Northern Territory Times & Gazette, Tuesday 30 May 1922

Town Talk

A story is going the rounds about the death of an old hand named Bill ____. In his palmy days Bill was a man

eater, but latterly he became a beer chewer, and when he died there was not enough money left to pay for his

coffin so they knocked one together for him out of kerosene boxes. The “coffin” stuck out at the end of the old

spring cart and when nearing the cemetery they found that the end of the “coffin” had broken away and the body

emptied out on to the road. Hastily returning in search of the body the hearse arrived in due course at the cemetery.

Here, as the roughly nailed together kerosene boxes and contents were being lowered into the grave, an outback

ex-mate exclaimed “hundred and Fifty test??. (illegible-possibly “tested”) That’ll be no good for Bill.”








Unknown-Plot 1146 Darwin General Cemetery                                              Pine Creek Cemetery- V McCulloch

                                                                                                                                   Here lies “Shorty” rattlin along

                                                                                                                                   40,000 blow flies can’t be wrong



































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