In 1635 Edward Griffin b.1602 in Wales and his brother John b.1608 in Wales traveled on the ships Abraham and Constance respectively, landing on Kent Island off the coast of Virginia. By the 1640's Edward was in Flushing, Long Island, New York and John was in Simsbury, Connecticut. I am a descendant of Edward and a native of Western New York. I am now living in Green Valley, Arizona during the winter and Western New York in the summer.
Due to recent documented evidence we now know that
Edward Griffin b. 1602 and John Griffin b.1608 are NOT brothers, nor are
either related to the Pengruffund family of Pembrokeshire, Wales. Go
to this link for a full explanation:
For now (October 2009) I am leaving my web page unchanged. In the future it will be revised. |
For a Bibliography of the books, manuscripts and other publications on this line of Griffins go to:
Annotated Bibliography of the Griffin/Griffen Family
For a "book" format (indexed) listing 2559 descendants of Edward Griffin, refer to the following links. This Griffin line was prominent in Dutchess and Westchester Counties of New York during the 1700's. I do not know of any early migration on their part to the Southern states.
Descendants of Edward Griffin (Sr.) and Mary (---) (very big file, it could take awhile to download and could cause problems loading into your computer. The increase in size prohibited me from including the notes, sources or references for each person. Contains all seven generations.
Or you can go to the following; which are ALSO INDEXED:
Generation One, Two, Three and Four
Griffin Family Letters circa 1908-1914
Please contact me if you know of any descendants of the Griffins who once lived in Western New York.
If anyone has trouble downloading these files contact me and I can either mail you a copy or send you a floppy disk that has all the information. Let me know of any errors.
Paul J. Griffin
10100 Route 16
Delevan NY 14042
Cell: 716-515-8463
Email:[email protected]