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Feel free to  browse around. Copy or download what you would like. All we ask is that you not charge others for information you  take from this site. Please  observe copyright rules on any material that is so marked. Finally,  some files are transcriptions from an original document, e.g., census records. Errors could have been made either in interpreting  the original document or in transcribing the information. We  disclaim responsibility for errors of this kind and you should use  this information with that thought in mind.

Pictures of family members,  pertinent documents, obituaries, census records, memorabilia and other things germane to the persons included in Don's family tree.

Includes the surnames Sorby, Simmons, Momany, Elder, Frey, Stuart, Holley, Osborn and Relelated Families.

(Click on the image)


Contains  pictures of family members, Jacquie's Mayflower Society certificate and a schematic representation of the first six generations of her ancestors. 

Includes the surnames Whitmore, Church, Cole, Tibbetts, Rines, Mayo, Chase, Fitzgerald, Burrill and Related Families.

(Click on the image.)

Our Family
A collection of "stuff" about our family, our interests, hobbies and activities.

(Click on the image.)

Contact us by e-mail for additional information and/or if you have questions, comments or corrections.   We share the same e-mail address so please be sure to identify in your message whether it is sent to Don or to Jacquie.

Thanks for dropping by our site. Please enjoy your visit!

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