MD, Pr. Georges Co.; Orphan's Court, Liber T1, folio 48; dates 7 Apr 1772; pro. 24 Mar 1773In the name of God Amen I Edmond Casteel of Prince George's County in the Province of Maryland being of sound and perfect memory thanks to Almighty God for the same but calling to mind the uncertainty of this Transitory State and knowning that it is appointed for all Men to die Do make and Ordain this my last Will ___ Testament in manner and form following Viz: First I will that all my just Debts be well and truly paid and satisfied next I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it; Next my Body to the earth to be Buried at the Discretion of my Executrix hereafter named. And for what worldly Estate as hath pleased Almighty God to bless ame with in this life, I give and disopose of the same in manner and form following; that is to say I give and bequeath to my Son Shadrach Casteel all my wearing apparrel. I give and bequeath to my wife Rebecca Casteel all my personal Estate namely Part of a Tract of land called Casteel, part of Edmunds Frolich Enlarged and all my Goods and Personal Estate consisting of what kind or value soever during her Natural Life and then I give and bequeath all the remaining part of the above said Land: Item and goods to be sold and the money to be Equally Divided amongst my Several children as follows; Viz: Shadrach Casteel, Abednego Casteel, Francis Casteel, Lucy Athey, Keziah Mitchell, Susannah Searce, Sarah Medly, Cassandra Casteel, Charity Casteel, and lastly I do hereby appointed Constitute make and ordain my Daughter Cassander Casteel whoe and sole Executrix of this my last Will and testament hereby Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament making void all other and former Wills or Testaments by me made. in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand affixed my Seal this Seventh day of April One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy two.
Sealed, Signed and acknowledged as his last will & Testament before James Moore Serv. Samuel Moore Tadok Moore. On the back of this will was written as follows To wit. Prince Georges County to wit, March 24, 1773.
Edmond Casteel Seal
James Moore Senr.
Samuel Moore
Zadock Moore_______________________________________
Will of Edmond Casteel III
b: ca 1715 Pa.
will written 11 April 1772
d. 24 March 1773
Prince George's County, MD.
Inventory of Edmond Casteel, PG Co., 19 April 1773, Appraised by John Osbourn, James Moore, Sr. Kindred, Marchp Casteel, Charity Casteel. Sum of L26/11/8.Wearing apparel, l maire with Blac Face, 1 very old maire, 6 Ews with Lambs, 1 Ram, 2 Small Cow & yearlings, Cows, 1 Small Heeffer, 2 small Hoggs, 2 Piggs, 2 Lets of Carl Boxes, 1 Set of Carl Rings, 2 Body pins, 1 old Ink hold, 1 old Tobacco Box, a parcel of old Iron, a hand Mell Stones frog Spindles, 4 old Cyder Casks, 1 Horse Hide, a parcel old ..., 2 Barrels Corn ..., a small parcel of Tin ware, a parcel of dry ..., 1 Iron Coll & Coll hocks, 1 old ... grindstone, 1 Tray with a small parcell Beans, 10 of old Pewter ..., a parcel of old Teco ware, a parcel old Knives Forks, 2 old Books, 2 old Earthen Pans, 2 Jar 1 Jugg, 5 Quart Bottles, 2 Snuff Bottles, 1 old Table, ..., 1 small Duch oven, 1 Skilitt, 1 old frying pan, 1 Bed & furniture, a parcel old working tools, broken wooling wheel Cards, 1 very old Lunning wheel & Hackel, 1 very old Saddle & Bridle, 1 very old Pat, some old Bills of Leather, 2 old ride Saddles & Briddles, 1 old Bay wollen, 1 very old Box, 6 very old recep hooks, 2 old pales & 2 pigans, a parcel of old Basketts, 1 old Chest, a parcel of sall, 1 very old small Looking Glafs, 1 very old Box, 1 Pad Lock, 1 old Cut Barrel... Signed John Osborn (Seal) James Moore, Sen. (Seal) Total value L26.11.0
14 June 1773 Cassandre Casteel, Exce. Creditors, Peter Campbell for Classford and Co., Stephen West. INV. 114, f. 44.The account of Cassandra Casteel, Excs. of Edmund Casteel P.G. Co., Sum of L26/11/8 18 May 1884 ACCTS 71, f 128 .
