March 7, 1913 - HAND COUNTY NEWS - St. Lawrence, South Dakota
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Page updated by Carolyn S. Rosemore 5 Jul 2004
VOL. 6.     ST. LAWRENCE, SOUTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, March 7, 1913.     NO. 25
Professional Cards
Office: Second Floor of Collins' Drug Store
Miller, South Dakota
Phone Office, Red 55; Res., Green 55
Office on block west and one block north of the depot.
Office over Collins' Drug Store. Phone No. Main 16.. Calls answered day or night.

Miller, South Dakota
Practice in all Courts. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to our care.
Practice in All Courts of the State ______
Judge of Probate Hand County, S. D.
Double service for single day. Two percent charged for first $509; over that amount one percent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge will be made.
Phone Green 143, St. Lawrence, S.D.

Tucker - Carr Wedding
Locals and Personals
Seed Corn For Sale.
At my farm (S.E. 1/4 27-111-66, two miles west and four south of Wessington) at $1.00 per bushel.  This corn has been raised in this community for the last 25 years.
(adv.)   O.J. Moran.
I am prepared to pay the highest market price for cream.  Call and see me next door south of First State Bank.
William Wilson  (adv)
South-East Hand.

Harness! Harness! Harness!
Public Sale.
Dakota News.
Dr. D. C. Bond, the optician, was here Tuesday on one of his regular trips.

T. W. Wilson and family moved into the the J.C. Wilson residence the forepart of this week.

M.C. Blackmer departed Tuesday on a business trip to Storm Lake and other Iowa points.

R. C. Rhode Island Reds eggs for hatching 13 for 50c or $3.00 per hundred.  Mrs. H. Clegg. (adv.)

Thos. Croll, of Holden township, departed Tuesday evening on a business trip into Minnesota.

Mrs. C. E. Sorensen has opened a 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25-cent store two doors south of the First State bank, where she has on display china, granite, iron and tinware, toys, games, notions, etc.  Her ad appears in this week's News.

R. Grommon, of Holden township, has decided to remove to Iowa soon to accept a position at Marion, we believe, and intends to hold a public sale on the 13th inst., bills for same having been printed the the News this week.

Remember the big farm sale of J.A. Null to be held at his farm 9 1/2 miles west of Miller.  Tuesday March 11th, 1913.  His entire stock of cattle, horses, machinery, etc., will be sold at auction to the highest bidder.  See sale bills for particulars. Adv

Saturday at midnight the temperature dropped to between 28 and 30 degrees below zero.  Sunday water flowed in the streets from melting snow, followed by a light fall of snow Tuesday.  The ground, however, is almost bare, as the sun's rays are having an appreciable effect on the temperature of the weather.

Frank Pitzer and son-in-law, D. Stoudt, left Tuesday with five car loads of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, farm implements and machinery bound for Madison, near which city they will take up their residence on Mr. Pitzer's farm.  Their families departed from here Wednesday morning.  The best wishes of their many friends around here accompany them to their new home.

L. C. Breese has an ad in this week's News that may be of interest to our readers.

The St. Lawrence Lumber Company office was entered last Friday night and the safe relieved of $3.90.

C.H. Banning arrived here last Friday forenoon from Canistota to load his personal property for shipment to that town.

The oyster supper given by the M.E. Ladies Aid society last Friday night was fairly well patronized, the proceeds amounting to about $18.00.

Jno. F. Smith and brother departed Sunday evening for Bagley, Iowa, where they intend to visit for a couple of weeks before proceeding on their trip to California.

C.L. Starr's public sale will be held today, 4 miles northeast of here. He will put up for sale over 130 head of cattle, 17 head of horses and a lot of farm machinery.

C.W. Miller departed on Saturday's morning train enroute to Cedar Falls, Iowa, his old home, on a visit to his parents.  His father is in rather poor health at this writing.

L.W. Street arrived last week with a car load of emigrant movables and has taken up his residence on a farm in Pearl township.  He intends to give his attention proincipally to milking a lot of cows.

Mrs. J.M. Sayre, sister-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Magness, is visiting this week at their home while her husband, who moved from Larchwood, Iowa, is getting moved and settled on a ranch south of Harrold.

B.F. Magness had bills printed for a sale to be held at his yards March 8, when he will sell about 175 head of cattle, consisting of good 1 and 2 year-old steers, cows and heifers, 11 head of horses, farm machinery, etc.

The dialogue, "Too Much of a Good Thing", given in place of a regular literary program Tuesday night, was remarkably well attended and greatly enjoyed.  The participants in the play are all deserving of credit for the manner in which they rendered their particular parts.
Mrs. McMullen, of Wessington Springs, paid her son John in Bates township a visit a week or so ago.  Early last week she was taken with the grippe, and for a few days was quite ill.  At last reports, tho, she was better, yet rather weak.

