Trostle intro.




These pages were created to benefit all those who may be researching the TROSTLE - TROSTEL families and their allied lines. 

I would like to thank all the various people who have been kind enough to share their research and family history with me over the years.  It's important for all of us to remember that no one person can thoroughly and effectively climb all the branches of our family tree.  We should share our findings along the way with fellow researchers.

RESOURCE PAGE:  Clicking on this link will take you directly to the Trostle/Trostel Resource Page.  Here you'll find various data and information like: census reports/indexes; birth/baptismal records; obituaries and the like.  Should you have any information you'd like to add, please contact me. 

TROSTEL FAMILY-EARLY BEGINNINGS:  Clicking on this link will take you directly to the page that contains information on the discovery of the Trostel family in Germany.  Here you can read the adventures of Marty and Connie Trostle, as they discovered information concerning the Trostel families in Heutingsheim, Wuerttemberg.  You will also find information on the immigrant ancestor, Abraham Trostel and his family.

TROSTLE FAMILY IN AMERICA:  Clicking on this link will take you to the page that contains some links to view some of the various Trostle/Trostel family lines found in the United States.

TROSTLETOWN COVERED BRIDGE:  Clicking on this link will take you to the page that contains some information on this particular covered bridge, bearing the name- Trostle.

TROSTLE FARM & HOUSE:  Clicking on this link will take you to the page that contains information on the well-known Trostle Farm located in Gettysburg, Pa, which sustained heavy damage during the battles that took place their in July 1863.    

EVERGREEN CEMETERY:  Clicking on this link will take you to a page that contains a photo of Harry & Mary Trostle (c1896); caretakers of this cemetery.

TROSTLE HERALDRY:  Click on this link to learn more about Heraldry/Coat of Arms.

PHOTOGRAPHS:  Click on this link to view various photo's.

GUEST BOOK:  Feel free to sign the guest book. Please leave the name/line which you are interested.

REUNIONS:   Click on this link to find out when the next Trostle Gathering will take place or to read about any of the Gatherings that have already taken place (May and October 2001).  


Trostle Resources | Trostel Family Early Beginnings | Trostle Family in America


This page was created by Cathy Wentz Eisenstadt
Copyright 2001-2011
All Rights Reserved.