(See full articles under Capt. Edmund Casteel)Casteel Plantation
Edmond du Chastel, 2nd hereafter called Edmund Casteel, of "Casteel" plantation, St. John's or Piscataway Parish, Prince George County Maryland, removed from Philadelphia to Prince George County where he purchased the plantation which he patented under the name of "Casteel," Dec 10, 1714 (MD His.Soc. MS., Calvert Paper No. 882, page 167); the original grant having been dated Oct 12, 1713 (Prince George County , MD deeds book Y , page 575); and the survey, Dec 3, 1713. By subsequent purchases of adjoining lands he aquired a tract which he patented under the name of "Edmonds Frolic Enlarged" and later conveyed to his son Meshach Casteel (Ibid., Book TT, page 638; Ibid., Book JRM3, page 373). And in the year 1742 when his health was failing (Ibid., court minutes, book CC, page 129) and his wife Johanna (also called Hannah) had died (Ibid., court minutes, pages 109,608) he conveyed part of "Casteel" plantation to his son "Edmond Casteel Junr planter" (Ibid deeds, Book Y, page 575). The last references to Edmund Casteel, 2nd occur in November 1743; and to his wife, in 1733.
There is no will on record for either of them, and the deeds cited above prove the identity of only two of their children, Edmond and Meshach. Nevertheless the writer has found evidence which leads him to include John and Joseph among the children, although the evidence is only circumstantial. The "Maryland Historical Society Magazine," vol 9, pp275, 357-58, has published a roster of Maryland troops in French and Indian War , including the names of John, Zachariah and Peter Casteel. The children of Edmund and Johannah Casteel known with certainty are:5. Edmond 3rd., who follows,
6. Meshach, who follows after his brother. And probably,
7. Joseph , who appears as a bondsman in a transaction dated August term, 1745 (Prince George Co. ct. minutes, Book DD, p. 196)
8. John, who married Rebeccah _________, by whom he had a son Henry Casteel baptized, Aug. 25, 1765. )MD Hist Soc. MS Piscataway Parish Register, Prince George Co. , MD., page 351). In 1773 John Casteel was living in ?Bedford Co. PA. near Shadrack Casteel ("Penna Achives," 3rd ser. vol. 22, p.44), and served in the Revolution in Washington Co. PA., militia (Ibid, 5th ser., vol. 4, pp. 394, 7045. Edmund Casteel 3rd, of "Casteel" plantation, Piscataway Parish, Prince George Co. MD., died leaving a will dated April 7, 1772, and proved March 24, 1773 (Prince George Co., willsl Book T, No. 1, pages 48-49; Magurder, "Maryland Wills"), by which he gave to his wife Rebecca_____ a life estate in Casteel plantation and his personal estate and provided for the sale and distribution of the property in equal shares to his children, whom he names, at her death. His wearing apparel, perhaps including items inheirted from Capt. Edmond, he left to his son Shadrach. The inventory of his estate, made April 10, 1773 (Ibid., inventories, book T, No. 1, page 264), lists a large Black Box which may refer to the "Black Trunk" given by the will of Christian du Chastel to Edmond, 2nd.
The following children are named in Edmund Casteel's will:9. Shadrach, who follows.
10. Abednego.
11. Francis.
12. Lucy the wife of ______ Athey.
13. Kezia, wife of (James ?) Mitchell, On August 30, 1771, Edmund Casteel, 3rd, conveyed to James Mitchell a part of "Casteel" plantation (Ibid., deeds Book AA, No. 2, page 291).
14. Susannah, wife of _______ Scace.
15. Sarah, wife of _______ Medley.
16. Cassandra, born Jan *, 1753 (MD hist. Soc. MS., Piscataway Parish Register ), who was sole exectrix under her father's will.
