January 17, 1913 - HAND COUNTY NEWS - St. Lawrence, South Dakota
   Glen Elroy Dixon, son of John A. and Minnie E.  Dixon of Pearl township, passed away January 7, and was interred in the St. Lawrence cemetery Jan. 10, 1913. He was five months and one day old. [b. August 6, 1912 ? csr]
   Services were held in the M. E. church. The officiating minister was J L. Walsh. Text used: Mark 10:14: "Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of heaven."
   The family thank all friends who showed their sympathy in this their hour of need.
Locals and Personals
Mrs. M O. Thompson is reported to be very sick with the grip.

W. J. Davey, of Mitchell, was in town the latter part of last week.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Furrer Wednesday night.
[Jan.15, 1913 - csr]
Mrs. Geo. H. Kiddle and little daughter, of Huron, visited in St. Lawrence Wednesday.

A. L. Fritts shipped a car load of fat hogs to Sioux City, Iowa, Tuesday and a car load of stock hogs to Wagner.

Chas. Roth of Holden township, left Tuesday evening enroute to Hinsdale, Illinois to attend his mother's funeral.

Mrs. E. M. Smith departed on Tuesday's morning passenger enroute to Jamestown, N. D. to take a position as nurse in a hospital.

----as. (?) Thompson, brother of ---ert? Thompson, who has been residing in Clay county, Neb., arrived here on Saturday's forenoon passenger.

Jas. Bailey, of Bloomington, Ill., arrived here Tuesday forenoon, summoned here on account of the sickness of his aged father, Capt. J. T. Bailey.

Rev. G. Isaac was given the initiatory degree in Odd Fellowship Monday night A goodly number of members were present to participate in the work.

Mrs. C. L. Starr and baby and son Victor, who left on the 20th of last month for a visit at several Iowa points, arrived on Tuesday night from Richland, where they enjoyed a visit with relations.

Mr. & Mrs M. T Skinner are home again from their visit in Iowa. They say weather was fine back there, but South Dakota is still good enough for them. On their way home they visited at Canton with Mrs. Skinner's sister, Mrs. Ford.

Last week, Thursday nite, a large audience had the please of hearing Shungopavi, who for over an hour entertained his hearers by giving the customs and legends of his people. He closed his program by performing several clever tricks.

M. T. Skinner sold a span of horses to the horse buyer this week. He called Monday afternoon and renewed two subscriptions to the News besdies his own and ordered a copy sent for the next six months to Mr Oakley, his wife's father, at Edgewood, Iowa.

While back in Illinois on a visit, Capt. J. T Bailey was taken with a severe cold, which stuck to him when he arrived home, and threatened to develop into pneumonia. He was very sick for a number of days, but is reported to be resting easier this afternoon (Thursday).

Gust Smith recives word from his son Allen at stated periods, who writes that he is enjoying himself immensely in Florida. The weather is so warm there that one has to go without a coat to keep at all cool. He is connected with a carnival company and making a tour of the southland.

Arnold Friemark, who spent several months in Canada last year, and is making a tour of the Pacific coast country, wrote from Riverside, California, to his folks. As he was walking along the streets of this city he wondered if he would meet anyone he knew, when suddenly someone slapped him on the back, and as he turned he was greeted by Carl Jensen's smiling countenance.

B. F Magness, who returned a few days ago from a tour of Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska and the southern part of this state, believes that the farmers who are thinking of leaving Hand county and removing to other states with the idea of bettering their financial conditions, are making a sad mistake. He thinks the farmer who tills his farm here as thoroughly as is done in the above-mentioned states, and keeps a few cows and hogs will finally win out.

C. H. Williams is in Huron for a couple of days this week on Business.

Emil Finder, who has had a force of men and teams at work for several days putting up ice, finished filling his ice house Tuesday evening. He has about 400 tons stored up.

While the eastern and southern states are getting severe winter weather with heavy winds South Dakotans are enjoying beautiful, balmy weather and no snow on the ground to stop auto driving.

