The Thank You Page

Thank YOU

What a journey this has been!  One of the best things to come of this has been the wonderful people who helped me along the way.  So, I want to especially thank the following people.  (If I have left someone out, it's only because I have a brain like a sieve sometimes...  it'll come back to me!)

Andy Andrews, for the footwork done in Goshen, Newport, and Keene, New Hampshire.  For taking time out of life to squire me about the area, and for sharing the Simon chills on Old Province Road.

Linda Ogborn and Shirley Houck of the Delaware County Clerk's Office in Delhi, New York.  If the genealogy gods would listen to me, they would set up all counties with people like these.  I am very lucky the Drock's picked Delaware County to settle in!

Honor Conklin, at the New York State Library.  I sure do wish we'd found the link in Binghamton!  Thanks especially for being interested in the story.

Neila Hayes, of the Sidney Historical Society.  What fun we had finding Sophronia Little's records!  Neila, I promise I'll send copies of all this for you one day.

Kathy deRoque Fowler, who went looking and instead was found.  How very rare to find a cousin who can become such a friend.

Douglas Hooper, the keeper of the secrets.  Not knowing he held all the answers, he nevertheless kept looking...  and was thrilled with all the results, even when they seemed to change daily!

Larry Wilson, Caneadea Town Historian.  Waiting, waiting for someone to come and ask the right questions, and always happy to share stories and lore.

All the people on the Delaware County mail list, who always rise to the occasion, whether it's sudden cemetery directions or busy-weekend look-up requests.  No doubt about it, this is the best list out there!