Land deals between Wm. Ironmonger, Francis Ironmonger and John Meredith in the 1660s
/James IRONMONGER b: 1500 d: 1560
/William IRONMONGER b: 1540 d: 1600
| | /John ORPHWOOD
| \Katherine ORPHWOOD
/Samuel IRONMONGER b: ABT 1585 d: 1626
| | /Thomas DAVYS
| \Alyce DAVYS
/Samuel IRONMONGER b: 23 JUL 1607 d: 1650
| | /Thomas LAWSON
| \Anna LAWSON b: 1558 d: 1625
Francis IRONMONGER b: 1633 d: 1720
| /Thomas CORDRAY
| /Thomas CORDRAY
| | \Jane SEYMORE
| /William CORDRAY b: 1575 d: 1623
| | \Jane COXWELL
\Bridgette CORDRAY b: 1604 d: 1650
| /Edward GODDARD
\Bridgett GODDARD
| | \Joan GIFFORD
| /John GORING d: 1495
| /John GORING d: 1521
| | \Margaret RADMYLL =>
\Constance GORING/John GORING d: 1495
John GORING d: 1521
| /Richard RADMYLL b: 1443
\Margaret RADMYLL
| /Richard CAMOYS
\Margaret CAMOYS
\Elizabeth MORTIMER
/James ** IRONMONGER b: 1500 d: 1560
/William * IRONMONGER b: 1540 d: 1600
| | /John ** ORPHWOOD b: ABT. 1485
| \Katherine * ORPHWOOD b: ABT. 1509
/Samuel * IRONMONGER b: 1580 d: 1626
| | /Thomas ** Davis b: ABT. 1530
| \Alyce * DAVYS b: ABT. 1554 d: 1580
/Samuel * IRONMONGER b: 23 JUL 1607 d: 1650
| | /Thomas ** LAWSON b: ABT. 1561
| \Anna * LAWSON b: 1585 d: 1625
Catherine * IRONMONGER b: ABT. 1632
| /Thomas ** CORDRAY b: ABT. 1531
| /Thomas * CORDRAY b: ABT. 1555
| | | /Roger ** SEAMOR b: 1505
| | \Jane * SEAMOR b: ABT. 1535
| /William * CORDRAY b: 1575 d: 1623
| | | /Thomas ** COXWELL b: ABT. 1530
| | \Jane * COXWELL b: ABT. 1557
\Bridgett * CORDRAY b: 1602 d: 1656
| /John ** GODDARD b: ABT. 1500 d: ABT. 1575
| /Edward * GODDARD b: ABT. 1558 d: 10 SEP 1615
| | \Bridgett ** WYNCHCOMBE b: ABT. 1528
\Bridgett * GODDARD b: ABT. 1585
| /John * KINGSMILL b: 1460 d: 1509 =>
| /John * KINGSMILL b: ABT. 1508
| /John * KINGSMILL b: ABT. 1546
| | | /John Henry * GIFFARD b: ABT. 1502 d: BEF. 1538 =>
| | \Joan * GIFFORD b: ABT. 1523
| | \Joan * BRYDGES b: ABT. 1503 =>
\Mary * KINGSMILL b: ABT. 1567
| /John * GORING b: 1430 d: 1495 =>
| /John * GORING b: ABT. 1493
| | \Margaret * RADMYLL b: ABT. 1457 =>
\Constance * GORING b: ABT. 1546
/William * KINGSMILL b: 1390 =>
/Richard * KINGSMILL b: 1415
/Richard * KINGSMILL b: 1440 d: MAY 1511
/John * KINGSMILL b: 1460 d: 1509
| \Alice ** OF BERKSHIRE b: ABT. 1440
/John * KINGSMILL b: ABT. 1508
/John * KINGSMILL b: ABT. 1546
| | /William * GIFFARD b: ABT. 1429 =>
| | /John * GIFFARD b: ABT. 1456
| | | \Eleanor ** Parker b: 1436
| | /William * GIFFARD b: ABT. 1482
| | /John Henry * GIFFARD b: ABT. 1502 d: BEF. 1538
| | | | /John * PAULET b: 1426 d: 5 OCT 1492 =>
| | | | /John * PAULET b: 1452 d: 5 JAN 1524/25