Word has come from Mrs. Greeno that Layton Greeno has undergone the operation for cleft palate and seems to be doing well.  She reported further that Owen Elliott was suffering from necrosis of the cranial bones surrounding the ear, making a somewhat complicated, tho not necessarily dangerous, operation imperative.  He will be detained at the hospital a considerable time, to receive the careful after treatment the operation demands.

Boys and girls, as well as grownups are contracting colds; but most of us fail to realize that pure, fresh air would be the quickest and most efficient means of cure in most cases.  Storm-windowed scchool houses, churches, and bedrooms doubtless lessen the coal-bill;  but one of the doctor's visits would buy quite a bit of fuel;  while cough syrup at a dollar a bottle isn't nearly as cheap as fresh air, proper exercise, and the thoughtful clothing ones person.

Carl Woodruff, of Rosehill Twp., is helping J.H. Greeno, in Bates, a few days.

George and Elsie Greschke were on the youngsters sick-list most of last week, not being able to attend school.

Ernest Lybarger, teacher of the southeast school in Bates Twp., took the teachers' examination at Wessington Springs last Friday and Saturday.

Oscar Johnson autoed to Wessington Springs accompanied by J.H. Greeno on business Thursday last week.  They reported roads quite fair, except in a few low places.

The Jensen sale, in southwest Bates Twp., was well patronized Wednesday of last week.  Almost everything brought a good price, some things bringing more than expected.  Mr. Starr, the auctioneer, laid a good foundation for future work in this neighborhood should the services of one of his profession be needed.
Mr. Ernest Tucker, of Platte, S.D. and Miss Blanche Carr, were united in marriage at the home of the bride in Hiland township, Sunday, March 2, 1913, at 11:30 a.m.  Rev. C.M. Babcock, of Redfield, performed the ceremony in the presence of relatives and a few friends.

Mr. & Mrs. Tucker departed on Monday for Charles Mix county to begin house keeping on the groom's farm near Platte, followed by the best wishes of their many friends.

Having decided to leave the state the undersigned will sell at public auction on N.W. 1/4 of Sec. 29 Holden Twp., 10 miles north of St. Lawrence, So. Dak.

Thursday, March 13, 1913,
beginning at 12 o'clock sharp, the following described property, towit:

Four head of horses consisting of one grey mare 11 years old, weight 950;  one grey mare 12 years old, weight 1100;  one grey gelding 12 years old, weight 1050; and one sorrel mare 12 years old, weight 1150.

Seventy head of cattle:  One fresh milch cow 7 years old, two 2-year-old heifers, one fresh and one coming fresh; and one calf.  40 head of spring calves, most of which are steers;  20 1and 2-year-old heifers, and 6 cows.  This is all extra good stuff.

Seventeen head of shoats. About 7 dozen chickens.

Farm machinery, etc.  One 11 -ft. drill, one 20-ft. steel harrow, one Osborn 7-ft. disc, one John Deere 14-inch gang plow, one 16-inch breaking plow, one "Little Jap" corn cultivator, one McCormick 6-ft. movwer with dropper, one 11-ft. hay rake, one wagon, and one buggy.

Household goods:  One chiffonier, one book-case, two sanitary couches, rocking chairs, kitchen chairs, kitchen cabinet, one cupboard, one hard coal burner, one cook stove, one laundry stove, one iron bed, springs and mattress, and other numerous articles.

Miscellaneous:  Six tons of hay, a lot of corn fodder, a few bushels of oats, and eight or ten bushels of potatoes.

Free Lunch at Noon.

Terms of Sale:  All sums of $10 and under cash;  on all sums over $10 time will be given to October 1, 1913, purchaser to give approved note bearing interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum.  Settlement must be made according to terms of sale before property is removed from the premises.

