Last name could be Sanders.
Possibly married to Eula Mae Herring, daughter of Mary Leigh Chapman.
SSN: 266-09-2031
Last Residence: 33040 Key West, Monroe, FL
Born: 10 Jul 1909
Last Benefit: 33136 Miami, Miami-dade, FL
Died: Jun 1980
State (Year) SSN issued: FL (Before 1951 )
Good possibility:
Name: Harold Cliff
SSN: 261-24-6312
Last Residence: 32205 Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, United States of America
Born: 16 Feb 1894
Died: Mar 1980
State (Year) SSN issued: Florida (Before 1951 )
Name: Mabel Cliff
SSN: 261-18-3735
Last Residence: 32205 Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, United States of America
Born: 8 Nov 1908
Died: Jun 1985
State (Year) SSN issued: Florida (Before 1951 )
The Terrell family traces back to North and South Carolina, then to Colonial Virginia, and back to England. Our early Terrell family was of Royal English descent, whose motto was "Sans Dieu Rien" which means "Without God Nothing".
There is an old family tale handed down for many generations in the various lines of the family. The family had immigrated from England. The tale tells how three Terrell Brothers were each passed down "Silver Buckles" from their father. One was a set of Knee Buckles, one Suspender Buckles, and the third set was Shoe Buckles.
Each of the three brothers were given a set of "Silver Buckles" with the understanding it was to be passes down to the oldest male of each succeeding generation. This was to be done "least our heritage be lost". Ruth Elizabeth Humphreys Lambert's version of the story was almost identical to that found in very distant lines of this family. The tale of the "Silver Buckles" was always a fascinating story. Validating the tale meant finding the descendants and present day owners, which seemed incredible and unlikely. It was in 1988, after nearly threee years of research, that two of the three sets of "Silver Buckles" were locaterd in the posesssion of present day descendants.
One of the three brothers was named James Terrell, and it is from him that Rugh Elizabeth Hmpphreys Lambert descends. The original "Silver Buckles" passed down from James Terrell are currently in a bank vault in Nocona, Texas. Engraved on the back ar the initials "J.T." and the date "1657". (It is said that this set was passed down from James, to Philemon Terrell Sr, to Philemon Terrell Jr, to Samuel Lafayette Terrell)
The second set of "Silver Buckles", owned by the Lake Eric Terrell family of South Carolina, are said to have been passed down from Richmond Terrell who immigrated to Virginia in 1656. The two sets of "Silver Buckles" are almost identical in size measuring 1.5 by almost 2 inches.
Although the size is similar; the appearance, claw mechanism, and tongue design differs between the two sets. Either of the two sets of "Silver Buckles" could be suspender, knee or shoe buckles. The hallmark and die punch marking on the backs of these two sets of 300+ year old "Silver Buckles" could, by silversmiths, be used to trace their origins. They likely date back to England rather than Colonial Virgijnia. The third set of "Silver Buckles" has yet to be located.
Served military NC during Revolutionary War.
Moved to Liberty County before 1800, and died there in 1816. His heirs, including his son, John, made a deed to their mother (Mrs. Elizabeth Terrell) 9 December 1816, for four tracts of land totalling 650 acres in Libery County owned by Philemon terrell at his death, (Deed Book "H",page 107, Liberty County)
He purchased 100 acres of land south of Cheek's Creek in Anson County, NC, which he sold in 1766
By 1778, Philemon Terrell Sr. had located to the area known today as Robeson County, NC. He obtained a land grant in 1779. He owned land north of Drowning Creek and on the south side of Ten Mile Swamp. He lived on the west side of Great Swamp, which today is east of the town of Lumberton, NC. The area is known as "Burnt Islands" in present day Wishart Township.
By 1800, he had relocated his family to Taylor's Creek in Liberty County, Georgia.
Philemon and his brother Richmond both served in the Revolutionary War in N.C. Philemon's Wilmington District payment voucher, #674 for Reavolutionary seravice pay roll #500, was dated 6 July 1782 for which he received 6 pounds and 15 Shillings. Voucher #3165 indicates he later received another 15 shillings for his service.
Philemon and his brother Richmond lived next door to each other in Robeson County, as noted on the First Census of the US taken in 1790. There was a Robert Terrell living close by, likely a relation, who had a grist mill. Philemon had received NC land grants in 1779, 1780, 1784, and 1791.
