Rourke, (to whom refer); married ---, (from whom subsequently divorced). Mary Jane Barrington produced out of wedlock, subsequent to divorce, by one Kenneth Little, issue: (1) Mark William Barrington, born 19 June 1988; (2) Karley Christine Barrington, born 13 December 1990.


Rachel Barrington was born in or about 1823 or 1824 in Lower Canada, daughter to John Barrington and Elizabeth Earl, (to whom refer); married 11 September 1856 at or near Huntingdon Village Municipality, Huntingdon County, Canada East, William McLane, (to whom also refer). Rachel Barrington produced out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by a man unrecorded, issue: (1) Elizabeth Barrett Barrington, born 26 July 1852 at or near Ormstown, First Division, Beauharnois Municipal District, Canada East, christened 28 March 1856 probably at or near Ormstown, St. Malachie d'Ormstown Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East or at Ste. Martine Parish Municipality, Ch�teauguay County, Canada East.


Sandra Lee "Sandy" Barrington was born 26 March 1961 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Donald Arthur Barrington and Shirley Luella Brown, (to whom refer). Sandra Lee "Sandy" Barrington produced out of wedlock, by one Kim Rail, issue: (1) Darrell James Barrington, born 7 September 1982 at Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta; (2) Joel Kenneth Barrington, born 30 July 1985 at Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, fathered out of wedlock by one Jennifer Greenway, issue, (for further records of whom refer to the entry labelled "Jennifer Greenway" elsewhere in this "Supplementary" Section); (3) Amanda Nicole Barrington, born 28 September 1989 at Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta.


Alice Carson was born at Grenville County, Ontario; married David McLaughlan. Alice Carson produced out of wedlock, prior to marriage, by Harcourt Templeton Johnston, (son to John Johnston and Eliza Victoria Templeton, to whom refer), issue: (1) Joan Carson (or McLaughlan), afterward assuming and bearing her stepfather's surname McLaughlan in lieu of that of Carson, who married 12 June 1962, LeRoy Stevenson.


Jennifer Greenway. Jennifer Greenway produced out of wedlock by Joel Kenneth Barrington, (son to Sandra Lee "Sandy" Barrington by one Kim Rail, to whom refer in the entry labelled "Sandra Lee Barrington" elsewhere in this "Supplementary" Section), issue: (1) Joshua James Barrington-Greenway, born 12 January 2012 at Calgary, Alberta.


--- Wilson. --- Wilson produced out of wedlock by William James Barrington, (son to John Barrington and Deborah Harper, to whom refer), issue: (1) Wilson Simpson Barrington, born extramaritally 1 June 1864 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, adopted by the said William James Barrington and his wife Eliza Davis, (to whom also refer), christened 18 June 1864 at Kitley Township, Leeds County, Canada West, (with the Reverend T. Bedford Jones, Anglican Church, officiating), died 3 February 1947 at or near Frankville, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, buried in 1947 at Oakland Cemetery, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, who married 31 January 1898 at the Rectory, All Saints' Anglican Church, Redan, Kitley Township, Leeds County, Ontario, Frances Jane "Jennie" Steacy (or Steacey).


Robin Ann Young was born 19 October 1964 at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario, daughter to Ronald Patrick Young and Helen Margaret Barrington, (to whom refer). Robin Ann Young produced out of wedlock, by two different men, issue: firstly, by one Danny Letson Jones, (1) Jesse Lee Ronald Jones, born 16 October 1985 at Brockville General Hospital, Brockville, Leeds County, Ontario; secondly, by one Robin Mark Timmerman, (2) Mark George Clinton Timmerman, born 7 October 1995 at Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa, Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Ontario.


It need not, ought not and should not be in any way readily assumed, considered, supposed, conjectured or construed that all available sources or resources, either ancient or modern, have as yet necessarily been fully consulted, or that the contents of this compilation are therefore by any means exhaustive or complete. On the contrary, this remains very much an ongoing collective effort, and all such aspects and avenues remain entirely open to further investigation.

In order to more properly and effectively ensure better maintenance of this site as the most definitive data pool of its kind now extant anywhere for this research, continual regular updates, input and exchanges are always requested and vitally required, including newly-discovered additional search results from early records as well as notification of recently-occurring events or items currently in error or missing from these muniments. Indeed such collaboration is essential to success, and is gratefully invited and encouraged at any time. Anyone so interested or inclined to participate is most welcome and urged to access and search any material desired and to provide and contribute as a mere matter of course any new discoveries or any corrections to existing errors or omissions for inclusion in this work. Curiously enough, in actual point of fact far too many family members both near and distant still tend inexplicably and frustratingly to neglect or fail to submit and register on a continuing basis even their own known personal data or new facts as they occur. It becomes most disappointing, disheartening, demoralising and discouraging when people still procrastinate so doing, not only voluntarily, but also even when specifically and directly approached or asked.

