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We have an edition which I believe you will enjoy. It centers on one figure, James Harvey Fulbright. Captain Fulbright is a wonderful figure from the history of the southwest Missouri Fulbrights. I don t want to give away Ed Stout s information about him, but I can say that he was prominent in the history of Springfield, Missouri and Lebanon, Missouri. He lived his life with a grace that was impressive. We have the delightful discovery of his family bible by John David Fulbright. We h ave h is letters from Jean Burgess, and we have his history by Ed Stout.

For those who are interested, his family home is still in good condition near Lebanon, Missouri. A group of us were by there last summer, walking through his family cemetery and visiting nearby Hooper Cemetery. The order of his life is still much in evidence in those material things which he left behind.

Judy Fulbright has hints and outright promises about our fall mini-reunion in North Carolina, It isn't too soon to begin planning on this event.

Of high interest to many Fulbrights is the spelling of Johan Wilhelm "Volprecht's" name. Ed Stout presents a stimulating argument for his position. It is closely reasoned and interesting. We may print other views in a later edition.

Our Secretary and treasurer, Roger Gephart, has written an autobiographical piece at the request of the editorial staff of the newsletter. We want you to get better acquainted with those who are working for the family association.

Finally, we have a great report on the History Museum project Keep it up, cousins.

It is great to be related to you...
Cousin David.