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Hamilton county has a record of selling $250,000 worth, or thereabout, of poultry and eggs per year; a record of which it is justly proud. For this reason the Fort Worth Poultry and Egg Company felt justified in opening their branch house, The Farmers Produce Company under the management of Jess Brown, a former Lampasas farmer boy and son of W. J. And Addie (Cloud) Brown, both Texans, and living in Lampasas.

Mr. Brown was made manager of the Farmers Produce Company at its opening in Hamilton and has built up a very extensive trade. Their principal sales are in poultry, eggs, cream, hides, and some wool and feed.

Mr. Brown states that the firm’s shipments of eggs amount to approximately ten thousand cases per year, two hundred thousand pounds of poultry, and during turkey season about three hundred thousand pounds of dressed turkeys; also about forty pounds of cream per year.

The leading shipping points of this enterprising firm in the state re Galveston, Houston, Dallas, and Fort Worth, the central point of their business. Short shipments are made by truck and rail. Their shipping points out of state for poultry are New Orleans, New York, and other eastern cities; New York for turkeys, and Boston for Wool. Through their seaboard shipping markets they have outlets to the foreign markets giving our commodities a world-wide outlet. It is an instructive and interesting thought for Hamilton poultry, egg, and feed producers to revolve in their minds, that the products of their own farms are finding a world-wide outlet from a business firm in their home town.

Mr. Brown married Miss Pebble Archie of Lampasas. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are given a cordial welcome by the business and social circles of the town and county.


The Hamilton County News, Vol. IV, Number 11--Section Two

Historical and Trading Expansion Issue

W. F. Billingslea, Editor-Publisher

Subscription Price ONE YEAR ..$1.00

June 29, 1934


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People and Places: Gazetteer of Hamilton County, TX
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Copyright © March, 1998
by Elreeta Crain Weathers, B.A., M.Ed.,  
(also Mrs.,  Mom, and Ph. T.)

A Work In Progress