The general concept, vision and expectation has been, is and remains that such automatic reporting and registration herewith, alongside civil vital statistics registries, should become the prevailing standard practice and procedure and accepted norm to which thoughts will immediately, inevitably and invariably turn and naturally conform whenever the opportunity and occasion arises or presents itself.

Please share this responsibility by promptly addressing all such information or related communications via E-mail to The Family Orchard Federation of Families and its affiliate The Barrington Family Association at:

[email protected]

Relevant messages will then be redirected to the designated locations or destinations for rapid processing and/or for individual private contact, acknowledgement and response, or further consultation or clarification, wherever appropriate, as the case may be.

For purposes of convenient reference, a complete and comprehensive listing of any and all entries which have been newly inserted or to which even the slightest alterations, modifications or changes have been entered herein within the preceding twelve Calendar months will be found appended herebelow, and constantly updated, showing the date of every such insertion or amendment and the heading of each entry thus affected.


4 March 2005: Barrington, John Bennett / Glazier, Elizabeth Jane
22 June 2005: Templeton, Trevor John / ---, Alexis
13 July 2005: Barrington, Joseph / Coughlin, Norah (or Norry) Hannah
13 July 2005: Castagnola, Andrew Joseph / Swift, Patricia Carrol
13 July 2005: Irish, Elmo / Swift, Patricia Carrol
13 July 2005: Jenness, Edward / Barrington, Susannah (Susanna or Susan)
13 July 2005: Jenness, Wesley Ernest / Kunselman, Hazel Maude
13 July 2005: Montague, Thomas R. / Swift, Patricia Carrol
13 July 2005: Swift, John James / Jenness, Maxine Eleanor
14 July 2005: Barrington, Joseph / ---, Mary Ann
12 December 2005: Barrington, Gordon Bruce / Vallance, Bernice Gail
19 December 2005: Templeton, Harold James / Osborne, Nellie Louise
14 April 2006: Taylor, Robert Douglas / Wooldredge, Rebecca Wister
6 March 2007: Clarke, Stephen / Hanton, Jemima Florence
6 March 2007: Code, William / Hanton, Donna Jean
6 March 2007: Cowlin, Paul / Hinton, Terrianne
6 March 2007: Hanton, Bruce / Millar, Sheryl
6 March 2007: Hanton, Howard Wellington / Roy, Vera
6 March 2007: Hanton, John Gerald / Truelove, Shirley
6 March 2007: Hanton, Matthias / Van Loan, Ella A.
6 March 2007: Hanton, Meredith M. / ---
6 March 2007: Hanton, Richard / Craig, Mary
6 March 2007: Hanton, Richard Keith / Barr, Maxine
6 March 2007: Hanton, Robert Russell / Rowsome (or Rowsom), Minerva
6 March 2007: Hanton, Samuel / DeWolfe, Jennie
6 March 2007: Hanton, Walter Mortimer / Robb, Ida Lena
6 March 2007: Hanton, William / Hanna, Ada Irene
6 March 2007: Hinton, Alvin Richards / Hanton, Doris Elizabeth
6 March 2007: Hinton, Grant / Warren, Donna Lorraine
6 March 2007: Hinton, John / Kerr, Donna
6 March 2007: Hinton, Kevin Grant / Garvin, Cathy
6 March 2007: Jamieson, Jason / Hinton, Tanya
6 March 2007: Morrison, Francis / Hanton, Keziah
15 March 2007: Barker, Harry / Townsend, Linda
15 March 2007: Bennett, William Austin / Patience, Elizabeth May
15 March 2007: Bertrem, Claude / Earl, Charlotte Elizabeth
15 March 2007: Carnahan, --- / Townsend, Helen
15 March 2007: Crawford, M. M. F. / Fair, Gloria Ann
15 March 2007: Doolan, James Barrington / Ferns, Mary
15 March 2007: Earl, Robert Cecil / Fair, Charlotte Elizabeth
15 March 2007: Fair, Cecil Herbert / Goff, Mabel Fern
15 March 2007: Fair, Edwin Montrose / Steacy, Charlotte Anna
