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The Ongoing Texas Cemetery Resident Listing
In researching our ancestors, we found that birth and death records in many east Texas counties were virtually nonexistent prior to 1900. Their gravesites and headstones are often the only record we have of their life. We are fortunate to live here and be able to visit these historic cemeteries. We are transcribing them here for the benefit of those unable to visit to aid them in their search for family history. This is an evolving list of grave sites. We add about one a month. Current focus is on East Texas counties. Our ancestors generally were in an area between Crockett (Houston County), Trinity (Trinity County) and Groveton (Trinity County). There is also a slice of Walker County that cuts into Trinity County between Trinity and Weldon. That is why you will see the three counties here. It is mainly a geographic area where our ancestors lived.
If you would like to request a cemetery transcription in these three counties, please e-mail your request. We only do small (200 or less) ones for our web page, but can go out and check for certain ancestors in certain cemeteries.
Many of these have been transcribed with a digital camera, therefore, images are available to those who wish. Please see notes on each individual cemetery. More to come!To view current obituaries from the CITY of Houston of former Houston COUNTY residents Click Here!
Last Updated 7/22/2006
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