17. Charity6. Meshach Casteel, of "Edmonds Frolic Enlarged",) St. John's or Piscataway Parish, Prince George county, MD., signed as the next of kin, the inventory of the estate of his brother Edmund Casteel, April 10, 1773; died prior to 1790, when his widow Catherine appears in the Federal census as the head of a family of eight. His widow, Catherine Casteel, placed a chattel mortgage on her Negroes March 31, 1791 (Ibid., deed, Book JJ, No. 2, page 478); sold her dower rights to "Edmond's Frolick Enlarged," July 27, 1796 (Ibid., Book IRM No. 4, page 527); and gave an additional deed to her interest in it Jan. 2, 1797 (Ibid., IRM, No. 5, page 116). Of their children the records mention specifically only the following: 18. Edmund, whose descent from Edmund Casteel, 2nd is recited in a deed given hereafter. 19. Rebecca, born Nov. 18, 1772 (MD hist Soc. MS Piscataway Parish Register ). 9. Shadrach Casteel , 3rd son of "Casteel" plantation purchased land from Rachel Watkins about 750 acres (Prince George County deeds Book PP, page 83) and resided there until his removal to Flintsone Creek, Cumberland Valley Township, Bedford County, PA., before 1773 (Pennsylvania Archives," 3d series, vol. 22, page 8). He died in Bedford County, PA., leaving a long and interesting will (Bedford county, PA., wills book ___, page___; abstract in "Proceedings of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania," vol. 10, page 165) dated Sept. 24, 1795, proved Dec. 10. 1795 by which he left his land to his son Archibald, and made bequests to the children mentioned below. He appointed his wife Laurena sole executratrix , but she resigned this right Dec. 10, 1795 "on accounts of infirmities of old age." Their children mentioned in the will , were: 20. Thomas, who follows
21. Archibald, who received his father's lands in Bedford County and in the Federal census of 1790 was the head of a family of five. He served in the Revolution in the same company with his brother Thomas ("Penna. Archives," 5th series, Vol. 5, page 110), in the Bedford County Militia.
22. Ezedock, who was also the head of a family in Bedford County for the census od 1790.
23. Jesse.
24. Elizabeth, mentioned in the wil as the wife of ___ Whitecar.18. Edmund Casteel, of "Edmond's Frolick Enlarged," St John's or Piscataway Parish, Prince George County, MD., conveyed to Reed Magurder by a deed dated Feb. 1, 1795, "all that part of a tract or parcel of land called Casteels part of Edmunds Frolick enlarged lying and being of the county aforesaid heretofore conveyed by a certain Edmund Casteel deceased to his son Meshach Casteel Father to the present Edmund Casteel and Heir at law of said Meshach Casteel to whom the said land descended. . . (Prince George County Deeds, Book IRM, page 373).
The following records appear to refer to this Edmund Casteel, although the " Ducatel " references might conceivably refer to an emigre of the French Revolution, as a French statesman named " Duchatel" was executed in 1793.On May 28, 1795, Edmond Ducatel married Ann Pineau (MD Hist. Soc. MS. collection, Maryland Marriages 1777-1804," page 62); Rev. Francis Belson officiating. Pineau is the name of a family of Paris called "Pineauyde Viennay, Seigneurs de Luce (Mercure de France," May 10, 1739, page 1635; de la Chenaye-Debois, "Dictr. de la Noblesse" etc) . If Ann Pineau was a French woman the spelling of "Ducatel" might have been adopted at her suggestion by Edmund Casteel in order to indicate its French origin.
Next there is the story of Jules Timoleon Ducatel, born in Baltimore, June 6, 1796, died there April 23, 1849, whose father never named, is said to have been the leading Pharmacist of Baltimore. Jules T. Ducatel was educated at St. Mary's College, and later studied science in in Paris, finally returning to Baltimore to occupy a chair in the University of Maryland. He was a well known scientist an writer (Hyamson, Dict. of Univ. Biography," page 179; Nat. Encyc. of Am. Biog., Vol 4 page 544; Appleton's Cyclopedia of Am. Biog., 1887, Vol. 20 page 240).25. Delila, daughter of Edmund and Ann Casteel was born April 14, 1797 (MD. Hist. Soc., MS coll., "Reg. of St. John's or Piscataway Parish," Prince George County, MD."). On April 4, 1801, Edmund Casteel married Mary Hardy (Prince George County Marriage Records). On June 13, 1832, Edmond and Mary Casteel then living in Washington, D.C. according to the recital of the deed. conveyed to Ignatus L. Hardy the estate called "Forest" (Prince George County deeds Book A.B. No. 11, page 431).