15 March 2007: Fair, John Charles Steacy / Gagnon, Leona
15 March 2007: Fair, Samuel James / Running, Minnie M.
15 March 2007: Fair, William Albert / Cook, Lila
15 March 2007: Ferguson, Ransome Ernest / Fair, Mary
15 March 2007: Ferguson, William Henry / Connell, Jean Isabelle
15 March 2007: Greer, James / Fair, Ida M.
15 March 2007: Leggett, Charles W. / Fair, Helena Maud
15 March 2007: Leggett, John Fair / Anderson, Marguerite H.
15 March 2007: Leggett, Robert J. / Ward, D. Lynne
15 March 2007: McKay, Merrick / Fair, Hester (Hesther or Esther)
15 March 2007: Paterson, Alexander / Slack, Marjorie
15 March 2007: Patience, James Daniel / Earl, Martha E.
15 March 2007: Pattemore, Oliver / Townsend, Reata Ilene
15 March 2007: Raison, --- / Townsend, Dorene
15 March 2007: Slack, Charles / ---, Marilyn
15 March 2007: Slack, Charles Barrington / Shearer, Viona Marie
15 March 2007: Slack, Elwell E. / Patience, Margaret E.
15 March 2007: Slack, Elwell Osborne / Chisamore, Phoebe A.
15 March 2007: Slack, James / ---, Wendy
15 March 2007: Townsend, Clarke / Fair, Mildred
15 March 2007: Townsend, David / ---, Laurie
15 March 2007: Townsend, Earl / ---, Karen
15 March 2007: Townsend, Lawrence Edgar / Raison, Clara Helen
15 March 2007: Townsend, Paul / ---, Susan
15 March 2007: Wallace, James / Fair, Hazel
15 March 2007: White, Ronald / Townsend, Alma
1 April 2007: Doolan, Daniel Martin / Cavales, Sheryl Anne
1 April 2007: Doolan, Roy Fisher / Martin, Pamela Anne
2 April 2007: Gardiner, George H. / Montgomery, Alma
2 April 2007: Gardiner, James / Leacock (or Laycock), Mary Emily
2 April 2007: Leacock (or Laycock), John Alfred / Kilborn, Alice Estella
2 April 2007: Leacock (or Laycock), William Herbert / Scott, Agnes
2 April 2007: Lockwood, Percy Harold / Gardiner, Doreen
3 April 2007: Bielby, Donald / Leacock, Constance Jean
3 April 2007: Brown, Paul William / Leacock, Karen
3 April 2007: Leeder, Dennis / Leacock, Mary Lou
3 April 2007: Newberry, Stanley / Leacock, Kathy
3 April 2007: Pelletier, Marc Andr� / Leacock, Joy
3 April 2007: Renaud, Mark / Leacock, Eleanor
12 September 2007: Beaver, Grant / Templeton, Sheryl
12 September 2007: Jones, Dennis / Templeton, Mary-Ann
12 September 2007: Jones, Nathaniel / Hemstock, Whitney
12 September 2007: Von Rothkirch, Trevor / Templeton, Deanna
27 November 2007: Barrington, Bruce Donald / Smith, Karen
27 November 2007: Barrington, Donald Colquhoun / Farnell, Joan
27 November 2007: Barrington, Donald Frederick / Luckey, Pauline
27 November 2007: Barrington, Donald Frederick / Poucher, Patricia
27 November 2007: Barrington, Kenneth / ---, Anne
27 November 2007: Barrington, William Carlyle / Colquhoun, Luella Olive
27 November 2007: Budynsky, Brian / Barrington, Heather Leigh
27 November 2007: Janson, Bernard / Barrington, Terri Anne
27 November 2007: MacPherson, Peter / Barrington, Karen Jane
27 November 2007: Sands, Daryl / Barrington, Karen
15 December 2007: Berry, Anson / Barrington, Margaret Jane
15 December 2007: Berry, Edward Hanlan / Davis, Bertha
15 December 2007: Berry, Frederick Anson / Langtry, Maggie Rubina
15 December 2007: Berry, Harcourt / Hinton, Mary Tamisine Bernice
15 December 2007: Berry, Lewis David / Brill, Phillipina Lavina
15 December 2007: Blake, Richard / Barrington, Lydia
15 December 2007: Earl, Allan (or Allen) / Barrington, Elizabeth (or Eliza)
15 December 2007: Fair, John / Barrington, Hester (Hesther or Esther)
15 December 2007: Hanton, William J. / Barrington, Johanna (or Joanna)
15 December 2007: Henry, --- / Barrington, Margaret
15 December 2007: Leacock (or Laycock), George / Barrington, Caroline
15 December 2007: Marshall, Charles / Horton (Rowsome or Rowsom), Harriet