Both brothers raised their families there in NC and likely received some form of bounty land in Georgia for their Revolutionary War service. On 6 Oct 1795, Philemon sold all four surveys of his NC land.
By 1800 Philemon had relocated his family to Taylor's Creek in Liberty County, Georgia. Liberty County was known for its many residents bent on the cause of Liberty, hence its name. He and many of his older sons are noted as having served on juries in Liberty County. Records indicate Philemon died by early 1813, as the family sold all of his estate in 1816. The estate included a total of 600 acrs with 550 pines and 5 slaves.
He was likely laid to rest in Liberty County on land that is now part of Fort Stewart U.S. Air Force Base. No marked grave exists.
After the sale of his estate, Elizabeth and many of the children headed west with the Ratecliff family. Philemon Jr and his wife Margaret Ann Ratcliff also relocated. The families possibly stopped for a brief period in Pulaski County, Georgia.
1 Philemon TERELL b: ABT. 1746 d: 1813
+ Elizebeth UNK
2 John M TERRELL b: 1790 d: ABT. 1890
+ Lydia ELLIS b: 1773
3 James Reason TERRELL b: 9 May 1820 d: 23 Mar 1864
+ Nancy GUTHRIE b: 1825 d: 16 Dec 1899
4 Jasper TERRELL b: 28 Jul 1843
4 Telitha TERRELL b: 30 Dec 1844
4 Lydia TERRELL b: 30 Oct 1846
+ Joshua F M Parker
4 James R TERRELL , Jr b: 9 Nov 1848
+ Nancy E LANE
4 John R TERRELL b: 23 Mar 1850
4 Amanda Carolina TERRELL b: 31 Aug 1851
4 Calvin C TERRELL b: 29 Jan 1853
4 Eliza TERRELL b: 25 Dec 1853 d: 27 Feb 1905
+ Madison H BECK b: 8 Jan 1852 d: 3 Jan 1930
5 Amanda Mae BECK
5 James Andrew BECK b: 16 Jan 1887 d: 12 Aug 1888
5 Emma BECK b: May 1884 d: 2 Feb 1969
6 Lester MANNING
5 Herman BECK b: Jul 1889 d: 1941
5 Carrie Bell BECK b: 6 Sep 1891 d: 17 Dec 1987
+ Curtis Lee "Unkie" HERNDON b: 31 Jan 1906 d: Jan 1968
+ Thomas Lafayette PERRYMAN b: 25 Jul 1889 d: Apr 1963
6 Luther Lafayette PERRYMAN , Sr b: 26 Mar 1910 d: 10 Sep 1983
+ Corabelle STRICKLAND b: 26 Sep 1908 d: 15 Jul 1984
6 Cleveland Floyd PERRYMAN , Sr b: 4 Jul 1912 d: ABT. 1970
4 Nancy TERRELL b: 12 Feb 1855
4 Barzilla L TERRELL b: 9 Dec 1857 d: 16 Apr 1889
4 Reason M TERRELL b: 12 Dec 1857
+ Julia Ann CHESSER
5 William O TERRELL
+ Anzula FORD b: 15 Feb 1863 d: 15 Sep 1948
4 Melvina Sylvesta TERRELL b: 22 Jan 1862
+ John ERGLE
4 William O TERRELL b: 28 Feb 1864
+ Anna Julia FORD
3 Richard Samuel "Reason" TERRELL b: 1825
+ Cinderell Jewell GUTHRIE b: 1825
4 Andrew TERRELL b: 25 Aug 1845
4 Nathaniel TERRELL b: 20 Dec 1847
4 Albert TERRELL b: 16 Oct 1849
4 Malinda Cathaline TERRELL b: 1 Oct 1851
4 James Leaston TERRELL b: 2 Mar 1854
4 Aaron Columbus TERRELL b: 27 Jun 1856
4 Morgeanna TERRELL b: 1858
4 Rachel TERRELL b: 13 Apr 1861
4 Reason Lafayette TERRELL b: 18 Jul 1868
4 Byron Calvin TERRELL b: 18 Oct 1870
4 Eveilean TERRELL b: 24 Sep 1873
3 Lydia TERRELL b: 1828
3 David W TERRELL b: 1830
3 Andrew J TERRELL b: 1832
3 Cynthia C TERRELL b: 1833
3 Mariah TERRELL b: 1836
3 Lucy Jane TERRELL b: 1837
3 Calvin Swilley TERRELL b: 1838
3 Rachel M TERRELL b: 1842
-Moved from Southampton County, VA to Johnston County, NC before Jan 1
1763-1 Jan 1763. The Rt Hoble JOHN Earl Granville of County of Bedford in the Kingdom of Great Britain, for 10 shillings sterling and a yearly rent of 20 shillings and 11 pence, granted to Jacob Delk of Johnston County N.C., 522 acres north side of Neuse River and east side of Mark's Creek..