| | | | | \Eleanor * ROS b: 23 JUN 1432 d: BEF. MAY 1509 =>
| | | \Eleanor * PAULET b: ABT. 1482
| | | | /William * PAULET b: ABT. 1405 d: 2 OCT 1488 =>
| | | \Alice * PAULET b: 1458
| | | \Elizabeth * DE NEBAUD b: ABT. 1415 d: 17 NOV 1497 =>
| \Joan * GIFFORD b: ABT. 1523
| | /Harry ** BRYDGES b: ABT. 1478
| \Joan * BRYDGES b: ABT. 1503
| \Anne ** HUNGERFORD b: ABT. 1480
Mary * KINGSMILL b: ABT. 1567
| /Robert * DE GORING b: ABT. 1320 d: AFT. 1398 =>
| /John * GORING b: 1370
| /John * GORING b: 1400 d: AFT. 1432
| /John * GORING b: 1430 d: 1495
| | \Agnes ** OF ENGLAND b: ABT. 1405
| /John * GORING b: ABT. 1493
| | | /Richard ** RADMYLL b: ABT. 1420
| | \Margaret * RADMYLL b: ABT. 1457
| | | /Thomas * DE CAMOYS b: 1349 d: 28 MAR 1421 =>
| | | /Richard * DE CAMOYS b: 1382 d: BEF. 1420
| | | | \Elizabeth * LOUCHES b: 1355 d: BEF. APR 1386 =>
| | \Margaret * DE CAMOYS b: ABT. 1420
| | | /Richard * DE POYNINGS b: ABT. 1345 d: 25 MAY 1387 =>
| | \Joan * POYNINGS b: ABT. 1387
| | \Elizabeth FitzPayn * DE GREY b: 1345 d: 11 APR 1394 =>
\Constance * GORING b: ABT. 1546
Elizabeth Gaines was 30 years younger than her husband, so death date is unknown, but she probably lived much longer than 1685.
The papers of a suit preserved in the clerk's office in Willimsburg show that Francis Gaines, of King and Queen county, made his will and died in 1774, leaving nine children, Francis, Catherine, wife of Charles Collier, Mary Spencer, Hannah, Thomas, Harry, Betty, Ann and Patty Gaines. He made his widow Betty Gaines and brother Robert executors.
Elizabeth Gaines, Of Virginia, b. abt. 1664, m. John Catlett, Of Virginia, son of Col. John Catlett and Elizabeth Underwood, abt. 1685.
2 Dec 1678 John Worsham and wife Phebe deeded to brother Charles Worsham 100 acres on Appomattox River in Bristol Parish. (Henrico Court Orders 1678-1693, p. 64).
In 1696 Gilbert Gee died. Phebe and John had witnessed his will in 1693. At the time of Gilbert Gee's death, Phebe, wife of John Worsham, was unable to come to court, being great with child. (Henrico County Record Book 3, p. 107).
2 Dec 1678 John Worsham and wife Phebe deeded to brother Charles Worsham 100 acres on Appomattox River in Bristol Parish. (Henrico Court Orders 1678-1693, p. 64).
In 1696 Gilbert Gee died. Phebe and John had witnessed his will in 1693. At the time of Gilbert Gee's death, Phebe, wife of John Worsham, was unable to come to court, being great with child. (Henrico County Record Book 3, p. 107).
The first American Joseph came from England on the "Charitie" in 1622. He married 1st Thomasina ???, secondly Ann ??? and thirdly Katherine Banks about 1645.
