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Minutes of the FFA Board Meeting

The meeting of the Fulbright Family Association Board was called to order at 8:15 p.m., June 25, 1999 by Membership Secretary-Treasurer Roger Gephart. A prayer was then offered by Rev. Dr. Arthur Fulbright. Membership Secretary-Treasurer Gephart then read through the agenda,

The minutes of the June 26, 1998 Board Meeting were sent by Recording Secretary Myrtle Hjorten, and were read by Bill Eddleman. The minutes were approved as read.

The first item of business was recommendations for elected officers of the Association. Roger suggested that these be presented as a slate during the General Meeting, and then other nominations would be solicited. There was discussion of potential candidates. For President, Bill Eddleman (Gene Fulbright nominated, and David Herd seconded); for Vice-President, Valle Montgomery (Arthur Fulbright nominated, Jean Fulbright seconded); for Membership Secretary-Treasurer, David Herd (Judy Fulbright nominated, Gerald Fulbright seconded); and for Editor and Publisher of the Newsletter, Marty Fulbright (Jean Fulbright nominated, Bill Eddleman seconded). Jean Fulbright indicated she would like to be Archivist.

It was pointed out that the President may appoint liaisons as needed, and that a liaison to the Old Independence Museum in Arkansas would be appropriate. Marian Fulbright was suggested for this position.

There was discussion about how to handle provision of newsletters to non-paying families. At present, we send over 200 newsletters that contain information about the reunion to non-paying members, and about 20% of these are "bad" addresses. Many do not send address corrections, so we lose the cost of postage, the newsletter, and the trouble of mailing. Karen McClaran suggested that we send only a postcard announcing the reunion, rather than a copy of the newsletter. It was recommended that we continue this for 3 years, then drop the family from the list. The discussion was tabled until the general meeting tomorrow.

Timing of reunions was discussed. One possibility is to have the reunion every 3 years in Springfield. Another possibility is to have a reunion every two years, and have alternate reunions in other locations, and on a more informal basis. Jean Fulbright volunteered to host the 2000 reunion in Springfield.

Some members expressed the suggestion that ideas are needed for fund raising. Roger suggested that if funds need to be raised, then the Association first must have a need. One possibility would be additional merchandise such as the hats, t-shirts, and cold cups.

Roger handed out copies of the master membership list to the nominated Executive Board members. This was in response to an action approved by the Board at last year's meeting.

Jean Fulbright gave a report on the Springfield Archives [which is included later in this newsletter]. A request for matching grant money or restoration of the first piano in Springfield was placed on the General Meeting agenda.

Roger reported the Association has 206 active and 260 inactive members. The Association began the year with $3,278.96, and spent $1,677.14 on the newsletter, leaving a balance of $1,601.82 in the Treasury. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

--Respectfully submitted,Bill Eddleman, acting for Myrtle Hjorten.