Francois Lapierre/Marie Belou
Page built by Gedpage Version 2.05 UNREGISTERED ©1997
Famille GIROUARD Family

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The following informations are subjects to verification.

Husband: Francois Lapierre
Born: at: Married: VERS 1700 at: Beaubassin, Acadie Died: at: Father:Francois Lapierre Mother:Jeanne Rimbaud Other Spouses:
Wife: Marie Belou
Born: 1687 at: Died: at: Father:Jacques (Blou) Belou Mother:Marie Girouard Other Spouses:


Famille GIROUARD Family

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For informations, suggestions, corrections or comments,
please, send me a note at :

Pierre Girouard a :[email protected]

Page built by Gedpage Version 2.05 UNREGISTERED ©1997 on 13 August 2001