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Ancestors of Jan and Sarah Jansen Emans



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MS = MonSter

I made this page for family and friends who wish to keep abreast of my MS treatment and testing.  I was diagnosed with definite MS on 3/12/02.  I will post as often as possible, but you may also email or call me for more specific information and I will gladly answer your questions.

  • I was hospitalized on 11/21/03 for an exacerbation.  I was finally sent home with a walker and a bath bench.  I had difficulty walking for a couple of weeks, but this has subsided. My MRI on 11/10/03 showed that my largest lesion (10 mm) was active.  This affected the major CNS motor pathway (hence the reason I had difficulty walking, etc.).

  • I began Avonex injections again on 4/25/03.

  • My second fall 1/14/03.  It wasn't any big deal.  I slipped going into the kitchen and landed on my butt!

  • My first fall.  I fell on 11/3/02.  I went to my PCP who ordered a hip x-ray (remember my left hip was already bothering me) and a spinal MRI.  The results of the x-ray are normal.  The MRI is results are on the test page.

  • My most recent visit (10/9/02) to the neurologist showed a NORMAL neurologic exam :)

  • At my last neurology appointment (7/23/02) my neurologist said that I was as good as I was going to get.  That really sucks!!

What is MS?

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the Central Nervous System (CNS) (the brain and spinal cord).  Predominantly, it is a disease of the "white matter" tissue.  The white matter is made up of nerve fibers which are responsible for transmitting communication signals both internally within the CNS and between the CNS and the nerves supplying rest of the body.

In people affected by MS, patches of damage called plaques or lesions appear in seemingly random areas of the CNS white matter.  At the site of a lesion, a nerve insulating material, called myelin, is lost.  More about demyelination

While genetics may make a person more susceptible to contracting MS, there has been no evidence found to show a direct genetic inheritence link.  More about who gets MS.


The expected outcome is variable and unpredictable.  Although the disorder is chronic and incurable, life expectancy can be normal or nearly so, with a life span of 35 or more years after diagnosis occurring commonly.  Most people with MS continue to walk and function at work with minimal disability for 20 or more years.

The amount of disability and discomfort varies with severity and frequency of attacks and the part of the central nervous system affected by each attack.  Commonly, there is initially a return to normal or near-normal function between attacks.  As the disorder progresses, there is progressive loss of function with less improvement between attacks.


  • progressive disability
  • urinary tract infections
  • side effects of medications used to treat the disorder

To see understand more about MS, please see the following sites:
MEDLINSplus Health Information

WEBMD Health

Other information regarding my condition:
Labwork, Spinal Tap and MRI Results

Symptoms I currently experience
What I am currently doing for treatment

RESOURCES and information for those with MS

Famous People with MS


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