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DNA Project Notes

Genographic Information Request
 15 May 2007 GKBopp

1.  Have your Genographic code handy (your FTDNA code, if any, will not work here):

2.  Log into the site and to your data (using your code):

3.  Find the below page at the site, read, and proceed to complete the questionnaire.
Note: The below was copied from the Genographic site on May 15, 2007.   There will probably be revisions in the future, but the basic concept will remain the same.

Have you included your results in the Genographic database?

If you submitted your results in the past, your answers may not have been captured completely. We have revised the questionnaire to make it clearer, and we therefore invite you to complete it again. Your answers are automatically updated each time you complete the questionnaire and click "Include My Results."

If you have not completed the survey, we invite you to complete it now and tell us more about your family history.

Please bear in mind that your results remain anonymous and confidential. By contributing the data from your results and increasing the size of the Genographic database, you will help us learn more about the human journey.

If you do not wish to complete the questionnaire at this time, click "No, Thank You" to return to your profile page.

[The question page as of May 2007:]

Join the Global Research Effort

You have the unique opportunity to join this real-time research project. By contributing the data from your results and increasing the size of the Genographic database, you will help us learn more about the past. The fields below, most of which are optional, can be updated as you learn more about your own family history and will help our researchers assign anthropological relevance to your genetic data. If you agree to have your data included, it will become a part of our database of genetic information—our "virtual museum." The results of our project will be presented on television, radio, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, and other media. We will not disclose any information that reveals your identity—we do not have the ability to link your personally identifiable information with your genetic data. If you would like to have your data included, please click "Include My Results" at the bottom of this page after completing a short questionnaire regarding your ancestral history. You do not have to agree to include your genetic data in order to access your genetic migratory profile. If you do not want your DNA data included, click "Cancel" below to return to your profile page.

1. Gender (REQUIRED)

 Male     Female

2. What country do you currently live in? (REQUIRED)

3. What are your current zip/postal code? Do not include spaces or dashes. (US residents please use five digits.)

4. What city do you currently live in?

5. What country were you born in?

6. What year were you born? Please enter 4-digit year. For example: 1942.

7. What country was your father born in?

8. What country was your mother born in?

9. What ethnicity or group affiliation was the earliest paternal ancestor you know of? Example: if your paternal grandfather's family were Russian Ashkenazi Jews, you would put 'Ashkenazi Jew.'

10. What region (village or city, if possible) was his family from? Following the example above, you'd either put 'Russia' or a more-specific location.

11. What language was traditionally spoken by his family?

12. What ethnicity or group affiliation was the earliest maternal ancestor you know of? Example: if your great-great-grandmother was born in Wales but her family had migrated there from Denmark, you would put 'Danish.'

13. What region (village or city, if possible) was her family from? With the example above, you'd put 'Denmark.'

 14. What language was traditionally spoken by her family?


DNA Project Notes
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