28 May 2008: Barrington, John Henderson / Barr, Margaret
28 May 2008: Barrington, Joseph / ---, Susan (or Eliza)
28 May 2008: Lyons, John / Barrington, Annie
5 June 2008: Barrington, James / ---
5 June 2008: Barrington, Samuel Wilford / McKerrow, Ella Grace
5 June 2008: Barrington, Thomas William / Dodge, Mae
5 June 2008: Barrington, Wilford Harold / Williams, Annie Isabel
5 June 2008: Barrington, William / Henderson, Mary Ann
5 June 2008: Dobbs, James / Barrington, Alice
5 June 2008: Webb, George A. / Barrington, Hannah
10 June 2008: Barrington, Alton Ferguson / Robinson, Helen
10 June 2008: Barrington, Clifford Archibald / Lamb, Muriel Isabel
10 June 2008: Barrington, Ivan David / Greig, Winetta Myrrn
10 June 2008: Barrington, James Henderson / Stone, Margaret Mona
15 June 2008: Barrington, John Edward / Barrington, Mary Jane
15 June 2008: Cameron, Daniel / Simpson, Lilian
15 June 2008: Grindrod, Percy / Hutchison, Elizabeth Jane Barrington
15 June 2008: Huntley, Herbert / Whittal, Mary
15 June 2008: Hutchison, Edwin Hooker / Martin, Susan
15 June 2008: Hutchison, James Charles / Cavers, Barbara
15 June 2008: Hutchison, John David / Titherington, Annie Beatrice
15 June 2008: Hutchison, Thomas James / Whittal, Jane Barrington
15 June 2008: Kennedy, James Montgomery / Hutchison, Caroline Adelaide
15 June 2008: Maw, William Percival / Whittal, Ellen
15 June 2008: Orr, William Wallace / Whittal, Barbara Agnes
15 June 2008: Simpson, David Biron / Barrington, Mary Jane
15 June 2008: Whittal, James / Barrington, Elizabeth
15 June 2008: Whittal, John / Simpson, Jane
15 June 2008: Whittal, Thomas Edward / Watterson, Catherine Mary
15 June 2008: Whittal, William / Beattie, Agnes
15 June 2008: Williamson, John / Hutchison, Elizabeth Jane Barrington
15 June 2008: Wilson, George / Whittal, Jane Barrington
20 June 2008: Barrington, Archibald / Todd, Jane
20 June 2008: Barrington, David McMullen / Barrington, Jane
20 June 2008: Barrington, Finlay Dow / Tidman, Alice
20 June 2008: Barrington, George Wolseley / Bryant, Pauline Byrne
20 June 2008: Fry, Phillip / Barrington, Frances Agnes
20 June 2008: Hoy, Loyal M. / Barrington, Ella Mary (or May)
25 June 2008: Adam, William John / Barrington, Mary Ann
25 June 2008: Barrington, Charles Mack / Dickson, Florence Elizabeth
25 June 2008: Barrington, Garnet James / Barrington, Ina June
25 June 2008: Barrington, George Leslie / Drysdale, Ellen Maud
25 June 2008: Barrington, Herbert Ernest / Boyes, Arpha Mabel
25 June 2008: Barrington, James David / Talbot, Lydia Elizabeth
25 June 2008: Barrington, John / Ritchie, Annie Eliza
25 June 2008: Barrington, John Thomas / Duquette, Corinne
25 June 2008: Barrington, Joseph John Albert / Brunette, Rh�a
25 June 2008: Brown, John / Gardner, Margaret
25 June 2008: Challes (Challis or Challice), William James / Barrington, Margaret Edwige
25 June 2008: Chisholm, Bruce / Brown, Lillian
25 June 2008: Conley, Neil Dougal / Barrington, Gladys Ellen (or Ella)
25 June 2008: Ferguson, Archibald James / Brown, Winifred Amelia
25 June 2008: Gardner, John / Barrington, Amelia
25 June 2008: Gardner, Thomas / Wright, Jesse
25 June 2008: Kerr, Clarence / Brown, Viola
25 June 2008: Morrisseau, Honor� / Barrington, Anita (or Anne)
25 June 2008: Sinton, Robert / Gardner, Amelia
25 June 2008: Symons, James / Gardner, Jane
25 June 2008: Waddell, William / Barrington, Mary Ann
25 June 2008: Wood, Alfred Joseph / Barrington, Lucette
25 June 2008: Supplementary / Barrington, Ina June
10 July 2008: Barrington, Charles Mack / Drysdale, Edith
10 July 2008: Barrington, David Archibald / McWhinnie, Celia Florence
10 July 2008: Barrington, George / Dow, Isabella
