KinNextions (Public Version) - aqwn504 - Generated by Ancestry Family Tree

KinNextions (Public Version)



There may be an "e" on the end of Edmund's name

Birthdate is approximate


Last name may be Coper.


Revolutionary War


1900 census, KS, Bourbon

Father of James born in Ireland, mother born in KY

William M. DRICK

Occupation: policeman

1920 census: KS, Bourbon, Fort Scott Ward 1, district 38, 29-Jan-1920
Drick, William M. 52, PA, KS, PA
    , Dovie,     49, MO, MO, MO
Dempsey, Ilah,    31, KS, daughter, widowed
       , William  14, KS
      , George   12, KS
      , Joe       8, KS

1910 census: Arkansas, Polk, White
Drick, William M. 45, KS, PA, PA
    , Dovie      40, MO, IL, MO

1900 census: MO, Vernon, Deerfield
Drick, William M. Aug 1866, 33, KS, PA, PA married 13 years
    , Dovie      Dec 1869, 30, MO, IL, MO
    , Ila        Aug 1887, 12, KS
Bowers, Lawrence  Aug 1839, 60, Germany married 22 years
     , Sarah     not known, PA, PA, PA married 22 years, 6 of 7 children living

1880 census: KS, Bourbon, Scott
Lawrence Bowers 30  
 Sarah Bowers    40  mother
Christian Drick 23  step-son
Catharine Drick 18  step-dau
John Drick      14  step-son
William Drick   12  step-son, KS, PA, PA

1870 census: KS, Shawnee, Monmouth
Drick, Sarah, 45, PA
, Margaret   14, PA
, Christina  13, PA
, Rasona     11, PA
, Casa        9, KS
, John        9, KS
, Willie      6, KS
, Mary     4/12, KS
Bowers, lawrence 23

1850 census: OH, Scioto, Green
Drick, Austin    b. 1824, PA
    , Sarah     b. 1827, PA
    , Cornelia  b. 1848, OH

Charles W. LOUDON

U.S. Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914
Name: Charles W Loudon
Birthyear: abt 1868  
Birthplace: Oregon, United States
Enlistment Date: 18 Mar 1896
Enlistment Age: 28 1/12

Israel TROW Jr.

From Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, Volume 16
page 68:

Trow, Israel, Norton.Private, Capt. Seth Gilbert's (2d Norton) co. of militia, Col. John Daggett's regt., which marched in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775; said Trow marched April 19, 1775; service, 6 days.

Captain Israel TROW

From Paige's "History of Hardwick," p. 517:  "Israel the f. was a sergeant in the French War 1759, and a captain in the Revolutionary War, for several short campaigns; he was a member of the Committee of Correspondence four years, between 1775 and 1781; selectman four years, between 1782 and 1793; assessor six years, 1778-1791; treasurer three years, 1773-75; and representative in 1784 and 1785.  About 1793 he rem. from Norton to Petersham, and about two years later to Hardwick, where he res. during the remainder of his life, on the turnpike, near the Furnace, at the place marked E. Trow on the R. Map.  He d. 17 Feb 1825, a. 88."

From Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, Volume 16, Page 69:

Trow, Israel, Norton.Captain; list of officers of the Mass. militia which reinforced the army who joined Col. J. Ward's regt.; commissioned Jan. 29, 1776; also, Captain, Col. Jacob French's regt.; list of officers appointed to command companies of a regiment raised in Bristol and Cumberland counties and stationed at Winter Hill Feb. 27, 1776; ordered in Council March 26, 1776, that said officers be commissioned; company raised in Norton, Taunton, Freetown, Dartmouth, Mansfield, Raynham, and Middleborough; also, Captain, 5th co., Col. John Daggatt's (4th Bristol Co.) regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers chosen by the several companies in said regiment, dated Attleborough, March 18, 1776; ordered in Council March 21, 1776, that said officers be commissioned; [p.69] reported commissioned March 21, 1776; also, Captain of a Norton co., Col. Daggett's regt.; service, 25 days; company marched to Rhode Island on the alarm of Dec. 8, 1776; also, Captain, Col. John Hathaway's regt.; service, 20 days, in April and May, 1777, at Rhode Island; said Trow reported as among those who agreed to tarry for 2 months; company raised in Bristol Co.; also, Captain, Col. Josiah Whitney's regt.; service from May 14, 1777, to July 6, 1777, 54 days, at Rhode Island; also, Captain, Col. John Dagget's regt.; return dated Taunton, Jan. 6, 1778, made by Brig. Gen. George Godfrey, of officers of a regiment raised from his brigade for 3 months service under Gen. Spencer, agreeable to order of Council of Dec. 22, 1777; also, same regt.; appointed Jan. 5, 1778; discharged March 31, 1778; service, 2 mos. 27 days; company drafted to serve for 3 months from Jan. 1, 1778, under Maj. Gen. Spencer at Rhode Island; also, pay abstract for wages and mileage due officers and soldiers of Col. Daggett's regt. stationed at Rhode Island for 3 months from Jan. 1, 1778, approved at Providence, and also at Tiverton by Brig. Gen. Esek Cornell, who stated that said service was performed in his brigade; also, Captain, 5th (Norton) co., Col. Dagget's (Bristol Co.) regt.; list of men mustered by James Leonard, Muster Master, for the term of 9 months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill, dated Taunton, May 21, 1778; 3 men reported as having been mustered from said Trow's co.; also, Captain, Col. Isaac Dean's (Bristol Co.) regt.; entered service Aug. 1, 1780; discharged Aug. 7, 1780; service, 9 days, at Rhode Island on the alarm of Aug. 1, 1780.

