KinNextions (Public Version) - aqwn197 - Generated by Ancestry Family Tree

KinNextions (Public Version)



It is said that he was a dentist from Holland and possibly changed his name from voltz to boss when entering the US.


[]  John Manning and his brothers Thomas and Edward and his sister, ??? , arrived from England to America on August 10, 1635 on the passenger ship, the "Globe". Manning descendants handed down from generation to generation that the Mannings migrated to Virginia from County Kent in  England. The Janes Register of Ships recorded that John Manning went to Virginia on the ship, Globe of London, in 1635. He was granted 200 acres of land in 1648 for bringing four new settlers to the colony.  Nicholas might have been another son of John (or perhaps one of his  brother's sons or more likely one of his grandsons). From: "Cavaliers and  Pioneers" patent book no. 8; ...NICHOLAS MANNING. 267 acres Lower Norfolk Co., S'ly. from the W. branch of Elizabeth River; adj. lands of Ward;  Bruce; and Jno. Joyce; 23 Oct. 1690, p. 120. Imp. of 6 persons: ....  From:"Cavaliers and Pioneers" patent book no. 2; ....JOHN MANNING, 200  acres. Lower NorfolkCo., 25 Oct. 1648, p. 165. Upon northward side of  Gaythers Creek, being a branch of the southward branch of Elizabeth River running unto land of Mermadicke Merrington. Due unto said William for trans. of 4 persons: William Baxter, Chr. Collins, Martha Brick, Francis  Robinson.  From: "Cavaliers and Pioneers" patent book no. 3; ... Gregory Parrett,  300 acres Lower Norfolk Co., 16 March 1652, p. 179. Up the S. branch of  Elizabeth River against JOHN MANING, N.N.W. along Julians Creek and c. ..  also...William Morton, 150 acres Lower Norfolk Co., Elizabeth River,  Parish, 26 Nov. 1652, p. 140. Near JOHN MANINGS Creek, running west to  Marringtons land & c.  From: "Cavaliers and Pioneers" patent book no. 5; ...Mr. John Simpson,  2100 acres in the freshes and on N. side of Rappa.River 6 June 1666, p.  510, (626). Bounding on land of Mr. Charles Grimes, running S.S.E. and c.  Trans. of 42 persons: ....JONATHAN MANING.....   From:"Cavaliers and Pioneers" patent book no. 6;.... Thomas Goldman. 1200  acres Rappa Co., south side the River upon the Maine pocoson of Hodskins  Creek, 4 Apr. 1667,p. 105, trans: of 24 persons: ....JONATHAN MANNING....  From: "Cavaliers and Pioneers" patent book no. 6.....John Meders and  Henry Peters. 4200 acres on south side and about 3 miles from the River  upon Powmansend Creek, Rappa. Co., 17Apr 1667, p. 28. Begins near the  run next to land of Mr. Silvester Thatcher, & c., over a branch to  Quarter branch &c. Trans. of 84 persons: JONATHAN MANNING ........   From: Virginia Land Patents of the Counties of Norfolk, Princess Anne &  Warwick from Patent Books O & 6 - 1666 to 1679" by Alice Walter.-- 14 Sep 1667 - John Manning 300 acres on the east side of the southern  branch of Elizabeth River in Lower Norfolk County begin: at a hickory  standing by the sideof a creek called Hattons ? Creeks and so running    32 paces W by the side ofsaid creek to a pine standing on a point upon  the Maine River thence N 210 paces down the riverside to a pine and so E  by S 320 paces into the woods and from thence 90 paces adjoining to said  Mannings lands to the first station... 200 acres formerly granted to said  Manning by patent dated 25 Oct 1648 and 100 acres the residue for trans:  of 2 persons: John Carpenter and Luke White. (Note: The Hattons Creek  above is faded and I believe it is Gathers Creek see what follows AGW) In  Nugent p. 180 - 25 Oct 1648 John Manning 200 acres Low. Norfolk Co. Upon  Northward side of Gaythers Creek being a branch of the Southward Branch of Elizabeth River running unto land of Mermadicke Merrington... &c..... 20 Jul 1669 - John Herbert 1227 acres in Lower Norfolk County upon W side  of Southern Branch of Elizabeth River begin: at a marked pine standing  upon a point and so running SSW 396 paces by the Maine River side to the  mouth of a creek called Deep Creek thence WNW 496 paces up the said creek  to a small creek called Goos(e the e is off the edge of the page) to a  marked pine thence NNE 396paces to the land of JOHN MANNING so ESE 496  pa


