The Fay Family: Genealogies: Anna Maria Fay

Anna Maria Fay
Granddaughter of Samuel Prescott Phillips Fay
Click here for Biography and Discussion
Victorian Days in England
In 1851 Anna Maria came to England for a year to stay with her uncle Richard Sullivan Fay, who had rented a house in Shropshire. She wrote back some lively letters to various members of her family; these were printed in 1923 with the help of her niece Rosamond Hill Smith.

This volume has gone out of print, but is now being republished as a facsimile reprint with additional material & photographs by Julia Ionides & Peter Howell.
Hardback, 320 pages, 42 black and white illustrations

Price: $30 including postage by surface mail

For orders and enquiries contact
The Dog Rose Press
26 Bell Lane
Ludlow, Shropshire

email:[email protected]

Tel:+44 (0)1584 874567; Fax:+44 (0)1584 874045

From Julia Ionides, October 2002:

"We are putting on a talk about Anna Maria Fay and her book at the Ludlow Festival on Sunday June 27, 2003 at 2 p.m. We are doing this as part of the Literary Festival. An actress will be doing some readings from the book and we will be talking about the houses and people Anna Maria met and showing slides."

For more information, contact Julia directly.