An examination of the Washington City Directory discloses that he was listed as "Edward Casteel Gentleman" in the year 1834. It is scarely likely that this Edmund Casteel, Gent, is the same person who appears in the Baltimore Directory during the first quarter of the ninteenth century styled "Edme. Ducatel & sons, Pharmacists." Nevertheless this close resemblance in Christian and family names is an interesting coincidence and merits investigation. 20. Thomas Casteel of Cumberland Valley township, Bedford County, PA., born in Prince George County, MD., son of Shadrach and laurena
Casteel married ____ before 1779 ("Penna Archives," 3rd ser., vol. 22, p163) resided in Bedford County, PA., as late as 1790 when his family was listed in the Federal census as consisting of himself, four boys under 16, and two females. Both Thomas and his brother Archibald served as privates in Captain Evan Cessna's company of Bedford County militia during the Revolutionary War (Ibid 5th ser., Vol. 5, p. 110) and after the war they were in service in 1789 (Ibid 6th ser., Vol. 3 p. 27).
Before 1798 Thomas Casteel, following the example of the Friend Family, removed with his family to what is now Garrett County MD., and settled on the old Blooming Rose road near the McMullen farm about a mile and a half from Friendsville. In 1798 he appeared in the assessment list; and in the census of 1800 his was listed in this same neighborhood, Sandy Creek Hundred as the head of a family of ten. (Scharf. History of Western Maryland," Vol. 2 , page 1519. Charles E. Hoye, "Garrett County History of Casteel Family," in August 9, 1934, issue of "The Mountain Democrat," Os\akland, MD Ibid., First Assessment of what is now Garrett County ," reprinted from "Mountain Democrat") Thomas Casteel died before 1830, exact date unknown, and left among others, the following children:
25. (#2) Thomas, born in Pennsylvania between 1770 and 1780, according to the Federal census of 1830 which lists him as head of a family.
26. Jeremiah, head of a family of nineteen persons in the Federal census of 1820 for Preston County, W. VA.
27. Shadrach who follows:
28. Nathaniel, who follows.
29. John.30. Shadrach Casteel, son of Thomas , was born in Bedfrod Co. PA., about 1780; spent his youth in Garrett Co. Md., where his father settled before 1798; and after 1820 removed to Preston Co., (W)VA., which adjoins Garrett, settling on the southside of Muddy Creek at the Methany Mill (C.E. Hoye, Garrett Co. History of The Casteel Family"' Oren F. Morton. "History of Preston Co., W. Va."; Federal and VA. census records. His children as given by the histories, were: Archibald, born about 1803 in Garrett County, married Susan De Witt, daughter of Peter and Rebecca De Witt of Preston County.
31. Elizabeth, born about 1805 in Garrett County , married Joseph De Witt, son of Peter and Rebecca De Witt born about 1803, died in 1865 in Garrett Co. (then Allegany Co.) leaving a will which names his widow; the names of all their children as heir-in-law appear on a deed executed about this time (Mrs. Wm. H. De Witt, (The De Witt Family", a reprint from "The Republican" Oakland, MD., 1937 gives the lineage correctly. Vol. VI. of "The Compendium of Am. Genealogy", page 398, contains two errors: it makes Joseph the son of Henry and Elizabeth Friend De Witt when trhe census and court records show the he was the son of Peter; and it give Shadrah Casteel the of Preston as "Shadrach du Castel, Jr." from Bedford Co., PA which incorrect because it assumes that he was the son of Shadrach. no. 9 above when he actually was the grandson. In other respects the De Witt lineage given by the Compendium appears to be quite accurate).
32. Meshach.
33. John.
34. Jeremiah.
35. Rebecca.
36. Thomas, born about 1814 in Garrettt County. married Huldah _____, and had five children according to the Census of 1850 for Garrett Co.
37. Nathaniel, born 1818, died 1893. 28. Nathaniel Casteel, son of THomas, was born about 1789 in Bedford County , PA., and died April 2, 1866, in Garrett County where he is buried with his wife in the Casteel grave yard, on a hill above the site of his home in Sang Run District, now on the Rhodeheaver farm. He married Jane McMullin who died March 30, 1870 in her 85th year.
Abednigo Casteel
Looking at the 1806 tax list of Knox County, TN we find several Casteels - Abednigo, Abednigo Jr., Shadrack, Meshack, and Francis. We know who this Francis was, and we know that he didn’t use any of those names for his sons. The fact that the other names compose a �set” suggests that what we probably have here is an elder Abednigo with three sons.
I’ve never seen another record of this Meshack or Shadrack, and have no idea what happened to them. However, it appears that this Abednigo Jr. stayed in Knox County, since an Abednigo is found there on the 1830 census with a reported age of 40-50. If he was born 1780-1785 then he would have been old enough to have been the Abednigo Jr. from the 1806 tax list. This Abednigo had a brother named Daniel (per some Hensley research), who is also on the 1830 Knox census (age 30-40), so it’s likely that this Daniel was another son of the elder Abednigo.
