Genealogy Data



Click    for a Family File, listing any and all people who spent time in Veryan, 1683-1900.  This
information is taken from the Church index of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials and from the Census returns below.  Note that the dates of birth are actually the dates of baptism, if there is a full date (day, month,year) but the dates of birth, if the date is approximate.

Click UNKG017.jpg (10947 bytes)   for the Veryan (Cornwall) Census of 1821, 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891

Click cornwall.gif (233 bytes)   for a list of people who were born in Veryan parish but were living outside the parish in 1881

Click ukif0001.jpg (3098 bytes)   for a list of people who lived in Veryan parish at some time but were born outside the parish

Click UNKG007.jpg (14454 bytes)  for the Breage (Cornwall) Census of 1841