1880 US census, Montgomery, GA
Phillips, Roan 50
, Eliza 46
, Neoma 18 (note: gives b. 1862 which disagrees with tombstone)
, Eugenia 16 (note: gives b. 1864 which family records for birthdate)
, Delightsy A. 14
, Eliza 10
, Alice 7Living nearby are the households of:
Phillips, Joseph, 83
, Phorba, 76
, Gincy, 55
, Amanda, 40Phillips, Reuben, 41
, Mary 32
, Phorba 14
, Marian 12 M
, Martha 8
, Nancy 6
, Lulu 4Phillips, Sherod 38
, Mary 25
1870 US census, Montgomery, GA
Phillips, Rowan 45 1825
, Eliza 35 1835
, Eugenia 8 1862
, Delightsy A. 5 1865
, daughter 3 1867
Davis, Aoma 12 (Note: probably Naomee) 18581860 US census, Montgomery, GA
Phillips, Micajah 60
, Caty 43
, Rowan 26
, Norwood 24
Note: living nearby are Joseph Phillips (age 56) and Daniel Phillips (age 37)1850 US census, Montgomery, GA
Phillips, Micajah 46 GA
, Katherine 30 NC
, Daniel 23 GA
, Rowan 21 GA
, John 17 GA
, Norwood 15 GA
Ab Davis married Omee daughter of a Creek Indian Chief who had three sons and twin daughters Eliza and Martha Davis. Eliza married Daniel Adams, they had one child Naomee called "OMEE" from her indian grandmother. In 1861 Eliza married Roam Phillips she had four daughters Eugenia, Delta, Annie and Alice. Alice was the wife of Dr. John M. HallM.D. Mrs. Hall, while in her 80's, wrote a book Gone With The Ebbing Tide. has birth for Eliza Ann DAvis in 1835.
Always ended all communications with "Praise the Lord".
Clues for further research:
1. There is an Abner Davis who is the son of Arthur Davis at:
2. Jean Mizell at
3. 1850 Montgomery, GA census has:
Davis, Arthur 52 SC M
, Charlotte 49 GA F
, Arthur 21 GA M
, Marsha Ann 15 GA F > appear to be twins and possibly daughter of Ab Davis
, Eliza Ann 15 GA F > appear to be twins and possibly daughter of Ab Davis
, George 13 GA M > possibly son of Ab Davis
, Mathias 11 GA M > possibly son of Ab Davis
, Mary 9 GA F
, Julian 5 GA F
, Isam 3 GA M > possibly son of Ab Davis
Phillips, Fanny 18 GA F
Davis, Wiley 32 GA M
Ab Davis married Omee daughter of a Creek Indian Chief who had three sons and twin daughters Eliza and Martha Davis. Eliza married Daniel Adams, they had one child Naomee called "OMEE" from her indian grandmother. In 1861 Eliza married Roam Phillips she had four daughters Eugenia, Delta, Annie and Alice. Alice was the wife of Dr. John M. Hall, M.D.Letters written by Philip Felder Chapman, born 1910, grandson of Namoee Adams and Miles J. Chapman.
Letter #1
Ab Davis served in Andrew Jackson's Army in the War of 1812 married "Omee" daughter of a Creek Indian Chief who when asked for his Daughter replied "Nay Omee". But Ab was a determined fellow so later he stole the Indian Girl and they swam his horse back across the Altomaha river from the Indian Nation.Of this union was 5 born children
3 sons, Thise, Isom, and ________ all fought for the South in the Civil War, one being killed, the other ones became prominent men in South GA. 2 twin daughters, Martha and Eliza. Martha was the mother of Julia Pierse, prominent in Hotel business in South GA and mother of Edd Pierce. Eliza married Daniel Adams who died shortly after 1 child was born. Naomee called "Omee" for her Indian Grandmother. In 1861 Eliza married Roan Phillips who Soldiered for the South in the War.
