From Joubert to DuBar?

From Joubert to DuBar?

Throughout the course of history most surnames have undergone change for many reasons. A son may not even have chosen to spell his name the same way that his father had. Many are simple spelling changes made by a person who gave his version, phonetically, to a scribe, a priest, or a recorder. Many names held prefixes or suffixes which almost became optional as they passed through the centuries, or were adopted by different branches to signify either a political or religious adherence. Hence , there are many variations of surnames.

The surname, Joubert, is no exception. Some of the variations that I have seen are Jaubert, Joubart, Goubert, Gaubert, Jubert, Juber, Jubart, Jobert, Jobart, Jubard, JuBar, DuBar, Duebar, DuBard. I have been told that the name Joubert, when pronounced in French, sounds sort of like 'zhoo-bar(d)'. It leaves you wondering if it starts with a "D" or a "J". Researching this family gets complicated. To add to the complication, DuBar is also a French surname. There are several families in France today with DuBar as their surname.

My grandfather, Thomas DuBar, was listed on the 1900 Census of Buffalo Township, Dunklin County, Missouri living with his father and mother, Moses and Sarah. Their last name was recorded as Jubard.

I found the marriage license for Moses and Sarah in Jackson County, Illinois. His last name was listed as Jubart on one side and Jubar on the other.

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I also found the marriage license for Moses and his first wife, Barbara Henson. On that license, Moses was listed as Moses Gaubert and Moses Duebar.

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On Moses' birth certificate, he was listed as Moyse Joubert. It reads like this in French: "Le vingt-six juin, mil-huit cent quarante huit, je prêtre soussigné ai baptisé Moyse né aujourd'hui du légitime mariage de Moyse Joubert agriculteur et de Julie Lavallé. Parrain Louis Demers, marraine Domitilde Bessette qui ainsi que le père, n'ont su signer." (Click on image below)

A loose translation of this is "On June 26, 1848, I the undersigned Priest did baptise Moyse, born today of the legitimate marriage of Moyse Joubert, farmer, and Julie Lavalle. Godfather Louis Demers, Godmother Domitilde Bessette who as well as the father, were not able to sign."

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