10 July 2008: Barrington, John / ---
10 July 2008: Barrington, John / Earl, Elizabeth
10 July 2008: Barrington, John / McMullen, Sarah
10 July 2008: Barrington, John Murphy / Henderson, Rosie
10 July 2008: Barrington, Merrill Edwin / Nijhuis, Gerharda Theodora
10 July 2008: Barrington, Mervin George / Bishop, Angie
10 July 2008: Barrington, Robert John / Goodfellow, Agnes
10 July 2008: Barrington, Samuel / Millar, Agnes
10 July 2008: Barrington, Sydney George / Gardner, Agnes Helen
10 July 2008: Barrington, Thomas / Murray, Susannah (Susanna or Susan) Elizabeth
10 July 2008: Barrington, Thomas / Th�rien (or Th�rrien), Almira (or Elmira)
10 July 2008: Barrington, Thomas / Murphy, Christena Susan
10 July 2008: Barrington, Thomas / Meikle, Jeannie Greenshields
10 July 2008: Barrington, Thomas Chester / Smellie, Martha Margaret Elizabeth
10 July 2008: Barrington, Thomas John / Walker, Eileen Telford
10 July 2008: Barrington, William / Britton, Esther
10 July 2008: Barrington, William / Millar, Margaret
10 July 2008: Barrington, William Leonard / MacLeod, Catherine
10 July 2008: Darling, George / Barrington, Susannah (Susanna or Susan)
10 July 2008: Gardner, William Thomas / Holmes, Matilda
10 July 2008: McLane, William / Barrington, Rachel
10 July 2008: Watson, Charles Silas / Barrington, Susannah (Susanna or Susan)
10 July 2008: Winters, Ross / Barrington, Verna Eliza Jane
10 July 2008: Supplementary / Barrington, Rachel
12 July 2008: Barrington, George / Mitchell, Mary
12 July 2008: Barrington, James / March, Ann Mary
12 July 2008: Barrington, William Robert / Hadley, Annie May
12 July 2008: Tourgis, George Welsford / Barrington, Mary Ethel
30 November 2008: Taylor, Robert Warren / Barrington, Dianne Elizabeth
30 November 2008: Taylor, Roger Bruce / Berggren, Rebel Elaine
25 March 2009: Doolan, William / Barrington, Mary
25 March 2009: Doolan, William / Mackie, Jane Ann
25 March 2009: Templeton, James Arthur / Thompson, Mary Eleanor
5 December 2009: Baker, Thomas / Brown, Heather
5 December 2009: Barrington, David William / McCauley, Cynthia May
5 December 2009: Barrington, Donald Arthur / Brown, Shirley Luella
5 December 2009: Barrington, Donald Arthur / Thompson, Phyllis Grace
5 December 2009: Barrington, James / Justus, Sarah Eliza
5 December 2009: Barrington, Jason / ---, Isabelle
5 December 2009: Barrington, John / Bergeron, Line
5 December 2009: Barrington, John Kenneth / Boudreau, Annette Marie
5 December 2009: Barrington, John Watson / Beers, Edna Marion
5 December 2009: Barrington, Joseph Byron / Scott, Margaret
5 December 2009: Barrington, Kenneth Rath / Weatherhead, Elma Caroline
5 December 2009: Barrington, Robin / Barfuhs, Heidi
5 December 2009: Barrington, Thomas Charles / Allison, Victoria
5 December 2009: Barrington, Wellington / Rowsom (or Rowsome), Margaret Ann
5 December 2009: Barrington, William / Green (or Greene), Elizabeth (or Eliza) Mary
5 December 2009: Barrington, William Ernest / Campbell, Barbara
5 December 2009: Barrington, William Ernest / Charpentier, Murielle
5 December 2009: Barrington, William George / Taber, Mary Lestine
5 December 2009: Barrington, William Nelson / Watson, Helen Barbara
5 December 2009: Bennett, William Adam / Barrington, Anna Vera
5 December 2009: Blake, James Ford / Campbell, Emily
5 December 2009: Blake, Richard / Barrington, Lydia
5 December 2009: Blake, Richard Mansell / Pettem, Edna Irene
5 December 2009: Blake, Robert Walter / Wiltse, Edith
5 December 2009: Blumenfeld, Henry Alfred / Coles, Charlotte Elaine
5 December 2009: Brayton, Francis Earl / Peterson, Helen Barbara
5 December 2009: Brayton, Theodore Allan / ---, Lynn
