Japanese Culture Notes

Kimono Girl Kimono Boy

Japanese Notes


Japanese linked verse is a unique genre of poetry. Usually 2 or 3 poets would get together to write it. Each one wrote several lines, here in groups of twos and threes. Each consencutive set of 2 stanzas constitutes a poem. Thus some start with a 2 line stanza and some with 3. The stanzas are written with a theme in common with the preceeding making many poems from a few stanzas. These poems are part of a set of 100 verses written in the first moon of 1488 at Minase, as part of an observance at the shrine. (Please note: I do not know the name of the person that translated this poetry. It definitly wan't me.)

Snow yet remaining,
The mountain slopes are misty-
An evening in spring.

Far away the water flows
Past the plum-scented village.

In the river breeze
The willow trees are clustered.
Spring is appearing.

The sound of a boat being poled
Clear in the clear moring light.

The moon! does it still
Over fog-enshrouded fields
Linger in the sky?

Meadows carpeted in frost-
Autumn has drawn to a close.

Heedless of the wishes
Of piping insects,
The grasses wither.

Laanguage Links

sakura Kanji Cafe's Ice Mocha
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sakura Engrish.com
sakuraKanji Clinic
sakuraKanji Quiz
sakuraKanji Site
sakuraThe Japanese Page
sakuraKana Flash

Culture & Travel

sakuraKidsWeb Japan
sakuraAll about Kimono
sakuraTest your knowledge of Japanese culture
sakuraThis site has tons of practical info on Japan.
sakuraJapanese Recipes found here.
sakuraTanabata Festival from Sendai
sakuraJapanese Mythology
sakuraJapanese Creation Myth

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Special thanks to
Snogirl, Kumani, M design studio,
and bigphoto.com for linkware graphics used on this page.

Last updated Friday 13 May 2004.
Page moved 31 Aug 2004.

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