S.J. Shane Letters

S.J. Shane Letters

Kansas City, Kans, April 17 1902
Mr D S Ferguson
Dear sir, you will Think me slow about writing to you.  I told the woven wire Fence Men to send you a sample of there Fence witch they said they would do so I think it could be bought for 25 cents a rod by taking a quantity.
I have been trying to sell your land but it is all in vain.  The ozark is so much cried? Down.  They is no sale for eny thing.  People in Kansas City think thee ozark a very Poor Place.  I still have good Faith in the County.
Every Thing I hear From Mr. Bennett is I am having a hard Pull.  I Feel sorry for Them and yet I have Paid him nearly Seven hundred Dollars in Two years and the Place Free.  I pay him for every thing he does for me.
My Land is all paid for and if I could sell my Property in Kansas City I would soon be with you geting the Fencing Done and Things in shape.  I am going to Try my Best to get Down this Fall.  My Money is tied up in Property in the City.
Mr. Ferguson, will you Tell me what Prospect you have for a Crop this season please.  Tell me if you have had plenty of rain and what the prospects are for a Fruit crop.  we have had but very Little rain and it is cold and no growth.  The prospects are poor for a crop without it comes rain soon.
I would like to have a well and a wind Mill about the First Thing I do.  Will you tell me if they are Eny wells in your neighborhod and about how Deep a person would have to go to get water.  I intended to make a sistern at the Barn but I would far rather have a well if I can get one at a reasonable depth.
I would liked to have had a Talk with you when I was down but I had such a little time.  Please write when you have time.
Yours Respectfully
S. J. Shane
l018 Armstrong Ave, Kansas City, Kan

Kansas City, Kan   Feb 11 1903
Mr. D S Ferguson
Kind Friend, I am Expecting to be in Willow Springs the First week in March.  I Intend to Leave Kansas City on Thursday March 5th if nothing prevent.  I think I will have a Big outfit.  I will have abut Ten head of Stock and I am going to Bring one Mile and a quarter of waven wire Fence and I have some heavy Furniture and Implements.  I am going to Bring Every Thing needed on a Farm.
I Find horses very high and hard to Buy.  I want to bring horses with me. I will need them the First Thing.  I ordered 550 Fruit Trees from Springfield to bee in Willow Springs on the second week in March and I want to get ther to attend to them.
I would Like very Much if I could get your help one Day when I come, it would be a great Favour.  I will write you when I start a few days before.  I would Like to have Everything moved From the Barn on saturday.
Is seed plenty such as Cow Peas.  Want to grow Feed.  Will you please let me know if they be a scasety of any Kind of seed.  I will Bring some with me if They is.
I was sorry when you sold and left the Nibourd.  I was Counting on you for a Nibour.  I sopose you are Not Far From Willow Springs.
I Dred the Moving, it is a Big Job.
Yours Respectfully
S J Shane
407 North 5th St, K C K

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This page was last updated December 4, 2000.