Topical Index



Topical Index of Terms and Phrases

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

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battalion 1 a large group of soldiers arrayed for battle 2 any large group joined together in some activity 3 U.S. Army a tactical unit made up of three or more companies, batteries, or analogous units: it is normally commanded by a lieutenant colonel and is the basic building unit of a division.

battery 1 the act of battering, beating, or pounding  2 machinery used in battering  3 a group of similar things arranged, connected, or used together; set or series; array [a battery of microphones, a battery of school achievement tests]  *4 BASEBALL the pitcher and the catcher  5 elec. a) a connected group of cells storing an electrical charge and capable of furnishing a current   b) a single cell of this type  6 LAW any illegal beating or touching of another person either directly or with an object: see ASSAULT AND BATTERY  7 Mila) an emplacement for heavy guns or a fortification equipped with such guns  b) a set of heavy guns, rockets, etc.  c) the personnel who operate such guns: usually the basic unit of artillery, corresponding to an infantry company  8 U.S. Navy a group of guns of the same caliber or used for the same purpose on a   warship [an antiaircraft battery9 Music the percussion instruments of an orchestra --in battery in firing position after recovery from the recoil of a previous discharge: said of a heavy gun --the Battery a park in New York City, at the S tip of Manhattan: 21 acres: also called Battery Park

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captain 1 a) a chief ar leader [captains of industry]  b) an important military leader  2 the head of a group or division; specific., a) U.S. Mil. an officer ranking above a first lieutenant and below a major b) U.S. Navy an officer ranking above a commander and below a commodore  c) the person in command of a ship  d) the pilot of an airplane  e) the spokesman for a team in certain sports   f) a precinct commander in a police or fire department  g) a district leader of a political party  h) HEADWAITER  i) BELL CAPTAIN.

cavalry combat troops mounted originally on horses but now often riding in motorized armored vehicles.

company 1 companionship; society [to enjoy another's company] 2 a group of people; specific., a) a group gathered for social purposes b) a group associated for some purpose, as to form a commerical or industrial firm [a theatrical company, a manufacturing company] 3 a trade guild in the Middle Ages 4 the partners whose names are not given in the title of a firm [John Smith and Company] 5 a guest or guests; visitor or visitors 6 a habitual associate or associates [people are judged by the company they keep] 7 Mil. a body of troops; specif., the lowest administrative unit, as of infantry, normally composed of two or more platoons and a headquarters 8 all of a ship's personnel, including the officers: in full ship's company --vt. -nied, -ny-ing [Archaic] to accompany --vi. [Archaic] to associate (with) --SYN. TROOP --keep company 1 to associate (with) 2 to go together; associate habitually: said esp. of a couple intending to marry --keep (a person) company to stay with (a person) so as to provide companionship --part company 1 to stop assocating (with) 2 to separate and go in different directions.

corporal the lowest-ranking noncommissioned officer, just below a sergeant; specif., an enlisted man or woman in the fourth grade in the U.S. Army and Marine Corps.

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enfeoff (en fef', -fef') vt. [ME enfeffen (Anglo-Fr enfeoffer) < OFr enfeffer: see EN-1 & FIEF ] Law to invest with an estate held in fee -- en-feoff'ment n.
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first lieutenant 1 U.S. Mil. an officer ranking above a second lieutenant and below a captain 2 U.S. Navy the officer in charge of maintenance of a ship or shore station.

Flying Camp see Pennsylvania Line, Flying Camp

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infantry 1 foot soldiers collectively; esp., that branch of any army consisting of soldiers trained and equipped to fight chiefly on foot  2 infantry regiment.
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lieutenant 1 a person who acts for a superior, as during the latter's absence; aide; deputy 2 an officer ranking below a captain as in a police or fire department 3 U.S. Mil. a title used in addressing a first lieutenant or second lieutenant: see also FIRST LIEUTENANT, SECOND LIEUTENANT 4 U.S. Navy an officer ranking above a lieutenant junior grade and below a lieutenant commander.

lieutenant colonel U.S. Mil. an officer ranking above a major and below a colonel.

lieutenant commander U.S. Navy an officer ranking above a lieutenant and below a commander.

lieutenant general U.S. Mil. an officer with an insignia of three stars, ranking above a major general and below a general.

