Ancestors of Robert McCutcheon - Thomas Lothian

Thomas Lothian

#664, (2 Sep 1802 - 8 Aug 1875)
Thomas Lothian|b. 1802\nd. 1875|p664.htm|Adam Lothian|b. 1769|p883.htm|Isabella Grieve|b. 1770|p884.htm|William Louden||p2492.htm|Isabel Hunter||p2493.htm|John Grieve||p2494.htm|Janet Bathgate||p2495.htm|

Relationship   3rd great-grandfather of Robert Stewart McCutcheon.
Last Edited   25 Nov 2007
Charts   My ancestors
Adam Henderson's descendants
William Louden and the Lothian descendants

Father   Adam Lothian (20 Nov 1769 - )
Mother   Isabella Grieve (20 Aug 1770 - )

Birth* 2 Sep 1802 Westruther, Berwickshire, Scotland1,2,3 
Marriage* 1 Jun 1823 Helen Henderson; Westruther, Berwickshire, Scotland4,3 
Death* 8 Aug 1875 Houndslow, Berwickshire, Scotland1,3 
Burial* Helen Henderson; Old Kirkyard, Village of Westruther, Berwickshire, Scotland 
Occupation Blacksmith5 
Note* My great-great-great grandfather lived all his life in Westruther parish in Berwickshire. Between 1851 and 1871 he ran the toll house at nearby Houndslow. The house is no more but there is a stone plaque with the words "Hounslow (sic) Toll Bar 1831" on a field wall. Toll roads or turnpikes came into being in 1750 when the Turnpike Act was passed, allowing roads to be built privately and for owners to charge for their use. These roads were called Turnpikes and led to widespread improvements in Scotland's road network. This in turn led to an increase in the number of road users, especially horse-drawn coaches. Toll houses were situated every six miles or so along the roads. These toll houses were permanently manned with a bar stretching across the road to prevent free use. The railways led to a decrease in coach use, and by 1880 the turnpike roads had been abolished.
It would seem that Thomas Lothian also used the toll house as a grocer's shop, selling tea in particular6 
Residence* 1841 Eastertown, Westruther, Berwickshire, Scotland7 
Occupation bt 1841 - 1861 Grocer7,8 
Occupation 1851 Tea dealer/ Toll Keeper9 
Residence bt 1851 - 1871 Toll bar, Houndslow, Berwickshire, Scotland9,10 
Occupation* bt 1851 - 1871 Toll keeper11,12,9,8,10 


  Helen Henderson (c 1805 - 31 Jul 1881)
Children  1. Agnes Lothian (excluded)
  2. Adam Lothian (excluded)
  3. William Lothian (excluded)
  4. Agnes Lothian (excluded)
  5. James Lothian+ (1830 - 1905)
  6. Thomas Lothian (excluded)
  7. George Lothian (excluded)
  8. Isabella Lothian (excluded)
  9. Helen Lothian (excluded)
  10. Walter Wood Lothian (excluded)
  11. Mary Lothian (excluded)
  12. Margaret Lothian (excluded)
  13. Janet Lothian (excluded)
  14. Elizabeth Lothian (excluded)
  15. Alexander Jamieson Lothian (excluded)


  1. Copy death certificate: Thomas Lothian, 8 Aug 1875.
  2. William (Bill) Terrell, Lothian Information Scotland.
  3. Walter and Silvia Lothian, Descendants of Adam Lothian (1771) file.
  4. IGI.
  5. Copy death certificate: James Lothian, 7 Apr 1905.
  6. Robert Stewart McCutcheon, Nov 2007.
  7. 1841 Census for Berwickshire.
  8. 1861 Census for Berwickshire.
  9. 1851 Census for Berwickshire.
  10. 1871 census for Berwickshire.
  11. Copy death certificate: Helen Henderson, 31 Jul 1881.
  12. Copy marriage certificate: Alexander Jamieson Lothian and Elizabeth Smart, 17 Nov 1876.