The only other early TN reference to an Abednigo is the one who brought a suit against a George Atwell in nearby Blount County. I found some records online from the �Knox County Brands Registration Book” which showed in Oct, 1804 permission given to Abednigo Casteel to build a grist mill on his land in the settlement of Stock Creek. Stock Creek forms much of the boundary between Knox and Blount Counties. Given this proximity, there’s no reason not to assume that this 1805 is the same as the 1804 and 1806 Abednigo’s.
By the way, have you ever seen topozone.com? It's one of the coolest sites I've ever seen online. Type in the name of a town or creek (for example Stock Creek, TN) and it gives a beautiful topographical map of the area which you can zoom in and out of. Amazing.
So anyway, who was this Abednigo Sr.? The most obvious guess, and currently the only one at all suggested by actual records, is that this was one of the sons of Edmund III – who we know had a son named Abednigo c1746 that does not show up on subsequent Prince Georges County records. This scenario is supported by the fact that the only other Casteel group in Knox that we know of is Francis’s family, who would have been his brother.
We know of a string of references to an Abednigo across southwest Virginia, at least some of which probably refer to the son of Edmund III. In fact, it’s possible that all of these various sw VA occurances may refer to the same guy, who just moved around a lot. The 1810 mention of Abednigo in Grayson County, VA doesn’t seem to fit with this, but it’s still possible.
- 1778, 1779, 1780 Abednigo paid tax in Henry County, VA
- 1787 Abednigo paid tax in Amherst County, VA [*possibly a second Abednigo, son of William?]
- Mar 17, 1795 possible/probable daughter Elenor married to Joseph McFadden in Rockbridge County
- Aug 21, 1795 Abednigo's daughter Elizabeth married to William Walker in Rockbridge County
- 1796 Abednigo listed as delinquent in taxes in NE district of Augusta County
- 1798 bondsman for marriage of Nancy Casteel & Frances Greenlee in Botetourt, VA
- 1806 paid taxes Knox County, TN (along with an Abednigo Jr.)
- 1810 Grayson County, VA tax list (Abednigo Caststeel)
An alternative reading might be suggested by the 1783 occurance of another William Casteel on the tax list of Amherst, VA (followed in the 1787 list by Abednigo). This William is too old to have been a son of Abednigo-son-of-Edmund III, perhaps he was also of the older generation and named one of his sons Abednigo. This imagined second Abednigo could account for some of those SW VA references, especially the 1810 Grayson County tax payer. This allows both Abednigo and his son Abednigo Jr. to go to TN and doesn’t require Sr. to come up to Grayson, VA in his old age.
I’ve dug around at the library in the Amherst County records, but couldn’t find any more Casteel references. From the 1787 tax list we can identify his neighbors and I spent a few hours looking for connections but didn’t find any recognized names, most of his neighbors seem to have come from tidewater VA. There's probably more to be learned in the records of Henry, Rockbridge, Augusta, Botetourt, and Grayson Counties, VA.
Interestingly, both Amherst and Grayson County are on the border with NC – I wonder if this might be connected to the stay those Carters and Casteels in NC?
Anyway, as long as I’m hypothesizing children of Abednigo Sr., how about the other early marriages of Knox County, TN -
David Casteel to Sarah Mitchell 5-3-1798
Nancy Casteel to Mordecai Mitchell 6-6-1798
Abednigo Casteel to Agnes Hensley 4-26-1808
Daniel Casteel to Rhody Hensley 9-18-1809
Elisabeth Casteel to James Dunlap 4-8-1812
Since we know none of these belong to Francis, I think they are all candidates to be children of Abednigo. This is especially important to me, because I think that this might be the young David Casteel who paid taxes in Woodford County 1792-1796 (In 1792 he was 16-21, in 1794 he was >21, so he was born c1771. He is not found anywhere in KY after 1796).
A point about these Mitchell spouse’s – I mentioned that I found the St. John’s (Piscataway) register. It gives the birth of a �Mordeca Mitchell”, daughter of James and Keziah Mitchell on Mar 7, 1775. I’ve never heard of this name being used for a girl, so I think it might have been either recorded or transcribed wrong (the film I’ve got access to is an 1885 transcription). This might be the Mordecai who married Nancy Casteel in Knox County. (The only other birth given in the register for James and Keziah Mitchell was a William, b: Jul 15, 1772).