Captain Israel TROW

From Paige's "History of Hardwick," p. 517:  "Israel the f. was a sergeant in the French War 1759, and a captain in the Revolutionary War, for several short campaigns; he was a member of the Committee of Correspondence four years, between 1775 and 1781; selectman four years, between 1782 and 1793; assessor six years, 1778-1791; treasurer three years, 1773-75; and representative in 1784 and 1785.  About 1793 he rem. from Norton to Petersham, and about two years later to Hardwick, where he res. during the remainder of his life, on the turnpike, near the Furnace, at the place marked E. Trow on the R. Map.  He d. 17 Feb 1825, a. 88."

From Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, Volume 16, Page 69:

Trow, Israel, Norton.Captain; list of officers of the Mass. militia which reinforced the army who joined Col. J. Ward's regt.; commissioned Jan. 29, 1776; also, Captain, Col. Jacob French's regt.; list of officers appointed to command companies of a regiment raised in Bristol and Cumberland counties and stationed at Winter Hill Feb. 27, 1776; ordered in Council March 26, 1776, that said officers be commissioned; company raised in Norton, Taunton, Freetown, Dartmouth, Mansfield, Raynham, and Middleborough; also, Captain, 5th co., Col. John Daggatt's (4th Bristol Co.) regt. of Mass. militia; list of officers chosen by the several companies in said regiment, dated Attleborough, March 18, 1776; ordered in Council March 21, 1776, that said officers be commissioned; [p.69] reported commissioned March 21, 1776; also, Captain of a Norton co., Col. Daggett's regt.; service, 25 days; company marched to Rhode Island on the alarm of Dec. 8, 1776; also, Captain, Col. John Hathaway's regt.; service, 20 days, in April and May, 1777, at Rhode Island; said Trow reported as among those who agreed to tarry for 2 months; company raised in Bristol Co.; also, Captain, Col. Josiah Whitney's regt.; service from May 14, 1777, to July 6, 1777, 54 days, at Rhode Island; also, Captain, Col. John Dagget's regt.; return dated Taunton, Jan. 6, 1778, made by Brig. Gen. George Godfrey, of officers of a regiment raised from his brigade for 3 months service under Gen. Spencer, agreeable to order of Council of Dec. 22, 1777; also, same regt.; appointed Jan. 5, 1778; discharged March 31, 1778; service, 2 mos. 27 days; company drafted to serve for 3 months from Jan. 1, 1778, under Maj. Gen. Spencer at Rhode Island; also, pay abstract for wages and mileage due officers and soldiers of Col. Daggett's regt. stationed at Rhode Island for 3 months from Jan. 1, 1778, approved at Providence, and also at Tiverton by Brig. Gen. Esek Cornell, who stated that said service was performed in his brigade; also, Captain, 5th (Norton) co., Col. Dagget's (Bristol Co.) regt.; list of men mustered by James Leonard, Muster Master, for the term of 9 months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill, dated Taunton, May 21, 1778; 3 men reported as having been mustered from said Trow's co.; also, Captain, Col. Isaac Dean's (Bristol Co.) regt.; entered service Aug. 1, 1780; discharged Aug. 7, 1780; service, 9 days, at Rhode Island on the alarm of Aug. 1, 1780.