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Pennsylvania Line, Flying Camp go to Pennsylvania Line, Flying Camp

Pennsylvania Militia

platoon 1 a military unit composed of two or more squads or sections, normally under the command of a lieutenant: it is a subdivision of a company, troop, etc. 2 a group or unit like this [a platoon of police] 3 Sports any of the specialized squads (as the offensive and defensive squads in professional football) constituting a single team --vt. Sports 1 to be alternated with another player at a position 2 to platoon players at a position.

platoon sargeant U.S. Army the senior noncommissioned officer in a platoon, equal in grade to a sergeant first class.

private 1 of, belonging to, or concerning a particular person or group; not common or general private property, a private joke] 2 not open to, intended for, or controlled by the public [a private school] 3 for an individual person [a private room in a hospital] 4 not holding public office [a private citizen] 5 away from public view; secluded [a private dining room] 6 not publicly or generally known; confidential [a private matter] 7 tending to keep one's personal matters to oneself [a private person] 8 carried out on an individual basis [private medical practice] 9 engaged in work independent of institutions, organizations, agencies, etc. private detective, private tutor]--n. 1 [pl.] the genitals, also private parts 2 an enlisted man of either of the two lowest ranks in the U.S. Army or of the lowest rank in the U.S. Marine Corps.--go private Finance to restore private ownership of a corporation by buying back publicly held stock--in private privately or secretly; not publicly --pri'vately adv.

private first class an enlisted man ranking just below a corporal in the U.S. Army and just below a lance corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps: abbrev. PFC or Pfc.

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Queen Victoria see The Life & Times of Queen VictoriaSee also, Regina.

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regiment 1 a military unit consisting of two or more battalions and forming a basic element of a division: since 1963 no longer a tactical unit in the U.S. Army 2 a large number (of persons, etc.) 3 [Obs.] rule; government --vt. 1 to form into a regiment or regiments 2 to assign to a regiment or group 3 to form into an organized or uniform group or groups; organize systematically 4 to organize in a rigid system under strict discipline and control --reg'i-men'tal adj. --reg'i-men'tally adv. --regg'i-men-ta'-tion n.

regimentals 1 the uniform and insignia worn by a particular regiment 2 military uniform.

Regina 1 a feminine name: dim. Gina 2 [after Queen Victoria, called Victoria Regina] capital of Saskatchewan, Canada, in the S part: pop. 187,000 --n. [also r-], pl. -nae (-ne) queen: the official title of a reigning queen [Victoria Regina].   See also Queen Victoria.

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- S -

second lieutenant a comissioned officer of the lowest rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps.

sergeant 1 a feudal servant who attended his master in battle 2 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS *3 a) U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps a noncommissioned officer of the fifth grade, ranking above a corporal and below a staff sergeant b) U.S. Air Force a noncommissioned officer of the fourth grade, ranking above airman first class and below staff sergeant c) generally, any of the noncommissioned officers in the U.S. armed forces with sergeant as part of the title of their rank 4 a) in the U.S., a police officer ranking next below a captain or a lieutenant b) in England, a police officer ranking below an inspector.

sergeant first class U.S. Army a noncommissioned officer of the seventh grade, ranking above staff sergeant and below master or first sergeant.

sergeant major 1 the chief administrative noncommissioned officer in a miliary headquarters; an occuprational title and not a rank *2 U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps the highest ranking noncommissioned officer 3 a small damselfish (abudefduf saxatilis) with bright green and black bands.

squad 1 a) a small group of soldiers assembled for inspection, duty, etc. b) the smallest military tactical unit, often a subdivision of a platoon *2 a) any small group of people working together [a police squad] b) an athletic teen [a footbal squad] --vt. squad'ded, squad'ding 1to form into squads 2to assign to a squad.

squadron 1 a group of warships, usually of the same type, assigned to some special duty; specif., a naval unit consisting of two or more divisions 2 a unit of armored cavalry composed of from two to four troops, a headquarters, and auxiliary units 3 a) a military flight formation b) the basic tactical and administrative air-force unit, smaller than an air group and larger than a flight 4 a large or organized group.

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Victoria see Queen Victoria.
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