5 December 2009: Brayton, Theodore Allan / Scott, Trudy G.
5 December 2009: Brayton, Thomas Robert Dwight / Pyke, Debra
5 December 2009: Brayton, Timothy Earl / Flood, Ruth
5 December 2009: Brayton, Todd Gordon / Daw, Elizabeth Lynn
5 December 2009: Brown, Allan / Sawyer, Tracy
5 December 2009: Brown, David / ---, Valerie
5 December 2009: Brown, Gordon Denis / Giffin, Marjorie Doris
5 December 2009: Brown, Timothy / ---, Danielle
5 December 2009: Butt, Richard Ryan / Barrington, Caroline Dawn
5 December 2009: Buzzell, Robert / Barrington, Helen Elaine
5 December 2009: Coles, Herbert / Barrington, Helen Elaine
5 December 2009: DeSalvo, Christopher Daniel / Young, Connie Lynn
5 December 2009: Doyle, William / Barrington, Janet
5 December 2009: Edgley, Leon / Giffin, Joyce
5 December 2009: Edgley, Sean / ---, Lisa
5 December 2009: Fortin, Robert John / Barrington, Winnifred Mary
5 December 2009: Giffin, Lloyd McDowell / Blake, Leita Ruth
5 December 2009: Giffin, Richard Alvin / Willoughby, Gladys Mildred
5 December 2009: Giffin, Walter Archie / Fournell, Paulette Mae
5 December 2009: Greffe, Jacques / Barrington, Janet
5 December 2009: Horton, Abraham / Barrington, Margaret
5 December 2009: Horton, Eugene / Olds, Reba
5 December 2009: Irish, Raymond / Young, Penny Lee
5 December 2009: Jenner, William / Barrington, Winnifred Mary
5 December 2009: Johnston, Ernest Wilbert / Stewart, Ruth Elaine
5 December 2009: Johnston, Harold Victor / Strickfoot, Minnie O.
5 December 2009: Johnston, James Allan / Douglas, Anna Lovina
5 December 2009: Johnston, Joshua / Barrington, Emma Eliza (or Elizabeth Emma)
5 December 2009: Kirkby, Allen Edward James / Young, Penny Lee
5 December 2009: LaFirst, Stanley / Young, Connie Lynn
5 December 2009: Marion, Joseph Daniel Robert / Young, Cindy Marie
5 December 2009: Marshall, Charles / Horton (Rowsome or Rowsom), Harriet
5 December 2009: Michel, Joseph Stephen Nicholas / Coles, Barbara Diane
5 December 2009: Moodie, Barton Adam / Coles, Margaret Anne
5 December 2009: O'Halloran, John / Giffin, Lorraine
5 December 2009: Perry, Blake / Brown, Gloria
5 December 2009: Peterson, Allan Arthur / Barrington, Helen Wilma
5 December 2009: Peterson, Jamie Ryan / Jacques, Lisa
5 December 2009: Peterson, Robert Allan / Scott, Rhonda
5 December 2009: Roadhouse, Darcy / Brown, Donna
5 December 2009: Rowsome (or Rowsom), Samuel Todd / Barrington, Harriet
5 December 2009: Spencer, William Nelson / Barrington, Alice
5 December 2009: Throop, Richard Stephen / Johnston, Kathryn Lynn
5 December 2009: Young, Ronald Patrick / Barrington, Helen Margaret
5 December 2009: Supplementary / Young, Robin Ann
15 February 2010: Barrington, John / Harper, Deborah
15 February 2010: Barrington, William James / Davis, Eliza
15 February 2010: Barrington, Wilson Simpson / Steacy (or Steacey), Frances Jane
15 February 2010: Supplementary / Wilson, ---
15 July 2010: Leacock (or Laycock), John / Barrington, Rebecca
15 July 2010: Leacock (or Laycock), William Hilliard / Purcell, Edna Maud
1 January 2011: Leacock (or Laycock), Allan Clifford / Hewitt, Helena Sarah
1 January 2011: Leacock, Arthur Allan / Avery, Mary Lou
22 February 2011: Barrington, Leonard Frederick / Haird, Ivy Grace
15 March 2011: Chisamore, Donald / Montgomery, Evangeline
15 March 2011: Ferguson, --- / Montgomery, Elizabeth
15 March 2011: Montgomery, Allen / ---, Marjory
15 March 2011: Montgomery, James Irvin / Ripley, Helen B.
15 March 2011: Montgomery, Samuel Gordon / Patience, Eula Maude
15 March 2011: Running, --- / Montgomery, Eileen
10 May 2011: Johnston, Agnew Herbert / MacKay, Christine
10 May 2011: Johnston, John Andrew Agnew / Gertz, Amy Evelyn