R. Grommon, Owner
C.L. Starr, Auctioneer
L.T. Jarmuth, Clerk
WESSINGTON SPRINGS -- Thieves entered the Buck drug store here and escaped with wine and cigars valuved at about $50.  Bloodhounds were secured, and although they followed a trail from the drug store to the home of a certain party who had been under suspicion, the authorities decided not to make an arrest in the case, holding bloodhound evidence not sufficient to secure a conviction.
.MILLER -- A meeting of the implement dealers of this part of the state was held here.  Dealers were present from Huron, Wessington, St. Lawrence, Highmore, Onida and Gettysburg.  The meeting was called with the idea of forming a better acquaintance among the dealers and discussing means of benefiting both the dealers and their customers.
CAVOUR -- The Cavour Advertiser is the name of a new weekly newspaper which will soon make its appearance here.  H.M. Osgood will be editor and owner.  The plant for the new paper now is being installed.
ARLINGTON -- It has been decided to wreck the old Hewett and Bingham elevators and erect in their place a modern elevator of 28,000 bushels capacity.  The new elevator will be built by Geo. P. Sexauer & Son.
Do you need a set.  If you do call and see the assortment of Studebaker Harness we have in stock;  not the cheapest, but the best on the market.
(adv.)  St. Lawrence Lumber Co.
White Dent Seed Corn For Sale.
Tests 90 per cent and more.  Has been raised and matured in Handy county the past 20 years.  The good kind.  Price $2.50 per bu. in sacks.
(adv.)  Geo. P. Sexauer.
A plush robe which owner can get by proving property and paying for this notice.  At Thomas Kelley farm home.
5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c articles
Granite and Tinware, each 5c to 20c
China and Tinware from 5c to 25c
Hooks and Eyes, Safety Pins, Hair Nets and Buttons, 2 pkgs  only 5c
Good White Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5c
Lace and Insertion, per yd., 3 to 10c
Brooches and Belts Pins, 10c to 25c
Embroideries, per yd. from 7c to 20c
Latest Hair Barrettes, from 10c to 25c
TOYS -- Garden Sets, Brooms, Dolls, Toy Kitchen Ware, Balls, Marbles, Dominoes, Whistles, Etc., Etc.
Call and Examine Our Goods.
To make room for my new Stock of Shoes
I will GIVE a
Big Discount for 30 Days
on Shoes for Women, Men and Children
These shoes will be on the counter. Call in and get my prices.
Chamberlain, SD - March 3, 1913 --
Otto Briggle, a farmer near Reliance, west of the Missouri, made a trip to Chamberlain and after visiting a half dozen saloons got into an altercation in one of the hotels and was ordered to leave.  Briggle was so drunk that he did not know where he was going and wandered down toward the pontoon bridge across the river.  He lost his footing and fell a distance of 18 feet to the plank floor of the boat beneath.  The bridge crew caught him before he rolled off into the river, and it was thought he was dead.  He was taken to the hospital and it was found that he a broken hip, but was not otherwise seriously injured.

Stickney, SD  March 3, 1913 --
To be buried alive by the caving of a sand bank and narrowly escaping with his life was the experience of Philip Aszmus, employed near town.  He was hauling sand from a pit when a huge quanity of earth and sand was precipitated upon him, burying him beneath the mass.  Fortunately others chanced to be near at hand and after desperate efforts he was rescued, more dead than alive.  The impact of earth and sand when it struck him was sufficient to break one arm, one leg and four of his ribs.  Had others not been near the scene of the accident he would have lost his life.

Mitchell, SD, March 3, 1913 --
While cleaning a shotgun Joseph Swenson was killed by its accidental discharge.  The gun was presumed not to be loaded.  He had just about completed his task and in setting down the gun the trigger caught in some way and the gun went of, the shot entering his side.  Swenson was alone at the time.  His mother returned home about two hours after the accident and he lived an hour longer.  Physicians were summoned at once but could do nothing.  Swenson was 27 years old and unmarried.

Rapid City, SD, March 1, 1913 --
The Smith brothers, John and Henry, have received through the parcel post the remains of their father, John T. Smith, who died at Everett, Washington several weeks ago.  Mr. Smith was an old timer in the hills, but removed to Washington several years ago, where he died at the age of 92 years.  The sons desired that their father be buried in Hill City and to this the widow acquiesced, but when she learned that the freight and express bill on the remains of her husband would amount to more than $200 delivering them in the Black Hills, she promptly had the corpse cremated.  Then she mailed it to her sons at a cost of less than $1.

The ashes are in an urn and will be given a place of honor in the home of the decedent's sons.
Armour, SD, March 1, 1913 --
R.S. Gilkerson, familiarly called "Grandpa" Gilkerson, celebrated his 92nd birthday at his home in this city Tuesday.  A number of the relatives, of which there are more than 40 living in the vicinity of Armour, were present.  Mr. Gilkerson is the oldest man in the city and probably in Douglas county.

Miller, SD, March 1, 1913 --
A simple means of getting soft water separated from hard water was discovered here.  It is to put the water through a common cream separator.  The hard water runs out one spout and the soft out of the other, on the same principle as separating milk.
[Anyone care to do a test of this theory? csr]
Leroy Drake, a blind New Yorker, has invented a telephone recorder which will, he says, write messages in case the party called is absent.  [---and we think the "Answering Machine" is a fairly new, high-tech gizmo....csr]
Enlargement of the arteries is now cured by the use of a glass tube inserted into the affected part.
The cost of glass would be much cheaper if not for the great amount of breakage in the manufacture and transportation of the article.
Boiling a piece of glassware in a weak solution of salt in water, and allowing it to cool gradually will make it less brittle.
