Gordon's Ancestral Book
Page Six

Gen/Chapt. Index
Quaker Roots
Names Index
How Book/Site is Organized

Our Family Branches

Image of my familly tree,roots and branches.
and Roots
  Our family history book titled, From Whence . . . adapted to this website offers the reader the opportunity to explore the records that I have assembled of my various family lines.

There isn't time or space to express my thanks to the countless friends, family members and  strangers who have contributed to the writing of this book.  Without their help it would not have been possible to locate, collect and organize much of the information.  Thanks to "cousins" who shared sources and stories of their experience with coming up against "brick walls".  Appreciation to family who shared pictures and letters and urged me to continue the project.

Especially I thank daughter Margaret for her continuing encouragement and for help in using Word when my genealogy programs failed me; for designing the logo and editing the photo section of the book.  My gratitude also to  friends who patiently helped this novice learn some of the ins-and-outs of using the computer; especially Sunitha Kambhampati.for her ongoing; support and technical advice.

To my wife, Ellen, for her encouragement, advice and forbearance this story of her ancestors-in-law is dedicated.  It is lovingly inscribed to my descendants:  Mary Kate Carter, Margaret Hatcher (Petersen), Becky Suzanne Schriber and Abigail Claire Schriber who along with their Hatcher cousins unwittingly received ½ of their DNA from this ancestral pool.