Census Tracts for the Parish of Veryan, Cornwall, England
(1821,1841,1851,1861,1871,1881, 1891)
(Veryan is a Parish to the south-east of Truro)
If you would like to search the Veryan Census, click on 1821, 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891
Here are the surnames of the people living in Veryan Parish at this time:
A: Adams, Allen, Andrew, Annear, Anthony, Arthur, Austin, Avri, Aylmer
B: Bacon, Baker, Ball, Banfield, Barbery, Barnicoat, Barrett, Barrow, Bartlett, Bawden, Beard, Bebella, Behenna, Benallack, Bennett, Benny, Bess, Blackford, Blacklure, Blamey, Blewett, Blight, Boader, Bodilla, Body, Bolitho, Bolt, Bond, Borincombe, Bosisto, Boyle, Braden, Bray, Bridgeman, Broad, Brooks, Browning, Bryant, Bucannon, Buckingham, Buddle, Burley, Burnett, Burrows, Butler, Buttershall
C: Caddy, Carkeek, Carter, Chaffers, Chambers, Channon, Chapman, Chappel, Chenoweth, Chesterfield, Chigwiddin, Childerhouse, Chillerd, Christopher, Clarke, Clear, Clyma, Clymo, Cobbledick, Cock, Cocks, Collett, Collier, Collins, Congdon, Cook, Coombe, Coppin, Cornish, Courtice, Cox, Crews, Crocker, Crotall, Curgenven, Currow, Curtis
D: Dalley, Daniel, Darlington, Date, Davey, Davis, Dawe, DeFriez, Denning, Dillon, Dingle, Doble, Donovan, Dorrington, Dowrick, Drake, Drew, Dungey, Dunn, Dunstone, Dustman, Dustow, Dyer
E: Edwards, Elliott, Ellis, Endean
F: Fleck, Fletcher, Foote, Ford, Foss, Foster, Freethy, Fregedra, Frost, Fugler, Fuller, Furze
G: Gabriel, Gatley, Gay, George, Gill, Gillett, Gilley, Glanvill, Godbeer, Golley, Goodman, Gosling, Grant, Grebble, Greenaway, Greet, Grose, Gummoe, Gwatkin
H: Hall, Hancock, Hannah, Harding, Hardwich, Hardy, Harris, Harry, Hatch, Hawke, Hearle, Hendry, Hicks, Hill, Hitchens, Hocking, Hodge, Hodgson, Holland, Holman, Hooker, Hornbrook, Hoskin, Hosking, Hoskins, Hotten, Hove, Huddy, Hugh, Hughes, Hugo, Hugoe, Humett, Hunking, Husband
J: Jackett, Jacob, James, Jeffery, Jenkins, Jewell, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Julyan
K: Keast, Keep, Kelly, Kempe, Kent, Kerkin, Kingcombe, Kingdon, Kingstone, Knight
L: Lagar, Lakeman, Lallack, Lambeth, Lang, Langdon, Lavin, Lawrence, Lawry, Lean, Lear, Libby, Liddy, Lidgey, Lintell, Linton, Lobb, Lock, Lovey, Lugg, Lukey, Luney, Lyndon, Lynn, Lyzzer
M: Madders, Manley, Mannell, Martin, Martyn, Mason, Matthews, May, Maynard, McOwen, Mead, Merrifield, Metheral, Mewes, Michael, Michell, Middlecoat, Miners, Miness, Mitchell, Monnington, Moon, Moore, Morcome, Morse, Moss, Mountstephen, Mundy, Mutton
N: Nankivell, Nicholls, Noble, Northcott, Nott, Nottle
O: Oliver
P: Paddy, Pain, Palmer, Parker, Parkins, Parnell, Parson, Pascoe, Passmore, Patterson, Paul, Paynter, Pearce, Peer, Penpraze, Penrose, Pentecost, Perryman, Peters, Philips, Philp, Pill, Pine, Plomer, Polkinghorne, Pollard, Pomeroy, Poullus, Pound, Powell, Price, Pride, Prime, Profit, Prynne
Q: Quintrell
R: Randle, Rawles, Retallack, Reynolds, Richards, Rickard, Riddlestone, Robbins, Roberts, Robins, Robyn, Rodda, Rogers, Rollins, Rook, Rose, Rossiter, Rowe, Rowlinson, Rundle, Runnalls
S: Samper, Sampson, Sandercock, Sandoe, Saunders, Sawle, Searle, Seccombe, Sholl, Shorthose, Sie, Simpson, Skinner, Smith, Snell, Solomon, Soper, Sowden, Spry, Stantiford, Starling, Stephens, Stick, Stocker, Strip, Stripley, Strongman, Swartman, Symons
T: Taylor, Teague, Thomas, Thompson, Tiller, Tippets, Towsey, Treffrey, Tregunna, Treleaven, Trembeth, Treneryn, Trethewey, Trevail, Trevarrow, Trevarton, Treweek, Trewin, Trickey, Trist, Trounce, Trudgeon, Truscott, Tucker, Tufferell
U: Uglow, Underwood
V: Vandersluys, Verran, Verrin, Vigurs, Vincent, Vindicome, Vine, Vivian
W: Walker, Walkey, Walters, Ward, Warne, Warren, Warwick, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Webb, Webber, Wells, Welsh, West, Westlake, Weymouth, Whetter, Whitburn, White, Whitford, Wilcock, Willey, Williams, Williamson, Willingham, Willmut,Wills, Withil, Wood, Woodgate, Woodward, Woolcock, Woolstock, Wrickard
Y: Yates, Yelland, Yeo, Yewton, Young,