Vicar Gen Marr lics



Vicar-Generals Marriage Licence Allegations (1694-1850)

A Marriage License Allegation was a document sworn by one of the prospective parties, usually the groom, to the effect that there was no impediment to the marriage and where the marriage could take place

Licence Date 

Surname Groom

Surname Bride

17 Aug 1714



11 Jul 1719



18 Jan 1707/08



20 Jun 1706



05 Dec 1792



07 Jun 1805




The Archbishop of Canterbury, through his Vicar-General, issued common licences for couples to marry in any parish church or chapelry in the province of Canterbury which dispensed with the calling of banns on three successive Sundays. Until 1753, the Vicar-General's Office also granted relatively few special licences which allowed parties 'to marry at any meet and convenient place', generally a college chapel or nobleman's private chapel not normally licensed for marriages. From 1753 special licences could only be obtained through the Faculty Office.

Marrying by licence appealed to couples for whom the speed and discretion with which a license could be issued was important. It also appears that often couples, especially Londoners, went to a higher office than was necessary, using the registries of the Vicar-General and Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury located at octors Commons because these courts had status and a reputation for efficiency. The indexes, therefore, are often useful for finding London marriages which otherwise might be difficult to locate.

Many ecclesiastical bodies had the right to issue marriage licences, many at archdeaconry and diocesan level. The theory a licence should be issued by the office which had jurisdiction over both parties. If a couple lived in different dioceses in the Province of Canterbury then the licence should have been issued by the Vicar-General. If they lived in different Provinces (eg. Canterbury and York) or overseas, then the licence should be issued by the Faculty Office. In practice people often went to a higher office.


You can find more information regarding Marriage License Allegations at      English Origins is a pay per view website.You can also order copies of many of the documents shown on this site.


Last Updated 25 November 2003

Copyright ...Kerry Prentice.2003