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Knox Co., KY - Some Charts & Photos

Kentucky Schools  - Knox & Clay Counties  

Mills Heritage





Rev. C. K. Dickey made a business trip to London last week.

Louis Faulkner left town Monday, to be absent several days.

W. B. Faulkner made a business trip to Louisville last Tuesday.

W. F. Westerfield was a pleasant caller at this office Wednesday.

W. J. Carty of near Jarvis’ Store was in town Monday on business.

G. A. Doan left yesterday for Louisville, where he will be for several days.

Mr. John G. Matthews is able to be out again after a few days’ confinement.

Rev. C. K. Dickey filled his regular appointment at the Southern Methodist church last Sunday.

Dan H. Williams is in Cincinnati this week buying a stock of goods, preparatory to opening his new store.

R. L. Blakeman, who has been absent for some time past surveying through the mountains, returned home Wednesday evening.

J. L. Runyon paid this office a pleasant call yesterday and handed us a dollar for his subscription for which we extend thanks.

Mrs. Jake Sowder and Miss Pollie Sowder, a dashing young belle of Coalport, made a flying trip to Barbourville Tuesday.

J. E. Byrley, representative of the Crescent Milling Co., of Cynthiana left yesterday morning, to be absent for a few days on a business trip.

W. R. Hughs, was a pleasant caller at this office Wednesday morning. He had just returned from a business trip to Louisville where he had spent the first part of the week.

Mrs. John M. Messer was taken quite ill Monday afternoon and has been confined to her bed continuously since. We hope, however, that she may soon be able to be out again.


?. P. Dickey has sold his farm to G. T. Mills and is going to locate at Flat Lick.

G. B. Jackson has turned his farm over to his children and is going to move to Flat Lick.

G. T. Mills has sold his saw mill to Robert Wolsham and has bought Francis Scalf’s grist mill.

We have lots of sickness in our neighborhood, and it looks like our doctor, T. W. Jones, will have to employ a deputy, or work himself to death, as he hardly has time to sleep night or day.

Messrs. Hubbard and Hammons are working fifteen to twenty men in the stave woods and it looks like somebody is going to be out something if the job lasts much longer.

Last Saturday as Thomas Hubbard and his crew of hands were coming from work on the head of the creek and were crossing the high foot log near Vick Mills, Melvin Brown, when about halfway across, thought about how good he loved his Jesus, fell or jumped into the creek. He must have seen the spirit ascending from the way he went up his expressions, as we thinks the recording angel must have dropped his pep and looked on with amazement.


H. L. Cannon, postmaster at this place, is repairing the Sinking Valley school house. We hope Henry will make a nice job of it.

J. F. Willis went to Barbourville on business Saturday and returned by way of Holden. No one knows for what reason.

Mr. Frank Odell, in attempting to pull a string of casing from a well on the Henry Jackson farm on Long Branch, caused the well to flow oil. Be careful, Frank, and don’t pull too hard.

Rev. W. C. Judd and others have been holding a revival meeting at Old Payne’s near here.

We don’t wonder at F. B. Jones being interested in the lumber business, for it looks as though there is prospects of his needing a house of his own before long.


Fannie Price and Lizzie Morris paid a flying visit to London Sunday.

J. J. Price paid his respects to Miss Laura Wyrick, Sunday.

Harvey Jones, of Woodardville was a guest at A. J. Stanberry’s Sunday.

Richard Jones, of this place, will start for Kansas Thursday.

S. A. Parker still thinks there is no place like E. H. Helton’s.

J. B. Price returned from Grays Saturday.

Col. Nathaniel Parker is cutting down all the dead timber on the J. L. Dozier farm.

Sam Parker is expecting to make Middle Fork his home for quite a while.

Boyd Dizney is known as "Rag Doll" at J. B. Price’s.

J. J. Price says a kiss unseasoned with love is like buttermilk and cold cornbread.


Does anyone have a picture that they can share of the grist mill mentioned above?



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