Old Crich Families

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The 'WETTONS' of Crich      Brian Wetton, now living in Australia has built this very informative site, which contains a vast amount of information about his Crich forbears, who knows, you may find some of your own folk there. This 'Southerner from the North' as he calls himself also includes a lot more besides. A visit is highly recommended.

The family of JOSEPH PLATTS of Bullbridge (then in Crich Parish)     I am indebted to Tristan Martin of Wells, in Somerset, for his kind permission to include a link on this site to one which Tristan has created about his family history. It is absolutely fascinating. What marks this as different to many others is that Tristan has scanned images of many many post-cards sent from Russia and other places. There are also photographs and links within the site to personal and family details. To wet your appetite I append below part of the text of an e-mail sent to me by Tristan in which he gives a brief introduction to the PLATTS family who used to live at Bullbridge Tollgate, at that time (early 1800's) within Crich Parish:

"Your site lists the christening of Joseph Platts 07 May 1815, son of
Joseph & Mary Platts, Framework Knitter, of Bull Bridge. I see that the
Parish Registers give their address as Bull Bridge Toll Gate in
1813. Young Joseph, born 1815 became an engineer and I know that in 1855
he and his father-in-law John Tandy, also a marine engineer, were running
a Mill at Kertch in the Crimea - the Mill was destroyed by British forces!
In the 1840s Joseph was working for the Black Sea Steamship Company and
was engineer on the steam boat Tsar Nicholas I at Odessa. Joseph's son,
John Joseph Platts, born 1841 was another engineer who ended up running
the Odessa Waterworks Company in Russia. In his obituary in Proceedings of
The Institute of Civil Engineers it is said that he was the son of Joseph
Platts, Chief Consulting Engineer to The Russian Imperial Admiralty.
Certainly there are some letters from The Admiralty to Joseph which are
reproduced on my website".

I am certain you will find this site of considerable interest. If you want to, please go direct to the page that lists Joseph PLATTS family details  but remember do check out the Homepage for full site contents.

The SMITH-BULLAS COLLECTION. A collection of numerous images and related links centred on the mid-nineteenth century emigration to the Australian goldfields of young Crich miner William Smith (1833-96). Glimpses of a pioneering life with a further link to extensive detail about William and his Yorkshire wife Anne Bullas, including a list of descendants, stored on the Australian database 'First Families 2001'.

Above site authored and created by Martyn Smith, whose wife Helen is a direct descendent of the "young Crich miner", William Smith. They both still live in Australia.

AN ACCOUNT OF THE BROWN FAMILY HOME IN ENGLAND    Written from New York, USA, in 1902 by 87 year old Mary Brown, this fascinating account recalls information about the family's move from Lancashire, and their subsequent life in Derbyshire. Reference is made to the move from a farm near Swanwick, to then live at Hollins Farm near Crich. A lot of detail is given about various members of the family, and places and people they were familiar with. Places described by Mary Brown can clearly be identified today. This is one of those rare pieces that you always dream about coming across.

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