10 May 2011: Johnston, John Andrew Agnew / ---
5 October 2011: Hanton, Richard Wallace / Vanderburg, Vena Pearl
5 October 2011: Hanton, Robert Donald / Young, Gail
31 December 2011: Templeton, Arthur Edwin Ray / St. Clair, Margaret Aileen
31 December 2011: Templeton, John Arthur / Chamberlain, Brenda-Joy
31 December 2011: Templeton, John Arthur / ---, Vi
3 March 2012: Supplementary / Barrington, Sandra Lee
3 March 2012: Supplementary / Greenway, Jennifer
5 March 2012: Bryan, Harold Thomas / Scott, Mary Alice Wilhelmine
5 March 2012: Bryan, William Douglas / Wilkins, Faye
20 May 2012: Barrington, Edward George / Blake, Anna
20 May 2012: Barrington, John / Wheeler, Dorcas
20 May 2012: Barrington, John / French, Isabella (Sibella or Sibyl)
20 May 2012: Barrington, Jonah / Byrne, Margaret
20 May 2012: Barrington, (Sir) Jonah / Grogan, Catherine
20 May 2012: Barrington-Kennett, Brackley Herbert / Austen, Eleanor (or Ellinor) Frances
20 May 2012: Barrington-Kennett, Godwin Austen / Malcolmson, Beryl Eileen
20 May 2012: Duder, Alexander Hyde / Barrington-Kennett, Jean Violet
20 May 2012: Duder, Michael Hyde / Hewett, Julia Caroline
20 May 2012: Duder, Nicholas Hyde / Nolita, Cressentia
20 May 2012: Fonblanque, Thomas de Grenier de, (Vicomte de Fonblanque, etc.) / Barrington, Jane Catherine
20 May 2012: Gainsford, Peter / Barrington-Kennett, Jean Violet
20 May 2012: Hudspeth, Myles Larcombe / Barrington-Kennett, Jean Violet
20 May 2012: Kennett, Vincent Frederick / Barrington, Arabella Henrietta
20 May 2012: Kennett-Barrington, (Sir) Vincent Hunter / Sandeman, Alicia Georgette
20 May 2012: Lascelles, Edward Charles Ponsonby / Kennett-Barrington, Leila Winifred Leonor
20 May 2012: Lee, Edward Hughes, (Barone Calabrella, etc.) / Barrington, Arabella Henrietta
20 May 2012: Marten, (Sir) Alfred George / Barrington-Kennett, Patricia
20 May 2012: Otway, William Loftus / Barrington, Sibella (or Sybella)
20 May 2012: Scovell, Augustus Charles / Barrington-Kennett, Arabella
20 May 2012: Worthy, John / Barrington, Margaret
1 June 2012: Barrington, Allan Edward / Wing, Edna Barrington Bell
1 June 2012: Barrington, Allan Edward / ---, Helen
1 June 2012: Barrington, Edward John / Cornforth, Verta
1 June 2012: Barrington, James Henry / Hayes, Sarah Elizabeth
1 June 2012: Wing, James Melbourne / Barrington, Alice
21 June 2012: Barrington, John Bennett / Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), Alice
21 June 2012: Barrington, Thomas Bennett / Jutton, Myrtle Alice
23 June 2012: Barrington, Edward John Jutton / Wall, Arlene Esther
23 June 2012: Barrington, Melvin Norman / Mumper, Mary
23 June 2012: Barrington, Melvin Norman / Ridgeway, Winifred May
23 June 2012: Switzer, Earl / Barrington, Lucinda A.
23 June 2012: Togni, Edward / Barrington, Lucinda A.
24 June 2012: Barrington, Lloyd Arnold Jutton / Hayes, Roberta Arlene
24 June 2012: Barrington, Royal Robert / Revette, Shirley May
24 June 2012: Barrington, Thomas Bennett / Hawley, Doris
24 June 2012: Donahue, Louis Arthur / Barrington, Violet Isabelle
24 June 2012: Fiore, Hank / Barrington, Jane
24 June 2012: Gilbert, Leon E. / Barrington, Estella Mae
24 June 2012: Hawker, Howard Nelson, Sr. / Barrington, Mildred Thelma
24 June 2012: Vargason, --- / Barrington, Carole
25 June 2012: Collas, John / Dezena, ---
25 June 2012: Dezena, --- / Barrington, Ann R.
25 June 2012: Hoag, George Malcolm / Barrington, Donna Marie
25 June 2012: Jackson, --- / Barrington, ---
26 June 2012: Catalfano, --- / Hawker, ---
26 June 2012: Hawker, --- / ---
26 June 2012: Hawker, --- / Wilbur, ---
26 June 2012: Hawker, --- / Vasile, ---
26 June 2012: Hawker, Howard Nelson, Jr. / Newton, ---