[]  From: "Cavaliers and Pioneers" patent book no. 5 .... Thomas Hancocke,  350acres New Kent Co., 6 Apr. 1666, p. 536, (656). Begins on William  Halls corner tree on Rockahock path, up the same to James Hurds line,  down the same E./S.E. until it meets with Lt. Col. Hockady his land,  along his bounds to the paththat goeth to saie Hockadyes and Bakers,  Sly. down the path to Hancocks spring, thence S.W. to the beginning 120  acres purchased of Jno. Atkins and Benjamin Strang and 230 acres for  trans. of 5 persons: William James, Edward James, Peter Store, William  James, EDWARD MANNING.


[]  From the "Pioneers of Massachusetts" by Charles Pope --Robert Whitman,  age 20, from the parish of Little Minories, England, came in the Abigail in June, 1635. Settled at Ipswich; propr., goatkeeper, husbandman, 1644.  Had land, formerly belonging to Susan Manning in 1639, and all Thomas  Manning's right in house in land in 1647. --  Perhaps this Thomas went to Massachusetts instead of Virginia.  Also...Thomas Manning, husbandman, Ipswich, propr. 1638. Sold house and land 15 March, 1647. Deposed in 1671, age about 76 years. Inventory of  his estate taken 30 Sept. 1675, presented by Daniel Manning. (This would make Thomas born about 1595 and about 40 years old in 1635 when he would have come to America with his brothers.     From: "Cavaliers and Pioneers", patent book no. 4....Thomas Brereton,  1000 acres on Patomeck River, 8 Oct. 1657, p. 137, (202). Granted unto  Mr. Thomas Speake, 11 Sept. 1653, by him deserted for want of seating and now due for trans. of 20 persons: Mr. Thomas MANNINGE twice, ....  assigned by Mr. Thomas Manninge.  and...patent book no. 2...Mr. Thomas MANNINGE, 150 acres, Warwick Co., 1  Apr. 1651, p. 289. Lyeing near Waters Creek, bounded S.E. along the river to land of Mr. Thomas Davis, etc. to along land of Thomas Glascock. Said land granted unto Mr. William Whitby by order of the Governor and  Councill 11 Apr. 1649 and due unto him for trans. of 3 persons: (& by  said Whiteby assigned unto said MANNING). Sarah Powell, Thomas Browne,  RichardDibbins.  From: "Westmoreland County, Virginia Records, 1658-1661" by John Dorman  -- 19 March 1659 [1660]. There hath passed an order of Court by the  Governor and Councell unto Mr. Thomas MANNING to enjoy a seate of land  according toa pattent granted to Wm. Whitby deceased conteining 1800  acres in Potomack River 13 July 1653 which Manning did assigne to John  Smythe. All my right to Henry Meese during the minority of William Whit by Junior John Smith Wit: Hugh Douding, John Buckner. 13 Feb. 1660 [1661]. Acknowledged.


He and his family appear in the 1790 census in South Carolina and are  gone in 1800. Apparently gone to settle on the new Georgia land grants by 1800. The family apparently moved to Glynn Co., Georgia about 1800.


Marion married his brother's stepdaughter.
1850 US Census, Wayne County, Georgia, Son, Household of George Popwell
1860 US Census, Appling County, Georgia, Living with some of his siblings with Charles and Elander Harper
1870 US Census, Wayne County, Georgia, Married, Head of Household
1880 US Census, Wayne County, Georgia, Married, Head of Household
1900 US Census, Wayne County, Georgia, Married, Head of Household