To this marriage 4 Daughters was born, Eugenia, Delitha, Annie, and Alice. After living in Montgomery Co., GA, they (the family) run hotels at Obrien Glynn Co., Jessup, and Douglas Ga.Letter #2
Eliga Davis of Wilkerson Co., now Montgomery Co. - swam his horse across the Altamaha river to Indian lands and stole an Indian Princess whom he had known when they were small children. From what I have heard from my family, she was beautiful. They swam back on the same horse to the white side and was married. They had several children but I only remember the names of Martha and Eliza (1833) who were twins. Martha married a Beacham, she was Julia Pierce's mother. Eliza married Daniel Adams. Their only child was Naomi. They were only married a short time when at some gathering, a man made some remark about his father being a Squaw man. Adams beat him up bad. Several days later Adams was riding his horse near the mans house and Adams was killed off his horse from the bushes. Although no one saw it, everyone knew who killed him. So Eliga Davis went to the mans house and called him out. When he came on the porch with his shot gun Davis killed him.When the Civil War started, although Davis, a man in his 50 or 60, joined Jeb Stewart Calvery and was killed in the war.
This Hall tree came from Eliza Phillips whether it was handed down to her I do not know but from the Pat. No. 92 and the "racks sand cast", it was on the 23rd of Oct 1861 Eliza Davis married Roan Phillips in Montgomery. Phillips went to the War, April 1862 and came back afterwards in 1865. Genie was born Jan. 22 1868. So you see that each of my Grandmothers were half sisters. Later Delitha, Annie, and Alice was born.
So I give to my son Phillip Felder Jr. whom I love very, very much this hall tree to hand down to his son Phillip and so on to never be changed or sold. -Phillip Felder Chapman Sr.
Omee was the daughter of a Creek Indian Chief
In 1625 he was elected a member of the Virginia Convention. On 28 August 1626, he was appointed a Justice and he served in the House of Burgesses in the Assembly of 1627-28, 1631-32, 1639, 1645.
Francis was an officer in the Virginia Militia and was referred to as Ensign, Captain, and Lieutenant Colonel.In 1635, Captain Francis EPPES received a grant of 1,700 acres in Charles City County. Fifty acres was due for his own personal adventure and fifty acres each for the transportation of his sons John, Francis, and Thomas. He also received 1,500 acres for the transportation of thirty servants into the colony.
On 30 April 1652, Francis was appointed a member of the Council of Twelve, and held this office until he died.
John Collier (1686 - 1736) was a Captain in the Infantry of King and Queen County, Virginia. He was a planter and the owner of 'Porto Bello' plantation, York County, Virginia.
Grant made to John Collier: Land office in the Capitol in Richmond, Virginia Book 10, page 10.
'Anne etc., To all etc., Know yee that for divers good causes and considerations but mor espegan; We have given granted and confirmed and by these presents for us our heirs and successore acres, lying and being on Arraco Swamp in the said County of King and Queen and bounded asutherly along the said road towards the mulbery row 80 poles to a hickory and three poplars 80 poles to the Run of Arraco swamp aforesaid, thence up and along the said run its several coexander Spotswood our Lieut. Governor etc., at Williamsburgh under the seal of our said Colon
'Lineages of the National Society of Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims, 1929-1952', Vol. 2,
'Adventurers of Purse and Person Virginia 1607 - 1624/25', Ed.
Virginia M. Meyer, 'Order of First Families of VA', 3rd ed. 1987, Page 266, Captain of Militia and vestryman of ...John was a Planter and owned "Porto Bello', York Co., Virginia. In 1707 according to Crozier, John Colyer was a captain in the Infantry of King and Queen County. In 1711, Queen Ann granted him land in King and Queen County "for diverse good causes and considerations". The Colyers were of noble descent and trace their ancestry even to the Crusades. All of the Virginia Colyers were Whigs during the Revolution. Saunders refers to the fact that during the war, "Sir George Collier, Rear Admiral of the British Navy, was shelling the coast of Rhode Island while his American cousins, the Colyers of Virginia, were shedding their blood in defense of the Colonies." Reserach: Crozier, Wm. A., F.R.S., Virginia Colonial Militia, 1651-1776. The Genealogical Assoc., New York, p. 97.
Note: A John Collier (Lieutenant, listed notes, "Earl of Halifax", and wife arrived in this country aboard the "Beaufort", June 1749 at Halifax, Nova Scotia