[Corrections to previous news]
In making mention of Mr. McCool's arrival home from a visit at Ft. Morgan, Colo., and Indianola, Iowa, it should have read Indianola, Nebraska, and instead of Miss Frances King having returned to Mitchell college,  it was Miss Emma King.
Page updated by Carolyn S. Rosemore 7 May 2001
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Professional Cards
Office: Second Floor of Collins' Drug Store
Miller, South Dakota
Phone Office, Red 55; Res., Green 55
Office on block west and one block north of the depot.
Office over Collins' Drug Store. Phone No. Main 16.. Calls answered day or night.

Miller, South Dakota
Practice in all Courts. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to our care.
Practice in All Courts of the State ______
Judge of Probate Hand County, S. D.
State's Attorney For Hand County
Real estate law a specialty.  Estates probated and titles cleared up.  Office four doors south of postoffice.
MILLER, SOUTH DAKOTA =======================
Double service for single day. Two percent charged for first $509; over that amount one percent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge will be made.
Phone Green 143, St. Lawrence, S.D.
Literary Society Program, January 21
Boys' Chorus
Recitation ---------------------Maud Kramer

Recitation -----------------Arthur Danburg
Solo-----------------------Wilhelmina Furrer
Recitation-----------Johnnie Van Vranken
Solo------------------------------Meryl Pitzer
Recitation -------------------George Breese
Debate: Resolved That the U. S should maintain a large navy
Affirmative, Miss Lola Porter and Floyd Shephard
Negative, Miss Alma Flint and Orvel Ice.
Recitation-------------------------Edna Flint

Paper--------------------Miss Frances King
++ The fight continues++ csr
County Board Remembers News.
   The county commissioners met in regular session on the 7th inst. and one of its first acts was to carry out a program of knocking out the Hand County News as one of the offical papers of the county, which the Miller Sun stated a year ago would be done. We are informed that Commissioner Roth made a motion to appoint the News as one of the official papers for 1913, but no second was made to the motion. As a matter of fairness and right the News was entitled to reappointment, but then, what right have the voters on the east side of the county anyway that this august body is bound to respect, let alone the News' rights in this case? We at least expected an invitation over to the "scalping" but when we recall the knock-out the Miller Sun received a year ago it's editor wasn't present either --- possibly it was an oversight.
Editor and Publisher
Entered at the Postoffice at St. Lawrence, South Dakota as second-class mail matter.
Offical Paper of Hand County

Subscription $1.00 Per Year
Methodist Church
Services every Sunday morning at 10:45; evening service at 8:00. Sabbath School at 12:00. Epworth League meets at 7:00 o'clock p.m.  Junior League at 3:30 p.m. Midweek prayer meeting Thursday at 8:00 p.m.  W.F.M.S. first Tuesday of each month.

Everybody is cordially invited to attend. J. L. Walsh, Pastor
Presbyterian Church
Morning services every Sunday at 10:30 o'clock. Sunday School at 11:30. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m. You are always welcome.
Rev. Issac, Pastor

Meets every Monday night at 8 p.m.
REV. J. L. WALSH, Secretary

Visting brothers always cordially welcome


Meets First and Third Wednesday Evening at 8 o'clock in Odd Fellows Hall.

Visiting brothers and sisters are cordially invited to meet with us.

A. O. U. W.

Meets first and third Thursday of each month

F. A. ALTENOW,  Master Workman
R. T. SEDAM,  Recorder
L. T. JARMUTH,  Financier
Visiting brothers cordially invited.
Meets Second and Fourth Friday of Month.

MRS. H. CLEGG, Financier
MRS. L. T. JARMUTH, Receiver
Visiting members are always cordially invited.
Trustee 1st ward - C.H. Williams
Trustee 2nd ward - J.M. King
Trustee 3rd ward - T. W. Wilson
Treasurer - L.T. Jarmuth
Clerk - M.O. Thompson
Assessor - J.B. Kintigh
Marshall - P. C. Arends
Street Commissioner.- M.O. Thompson

Farm for Rent
   320 acres in Pearl township. For further information see T. H. Hall, 2 miles west and 3 1/2 south of Vayland.
H. Bayer, owner, Sioux, Nebraska
Money to loan on Hand county land at all times. Rates reasonable. Prompt settlement.

