North Wiltshire Musters

Name Index to North Wiltshire Musters

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A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X Y Z
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In 1834, Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart., published a book containing a transcript of North Wiltshire Musters from 30th year of the reign of Henry VIII [1539] From the Original in The Chapter House Westminster. I've found the book very useful but it is both rare and contains no index to the many names or locations covered. My initial interest in this book was as a result into research on the Spanswick surname, which indicated the likely origin of the surname as being along the Wiltshire/Berkshire boarder. I had intended to only to include on my web pages, Tithings with a Spanswick surname link, but it soon became apparent that this particular source was too valuable not to attempt a full index and transcript. The format and contents of which cover over 2,800 surnames, by Tithing/Town , and by Location.

Please Note: virtually all names listed are male (infact only four ladies appear); although possibly obvious its worth stating the letter "Y" frequently replaces "I" so if searching for "Iles" please also search under "Yles"; I chose to index the names such as "John a Barens" of Westcombe twice, once under "A" as "a Barans" and again under "B" as "Barens", the same applies for "ap" and "at."

I must apologise in advance for any errors or mistakes in transcription, and please if you do find an error, or just a query, email me with "North Wilts Musters" in the title and I'll do my best to correct as necessary.

Best of luck, I hope you find the transcripts interesting.