KinNextions (Public Version) - aqwg136
KinNextions (Public Version)
Richmond TERREL [Parents] was born before 1756. He died after 1824. Richmond married Patience MACEACHERN.
Patience MACEACHERN died about 1832. She married Richmond TERREL.
They had the following children:
Moses WESTBERRY was born 2 Mar 1772 in Statesburg, South Carolina. He died about 1864 in Holmesville, Appling Co, Georgia. and was buried in Old Bethel Church on Holmesville Road going out of Jesup. Moses married Elizabeth BENNETT about 1815 in Georgia.
Other marriages:
BROWN, Elizabeth
Elizabeth BENNETT [Parents] was born about 1785 in Effingham Co., Georgia. She died before 1860 in Georgia. Elizabeth married Moses WESTBERRY about 1815 in Georgia.
They had the following children:
Robert BROWN was born estimated 1740.
He had the following children:
Richard BENNETT was born 1756 in Robeson County, N. C. He died 1830 in Jesup, Wayne, GA. Richard married Mary COOK on 1 Jan 1782 in Brunswick Co., Virginia.
Mary COOK [Parents] "Polly" was born 1769 in NC. She died 1847 in Jesup, Wayne, GA. Polly married Richard BENNETT on 1 Jan 1782 in Brunswick Co., Virginia.
They had the following children:
Dock SMITH was born estimated 1865. He married Ozie YATES.
Ozie YATES was born estimated 1873. She married Dock SMITH.
They had the following children:
J. A. HARPER was born in TX. He married Lizzie M. PERDUE on 16 Jul 1888 in Smith Co., TX.
Lizzie M. PERDUE [Parents] was born Sep 1873 in Texas. She died about 1910. Lizzie married J. A. HARPER on 16 Jul 1888 in Smith Co., TX.
Other marriages:
WESTBERRY, Henry Demetris
Thomas E. PERDUE was born Nov 1852 in Smith Co., TX. He died 19 Nov 1939 in Smith Co., TX and was buried in Dover Cemetery, Smith Co., TX. Thomas married Rebecca E. MARTIN.
Rebecca E. MARTIN was born May 1855. She died after 1900 in Smith Co., TX and was buried in New Harmony Cemetery, Smith Co., TX. Rebecca married Thomas E. PERDUE.
They had the following children:
Henry Cleveland WESTBERRY [Parents] was born 23 Aug 1884 in Alabama. He died 3 Mar 1950 in Texas and was buried in Dover Cemetery, Smith County, TX.. Henry married Effie Mae HOBBS about 1909.
Effie Mae HOBBS [Parents] was born 18 Apr 1893. She died 19 Dec 1986 in Tyler, Smith Co., Texas. Effie married Henry Cleveland WESTBERRY about 1909.
They had the following children:
George Henley WESTBERRY [Parents] was born 25 Jan 1887 in Texas. He died 6 Apr 1966 in Athens, Texas and was buried in NEW HARMONY/PRIMROSE CEMETERY, Van Zandt County, TX. George married Lela Mae JOHNS on Jan 1910.
Lela Mae JOHNS [Parents] was born 3 Oct 1891 in Alabama. She died 9 Nov 1967 in Texas. Lela married George Henley WESTBERRY on Jan 1910.
They had the following children:
Thomas HOBBS married Nancy DOWELL.
Nancy DOWELL married Thomas HOBBS.
They had the following children:
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