First State Bank - St. Lawrence, S.D.
All persons indebted to the St. Lawrence Lumber Co, either on note or book account, are requested to settle at once. We have been as lenient as possible during the hard times, but must have our money now.
St. Lawrence Lumber Co,
C. H. Williams, Mgr.

I am prepared to pay the highest market price for cream. Call and see me next door south of First State bank.
Wm. Wilson
Schedule of Teachers' Examinations for 1913
For Second, Third, and Primary Grade Certificates:
April 3-4; July 24-25; October 9-10
For Life Diplomas,l State and First Grade Certificates
February 27; March 1; August 28-30.
May Rudd,
County Superintendent

Slept In Haystack - Both Feet Frozen
Miller, S. D. Jan. 11.--- Starting from Warsaw, Wis., for his home at Lead, this state, his money running out at Huron, Ernest Kipeni, 17 years old, started to walk on west along the railroad track and slept at night in a haystack, his feet being badly frozen. He was cared for by the people of Wolsey and later they received a letter from his mother, a widow with seven children, thanking the people there for their kindness towards her boy in his time of misfortune.

Debauch Results In Frozen Hands and Feet
Howard, S. D.  Jan. 11 --- With both legs frozen solid to the knees, T.  C.  McLaughlin, aged about 50, was found after lying all night in an exposed place near a local elevator. McLaughlin had been drunk and was ordered out of town by the marshall. He started for the depot, but in his befuddled condition missed his way and landed at the elevator, where, too drunk to walk further, he sank to the ground beside the building. When found the next morning he was almost dead One of his hands and arm were frozen. He has been taken to the county poor farm where every effort is being made to save his life McLaughlin's home is at Artesian.
Recall Launched Against Entire City Government
Rapid City, S. D., Jan. 11 --- A Petition which has been in circulation aksing for the recall of three members of the board of city commissioners has been amended so as to include the whole board and Mayor Rugg, who was elected to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Mayor Jackson, who has removed to Panama, where he has large interests in coffee production.
   The first petition called for the recall of Commissioner of Streets Thomas Hale, Commissioner of Water James Brennan and Commissioner of Finance Dr. G. C. Redfield. This petition received the requisite number of signers and was to have been presented at the last meeting of the board. Another element of sociiety in Rapid City, however, came to the front and asked that the petition also include the names of Mayor Rugg and Police Commissioner Joseph Jay. The latter have gained the disapproval of that portion of the business of the city that catered to the women inmates of Coney Island, a resort just within the city limits. Mayor Rugg and Commissioner Jay, backed by the other members of the board, cleaned up the Island January 1, thus depriving the city of $300 monthly revenue derived from fines regularly paid by the disorderly houses.
[If  we read between the lines on the above, some things never change? csr]
MILLER ---- A cooperative store on quite a large plan is being organized at Wessington. The object is to get a great many people interested in the store and prevent sending away to catalog houses for goods.

FAULKTON ---- The Faulkton Advocate has been sold by A.  A.  Pickler to Mrs. Octavia  Jones. Mrs. Jones, who is an experienced newspaper woman, will take possession and active charge immediately.

HURLEY ---- G. W. Fitch has sold the Hurley Herald and his successor will issue the number of the paper. Mr. Fitch will seek a new location.

The Menno Herald, Tripp Ledger and Parkston Advance have been designated official papers of Hutchinson county for the coming year.

ABERDEEN ---- Floyd C. Preston, managing editor of the Aberdeen Daily American, and Miss Emma Dapper, bookkeeper for the same paper, were married on Tuesday evening, January 7 by the Rev. J. W.  Hyslop, rector of  St. Mark's Episcopal church.