Test: (sig) (seal)-Southampton County, Deed Book 3:236 : Deed from Jacob Delk of Johnston County, N.C., to James Odam of Southampton co., VA 24 Feb 1763, 160 acres on south side of Nottaway River at William Bryant's and John Delk's lines, being part of grant to Joseph Delk, 25 July 1746, and land willed to Jacob by Joseph. decd. /s/ Jacob Dalk. Land is described as being 160 acres with the line beginning "in the great pocosin on William Bryant's line then running on the said Bryant's line to Edward Drew's line then on the said Drew's line to Jacob Barret's line then on the said Barret's line to John Delk's line to the beginning," .
-later moved to Brooks co. GA
-Brooks County Courthouse Historical Marker
Located at the Brooks County Courthouse, Quitman
This County created by Act of the Legislature Dec. 11, 1858, is named for Preston Smith Brooks, zealous defender of States rights.
Born in S.C. Aug. 6, 1819, Brookes served in the Mexican War & in Congress. He died June 27, 1857. The first County Officers included:
Ordinary Angus Morrison, Sheriff Enoch Hall Pike, Clerk of Superior & Inferior Courts D.W. McRae, Tax Collector Georgia Alderman,
Tax Receiver John Delk, Treasurer William F. Speight, Surveyor Jeremiah Wilson, Coroner John T. Devane, State Senator Shadrack Griffin
and Representative John T. Edmondson.
014-1 GEORGIA HISTORICAL COMMISSION 1956-Samuel DELK on behalf of his wife Anny (nee Delk) filed a claim against the estate of David Delk SENr, deceased, Sept 1845. Case: Samuel DELK vs. John DELK, David DELK, John CHAPMAN and Albert M. DUKES - heirs of David DELK, SENr., filed in Probate Office, Liberty County, GA under "Court Cases" (Loose Papers, Box 8H)
-May 5, 1869: The Brooks County inferior court, received a petition to have the Coffee Road straightened. The group that presented this Petition was composed of B. Herring, W. W. Beaty, E. Wade, John Delk, G.B. Williams, L.M. weeks, D.F. Chapman, J.S. Fletcher, D.F. Robinson, Capt. Jas. Robinson, J.M. Burgess, W.W. Joyce, Angus Morrison, Harvey Drigger, Bowlin Hall, John Duckworth, R. Scruggs,
R.M. Hitch, and Clinton Sneed. As a result of this petition the Coffee Road was re-routed. Coffee Road was probably the best-known road during pioneer and ante-bellum times. The General Assembly of Georgia approved an act December 23, 1822, which authorized the opening of a road by General Coffee, a resident of Telfair County. With a budget of $1,500 work began in 1823. And it was in his honor that the road became known as "The Coffee Road".-February 15,1864 the Brooks County Inferior Court appointed patrol commissioners to protect the county against black slave rebellion. The county seat appointed James E. Young, John C. Spell, and M. J. Culpepper. In the Grooverville area patrol commissioners were James
McMullin, James Groover, and James King. The Fifteenth District chose Fredrick Williams, James G. Moseley, and William Burrs, while appointees for the Dry Lake region of Brooks County were William Beaty, John Delk, and Israel Folsom. Nicholas Reddick, Thomas Wade, and Henry Oneal were the appointment for the Tallokas District.
(source: listed as a Reverand
Died in civil war CSA, never married
John W. Delk
Regiment Name 50 Georgia Infantry
Side Confederate
Company K
Soldier's Rank_In Private
Soldier's Rank_Out Private
Film Number M226 roll 16