26 June 2012: Hawker, Howard Nelson, III. / Jezawarski, ---
26 June 2012: Hawker, Howard Nelson, III. / Daniels Nevin, ---
26 June 2012: Skarr, --- / Hawker, ---
26 June 2012: Woodworth, --- / Hawker, ---
27 June 2012: Hawker, --- / Weigand, ---
28 June 2012: Hawker, --- / Aspinall, ---
28 June 2012: Weston, --- / Hawker, ---
29 June 2012: Labencki, --- / Hawker, ---
29 June 2012: Labencki, --- / ---
29 June 2012: Plitt, --- / Labencki, ---
29 June 2012: Simpson, --- / Hawker, ---
30 June 2012: Hawker, --- / Quimby, Jacqueline
30 June 2012: Hawker, --- / ---
1 July 2012: Barrington, Randy / ---
26 July 2012: Barrington, William / Pritchard, Sarah Ellen
26 July 2012: Bedard, A. E. / Barrington, Martha Elizabeth
8 August 2012: Musto, T. / Barrington, Ruth Anna
31 October 2012: Barrington, Francis / Gilbert, Grizel (Grisel, Griseld, Griselda, Greshild, Greshilda or Catherine)
31 October 2012: Barrington, Mark / Paine, Martha
31 October 2012: Barrington, Nicholas / Ouseley, Martha
31 October 2012: Barrington, Nicholas / ---, Anne
31 October 2012: Barrington, Thomas / Nelson, ---
31 October 2012: Barrington, Thomas / ---, Margery
31 October 2012: Barrington, Thomas / Nunn, Susannah (Susanna or Susan)
1 November 2012: Higginbotham, Joseph / Barrington, Margery
11 December 2012: Bryan, Harold Orville / Haining, Glenda Susanne
11 December 2012: Crate, Donald / Bryan, Vicki Lynne
11 December 2012: Doherty, Gerald / Bryan, Valerie Dianne
11 December 2012: Doherty, Marc / McCloy, Laura
11 December 2012: Doherty, Nathan / Moore, Lisa
11 December 2012: Knapp, Bryan / Seed, Courtney
11 December 2012: Knapp, Kenneth / Bryan, Catherine Mary
11 December 2012: Knapp, Philip / Pielow, Christina
11 December 2012: Reuvers, Tyler / Crate, Jillian
11 December 2012: Wilson, Todd / Knapp, Amanda
5 October 2013: Ferguson, Grant / ---, Anita
5 October 2013: Ferguson, Harold / Leacock, Lila May
5 October 2013: Leacock (or Laycock), William Hilliard / Kinch, Ida Annie
5 May 2014: Barrington, Donald Wendell / Frankhuisen, Albertina
15 January 2015: MacWilliams, Ronald Campbell / Templeton, Ida Patricia
15 January 2015: Short, Alan Leslie / MacWilliams, Nora Patricia
15 January 2015: Templeton, John Wellington / Larson, Ida Josephine
15 January 2015: Uvaney, Eric S. / Short, Patricia Lillian
12 October 2015: Barrington, Bryce Bennett / Lawson, Christina
12 October 2015: Barrington, Bryce Bennett / McBratney, Myrtle Victoria
12 October 2015: Barrington, Bryce Bennett / Gray, Lillian Violet
12 October 2015: Barrington, Edward Bryce / Curtis, Florence Margaret
12 October 2015: Barrington, Edward Bryce / Short, Daisy
12 October 2015: Barrington, James / Charlton, Sarah E.
12 October 2015: Burnham, Elmer Raymond / Barrington, Margaret Sarah Christina
12 October 2015: Cole, Lewis (or Louis) Allen / Barrington, Grace
12 October 2015: Dixie, Douglas / ---, Kathy
12 October 2015: Dixie, James / ---, Joan
12 October 2015: Dixie, Robert Kenneth / Barrington, Bessie Matilda
12 October 2015: Dixie, William / ---, Pamela
12 October 2015: Dixie, William Manford / Greenham, Donna
20 October 2015: McGuire, James / Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), Elizabeth
21 October 2015: Davis, Thomas / Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), Elizabeth
21 October 2015: Flaherty, Michael / Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), Elizabeth
22 October 2015: Kavanagh (Kavanaugh, Cavanaugh or Cavanagh), John / Barrington, Ann
6 April 2016: Bowen, Frederick Warren / Templeton, Sally Marie
6 April 2016: Girard, Bryan / Templeton, Ida Suzanne
6 April 2016: Templeton, William Lincoln / Heaver, Eva Mary