ABERDEEN --- Earl D. Hayward, ensign of Aberdeen Patriarch Militant, I.O.O.F. has just received his appointment as major of the Second battalion, First South Dakota regiment of the Patriarchs Militant, from Col. A. E. Fuller, of Madiosn. Major Hayward's batalion includes the cantons of Aberdeen, Madison, Gary and Howard. Major Hayward has been a member of the South Dakota National Guard for the past 12 years.

MILBANK --- Milbank canton Patriarchs Militant has been organized here with a large membership. It is the only lodge of the higest rank in Odd Fellowship in northeastern South Dakota. The officers are: A. F. Lockart, captain and commandant; A. L. Munson, Lieutenant; F. Wendland, ensign; Ed A. Johnson, clerk; H. Fowler, accountant.
MILLER --- In justice court Friday morning 10 men made their appearance on the charge of gambling. They were pulled in a room at 2:30 o'clock in the morning by the chief of police and his aides. The men pleaded guilty and were assessed fines ranging from $5 to $15.

PIERRE --- Hughes county officers were sworn in yesterday by the board of county commissioners, with the exception of the auditor, whose term holds until March 1. They were: Treasurer, J. A. Laughlink, with J. W Grandle, deputy; register of deeds, E. H. Wood, with Molly Lee, deputy; clerk of courts, L. Sandys; sheriff, E. M. Quinn, Blunt, and superintendent of schools, Margaret Linden.

IROQUOIS ---New officers of the local Odd Fellows lodge for the coming year are: Noble grand, A. G. Crawfod; vice grand, Glen Van Tassel; corresponding secretary, J. W. Lane; recording secretary, E. O. Casperson; treasurer, R. C. Glindinning; trustee, E. H. Corley.

IROQUOIS --- The Commercial Club has elected the following officers: President, Dr. C H Cowgill; vice president, H. D. Harrington; directors for three years, Geo. Irvin and J. W. Lane. A secretary and treasurer yet are to be elected by the board of directors.

BRIDGEWATER----The annual meeting of the district school officers of McCook county, will be held at Salem, January 21. The following names appear on the program: R. D. Burr, G. E. Todd, Dr. W. E. Dickinson, L. R. Shaw, W. F. Shoop, E. H. Wilson, Agnes Douglas, Julia Potter, State Superintendent C. G. Lawrence.

BRIDGEWATER --- At the annual meeting of the Bridgewater Commercial club the following officers were chosen: G. A. Clauser, president; Jacob Tschetter, vice president; W. W. Moyes, secretary and treasurer; board of directors, G. A Clauser, Jacob Tschetter, G. W. Laing, P L. Hanson, W. W. Moyes.

PARKER --- Crescent Rebekah Lodge No 32 installed officers at its annual meeting as follows: Mrs. Frances Cotie, noble grand; Mrs. Martha Howard, vice grand; Mrs Emma Letz, secretary; Mrs. W. H. Hargrove, treasurer.

PARKER ---The boy scouts recently performed a noteworthy act, when they went in a body to the farm of John Loftis, a crippled veteran of the civil war, and did the work necessary in making his corn crop ready for market.
In order to provide more Dakota State News items, commerical ads are not included in this issue. csr
Pierre, S. D., Jan 13 ---The following corporation charters were issued Friday from the secretary of state's office;
Burke State Bank of Burke, S.D., capital stock of $25,000, with L. S. Lillibridge of that place as president; the Farmers' Mercantile company of Altamont, with T. M. Antony, J. P. Antony, A. T.  Lenertz as incorporators, with stock of $10,000; the Farmers' Lumber company of Canton, with capital stock of $40,000; the German Grain company of Sioux Falls, with W.  J. Buttschau, Abe Rothschild and Klara Hanson as incorporators, with capital stock of $50,000; the M. Z. T. Auto company of Minneapolis and the Harrison Manufacturing company of Huron, with capital stock of $100,000; the Harrison and Mathews Manufacturing company of Huron, with aapital stock of $100,000.