So a tentative list of candidate children for Abednigo (assuming he is son of Edmund III) might look like this-
Abednigo Casteel (b: c1746? Prince Georges, MD; 1806 tax)
David (b: c1771?; m: May 3, 1798 to Sarah Mitchell)
Nancy (m: Jun 6, 1798 to Mordecai Mitchell)
Meshack (1806 Knox tax)
Shadrack (1806 Knox tax)
Abednigo (b: c1780-c1785; m: Apr 26, 1808 to Agnes Hensley; 1806 Knox tax)
Daniel (m: Sep 9, 1809 to Rhody Hensley)
Elisabeth (m: Apr 8, 1812 to James Dunlap)
Referenced is a petition held in the Papers of the Continental Congress, No. 48, Folios 251-6, pp. 89-96. In this petition a new state to be named "Westsylvania" is proposed to settle the conflicting claims of Pennsylvania and Virginia over Fayette, Washington, and Greene Counties, PA, and Ohio and Monongalia Counties, WV. Following is a partial listing of the names on the petition, those closest to Francis Casteel:
James Finley
George Curvey
John Stevens
Benjamin Rutter
Jeremiah Pearce
Benjamin Carter
Henry Gaddis
Samuel Stevens
John Murphy
John Pearce
Benjamin Stevens
Charles Cade
John Rutley
John Crosely
Peter Naughton
Aaron Rawlins
Jeremiah Fenton
John Veich (Veatch)
Thomas Durbin
Frederick Sellars
Isaac Poak
James Mitchell
Maurice Mitchell
Jacob Husong
Jacob Dicks
John Hartley
Samuel Evans
Joseph Howard
Richard Murry
James Wright
Thomas Wright
John Bain
Thomas Lloyd
Pearson Crain
Benjamn Phillips
Samuel Hand
William Phillips
James Rutter
William Morrison
Alexander ClarkLISTS OF INHABITANTS IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 1800 OR BEFORE WITH MAPS OF EARLY TOWNSHIPS. (1776-80 petiton, 1800 county census) Raymnd Martin Bell. Washington & Jefferson College: Washington, PA. 1961. DPL 929.3 P4Wb
Names on 1776-80 Petitions p. 11
Castile, FrancisCasteel, Francis Rank: Pvt
Washington County 5th Battalion
2nd Company 3rd Class
Authority C/R
Date: nd
Published: A (B), II, 206
Miscellaneous e-mail from Leoneita Milner 20 June 1998
>From Stephen Krouse, a desc of Elijah Casteel of Garrard Co KY comes this:
Greene Co NC Bail bond for a Francis Casteel 1782.
The Tenn land grant have a Francis another source gave me the children of the Knox Co Tenn Francis and wife Mary Peck as Abraham, Daniel, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob Israel, Elijah, Mary and Charity. Now Knox Co Tenn marriages say: a Daniel Casteel m Rody Hensley 1809, a Elijah Casteel m Sally Fairchild 1823, a Mary m Alfred Henley (possible Hensley) (the Hensley's might be important). Also a Abednego m Agnes Hensley.
