Germann Gathering : GERMANN
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The Germann name is pronounced GRR-man. You may be surprised at how it mispronounced and misspelled. I usually say anyone who does mispronounce it is highly intelligent, as it is the non-reader who has no problem. When I was teaching, the kindergarteners and most 1st graders had no problem with my name. I drew a growling lion and a man � Grrrr-man. Actually we have Americanized the name; in Switzerland, it has a very hard guttural G.

Our cousin Karen is doing the Germann branch of the family.The Germann Family comes from Switzerland via brothers Johan (John), Rudolph and Gottfried Germann. The line goes back as far as a Christen Germann born in 1528. Because of the Swiss church records, we are quite certain of this lineage. There have been several books published on the Germann family. We are related to the GARMAN family who came to America two generations earlier and changed their name.

The family descends through Fritz; Johan (John); Peter, Jr.; Peter, Sr.; Daniel, III; Daniel, II, Daniel, I, Christen, Jr., Christen, Sr., Daniel, Christen, Jr., Christen, Sr. We weren�t very inventive with those names! Very traditional!


Last modified on Tuesday, February 25, 2003