Rod McClaran Accident
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Rod McClaran Accident

(I tried writing a report of what happened to Rod McClaran, and I could not improve on what his wife, Karen, wrote in her e-mail messages at the time. I am reprinting what Karen, our Assistant Editor for the newsletter and our Webmaster, wrote to several of us. These messages were forwarded on the Fulbright Family Connection. I talked with Karen on September 6. She said that Rod is doing well, but he is still very sore from the skin grafts. The grafts did "take." His scalp, ears, lips, and shoulder still cause him trouble. If you pray, pray for Rod and Karen and the boys. In Missouri, we used to say that something like this is like having a wagon load of hay fall on your head. What they have been through is much worse than that. --David Fulbright)

Karen wrote on Sunday, 17 August:

Just a quick note to let you know there was an explosion in the furnace at the plant Thursday and my husband Lourie was badly burned. He is in the Burn Unit of Hillcrest Hospital, Tulsa. He was the only one hurt. The equipment malflinctioned because the maintenance crew didn't repair it right the night before. There were 3 explosions. The first blew off his hard hat, shield, and safety glasses. The second burned him and blew him off the platform, about a 10 foot fall. Not sure about the 3rd.

He has 2nd and 3rd degree burns on the upper half of his body (face, shoulders, arms, hands, stomach, back, neck, etc). He is getting a fever and an infection seems to be setting in. Other than that he is stable. He's in a lot of pain to say the least. Please keep him close in your prayers and especially pray that he be at peace and comforted during the hours of 9-11am when they have to scrub his burns, etc. This is the most painful time of all. It is all he can do not to lose his mind during this time because it is so extremely painful.

Thanks for your prayers. Will try to update when able.

On August 27, she wrote:

Hi all. Please excuse the group mailings, but its easier and less time consuming this way. I have just now had a chance to give an update.

Much has occurred over the last 11 days. Lourie's lungs filled with fluid (90%) and he developed pneumonia in both lungs. The worst of that is now over and he is on the road to recovery. The burns are healing on schedule and he will only have to undergo skin graphs and plastic surgery for his ears and maybe his lip and shoulder.

The pain is much more tolerable now. He will probably go home this week but must go to physical therapy and treatment daily for a while. We appreciate your prayers. It is comforting to know that we are in the thoughts and prayers of family and friends all over the U.S. It means so much to both of us.

Will be in touch, hopefully by a more pnvate email than this. I am still staying with him round the clock. He said he wasn't ready for me to leave him at night. He is having nightmares about the explosions and feels more secure knowing someone is close by.

Karen wroten on August 29

Hi guys. Thanks is not enough when it comes to the prayers and well wishes we have received from my cousins and friends. I am afraid we need more now...

Today the doctor decided Lourie's ears and shoulder are not healing as they should and he is going back into the hospital tomorrow morning (Fri.) for surgery. They will do grafts on his ears and shoulder. Also, he will be placed into a pressure garment because he is swelling on his left side/chest/back. They plan to keep him in the burn unit another 5 days or so. He is rather apprehensive about the surgery having never gone through any before. I am praying that God's abundant peace bestill his heart and soul and that the surgeon's work be the healing touch that be needs.

Thank you again for your continued prayers and support.