"The Lost State of Franklin"Petition of the Inhabitants of the Western Country
�nhappy disputes that have long subsisted between us and our brethren on the Eastern side of the Mountains, respecting the erecting of a new Government.�ng to Congress your Western territory, with reservations and conditions therein contained; also from a clause in your wise and mild Constitution, setting forth that there might be a State or States, erected in the West whenever your Legislature should give consent for same; and from our local situation, there are numberless advantages, bountifully given to us by nature to propagate and promote a Government with us.�considering that it is our undeniable right to obtain for ourselves and posterity a proportionable and adequate share of the blessings, rights, privileges, and immunities allotted with the rest of mankind, have thought that the erecting of a new Government would greatly contribute to our welfare and convenience and that the same could not militate against your interest and future welfare as a Government.�cordiality and unanimity would permanently subsist between us ever after, we earnestly request that an impartial view of our remoteness be taken into consideration; that great inconveniency attending your seat of Government, and also the great difficulty in ruling well and giving protection to so remote a people, to say nothing of the almost impassable mountains Nature has placed between, which renders it impracticable for us to furnish ourselves with a bare load of the necessaries of life, except we in the first instance travel from one to two hundred and more miles through another State ere we can reach your Government.�m the nature of our situation, that any part could return into circulation, having nothing that could bear the carriage, or encourage purchasers to come so great a distance; for which reasons were we to continue under your Government a few years, the people here must pay a greater sum than the whole of the medium now in circulation for the exigencies and support of your Government which would be a sum impossible for us to secure, would we be willing to give you our all; and or course we must be beholden to other States for any part we could raise; and by these means our property would gradually diminish, and we at last be reduced to mere poverty and want by not being able equally to participate with the benefits and advantages of your Government. �acity enough to seek after them.�he expense of the lives and fortunes of many of our dearest friends and relations; and the happy conclusion of peace having arrived, North Carolina has derived great advantages from our alertness in taking and securing a County, from which she has been able to draw into her Treasury, immense sums of money, and thereby become enabled to pay off, if not wholly, yet a great part, and sink her national debt.�ore than paying a debt in full to us for only to grant what God, Nature, and our locality entitles us to receive.�to testify our conduct and exertion in behalf or American independence; and the same to judge whether we ask more than free people ought to claim, agreeable to Republican principles, the great foundation whereon our American fabric now stands.� Impressed with the hope of your great goodness and benevolent disposition that you will utterly abhor and disclaim all ideas of involving into innumerable, disagreeable and irksome contentions, a people who have so faithfully aided and supported in the time of imminent and perilous dangers; that you will be graciously pleased to consent to a separation; that from you paternal tenderness and greatness of mind, you will let your stipulations and conditions be consistent with honour, equity and reason, all of which will be cheerfully submitted to; and we, your petitioners, shall always feel an interest in whatsoever may concern your honour and prosperity.�ticipate in the fruits of the Revolution; and to enjoy the essential benefits of Civil Society under a form of Government which ourselves alone can only calculate for such a purpose.�re have been lavished away for no purpose to us; that so many sufferings have been encountered without compensation, we hope what hath been mentioned will be sufficient for our purpose, adding only that Congress hath, from time to time, explained their ideas so fully and with so much dignity and energy that if their arguments and requisitions will not produce conviction, we know of nothing that will have a greater influence, especially when we recollect that the system referred to is the result of the collected wisdom of the United States, and , should it not be considered as perfect, must be esteemed as the least objectionable.
