EPCB Surname Registry

EPCB Surname Registry

To have your names added, email the site coordinator the Surnames you are researching
(alphabetical & in CAPS), dates, your name and e-mail address.

**Eastern Passage and Cow Bay surnames ONLY**
(including Devil's, Lawlor and McNab's Island.)

Registry last updated: Dec. 2, 2005
ARNOLD William M. Richards [email protected] 1770 - 1900
BARKHOUSE Marion Barkhouse [email protected] -
BATTIS / BATTIST Lynn Battist [email protected] Late 1700's - present
BISSETT Charles Pelletier [email protected] -
BLANK Wendy Himelman [email protected] -
BOSS John Bowse [email protected] 1800 - 1850
BOWES John Bowse [email protected] 1800 -
BOWES Linda English [email protected] Late 1700s - Present
CHIASSON/Chisolm Jack Waller [email protected] -
CHRISTIAN Shirley Edwards [email protected] -
CLARK Anna King [email protected] 1880+
CLEARY Wendy Himelman [email protected] -
COGEL/Cogill Cathy Kirby [email protected] -
CONNORS Yvette Muir [email protected] 1800+
CONRAD Myrtle Conrad [email protected] 1800+
CONRAD Charles Pelletier [email protected] -
CUYLER Brian Best [email protected] ca 1800
DEVLIN Richard Warner [email protected] 1860+
DeWOLFE/WOLFE Shirley (Snow) DeWolfe[email protected] 1770 - present day
DEYOUNG Anna MacDonald [email protected] -
DEYOUNG Wendy Himelman [email protected] -
DEYOUNG Peggy McDonald [email protected] -
DEYOUNG Yvette Muir [email protected] 1790+
DONALDSON Shirley Donaldson [email protected] -
DRISCOLL Jo Matheny [email protected] 1825
EDWARDS Anna MacDonald [email protected] -
FAULKNER Jack Waller [email protected] -
FERGUSON Donna Walford [email protected] 1840
FERGUSON Marianne MacDonald [email protected] 1800+
FISHER Wendy Himelman [email protected] -
FRID Linda Frid Kuzmin [email protected] -
GAMMON Charles Pelletier [email protected] -
GILL Margaret Anne Fraser [email protected] 1800 - 1900
HENNEBERRY Wendy Himelman [email protected] -
HENNEBERRY Verona Leslie [email protected] -
HENNEBERRY Anna MacDonald [email protected] -
HENNEBERRY Theresa Simpson [email protected] -
HENNEBERRY Dorothy York [email protected] -
HENNEBERRY Theresa Henneberry [email protected] All
HIMMELMAN Wendy Himelman [email protected] -
HIMMELMAN Verona Leslie [email protected] -
HIMMELMAN Kathryn Jeffers [email protected] -
HIMMELMAN Yvette Muir [email protected] 1790+
HORNE William M. Richards [email protected] 1752 - 1900
HORNE Robert Nicholson [email protected] -
HORNE Terry Barnett [email protected] -
HORNE Arlene LePon [email protected] -
HORNE Judith Lancaster [email protected] -
HUNT Carrie Chisholm [email protected] 1860+
HUTT Carol Measham [email protected] 1800+
INNES VJB Davis [email protected] 1860's
JAKEMAN Myrtle Conrad [email protected] 1800+
KELLY Wendy Himelman [email protected] -
KELLY Yvette Muir [email protected] 1850+
KENNEY Jerry Pellum [email protected] 1842-1890
KUHN Charles Pelletier [email protected] -
LINTAMAN Myrtle Conrad [email protected] 1800+
LOGAN Audrey Logan Harris [email protected] 1800+
MACDONALD Donna Walford [email protected] 1840
MAC/MCDONALD Marianne MacDonald [email protected] 1800+
MAC/MCDONALD Yvette Muir [email protected] 1770+
MADORE Terry & Joan [email protected] -
MAGUIRE Yvette Muir [email protected] 1800+
MAJOR Guy [email protected] -
McCARTHY / McCARTY Jo Matheny [email protected] 1830 - 1859
MCKENZIE Stewart Beale sbeale @se.rr.com 1880 - 1980
MEEHAN / MEHAN Shirley Edwards [email protected] -
MEIN Shirley Edwards [email protected] -
MONDAY/MUNDAY Linda English [email protected] Late 1700s - Present
MONK Shirley (Snow) DeWolfe[email protected] 1770 - present day
MORASH Charles Pelletier [email protected] -
MOSHER Verona Leslie [email protected] -
MULLINS [email protected] -
MURPHY Jo Matheny [email protected] 1825
MURRANT Aurelia Murrant[email protected]
NAUGLE Wendy Himelman [email protected] -
NAUGLE Anna MacDonald [email protected] -
NAUGLE Robert Nicholson [email protected] 1800
NAUGLE / NAGLE Trish Lewis [email protected] -
NAUGLE Judith Lancaster [email protected] -
NEGUS Judith Lancaster [email protected] -
NEGUS Patsy Negus [email protected] -
OSBORN(e) Trish Lewis [email protected] -
NEWCOMB(E) Shirley (Snow) DeWolfe[email protected] 1770 - present day
OSBORNE Anna MacDonald [email protected] -
OSBORNE Charles Pelletier [email protected] -
OSBORNE Theresa Simpson [email protected] -
PARRETT/PARROT Deborah Nelson [email protected] late 1700 +
PELLUM Jerry Pellum [email protected] 1822-1890
PENNELL Yvette Muir [email protected] 1790+
PENTZ / PENCE Carole Pence-Garron [email protected] 1800 - 1900
PERRIN Audrey Logan Harris [email protected] 1800+
PERRY Terry & Joan [email protected] -
QUIGLEY Carol Measham [email protected] 1800+
QUIGLEY Warren Quigley [email protected] -
ROGERS Anna King [email protected] 1880+
ROMKEY Denise Walsh [email protected] 1880+
SCOTT Jerry Pellum [email protected] 1825-1850
SETTLE Charles Pelletier [email protected] -
SILVER Dorothy York [email protected] -
SNOOKS VJB Davis [email protected] 1860's
SNOW Shirley (Snow) DeWolfe[email protected] 1770 - present day
SOMERS Linda K. Berkeley-Bulliqi [email protected] 1700+
SPENCER Marianne MacDonald [email protected] 1800+
SUTTIS / SUTTERS John Sheppard [email protected] ca 1800
SWEENEY Brian Best [email protected] ca 1800
THOM Taffy York Pope [email protected] -
THOMPSON Leslie Thompson [email protected] 1776-1853
TRANT Wayne Patenaude [email protected]
TRIDER Debby Brown-Warren [email protected] 1749-1886
TURNER Charles Pelletier [email protected] -
WALSH Anna MacDonald [email protected] -
WEBB Shirley (Snow) DeWolfe[email protected] 1770 - present day
WELCHMAN/WELLSMAN/WELCHMAN/WELSMAN Linda English [email protected] Late 1700s - Present
WILLIAMS Dorothy York [email protected] -
YORK Dorothy York [email protected] -
YORK Taffy York Pope [email protected] -
YORK(e) Trish Lewis [email protected] -
YOUNG Charles Young [email protected] -

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�2000-2005 by Eastern Passage & Cow Bay NS GenWeb and its contributors