John Corson, James Shanks, James MITCHELL, Anthony Kelly, James ENGLISH, David Robinson, David Gemel, Thos. MCMACKIN, William HANNAH, Robert ALLISON, Thomas Bell, George Davies, Peter McNamee, Isaac Davis, Thomas RODGERS, Nathaniel DAVIES, Samuel Davies, James STINSON, Phillip Rudolph, Thomas�ubblefield, Joseph Wilson, James McPherson, Thomas Baits, David Brown, John Prim, John Keller, Moses Moore, William Brown, Jacob SMELSER, Moses Keller, Adam Fergowen, Jas. Henry, Joshua Kidwell, William Fergosen, Ralph Hogan, Alexr Potter, Samuel Jameson, Wm. Morrow, William Hogan, William Reynolds, John Brumley, Charles Ramsey, Richard Webb, David Reynolds, William Davidson, (illegible), Josiah Epperson, Aaron Been, Wm. BOYD, John R.�st, Peter Nowels, Carmack George, Thos. Thomson, Thos. Bromley, James Milikan, Charles Wilson, David Rankin, Hugh Beard, Thomas Milikan, John Johnson, John Lee, Samuel Beard, Thomas Dicson, Wm. Magill, Sam'l Vance, James Milikin, Redman McDaniel, Oton Clark, Rd. Kerr, Robert Orr, Samul Gilbertson, John Gibson, Samuel McPherson, Searling Bowman, Samul McMinn, Reuben Gibson, Matthew Rue, Rich'd Woods, Auborn ?, William Adkins, Joseph Lusk, Robert McCall, Anson Rit, Thomas Fryar, Andrew Jackson, John Galbreath, Nuness Potter, John Lyon, Jos. Gest, (illegible), John Noman
William Goings, Dalton RIGGS, Robert BETTEY, Henry STYERS, James Hays, James Jack, George Black, Thomas�, William McPick, Stephen Strong, Simon RIGGS, Henry Richardson, Botholmu ODENEAL, Michael Rawlings, Joseph Donn, Shiffell Goodlop, Shadrack X Hale Jr., Donnell Cremor, Allen Bellew, John Shane, Nath. McMeno, Rows Potter, Miller Doget, William La---?, John Norton, Christy Miers, Daniel DENNY Jr., (illegible), Aaron Norton, John Miers, John Wear, Nathaniel Witt, Aaron Rider, William Owins, Ashael Rawlings, Rich'd Dunn, John Jameson, Thomas Owins,
Henry EARNEST, Wm. Dunn, Dan'l Rawlings, John Jarrett, James PATTERSON, Thomas Call, William Jinkins, Thomas Pickny, Francis Hughes, H. Call, Robert Smith, James Stump, Robert Hood, Joseph N. Newport, Wm. Howard, Leonard Hopkins,
Wm. X�a Gahee, John Greer, Robert Hayes, Patrick Gahee, Absolem Greer, Thomas Johnson, Jeremiah Smith, Patrick X�ohn TADLOCK, Conrad Wolfe, Thomas McCammis, James Davis, Phillip Guibb, John�ong,
Frenses CASTEL, Thomas Jones, Harmon Nowel, William Hennidge, Jacob Meek, William Jones, James PATTON, John ARMSTRONG, Thomas Miller, Reuben Simmon, Robert PATTON, Andrew ENGLISH, Robert Pain, Archibel ALEXANDER, John Fout, Nathaniel Hayes, Joseph Hamilton, Moses Kelsay, Peter Fout, Daniel Leming, Robert Kerr, Robert McCall, Harmon Kennedy, John Williams, John Sellars, Joseph Alexander, Moses Long, Robert�oan, Thomas McKee, Joseph Ray, Elias Witt, And. Wray, (illegible), Joseph Lachlen. Sen._______________________________________
Francis Casteel Francis was born sometime during the 1750’s (estimated from age range given on 1830 census), and was probably the son of Edmund Casteel III (who named him in his 1772 will - Prince George Co., MD). The first mention of Francis Casteel in PA is from his signing a congressional petition to create a new state out of western PA sometime 1776-1780. The first tax list of Washington County in 1783 names Francis and charges him a tax on his 125 acre tract (Zachariah Casteel is also on this list with 65 acres). Francis is not found on the 1785 tax list nor in any PA record after 1783, suggesting that’s when he left.
Aug 22, 1784 Francis was a defendant in a case brought against him by a Jacob Carter in Greene County (a neighbor in Puncheon’s Camp Creek), and was ordered to pay a penny in damages. He soon moved to Knox County, where he paid taxes in 1806 (with a Shadrack, Meshack, and two Abednigo Casteel’s). Greene County Deed records show that he bought some land on Lick Creek in 1792 from Joseph Carter Sr., when Francis is named as being a former resident of Greene County, currently living south of the French Broad. He soon sold this land in 1796 (mentioned as a resident of Knox County. He is named on the 1830 Knox census, age 70-80. Francis died in Knox County in early 1833. His will, written on January 20th and probated that April (Knox Estate Book 5, p. 206-207) and subsequent estate administration are availableand provide important information about his children.
Children of Francis and Mary All of these children are named in Francis’ will. Son Isaac is only named as father of Francis and David, so I assume Isaac had already died. The three remaining sons are noted as being from Pike County, IL, and they sold the land they had been left and took their sisters back to IL with them.
Francis (b: c1819 in Madison Co., IL)
David (b: c1821)
3. Jacob [b: 1797 in Knox Co., TN; m: 1818 Madison Co., IL to Sarah Nowlin; d: May 1860 San Bernandino, CA]
"The History of Madison County, 1869"
The second marriage ceremony (in the county) united Meshack Casteel and Sarah Evans, and was performed August 19, 1849, by Joshua C. Casebier.Madison Co., Iowa Probate Minutes, Book A, page 115 (FHL film 1028128)
"January 17, 1855, An application the Court appointed Anna Evans Guardian for John Joseph Casteel and Sarah Ann Casteel minor heirs of Meshack Casteel Dec. Whereupon the said Evans appeared before the Court & I Gave Bond and filed her affidavit as required by law. John A. Pitzer County Judge."Anna Evans was mother of Sarah (Evans) Casteel, grandmother of John Joseph and Sarah Ann Casteel.